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2010-01-09 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Half Marathon, May 2nd
Sprint Triathlon, June 20th OR to July 11th
Sprint Traithlon, August 22nd
Half Marathon, Sep 19th OR Oct 16th

I know I will probaly have to follow a plan to train for the spring/summer, rest then start another training plan for the fall. However, how do I pick a training plan? They start with 20 minute swims, runs or bike, shorter than where I am. If I try to jump in at my current pace, the plan will end long before the race. Should I customize my own plan?

Thi is what I am doing right now:

RUN - My next half marathon is in 16 weeks on May 2nd, and training with my running group. Plan is to continue buiding base over the next 4 weeks, complete a 5K, then roll into Hal Higdon's half marathon training.

SWIM - I am taking a swim training class at the YMCA. The calss is 2x a week and I swim anywhere from 500 to 1000 yards of drills each class. (Description: Adult IV - Main focus will be development of competitive strokes and techniques including starts and turns. Workouts will include practice sets and intervals while continuing to develop triathlon training, overall swimming endurance and speed.)

BIKE - too cold so I spin 1 -2x a week.

Mon - spin
Tues - swim (am) and run 4.25 miles (pm)
Wed - strength training followed by 30min spin (pm)
Thu - swim (am) and run 4.25 miles (pm)
Fri - strength training (am)
Sat - long run
Sun - REST or occasional short run of no more than 2 miles

2010-01-09 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I am beginning to see that this may be more about overcoming fear than physically being ready.  I am still freaked about riding on the road with cars but after sifting through many articles on here I am getting terrified of a whole new thing... the open water swim.  First, let me say, I only like to swim in clear water and the only thing I want sneaking up on me is one of my kids on a float.  So, putting my big toe in the lake is already going to be a major accomplishment for me.  But now I read that you get mauled by other swimmers.  That people are swimming over you, grabbing your legs, etc... Please tell me that this is not typical and that there are tricks to avoid being drowned.  I never thought about that possibility (drowning) and now it is staring me in the face.  So, I hate to be the scaredy cat of the group, especially so early on) but I am really having to talk myself into this at this point.   I really want to do this, and I do not want to let my fears keep me from following my dreams, but on the logical mama side of me, I am pulling out my life insurance plan thinking I may need to review.  Please tell me I am overreacting and to quit being a drama queen!    But please give it to me straight too!  I really need to hear that being ran over in murky snake filled lakes is soooo worth it and that you really don't get mauled, that someone on here overexaggerated.  I promise to try not to be the whiny scaredy cat the entire time, but first, let me whine and get my fears out.  Cry  Anybody out there got any fears about these things or is it just me???
2010-01-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #2605590

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Remember when the saying was "take a chill pill?"  take it mama!  I've yet to get mauled swimming!  Yes, it can be hectic - especially if you place yourself at the front of the pack but swim an average pace.  Most newbies and slower swimmers place themselves towards the back on the outside edge so you end up with a clear lane to swim.

I've once "swam over" someone, that was my 6th race?  totally inadvertent and kindof exciting after reading that this happens "all the time."  I giggled and kept swimming.

The race and experience is largely what YOU make it.  I LOVED my first tri, and second, and third....shower rinse number 8 (all minis and sprints).  Yes, there were hiccups in various races - too cold water for swim, non-shifting gears on bike, sweltering heat for run... but each time I was exhilarated and looking forward to the next one, reveling in any soreness, loving the icky essence of lake smell that would not leave my hair, delighting in NOT washing my numbers off and wearing shorts/tanks to show off, etc.

seriously, it's awesome

2010-01-10 5:37 AM
in reply to: #2605397

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
run2pray - 2010-01-09 8:55 PM

I've tried multiple times to import the Michael Pates - 22 week Triathlon program, and I must be doing something wrong...

I click on 'import', and it takes me to a page that promotes the other membership options of the site:

Has anyone else experienced trouble with this?

Check whether this is a training plan you can get for FREE or if you need to be a bronze level member, or silver level member, to import that training plan. I know when I search fro training plans I click on "current membership options" so it only brings up ones I can use at the bronze member level.

