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2011-04-10 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3435636

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Sacramento, CA
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

which goup was your last?

2011-04-10 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Recovery day today (always do this on Sunday) and I did need it.

I only started swim lessons in October, and recently had to change teachers due to scheduling issues. I feel like I've been making good progress on my skills up to this point, and I have been improving my distance and times. But the new guy has me working a lot harder, and I'm sore in a lot of strange places - particularly the area between my shoulder blades, and my forearms (I feel this whenever I flex my wrists). I know I am getting a lot more power by engaging these muscles, but at this point they are doing a lot of complaining.

This week will be difficult - I'm doing an extra shift at work, and I have work related meetings during two of the times when I would normally be training. I will just have to fit in what I can, when I can...

2011-04-10 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3438806

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Mary,  I have been trying to figure that out also. 

I just ran a ten mile race today. This is my schedule for the year at the moment, although I am sure I will do other 5Ks

May 1 - 5.8mile  race as part of a relay team 

June 19-  International  Tri

Aug 13th- sprint tri

Oct. 1- sprint tri

Nov 6- Half marathon

So I really have no idea how to plan the training. 

My current plan is to try and fit this in each week. The distances will change depending on the next race:

long run (5-10)and later in the day a  very short swim and hot tub soak , a med run(4, maybe some speed work)

Long bike( 25-40) ,   short bike(8-12) with a short run after (1 - 3) ,  long swim, med swim

Although I never  fit all that in. Plus I guess every few weeks I need a recovery week with shorter distances.

But I have no idea if that is a good idea.  I also do not know how long to rest after my 10 mile race today.  My legs are very sore. 


2011-04-10 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3439085

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

What kinds of swim drills does your teacher have you doing?  I took lessons for about 2 months this past winter, but am now getting bored with the same drills. I also like the long swim.


2011-04-11 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Well my Half yesterday didn't go as I had planned but I did finish which is important LOL I ended with a 2:14:12.01 time. Between the heat and inclines i struggled to maintain the pace I had planned. Knowing the course layout a little better, if I do run this one next year I will definitely be approaching it differently, with respect   Today's Training- REST Hopefully back in the pool and on the bike tomorrow and will pick up the run with an easy 3 miles on Wednesday. Good training to all today!
2011-04-11 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3439169

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
jeanawright - 2011-04-10 10:34 PM

What kinds of swim drills does your teacher have you doing?  I took lessons for about 2 months this past winter, but am now getting bored with the same drills. I also like the long swim.


A few different things.

The thing that's causing the fatigue, I believe, is that he has me rotating a lot more strongly and engaging the muscles of the upper back in my pull. I bilateral breath, and my tendency is to get a reasonably good rotation on strokes when I breathe, but less rotation when I don't breathe. He really wants me to get up on my side and use the body roll to pull me through the water.

He also got me working on backstroke, which I have never even tried before. He said although this is not particularly useful for triathlon, it will make me a better swimmer and will help my overall swim fitness.

One of the drills he has me doing forces me to change speeds. Before, I was basically just always swimming at the same pace - a slower, 'endurance' pace. The drill he has me doing for this is to do two laps as slow as I possibly can while still maintaining stroke rhythm, and time that. That time is X. Then go slightly faster, and use the remaining time up to X for rest. Then go faster again, with a bit longer rest to total time X. Repeat this until swimming as fast as I can, with progressively longer rest time. This has been good, because it used to be very hard for me to change speeds - I really had only one speed in the water. This has been helping me a lot.

2011-04-11 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

hey everybody..

Been a crazy week here, but the weather finally cooperated yesterday.  Of course, the family wanted to ride, so it turned into an 18 mile, 3+ hour adventure, but I did manage to get some 1/2 mile sprints in.  On the last 1/2 mile home, after my wife said "go for it, do your thing", I hit 31 mph after cresting a small hill onto a flat, so all in all a decent cardio workout at the finish. 

Spinning class tonight (raining big time here).  Pool tomorrow morning, and maybe spinning tomorrow evening.

