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2011-01-17 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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New user

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN

Hi Steph,
Is it too late to join your group? I would love to participate in the mentor program. I am a 38 yr old mother of 3 girls (8, 7 & 3), work full time and my husband is a SAH dad. I completed my first tri last August and consider myself a runner (though I am very inconsistent). I am not a swimmer, but can get by with my very ugly strokes.
My goals for 2011 are to complete at least a couple more tri's both individually and as a relay team so my older girls and husband can participate with me. What I would really like to run a half marathon before I turn 40 in 2012.
I would love to lose a few pounds, but know that will happen as I start to train and get more active. I've been a couch potato since I finished my tri last year.
I need someone to hold me accountable for getting out there and exercising, which is why I like to mentor idea so much. It will be nice to chat with others who share similar goals and struggles.
Thank you,

2011-01-17 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3304010

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
e2a2i - 2011-01-17 10:29 AM

Hi Steph,
Is it too late to join your group? I would love to participate in the mentor program. I am a 38 yr old mother of 3 girls (8, 7 & 3), work full time and my husband is a SAH dad. I completed my first tri last August and consider myself a runner (though I am very inconsistent). I am not a swimmer, but can get by with my very ugly strokes.
My goals for 2011 are to complete at least a couple more tri's both individually and as a relay team so my older girls and husband can participate with me. What I would really like to run a half marathon before I turn 40 in 2012.
I would love to lose a few pounds, but know that will happen as I start to train and get more active. I've been a couch potato since I finished my tri last year.
I need someone to hold me accountable for getting out there and exercising, which is why I like to mentor idea so much. It will be nice to chat with others who share similar goals and struggles.
Thank you,

Hi Amie - it is not to late to join!  Welcome to the group!

We will hold you accountable as you get back into the action.  I think that all of us in the group have kids at home and/or work outside the home, so we can all identify with the struggle to find the time to exercise. 

I'll post a list of everyone's names and weekly goals later this week so that we can refer back to it to keep tabs on each other.  If you have not already started logging your workouts, go ahead and do that and think about what your goal for this week will be.

2011-01-17 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3303436

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Subject: First crack at Olympic
karen26.2 - 2011-01-16 8:20 PM

Maree - you totally can do an Olympic.  I signed up for an Olympic a couple of years ago, after only doing sprints, and I was so nervous.  My husband kept saying I could do it, but I was so nervous.  Well, I did it and never looked back.  The following year I did a HIM, then last year I did an IM.  It's addicting, so be for-warned.


Wow Karen, thats inspiring! I can't imagine IM or even HIM! Thanks for believing- I will try and give it a go! Only problem is, the one I was shooting for, which is near where my family live in Queensland (about 2,000km from where I live) is so popular, they've already closed the ballot for entry next year! Might have to choose another race to kick off with!

Happy training!

2011-01-18 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Uh oh, we're on page 2.  How did that happen?  I don't like to be on page 2...

How's everyone doing?  Anyone racing in the next few weeks?
2011-01-18 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN

My name is Carolyn and I would really like to join your group.  I have done some triathlons, and they were some of the happiest moments of my life.  I am from North Carolina and did the Kure Beach Double Sprint, one in Wilmington, I was going to do one in Nags Head, but it turned into a duathlon because of a hurricane!!  I have also done the Ramblin' Rose in Chapel Hill twice.

I have a 4 year old daughter, and for the last year or so, we have been going through some problems with my DH, and my training has taken a total back seat.  So I have gained a TON of weight, and have been living a sedentary lifestyle.  BOO!!! YUCK!!!

So I need some motivation, and I thought this group might be just that.  I noticed what you said about portion control, and that would be a huge goal of mine too.

I think I just need to get back on track, get healthy, and start to feel better about myself, so I can be not only a good role model for my daughter, but also happier and stronger. 

Anyway, not to go on and on, I was just hoping that I might find a "place" with you guys.

Carolyn Mires
2011-01-18 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3305915

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
CarolynMires - 2011-01-18 9:28 AM Hi!

My name is Carolyn and I would really like to join your group.  I have done some triathlons, and they were some of the happiest moments of my life.  I am from North Carolina and did the Kure Beach Double Sprint, one in Wilmington, I was going to do one in Nags Head, but it turned into a duathlon because of a hurricane!!  I have also done the Ramblin' Rose in Chapel Hill twice.

