BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed Rss Feed  
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2009-12-17 3:06 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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New Zealand
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--CLOSED
Very happy to be part of this group!
Kids are all in bed finally so thought I'd add a bit more about myself

Demographics: 34 year old single mother of 3, occupation doctor and currently teaching medicine at university, live in fabulous southern New Zealand (close to where Lord of the Rings was filmed).

Background: was interested in fitness as a teen but my only competitive sport was equestrian. Life/med school/children all got in the way in my twenties, junior doctor years in my early thirties, and then had another baby 12 months ago, and went from 127lb to 194lb in 9 months! I had done this with my other two babies also, but this year I just felt generally unhappy with where I was, just surviving each day juggling family and work.  So I decided to attempt a women's triathlon this December.  My colleagues and friends seemed rather amused at first - fair enough, after all i didn't have running shoes, a bike or a swimsuit!  I got some shoes, my hair stylist gave me her bike, and I'm still swimming in a colleague's maternity swimwear.  Anyway, when I started I could barely run for 30 seconds!  Now I can run for 30-40 minutes, not fast, but I actually even enjoy it now.  A month off my first tri, my family all became unwell - swine flu, pneumonia, accidents etc... but got well in time and finished in middle of pack and totally loved it! except maybe the run...

Current goals:  Another small tri (300m open water swim/15k bike/4k run) in february, and could probably lose another 10lb or so.

Challenges currently: kids have just finished school for the summer break of 7 weeks, so trying to figure out how to train while caring for a disabled ten year old, 8 year old and a baby... will be challenging!  Any suggestions?!  Also need to stop eating everything in sight, I'm still feeding the baby and always hungry..

Yanti, I can definitely do a pav!


2009-12-17 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2563818

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--CLOSED
Triathlynne - 2009-12-17 1:14 AM

2010 starts off for me with a half marathon.  WTH?



2009-12-17 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2563389

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--CLOSED
reid15 - 2009-12-16 7:43 PM
Silver Bullet - 2009-12-16 5:41 PM So nice to meet y'all! Looking forward to an awesome season!

... I probly oughta buy a swimsuit, huh.

....or get ready for a lot of attention at the pool!

good one! 

2009-12-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2563818

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--CLOSED
Triathlynne - 2009-12-17 12:14 PM

6 months I quit smoking.  Fantastic. BUT I've gained almost 15lbs. Booooooooooooooo.  So I need motivation for that and inspiration and the drive to keep going despite my hard feelings towards myself sometimes.

Mostly my goal is to get my head around proper eating habits and to quit thinking that just because I ran say 9 miles that it's OKAY for me to consume an entire jar of nutella.   Mmmmmmmm nutella. 

Sometimes, Lynne darling, Nutella is a necessary vice. Maybe buy smaller jars?

Don't sweat the weight gain. As you probably know, I speak as someone who knows and sympathizes deeply. As for the hard feelings toward yourself--put the whip away, pat yourself on the back instead, wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a huge {{{MELON PRESS}}} from me. You are a phenomenal spirit, one who so often makes my life so much brighter with laughter and sometimes even tears.

Besides, you were and are very fit, and 15 lbs isn't making you look awful. Not in the least. You look fine.

This has been my mantra every time I quit: "There are plenty of cute plump chicks. There are no cute dead chicks."

I am inestimably proud of you (and myself ) for choosing to breathe freely.
2009-12-17 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
So here's my first suggestion, if you want to take me up on it!

Focus is good. So is that warm wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Let's do both!

1. Pick a main goal for this tri season (e.g., do first/second/etc. tri, finish HIM, lose weight, swim faster, etc.)
2. Think of one small(ish), concrete step you can take in the next few weeks toward that goal. This step is a goal in itself.
3. Apply the SMART framework to that goal (cliche, but it works!)

S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=timely

Here's mine, as an example:

Main Goal: finish my HIM on May 2 in a time of 7:30 or less

SMART Goal: run all of my planned 335 remaining minutes for December at an AVERAGE pace of 8:40min/km

It does satisfy all the SMART requirements. It isn't easy ... but it's "attainable."

