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2010-01-08 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2600831

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Justin if you are at a point that you can swim pretty much non stop for that long then you have developed some pretty good base conditioning. It is now though that you need to develop some speed by doing some interval workouts to get the HR up and build strength. At this point since you say you are not tired when you swim is you are at a aerobic point that is not a challenge to the system, kind of like going for a 4mph- 15 minute mile walk everyday. There is nothing more to gain if you don't pick up the pace of the workout and build in some new adaptation to your fitness. Do you know what your 100yd pace would be or is. This will be helpful in helping you develop some interval workouts. At first these workouts are going to be pretty challenging and you'll find that even though you can swim for a long period of time at a set HR and speed, this change in speed will fatigue you most likely pretty quickly.

And while we are on favorite nutrition and good snacks, wheat tortilla, peanut butter, heat in micro for about 5sec, then top with some honey. Very good snack either before or after a workout.

Edited by tri/tbay 2010-01-08 6:22 AM

2010-01-08 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2602245

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Roy and all -

The nutrition advice is welcomed. I am kind of guy that really has paid no attention to all the do's and dont's when it comes to eating. I have always been very active and eat very healthy. I do have a request for a Big Mac once I cross the finish line when I complete my first HIM one!

Herve - I need to bike train with you! Awesome hill training advice and I will certainly pay close attention to my cadance. I do want to drop about 20 lbs and yes, I think about dragging the extra pounds when I ride and run. How sweet it would be to lose a few!

I have my first sprint identified for the season. The Vineman Showdown Sprint ( loacted in San Rafael, CA. I am also going to run a couple half marathons with the spouse. She wants me to do a full marathon, but I am not really interested at this point. I am looking for an Oly / Intl distance for the summer and maybe, just maybe a HIM in the fall.

Equipment Question: Should I be using my heart rate monitor when I run and bike? I profess my ignorance here and really do not know when I should be using it and what I need to look for when I use it.

Took a day off yesterday as schedules were too hectic plus the BCS game. Today is Pilates and swimming. By the way, thanks Justin for bringing up the swimming question as I can go for an hour + without stopping so now I need to build drills. I am purchasing the paddles today so I will let you know how this goes.

Have a great weekend everyone. The tri club here has a social on Sat evening so I am going to meet with folks for the first time since moving here. Also, I am riding with a group tomorrow for a 30 mile ride at a 14-16 mph pace.



Edited by dwarner63 2010-01-08 12:13 PM
2010-01-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi all, 

Reading Roy's post, I think I'm going to buy the swim pads as well tomorrow.

David, if you really have a few pounds to lose then, yes, you should use your cardio while cycling and running. I think I read somewhere that you only lose fat when training between certain cardio levels. I don't remember exactly what that was but Roy probably can help us there. Other than that, it will help you during your climbs, what you want during a climb is to be just under your red zone (for me that's 90% never above or only during the last K) staying in your zone will help you building the strength and the pace you're looking for. 

And as for cycling together, it would be great to find each others on a race one of these days, it's a small world you never know. 

take care and nice weekend. H.  
2010-01-08 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2603212

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

dwarner63 - 2010-01-08 1:12 PM Roy and all -

The nutrition advice is welcomed. I am kind of guy that really has paid no attention to all the do's and dont's when it comes to eating. I have always been very active and eat very healthy. I do have a request for a Big Mac once I cross the finish line when I complete my first HIM one!

Herve - I need to bike train with you! Awesome hill training advice and I will certainly pay close attention to my cadance. I do want to drop about 20 lbs and yes, I think about dragging the extra pounds when I ride and run. How sweet it would be to lose a few!

I have my first sprint identified for the season. The Vineman Showdown Sprint ( loacted in San Rafael, CA. I am also going to run a couple half marathons with the spouse. She wants me to do a full marathon, but I am not really interested at this point. I am looking for an Oly / Intl distance for the summer and maybe, just maybe a HIM in the fall.

