BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-04-11 12:55 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hello, I am interested in becoming a part of your group if it is still open. Here's a little about me...


Candace E. Hardnett


I have wanted to become a triathlete since 1999. I began working at a fitness facility in 1998 and got certified as an aqua instructor and personal trainer. I didn't get too involved in many sports but rather focused on maintaining my health. Eventually I decided to begin body building. I trained for nearly a year and was hoping to do my first show June 2003. However, I enlisted in the US Marine Corps instead. I spent five years in the Marines and endured many injuries. I will spare the details but...I had surgery on my left foot to remove a broken bone, I had a tear in my right hamstring that has taken a long time to heal, I have a torn labrum (shoulder), as well as a fracture in my shoulder blade. Needless to say I have been taking it easy since my discharge in 2008.

However, now I am finally ready and motivated to get back into shape. My inactivity as left me 50 lbs heavier and very deconditioned. Unfortunately due to my shoulder injury I doubt I will ever be able to lift heavy enough to continue body building. I am looking forward to training for my first triathlon. This is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time.
 I have a pretty good background in running. I ran track in high school and as a Marine all we did was run. Laughing Swimming and cycling are a different story. I can swim, and I am a good swimmer. However I do not have any formal training other than the swimming lessons that I took when I was 6 years old. Cycling is something that I will really have to work on. I know how to ride a bike and that's about the extent of it. I love spin class at the gym...does that count??? Needless to say, I am looking forward to some serious training on the bike.

Family Status

Engaged with 2 step daughters, 2 dogs, and 1 cat


Current Training

I am currently getting myself back into shape. I workout 6 days a week either in the gym or I jog around the park. I am working myself up to about 30 minutes of cardio. I train two muscles groups per day. I try to have an active rest day where I do something totally fun and different that will allow my body to recover, and then I rest completely on Sundays.



I used to run track in high school...I was a middle distance runner. However, I've done a few 10K and 5K races. Nothing recent.



Weight Loss

I need to lose a 1st grader from around my midsection. I have about 50lbs to lose before I am at my comfortable, healthy, athletic weight.


2009-04-11 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN





After 10 years of doing yoga, I decided I wanted to be a yoga teacher, so I went through a teacher training program.  The program was pretty physically intense, and I was amazed at what my body was able to do.  Other than yoga, I never did anything that could be considered athletic, other than a couple of 5Ks I ran 12 years ago.


When teacher training ended, I felt like I needed something else to challenge me physically.  I can't remember what made me think of triathlon, but sometime last fall I started researching triathlons on the internet and decided this was something I might be able to do.  I knew how to swim, rode my bike recreationally and thought I could handle running again.

At the same time I was thinking about triathlon, my daughter decided to try out for her high school's swim team and needed to practice before try-outs.  I ended up spending hours in the pool with her during the month before try-outs.  Those swim workouts sealed the deal for me.


Last November I started BT's couch to 5K program and started spending time on the forums.  I got totally hooked on training, and I'm looking forward to my first tri in June.  I teach yoga in addition to working full-time and taking care of my family, so making time for training is challenging.  I feel great now, though, and have so much more energy than I used to, so training is getting to be something I can't skip.


Family Status

Married with 2 kids (15 and 5) and 2 dogs.


Current Training

I'm following BT's 2x balanced beginner sprint plan and training 5-6 days a week.  I'm neurotic about sticking to the plan, so I don't often miss a workout.  I also have my yoga practice and I've been doing research to figure out how best to combine yoga with training. 


Last Year’s Races



This Year’s Races

6/27/09 North Country Triathlon (sprint)

9/19/09 Lake George Triathlon (olympic)


Weight Loss

I lost some weight last year, but there's 10 pounds that keeps coming back.  Since bathing suit season is coming, I'm trying to get rid of those 10 pounds. 

I'm looking forward to being part of this group and getting to know all of you!

2009-04-11 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hi! I'd love to join in the fun!