I have a 4 year old daughter, and for the last year or so, we have been going through some problems with my DH, and my training has taken a total back seat.  So I have gained a TON of weight, and have been living a sedentary lifestyle.  BOO!!! YUCK!!!

So I need some motivation, and I thought this group might be just that.  I noticed what you said about portion control, and that would be a huge goal of mine too.

I think I just need to get back on track, get healthy, and start to feel better about myself, so I can be not only a good role model for my daughter, but also happier and stronger. 

Anyway, not to go on and on, I was just hoping that I might find a "place" with you guys.

Carolyn Mires

Hi Carolyn -

We are glad to have you in the group.  You have come to the right place.  : )

We have been friending each other and getting started using our logs this week and we all made a goal for the week, so reply back with your goal for this week and start working on it!

My goal was portion control and it is going OK so far.  Breakfast is pretty easy (instant oatmeal yesterday and measured my cereal today - UGH!), lunch was OK, but I am doing bad with dinner.  I need to work harder on that.

Hope you have a good day today,

2011-01-18 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Hi Gang -

You will notice that I closed the group today.  We have 16 members now (17 including me) so I thought that adding any more would make it difficult to remember everyone's name and keep up with their logs.

Here is a list of everyone in the group, their BT username and week's goal.  If any of this info is wrong or if you want to add your goal, please send me a pmail or reply back and I'll update.  Please also go ahead and add everyone to your "friends" list so that we can inspire each other.   If you want this info in excel for easier reference, please pmail me your email address and I'll send it to you.

Also, I found it more convenient to add a link to the group thread on my log so that I can just pop straight there without bothering to sift through the other groups.  If you want to do this, copy the following text and go into your "settings" and use the link function (it looks like a piece of chain) to add it to your dashboard:

Alternatively, you can just follow the link from my logs or someone else's.

You can also use the notification function (at the bottom of the thread) to have BT email you every time someone posts in our thread.  I have done this, so that I can keep tabs.  I'm not able to logon except at lunch and home, but this function lets me know what is going on.

Hope you are all doing well and your weeks are starting off great!

Beckyaureuaget back to workouts
Katiecrazyalaskianbike 2x, run 2x
Elizabethelizabethkphys therapy 3x
Juliejultaswim 2x
Karenkaren26.2strength training
Mareemareelouiseswim, bike, run 2x each
Stephmrs. brown_dog_usportion control

Edited to add the link because I couldn't copy it while in reply screen.

Edited by Mrs. brown_dog_us 2011-01-18 10:44 AM
2011-01-18 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Steph!

I think I friended everyone and made my log available. Set a goal, also: Find a good running situation for the Alaskan winter. Rec center, treadmill...?

And my real name is Heather. Sorry...not used to using that on forum type places and I never wrote it down anywhere.

And my first question: What is reasonable for this my first year? There are three main events in which I have an interest this year. One is TriTheKenai on June 12. That is my first and primary goal. It is a beginner's Tri and it's right in my backyard. The second is the Hammerman, also a sprint but offroad (mountain biking, baby!) on July 17. The third I am not as sure about, as it is an Oly - but it will be at the end of the summer (August 8) when I've been training for some time. How long should one wait between events? How hard is it to do two different lengths in one season? I could look for a different type of event in August, skip August, or try one in the Lower 48. I'm afraid if I trained in Alaska and then tried to do a tri in MD or PA or thereabouts in August that I might melt, though.

Also, do you intersperse 5Ks and things like that with your tri schedule just for fun?


Edited by calluna 2011-01-18 1:15 PM
2011-01-18 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Hello Group!  Sorry for the delay in posting my introduction message.  We have some unexpected company staying with us.  Here goes...

