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2012-01-02 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3965232

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open

TimX3 - 2012-01-01 6:19 PM 

In the fall I decided that running was my real weakness so I set out on to improve my results. PR'd my 10K but suffered a plantar fascists injury in the weeks of training leading up to the race. It was so bad that I missed my first 15K that I had signed up for and haven't run since mid October. 


I know your pain, friend. It took me 4 and a half months to finally start getting back into my preferred mileage. Are you finding success for treatment? It's such a bugger of an injury.


2012-01-02 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Crystal lake
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open


I read more about the Mentor program and now understand that this is not intended to be a Coaching program. So, if you still have available space I would like to join your mentor program.

Here is a little about myself:

NAME: Clark Davis

STORY: I have been a short twitch muscle athlete my entire life and am brand new into the world of endurance training/racing. I have reached a place where my Weight Training is simply not enough to satisfy my need to challenge myself physically and basketball is for fun alone. I have chosen S/B/R because it offers variance to satisfy my activity ADD while still offering the endurance challenge.
FAMILY STATUS: I am divorced with 3 boys, 23, 18, and 15. 
CURRENT TRAINING: I have been weight training for many years now usually 5-6 days a week.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: None, I am just starting endurance training/racing  
2012 RACES:  My goals for this year are to complete an Olympic Tri and a Half Marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: I will look to shed 5-10 pounds just to make the impart of running less on my joints.


2012-01-02 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3966592

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
BernardDogs - 2012-01-02 2:11 PM

TimX3 - 2012-01-01 6:19 PM 

In the fall I decided that running was my real weakness so I set out on to improve my results. PR'd my 10K but suffered a plantar fascists injury in the weeks of training leading up to the race. It was so bad that I missed my first 15K that I had signed up for and haven't run since mid October. 


I know your pain, friend. It took me 4 and a half months to finally start getting back into my preferred mileage. Are you finding success for treatment? It's such a bugger of an injury.


Thanks Troy. I have been hanging in there. Using the night boot and most of all NOT running. I almost feel like I am ready to run. I was at the track yesterday helping my wife calibrate her new Garmin and ran a bit with her but I don't want to push my luck. I will likely take January off and see how it feels in February.
2012-01-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3966532

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open


I'll also be volunteering for IMLP with the hopes of registering for IMLP 2013. 

Troy, I'll be volunteering for IMLP as well. My original plan was to register for IMLP 2013 but now I am not sure because the whole PF thing threw a wrench in the works. We'll have to see.

2012-01-02 6:37 PM
in reply to: #3966953

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
TimX3 - 2012-01-02 7:05 PM

Troy, I'll be volunteering for IMLP as well. My original plan was to register for IMLP 2013 but now I am not sure because the whole PF thing threw a wrench in the works. We'll have to see.

You've got plenty of time for recovery and training. 12 sessions of dry needle trigger point therapy ... mostly to loosen my calf provided the turning point for me. I do think my introduction back into cross training (bike/swim) has also definitely helped my overall flexibility and, accordingly, keeping my PF in line. So keep on with the bike/swim in the meantime and you'll be amazed at how much fitness ... and even run speed ... you'll keep.

2012-01-02 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3967005

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
BernardDogs - 2012-01-02 7:37 PM
TimX3 - 2012-01-02 7:05 PM

Troy, I'll be volunteering for IMLP as well. My original plan was to register for IMLP 2013 but now I am not sure because the whole PF thing threw a wrench in the works. We'll have to see.

You've got plenty of time for recovery and training. 12 sessions of dry needle trigger point therapy ... mostly to loosen my calf provided the turning point for me. I do think my introduction back into cross training (bike/swim) has also definitely helped my overall flexibility and, accordingly, keeping my PF in line. So keep on with the bike/swim in the meantime and you'll be amazed at how much fitness ... and even run speed ... you'll keep.

I agree.  Though I would recommend acupuncture and trigger point massage.   ,  if you train in the disciplines you can, you have a good chance to maintain your current run fitness.  