Equipment Question: Should I be using my heart rate monitor when I run and bike? I profess my ignorance here and really do not know when I should be using it and what I need to look for when I use it.

Took a day off yesterday as schedules were too hectic plus the BCS game. Today is Pilates and swimming. By the way, thanks Justin for bringing up the swimming question as I can go for an hour + without stopping so now I need to build drills. I am purchasing the paddles today so I will let you know how this goes.

Have a great weekend everyone. The tri club here has a social on Sat evening so I am going to meet with folks for the first time since moving here. Also, I am riding with a group tomorrow for a 30 mile ride at a 14-16 mph pace.



I feel this becomes kind of a personal preference kind of thing. I use mine for certain situations, only on occasion for training usually when it is getting close to an event and I'm tightening up at what HR I'm going to race at and I'll use it when I race, but not always. Some folks simply go by RPE- or perceived effort on a scale on 1-10, some plans us this as there training zones. So I think you just have to experiment race a couple of time with it and see if you like having that info, or if it is a distraction, by that I mean always looking at it to where it becomes a set back. I've been down that road, where it is really an asset on the bike, and then I'm anal about looking at on the run, instead of running.

HR zones will should correlate with your effort that is being put forth, but sometimes if conditioning isn't optimal it may  not work the same way. If you are using your HR monitor and doing efforts that are 150 or less, that is considered in the aerobic zone and you should be able to go at that rate comfortably for a long time. Ironman competitors are in this zone alot, I read where Macca intended to do Kona in that HR zone, now that is fit when you can be that aerobic and that fast.

155-170 probably a good area to be for Olympic distance racing

165 and up for sprints

150-165 for HIM

these are kind of my HR zones that I would race with, doesn't always work but its what I try to hold to.


Enjoy your group ride and be careful.


2010-01-10 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2602245

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
tri/tbay - 2010-01-08 6:21 AM

Justin if you are at a point that you can swim pretty much non stop for that long then you have developed some pretty good base conditioning. It is now though that you need to develop some speed by doing some interval workouts to get the HR up and build strength. At this point since you say you are not tired when you swim is you are at a aerobic point that is not a challenge to the system, kind of like going for a 4mph- 15 minute mile walk everyday. There is nothing more to gain if you don't pick up the pace of the workout and build in some new adaptation to your fitness. Do you know what your 100yd pace would be or is. This will be helpful in helping you develop some interval workouts. At first these workouts are going to be pretty challenging and you'll find that even though you can swim for a long period of time at a set HR and speed, this change in speed will fatigue you most likely pretty quickly.

I finally broke in and took my new watch into the pool (timex tap watch), so I have some times to work with now. When I'm just swimming my 100yd pace is on average 2.07. If I swam shorter distances like 100yd sets at a faster pace, would that be better? I'm not really sure of any specific interval workouts.

2010-01-11 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2606400

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All -

Hope your weekend was relaxing. I biked with a group on Sat for 25 miles, but it was really slow. I was hoping for a 14-16 mph avg, but it was well below that speed.

Roy- thanks for the info on the HRM and find that when I run with it I am constantly looking at it. BIking not so much as I am focused on not crashing! Ha.

I am going to try and work in some hills (biking) this week and see how it goes. I may begin some track workouts with the tri club on Tuesday evening with a coach so that might be interesting.

As for swimminmg, the pool here is small and I may look elsewhere for one that is better suited for lanes. I did not get the paddles yet as new running shoes demand my attention.

Speaking of running shoes Roy, how often should we change out? I have heard different milages / months etc. The pair I have now are really worn and I am to the point where I am not comfortable running in them.

Have a great week everyone!


2010-01-11 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Greetings to everyone, hope your weekend was well. Well it snowed in Central Florida. On Saturday, there was sleet and there were acutally very small snowflakes for a short period of time. Crazy!!!!!

The weather is going to start improving here this week can't wait for that.

