BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-06 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3281235

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wilson, I'm thinking that the 2 I didn't know are Peggy's son and daughter since she has Wes...123 on her friend list.  The other one I had I didn't know was DebTri, but her log is private so I couldn't check it out. 

Jen, the dashboard is that area just above your training log, there's an edit button up on the top left and you can enter whatever you want up there... pictures too.  If you copy the list of our members (^^^ up there a few posts), you can then paste it into your dashboard and then you can click on any of the names to get to their training logs.  You can also go to your Friend list (it's on the left side of your training log, press the "+" button and then type in their user names), and then just click on either their name or pic to get to their logs. 

In any case... once you click on the + to add friends, way down at the bottom of that window, is a list of people that have you as a friend in their log...

Don't worry, the more you play around with the site, you'll get used to it!!  Just ask any questions and I'll help as best I can, but I am NOT a Computer Queen!!  (that would be Wilson! only he's a Prince!)

2011-01-06 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
And I have NO idea how our page got so wide??!!  Hopefully by the time we hit the next page it will go back to normal!
2011-01-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks!  I've kinda got it figured out.

Also, I would just like to say thanks for all the comments.  I got on the scale this morning for the first time since early December, expecting to see a higher number than I did then, but instead, I lost 5 pounds!  I'm not one to really focus on numbers, as I prefer to focus on how my clothes are fitting and so on, but it still made me happy....
2011-01-06 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
My page looks normal, Hilde. You must be drinking special coffee this morning!
2011-01-06 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
And yay to weight loss, Gnome! There are a few peeps on here that are dropping down. I will be right behind you!
2011-01-06 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3281589

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
jordiebrigs - 2011-01-06 8:21 AM My page looks normal, Hilde. You must be drinking special coffee this morning!

Ah ha!  I only WISH it was a bit MORE special!!  My page I have to scroll to the right to see all the typing on the posts, they just go on and on!  Weird.

Congrats on the 5 pounds Jen!!!!  I think there are several of us who are trying to lose a few pounds... we hate those member that are already skinny!  Especially the body builder types!  (Just kidding, Marsha, you know how jealous we are of all your Dominatrix training!)

2011-01-06 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
The page is way W---I---D---E for me too!  (and I hate it).  Even the icons at the top have loads of space between them.
2011-01-06 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
just to get to the next page!
2011-01-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
2011-01-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
2011-01-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

2011-01-06 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Yea, it worked!!!  So while I am here....

Please ask any questions you may have about training, racing, or personal stuff, whatever.  We tend to get a little off topic around here.  From what I've seen in everyone's logs, looks like everyone is base building, getting through the winter and maintaining, doing what we can with the weather. 

FYI, we had brought up in our last mentor round about meeting up in Wilson's neck of the woods to do a sprint tri.  Wilson has a pool and hot tub at his house, and an infamous basement (aka torture chamber).  He had a specific tri in mind, in June.  Wilson have you been able to get the date for that?  I REALLY want to do this, I think it would be a blast!!  Please post if you would be interested in doing this!! 

For the new people, please just join in the conversations here, this is the area where we can all meet and share ideas.  Please continue to inspire each other, that is soooo helpful!  The more people you inspire, the more you'll get in return.  Feel the love, share the love!
2011-01-06 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
My page wasn't wide - you girls are nuts!! LOL!
2011-01-06 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3282297

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
One mystery cleared up.... wesmaster123 is Peggy's son...  does anyone know DebTri?
2011-01-06 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Glad to see the page has lost it's width!  I'm still up for a trip to Indianapolis as long as the date works for me.

2011-01-06 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3282793

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Count me in for Indy, too! Summer is deep into the off-season here, so that will likely be the ONLY summer race for me. Plus, hubby just found a hard-sided bike box at a garage sale ($20 well spent), so the Masi can travel in style!

2011-01-06 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3283153

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Me MMM peeps...the offer is very on!!!  I'm trying to get packed and ready to leave for Berlin, Germany in the morning..I have a long layover in JFK so I'll catch up then.. .Website is:

The series is called Indianapolis Spring Triathlon Series.  There are 3...June 18th, July 23rd, and Aug 20.  There are lots of other good ones around here too.  This tri is about 5 miles from my house......I think I'm in JFK somewhere around 1:00 I have lots of catching up to do...maybe at IND too...depending on what's going on.  Later!  
2011-01-07 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Either the June or August dates would work for me.  
2011-01-07 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

NAME:  Shawn


I am a 34 year old ex-college athlete who is heading into his second real season on triathlons.  Last year I did several sprints and pulled out of two Olympic distance races (one for lack of preparation, one for personal reasons).  Not this year!

Hrm - I just realized that I am headed into a new age group, 35-39 this year.  The times from this group always seemed much faster than the 30-34 for some reason.  At least triathlon allows me to compare my own times to the previous year’s.

Back to my story - I blew out my shoulder playing baseball in college and took 9 years to have it fixed.  I grew up playing hockey and even a little football.  I also dabbled in tennis for a couple of years before getting my shoulder fixed (ever seen a nearly sidearmed serve?). 