I have wanted to do a tri since I lived in Hawaii in the late 80's/Early 90's. I used to see people come thorugh for Kona and just get all emotional. Should have done it then - I was just out of the Air Force and in good shape, running daily, tons of swimming.....but of course life gets in the say.


So in 2003 I was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart) and I went through years of just feeling not right - I have gained a ton of weight and topped out at just over 300 pounds last fall.  I decided it was time to make some changes so I started working out at the gym a little more and I told my doctor last month I wanted to do a Sprint tri in Naperville in June.  He told me I could die - we bargained and he ran some tests and my heart is strong right now (almost normal thanks to all the drugs I am on) so it is time to tri. Had to agree to moderation and nothing "all out"


Family Status

Married - 1 son in college (23), 3 step daughters 23, 20 & 16 and 2 grandsons 19 months and 5 months. 


Current Training

Well I was working on the couch to sprint program but that got sidelined after the doc told me I could die - finally got clearance yesterday so need a 9 week program. I will be walking most of the run - figure I'll run across the finish but thats it.  So far I have only found the SEAL sprint program that is 9weeks long so may try that. Definitely open for advice.


This Year’s Races

USWTS - Naperville - June 14th

Midwest Heart 5k - June 28th

 Muddy Buddy = August 2nd  How fun would that be


Weight Loss

For my health and to further improve my heart I need to lose 150 pounds but if I look at it that way it will never happen.  I would like to be 50 pounds lighter by the time I go back to my cardiologist in September. 


 Most important is that I don't overexert - everything I do has to be done in moderation or it causes to much strain.  So.... the weight loss will come with training.... I will not stress over it. 


Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Edited by charliegirl0824 2009-04-12 6:41 AM
2009-04-11 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Haven't talked to you in awhile and I see you are going to be a mentor.  Way to go!  You will make a great mentor!  Too bad you won't let men in...Cry

...maybe next time...

Hope you are doing well.  I am getting ready for the Flying Pig, though I did drop down to the half.  Spring marathons are too much for me I found out.

But it will still be fun and it keeps me heading towards my HIM in July.

Have a good spring!!
2009-04-11 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
I'd really like to join if there is still room, I need the guidance and motivation!
2009-04-11 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hey Lora! I would love to join up with y'all too! I have what may be a silly question - when do the mentor groups "re-group?" I joined one at the beginning of the year, and I thought it was going to be an annual thing...but now it's nowhere to be found! Anyway, let me know if I can still participate, and I will work on a bio...

2009-04-11 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2078485

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

custer - 2009-04-11 6:45 PM Hey Lora! I would love to join up with y'all too! I have what may be a silly question - when do the mentor groups "re-group?" I joined one at the beginning of the year, and I thought it was going to be an annual thing...but now it's nowhere to be found! Anyway, let me know if I can still participate, and I will work on a bio...

OK, so I'm blonde!!! I went and found the instruction page about mentor groups AND I found my group's old thread under the archives...Sorry!

So can I join???!!! Can I , can I???!!!

2009-04-11 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi, I'd like to join the group.

I'm 55 and don't swim, bike or run. I've never run; I did bike and swim eons ago, but have always been SLOOOOWWWW. Really slow. My (older) brother and I were talking about exercise today and we agreed to do our local mini-triathlon (super sprint) in August. I had been training to particpate in this about 10 years ago but had to have my gallbladder out a month before the race so didn't do it. I figured I'd need some help and have enjoyed this site for a while, so thought this might be a good place to get training tips and encouragement. So here I am.

Married, empty nester

I haven't been training at all. I walk about 40 minutes 5 days a week and play tennis once or twice a week.


8/1/09 - Mini-triathlon (similar to super sprint)

I'd be quite happy to be 20 pounds thinner and wouldn't be too skinny if I were 40 pounds thinner.
2009-04-12 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2077624

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Welcome aboard, Candace!  First off, thank you so much for your service to and sacrifices for our country.

Sorry to hear about all of those injuries, but it's great news to hear that you're on the mend and have started the work to finish a long-time dream.