2011-04-11 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
After a week of hard (for me) training I pretty much took the weekend off and I'm feeling like a blob today.  I did get in 45 minutes of wicked trampoline dodgeball at my nephew's bday party on Saturday.  Great workout, doesn't log many miles though....  And then spent most of yesterday doing yard work, not such a great workout, still no miles...  I'm supposed to do 90 minutes of biking today but the bike is in the shop so I'm thinking I'm going to switch that with my Wednesday run.  Does anyone else have these types of issues that force you to move workouts around?  And how much does that screw you up?  I'm finding it throws my whole week off when I do this stuff but knowing that life happens I am trying to figure out how to make these changes more intelligently.  Thanks and happy Monday.
2011-04-11 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I can't offer you any advice but I can empathize with you.  I was out on vacation all last week so my schedule was more or less thrown out the window. Then this weekend was doing nothing but traveling so I got no workout in other than hauling luggage around the airport. Woke up this morning tired and drained and have no desire to get back on it. 
2011-04-11 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3439445

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Yeah dnoble, I am the same way, if I miss a day and have to try and reschedule it really throws a monkey wrench into my training plan.
2011-04-11 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I'm having the same issue.

My brother (intense triathlete) and I were talking, and he basically said that it may be important that if you aren't able to train one day because of conflict, basically go all out in whatever you were planning for the next workout.  For example.  If you miss a swim day, then the next swim day, do sprints until you can't sprint anymore.  Go as hard as you can for as long as you can, and then return to your plan.  He says it's difficult, but he says it's working for him.

2011-04-11 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3439375

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
alath - 2011-04-11 7:01 AM
jeanawright - 2011-04-10 10:34 PM

What kinds of swim drills does your teacher have you doing?  I took lessons for about 2 months this past winter, but am now getting bored with the same drills. I also like the long swim.


A few different things.

The thing that's causing the fatigue, I believe, is that he has me rotating a lot more strongly and engaging the muscles of the upper back in my pull. I bilateral breath, and my tendency is to get a reasonably good rotation on strokes when I breathe, but less rotation when I don't breathe. He really wants me to get up on my side and use the body roll to pull me through the water.

He also got me working on backstroke, which I have never even tried before. He said although this is not particularly useful for triathlon, it will make me a better swimmer and will help my overall swim fitness.

One of the drills he has me doing forces me to change speeds. Before, I was basically just always swimming at the same pace - a slower, 'endurance' pace. The drill he has me doing for this is to do two laps as slow as I possibly can while still maintaining stroke rhythm, and time that. That time is X. Then go slightly faster, and use the remaining time up to X for rest. Then go faster again, with a bit longer rest to total time X. Repeat this until swimming as fast as I can, with progressively longer rest time. This has been good, because it used to be very hard for me to change speeds - I really had only one speed in the water. This has been helping me a lot.


Interesting. I really hadn't considered swim lessons as I was a fish as a kid, was on swim team and the lot, so I know "how" to swim. But this makes me think maybe I should look into a few lessons.

2011-04-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3439647

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

alath -Thanks.  I will try both of those in the pool.  My teacher did have me do backstroke and I haven't for awhile.  I also swim at one speed and it will be interesting to see how I do on the change speed drill.

shannon- I also took swim lessons as a kid and am a very confident swimmer.  After my sprint and olympic tris last summer I decided to take a couple lessons.  I figured if I was going to put all the time in the pool I should make sure my stroke is correct.  TIMES HAVE CHANGED. I am 47 and swimming is very different now. After my first lesson I was shocked. I had to completely relearn to swim. I was drinking pool water and coughing.  It was actually funny.  My teacher said he thought it would be 6 months before he was happy with my stroke. I have no idea how or if it will impact my time or if it even makes a difference, but I now swim very differently than I did then.


2011-04-11 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3439373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Congrats on finishing the half.  I ran a 10 mile race yesterday and last night we signed up for a half in November.  I am slightly frightened. I think from 10 miles to 13 will be very hard, but that will be a fall problem.  Now it is time to focus on the Tri. 
2011-04-11 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3439705

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

jeanawright - 2011-04-11 9:46 AM Congrats on finishing the half.  I ran a 10 mile race yesterday and last night we signed up for a half in November.  I am slightly frightened. I think from 10 miles to 13 will be very hard, but that will be a fall problem.  Now it is time to focus on the Tri. 


Don't be frightened, the difference between 10 and 13 really isn't as much as you think. Half mary is a fabulous race distance.

