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2011-01-12 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3294951

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group OPEN
andrew.robbins - 2011-01-12 6:19 PM Hi Neil! Room for a little one well not so little after Christmas!! Third year of Tri all pool based sprint distances mainly in the North of England. Swimming is dodgy (100m FC is a triumph), biking and running is improving. Can add more later.......... Andrew.

Hi Andrew, good to have you in, fill in your details when you get a moment.

2011-01-12 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3294480

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group OPEN
Thanks for letting me in Neil.

I'm not going to argue even if you do mention the cricket though cos our players sucked. Probably cos the majority were from New South Wales, lol. As for the England/Australia rivalry thing I sort of grew up with it cos my Dad is English. He comes from Wigan which is near Lancashire.

As to the seeing how things work out I think that's what I'm going to do cos my longest ride so far is 3.08 miles including hills in 30 mins so it's probably the swimming I'm going to struggle with the most although I'm going to do that as one of my xt days and make up the rest of the time prescribed on my plan with cycling. I'm also looking to work my way up to and use the 400m Beginner endurance plan and/or get lessons at my gym when they start.
2011-01-13 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3293035


Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group OPEN
hey nicole,
i hear you on the soreness issue.  i have to confess, i know that i do not stretch nearly enough and with all the training, i know that has to change or i can hurt myself.  what is your normal stretching routine? and you do them before and after your work outs? that's pretty awesome. last question - i see that you are a gold member of the site - are you finding that helpful, the specialized training schedule? at this point, i have just found from this site and others general training guides, so i am considering purchasing something from this site.  your thoughts?  hope your training is going well. i am off to the gym for run/walk and a bit of biking.  my poor shins!
2011-01-13 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Hi Gang

I've closed the door now and we have our team, really looking forward to working with you all and helping you all achieve your goals. Looking at where you all are and the goals you have set, you can all achieve, indeed I include myself in that as I have my 1st half ironman this year a big challenge for me. I'll start to post some longer ramblings about training and racing as we go along, but lets make this interactive and support one another. I have redrawn the team table, please add eachother as friends and please please please use record your training logs on here if not doing so already!

Neil x

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2011-01-13 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3257876

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
On the subject of stretching- Are there any stretches that work for the bike? I've worked out my walking ones, and'll probably continue them with the running as it works pretty much the same muscle groups but I feel really sore after the bike and don't really know how to prevent it or how to cool down from it. Generally I just get off the bike, walk it to the back yard to put it away and then come in the house and have my post workout food etc
2011-01-14 1:17 AM
in reply to: #3298658

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
suzielea - 2011-01-14 3:50 AM On the subject of stretching- Are there any stretches that work for the bike? I've worked out my walking ones, and'll probably continue them with the running as it works pretty much the same muscle groups but I feel really sore after the bike and don't really know how to prevent it or how to cool down from it. Generally I just get off the bike, walk it to the back yard to put it away and then come in the house and have my post workout food etc

Suzie the main muscle groups used when cycling are the upper thigh muscles (quadriceps); the backside muscles (gluteus maximus), and, to a lesser extent, the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) so focus on these when stretching after a ride. I stretch all the major muscle groups after a run, ride of swim, it is so so so important to stretch after exercise, I neglected this and missed the first 4 months of last year with back and hamstring problems. Happy to post some basic stretches if this helps.


2011-01-14 1:32 AM
in reply to: #3298790

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Thanks. I've got good stretch for the guads and calf muscles (they're the ones at the bottom of my leg right?) but not for the backside so if you can offer me some of them I should be right. I also found some good hip ones during my yoga class last week but need to go back and pay more attention so I can remember them properly as they along with my ankles seem to be the things I have the most problems with.
2011-01-14 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3298790


Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
neil, i would love if you could post some general stretches to do after run/bike/swim. most helpful, thanks - emily
2011-01-14 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Ok folks here’s a bit on stretching, very important after a workout.  Stretching is really important we all know this, your body knows it, but somehow not all of do it consistently and well.

When you exercise is that your muscles tighten, they contract when running, biking, swimming, doing crunches and pushups, lifting weights, or whatever else it is you do to keep in shape. Often people spend a lot more time making their muscles tighter than they do lengthening them. When this tightening of muscles becomes imbalanced, certain muscles are stronger and tighter and start pulling at areas of your body which leads to pain. For example, if your quads and hip flexors are tight from biking or running, they can pull the femurs further forward than they want to be which can lead to back, hip, and knee pain. Often the muscles on the front of the shoulders are tighter and stronger than those in the back, pulling the head of the humorous (upper arm bone) forward which can create shoulder, neck, wrist and other pain.

To get us started below are detailed a few basic and vital stretches that will work the major muscles that are used in running and cycling. Do these each time you have been out, hold for about 30 seconds, and remember to breathe when doing them!

