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2009-04-26 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Lots of good news to read today, a new bike for KErri, Stef wins her race... and I finished my first triathlon - I have posted my race report as instructed

I'm tired.  The weather really threw me for a loop, but I finished and that was the goal today.  Thanks for all of the encouragement from the group.  It was very much appreciated!

2009-04-27 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Alright! We've all had a wonderful weekend - some of us training and some of us racing ... and some enjoying some new equipment!! *smile*

What's on the burner for today? 

I have a 30k ride tonight.  We have a ratification meeting (Yay!) tonight so I am contemplating riding out and back.  It will all depend on the winds and if someone can give me a lift home if it's really bad.... If I don't ride out and back then I'm going to ride on the trainer.  I can't ride Pitou tonight because the road rash is right where I balance in aero.  It's easier to ride my road bike on the hoods than my tri bike on the outside bars.

I was supposed to swim - but it will be at least a couple more days until I no longer fall into the "open sore" category... *rolling eyes*
2009-04-27 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2111807

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
mhm09 - 2009-04-26 9:34 PM Lots of good news to read today, a new bike for KErri, Stef wins her race... and I finished my first triathlon - I have posted my race report as instructed

I'm tired.  The weather really threw me for a loop, but I finished and that was the goal today.  Thanks for all of the encouragement from the group.  It was very much appreciated!

Marie!! Congratulations!! Sounds like it was a great day!!! 

There is such a huge learning curve when you start racing. You realize what works for you and what you need and don't need.  Your report was excellent and thorough and you really thought about everything - which will serve you well in your next race!!!

I'm very proud and you should be too!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-04-27 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Edited by andigurl 2009-04-27 12:58 PM
2009-04-27 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
I'm so excited for all of this great news from the weekend!  A new bike?!?!?!  That's awesome Keri!  Steph, you totally rock on the 5K front (omg you are like 9 minutes faster than me!!!!), Marie - I can't wait to finish typing this reply so I can go read your race report.  YAY!!!!

This weekend I set up a mini tri for myself on Friday - shorter distances then what my first race in 12 days (OMG - 12 DYAS!!!) will be, but it was the first time I was putting all three together back to back to bac.k  My race is 800 meters, 10 miles, 5K, and I did 500 yards, 9 miles and 2 mile run on Friday.  We had a steady 20 mph wind with 30 mph gusts.  Ugh, that part sucked, but the rest was great.  I finished in 1:15:06 and it felt good.  I can definitely tell i can push harder on the swim and bike.  

I've been training on the bike out at the course, but not the run yet, and the run is my weakness.  I'm going to go out at least once this week and go through it, just so I know exactly what to expect.  The run starts the first .5 mile going straight up a big hill, then goes out in the desert on a trail run, which I haven't invstigated yet.   I'll do it before weeks end.
Saturday went and did the race course (10 mile bike loop), twice.  The first loop I finished in 36:25.  I was totally excited that my average pace was 16.6 mph, especially with all of the hills on the course. Livingin the mounatins sure is pretty to look at, just not so great on when you're in the saddle.
Anyway, that was pretty much the weekend.  I had a corporate challenge event for work yesterday morning and twisted my ankle by falling over third base when I was chasing a ball.  I decided it was best to just relax yesterday afternoon instead of training becuase with the race in less than two weeks I need it to heal quickly, it's already feeling better this morning and I'm sure I'll be okay to try and jog on it tomorrow.

Tonight I'm riding and swimming.
2009-04-27 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2113202

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Andi!  Nice work!!! Wow! Sounds like you had a great workout!  What a great way to prepare for your race!! It's great that you can ride the course too!!

I always think when the wind is really bad here that I'd rather have hills - that way you get to go down after you go up ... but maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be!! *smile*

Hopefully your ankle heals up soon!!!

2009-04-27 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Took a rest day today and am left wondering... what now?  I am definitely sticking with a sprint distance until I can finish it confidently.  What plan should I do now.  It's hard for me to follow a plan online because my swim days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I can't really do any other days because of the pool schedule.  Can I make adjustments to the training plans online? 

2009-04-28 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2114290

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
mhm09 - 2009-04-27 8:50 PM

Took a rest day today and am left wondering... what now?  I am definitely sticking with a sprint distance until I can finish it confidently.  What plan should I do now.  It's hard for me to follow a plan online because my swim days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I can't really do any other days because of the pool schedule.  Can I make adjustments to the training plans online? 

Yes.  You can flip the days around.  Most plans seem to be 3 of each sport a week.  (Maybe less for sprint training I'm not sure... Which plan are you using?)  When are your long runs/bikes? 

