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2009-02-17 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

h3hound: thanks, i'll check into a cross bike - this is my first triathlon and i'm the most nervous about running it in front of my daughter.  i really don't want to fail in front of her which applies considerable pressure   we were biking this weekend and she said "come on, go faster mama - we're strong!" so what could i do but go faster?

 i'm going to do the philiadelphia women's triathlon in july.  it's a 750 meter swim, 17 mile bike and 5K run.  the course seems flat.  not sure how hot a morning in july gets.

witterteach: thanks too! i'm checking craigslist but am in the mountains of WV - and mntbiking is big here, so most of the craigslisting is for mountainbikes - pittsburgh and columbus are within reach, so i keep an eye on those too 

i have another quick question:  i'm stuffed up today, probably getting a little cold.  i don't feel too bad though - so do i go ahead and do a normal workout? i think i can breathe ok.  do i lay off a little when coming down with something or do i wait until i feel too crappy to work out to quit?  

i've started playing with the workout logging function - seeing the totals grow is certainly happy - don't want to not go today just because i'm stuffy.


Edited by kJuly 2009-02-17 3:37 PM

2009-02-17 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1965556

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
I found it very useful to do a lot of research online and sitting at B&N reading cycling for the 8 oz., I got a better deal on a bike that weighed a little more, knowing that I could drop weight from my own frame much more inexpensively!

Edited by StMaas 2009-02-17 10:13 PM
2009-02-18 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

st maas - thanks, that's a good idea too


everybody - i've been using the training log, and since the biking mph is calculated by the distance X time, my warm-ups and cool-downs really decrease my mph artificially.  so when you log a bike session from the gym, do you log the warmup/cooldown as a separate thing, or do you just leave it out, or do you let it pull down the avg on your log? 


2009-02-18 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1968032

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Good point about the bike weight vs. body weight loss. Hadn't thought of it like that before!

I work out when I'm stuffy, it makes me feel better. But I get very claustrophobic in the water so sometimes I skip that. But I'm a swimmer and skipping swims doesn't really affect that short part of the race for me.

My warm up/cool down is a spin and I figure it's the same in a race, so I count it all. But I always do a separate cool down that is walking and stretching and I don't log that. But really, it's whatever makes sense to you. I'm more concerned with time and miles than my speed, I'll never be fast, so it makes sense for me to do it the way I do.
2009-02-18 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1968032

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Personally, I log the total distance and total time, and try to put the details in the comments section.  I try not to worry about the slower pace for the workouts, e.g. when I swim less distance or log the same over a greater time its usually b/c I met another tri-er in the pool and started yappin instead of swimming!

 Another option might be to log a workout distance/time in the personal bests section, that way it displays in your log and provides some extra incentive too...

2009-02-20 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
I was still stuffy and after missing 2 whole days, i was getting a little nervous - I'm convinced that what little progress I've made might vanish if I'm not conscientious about my routine, so I went to the gym anyway and was able to to most of my scheduled workout - which surprised me.  I am slow getting my act together and getting to the gym, so I often end up cutting my workout shorter than I planned. That's my goal to fix next week.  I don't think I'm sabotaging myself, I think I'm just a bit on the disorganized side   I got the Joe Friel's The Triathlete's training bible as a gift this week.  It's really excellent

2009-02-21 1:13 AM
in reply to: #1955530

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Thanks for the advice about how close together to space things.  I think I'm all Sprints this year definately two and maybe a 3rd as there is an all-women event in Federal Way or Kent.

The 10K went well, had about 495 ft of elevation change and walked it in 2 hrs.  No hot spots on the feet.  I'm hoping to run the same course by the end of the summer.

I have an 11k walk on the 28th and only eight more days to go in the month of getting in a minimum of 10 minutes of exercise every single day.  Next month I'm going to start on the big guy's total sprint program.

Weight is dropping slowly at 1-2 lbs a week.

2009-02-21 1:23 AM
in reply to: #1974157

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Its hard when you're sick to figure out what type of workout should be done.  In general if my symptoms are above the neck I tend to work out and just listen to how my body feels.  When they're below the neck (cough, joint pain, etc.) I lay off on the workouts.

re your bike questions.  I did my first tri on a mountain bike.  I got slicker tires, put cages on the pedals, took off the fenders, and added a seat pack for an inner tube and some tools.  I was way slow on the ride but that's because I didn't put my rear tire back on tight enough and it worked loose during the ride . . .