Also- Run2Pray- your log is set so only friends can view it. Please know that, if you want, you can certainly keep it that way; you can also add myself and/or the other members of this group so that we can view your training log and send you inspires based on your daily training. One of the jobs of your mentor is to check in on your training logs and see what you did, and offer encouragement. I'm happy to just do that through the forum if that is what you prefer.

If you check on the training plan and know that you should be able to import it at your membership level, head to the technical questions area of this site. Click on "ARTICLES" then scroll down to the section on Training Plans, and click on the article Customizing your Training Plan. The answer should be there.

-Mike just piped in that he thinks you need to be a Bronze member or higher to import training plans. HERE IS WHAT I DID MY FIRST SEASON- I got my supercool BT Member husband to print out a training plan for me. Then I shuffled the workout days around on a calendar and logged my workouts in my training log online at BT. I'm not a huge fan of importing the training plan- mainly because I had some technical issues with it last year and, even though the moderators on here helped me, I got more and more frustrated. I'm going this year with my original way of doing it- print out the training plan, then shuffle the days around on my calendar on the fridge, and log my daily workouts. One of the reasons I need to do this is my training plan will need to be adjusted to have longer run days to help me prep for my relay in May.
2010-01-10 5:48 AM
in reply to: #2605590

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
hailswayne - 2010-01-10 12:12 AM

I am beginning to see that this may be more about overcoming fear than physically being ready.  I am still freaked about riding on the road with cars but after sifting through many articles on here I am getting terrified of a whole new thing... the open water swim.  First, let me say, I only like to swim in clear water and the only thing I want sneaking up on me is one of my kids on a float.  So, putting my big toe in the lake is already going to be a major accomplishment for me.  But now I read that you get mauled by other swimmers.  That people are swimming over you, grabbing your legs, etc... Please tell me that this is not typical and that there are tricks to avoid being drowned.  I never thought about that possibility (drowning) and now it is staring me in the face.  So, I hate to be the scaredy cat of the group, especially so early on) but I am really having to talk myself into this at this point.   I really want to do this, and I do not want to let my fears keep me from following my dreams, but on the logical mama side of me, I am pulling out my life insurance plan thinking I may need to review.  Please tell me I am overreacting and to quit being a drama queen!    But please give it to me straight too!  I really need to hear that being ran over in murky snake filled lakes is soooo worth it and that you really don't get mauled, that someone on here overexaggerated.  I promise to try not to be the whiny scaredy cat the entire time, but first, let me whine and get my fears out.  Cry  Anybody out there got any fears about these things or is it just me???

First of all, the Open Water Swim (OWS) all depends on the race you choose. Here in Ohio we have group starts- this is where you run into the water with your whole age group, and normally all are women. We also have Individual Timed Starts- where each person has their own start into the water, which is what I did my first tri at an all women's race. You can also find tris that have INDOOR swims, in a clear chlorinated pool.
I have swum my WHOLE LIFE in lakes and ponds. I have never had any organism so much as nibble me, or even check me out up close. Fish are afraid of any shadow that is larger than them, thanks to the Food Chain. They think you are a bigger fish.
When you are swimming an OWS, the first time can be nervewracking. I have lots of friends in my Triathlon club that were nervous their first swim. Find a local tri club that sponsors practice OWS- for instance, ours does, and we have insurance, and we hire lifeguards. I have never EVER seen anyone pulled out of the water at one of our practices, and we normally have a beginner distance for people that are just starting out.
NOW...onto races. People are not mauling other people on purpose, at least not at our level. With a group start, people are swimming and kicking and pulling at the water. You are in a mass of people, so for your first tri, simply hang back. You aren't racing for time, you are racing to FINISH. Check and see if your race has a limit on how long you can take to finish your swim- most races around here will let you take your time (other races do have a limit, and you can get pulled from the Swim and your chip taken). I am a strong swimmer, but have been bumped into or swum over. I'm a person who holds the door for other people, so this is my attitude in the water- if you are in that big of a hurry, or that zoned in on your swim, go ahead. I move out of the way, catch my breath, tread water, then start swimming again.