You need recovery days after your long run/bike - so as long as those workouts after your key workouts are easier or in the pool - then you're good.  You shouldn't do workouts for the run back to back.  You need a day in between... running is harder on the body than cycling or swimming... plus by putting a bike or a swim in between you get active recovery of those running muscles.
2009-04-29 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey everyone!! How are we doing???

I got my new wetsuit and promptly put a nail hole in it.  Awesome.  Lesson learned - do not try to put on a new wetsuit when you're not feeling great and don't pay attention to what you're doing ...

How are the workouts going?  I'm still not well - so I'm off today again.  Hopefully better by tomorrow!
2009-04-29 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey there everyone

Ive found a little trouble swimming. I can swim a decent pace for me but uhm i need the walls of the pool and i stop and go cause im out of breath. I know basics of bilateral breathing im a former competive swimmer so i think i might sprint to much still or dont have thebreathing right. Any suggestions how can cool my sprinting jets and on how to get the breathing right so i dont drown when i hit open water.
2009-04-30 6:34 AM
in reply to: #2119894

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
nickih - 2009-04-29 9:58 PM Hey there everyone

Ive found a little trouble swimming. I can swim a decent pace for me but uhm i need the walls of the pool and i stop and go cause im out of breath. I know basics of bilateral breathing im a former competive swimmer so i think i might sprint to much still or dont have thebreathing right. Any suggestions how can cool my sprinting jets and on how to get the breathing right so i dont drown when i hit open water.

What about drills like 10 kicks per side?  So you rotate fully in the water so that you are kicking on your side for a count of 10 (your arm on the side that is out of the water is resting on your hip - your hand on the "bottom" side is out in front) and then do regular freestyle pull through to a full rotation to the other side and kick on the other side for 10.  It will slow you down and help with bilateral breathing.

Here are some others:

The more you swim the easier it will be - but it's like running. You didn't start running by sprinting.  You started by walking/jogging and working your way up.  Remember you need to swim fast enough to not sink - but you need to focus on technique and endurance instead of speed.  *smile*

2009-04-30 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
So I have had a bit of a rough week, couldn't advance to week two of my training, so I repeated week one.  I have plenty of time, so this wasn't a big deal.  I biked 5 miles on Tuesday and then did my 15 minute run yesterday.  About 10 minutes into it though I felt pain in my back on my right side.  I think it may have started with the biking, so I did a run/walk for an hour (4 miles) instead of pushing it too hard.  Today the pain is still there, was suppose to be a swim day, but I am going to rest instead and maybe do some yoga to try and stretch out the muscles.
2009-04-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Ouch seghib you take care of yourself there. Its smart that your sticking with with week that way you wont overdue it. I hope the stretching helps or maybe a good massage. If not id go see someone.

Thanks Steff for all the suggestion for my swim, that should defintly help. I dont think i will drown cause of emergency which i wont happen i can safe myself by breaststroking the rest of the way. But i have until July to master this hopefully we should be good.
2009-04-30 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2119894

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Dang Stef why'd you go and put a hole in your suit?!?!?!  What will you do now?  send it back? get it repaired?

I've got a bike/run scheduled with my friend out on the race course tomorrow morning (race is 9 days away) and then Saturday a bike/swim, and sunday I'm doing an open water swim clinic.  No time like the present to see what it's going to be like out in that cold water.  I'll have on a wet suit (which I still need to find to rent), but it's still flippin cold!
2009-05-01 6:43 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Andi - seriously - I tried the suit on and had it on for maybe 10 minutes.  I was totally sweating taking it off... They are WARM!!!  That's SO exciting that you're racing in just over a week!! I LOVE racing!  It's my favourite part of this whole experience!!  I love talking to people and the feeling when you've worked so hard for something and it all comes together!!

I'm going to repair it.  It's a tiny tear and the owner of the company (Thanks Brian!) already e-mailed me a document on how to fix it.  I'm really impressed with their customer service!!

So I'm feeling better today.  I'm going to swim tonight - my road rash looks AWESOME!! *giggling*

Looking forward to the weekend!
2009-05-03 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
How is everyone feeling today??  Enjoying the weekend?  What's the weather like where everyone is?

seghibs - I hope you're feeling better. How is the back doing?

2009-05-03 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Back is feeling better, did quite a bit of stretching on Friday and on Saturday decided to get back out for a run.  Stretched for about 20 minutes after the run and feel okay today.  Hopefully thats all I needed.