2009-12-17 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
Hi there, Do you guys still have one opening left? This sounds like a great group to be with. If I can join then I will tell you guys more about me!

I will be 35 next month. and have 3 young kids. (under age 6) Im just entering the tri world for the first time. I signed up for a tri sprint this june.

Let me know, I will check back in later. Thanks!


2009-12-17 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!

Still room for one more??

2009-12-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2564926

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
Marcea - 2009-12-17 1:49 PM Hi there, Do you guys still have one opening left? This sounds like a great group to be with. If I can join then I will tell you guys more about me!

I will be 35 next month. and have 3 young kids. (under age 6) Im just entering the tri world for the first time. I signed up for a tri sprint this june.

Let me know, I will check back in later. Thanks!


Welcom Marcea!

2009-12-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2564931

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
dodgersmom - 2009-12-17 1:49 PM

Still room for one more??

you bet!

2009-12-17 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
Ok Manatees we're officially full!

I'm going to request to have the thread closed

we have a great group and Yanti and I are looking forward to getting to know you all!

2009-12-17 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2559122


Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Hi my name is Brianna and I'm attempting my first triathlon in May 2010. I'm from the small town of Silverton, Oregon where I live with my new hubby! I recently graduated from Oregon State Univ and am a nanny for three wonderful little ones! My life is crazy busy but somehow I find time to get some workouts in during the week!
I'm hoping I can meet some great people on here to help me prep for my first triathlon!

In terms of fitness and such, I've danced almost my whole life, done a few fun runs and swam in high school for a season. I'm not quite the most atheltic person you will meet but I consider myself capable!

Could I pretty please be in your group??

2009-12-17 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2564953

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
briwolterman - 2009-12-17 1:57 PM
Hi my name is Brianna and I'm attempting my first triathlon in May 2010. I'm from the small town of Silverton, Oregon where I live with my new hubby! I recently graduated from Oregon State Univ and am a nanny for three wonderful little ones! My life is crazy busy but somehow I find time to get some workouts in during the week!
I'm hoping I can meet some great people on here to help me prep for my first triathlon!

In terms of fitness and such, I've danced almost my whole life, done a few fun runs and swam in high school for a season. I'm not quite the most atheltic person you will meet but I consider myself capable!

Could I pretty please be in your group??

Sure Brianna,  the Manatees look like it's a perfect fit for you


2009-12-17 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
Lynne:  thanks for the great intro - you have some great goals in mind, and I agree 100% with everything Yanti said.

Melyssa:  loved your intro and it's great to know more about you!  training with kids around definitely presents challenges - do you have any options as far as help with caring for the kids?

Marcea, Marcy, and Brianna:  welcome to the Manatees, we look forward to learning more about you

Yanti:  Thanks for the great post about goals!!

Edited by lastcall2003 2009-12-17 2:57 PM
2009-12-17 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2564880

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
I like this SMART stuff! Thanks!

TriAya - 2009-12-17 1:32 PM

Apply the SMART framework to that goal (cliche, but it works!)

S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=timely
2009-12-17 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

I'm seeing a recurring theme around weight and weight loss goals, thought I'd share my perspective in the fwiw department.

I have also struggled with weight for my entire life - going clear back to even as a kid.  Diets, you name it i've tried it - everything from the Diet Center, to the grapefruit diet, to Weight Watchers.

Ultimately I'm a fan of Weight Watchers because I think it's the most balanced approach - I don't follow it per se any more, but I do follow the principles - a couple of the key ones being to get 2 - 3 servings of dairy in every day and 3 - 4 servings of fruits and veggies

Nothing is forbidden, it's just about balance and portions

As far as what I weigh these days, I honestly don't really know - about a year ago, I gave up the scale as the tool I use to measure my success

I was incredibly obsessive about it - I could tell you how much I weighed at almost any time of the day or night (I weighed myself multiple times a day)

When I moved out to PA, 2 years ago I didn't have a scale and I never got around to buying one - however I would still weigh myself at the gym.