So, for you we've got a great running background, a good comfort level in the water but you feel you could use some good instruction and you're pretty much about where all of us have been on the bike after not riding for years:  you can!    Fortunately, for biking, that's all you need.   Actually, I believe spinning classes do help.  There is absolutely no substitution for riding on the road, but I think spinning, if you've got a tough instructor, can give you a slight edge.  That and riding indoors on your trainer.

"Lose a first-grader."  That hilarious!  That's so smart to take a day off and just do something totally fun.

Are you eyeing any tris for this season?

Again, welcome aboard, Candace!

2009-04-12 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2077725

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Debbie, so glad you've decided to join us.  I got hooked on yoga after doing this right here on BT.  They've since discontinued the series, but I just loved, loved, loved how relaxed and refreshed I felt - especially when I did this after a brutal day of training.  So, it'll be great to have your professional perspective about yoga on here.

That's completely serendipitous, don't you think, about how you had doing tris on the brain and then your daughter got into swimming and that was a deal-sealer for you?  Life is so funny that way.

So, you're on a plan and sticking to it!  That's so admirable.

Grrr.  Those last pesky 10 lbs.!  Those have got to be the most frustrating of all!

Again, welcome aboard, Debbie!
2009-04-12 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2077763

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Glad to have you on board, Terri!  Before anything else, thank you so much for your service to our country!

Now, let's just take a moment for all of us to sigh with envy at the phrase "lived in Hawaii."  Sigh....  That is great that watching those Ironmen in Kona became your inspiration.

What heartbreaking news to hear that you could actually die from wanting to compete in this sport.  OMGsh!  Will definitely work with you on finding a plan that'll help you best in your time frame.  You and the doc have veto power!  Since you plan on walking, you can just focus more heavily on the bike and swim.

Again, welcome to the group.  Looking forward to the journey.

2009-04-12 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2078307

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
bluwatersoul - 2009-04-11 5:15 PM I'd really like to join if there is still room, I need the guidance and motivation!

C'mon in!
2009-04-12 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2078485

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
custer - 2009-04-11 7:45 PM Hey Lora! I would love to join up with y'all too! I have what may be a silly question - when do the mentor groups "re-group?" I joined one at the beginning of the year, and I thought it was going to be an annual thing...but now it's nowhere to be found! Anyway, let me know if I can still participate, and I will work on a bio...

Sure you can join!  Glad you found out where your old group went!  Yeah, the ones that start in December/January last until April, while the April ones can keep going until the end of the year.
2009-04-12 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2078800

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
fantom8588 - 2009-04-12 12:08 AM Hi, I'd like to join the group. STORY I'm 55 and don't swim, bike or run. I've never run; I did bike and swim eons ago, but have always been SLOOOOWWWW. Really slow. My (older) brother and I were talking about exercise today and we agreed to do our local mini-triathlon (super sprint) in August. I had been training to particpate in this about 10 years ago but had to have my gallbladder out a month before the race so didn't do it. I figured I'd need some help and have enjoyed this site for a while, so thought this might be a good place to get training tips and encouragement. So here I am. FAMILY STATUS Married, empty nester Semi-retired CURRENT TRAINING I haven't been training at all. I walk about 40 minutes 5 days a week and play tennis once or twice a week. LAST YEAR'S RACES None THIS YEAR'S RACE PLANNED 8/1/09 - Mini-triathlon (similar to super sprint) WEIGHT LOSS I'd be quite happy to be 20 pounds thinner and wouldn't be too skinny if I were 40 pounds thinner.

Welcome to the group and to BT!  Oh, that completely bites about your gallbladder.

You've got plenty of time to train for that race.  I would recommend clicking on "Programs" at the top of the page, and finding a Sprint plan that works best for you, maybe a 16-week one since your race is later in the season.  Now that you've got a race date, you'll know how to best plan your training.