Justin, that is good info on what your aerobic pace time would be, now if you can do one more thing for me. Do a 200 yd swim and go as hard as you are able to go. I can then begin to determine where your limits are going to be and can refine some workouts. Just do a light warm up, and then have at it.

David, even though the group ride was slower than what you wanted, I'm sure you go some good experience as to the ways of the road in a group so when you do go with a faster group you'll be more prepared.

Shoes like goggles, lots to choose from. I would recommend going to a running speciality store where they can do a gate analysis on you. You will then be fitted into the correct type of shoe for you foot. Shoes you buy from a rack room or places like that are not competition shoes and won't last as long. You should get 300-500 miles from a pair of shoes. Shoes from speciality stores are going to run you $100 and up. I know when I first go into this I had a mental block about paying over $40.00 for a pair of shoes, but learned that it is necessary. There will be a break in period for these shoes to adapt to your foot, but once that is done they should be very comfortable.



2010-01-11 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
hello everyone, 

Just back from swimming, was tough today. Hard sometimes to get in the mood after a 10 hours working day when you feel like going straight to bed...Anyways, once in the water I tend to forget everything that happened before and just go for it.

Since we are discussing gear, I could use some advices on wetsuits. I own an old surf suit (from the 80s), which I modified to facilitate shoulder movement, but I guess that there were some progresses in between? I think I'll go for a full suit, cause I would only wear it when it's really mandatory, therefore no point for an open suit I think. What brand/model do you recommend knowing that I have a limited budget, and do need the top of the line given that I'm not a particularly strong swimmer? They pretty much all look the same to me...

Have a good week - Herve.

No snow here today but it's going to get really cold...  
2010-01-11 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2579668


Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey Roy! I'm in Gainesville at UF right now, and this whether certainly is crazy. I was hoping to start swimming sooner than this but the only pool I have access to is outside (even though its heated)

On a brighter note, I did 7 miles on the treadmill the other night and it wasnt so bad. I never before thought myself capable of running in one place for over an hour but it was relatively painless! Though I do have a question about long run nutrician. I got chewed out over not taking in any calories for my runs over 5 miles. Does anyone have any opinions on this? I guess it just never occured to me to bring anything more than water.

I'm considering doing the 5 Points of Life Half Marathon here in Gainesville in Febuary, but it'll only leave me another 5 weeks to prepare, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

2010-01-11 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hello Herve and Alice, good to hear from you both. Herve as you probably know the surfing wetsuit is not designed for swimming, and once you try on a wetsuit you'll quickly know it. Anyway, you can spend anywhere from $100-$600 on wetsuits. An entry level suit will run you if on sale Xterra has had suits on sale lately the Vortex 3 sleeveless for 100 and full for 130, I have the sleeveless. Promotion also makes a good entry level suit, then there is blue seventy, orca. There's tend to be a bit more epensive. You would be happy with an Exterra suit. Herve the suits are all bouyont, some more than others but any suit will assist you in the swim. You do not need a top of the line suit.

Alice, since you were a runner covering mileage is going to be much easier for you than others. I don't know what kind of current run base you have, or what is the farthest you have ever run? But an example, last weekend a friend of mine did the Disney Half, never being a runner before and very undertrained for this event, no run longer than 5 miles. He made it not a great time but he made, he is paying for it today. Lots of pains. So if you feel pretty comfortable to get your mileage up a bit more, don't get injured training you can probably make it. I was in Gainesville last year at a swim meet at the O'connell center when the marathon was taking place. Neat that you take a loop around the stadium mezzanine level, they are playing highlights from the season as you pass through. Take it easy and let your body tell how hard you should be going, but don't get injured that will set you back for a while as the triathlon season gets going. Run nutrition is something you will aquire a taste for and will need at some point in time. You were a sprinter, you didn't need nutrition to complete your workouts or events. So it is something that will come in time as you learn the art of nutrtion for endurance sports. Don't worry about the no nutrition for a 5 mile run, you have plenty of reserve to get you that far on most any day.