I am 29 years old living just north of Atlanta, Georgia.  I am originally from RI but moved down here to go to school and met my husband here.  I grew up swimming on the neighborhood team and ran cross country in high school.  I played lacrosse in college and was also a competitive skydiver.  After college I gained a lot of weight and one day decided to start running again as a way to improve my overall health.  I did a neighborhood 10k and it took me forever but my husband was out on the course supporting me the whole way.  I was one of the last people to finish but I finished and decided that I was back to being a runner.  Later that year my mother did her first triathlon and I decided if she could do one then certainly I could do.  I did my first sprint tri in the summer of 2008.  I joined a local running group and tri club shortly after that.  In 2009 I did my first olympic distance races and also a Half Ironman (HIM).  Jump forward to 2010 and I did another HIM and my first full Ironman in August (Louisville, KY).  The day after my big race was over I got sent out on the road for work and haven't done much in terms of working out.  I consequently gained back all of the weight I had previously lost and more importantly all of the fitness I had built up.  So I am back to starting at square one now and trying to decide what my plans are for this year.

I'm a slow triathlete - I'm not super strong in swimming, biking, or running but can hang in there for all three of them.  I enjoy working out with friends but am feeling apprehensive about meeting back up with them since I have been away for so long and I won't be able to keep up.  It is an ironic situation though because if I don't get back out there I won't ever get that fitness back.  

My goals for this month are to get back into a routine and establish a schedule.  It is cold and rainy here today in Georgia and I keep using the weather as an excuse.  But the days keep going by so I think I will just need to suck it up and get out there.  

Looking forward to the mentor group!!

2011-01-18 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Keeping My Head Straight
Hi all,

so far so good for this week! Easy for me given the nice mild summer weather we are having. Sunny but cool- so perfect for training! Proud of myself this morning- we had friends stay last night and had a couple of wines, so I could feel my head thinking this would be a great excuse not to get up and go swimming, but I just ignored my head and got out of bed anyway and off to the pool. It felt good.
For me, the real challenge of triathlon is in creating the habit and maintaining the motivation. I keep feeling like there must be some secret I don't know about, but am starting to thing "Just Do It" is the only relevant advice on this topic.


2011-01-18 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3307222

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Subject: Training in a group
Hi Becky
I understand your apprehension about training in a group! I am the slowest runner in my group and sometines I find it really frustrating that I can't keep up. But one evening as we were running back to our cars (I'd given myself a headstart so I'd get back around the same time as everyone else), a group of the iron man guys ran past me, and one of the guys shouted out "hey, good work Maree- don't worry, we're hurting just as much as you are!".
I thought that was a great comment cause it made me realise that everyone gives as much as they can. And just having people pushing me on is brilliant.
I like training in a group and would really recommend it- maybe you can reframe the way you think about it...
Just a thought.
Happy training


2011-01-18 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I am getting really excited about the thought of doing my first triathlon this spring!  I am trying to work through some injuries that I have from training for an upcoming half marathon on January 30 (plantar fascitis and IT Band pain in my hip).  I figure I will just lay off the running once I finish the race and concentrate on swimming (my weakest event) and biking.  Anyway, I have two questions.

1. I know that I will need a sports bra under the trisuit that I just purchased.  Do they sell special bras that dry out after swimming?  Any recommendations?

2. Do most of the swimmers do flip turns at pool tris?  I can do a basic flip turn but I kind of think I might go faster if I just turn around.  I suppose that is something I can work on when I am training. 

I am having a hard time with all the unknowns about this sport--all I really know is from my book at watching the Kona Ironman on TV!  I know I just need to give it a whirl and know that people won't be laughing at me.  I am just my own work critic! 
2011-01-19 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3307812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
klinhart - 2011-01-18 10:44 PM I am getting really excited about the thought of doing my first triathlon this spring!  I am trying to work through some injuries that I have from training for an upcoming half marathon on January 30 (plantar fascitis and IT Band pain in my hip).  I figure I will just lay off the running once I finish the race and concentrate on swimming (my weakest event) and biking.  Anyway, I have two questions.

1. I know that I will need a sports bra under the trisuit that I just purchased.  Do they sell special bras that dry out after swimming?  Any recommendations?

2. Do most of the swimmers do flip turns at pool tris?  I can do a basic flip turn but I kind of think I might go faster if I just turn around.  I suppose that is something I can work on when I am training. 

I am having a hard time with all the unknowns about this sport--all I really know is from my book at watching the Kona Ironman on TV!  I know I just need to give it a whirl and know that people won't be laughing at me.  I am just my own work critic! 

Oh yes, your first tri, you'll never forget it.

