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2009-04-16 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow - it would be amazing to race the tri-for-fun!!!  (Cynthia, do you live in CA, or are you just visiting?)  I know I can do all those distances one at a time...  Jackie - do you have suggestions on how I could train for the whole thing?  I don't even have a bike here in MA - but I'll have one in California on May 25th.  Can I prepare using a gym bike? 

Heidi, I'm really sorry to hear about the accident.  That kind of thing can be really jarring.  Everybody - wear seat belts and watch out for drivers making right hand turns.  Wink

I made lasagna for my boyfriend and I today, since all my work is in for the week.  It was a great way to break passover for him, and fun for me - I love to cook, but really don't have a lot of time.  Which reminds me:  Does any of you have relatively quick, healthy recipe recommendations?

The run today was fun - I went somewhere new and found a hill!  (They're rare around here).  Hope everyone had a good day.


2009-04-16 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2089404

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee Cooper - 2009-04-16 3:03 PM I"m so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope everyone has a safe day. I am off to ride my bike trainer for 1 hour downstairs while the little guy sleeps. We have a monster winter storm moving in tonight, so I hope I make it to my yoga class tonight. After all the fiasco with my older son's school this morning, I need some quiet time on my yoga mat. Have a great day!

Thanks Dee-Did you make it to your Yoga class?
2009-04-16 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2090129

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

usagold - 2009-04-16 8:23 PM Wow - it would be amazing to race the tri-for-fun!!!  (Cynthia, do you live in CA, or are you just visiting?)  I know I can do all those distances one at a time...  Jackie - do you have suggestions on how I could train for the whole thing?  I don't even have a bike here in MA - but I'll have one in California on May 25th.  Can I prepare using a gym bike? 

Heidi, I'm really sorry to hear about the accident.  That kind of thing can be really jarring.  Everybody - wear seat belts and watch out for drivers making right hand turns.  Wink

I made lasagna for my boyfriend and I today, since all my work is in for the week.  It was a great way to break passover for him, and fun for me - I love to cook, but really don't have a lot of time.  Which reminds me:  Does any of you have relatively quick, healthy recipe recommendations?

The run today was fun - I went somewhere new and found a hill!  (They're rare around here).  Hope everyone had a good day.


Di- I have a book called the "15 minute vegetarian"-There are incredibly deliscious meals in it, and most of them are pretty quick. You can always add meat to them, if you aren't veg.

I think I missed this-but have you chosen a race yet?

2009-04-16 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2088215

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
slow turtle - 2009-04-16 5:33 AM

Then, when I was heading home at 10:15, I witnessed a horrible accident. I'm still processing it. I didn't get home until midnight, by the time I finished talking with the police, then it took forever to fall asleep.

I'm hoping today is a bit better than last night. Every one, be safe.

Oh boy Heidi-  nothing like giving your brain a workout right before bed!  sleep well tonight!
2009-04-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2090332

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
movingsouth - 2009-04-16 9:43 PM
slow turtle - 2009-04-16 5:33 AM

Then, when I was heading home at 10:15, I witnessed a horrible accident. I'm still processing it. I didn't get home until midnight, by the time I finished talking with the police, then it took forever to fall asleep.

I'm hoping today is a bit better than last night. Every one, be safe.

Oh boy Heidi-  nothing like giving your brain a workout right before bed!  sleep well tonight!

Thanks. I found out today that the man who was hit did not survive.  I was the last person to have contact with him in a non medical/clinical way. Sleep doesn't feel like it's coming tonite.
2009-04-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2090129

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
usagold - 2009-04-16 5:23 PM Wow - it would be amazing to race the tri-for-fun!!!  (Cynthia, do you live in CA, or are you just visiting?)  I know I can do all those distances one at a time...  Jackie - do you have suggestions on how I could train for the whole thing?  I don't even have a bike here in MA - but I'll have one in California on May 25th.  Can I prepare using a gym bike? 

Yes, I live in CA, currently in San Jose.  I grew up the next town over from Pleasanton, so racing the Tri-for-fun is in my old stomping grounds. 