The turning point was last November - I had to replace my jeans, my old jeans had finally worn out - so I ordered a new pair.

I ordered the same size and style that I had been wearing - much to my dismay, when they arrived I couldn't even zip them, let alone button them - I threw them on the dresser and there they laid until January - mostly I was just too lazy to return them.

During this timeframe, I started training for my first 1/2 marathon - one morning in January I thought to myself, I feel thinner - hmmmmm, I wonder if those jeans might fit me

I tried them on, and while there was no way I would wear them in public, I could actually zip and button them - so from that Friday on, every Friday and only on Friday - I put on the jeans - they fit me by mid Feb

I started paying more attention to my portions and my mix of food, making a consious effort to include the dairy and the fruits and veggies - it's really been key for me

I did move to a different pair of pants, one that fit me a few summers ago when I had reached my goal size (note, I didn't say weight )

Every Friday, I try them on- if they've gotten snugger, i adjust my eating and exercise for the following week

One thing to remember is as athletes, we have more muscle and muscle is more dense than fat so it takes up less room - weight/numbers on a scale can be somewhat deceiving

I'm not saying throw out the scale, it can certainly be a good tool, but I do think it's helpful to manage it with another tool, like measurements or an article of clothing

Another alternative for seeing progress is to take measurements, at one point during while i was doing WW I went 4 months without losing a single ounce, but I was losing inches - that really helped to keep me motivated

That's the Jeans approach - sorry for the novel

2009-12-17 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
I hate the scale too but santa will bring me one because I need to have a monitoring device. I'm looking to get a tanita one for body composition monitoring. I had a scale but about 6 weeks ago it stopped working so I figured it was a sign to take a break from worrying about it. Though I am usually not one to sweat the numbers. Even when I have a scale I prefer weighing in once a month to once a week. A little water retention, a small meal, being well hydrated can play head games between you and the scale.

As I said in my intro I just got off the couch this past March, I'm not sure how much I weighed until about 6 weeks after I began my journey. What I like best is that I have gone down 5 or 6 sizes and the only clothes I feel like buying are sports related. I've still got a way to go but I know I'm heading there and well along on my journey.

2009-12-17 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2565328

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
losta - 2009-12-17 4:05 PM I hate the scale too but santa will bring me one because I need to have a monitoring device. I'm looking to get a tanita one for body composition monitoring. I had a scale but about 6 weeks ago it stopped working so I figured it was a sign to take a break from worrying about it. Though I am usually not one to sweat the numbers. Even when I have a scale I prefer weighing in once a month to once a week. A little water retention, a small meal, being well hydrated can play head games between you and the scale. As I said in my intro I just got off the couch this past March, I'm not sure how much I weighed until about 6 weeks after I began my journey. What I like best is that I have gone down 5 or 6 sizes and the only clothes I feel like buying are sports related. I've still got a way to go but I know I'm heading there and well along on my journey.


sounds like you have a really solid approach and know what works for you.  that's really the most important thing

it's nice to share what works and what doesn't work, i always pick up something new


2009-12-17 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2565340

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Actually I'm just trying things out, I know more of what doesn't work for me than what does work.

lastcall2003 - 2009-12-17 4:12 PM


sounds like you have a really solid approach and know what works for you.  that's really the most important thing

it's nice to share what works and what doesn't work, i always pick up something new


2009-12-17 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2565347

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
losta - 2009-12-17 4:14 PM Actually I'm just trying things out, I know more of what doesn't work for me than what does work.
lastcall2003 - 2009-12-17 4:12 PM


sounds like you have a really solid approach and know what works for you.  that's really the most important thing

it's nice to share what works and what doesn't work, i always pick up something new


learning what doesn't work is a great way to figure out what does work

2009-12-17 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2564880

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--OPEN for ONE more!
TriAya - 2009-12-17 1:32 PM

So here's my first suggestion, if you want to take me up on it!

Focus is good. So is that warm wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Let's do both!