Edited by tri/tbay 2010-01-11 7:12 PM
2010-01-13 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2607886

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
tri/tbay - 2010-01-11 1:04 PM

Justin, that is good info on what your aerobic pace time would be, now if you can do one more thing for me. Do a 200 yd swim and go as hard as you are able to go. I can then begin to determine where your limits are going to be and can refine some workouts. Just do a light warm up, and then have at it.

I'm headed to the pool tonight after a short run, so I'll try to get some times. The other day I did 1.36 for 100yd, so it will be interesting to see what I get tonight.

2010-01-13 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Back from the pool, did 1K in 25:13, not very good but again I'm not a great swimmer, and still got a few months to come around... I also registered for all my events now. I have a pretty full agenda. I'm quite fortunate that the city where I live is organizing the Holland Triathlon and many events around it, so lots to do locally, but I have offered myself a special Grand Finale.

So this will be my season 2010:
03/04 - Sprint Duathlon (500m swim / 5K run) in Almere (city where I live)
08/05 - Oly Triathlon in Breukelen (small Dutch town)
16/05 - Sprint Tri in Ten Aar (even smaller Dutch town
06/06 - Oly Triathlon in Almere
17/07 - World Championship Sprint Triathlon in Hamburg (Germany) - Yes you read well...
29/08 - Holland Triathlon (European Cup Oly distance) in Almere
19/09 - Dam-tot-Dam in Amsterdam (16km run)

I think it's quite a nice program that! 

Finally, I found a wetsuit for a pretty good price at, Orca S2, would you advice this particular suit? 

Good night everyone, H. 
2010-01-13 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi All,

Hope all the training is going well. It is good to see the posts and Roy, thanks for the advice and recommendations. I am busy with my workouts and feeling good. I am planning a long more strenuous ride this weekend. I need running shoes and plan on buying a pair this weekend. There are several good running stores here and I have some recommendations from locals.

Herve - You have a busy schedule this season. As for the swimming we just have to keep on practicing. It seems Justin is the pro! I am hoping to get some open water training in with a group later this spring.

Happy training everyone!


2010-01-13 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user

Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone,

Going through all the posts it looks like everyone is off to a great start.  I am trying to get in at least 1 workout a day and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays both a swim and a run.  Really needs some advice on injury prevention.

I ran 7 on Saturday and felt pretty good, kept a pace of around 9 min/miles and for about 1/2 a mile in the middle of the run I felt a twinge of pain in my right shin.  Ran through it and didn't give it a ND thought.  Monday morning my shin was sore and so I iced it down that night and it continues to be sore.  I laid off the run on Tuesday and have not decided to run tomorrow for 30 minutes.

Any words of wisdom on stretching exercises or something that I can do to help it get better?  It is to early in the year to start shin trouble.   I had the same trouble a couple of years ago and Orthodox helped it go away but I am still using them and still worried. 

Thx in advance for any wisdom and remember it never gets any easier just faster.

2010-01-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED


Hope everyones week is going well. Justin I'll be interested in your 200 time, I'm going to guess in the 3:20's low 30's. Anyway let me know.

Bj my first thought was shoes when you said your shin was developing some pain, but you did the right thing in shutting it down. How old are your shoes, even though you are still using your inserts did they help initially? And did you start using these with new shoes. I'm not sure how much running you've done in the last few months, could simply be a little conditioning issue. Might try running on some softer ground if possible. I had shin splints in college from Ultimate Frisbee, very painful and it took a while for the muscle tissue to calm down. So take it easy.

Herve has posted his event schedule for the season, looks pretty good focusing on Olympic distance mostly. As we head to February everyone needs to have at least a preliminary event schedule their looking at. And it is best to isolate at least one race as your "A" race, meaning the one you really want to do well at. Not all races will be an A race even though your out there doing your best, sometimes you'll do races that are what you would call a training race, no taper. Your measuring your fitness level and it will help you know if your training is doing what you want it to do. You can have multiple A races, they should be spaced out a few months apart so you can build up to that event.