This year I'm using the same bike and am already 20 lbs lighter than I was for the first event I did so I figure I'm bound to see some improvement.  I've added a skinnier tire, gel seat, and new indexing shifter to the bike.  As I'm still towing my 3 yr old in a bike trailer I plan to keep this bike until I loose a full 70 pounds or my son gets too big for the trailer.  Hopefully it will be the 70 lbs event that lets me go shopping.  I'm scoping out cross bikes because cyclocross looks like a ton of fun.  Speaking of differnet events, anyone out there ever done a pineapple?

2009-02-22 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1965556

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
FYI Bicycling Magazine's April 2009 issue arrived in the mail this week, its their annual buyer's guide.  There's alot of great information in there, and they cover a very wide range of gear and include a breif blurb on how to buy a bike.
2009-02-22 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1917648


Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

@Felice N - that's great about the 1-2 lbs per week, but you realize that if your rate of weight loss slows, and as your son hits growth spurts it might equalize, so you have to keep ahead of him    i've been plateaued for the last three weeks and am grouchy about it.  food is the culprit.  or rather, food is the issue and i am the culprit. that is changing though. I've been looking at other people's logs some since i've started keeping one - how cool is your substituting bellydancing for core work!  neato!  i googled a pineapple since i've never done one, and got zilch for my efforts - so what's a pineapple, athletically speaking?  

@Maas - thanks for the buyers guide info  - I'm off to borders tomorrow - i may even buy the issue since i'm going to look all the ink off of it

 i got the total immersion swimming book in the mail today.  there's a site called paperbackswap where you can trade books and i've gotten several triathlon books for free there.  i don't have anything to do with the site except that i'm a member so i hope this doesn't count as spamming for them.  just happy that i keep getting triathlon books.  as for the total immersion technique - ok, so i'm an athena, and you know the swimming thing where you roll onto your side to streamline your profile in the water - well, it doesn't.  sigh.  i'm roundish vessel.  

on the funny side - last week i was doing my weights during a storm and power went out.  the gym was suddenly pitch black, the whirring of the treadmills ceased, and all down the row you heard whack!whack!whack!oof!whack!whack!oof! as people tried to run thru the front of the treadmills. (everyone was fine, just a good laugh all 'round)

Edited by kJuly 2009-02-22 7:33 PM
2009-02-22 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Anyone use Sporttracks with their Garmin Forerunner? There is a great plugin for Training Load out there. Its a great way to review cumulative fitness levels and fatigue. It can also predict your best training effect day for a given target race date and suggest when to begin the taper.

Its a little confusing at first but there are many athletes using this type of analysis. I just have to read up on CTL/ATL, TSB, and TSS a bit more. I will attempts to use it to keep myself from over/under training and to somehow peak at my race dates.

Here is a link to some more info about these acronyms:

2009-02-22 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
OK - anyone know about bike fit here? I have a short video of my bit fit. Since this clip I have moved my seat about a 1 cm forward on the rails and the lifted the seat up about .5 cm. I don't want to go any higher with the seat unless my hamstrings loosen up from more riding. I am used to a road bike with an on-the-low-side seat position anyway. I can ride like this without any lower back discomfort.

Alrighty then, here it goes:

comment and jabs welcome, thanks!
2009-02-22 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
A fellow Tri-er I met at my rec center pool clued me in to a pretty cool web site for swim workouts,, if you're looking for technique drills or just want to diversify your workout...this is a pretty good tool.  
After creating a free account, the site asks you for some basic info - the length of the pool you work out in, your avg. time for a 100 free, and strokes per length of the pool.  Then it creates workout plans for you based on the strokes you choose and the equipment you have available.  Also provides options for harder or easier than average workouts.  And you can save your favorites too.

Edited by StMaas 2009-02-23 6:44 AM
2009-03-01 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1976253

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
As long as it's comfortable for you on the long rides, go with the slightly lower seat. I've played with mine until I found a spot that kept my back happy too. I did one race with a seat that was a bit high and T2 was miserable for my back.

Thanks for the swimplan sight. If I don't have a set plan before I hit the water, I tend to do what I "want" and that is not a good thing. Obviously, I'm a psychological athlete, but at least I know it and use it to my advantage.

Edited by wittwerteach 2009-03-01 8:54 AM
2009-03-02 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1976169

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Oops, the pineapple must be a Seattle thing anyway, it looks like fun.

I'm not really looking to keep ahead of my son's weight with the weightloss, just to avoid torquing a new bike with the weight of the trailer.