Had a good run yesterday, 3 miles in just about 30 minutes, ran about 80% of the time, so I was excited.  I am hoping to be able to run the whole thing in the next few weeks.  It really helped that I had my sister running with me to keep me going.  Hoping to get a bike ride in today this afternoon, but looks like there may be some rain headed in town here.  I leave tomorrow for 2 weeks for business in Bermuda, but hopefully will be able to take advantage of the weather there to keep up the training. 
2009-05-03 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2109720

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

kerilynn - 2009-04-25 12:32 PM II got a new Specialized road bike yesterday as an early B-day gift. I rode around the block with it but that is all so far. Keri

It sounds sweet....Have you named it yet?  Can you post some pics so I can drool??

2009-05-03 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2119525

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Silver_wlf - 2009-04-29 8:35 PM
I got my new wetsuit and promptly put a nail hole in it.  !

Sorry to hear...Anyway to patch it up/fix it?

...disregard, I see you already answered the question...Glad it can be repaired...


Edited by DeputyDawg 2009-05-03 10:02 AM
2009-05-03 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2126333

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

seghibs - 2009-05-03 9:48 AM Back is feeling better, did quite a bit of stretching on Friday and on Saturday decided to get back out for a run.  Stretched for about 20 minutes after the run and feel okay today.  Hopefully thats all I needed.

Had a good run yesterday, 3 miles in just about 30 minutes, ran about 80% of the time, so I was excited.  I am hoping to be able to run the whole thing in the next few weeks.  It really helped that I had my sister running with me to keep me going.  Hoping to get a bike ride in today this afternoon, but looks like there may be some rain headed in town here.  I leave tomorrow for 2 weeks for business in Bermuda, but hopefully will be able to take advantage of the weather there to keep up the training. 

Glad to hear the back is better Brittany.  Keep up with the stretching tho even if it is feeling better...

2009-05-03 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Thank god for work or I'd never be able to have time to get onto BT   .  Sorry I've been awol.  I've been  getting ready for my summer session of school.  It entails me moving to the campus for 3 months which is about 3 hrs away.  It's really weird to think that almost 20 yrs to the date I graduated University I will be back at school.  When I was last at school I was still typing my essays on a thing called a "typewriter" , mullets were cool and my music was on records, tapes and some cd's. 

I'm really hoping to get back on track with my running (and maybe even biking) while I'm there.  For the first time in 17 yrs I will be on a fairly normal schedule (ie no shift work).  My body is not gonna know what to do.

2009-05-04 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Okay everyone!  What's the plan for the week?  I am going to get back on track this week!  I have 40k rides on Mon/Wed.  50 minute run on Tues and a 40 minute run Thurs.  I'm planning on swimming Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. (We'll see if we can manage that one... it will be easier now that it's light in the mornings...)

I start coaching Track and Field this week as well - so May will be really busy for me!!!

DeputyDawg - wow! That's quite a schedule change for you!  I imagine it will be easier to fit training in right?  I know that when I worked midnights my body was never happy.  I have so much respect for everyone who works shift work.
2009-05-04 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2127746

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Now that I've finished my marking, I'm back to a regular training schedule!

I did my first tri of the year yesterday. While the race generally went well, I am now more motivated to do a better job with my training.

I am going to try to get outside for more riding on my pretty tri bike. Tri bike was sad to have been so neglected for so long this winter. So Tuesday (if weather permits) and Sunday will be longer rides, and maybe something fun on Thursday.

Runs are scheduled for Thursday (intervals) and Saturday (intense). Based on yesterday's tri, I need to practice bricks and transition, so I'll try to work that into at least one bike workout a week (maybe Thursday this week).

I missed my Monday morning swim, but I'll go Wednesday and Friday morning.

That should be enough!
2009-05-04 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2126407

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2009-05-03 8:58 AM

kerilynn - 2009-04-25 12:32 PM II got a new Specialized road bike yesterday as an early B-day gift. I rode around the block with it but that is all so far. Keri

It sounds sweet....Have you named it yet?  Can you post some pics so I can drool??

I'm leaning toward Aliza for my new baby! I tried to upload photos but it says the file is too big and I don't know how to fix it ;( any advice on that is welcome
2009-05-04 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
My plan is to get backon track this week. I'm working nights so trying to get everything should be possible since its steady the same shift. i walk/ran today and swam bike ride for tomorrow and another swim and run the day after and the day after is break day and were going shopping yeah and then i dont know yet but well take a look at the schedule lol. Good luck everyone in training. Congrats on your race amg. Ouch about the suit there Steff good thing it can be fixed. Since Im a newby I ride my good old moutain bike, and have a swimsuit lol and run in short and a shirt lol but I did get my new goggles swimming now i dont look like i have pink eye which is a definite bonus. Thats all right once I get all my skills as good as maybe ill earn the cool gear.
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