My spring A race will be the Florida Ironman 70.3 at Disney, close to home and a good time of year. Thats where my training will take me, but at this point I'm not doing any specific training for that event, although it is whats on my mind. Just developing my base for the distances. Also as you all get into this sport you'll find that carrying over your fitness from one year to the next is pretty easy so even if you take some sort of a break, it won't take that much to get back to a reasonable level.

Have a great day 

2010-01-14 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey all, 

It's been a good training week for me, tonight I'm going spinning, followed by 5k on the treadmill. Like Roy wrote, I only have two A races this year (obviously the WK and EK). My first olympic comes a bit early but I'll go easy, trying to get some reference times, to see how I'm doing with respect to training. My final run will be my closing event and a first step towards next year where I want to transition to 70.3. I find a great element of motivation in this agenda, I'm already in the race and it's months away! 

Good evening to all, H.

And by the way anyone could let me know what they think of the wetsuit Orca S2?  

2010-01-14 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Herve I forgot the Orca will be fine, if its affordabale and in good shape, is it New? It will do the job, just make sure of the fitting size all of the manufacturers have different sizing. So be careful there, is there a return policy if it doesn't fit? Just some thougts.



2010-01-17 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All -

Happy weekend. Just an update to my training. I have had a slow week training wise as I posted in an earlier thread some knee pain on the insiude of my right knee. After an 8 mile run this past Wednesday it was aggrevated so I have been easing back a bit. It hurts when I put pressure on it stepping forward, but if I do a deep knee bend or bike there is no pain. Roy, any idea? I was thinking ITBS, but am no expert.

We are in for some serious rain here in northern California so I will be spinning indoors for the bike training this week.

Also, if you want an inspiring book to read, pick up, "Unthinkable" by Scott Rigsby. He is the first double amputee to complete the Ford Ironman Championship at Kona! What a story of perserverance.

Hope everyone's training is going well.


2010-01-18 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Greetings to everyone,

Had a great swim meet with our age group club this past weekend. The kids did great, have several that are preparing for the upcoming short course championship meets next month. So really looking foward to that. And on the flip side, generally don't get much accomplish training wise when its swim meet weekend. But thats the way it goes.

David IT band issues occur on the outside of the knee, where the ligament is rubbing on the bone. It hurts, as for the inside of the knee could be several causes. You could have a meniscus aggravation, which can come from cyclying and its imflammed during your runs. ICE and rest and see what happens. Sometimes for me that area is also tender from my lower quad just above the knee being tight, poke around just on the inside of the lower quad area and see if you don't have a tender/sore area. If so, deep message to loosen up that muscle tissue should help.

I hope that the weather in your area is finally letting up where ever everyone is and outdoor activites can resume. We have finally had some nice days and the forcast is looking better for us in FLorida.

Keep the info and questions coming.

2010-01-18 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2619201

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All,

Hope you had a good weekend - weather in the UK has cleared up now, no more snow!!!

Finally got round to some training; spinning class (new shoes with SPD cleats - what a difference), interval running and swimming this morning.

The swim is my weak part, but as I am doing 400m pool swims in my sprints I am not under as much pressure. However I really want to be able to do 400m freestyle and not resort to breaststroke after 100m.

Had some lessons, and it's my breathing and legs that I need to work on - so any advice would be welcome.

Doing 8x50m intervals this week (25m pool - 1 length FS, 1 length BS) just to get back into it.

Also any advice about stretching before the swim would be great.

Big week for Curling for me this weekend, travelling up to Scotland for my first international competition representing Wales - so training again disrupted but I don't mind for this one!!!!