IF the swim part has you this nervous, and thinking about drowning, I strongly suggest you investigate local Dri-Tris, also known as Duathlons. You will run first, then bike, then run longer. My husband started out doing duathlons for 5 years because he was not a strong swimmer. He eventually took intermediate swim lessons at the Y and now enjoys swimming and does HIM distances. I know Jo on here has toyed with the idea in the past of just doing duathlons, and for many people this ends up being the 100% right choice.

Amber, just know you have options, and the most important thing is that you are comfortable and enjoy what you are doing.
2010-01-10 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Gals, it's Sunday morning. I've had two cups of coffee and am about to make breakfast. Jo, get ready, I'm going to lay some smack down....

1- EVERYONE- get moving. If you have time to hop on this forum, you had time to get dressed in your workout clothes and move today. I don't care what your activity was, housework or yardwork or sea kayaking or jumping jacks. Do it and Log It!
2- WATCH where you go on this site. Look, I love BT, but here's the deal- there are some VERY competitive triathletes on here. Take anything you read in forums or in race results with a huge grain of salt. Before you really trust what someone says, let me tell you that Race stories are a lot like Birth stories- they can get worse after the fact. Just saying. Waves suddenly become tsunamis. Heat suddenly becomes deadly. A duck suddenly becomes The Loch Ness Monster. I witnessed a HIM last year where there were thunderstorms and a delayed start, and the waves on Lake Erie were really bad, but the stories those guys tell six month later? You would have thought they were swimming the North Shore off Hawaii. Just be careful.

And I'm going to go take my advice and get moving. I have 2 kids to feed, one recuperating triathlete to prep some healthy oatmeal for, and then I have to get our day scheduled so I can fit in a long run. Get those training logs filled in- all of my people who have multiple posts on here are doing a great job; I am hoping to see some of my MIA members back on here next week. I DO NOT want to lose people the first week!!!!

Onto something nicer- what's on your Ipod??? Yesterday during my run I was most motivated during "Walk This Way" by RunDMC and Aerosmith. When I have time (which is, oh, never), I need to re-do my "Running" playlist. Right now the Ipod is on shuffle and too many slow songs are coming on.

2010-01-10 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2605555

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Customize a training plan to fit you. That is what I prefer to do. Find a training plan you like, and then play with the days/distances. Looks like you are pretty strong on the run, so on long run days, just increase the distance a little bit.

Have you investigated smaller races in your area? The ones you are discussing- like IronGirl- seem pretty big for a first triathlon. I'm just wondering if there are races with a smaller number of people (or you might have already picked one). With smaller races you do run into things not being as well planned, or organized. We are very fortunate that we have a neighbor who runs Elite Endeavors, and they do a lot of the tris around here and it is well run. But these races are full at 450 athletes, which makes for a smaller field, and I have yet to see them make someone stop their race (no cut off times).
2010-01-10 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Wow! Lots of posts to digest! If I get your names wrong at this point, I apologize--it is hard to remember who wrote what and respond accordingly, especially with my kids interrupting me

Lovey--I am doing a half mary on May 2 as well! It will be my second and so I just followed what I did before, which is the Rule of 3's: you must run (run/walk for me) at least three times your race distance per month for at least three months. Since we have 4 months to go from January 1st, this should be doable. My goal is to run 13 miles a week and increase my long run each week. I've learned to listen to my 43 year old body and modify if needed. I have an old hamstring tear on the right--this is because I have an anatomical short left leg so the right leg has to work harder. I do have a lift, but it is a pain to wear as it creeps forward in the shoe and bugs me so I usually toss it after a mile. I figure my body is used to the imbalance--just have to listen to the muscle and not push it too far. I'll cheer you on and we can bask in the satisfaction of finishing together after! My goal is simply to finish, even if it is mostly walk and some run.

Amber--I was terrified of the OWS at first as well. A wetsuit really helps--better buoyancy, warmer, and protects your skin from creepy crawly things. I use a noseplug and I know a big macho tri dude who does the same thing in a lake--lake water just tastes bad and that keeps you from swallowing as much of it. Goggles are needed, but truly, you can't see a thing under water, so you'll have to practice sighting--picking your head up and looking to make sure you are still swimming on course frequently. I had more problems with sighting than with anyone being aggressive, but I only have one outdoor tri under my belt and one indoor tri. I found I enjoyed the outdoor one better. I was in the old lady group--the olympic distance people had long left and the men and younger women. So I was in the kinder and gentler-let's just finish-group. But--I got my picture in the paper as our group was entering the water! I have it framed on my "glory" wall--where I put my finishing medals and pictures of me and my kids doing duathlons. I practiced a lot by myself in the lake before the tri and learned to love it--especially the looks you get from people when you come down with your wetsuit on and swim across the lake and back (I do a little piece that is about 1000 yards there and back according to the tri group president).