Thigh (Quad) Stretch - Stand with your feet slightly apart. Bend your right foot back and up toward your buttocks, and grasp it with your right hand. Balancing on your left leg, pull your right foot up with your right hand. To help you balance, pick a stationary spot in front of you to stare at and lift your free arm out to the side. You should feel the stretch in your thigh. Release and switch sides.

standing quad stretch

Hamstring Stretch - Stand with one leg just in front of the other, bend the back knee and rest your weight on the bent knee, tilt the hips forwards, as if sticking your bum in the air!

Calf Stretch - Stand with right leg straight and behind you. Your left leg should be bent in front of you. Place most of your weight onto your left leg. Push the heel of your right foot down toward the ground, and slightly shift your weight back keeping your torso upright. You should feel a stretch in your right calf. For a deeper stretch, you can face a wall and push against it for leverage. Release and repeat on the opposite side.

Groin Stretch - Sit with your feet in front of you. Place the bottoms of your feet together, and let your knees fall to the sides. Grasp your ankles and pull your feet toward you, as close as possible. While holding your ankles, place your elbows on the inside of your knees and push them down. You should feel the stretch in your groin area.

For those with ankle/heel (achilles) pain this could help. - Stand facing a wall at about arm's length away. Stand with both feet facing straight ahead - parallel - not turned out, even a small amount. Put one foot on the wall at knee height. Press that heel toward the wall. Look down and see if the foot you are standing on is facing directly ahead. Make that standing foot straight, not turned out; not even a little. Do not lean toward the wall. Lift your chest until you are standing straight. Don't let your hip curl under or your standing knee or hip bend. Smile, relax shoulders, and breathe.

For those with a 'pain in the butt' the glute muscles need to be stretched. These are big muscles and can often lead to pain in the legs and lower back, its important to stretch these as well, I suffer with bum pain and are part of my regular stretching routine. Here's a good one.

Lie on floor or mat. Bend knees with feet on floor. Cross lower leg over thigh of other leg. Grasp back of thigh of lower leg with both hands.  Pull leg toward torso. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite leg.

2011-01-16 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3300233

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Thanks Neil
I'll try them next week.
I'm also going to post the training I plan to do next week so you can keep me accountable, lol
Tues: 30 min walk Wed: Swim (hopefully 75m) Thurs: 15 min TM intervals, 10 min bike intervals and possible strenghth training depending on how the sunburn is doing Fri: Rest day Sat: 3 mile walk Sun: 60 min walk and/or 40 min bike ride.
2011-01-17 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3303318

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
suzielea - 2011-01-17 1:01 AM Thanks Neil
I'll try them next week.
I'm also going to post the training I plan to do next week so you can keep me accountable, lol
Tues: 30 min walk Wed: Swim (hopefully 75m) Thurs: 15 min TM intervals, 10 min bike intervals and possible strenghth training depending on how the sunburn is doing Fri: Rest day Sat: 3 mile walk Sun: 60 min walk and/or 40 min bike ride.
I shall be watching the log with great interest! Looks a good week ahead, enjoy...oh how I wish I could get a bit of sunburn in the UK right now!

2011-01-17 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3257876

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi Folks

My you are a quiet bunch, just busily going about your training! Seriously well done those of you who are training, great stuff but I would like to make this a bit more of an interactive forum. Lets tell each other what we have been doing, how we are feeling, throw questions at eachother etc! I'm happy to post general advice and guidance and will be doing something on the importance of consistency in training this week and then something on nutrition but come on folks lets be hearing from you I'm feeling a bit lonely!!

N x
2011-01-17 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3304754

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi everyone, had my first event last weekend, a mini sprint 200m/14km/2.5.  Went heaps better than I thought. I thought about 1.05 but did it in 1.01, and that was with a real slow swim/bike transition. ( I spent a good couple of minutes putting my race number on !!.  Tip - put race number on before swim ! ).  I think they call it experience....!  Other people in my age group were doing it in  like around 46mins.  But thats ok until I get my trainer wheels off ! lol. 

I knew the run would be the hardest bit to finish without stopping ( stopped at around 500m and 1km ) but ran from about 1.25km mark to finish line.  But I figure, apart from the 1/2 dozen run/walks I've had in the last two weeks, this would be the first real run I've had in the last, prob, 5 years.

Made everyone laugh at finish line though - someone I knew yelled out "come on Gary sprint to the finish" and I replied as I shuffled to the finish line "I am ! ". 

The after match function was good too! ( only one beer....honest ! )

Neil, you have mentioned where 2/3 of the work is done in our heads and that certainly stood out for me on Sunday and I reckon that's why we need to keep our goals visualised.    "What the mind can conceive, it can achieve" Napolean Hill ( I think ! ).