How did I get into triathlon?  I was looking for something after my shoulder surgery because tennis partially reinjured it.  As I look back at things, it makes no sense because running was always a form of punishment, biking was something you did on a stationary bike when you had an injury and swimming was what you did during summer camp or when you were goofing around with your friends.

Anyway, swimming to strengthen the shoulder led me to spend time on the bike at the gym.  I figured I was 2/3rd the way there and I needed to do something that was completely unlike me so I said I’d do the best I could on the run.

My biggest obstacle in my first year was coming to grips with the fact that, since I wasn’t going to podium, it was just me racing against myself.  There was no scoreboard or other person else to measure myself against for wins and losses.  It probably sounds rather basic to most people but it was a complete mindset change for me after playing team sports for so long.

Last year was more of learning to work consistently and the how’s and why’s of training.  I got off to a late start in the spring, but took a class with a local triathlon team in New York City and learned a great deal.  I also realized how much I enjoy training with others.   My training was derailed due to some work issues and then falling into bad habits but the time away made me realize how much I missed it.


I married my wife just a little over a year ago, though we were together for nearly 10 years before then.  We have two foster care cats and have just begun seriously thinking about starting a people family.


I’m finalizing a plan but I am of the mindset to run through a spring plan for the next  12 weeks and then transition to an Olympic plan for the next 12.  I’m going to really focus on my core since I tend to be rather weak there.


The only race I have officially signed up for is the New York City Triathlon in August.  I am leaning towards an Olympic in June so that New York is not my first.  Otherwise, I’ll probably mix in some sprints, though the loss of my favorite local sprint race this year has me scrambling for a race at the end of May to kick my season off.


I’ve lost and gained weight with the best of them.  I’m currently at 270, the highest I’ve been in four years.  Last year I got down close to 240 and am hoping to be back down there by June 1st.  After a lot of trial and error, I think I’ve finally figured out to not lose the gains of my training while also whittling away at this gut that drags me in the water, prevent a nice aero form and is a pain to lug around on the run (though if you saw me run, you might swear that it lugs me around&hellip.


I am really looking forward to this group.  I know we’ll learn lots and hopefully inspire each other to bigger and better things!

2011-01-07 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I met Hilde way back when she was a mentee.  She and Janet have tolerated me for well over a year, so you know they must have lots of patience and a little touch of insanity! 

I'm looking forward to joining in with and getting to know the rest of you on this grand adventure.

2011-01-07 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Any room for one more?? I am Peggy's son and was hoping to join a group this Spring. Let me know and I will post a bio.



2011-01-07 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3283989

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
And there we have the answer to the mystery of, "Who is Wesmaster123"!  Yes, Wes, please join us.  We are a fun group.  Peggy had asked if you and your sis could join, so I left room for you just in case.  Please post us a bio and welcome to the group!!!
2011-01-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3284050

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Once more.... new and improved MMM member list:  (if you don't want to cut and paste the whole thing, just cut and paste Wesley and add him to your list or add him as a friend.)

Denise - dajotkjo
Jen - gnome
Janet - jcarmody
Joe - joes
Jordan - jordiebrigs
Michele - nina44shell
Marsha - PTWykes
Tammy - tstl
Tammy - TTucker
Alex - wrkinprogress
Wilson - wsilverthorneMargaret - Bunsy
Jon - jwheat
Shawn - Sulcus
Gina - lizzilvr
Wesley - Wesmaster123
Hilde - hildekq

Edited by hildekq 2011-01-07 8:18 AM
2011-01-07 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
So big welcomes to Shawn and Wesley!  Shawn and I go way back, I think we started tri-ing around the same time, Janet too.  I think this will be our group.  Looks like everone is already logging in the BT logs, so if you haven't try and get around to everyone's logs and see what they are doing... it's good motivation too, to know that everyone will be checking you out.  Especially when you are not feeling like training!

Happy and safe travels to Wilson... he is such a jetsetter, Mr. European man of mystery!  Maybe he'll bring back some cool European S+M stuff...

I think the June tri in Indy would be the best date for me.  Looks like at least a few of us can commit to that, or BE committed for wanting to meet Wilson in PERSON!!!  He could be a serial killer y'know, the basement of torture and all that, he's luring us in with promises of a fantastic tri!  But if we have Marsha with us, we'll be okay, because she'll be lean and mean and have the "tools" to put him in his place!!

Newbies to the group... you may want to go to the Mentor forum archives and read through it... that would explain a LOT about us crazies over here!
2011-01-07 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks for including me into your group.

Name: Wesley Deschaine (BT Name: wesmaster123; a.k.a Peggy's oldest son)

Story: This is my first year/season every doing triathlons. My first tri race is scheduled for May 1 (Sprint) in Hixson, TN. My mom and sister started racing and training for triathlons last year and I got hooked the first time I went to watch them. I did my first 5k on Thanksgiving and my first 10k a few weeks later.

Family Status: Married with two boys (4 & 3). Currently living in Atlanta, GA but will be moving to Chattanooga, TN in March.

2011 Races: I have a list of races that I would like to compete in for the year, but we will see how the year progresses with family vacations and other things. I plan on competing in some Sprints & Olympic Triathlons this year and maybe the intermediate distance in the Great Floridian Triathlon in Oct.

Weight loss: I am currently trying to lose about 30 pounds

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