Edited by rsmoylan 2012-01-02 7:15 PM

2012-01-02 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3966621

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
adventure42 - 2012-01-02 3:23 PM


I read more about the Mentor program and now understand that this is not intended to be a Coaching program. So, if you still have available space I would like to join your mentor program.

Here is a little about myself:

NAME: Clark Davis

STORY: I have been a short twitch muscle athlete my entire life and am brand new into the world of endurance training/racing. I have reached a place where my Weight Training is simply not enough to satisfy my need to challenge myself physically and basketball is for fun alone. I have chosen S/B/R because it offers variance to satisfy my activity ADD while still offering the endurance challenge.
FAMILY STATUS: I am divorced with 3 boys, 23, 18, and 15. 
CURRENT TRAINING: I have been weight training for many years now usually 5-6 days a week.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: None, I am just starting endurance training/racing  
2012 RACES:  My goals for this year are to complete an Olympic Tri and a Half Marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: I will look to shed 5-10 pounds just to make the impart of running less on my joints.


Hi Clark.  I will say yes and finally close the group.  Congratulations on making the switch over to endurance training.  Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way.  

2012-01-02 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Evening, all.

Any newbies train today? I went to the Y and decided to get started. I biked for 10 minutes, ran a mile, and swam to 2 laps in a 25yd pool (100 yards total). I wanted to see how I would feel the next day. It sounds like weenie practice but was excited to get going!

Scott, what do you think is a good beginner schedule? I want to start with a few sprints (one a quarter?) and maybe do an Olympic distance at end of year. Is 8 weeks a good amount to spend training? 12 weeks? 16? I have gone back and forth. I'm in okay shape so I'm not sure how long to start. I know I need to focus on swimming and stretching. I'm sure my technique can improve in everything.

What did everyone do today?





2012-01-02 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3967199

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good evening to everyone as well

I did a six mile run today.  Real cold and windy here in Northern Virginia.  I am still getting used to the weather.  I have lived in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic) for the past 18 years.  That brings me to a question.  Any experience in wetsuits?  I am planning to do a couple of races in the spring and the water here could be in the 60's.  A little different than the 80 degree pool where i train.  Any advice on brands, types (full or sleeveless)?

Planning on swimming tomorrow, if i can fit it into schedule.

take care


2012-01-02 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3966945

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open
I have seen PR or PR'd in other a newbie. What does PR stand for?
2012-01-02 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3967250

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open

ahutson - 2012-01-02 10:04 PM I have seen PR or PR'd in other a newbie. What does PR stand for?

Personal record or personal best.  It is the best time that they have for a given distance.  Cheers.

2012-01-02 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3967199

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-02 9:40 PM

Evening, all.

Any newbies train today? I went to the Y and decided to get started. I biked for 10 minutes, ran a mile, and swam to 2 laps in a 25yd pool (100 yards total). I wanted to see how I would feel the next day. It sounds like weenie practice but was excited to get going!

Scott, what do you think is a good beginner schedule? I want to start with a few sprints (one a quarter?) and maybe do an Olympic distance at end of year. Is 8 weeks a good amount to spend training? 12 weeks? 16? I have gone back and forth. I'm in okay shape so I'm not sure how long to start. I know I need to focus on swimming and stretching. I'm sure my technique can improve in everything.

What did everyone do today?





Last year I had an olympic right in the middle of the season surrounded by sprints.  I trained for the olympic as my "A" race and ran the sprints for training.  I train all year round mind you, so I don't really take an off season.  Race specific training schedules in the 12-16 week range I find are good because they will take you through a progression of intensity.  Starting with base training and leading you to race specific intensity as you get closer to your race.  

I would also look at longer olympic plans, something in the 20 week range that will give you the volume that you need for an olympic distance race and enough intensity for your sprints.  Matt Fitzgerald wrote a book full of training plans.  "Essential Week by Week Training Guide".  It has plans for all distances and levels of ability.  