I DO think triathlon is about conquering fear! We all have our things--some are better at one sport than another. I'm slow and asthmatic (and old now). Some are heavier than others or have health issues to bear. Some are beating their old best time and some just want to finish while some will get to the podium. I just want to do this gracefully--no wipe outs, no asthma attacks, no swimming off course and embarrassing myself. Sometimes I need the courage just to ATTEND the event! Yes, I have signed up for stuff and then not shown up! Wasn't trained enough....whatever.....Now I know not to register unless I am SURE.

Yesterday my hamstring twinged a lot. Wanted to get on the bike but my leg said give it a rest after the run. Will try to get 3 miles run/walk today (might be a lot of walk) and a 5 mile bike or so. I find the biking actually helps the run a lot for some reason.

2010-01-10 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2605718

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
phoenixrising404 - 2010-01-10 8:52 AM

Yesterday my hamstring twinged a lot. Wanted to get on the bike but my leg said give it a rest after the run. Will try to get 3 miles run/walk today (might be a lot of walk) and a 5 mile bike or so. I find the biking actually helps the run a lot for some reason.

The important thing right now is you are out there. My goal for my long run today is to run as much as possible- even in the cold.

Thanks for a good post- you did a great pep talk for Amber!

And also thanks for your post to Lovey about the rule of 3. I had not heard that before. I also have an event May 2- I'm doing a 4 person relay in a marathon in Cincinnati, OH. Looks like a lot of us are training for May 2nd! It will be nice to know we're all out there together that day.
2010-01-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2605668

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

AKR18 - 2010-01-10 7:00 AM Gals, it's Sunday morning. I've had two cups of coffee and am about to make breakfast. Jo, get ready, I'm going to lay some smack down.... .

I feel so special to be singled out for smack talk.  Trust me everyone, I NEED the push so I am grateful that Anne will push me and not let me slack.  I slack easily.  OK, Anne, getting on the trainer in 10 minutes.   I have to pick out a good movie. 

My 20 year old is going back to college today.  I am really going to be emotional the next couple of days with having Nicole leave and my baby's surgery.  I will try to score a laptop from work so that I can distract myself during the surgery, if not I have some good books.  Depending on which I may be MIA until Tuesday evening.  I will be spending the night in the hospital with Megan.  There is no way they are getting rid of me.  One of my nurses used to work in orthopedic research so she called to score us a private room.  The unit is beautiful and even the semi-privates are huge but still I want my own space.  Selfish but with all the hours I put in, my daughter deserves it.  

2010-01-10 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

As far as the OWS, I am not a strong swimmer.  I hired a coach for 18 months and I am still beginner swimmer in my mind.  I usually am middle of the pack.  If you can find a tri with a time trial start, that is the best.  Start in the back of the pack, that usually avoids the swim overs.  I haven't experienced swim overs (I did swim over someone once, not on purpose) but I have gotten smacked more than once.  My biggest problem with the swim is the breaststrokers.  I always seem to be near someone breast stroking and get kicked and kicked and kicked.  You have to swim out to swim around them so it adds yardage and makes sighting difficult.  All that being said, to me the swim is the hardest part and I break the tri into 3 segments.  Once I am past the swim, I am home free to enjoy myself.  It is a feeling of accomplishment and you are not going to drown, there are kayakers in the water to help, they  don't let you out there unsupervised. 

2010-01-10 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
THANK YOU LADIES!  I have new resolve this morning and I WILL face those scary lake monsters!  I am still terrified of the entire thing, but all of your advice has helped.  I will take that chill pill!  I think I do need to stay off the forums because I do think that is what started getting me freaked out.  So I will keep my eyes on the goal and try my best to stay on track.  Thanks ladies, I will truly try to not be needy and whiny the whole time!!  As you have all figured out by now, fear is my greatest challenge but I will not let it beat me.  I may need a good reminder from time to time or a good kick in the butt, either way, I appreciate it! 