2011-04-11 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Lexington OH
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL


Has anyone done extensive shopping research on heart rate monitors that can be used for running, cycling, and swimming?  I'm looking for something reasonably priced below $200 if possible.

2011-04-11 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

So after my whine above I decided to just HTFU and get myself to the pool and boy am I glad I did.  I was kind of dreading this work-out.  To put it into perspective, I started training in February and that first week the thought of swimming 1 length of the pool was impossible for me without drinking lots of water and believing I was going to drown before I finished. 

Today's workout (probably a warm-up for most) was a 4x25 warm-up, followed by 5x100 intervals (with 40 sec rest) and 4x25 cool down.  Last week my work-out was 8x75 intervals with decreasing rests each day.  The last time I tried to swim 100 straight I thought I was going die.  Lungs burning, arms burning, and legs burning.  But today was different. Swam the first 100 and wasn't even phased, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th! Surely something was wrong.  Did I miscount? I didn't feel tired at all.  In fact I wanted to keep going but my lunch break was over.  I think things are finally coming together!

Now I'm more than motivated to get back on track again!

2011-04-11 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I can empathize with everyone's training interruption dilemma's. I worked 34 hrs over the weekend at the "part time" job....managed to get a treadmill run in there and a bike ride before bed last back at the "Full time" gig, which is usually 50 to 60 hrs a week. Travelling this week so hoping the hotel has at least a stationary bike and a books the hotels so I dont get to choose one with a pool and great fitness center. I just try to fit in whatever I can whenever I can without completely neglecting my family.
2011-04-11 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3440242

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NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
wushunut - 2011-04-11 1:03 PM

So after my whine above I decided to just HTFU and get myself to the pool and boy am I glad I did.  I was kind of dreading this work-out.  To put it into perspective, I started training in February and that first week the thought of swimming 1 length of the pool was impossible for me without drinking lots of water and believing I was going to drown before I finished. 

Today's workout (probably a warm-up for most) was a 4x25 warm-up, followed by 5x100 intervals (with 40 sec rest) and 4x25 cool down.  Last week my work-out was 8x75 intervals with decreasing rests each day.  The last time I tried to swim 100 straight I thought I was going die.  Lungs burning, arms burning, and legs burning.  But today was different. Swam the first 100 and wasn't even phased, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th! Surely something was wrong.  Did I miscount? I didn't feel tired at all.  In fact I wanted to keep going but my lunch break was over.  I think things are finally coming together!

Now I'm more than motivated to get back on track again!

Wow....thats some awesome progress! What kind of training have you done? I was in similar situation when I began my swim training in Jan. I've progressed some, but nowhere near what you have. Swimming has become my nemesis.....I work and work but see little results.

2011-04-11 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I watched a lot of videos on youtube first, then took a basic swim class at the Y.  But I found a swim work-out on which is a 12-week sprint distance swim plan.  Here's the link.

It's been working pretty well for me.  I used the videos and swim class to help with my form and now I'm just working on endurance, which this plan is helping me with.  I don't really do the "zone" training that the plan talks about, I just swim.  I'm also doing this in conjunction with the 16week swim focused sprint plan. Swimming is also my weakness so I need to focus on it. I didn't discover the swim plan until a month into the 16week plan so it works out.  Since the 16week swim focused plan has me swimming 3x a week I just throw in an extra swim to the swim plan (the swim plan only has you swimming 2x a week).  It's been working really well for me and slowly building up my endurance.

Edited by wushunut 2011-04-11 2:17 PM
2011-04-12 5:45 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

The thing I try to remember about training interruptions is that it will happen but if you miss one or two workouts here or there it's not the end of the world an unanticipated rest day can do your body a lot of good just with the time to repair itself and in the grand scheme of things 1 or 2 missed days on a 6 month workout plan isn't going to /kill/ your time, if it happens to me I switch up my routines so that the one I missed is the shorter workout of that discipline...

First day of class went well learned how to do correct bike fit and was able to make my dept issued bike fit a whole lot better but it is still too small a frame but we wrok with what we got, hopefully my knees will stop sounding like popping popcorn when I crouch...  shorter ride but that will  change today...

I have to give a 12 min presentation on hydration anyone know of some decent articles I can pull from?