1. Pick a main goal for this tri season (e.g., do first/second/etc. tri, finish HIM, lose weight, swim faster, etc.)
2. Think of one small(ish), concrete step you can take in the next few weeks toward that goal. This step is a goal in itself.
3. Apply the SMART framework to that goal (cliche, but it works!)

S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=timely

Here's mine, as an example:

Main Goal: finish my HIM on May 2 in a time of 7:30 or less

SMART Goal: run all of my planned 335 remaining minutes for December at an AVERAGE pace of 8:40min/km

It does satisfy all the SMART requirements. It isn't easy ... but it's "attainable."

This is a great idea! Having a goal (or goals) is very motivating. Sharing them with others is even better. While I'm always happy when I reach a goal, it's even more inspiring to see others reach theirs! I'll let you all know when I decide on mine.

2009-12-17 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Yuck, scales... probably doesn't mean much coming from a 26-year-old, but I'm not a fan! Nor clothing labels. I finally realized just a couple years ago that I had a whole range of number sizes in my closet (my favorite jeans and my one good suit are 6 sizes apart!), and four different letter sizes too.   

I am formulating my goals and I have some questions... anyone with any input feel free to jump in!

1.) Does anyone live far from the place you work out? If so, how do you motivate yourself to go there? My specific issue: I can swim for free at my university gym. It takes 30-40 minutes to get to campus from where I live. When the next term starts in mid-January I can just schedule my swims for days I'm on campus anyway... but until then...

2.) I never really formally learned how to swim. Would it be worth shelling out for lessons, and/or ordering a Total Immersion (etc.) DVD or book? 

3.) I'm looking at the BT plans and I'm having trouble figuring out which plan to pick. I am looking at these plans:
*Couch-to-Sprint 12 week
*Sprint - Balanced Lifestyle
*Winter Maintenance Prep 4-7 Hour
*Michael Pates Total Sprint
My only regular exercise right now is walking (2-5 miles/day, 5-6 days/wk, 2-15 lbs/on my back), and I definitely want to start slow so that I don't hurt myself. Do any of these plans strike you guys as better or worse than the others, for my situation? Should I start with something even slower than these, like the couch-to-5k? 

2009-12-17 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2565591

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2009-12-17 6:31 PM

2.) I never really formally learned how to swim. Would it be worth shelling out for lessons, and/or ordering a Total Immersion (etc.) DVD or book? 


Rebecca - When I decided to do my first tri two years ago it only took two horrible laps in the pool to convince me I needed some swimming lessons. I got 8 lessons from someone who worked at the retirement community pool I was going to and it made a HUGE difference! It easily was the best money I spent in years.

2009-12-17 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

I agree with Art whole heartedly!  Swimming has a lot of technique associated with it and can get really frustrating

Yanti and I can give lots of tips, but there's nothing that will be more valuable than lessons to help with your comfort level and skills - if you can afford it, i'd go for personal lessons over a dvd

lots of people have found total immersion very valuable, but imho - it's more valuable if you have some of the basics in place and can get some personal feedback

as far as training plans go - do you have a specific race/event in mind? (my apologies if i missed it)

what works for me is to pick my race/event and then work backward from there

2009-12-17 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
This is a little off the subject, but I want to start my own blog about training for a triathlon and in a year or 2 an Ironman.  I can't think of a good blog name address.  The only thing I can come up with right now is couch-to-ironmanmom.  Does anyone have any ideas.

Oh yeah, I figure if anyone ever follows it, it should keep me faithful in my training.
2009-12-17 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2565663

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
iwantotri - 2009-12-17 7:32 PM This is a little off the subject, but I want to start my own blog about training for a triathlon and in a year or 2 an Ironman.  I can't think of a good blog name address.  The only thing I can come up with right now is couch-to-ironmanmom.  Does anyone have any ideas.

Oh yeah, I figure if anyone ever follows it, it should keep me faithful in my training.

Cortney, what's your passion?  what is motivating you to train for an Ironman?

my thoughts would be,  maybe your blog title should incorporate that - just food for thought

and actually  couch-to-ironmanmom, is pretty cool

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