2010-01-18 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone, 

I had a rather tough training week, I doubled pretty much everything, and was very tired at the end of the week, to the point where I struggled doing 20km (knowing that cycling is my strong part and that I do 100 over 30km/h easy). So, it will be recovery week this week, but I felt I had done some good work. Been doing some abs too to strengthen my core. Like in the UK, the snow has gone, so we'll be able to do some serious running which will be much needed.

Andy like you I need to put a lot of efforts in the swimming. I tried using a breathing drill that consist in doing 3, 5, 7 (one length breathing every 3 strokes, one every 5, and then 7) the problem with this routine is that it forces you to breathe on both sides (which does not come naturally to me). If you can do it great, but I resolved for the time being to do 2, 4, 6 that makes me breathe only on one side, but I'm more comfortable this way, and once I have acquired sufficient ease, I plan to change to 3,5,7. Maybe that works for you too.  

Have a good week, H 

2010-01-18 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2579668

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi all -

A new week begins and I am taking your advice Roy, regarding the knee. When I poke on the inside of the knee it is sore. I will rest.

So, with all the swimming questions here, I need to find out about my breathing. Should I breathe from each side and on varied strokes? No clue as to what a proper technique should be. I was told that learning from both sides is necessary for open water swimming. In my sprints last year I only breathed from my dominant side. That was likely due to being freaked out in open water.

Herve - I have a bike question. Do you carry a hand pump for flats or CO2 cartridges? Is there an advantage besides space to carrying the CO2? I usually carry one spare innertube with me as well as all-in-one tool. What do you carry?

2010-01-18 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2620132

New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
tri/tbay - 2010-01-14 11:14 AM

Hope everyones week is going well. Justin I'll be interested in your 200 time, I'm going to guess in the 3:20's low 30's. Anyway let me know.

I just got back from a trip, so I'll be headed to the pool tomorrow to get some times.

dwarner63 - 2010-01-18 2:58 PM

Do you carry a hand pump for flats or CO2 cartridges? Is there an advantage besides space to carrying the CO2? I usually carry one spare innertube with me as well as all-in-one tool. What do you carry?


I thought I could chime in on this. I prefer CO2 inflation because it takes up less space and is a lot lighter. You can also fill up a tube immediately without having to sit there and use a pump. I own the xlab x-speed chuck, which is very inexpensive. Cartridges are normally around $3 each.

2010-01-18 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hi All,
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their training!!

I have a few training questions concerning running and swimming.   I focus on sprints, so I usually train for less than a 4 mile run and less than a 1/2 mile swim.  I believe I have kind of plateaued on my running and swimming.  I have a good (when I push it) 22 minute 3 mile, and an (easier) 16 minute 1/2mile swim... Because I focus on sprints, I would like to increase my speed, and increase the distance a bit.  I do not know how to go about this. Run 800's? or start swimming sprints as well?  I also am not sure about my stroke, I took up swimming last summer (and i LOVE it); I hear I have a swimmers body, I am thin, 6'0, with a strong pair of shoulders.. so maybe it could be one of my strengths.

Any tips or drills on how to slowly increase distance, with a focus on speed? My goals are a 21 minute 3 mi. run, and a 15 minute 1/2mi. swim.

2010-01-18 11:43 PM
in reply to: #2579668

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The Netherlands
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Concerning the Pump question, I'm like ocean4life and use CO2, actually I use two things, during my normal rides I use CO2 and a spare chamber. For a race I would use some compound that comes also in the form of CO2. The advantage there being that you don't need to change the tire, you just inflate the tire with the compound (after removing whatever punctured it) and you can finish your course (that is for short distance triathlon). There is a second advantage beside space and weight, is that it's generally faster to inflate with CO2 than it is with a manual pump (unless you spend a little bit more to get a real good one).

Hope that helps.

Yesterday, I was late for swimming and got punished. I had to do two laps and was therefore two laps behind everyone in my lane. That made me a little bit irritated, so I pushed it a bit caught back my lane, and put them four laps behind. That felt pretty good

Good day, H. 
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