2012-01-02 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3967225

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
pareilly2000 - 2012-01-02 9:52 PM

Good evening to everyone as well

I did a six mile run today.  Real cold and windy here in Northern Virginia.  I am still getting used to the weather.  I have lived in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic) for the past 18 years.  That brings me to a question.  Any experience in wetsuits?  I am planning to do a couple of races in the spring and the water here could be in the 60's.  A little different than the 80 degree pool where i train.  Any advice on brands, types (full or sleeveless)?

Planning on swimming tomorrow, if i can fit it into schedule.

take care


As far as brands go I use Quintana Roo.  I love it.  I would definitely get a full sleeve.  It will maximize warmth and buoyancy.  There is a great video about how to put it on correctly on youtube.  Have a great swim.

2012-01-02 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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New user

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good evening, everyone,

Thanks for the welcome, Scott!  And, thanks for the well wishes.  I'm really excited about getting started both with my business and the tri training! 

Today was my official first day of training: I ran/walked for 30 min (I am still being careful with my running b/c of my sciatica): 2.48mi, swam 200 yards, and then hiked with my dog for an hour.  I'm following the 22 week training module from our site here.  I skipped to week four or five but am committed to a conservative training plan as I want to continue to heal and get stronger simultaneously. 

I have a food question (perhaps not a surprise).  Scott, what is your approach to food in general and while training.  Are they the same for you?  Do you drink at all?  Cut it out completely? 

Thanks for your help!  I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you.


2012-01-02 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3967334

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
oliviacooks - 2012-01-02 11:01 PM

I have a food question (perhaps not a surprise).  Scott, what is your approach to food in general and while training.  Are they the same for you?  Do you drink at all?  Cut it out completely? 

Thanks for your help!  I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you.


This past season was my first that I went 99% vegan.  I felt great, had amazing energy, and slept terrific.  As we head into the winter months of Vermont I find myself craving some meat, so I eat it.  Lots and lots of vegetables and fruits.  Nuts and whole grains.  I'm looking to lose about 8 lbs to get to my race weight by the end of May.  When I get a little closer I will write everything down that goes in my mouth and track my calories that way.  When I am looking to lose weight I shoot for a 500 calorie deficit.  I will lose about a pound a week that way.  Any more than that and I feel a little sluggish with all the training.  

As far as drinking goes; I drink a tremendous amount of water throughout the day.  I don't drink alcohol for several reasons.  1.  I just don't feel good when I drink it.  2.  I drank enough in college.  and 3.  Alcoholism runs in my family and I have a very addictive personality.  Hence the tri's.  I don't feel that there is anything wrong with it or bad, and in moderation can actually be medicinal and good for us.  

2012-01-02 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3967199

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hello team,

Today was my short run day.  Figured I could go a little harder and push the intensity since it was the short day.  Didn't work out that way. Had some stomach discomfort and had a sore calf muscle that I think was from skiing a couple days ago. 

The run is where I'm focusing my training.  So at least I got out and did some.

I too will be needing to source a wet suit since all my planned races will be in water between 55 and 60 degrees. 

2012-01-03 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning!

Yesterday I ran 5+ miles in the morning and swam for an hour (2100 yds) last night. This morning I went out for what was intended as another recovery paced run and had just a terrible time. Couldn't get any pace going and then turned around and realized I had even had the wind at my back. And what a headwind it was for the return home ... -7F wind chill and I hadn't worn my face mask. Ended up with a slow 5 miler and will head to the pool again after work.

My first day back to work after 18 days off (I work in Higher Ed.). Things will still be pretty slow at work, as the students have not yet returned ... so I'll try and catch up with postings again later. Time to walk the dogs.

2012-01-03 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning everyone.  Headed to the pool for 3000 yds.  I will be focusing on base interval 100 yd sets today.  My workout will look like this:

300 yd warm up

300 yd drills

17 x 100 yd with 5 sec rest

400 yd kick

300 yd cool down

I will check in later.  Hope everyone has a stellar day.  

2012-01-03 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning!  Well, a bout of insomnia kept me struggling for sleep, so when my alarm went off this morning, I actually decided to skip the gym.  I know my body doesn’t heal well after a workout if I’m not taking care of it.  But, the deal was my husband will join me in some gym time this evening instead

Here’s my bio!