Hop on a "spinner" at the gym, or whatever bike best matched what you'll ride.  Adjust it as well as you can to match the geometry of the bike you will race on.

usagoldI made lasagna for my boyfriend and I today, since all my work is in for the week.  It was a great way to break passover for him, and fun for me - I love to cook, but really don't have a lot of time.  Which reminds me:  Does any of you have relatively quick, healthy recipe recommendations?

yum!  I'll come for lasagne, you were issuing invitations, right?
We joined a CSA 3 years ago and my cooking has changed since then.  I'd never seen a rutabaga, let alone owned and cooked with one!  This week we got sunflower sprouts.  Some weeks it is a challenge to find ways to eat all the veggies we get, but most weeks I've adapted to our "new" life.  The thing I miss is not having the easy luxury to fix my favorites when I need them.  What to do when you have a drawer full of kale, qing choi, and carrots and want a burger, salad, and fries?
back to your question, here's a couple quick, easy, yummy, meals -- if you like feta cheese
--make on package couscous according to directions.  chop a couple tomatoes, chop fresh basil.  If desired, cook some cutup chicken breast on the side.  Add tomatoes, basil, chicken, and feta cheese to couscous.  enjoy.

usagoldThe run today was fun - I went somewhere new and found a hill!  (They're rare around here).  Hope everyone had a good day.

congrats on a fun run!


2009-04-16 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2090372

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
slow turtle - 2009-04-16 7:05 PM
movingsouth - 2009-04-16 9:43 PM
Oh boy Heidi-  nothing like giving your brain a workout right before bed!  sleep well tonight!

Thanks. I found out today that the man who was hit did not survive.  I was the last person to have contact with him in a non medical/clinical way. Sleep doesn't feel like it's coming tonite.

crud.  sorry you've got that rattlin' around in your head.

I've certainly used workouts as a cathartic after hearing rough news... maybe a long steady workout (or sprints!) would help.

hug your kids one extra, eh?
2009-04-16 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2090311

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
That accident - so awful!  My thoughts are with you and it will take a few days at least before the horrid visions go away.  I know how you are feeling. I haven't broadcast it about but last Thurs a girl in our masters swim group (age 38) collapsed during warm up.  She was pulled out and CPR done etc but we found out Sat she didn't survive.  So sad and my last vision of her was helping with CPR and her blue face.  However, tragic as it is (and a blubbery sobbing thing I was all weekend) you will move on and a week later now everyone there is now starting to feel a bit better.  Makes all the small stupid things insignificant.

Enjoy that storm - winter definitely not over for you yet.  We had another gorgeous day here but that doesn't mean we won't get a bit more snow yet!

Did you say swimming was fun?  Excellent!  That's definitely a step in the right direction.  I think it's like a lot of things - unless you feel you can do something well it doesn't make your favorites list.  I think you might have just stepped over a major hurdle!  Well done

You can do a tri. You can you can you can! Spinning bikes are better than normal gym bikes for mimicking position (so you are more likely to be working the muscles in the way you would on an outdoor bike).  I know many people that use spin classes for keeping bike fitness over the winter here (when you can't ride outside) so it definitely helps - leg fitness and aerobic fitness.  Just plan to get some outside bike time when you get access to your bike so you get more used to outdoor conditions. 
Training for putting them together is basically training for each individual part, as you can do easily.  However you should add in some "bricks".  This is triathlon talk for when you do one sport, immediately followed by another sport (the short time in between is called "transition").  Most people find swim to bike transition fairly easy (and often very impractical to practice) but running when you have been biking has a very weird feeling unless you get used to it (OK even if you get used to it). I'd highly recommend practicing a bike to run "brick".  You don't actually need to run far after the bike ride - just enough to get used to how it feels and get into your normal rhythm - probably 10-15mins.

My favorite quick, healthy recipes are stir fries.  I tend to keep peppers, onions, mangetout etc in the fridge.  So I just cut up a chicken breast chuck it in a pan with a little olive oil, add the veggies when chicken cooked and it only takes a few minutes.  I often add some sort of sauce like worcestshire or soy (I experiment to liven it up - and actually I like some of the sauces you can get in jars - eg teryaki - OK processed I know but I only add a tablespoon).   If I'm hungry I'll also cook some wholewheat penne pasta at the same time and then stir that in at the end.

Great news that your studying is nearly done.  Enjoy that free time -hopefully in training.

I am jealous about your CSA.  A friend who does it here went on holiday and I had her share for a week.  I loved the idea but ended up with 6 different huge lettuces in my fridge amongst other things.  It was just too much and I hated wasting it.  My kids are such fussy eaters that it was just me and hubby and the compost heap.   I do try and grow a few things of my own now though and I know will be tempted by the program again. I'm sure it would be very good for me too!  Who can put weight on with lettuce eh?