All, I'm behind on entering in my tracker but I did make it for at least 10 min of exercise every day (except one) in February.  In March I'm going for at least 15 minutes every day and I'm supposed to start Michael's total sprint program.  The first few weeks look boring though as I'm already going longer than that for the bike and walk.  Any thoughts on skipping ahead a few weeks?  Maybe I'll look at the other basic sprint plan too.

2009-03-13 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

How's everyone doing?  It's been a quiet couple of weeks on this thead.  I've been doing pretty well with the exercise plan and with listening to my body when I overextend.  Today I'm a bit stiff but no joint pain which means that the run will happen as soon as it warms up enough outside.  I can't quite bring myself to run outdoors when it is below freezing.

2009-03-13 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2016277

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

I ran on Monday after work b/c it was DST (finally!), in shorts and without gloves.  Bad news, I was frackin' cold! It was 38 w/light breeze when I got home.  The good news, I am able to run six miles without stopping, on outdoor know, with inclines and stuff.  I didn't think I would be at this milestone until May/June at least. 
Is anyone else as tired of the indoor trainer as I am?  That was also one of my reasons for starting the outdoor runs even though the weather's not ready, I'm so tired of the flat rubber indoor track!



2009-03-13 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1976209

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Hi Ben - 

Do you  remember where you got the SportTracks plug-in, ie do you have a link? Or should I go googling?  I got a Garmin 405 very recently and am pretty excited about the amount of data it compiles, and would like to see what more can be done with it...

2009-03-13 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2016847

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Here is the link to the training load plug in. There is a good bit of info about it in the Sprottracks plug in forums. I have been using the plugin and it compiled info that I had collected for over 2 years. Very interesting.
2009-03-14 7:07 AM
in reply to: #2017232

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Excellent, thanks!
2009-03-16 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2016435

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
I am also sick to death of the treadmill and the bike trainer. Last week was heavy on the swim, this week is heavy on the run, next week (Spring break for us teachers!) is heavy on the bike. I'm thinking I'll be running/biking outside in spite of the Oregon Spring weather. Wet, windy, and more wet. But I've got to get out of the gym. Anything more than 60 minutes on the trainer kills me mentally.

Ran my first road race yesterday. I've done lots of tris but never a straight run. The crowd was amazing. 20,000 racers for 5 events. Can't believe I don't go any faster than I do at the end of a tri. Not like I thought I was a runner but, gees.....give me a break here!

2009-03-16 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2020062

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Nice Run Chris!  And kudos for doing it in that nasty weather!

 I agree about the indoor workouts wearing thin...we were lucky enough to have near perfect weather today, and I was able to do my big neighborhood loop - loved NOT being stationary.

Some people say Denver is bad with the cold and snow (neither is too severe), but Pacific NW weather is a bigger challenge I think!

2009-03-19 1:08 AM
in reply to: #2022073

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Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

Uggh!  The weather was nice enough to get out and of course I overdid it on the knees, you'd think I would have more sense by now.  And then the weather changed and the joints reacted to that too.  Back inside on the stationary bike and (hopefully tomorrow) the treadmill.  <pout> I think I'll back off to a really quick walk again and wait for a few more pounds to drop before starting up the regular running again.

 Swimming is going well.

2009-03-19 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2027074

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Texas Hill Country
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL
Luckily for me the weather has been very nice - 70-80 and sunny in Austin TX. I have switched my strength training to a 2 day a week heavy routine. Ugh. I really have to plan my tempo and easy runs around this routine until I get used to it. I need to get into the pool! I have a tri at the end of May and need swim time.

For those of you experimenting with training load measurements, today is my taper start date for a 10K (if I run it). My TSB was a -8 three days ago and today I am a +1. I'll run today easy/moderate and probably get back to a -2. I'll shoot for a +3 on race day.

Edited by h3hound 2009-03-19 10:16 AM
2009-03-21 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1917648

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fit, Fat (sort of), and Over 40 Group FULL

I ran my 2nd 5k today, my local CA St Patrick's day race.  It was a fairly hilly course (others tell me, I'm in no position to know), and my time was about the same as The Superbowl 5k (my 1st run), so I was initially disappointed, but on reflection...I just ran another 5k race.  I didn't break any records, but it felt good.

I have nothing to complain about.  It's been a long weekend already, my wife had ACL replacement surgery for her left knee on Thursday, and last night was lousy for sleeping. But I'm stilled blessed with being able to run, and she's already talking about starting to jog and bike for her rehab, which is very encouraging.

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