Again, welcome aboard and let me know if you have any questions about the plans!
2009-04-12 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Well, here goes... 


custer/ Pam


I don't really feel like I have a "story" that will relate well here! I found BT in August of '08 and just loved it; I can't tell you why, because I really don't know! I have never been athletic in any way, and all family and friends that know that I'm on here think that I'm nuts because this is so "not me." I hate that and want to change it. I started the 16-week BT Couch to 5k plan, but I've been de-railed as of late...I am going to attempt to get back on track this week, but we are going out of town next weekend and I have MAJOR prep work for that trip, so wish me luck! I have a Trek Navigator (some sort of hybrid) that I enjoy riding but not at the speed and intensity of other BTers! When I swim, I think I look like I'm drowning.

I love reading about how much others on BT have accomplished ( i.e. more than they thought was possible for themselves) and wonder if I could ever go there...To be honest, I don't see it, but there must be SOME part of me that has faith because I keep thinking "just MAYBE!"

Family Status

Very happily married to Brian for 20 years (how did I get this old?!?) [I turned 39 on April 1] 

1 daughter (20)   3 sons (16, 10, and 7)

Current Training

I'm somewhere in the middle of the Couch to 5k program, although I've completely missed the past week. Up until a few weeks ago, I was following the plan fairly faithfully and throwing in some biking every now and then and lots of yoga. (I have a Shiva Rea yoga DVD that I LOVE!) Time has just really been short lately; I am hoping that will improve, but realistically don't think it's gonna happen! I am just going to have to be more dedicated and creative...not an easy prospect for a non-athlete!

This Year’s Races

I would consider this year a success if I can participate in some local 5k races.

Weight Loss

I am 5'1" and 130 pounds, which is about 20 pounds too much. My heaviest (non-pregnant) weight was 140, about five months ago. For the last month, I have been losing and gaining the same couple of makes me so ill!!! I am obsessed about (and miserable with) my weight, so it seems like I should just lose it once and for all and be done with it...I must not want it QUITE bad enough...

I suppose that's all for now. I am really looking forward to being part of this group; it was a GREAT idea to have a group for "women only who are entering their first season." Thanks so much!

2009-04-12 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2079005

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New user

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Thanks for having me as part of your group!!! I'm so excited! Today was my rest and be lazy day...I'm ready for tomorrow now!
I am thinking about the Savannah Tri (sprint) in July. I think I can be in good enough condition to participate. There are a few 5Ks leading up to this month that I'm concidering running in. I do have a question regarding gear. I don't even own a bike right now. I'm not sure how it all works. Do you recommend training on the bike that will be used for races or are those bikes best used only for competition? Do you have any suggestions as far as name brand for a good bike that is also economical? What are some of the things I should look for in choosing a bike? Also what type of clothing am I going to need for the race?
Again, thanks so much for including me in your group!!! I look forward to meeting everyone.

2009-04-13 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2079047

User image

Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN



I have always loved exercising, and always been challenged by it. I have completed the C25K program at least three times over the years and fallen off ; this past year I maintained somewhat. I envied people at the gym who could just swim lap after lap, and took a few swimming classes over the last two years to work on technique and endurance. The last one I took everyone except for me was a triathlete or training to be one. I thought they were crazy.  I started taking a spin class because I got VERY bored with my routine and wanted to shake things up. That's when I realized I was doing the three legs of a tri and could challenge myself to take it to the next level and actually do one.  I have not had any success finding actual workout partners and am looking forward to this virtual community to keep me inspired.


Married for 20 years this year, four children (18,15,12,9) and a couch sized dog.


Been in a bootcamp for the last month, balanced out with spinning 3x a week. I was running 3x a week until I got a bad calf injury; just started running again this past weekend and feel pretty good. I mus get back in the pool - its been three months out - and am looking into either a Masters class (2x week) or another technique class(1x week rest on my own)  Even with all the swimming, it is my biggest challenge; and I love the water! Go figure.


AFLAC IronGirl in Syracuse July 26; Trek Women's Tri on Long Island September 13. These are both sprint tri's. I was to do a 5 k next week (JFK run) but am so far behind from my calf injury I think I will bow out.