1.  Any of the tri apparel companies would be a good place to start.  They use the nice fabrics that dry out quickly.  My personal favorites are 2XU & Zoot.  Search online and look for 2009 or 2010 seasons for a better price.  Last years 2XU tri tops are very nice and should work well under a trisuit or wetsuit.

2.  I'm not a great swimmer, and never do flip turns.  I can do them, but until I practice a lot I find I'm quicker just touching the end and turning around.  Lots of tri peeps do not do flip turns at all so you won't be alone.  The first tri I did was in a pool, and to be honest I didn't even think of attempting flip turns.  I don't know what everyone else was doing, I didn't notice.

You're going to do great!

OK - now I have a question.  For all you swimmers, can you suggest some drills to do.  At masters the coach always has drills for the warmup and all I ever do is fingertip and zipper.  I can never think of any to do.  (OK, sometimes I'll do fists only, or catch up which I hate, or the swim on side for 3 kicks, turn to other side, swim 3 kicks, etc.)  I'm looking for some other ideas.  What drills are there for back or breast?  And any other good ones for free?

Lastly - I need to change my goal for the week.  Strength training is not going to happen.  I'm still sore from the yoga and core work, I need to wait a week or two before starting weights again.  So, my new revised goal will be to add in a 2nd yoga or stretch workout to my weekly goal of 1 time.  That will be a challenge for me, but very much needed.  This body just does not bend!!!
2011-01-19 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3307730

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Subject: RE: Keeping My Head Straight

Thanks Maree!

I was thinking about writing a post on this very topic.

It is hard to get into or back into the exercise habit.  Everyone struggles with this after even a small amount of time off.

The best advice I ever got on this subject was from the Fitness for Dummies book.  Yes, I own it. Embarassed   This is embarrassing, but I bought the book in about 2000/2001 because I knew I needed to do some strength training and had no clue where to start.  So, anyway, I'm not a flipper.  I read books cover to cover (even cookbooks), so I got the Fitness for Dummies book and started with the introductions and the very first thing they say is that you should exercise every day. 

"WHAT?"  I thought to myself, "that is just crazy talk for loony people."  I was in decent shape at the time and could run 4 miles 3x a week with no problem but the idea of daily exercise was ridiculous to me.  Well, now that I've been running and doing triathlons, I don't think it is quite so weird. 

I still don't do any strength training, and I think the whole "streaking" or never taking a day off concept is bad because your body does need rest, but the idea of getting in a daily habit is good!  It is way easier to plan your day and your life if you just assume that the workout will be in your day, like brushing your teeth.  Sure, early-morning meetings, oversleeping or other stuff happen but for the most part, at 5am on every day, I am doing something (or feeling guilty because I've missed it).  That way, I don't spend my "off" days dreading my "on" days or making deals with myself about how I can move my "on" day to tomorrow and take today off.  I just get up and exercise every day.  Not having a choice also takes the thought and deal-making out of the equation. 

I also find that if I don't lay out my gear the night before, I will skip my workout.  That sounds dumb, but it is true, so I just lay everything out the night before to remove as many obstacles as possible in the morning so I can't let one of them slow me down so I skip.

Now, I know that most people don't like the morning thing.  That is totally fine.  You just have to find the time of day that works for you.  Most people like to do evenings because it makes them leave work on time and then they eat dinner after their exercise guilt-free.  That doesn't work for me because (1) it adds an extra shower to the day, (2) I never remember all of my gear, (3) I never leave work on time, and (4) I will make every excuse in the book not to exercise after work.  Maybe lunchtimes are better for you, or maybe at night after the kids are in bed or while DH is on the internet.  Whatever.

Find your happy time and commit to doing something (anything) active during that period every day.  If you have to start late for some reason, don't just skip.  Do a shorter workout or s
wap ?spo?rts or take a walk or do some core in the time you do have.   Then, you won't beat your?self u?p about skipping and will still be in the habit.

?AND, if yo?u have to miss a day, whatever.  You can just jump back on the horse tomorrow. 

Sometimes skipping a workout puts us in a downward spiral that leads back to the couch because we feel guilty for missing and then we overeat to assuage the guilt and then we do?n't want to workout the next day because we feel fat and then we skip another day and the guilt is worse or we feel like we are already off of the wagon so we eat more, and, and, and.  We have all been there.   It SUCKS.  However, f you have a daily exercise habit, you can afford to miss a day every now and th?en and it is not that big a deal.