I have found a tri group that is just starting up in the next town and it starts Tuesday.  I am going to go to the meeting to see what it is all about.  I am looking into maybe some swim lessons at the Ymca to brush up on my swimming.  I think that will help my confidence as well.  We have a new tri store that just opened up and the group is affiliated with them.  So I am super excited about that.  I thought I was the only one in town crazy enough to be trying this. 

alright, one more cup of coffee and I will throw on my running shoes.  Thanks ladies for your honesty and support. 
2010-01-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Oh MAN was it cold out there today. Windy and in the teens. The sun did NOT help, it was borderline Snotsickles cold. ICK.

The baby is going through some kind of "I can only sleep if the Lady Who Smells Like Milk" holds me thing today, so my time is limited.

Jo- we'll forgive you going missing. And you know you can vent on here if you need to. Big hugs to you tomorrow, and hope Nicole heading back to school today goes well.

Amber- look at you- finding the positive and ALSO finding solutions to your fears! I think brushing up on your swim with a class is a really good idea and will be a huge confidence booster. And you are bound to find some other newbies at the tri-meeting, maybe even some pals to train with! Do not ever think that you are being whiney or needy- or too scared. Did I mention I almost DIED on my first outside bike ride because I was going 7mph and a squirrel ran out in front of me? OKAY- see, that was an exaggeration, but still, it is a hilarious story and I think that squirrel had it in for me. I fly on my bike now- even rode it on the busy roads this summer when I was 5 months pregnant (stupid, but I had to get one ride in on my new bike).

I'm off to snuggle with the cute chubby baby (5 weeks old and she is finally starting to get some fat rolls- my kids tend to just grow long) and finish my book. Next book up is on Women and Triathlons- then I'm reading one on Nutrition for Endurance Athletes. I am guessing that book is notgoing to tell me to eat more of my amazing homemade chocolate chip cookies. Oh well. I did find a recipe for banana oatmeal cookies that has no sugar in it, so I am going to try it and up the nutrition factor with some whole wheat flower. If they taste decent I'll post the recipe.
2010-01-10 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2605590

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
No, this is not just YOU scared of the swim!  I feel claustrophic when I swim in the lap pool!  When I mentioned last year to one of the kickboxing teachers at our gym that I was gonna do my first tri 'next year', the first words out of his mouth were 'people die doing the swim'... It freaked me out, but you know what, I really haven't been back to his class again since then because I really don't want to be surrounded by people telling me I can't do this. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't enter into anything with ignorance, so it's good to know that it CAN be crowded.   And this trainign forum is all about preparing for it.... With the right preparation and planning, I don't have to give into fear.  I want to conquer it. 

I'm planning on laying back and to the edges believe me.... I'll also be treading water if til people pass is it gets too crazy.... I really don't care even if I get pulled from the water if I don't finish in time, because for me, it's about taking little steps forward, not proving I'm better than anyone else out there.  I'm doing this to get my body physically fit so I can play with my grandkids one day.

So... you're not alone!

2010-01-10 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2605748

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I will be praying for Megan.  Please keep us posted?
2010-01-10 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2605672

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Anne. I will try to customize a plan to fit me. It looks may have to use one of the longer race training plans.

I am increasing my long runs. I usually take walk breaks but when I am running with my group, I find I can push through them for shorter distances. Today, I ran 7.3 miles NONSTOP. I was very proud of myself.

A part of my training for my half marathon in May, my group has already planned for a 5K and a 10-mile race. Our coach plan to have us do at least two or three 10 or 10+ mile training runs as well.

I know the Iron Girl calls itself a sprint but it is really longer than most. Since I failed at it last year, I am determine to face it and beat it this year. My June/July sprint tri will be a slightly smaller race I hope. I am trying to find one I like to do just to get that confidence boost. I also plan to do the mini-tris that George Mason Univ puts on. The goal for those is to see how your training is going or if you are new, to see if you like triathlons. The mini triathlons (3 f them) range from 250 -400 yard pool swim, 4- 8 mile bike ride and 1.5 to 2 mile run.