Ahhhh. I have about 12 lbs that have not moved in almost two years. I have been "almost" there for so long, but I am not stressing it now. I feel great! I haven't felt that way for most of my 30's, and now in my 40's I feel almost better than ever. I eat clean and exercise alot(IOW, I am healthy) so am just maintaining and focusing on the goal of finishing these tri's in good shape.
2009-04-13 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2080035

User image

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
custer - 2009-04-12 11:03 PM

Well, here goes... 


custer/ Pam


I don't really feel like I have a "story" that will relate well here! I found BT in August of '08 and just loved it; I can't tell you why, because I really don't know! I have never been athletic in any way, and all family and friends that know that I'm on here think that I'm nuts because this is so "not me." I hate that and want to change it. I started the 16-week BT Couch to 5k plan, but I've been de-railed as of late...I am going to attempt to get back on track this week, but we are going out of town next weekend and I have MAJOR prep work for that trip, so wish me luck! I have a Trek Navigator (some sort of hybrid) that I enjoy riding but not at the speed and intensity of other BTers! When I swim, I think I look like I'm drowning.

I love reading about how much others on BT have accomplished ( i.e. more than they thought was possible for themselves) and wonder if I could ever go there...To be honest, I don't see it, but there must be SOME part of me that has faith because I keep thinking "just MAYBE!"

Family Status

Very happily married to Brian for 20 years (how did I get this old?!?) [I turned 39 on April 1] 

1 daughter (20)   3 sons (16, 10, and 7)

Current Training

I'm somewhere in the middle of the Couch to 5k program, although I've completely missed the past week. Up until a few weeks ago, I was following the plan fairly faithfully and throwing in some biking every now and then and lots of yoga. (I have a Shiva Rea yoga DVD that I LOVE!) Time has just really been short lately; I am hoping that will improve, but realistically don't think it's gonna happen! I am just going to have to be more dedicated and creative...not an easy prospect for a non-athlete!

This Year’s Races

I would consider this year a success if I can participate in some local 5k races.

Weight Loss

I am 5'1" and 130 pounds, which is about 20 pounds too much. My heaviest (non-pregnant) weight was 140, about five months ago. For the last month, I have been losing and gaining the same couple of makes me so ill!!! I am obsessed about (and miserable with) my weight, so it seems like I should just lose it once and for all and be done with it...I must not want it QUITE bad enough...

I suppose that's all for now. I am really looking forward to being part of this group; it was a GREAT idea to have a group for "women only who are entering their first season." Thanks so much!

Pam, glad to have you on board.  The first half of your first paragraph is so my story.  I can so relate.  At least you've got a bike on which to train.  There will always be an opportunity to upgrade.

I know what you mean about feeling like you look like you're drowning.  I had a friend video my swim recently and, though I feel relaxed when I swim, I was a splasher and just looked like all I was doing was moving side to side.  But with practice, you CAN improve.

That's great that you've been able to throw in some biking in your Couch to 5K.  I completely understand about the lack of time.  Maybe we can work on some ideas on how to get this to fit your schedule better, even just the training for a 5K.

Again, welcome to the group, Pam!
2009-04-13 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2080095

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
chardnett - 2009-04-13 12:11 AM Thanks for having me as part of your group!!! I'm so excited! Today was my rest and be lazy day...I'm ready for tomorrow now!
I am thinking about the Savannah Tri (sprint) in July. I think I can be in good enough condition to participate. There are a few 5Ks leading up to this month that I'm concidering running in. I do have a question regarding gear. I don't even own a bike right now. I'm not sure how it all works. Do you recommend training on the bike that will be used for races or are those bikes best used only for competition? Do you have any suggestions as far as name brand for a good bike that is also economical? What are some of the things I should look for in choosing a bike? Also what type of clothing am I going to need for the race?
Again, thanks so much for including me in your group!!! I look forward to meeting everyone.

OK, so we've got a possible July date for you.  That's great.