20 Feb next event - Same distance, this time with race number on at start, a continuous run for 2.5km, 4 weeks training and I reckon I can give 1.01 a real hiding.

I am thinking of changing to shoe clips on my bike.  Has anybody had any experience in changing from normal pedals/straps to clips.  I believe it makes quite a lot of difference in making the work load more efficient.

Keep on keeping on


2011-01-17 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3305247

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Well done on beating your goal.  It great that you were able to run all of the last half of the run stage.  The transition from bike to run is the most difficult (in my limited opinion).  I stretch briefly before starting the run andhave found that it helps a lot.  I think the reason is that on a bike you don't stretch the muscles as much as you do when running.  Stretching then without putting a load on them can help ease you into the movement required for the run.  

Good luck on beating your time in another month.  I'm sure with another four weeks of steady training you'll be able to do it. 

I've cycled using both clips and pedals and have switched from one to the other.  It is easier with clips as you can use your leg muscles all way through the revolution both pushing and pulling.  This takes some practice and technique to be able to do this.  I think the biggest thing to get used to early on is the concern of fixing your feet to the bike and simply not being able to get them out when you stop and falling over.  As with most things only practice helps build confidence.  I wouldn't do it for the first time in a race.

Well done again 


2011-01-17 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3305349

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Thanks Ray

You raise a good point about getting used to being clipped in on the bike.  Its one of those things its better to be aware of earlier rather than later at a set of traffic lights or a stop sign !

You have done a fair bit of swimming - what worked for you to keep your legs up ?.  I've got hold of a floating device you put between your legs, so I will give that a go.  Did you use something like that to keep your legs up initially ?  I guess work on the stomach muscles would also help.

Kind regards

2011-01-17 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3305414

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Keeping your legs up is ideally a matter of balance in the water not kicking or speed.  Here's an article about it which explains it better than I do.   The relevant article is entitled "Question of Balance..."

I can basically float face down in the water but only if I have my arms up above my head as the weight of my arms counter balances the weight of my legs in the water.  Of course when you swim a stroke you have to move your arms.  This changes the balance and can leave your legs sinking.  This is why a lot of coaches emphasize keeping your arm in front of you in the water while your other arm is recovering (i.e. you are bringing it back up out of the water to start another stroke).
Strong core muscles also help, especially back, as you have to keep your body straight.

Hope this helps.


2011-01-17 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3305464

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
That is brilliant, thanks for that

2011-01-17 11:44 PM
in reply to: #3304744

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
I so didn't do it to tease anyone but so far everyone I've told about the sunburn from your side of the world (also on RW and a walking site where the majority are from the US/Canada) are jealous, lol.
Related to the sunburn though - does chlorine help it or make it worse? I think it's mostly healed - still hurts on the shoulders but mostly where bra straps go and the swimsuit I've got is one of the zip up the back ones so it shouldn't affect that.
2011-01-17 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3257876

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Neil - I was thinking the same thing re quietness myself but maybe I'm just less shy on the internet than others. Do you know if I need to be a performance member for "fancy nutrition" stuff (aka calories, proteins, fat, etc?
Gary - good work. I'm sure you'll beat your time next event. On the swimming the stomach muscles really do help cos after years of sagging (lessons as a kid and on/off fun swimming with friends in the summer) I decided to pay attention to them and I didn't sag this time.
2011-01-18 2:08 AM
in reply to: #3305613

New user

Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED

Thanks Suzie. 

We find with sunburn, lotions with aloe vera in are amazing.  Most of them act as a coolant ( although it sounds like your sunburn is quite a few days old ) but it helps in you not peeling and restores the skin quicker.


2011-01-18 2:28 AM
in reply to: #3305247

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
gazaboy - 2011-01-18 1:14 AMHi everyone, had my first event last weekend, a mini sprint 200m/14km/2.5.  Went heaps better than I thought. I thought about 1.05 but did it in 1.01, and that was with a real slow swim/bike transition. ( I spent a good couple of minutes putting my race number on !!.  Tip - put race number on before swim ! ).  I think they call it experience....!  Other people in my age group were doing it in  like around 46mins.  But thats ok until I get my trainer wheels off ! lol. 

I knew the run would be the hardest bit to finish without stopping ( stopped at around 500m and 1km ) but ran from about 1.25km mark to finish line.  But I figure, apart from the 1/2 dozen run/walks I've had in the last two weeks, this would be the first real run I've had in the last, prob, 5 years.

Made everyone laugh at finish line though - someone I knew yelled out "come on Gary sprint to the finish" and I replied as I shuffled to the finish line "I am ! ". 

The after match function was good too! ( only one beer....honest ! )

Neil, you have mentioned where 2/3 of the work is done in our heads and that certainly stood out for me on Sunday and I reckon that's why we need to keep our goals visualised.    "What the mind can conceive, it can achieve" Napolean Hill ( I think ! ).