Hope you had a great day

I'm off to bed now and have a plane to catch tomorrow morning.  So, have a great week (and a bit) everyone, train well, good luck again to the racers this weekend and I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back.  I'm sorry to abandon you, albeit it temporarily but everyone seems to be getting along well so keep talking to each other and asking questions.  If you get any comments from "strangers" it may be well be from my local friends here on BT who may pop in to keep an eye on you (all seasoned triathletes   )

2009-04-16 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jackie- Thanks for sharing the story- although I'm sorry you had to experience it. In some odd way, it helps to know others have witnessed tragedies, and that I'm not alone.

Have a great trip! I'm looking forward to hearing about it, as I've never been on a cruise.
2009-04-16 11:04 PM
in reply to: #2090512

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
jackjack - 2009-04-16 8:16 PM Heidi

Did you say swimming was fun?  Excellent!  That's definitely a step in the right direction.  I think it's like a lot of things - unless you feel you can do something well it doesn't make your favorites list.  I think you might have just stepped over a major hurdle!  Well done

I am jealous about your CSA.  A friend who does it here went on holiday and I had her share for a week.  I loved the idea but ended up with 6 different huge lettuces in my fridge amongst other things.  It was just too much and I hated wasting it.  My kids are such fussy eaters that it was just me and hubby and the compost heap.   I do try and grow a few things of my own now though and I know will be tempted by the program again. I'm sure it would be very good for me too!  Who can put weight on with lettuce eh?

Awesome missive Jackie!  thanks for the good sendoff before your trip.  relax and enjoy.  send us good racing and training vibes and prepare to read pages of posts when you return!

Yes, swimming is fun this season.  It was only a necessary evil last year, but I'm hopeful to feel more confident in the water this season.  training feels better, hopefully racing will too.  (dang that mental handicap, I mean to assert "and I KNOW racing will too!)  but my skin is too dry - from pool water or different care products at the gym?  I need to lotion-up!

The CSA was an adjustment - the lettuce-heavy weeks you gotta have salad for lunches too.  just cook up some chicken for quick ceasar with protein or have ham on hand... or deliver a meal to the neighbor whose kid just had an appendectomy.  you get karma points AND clear out that lettuce

2009-04-16 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Sorry to hear that- what a bummer. I had a teammate in high school who was hit by a drunk driver the day before Christmas Eve and didn't make it. The image of her car and our team water cooler laying on the road from the news was something that stayed with me for some time. I like the idea of using your training to release some of that emotion. It's a tough thing to experience, that is for sure.

Di- I go to for recipes. They have a whole section of healthy eating recipes that I love and my husband eats too (mostly because he doesn't know that they are healthy and they taste really good!)

Isn't it crazy how the swimming can be fun? I feel the same way. It has actually become my favorite discipline to train for.

Have a great trip! I am definetely jealous!!!

Well, I am going to try to get some sleep. I have had some insomnia this week and I am a little wired yet from my soccer game tonight and need to be at work at 5:45am (see I told you us athletic trainers have crazy hours!)
Talk to you all tomorrow!

2009-04-17 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Di - if you like fish this is one of my new favorite recipes:

otherwise i've recently discovered how much i like roasted vegtables. In particular throw cauliflower, walnuts, a little extra virgin olive oil, and seasonings (ground cloves, cumin, pepper and a little salt) in a bag or bowl and mix. Then place it all on a baking sheet and bake at like 425 for 20-30 min. Most vegtables work well for roasting and you can play with the types of spices you add.
2009-04-17 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Thanks everybody for the wonderful tips!!  I cook for myself here - figured it was better than cafeteria food - but often it's hard to have something good and filling prepared, and I end up eating whatever is laying around.  Which is usually reasonably healthy (I don't really buy junk), but far from ideal.  I'm really excited to try some of your recommendations!

Cynthia - You're really not far away at all!  And yes, if we... no... when we do the tri together this summer, you are more than welcome to come back to my place, and i'll make lasagna.  Or better yet, my Italian mother (who I will be living with) will make lasagna.  I confess that hers is better... mine always comes out a little watery because I never cook enough water off the tomato sauce. 

Jackie - have a wonderful trip!!!

As for biking - spinners it is.  I'll start with that today!  Are there specific workouts I should be doing, or should I just put the bike at a moderate level and ride steady? 

And what's a CSA?