Ah, yes.  Bikes.  Always a multilayered answer.  To answer your first question, yes, definitely train on the bike you'll be racing.  Come race day, you want it to look as close as possible to how you've been training.  In other words, train like you race - in every sense; nutrition (don't really need to worry about that for Sprints), hydration, clothing, gear.  You want as little surprises as possible come race day.

GIANT is an excellent brand.  They make their own bikes so you get as good of quality, but save money because they are one less middle-man.  I just bought their OCR1 and I love it.  What I found to be completely frustrating about buying "just" an entry-level bike is how expensive entry-level is.  Pretty-much across the board you're looking at $600 - $650.  There are some online that are a little cheaper (, but you have to assemble it yourself and - since the most important thing is fit - that's more difficult to gauge online.  Of course, buying used is a great way to go, too.  If there's a tri club nearby, that'd be a great place to start.  Above name brand, though, find one that fits and is in good condition.  You'll hear all kinds of weird names for manufacturers.

Clothing.  I recommend a tri suit, either a one piece or a two piece.  I prefer the two piece because it makes going to the bathroom a world easier.  These are outfits that you wear for your swim, bike and run so they save you a ton of time.  I did my first in a regular ol' bathing suit, threw on a top and bike shorts for the bike and switched out my bike shorts for running shorts for the run.  It worked, but between that and the tri suit, there's no comparison.

I hope that helps.  Please feel free to ask away about anymore specifics I may have missed.  I love talking about this stuff. 
2009-04-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2080239

User image

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
bluwatersoul - 2009-04-13 8:08 AM NAME



I have always loved exercising, and always been challenged by it. I have completed the C25K program at least three times over the years and fallen off ; this past year I maintained somewhat. I envied people at the gym who could just swim lap after lap, and took a few swimming classes over the last two years to work on technique and endurance. The last one I took everyone except for me was a triathlete or training to be one. I thought they were crazy.  I started taking a spin class because I got VERY bored with my routine and wanted to shake things up. That's when I realized I was doing the three legs of a tri and could challenge myself to take it to the next level and actually do one.  I have not had any success finding actual workout partners and am looking forward to this virtual community to keep me inspired.


Married for 20 years this year, four children (18,15,12,9) and a couch sized dog.


Been in a bootcamp for the last month, balanced out with spinning 3x a week. I was running 3x a week until I got a bad calf injury; just started running again this past weekend and feel pretty good. I mus get back in the pool - its been three months out - and am looking into either a Masters class (2x week) or another technique class(1x week rest on my own)  Even with all the swimming, it is my biggest challenge; and I love the water! Go figure.


AFLAC IronGirl in Syracuse July 26; Trek Women's Tri on Long Island September 13. These are both sprint tri's. I was to do a 5 k next week (JFK run) but am so far behind from my calf injury I think I will bow out.


Ahhhh. I have about 12 lbs that have not moved in almost two years. I have been "almost" there for so long, but I am not stressing it now. I feel great! I haven't felt that way for most of my 30's, and now in my 40's I feel almost better than ever. I eat clean and exercise alot(IOW, I am healthy) so am just maintaining and focusing on the goal of finishing these tri's in good shape.

Megan, welcome to the group!  Couch to 5K is a great program.  No matter where or when you fall-off, know that tomorrow is a fresh day and an opportunity for renewed committment.  Oh, and, just for the record, triathletes are crazy. 

Glad your calf injury seems to be on the mend.  You're so far ahead with already running and spinning.  Now, to get you out on the road.  If you're slow on the swim, biking and running is where you can make it up.

I love swimming, too, but I'm still incredibly slow.  That is weird, isn't it?  I don't know about a technique class, but I would strongly encourage you to go Masters.  Many triathletes have benefited significantly from it.