Edited by Lovey 2010-01-10 8:54 PM

2010-01-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Kate, thanks so much for the link to that article!  I just posted it on my blog and on facebook to inspire all of my racing enthusiast friends out there.  Laughing

I came up with my sprint tri plan by looking at a few that I liked online.
I picked this one because it has me focusing on Swim 2x week, Bike 2x week and Running 2x week.  I have the occasional Brick on the weekends, but I feel like it's a plan that is really do-able for me!
As far as the swimming workouts go, I ran across this explanation of what types of work-outs a Sprint Tri'er should be doing...might be helpful for any swim newbies!>
I haven't really talked much about myself as of yet.  First, my name is Alison (thus the "ali" in my username).  I'm 29 and about 55 lbs. overweight for my height (at 6' tall, I'm a solid 225lbs.), so running was quite painful when I started last July with an additional 30lbs. sitting on my back!
I'm hoping that through this training, you'll see me shrink before your very eyes!!

I grew up swimming and have enjoyed it my whole life, but with this extra weight, I find that I'm waaay too buoyant in the water and I have to modify my good form ever so slightly.  It's very annoying!  I was never the skinniest of skinnies out there, but I didn't begin to pack on the pounds until the point in college when I started drinking AND not working out...bad combo! 

I've never - NEVER been a runner before the NCRR Women's Only Beginner Running program that started at the end of July last year.  I fell in love very quickly!  I was logging everything on an excel spreadsheet.  As of the end of 2009, I'd logged 148 miles and 26.5 hrs running!  For me, this was HUGE.  The other motivator for me was that I started writing a blog about my experiences.

Biking - It's going to be an uphill battle (literally and figuratively) since I have longer muscles (compared to my husband that bulks up more easily in his legs), so I feel like I have a disadvantage - especially being that I'm overweight.  In addition, Raleigh is moderately all of the trails (and ALL of the green ways except for 1) are kind of a nightmare.  I know I need to practice hills, but I'd love to get started on some fairly flat land and not have to get off of my bike and walk up these super steep hills all of the time.  It's so disheartening!

I haven't even mentioned!  I've been married for 2 years and I've roped my fabulous hubby into doing this thing with me (both the 8k training program and the sprint tri)!!  So I have a partner in crime, which should help things along tremendously.  The only bad part about this arrangement is that I'm the motivator, he's the slacker.  He's a hippie at heart and would prefer playing disc golf to running or getting his heart rate up any day.  But he has put on about 50 additional lbs. since we first met and really needs this as much as I do!

To get us going, we're starting TOMORROW!!  Eek!  We'll be doing our Swim, Strength Training and 1x week Biking at the YMCA (we're just joining this week).  We'll be doing all of our running outdoors (with the 8k training group) and we'll Bike or do Brick work outside on Sundays.

I can't tell you how excited I am to get into this training program.  My biggest concern is making sure that I'm eating properly (and have enough snacks packed so I don't starve before my 8pm swim tomorrow night)!  The last thing I want to do is to fuel my body with Big Macs and Fries when it needs Apples and Nuts!  Do any of you have suggestions for this?  I know the old trick of always keeping food on you, but I also know the importance of not eating a meal before a big work out (which will be 6 nights/week for us), so it's difficult to see how we'll even be able to eat dinner before 9-10pm on some nights.

We've signed up for the following races so far:
March 7th - St. Patty's Run Green 8k
May 2nd - White Lake Sprint Tri (1st weekend)

I'm looking for a half marathon or another sprint tri to train for in the fall - just to keep my momentum up!  If we can afford it (doubt it!), I'd love to do the Chicago Rock & Roll Half.  We'll see!

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-10 8:37 PM
2010-01-10 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Oh!!  I forgot to mention...if anyone wants to have a real copy of my schedule (so they can modify it themselves and keep a log on their PC), I can send it to you in an e-mail.  Just shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to share!
2010-01-10 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey--Congrats on your 7 mile NONSTOP run!! Yeehaw!! I can't do that. If I keep running when my body says to get my heart rate down and get some oxygen, I start to faint. I hope to one day do what you just did today!!! Seriously, I could then die happily having crossed off one big item on my bucket list Keep it up, girl.