Edited to add that it might be a good time to mention that you should all pmail me your email addresses so that I can ping you if you stop logging in on BT.  I won't give your emails to anyone else or use them for any other reason, but I don't have any way of contacting you if you don't

Edited by Mrs. brown_dog_us 2011-01-19 8:18 AM
2011-01-19 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

AND, as if my post weren't already long enough, if anyone is the sort that needs a kick in the pants sometimes, please pmail me (click on messages in the user information box or click on message in my blog) your email address and I will follow-up with you if you aren't showing up here regularly.  I will not use your email for any other purpose or give it to anyone else without permission.  I will only email you if you aren't on BT.

Hope you all have a great day!


2011-01-19 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
First off, Becky get your butt to the Sunday runs!!!!  We miss you and you aren't the only one who hasn't been training consistently.  Justin even showed up last week (but did not run, oddly enough).  Jay is going to stage an intervention soon if you don't come.

Second, to chime in on the motivation thing.  I still suck at getting in workouts consistently but the following was what got me through Ironman training:
1) Have a written out training schedule (even if it is something you sit down and write yourself the beginning of the week).  Knowing what workouts you have to do (and ideally, when) and being able to "check them off" after is actually pretty good for motivation.
2) Have a training buddy or buddies and tell them you are going to meet them (and show up!).  Accountability is awesome for getting you to do something you could easily talk yourself out of and the social aspect gives you something to look forward to. 
3) Have a specific long term goal for seeing the "big picture" when the workouts get tough.
4) Morning workouts......yep they suck but they have been easier for me because they don't get thrown off by the stuff that comes up during the day and saps my motivation.

Now, this just comes from personal experience and includes things that not everyone has the luxury of having (training buddies, for example) but Steph's mentor group covers some of them already.  Be sure to add your goals to your training log too so it is easier to "check up on you" Laughing


2011-01-19 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3308507

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Another Alaskan? Are you folks in Anchorage? Humbug. I moved out of Anchorage a little over two years ago...

2011-01-19 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
My 2 cents and a question.

Flip turns - I do them but most others I see at the pool don't (expecially the tri swimmers who are going for distance).  Having completed a 'beginner' tri (supersprint) last year, I will tell you that you will see all types.  NO ONE will be looking at you - they are all too caught up in what they are doing.  But don't be afraid to ask folks around you at the event - I find most tri-folk to be very helpful.

Motivation - Setting out the clothes at night for AM workout is a must.  As is the written workout for me.  I do better on my own than in a group, because I'm a slow runner too.  But if I have the workout mapped out for the week, it just becomes part of the day not an optional thing.  Also having a class (spin or swim group) helps with the schedule.  Plus I get crabby if I don't workout!

Question - How many races should I shoot for in a season?  Going to add Olympic dist this year and a couple of Sprints.  I want to see progress (not just rack up entrance fees) in my performance.  Any suggestions?

2011-01-19 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3308941

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-01-19 12:45 PM My 2 cents and a question.

Flip turns - I do them but most others I see at the pool don't (expecially the tri swimmers who are going for distance).  Having completed a 'beginner' tri (supersprint) last year, I will tell you that you will see all types.  NO ONE will be looking at you - they are all too caught up in what they are doing.  But don't be afraid to ask folks around you at the event - I find most tri-folk to be very helpful.

Motivation - Setting out the clothes at night for AM workout is a must.  As is the written workout for me.  I do better on my own than in a group, because I'm a slow runner too.  But if I have the workout mapped out for the week, it just becomes part of the day not an optional thing.  Also having a class (spin or swim group) helps with the schedule.  Plus I get crabby if I don't workout!

Question - How many races should I shoot for in a season?  Going to add Olympic dist this year and a couple of Sprints.  I want to see progress (not just rack up entrance fees) in my performance.  Any suggestions?


Hi Jennifer -

I try not to schedule more than 1 race per month, because otherwise I get behind on my chores (laundry, bills, etc) but that is just me.  If you have tons of races close to your house, you might be able to race more often than that.  You may want to give yourself a month to taper before your Olympic race since it is a new distance for you, but other than that if you are not injured and don't feel burned-out you can certainly do more than 1 per month.  Because each race venue is so different, it will be hard to accurately judge whether you are improving week to week based on your times, but you will be able to tell that your body is getting stronger.