Again, welcome aboard.  Looking forward to watching you conquer that swim this year!
2009-04-13 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2068936

User image

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi Lora, I have two questions:

1. I see that other people have more than 1 race planned for this season.  So far my mind-set has been to complete the training plan and then do the race. Then, go to the next training plan for the next race, but then I really won't have time to do more than 1 or 2 races. I guess once I have the base training for my first race I can build off of that for subsequent races?  How much time should be in between and what would my in between training be like?  Maintaining at the same level I left off?
After my July tri, I'm thinking of doing another sprint tri in September or a half marathon in the fall.  Do you think it would be reasonable to sign up for both, plus a few 5k races?

2. Was ChiRunning difficult when you first tried it?  I didn't feel more worn out than usual, but try to run that way felt strange and I have no idea whether I was even doing it the way the book described.

2009-04-13 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.  Mine was okay.  I took 2 yoga classes and did my long swim on Saturday, then taught a yoga class and did my long run yesterday.  I felt good while I was doing everything, but I am so sore today! 

I was supposed to do my short swim this morning but I biked instead because my upper arms and shoulders just ache.  I know it's a good hurt, because it means I used the muscles, but this is the worst it's been since I started training. 

Is it proof that I'm crazy enough to be a triathlete if I want my muscles to hurry up and stop hurting so I can get back in the pool and make them hurt again?

2009-04-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2080493

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-13 10:17 AM Hi Lora, I have two questions:

1. I see that other people have more than 1 race planned for this season.  So far my mind-set has been to complete the training plan and then do the race. Then, go to the next training plan for the next race, but then I really won't have time to do more than 1 or 2 races. I guess once I have the base training for my first race I can build off of that for subsequent races?  How much time should be in between and what would my in between training be like?  Maintaining at the same level I left off?
After my July tri, I'm thinking of doing another sprint tri in September or a half marathon in the fall.  Do you think it would be reasonable to sign up for both, plus a few 5k races?

2. Was ChiRunning difficult when you first tried it?  I didn't feel more worn out than usual, but try to run that way felt strange and I have no idea whether I was even doing it the way the book described.

Alicia, really great question.  The answer to the first part highlighted is yes!  You don't have to start back to Week 1 of a plan with each new race.  I had two-and-a-half months between tri #1 and tri #2.  The second one had twice the swim and was a 3-miler instead of 2, so I spent that time building my base and going faster (albeit only a little bit).  You can also start building longer distances in that time if you want.  One of the ways to get faster (other than doing speed work) is by just increasing your distance.  I've found that as I go longer distances running, my one and two mile runs are faster.  Whatever you decide, the rule of thumb is to increase your workouts by no more than 10% per week.

As for the second question, ChiRunning was never really difficult so much as it was trying to get my brain to remember to tell my body to do this or to do that.  The biggest problem that I've found myself running into was bending at the waist, even when I thought I wasn't.  I've also found the ChiRunning forums VERY helpful.  I've asked probably 2-4 questions over the past year in the Ask the Expert section and Jacquie is very prompt in her replies.  Each time I've taken what she's said and have gotten better.
2009-04-13 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2080553

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
serendipity - 2009-04-13 10:38 AM

Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.  Mine was okay.  I took 2 yoga classes and did my long swim on Saturday, then taught a yoga class and did my long run yesterday.  I felt good while I was doing everything, but I am so sore today! 

I was supposed to do my short swim this morning but I biked instead because my upper arms and shoulders just ache.  I know it's a good hurt, because it means I used the muscles, but this is the worst it's been since I started training. 

Is it proof that I'm crazy enough to be a triathlete if I want my muscles to hurry up and stop hurting so I can get back in the pool and make them hurt again?

That's proof enough for me!   Way to adjust your schedule without sacrificing training to flow with your current physical situation.  Glad you had a great weekend!
2009-04-13 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

BT Ins and Outs Tip
When someone leaves you an Inspire on your Training Log and you want to reply, hit the "Blog" button (not the "Reply" button) by their comment.  It'll open up that person's Training Log and it'll switch your Inspire page to theirs.  Scroll down to the end of their Inspire page.  You'll then see that person's comments they left for you in quotes.  In that box, you can fill in your response.

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