NAME: Kate

STORY: I turn 30 in a few weeks, and my original goal had been to run a half marathon before 30.  It didn’t happen due to several months in a row of family illness and emergency.  I did manage to get in a few 5Ks and a 10K obstacle course – which were incredibly fun!

I will be moving next month to the small US Territory of Saipan, and since it is warm year round, they have a lot of outdoor athletic events.  Namely, they have several triathlons and a Hell of the Marianas bike race.  And while I’m there with a 2-year job contract, I must compete in something!!     

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a wonderful man who begrudgingly lets me run – he is always there cheering me on and very proud of me, but somewhat saddened that his own knee issues don’t allow him to join me.  He is excited, though, about triathlon training, since he can easily join me for the biking and swimming!

CURRENT TRAINING: With no set goal in mind previously, I was just running for the sake of running, and lifting to get stronger.  I would be at the gym probably 3-4 times per week.  In the last few weeks, though, as this goal took shape, I have been going 5-6 times, getting back to the biking as well.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I don’t know exactly what Siapan offers.  Their two tri’s are in March, and I know I won’t be ready for that this year – but definitely by next!  I believe they do other runs monthly (5-10Ks, half marathons, etc… lots of biking and swimming) so I will be looking into those when we get there.

2012 GOALS:  Even if I cannot find an official tri by the Nov/Dec months, my goal is to be able to do each leg of a tri on my own, in preparation for the March2012 tri.  I would like to be able to run 13.1 miles without stopping to walk; and to lose some body fat. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I have a good 10-20 Lbs of body fat to lose; I also need to gain some muscle so I’m not sure what the net weight change will be, but something lower!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am anxious to learn, and to test myself and experiment.  I am looking forward to exploring this group and team more.  Accountability is a wonderful motivator!  I come with a lot of questions, but I come with a lot of enthusiasm!

2012-01-03 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3966513

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New user

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open

Hi Clark,

Nope.  I have not found a local coach yet so I am resorting to the self-discipline route.  I printed the Couch to 5k training from this website as well and doing that daily.  I am getting good advice from Scott to start slow so as to not injure myself (yet again).  I am already an avid Cycle participant for the last 10 years.  If I can just find a local pool then I will have all three avenues covered.  No luck on the pool yet.  Perhaps I will change my strategy to do a 5k and 10k this summer along with my bike rides and shoot for the tri next summer.  We will see.  What area outside Chicago are you?  I am in Evanston.


2012-01-03 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3966621

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New user

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Open


Ok just read a bit further down the log here and answered my earlier question . . . you are in Crystal Lake.  You have some great bike paths out there.  I'm jealous.  The biking here in Evanston is Sheridan road and the like.  So lots of cars-that-hate-bikers.  Have you ever participated in the North Shore Century?


2012-01-03 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3967577

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


I keep reading about overdoing it and preventing injury with resting. I have been riding 20-25 miles 1-2  times a week since June. Is it okay to combine a sprint program but take a long ride on the weekends? I love being on my bike so 20 minutes rides don't cut it!! Thats what the training calls for but wanted to get your input on 'customizing' what I do.

Also, alot of these training plans assume you can already swim for x minutes, run x minutes, and bike x. I need something that doesn't include 'couch' in it but not a 20 minute base swim either. I need to find something in the middle. I like Michael Pates' program but that is 22 weeks long. I would think several swims a week can prepare me for a March sprint.  

2012-01-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3967800

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-01-03 10:16 AM


I keep reading about overdoing it and preventing injury with resting. I have been riding 20-25 miles 1-2  times a week since June. Is it okay to combine a sprint program but take a long ride on the weekends? I love being on my bike so 20 minutes rides don't cut it!! Thats what the training calls for but wanted to get your input on 'customizing' what I do.

It is absolutely okay to do that long ride on the weekends.  Do one or two and see how you feel.  As far as rest goes, I am more in the "active recovery" school so to speak.  I take 1 day off as needed, which happens about once every two weeks or so.  Active recovery means that I will train in something, but keep the volume and intensity low enough so that once I am done I feel like I could do it all over again.  This has worked for me so far.  If you feel like you need a day to rest take it.  If not, but your plan calls for one, then do something really light.  The main objective is to be recovered for your next workout, so you can reap the benefits of the stimulus it provides.  Does that make sense?