20 Feb next event - Same distance, this time with race number on at start, a continuous run for 2.5km, 4 weeks training and I reckon I can give 1.01 a real hiding.

I am thinking of changing to shoe clips on my bike.  Has anybody had any experience in changing from normal pedals/straps to clips.  I believe it makes quite a lot of difference in making the work load more efficient.

Keep on keeping on


Hey Gary well done great performance, congratulations! I am hopeless in transition too, trying to get better, especially when trying to get my wetsuit off! Have you seen number belts, they will save you time as they just clip on around your waist and away you go. Great run, and able to throw some humour in at the end too! Mental toughness is indeed a big part of the sport. I have had moments in every race I have done where my head has been screaming stop, those are the dig deep moments, happy to report I’ve managed to get through them all. You are spot on what Napoleon Hill said, so simple and so true.I went from normal pedals to clips a few years ago, makes a huge difference, the main one being, especially with clips, you are able to pull up on the pedal stroke, which means you are active for the full 360 degree rotation, particularly useful when climbing. They are easy to get used to but you will fall off at some point but usually when you are going very slow or stopping and you forget to clip out, I have and still do! With the experience and confidence of the last race, and the training you will hammer 1.01. I’m putting my money on a sub one hour finish!Well done mate, great start to the group’s race season – folks Gary has set a great standard for us to follow, let’s get cracking!Neil

2011-01-18 2:52 AM
in reply to: #3305414

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
gazaboy - 2011-01-18 2:50 AMThanks Ray

You raise a good point about getting used to being clipped in on the bike.  Its one of those things its better to be aware of earlier rather than later at a set of traffic lights or a stop sign !

You have done a fair bit of swimming - what worked for you to keep your legs up ?.  I've got hold of a floating device you put between your legs, so I will give that a go.  Did you use something like that to keep your legs up initially ?  I guess work on the stomach muscles would also help.

Kind regards

GaryRay has raised some great points re swimming, all sound advice. My legs are still a bit of an issue, but I am getting to be much higher in the water now. A couple of things that helped me was getting my head low in the water so I’m looking at the bottom of the pool and forcing my chest down so my legs come up. If you are planning open water wetsuit swimming at some point you’ll find the problem disappears as the wetsuit is great for buoyancy! I used the float between my thighs to help me too, worked well
2011-01-18 4:34 AM
in reply to: #3305613

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
suzielea - 2011-01-18 5:59 AMNeil - I was thinking the same thing re quietness myself but maybe I'm just less shy on the internet than others. Do you know if I need to be a performance member for "fancy nutrition" stuff (aka calories, proteins, fat, etc?
Gary - good work. I'm sure you'll beat your time next event. On the swimming the stomach muscles really do help cos after years of sagging (lessons as a kid and on/off fun swimming with friends in the summer) I decided to pay attention to them and I didn't sag this time.
Hi Suzie, firstly chlorine shouldn't hurt the sunburn further, other than drying the skin so moisterise and you will be ok. Don't worry re nutrition I will post a basic run through later in the week, its a b it of a mindfield so hopefully I can bring some sense to it all.Neil
2011-01-18 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3257876

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
Gary - I got the sunburn on Saturday so yeah it's a few days old and so far it isn't peeling anyway. I did use vitamin E cream the first day and nivea cream the second though so I think it did the same thing regarding the skin rejuvination thing.
Neil - That's what I was thinking. I think it's going to depend on how bad the sholders are tomorrow though cos I tried doing the freestyle motion with them today to see if they could handle it and it hurt. I've planned to do another walk and bike ride if I don't swim though so I'll still be doing something. As to the nutrition - thanks. I'm sort of working on my own goals right now (limit sodas to 1-2 (pref 1) a day and limit junk as much as possible) but I would like some insighgt on better eating so I can plan appropriate meals for myself as needed.

2011-01-18 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3305686

New user
Subject: RE: njc65 Mentor Group CLOSED
suzielea - 2011-01-18 11:34 AM Gary - I got the sunburn on Saturday so yeah it's a few days old and so far it isn't peeling anyway. I did use vitamin E cream the first day and nivea cream the second though so I think it did the same thing regarding the skin rejuvination thing.
Neil - That's what I was thinking. I think it's going to depend on how bad the sholders are tomorrow though cos I tried doing the freestyle motion with them today to see if they could handle it and it hurt. I've planned to do another walk and bike ride if I don't swim though so I'll still be doing something. As to the nutrition - thanks. I'm sort of working on my own goals right now (limit sodas to 1-2 (pref 1) a day and limit junk as much as possible) but I would like some insighgt on better eating so I can plan appropriate meals for myself as needed.

Dont worry Suzie a few days out the pool wont matter in the grand scheme of things, bet you wont do that again! I'll pop some nutrition thoughts on tomorrow night.
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