Ali--Amazing!! I put on weight having my little girl and even those 20 pounds felt like a million and it took me forever to be able to jog again. Basically, I had to take the weight off (mostly) before I even COULD jog again. Don't know how you are going to find the energy to work your plan, but good for you!! And your husband! Every time I am tempted to eat a whole pizza I think about how hard it would be to jog holding my daughter who weighs about 23 pounds now. I couldn't make it a quarter of a mile holding her so I better not put the pounds back on.

Well, I made my little tiny goal of a 3 mile run/walk and a 5 mile bike (not a brick). My legs sure did not want to do the bike. They are tired from the past 2 weeks of running. But---I think about how you all are watching me and how tough you all are and I try to get the lead out and push past the discomfort

Anne asked about music. Ahh, music--it soothes the savage beast and motivates the savage couch potato. I love Trance music. It literally puts me into a little trance, or in the zone or whatever. I also like to run to the Black Eyed Peas and the Pu$$y Cat Dolls. I like to bike to the Gorillas and (showing my age) Devo's greatest hits. Need to go invest in some more tunes though as the ones I have are getting all scratched from time and kids.

So---I think the challenge was to log some form of activity every day? Or was it 4 days in a row? Refresh my memory, please.

Keep up the great work everyone
2010-01-10 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Its so good to hear from all of you, and to know that you all are struggling with your work outs but making it through.  Keep up the good work, everyone!  Lovey, congratulations on running 7 miles non stop.  I have been really struggling with running lately.  In highschool I could run a 8 1/2 minute mile easily, and my best time for a mile was under 7 minutes.  I also used to run 7-10 miles a night.  However, I was anorexic and so running now seems wierd and unhealthy.  Aside from sports, rugby in college, going out for a run has always left me feeling less than positive about myself.  Today, I am hoping to run the 5k leg of the race at about 10 minutes per mile.  Yet, even on a treadmill, I am struggling to be able to finish even one mile at that time.  What motivates you while you run?  Do you have any suggestions for me?

I am also interested in the groups you folks have been mentioning.  How do you go about finding a running group or a triathalon group?  It would be great to be part of something like that.  Not sure where to start looking.  I live in the Central Illinois area, and being a rural community some things are just not available, but I want to make sure I am at least trying to look for something like that.

Tired, sore, off to bed.  Hope everyone had a great day today and feels accomplished with whatever they were able to get done today!
2010-01-10 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Enkidu--It takes a lot of courage to admit the anorexia. Been there, done that. Ah, moderation. It's a tough one for some of us extreme types. You are in good company here--triathletes are not exactly moderate. I understand about the association of running with that period in your life. Sounds like you were dang fast, too! That's why a training plan will be good for you. You go with a moderate person's plan and stick to it. You are not the same person as when you were in college and I am POSITIVE that you can learn to run MODERATELY and have fun with it. Just post a pic now and then if you need feedback about your body image--we'll tell you if you start to look sick again Now you will run because you love yourself and want to be nice to yourself. And we will love you too.

Anyone taking MSM? I take 6000 mg a day to keep inflammation down--works better than Ibuprofin and is safer. I also take Glutamine as running depletes it and it is needed for muscles.

2010-01-10 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2606707

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
enkidu87, check with your local running store about running clubs. They would know if there is one in town. Many of them sponsor local clubs. There is a running club in Decatur also ( How far is that from you?

Thank you all on the encouragement. I am a really, really, really slow runner. When I started runningin 2008, I was timed at 16 min/mile. My fastest 5K was a 13.57 min/mile. I find when I go longer runs of 5+, my pace slows down a lot to between 15 and 15.50 min/mile. I did my 7.3 mile run at 14 min/mile according to BT and 13.59 min/mile according to Runners World. Either way, I was able to go longer distance without and still sustain my pace.

QUESTION - My spinning class bikes don't have computers. How do I track my distance?
Do I just track my time?