Also, alot of these training plans assume you can already swim for x minutes, run x minutes, and bike x. I need something that doesn't include 'couch' in it but not a 20 minute base swim either. I need to find something in the middle. I like Michael Pates' program but that is 22 weeks long. I would think several swims a week can prepare me for a March sprint.  

That's why I like Matt Fitzgerald's book because he has something like 49 plans in there for sprints through Full Iron distance and for all ability levels as well.  I will look at some of BT's plans later today and let you know if I see anything that might be a fit for you.  

A couple swims a week should absolutely get you to that sprint in March. 

2012-01-03 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3967364

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New user

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

This past season was my first that I went 99% vegan.  I felt great, had amazing energy, and slept terrific.  As we head into the winter months of Vermont I find myself craving some meat, so I eat it.  Lots and lots of vegetables and fruits.  Nuts and whole grains.  I'm looking to lose about 8 lbs to get to my race weight by the end of May.  When I get a little closer I will write everything down that goes in my mouth and track my calories that way.  When I am looking to lose weight I shoot for a 500 calorie deficit.  I will lose about a pound a week that way.  Any more than that and I feel a little sluggish with all the training.  

As far as drinking goes; I drink a tremendous amount of water throughout the day.  I don't drink alcohol for several reasons.  1.  I just don't feel good when I drink it.  2.  I drank enough in college.  and 3.  Alcoholism runs in my family and I have a very addictive personality.  Hence the tri's.  I don't feel that there is anything wrong with it or bad, and in moderation can actually be medicinal and good for us.  

Good morning!

Awesome, Scott!  Thanks for your response.  That is identical to how I eat; mainly vegan with lots of fruits and veggies, nuts, some whole grain, the rare dairy splurge, and even rarer meat intake.  Though, like you, since the weather has turned full on winter here in Oregon, I have found myself craving meat occasionally so I will eat it. 

I am looking to decrease drinking alcohol, if not stop all together.  That, combined with my desire to fully heal and get strong again are the two main reasons I've signed up for my sprint, with a tri not far behind it, I hope.  Again, like you, alcoholism runs in my family and I don't feel good when I drink. 

Since moving out west, my drinking definitely increased as my socializing did.  Social outlets are limited after the normal work day, leaving alcohol as one of the few choices for socializing in a smallish town like Bend (which is on par size-wise with Burlington, if I'm not mistaken, though Burlington is probably bigger with the university there).  I have been drinking far more than I'm comfortable with.  It also helped with the acute pain I was in, quite frankly. That whole concept is scary to me.  In the long run, as a chef and a lifelong nutrition student, I am very aware of the damage alcohol inflicts. So, here I am! 

I'm going to look into the book you recommended today.  I like that it sounds as if it incorporates more of a matrix of established fitness levels than the few I checked out online here.

Veggie Kate, what an adventure it sounds like you're about to take!  Saipan.  I'm curious what you'll be doing...

Have a great day, everyone!  I'm riding the bike today.


2012-01-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3968079

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
oliviacooks - 2012-01-03 11:50 AM 

Since moving out west, my drinking definitely increased as my socializing did.  Social outlets are limited after the normal work day, leaving alcohol as one of the few choices for socializing in a smallish town like Bend (which is on par size-wise with Burlington, if I'm not mistaken, though Burlington is probably bigger with the university there).  I have been drinking far more than I'm comfortable with.  It also helped with the acute pain I was in, quite frankly. That whole concept is scary to me.  In the long run, as a chef and a lifelong nutrition student, I am very aware of the damage alcohol inflicts. So, here I am! 

Olivia ...

A dear friend of mine from college owns Wanderlust Tours with her husband in Bend. I offer it as a potential resource for a social group of like minded people who love being active in the outdoors. Here is a link for their Facebook page ... if you connect with them, make sure to say hi to Aleta for me!


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