I agree with what you said about the flip turns.  Folks are all over the map on that issue.  My DH has never done one and never plans to.  I always do them but I don't think it makes much difference either way.  Even when I'm doing my training swims, unless I'm trying to race the person next to me, I don't notice whether they flip or not.


PS  Your logs and Carolyn's are still private so the rest of us can't go in and inspire you.  It is not required that you make them open, but I find them a good way to keep motivated and also keep track of what I've done.  You can limit access to just friends, but then you have to "friend" us.   : )

Edited by Mrs. brown_dog_us 2011-01-19 12:00 PM
2011-01-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3308904

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
calluna - 2011-01-19 12:28 PM Another Alaskan? Are you folks in Anchorage? Humbug. I moved out of Anchorage a little over two years ago...

I'm a former Fairbanksan but since I was born and raised there, and still have family there, I still claim it in my screen name. Might I suggest, as a benefit for a particularly good training session, some Silver Gulch beer? .....shameless plug, I know, but you probably only have Alaskan Brewing Co's stuff in Kenai anyways.

I migrated to Atlanta which is where Steph, Karen and Becky are. 
2011-01-19 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3307736

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Subject: RE: Training in a group
mareelouise - 2011-01-18 8:54 PM  maybe you can reframe the way you think about it... Just a thought. Happy training Maree

Maree that's an excellent point!  Maybe I do need to reframe the way I view group trainings!  I hope your week is going well!

I am so jealous of you being in Australia!  You must be having some good training weather right about now.

Question for you - you mentioned you were doing somethings on the side for core.  What are you doing for that? 

2011-01-19 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3308507

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
crazyalaskian - 2011-01-19 9:24 AM First off, Becky get your butt to the Sunday runs!!!!  

Thanks Katie.  I've got tennis matches every Sunday so I rescheduled my runs for Saturday but as you can see those have not been happening.  Maybe I just need to move them back to Sunday and then be accountable to the group.  I also lost my ipod.  I cannot find it anywhere and as silly as that sounds it is throwing me off.

What is your season looking like? 
2011-01-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Katie -  What are you doing for your it band/hip issues?  I've had horrible problems the last couple of years and nothing seems to be helping.  I was trying to build up my running really really slowly this year but just today it started to hurt again.  I got a cortisone shot for it once but thats not a long term solution and I'm interested in what you're doing.  I'm doing all sorts of hip strengthening/stretching exercises but dont think that they're working.

Hope everyone is having a great week!
2011-01-19 2:29 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Ok I too sometimes have motivation problems, but one thing that I heard one time from a diet blog I used to read (PastaQueen). This was her reply to how she kept herself motivated.

"Motivation Schmotivation

The only answer I can come up with is, “Screw motivation.” If I waited until I was motivated to do my dishes, I’d have plates stacked up on my counter so high that I couldn’t open the microwave. Which I currently do. I’m never motivated to do my dishes. Yet I turn on the faucet and break out the dish soap anyway. It’s not because I want to have fun with bubbles, it’s because I have to. How am I supposed to make my morning oatmeal if the microwave has more restricted access than the Mexican border? My only other option would be to go to Goodwill every week and buy more plates, which I’d have to wash anyway. That store is dirty, y’all. I’m never motivated to do my laundry either, but I separate my whites from my darks and run to the bank early on Saturday morning to get a roll of quarters anyway. It’s cheaper than buying new underwear every week."

Any way it somtimes helps me to think of it this way.

I'm having a hard time keeping everyone straight right now but hopefully that will come. I love being able to share in the excitment of those of you getting ready for your first tri. Oh how exciting that was. Not that I'm not excited about my first 70.3 but I think now I'm more scared...although maybe not, I was probably just as scared before my first sprint tri. It's all relative I guess.

I did get in a swim this morning so 1/2 way to my goal of 2 swims!

2011-01-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3308991

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I have my logs setting on 'open to friends'.  I think I friended everyone in the group.  Can you try checking them again?  I'm not sure what else to do.  Thanks!

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