Wishing everyone a great workout and beautiful day,
2009-04-17 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

Have a great day everyone. We are patiently waiting for enough snow to fall so we can build a huge snowman and snowfort outside.
Maybe I'll get real lucky and there will be enough to go snowshoe down the trail.
2009-04-17 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow Dee- I can't believe you're having a snow day in April! Is that normal for where you are?
2009-04-17 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee - have fun playing in the snow. As much as i love snow i have to say i'm very happy its mid 60's and sunny out here today!! Yay for not running in cold weather gear today!

2009-04-17 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Yum, roasted veggies.  I don't know why I avoided trying it for so long... amazing how tasty a quick hot oven roast makes veggies.  I usually simply do salt/pepper, fresh garlic (whole or sliced), and olive oil. I haven't tried with walnuts, good idea, my favorite nut.

Oh, I do a crustless cauliflower, feta, greens, curry, chicken quiche that's yummy too.  hmm, all my recipes so far have featured feta.  I like cheese!

CSA= Community supported agriculture.  Basically I buy a share of the expected crops of a local farm and then reap the benefits weekly - whatever is mature goes on my table.  I never knew lettuce could be so perky. 

Di- set your spinner resistance at a level you can maintain for the duration of your workout.  I've been doing ~30-40 mins at 80-90 rpm which the machine equates to 20mph (!).  I find that as my workout progresses I need to adjust the tension to maintain rpms.  Mostly that means making it harder to pedal as my muscles are warm and cranking, but sometimes it means lowering it as I'm tiring

We may head to the cabana pool this afternoon.  It's supposed to be high 70's which might be warm enough for my kids??  but will I survive?  we'll see if I, camp director, lead the troops that way.  no snow day here!

2009-04-17 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia - The Caban pool is an outside pool? Oh that would be nice. Were you able to get in a workout? Good luck on your race tomorrow.

Same goes for Jenny and Heidi this weekend! Have fun

I am off to go for a walk because it is just too nice out to be inside any more today. Have a wonderful friday!

2009-04-17 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow- a pool in April
Yes, snow in April is normal in Colorado Springs. Our biggest snowstorms have typically been in March and April. The good news is that by Monday we will be back into the mid-60s with lots of sun!
2009-04-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Cynthia-I think the possibility of going to an outdoor pool in April sounds fantastic!

Di and Rachel- when do you finish with classes?

I took the day off from work to relax with my husband and kids (It's spring break for them). It was great to play in the yard and have fun. Then, we had an unexpected treat when our 3 teenage nieces stopped in to visit, and stayed for dinner with us! I feel very fortunate that 3 teenagers chose to spend a Friday eveing with us!

Tomorrow is the race. I have to say, that I've lost some of my focus as a result of Wednesday night.  I'm going to run the race in memory and honor of Nicholas.
2009-04-18 12:10 AM
in reply to: #2092993

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck! You'll do great.
We have similar weather conditions here. It was 68 and sunny here today, and I bet by next week we'll have snow. The forecast for race day here is 44 degrees and rain. YUck. There goes my transition plan.

I think I am going to finally get some sleep. I am self-treating my Achilles' tendon injury and it only has 15 minutes to go.This week has been rough on me with work and sleep.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for everyone!

2009-04-18 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck and have fun today, Cynthia and Jenny! I'm looking forward to hearing your race reports!
2009-04-18 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck to everyone racing today!!  Looking forward to hearing how it goes. 

Planning on getting in a run and a swim today - it's in the 50s, which would be warm, except yesterday it was in the 60s for whatever reason! 
2009-04-18 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck Cynthia and Heidi today on your races! I'm getting geared up for mine tomorrow morning- I am really excited except it is supposed to be 50 (which is better than the 44 degrees they were predicting) and rainy. Yuck.
I woke up this morning and my Achilles' feels better than yesterday. I think the treatments I did yesterday helped, so hopefully I'll be good for tomorrow! I was supposed to run an easy 3 miles today, but I think I will substitute a bike instead. It is too gorgeous outside today to not do something!
Hope everyone has a great day!
2009-04-18 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Well, ladies, I met my goal at the tri this AM!!!   I wanted to race every step-- which mostly meant no walking for the run which I had to do last year.

So I swam, I biked, I ran!  And this year the run was twice as long (1.2 last year, 2.25 thsi year) AND had a hill (i.e., railroad overpass) to conquer both on the out and the return.

my butt is a little sore.

the outer cheek muscles.

I'm tired.

I'm happy.

A complete race report will be filed later.

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