My legs are very tired and I have to spin. Ibuprofen and off to bed.
2010-01-11 4:36 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

When I first got into tri's, I read the book The Slow, Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams.  It is still one of my favorites.  She puts lots of humorous spins on doing her first triathlon.  I just pulled it out to take with me to the hospital.  I need the humor and it just a hoot.  It really gives a wealth of information also.

Good luck with your training.  I'll talk to you soon.  Please keep my daughter in your prayers.

2010-01-11 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
QUICK POST- I have a baby asleep on my chest, my laptop in my lap, one kid in the shower, and the 2.5 year old is destroying some unknown part of the house....

CHALLENGE FOR THIS WEEK- Starting today, I want each of you to make sure that 4! 4! 4! Days of your training calendar are peach or pink. This means that you need to do at least SOME activity on 4 days. If you are just starting training, or even just starting using your log, this is a great way to get in the habit of doing something active and practice logging it. I know some of you will end up with way more days, like 6, but please remember 1 day of your week should be a rest day, meaning all you do is stretch.

Jo- good luck today. Lots of prayers for you and Meg.

Ali- I'm also 6 foot tall. My heaviest weight was 210 (this was after my 4th miscarriage and before our second child). Any tips you need on tall girls and tris, I'm your gal. I have to make lots of adjustments- triathlon is a sport that gives short people a BIG advantage, and most of the gear is designed for shorter people. For example- my bike is a men's bike, has to be, women's frames are too small for my tall frame. If I rent a wetsuit, has to be a men's. And I have yet to find ANY running pants or tights that are long enough.

SOMEMONE (phoenix?) asked about staying motivated on the run for long distances. Here's my two cents. When I first started, I would spend most of my run figuring out when I would let myself walk. Or praying for intervention, like a squirrel jumping out and attacking me so I wouldn't have to run anymore. Then last winter, before I got pregnant, I started ENJOYING the run. I watched my husband do two HalfIronmans this summer, and each time he totally died on the run. We then started having discussions about how often the run is totally MENTAL. And when I was all done with the pregnancy, and went out for a run the day after Christmas- I had a different mental focus. The run didn't seem so bad, just one mile, even though I know when I first started training for a tri it took me two months to run a mile and not walk. I do think it's a mental issue- you can build your body up to do the longer distance but you have to get your mind set and, when you start to think about quitting, make yourself go elsewhere.

Lovey- your run progress is fantastic! And I totallly agree you have to go back to Irongirl this year and kick its butt. Doing a smaller tri first to boost your confidence is a great idea.

Several of you have mentioned the mini-tris, the ones smaller than sprints, and those are great for beginners, or just to test where your training is so far this season, or to test out new equipment. Mike and I normally volunteer out on the bike course for our local mini tri.

Finding tri clubs and running clubs- check with your local running shop; also check with your local bike shop. And, search online! Our tri club has a website and sponsors a winter expo to recruit new members.

MORE LATER- for now, remember the challenge- 4 days peach or pink. If you can make all 4 days tri related exercise (Swim/bike/run), even better.
2010-01-11 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2606797

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey - 2010-01-10 11:31 PM

enkidu87, check with your local running store about running clubs. They would know if there is one in town. Many of them sponsor local clubs. There is a running club in Decatur also ( How far is that from you?

Thank you all on the encouragement. I am a really, really, really slow runner. When I started runningin 2008, I was timed at 16 min/mile. My fastest 5K was a 13.57 min/mile. I find when I go longer runs of 5+, my pace slows down a lot to between 15 and 15.50 min/mile. I did my 7.3 mile run at 14 min/mile according to BT and 13.59 min/mile according to Runners World. Either way, I was able to go longer distance without and still sustain my pace.

QUESTION - My spinning class bikes don't have computers. How do I track my distance?
Do I just track my time?

My legs are very tired and I have to spin. Ibuprofen and off to bed.

BIKES- I think most spin bikes do not have bike computers that track distance? I don't know, I don't do those. I have a bike computer on my training bike in the basement and that is where I get distance, speed, and now Cadence. You do not have to put in distance just because there is a spot there; simply write in your time on your training log.

I'm a slow runner too- and, my pace is always slower in races. I have to keep under a 16 minute mile in the marathon relay in May or be picked up by the sag wagon and I am so scared of that,because I'm the first leg of the relay team.
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