Also here is a decent article for newer swimmers about tri swimming the website itself is a fairly decent resource

2011-04-12 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3276373

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Wow - I'm a beginner, and I read somewhere in BT that it's good for beginners to focus on just doing the time. Since my goal is to finish, not finish first (!) I wonder if I'm still OK doing just the time. I don't do the heart rate thing, I just use my bike computer and my iPhone app to track the miles, so I can record them in the log.

Is this just a goal oriented thing - to train in more simple way like I'm doing and that's OK? Or should I be thinking more about the heart rate and sprints, or changing up the routines. I just swim, sometimes I swim a couple laps faster and sometimes try to go really slow, but just do the time.


2011-04-12 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3440467

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
wushunut - 2011-04-11 2:14 PM

I watched a lot of videos on youtube first, then took a basic swim class at the Y.  But I found a swim work-out on which is a 12-week sprint distance swim plan.  Here's the link.

It's been working pretty well for me.  I used the videos and swim class to help with my form and now I'm just working on endurance, which this plan is helping me with.  I don't really do the "zone" training that the plan talks about, I just swim.  I'm also doing this in conjunction with the 16week swim focused sprint plan. Swimming is also my weakness so I need to focus on it. I didn't discover the swim plan until a month into the 16week plan so it works out.  Since the 16week swim focused plan has me swimming 3x a week I just throw in an extra swim to the swim plan (the swim plan only has you swimming 2x a week).  It's been working really well for me and slowly building up my endurance.

Thanks...I took a look at the program and think perhaps it may work for me. I too am going to swim 3 times a week. Where I'm at I just don't think twice a week will allow me to make the progress I need. I'm 11 weeks from my first race of the season, so it fits in pretty well. Hopefully the structure will help. I was also following a swim focused program, but frankly I didnt feel it was challenging enough (with the exception of swimming). So, I've begun just doing a rotation of swim, bike, run, and fitting in some strength and plyo/core work along with some bricks. I feel I'm getting stronger and faster. I'm careful to follow the 10 % rule as to increases and so far so good. So....I hit the pool last night for workout # 1 from the program. Unfortunately, because of work travel I probably wont get back in the pool until Friday.

2011-04-12 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3438806

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-04-10 5:07 PM

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd gloat about the fact that the snow has finally melted from my back yard... except for one little pile on the north side of the house.

I ran today outside my little cabin in Wisconsin and it felt good. I'm on week 3 of the 13 week program and finally feel better about running. I read somewhere in BT about how beginners ought to focus on just doing the time and since I stopped trying to go fast, running has been way more pleasant. Of course, my husband thinks he could walk as fast as I run but I say pooh on him!

I did have a general training question tho - I started working out in December - did the couch to 5K walking and running; and then signed up for a couple of tris. One is at the end of June and is a short sprint (400 yd swim, 12 mile bike and 2 mile run). My second tri is middle of August (800 yd swim, 18 mile bike and 5 k run). I was having a terrible time trying to figure out what training plan to follow and just decided to quit worrying about it and follow the 13 week sprint plan.

But how do you train for 2 different events? I mean - i will be at the end of the 13 week plan by the time i do the short tri. So what do I do between June and August? I'm so new to this that thinking too much really screws me up. So I just need direction - do this and I seem to be OK.


Hi Mary,

Your two scheduled tris are pretty close in distance so you can stick with the sprint training plan. But if you feel really good after your first tri in June then you can also start an Olympic plan before your 2nd tri. This will increase your distance and stamina and with this your sprint times most likely will improve as well. I hope that answers your question?!

2011-04-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3436949

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
jeanawright - 2011-04-08 6:56 PM

Interesting about the Rickover connection.  Definitely heard of him my whole adult life.

How do you all keep track of your workouts?

I had been logging my workouts on facebook since the start of 2010, but am ready to switch to something else.  

Any body have any advice or great system for logging workouts?  Do you use the training log on this site? I might like something that is actually on my computer also.  I do have a garmin forerunner 305,  and use the Garmin training center software to get the info off my watch.


You can use whatever you want but at least try to log your workouts on the BT site. I find it is quite helpful when you have questions then others can easily see what type of workouts you have been doing and can more easily answer your questions about training. Plus then we can all encourage you if you're slacking

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