BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train! Rss Feed  
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2013-01-01 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

I'm interested in joining your group. I'm new to triathlons but thoroughly enjoying the sport. I started cycling a year and half ago to get into shape. I'm down 100 pounds (still have 60+ to go). Once I started reaching some big cycling goals, including a double century (Seattle to Portland), I started looking for other events as motivational goals.The local YMCA sponsored a "Lazy Ironman" in which you could log Ironman distances over the couse of eight weeks. I did a quadruple! Last summer I also completed two sprint triathlons, one on my own and one with my 12 year old son. My wife, 17 year old daughter, and I also completed our first half marathon.

I've got more events in my sights this year including a full marathon and a few olympic triathlons. My oldest son wants to keep doing triathlons and my younger boys are interested now too. My wife is thinking about duathlons but she's not sold on the swim yet. We've LOVED getting our whole family active and the  blessings and benefits just keep coming. 

I have no idea what I'm doing with training other than just getting out there and working hard. I've become a capable cyclist, I've always been a pretty good swimmer, and I'm learning to love running. I'm also not very strong technologically with forums like this so I guess you could say I'm looking for all the help I can get.

This looks like a very freindly and supportive group which I would enjoy being a part of.

2013-01-01 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Hey, I'd love to join your group! 

NAME: Alecia

STORY: Total newbie to the world of Triathlon. I'm an ex competitive figure skater and high school volleyball player. Active my whole life until I quit everything at 16. I still consider myself a recovering videogame addict, wasted nine months (August 2010 - April 2011) on an online game and gained 10lbs and the complexion/eating habits of a preteen. However, I'm inspired to try triathlon and push myself to the limits after being lazy for 2 years.

FAMILY STATUS: Boyfriend of 4 months is a soldier in the Canadian Military. He's planning to do every single race with me since the army will give him leave :)

CURRENT TRAINING: Base training, really. These past four months I've gone from sedentary and struggling to run 2 laps of the 200m indoor track, to running for 15 minutes without giving up. I really enjoyed biking, but swimming is still my nemesis. I'll be taking a weekly long distance swimming class along with fencing and kickboxing Monday and Tuesday nights. Along with that, I'll be trying to steadily increase my runs, bikes and bricks. I'm aiming to do Iron Man Canada in 2014, and that will be my main focus for the next year and a half (besides school)

2012 RACES: None.

2013 RACES:  March 9th, Moonlight Run 10k

WEIGHT LOSS: Last time I weight myself was in October and I found out I was approximately 175lbs and I'm at my heaviest (I get obsessive about numbers, so I don't keep a scale around). I want to make that more like 150 or 140lbs when this year is up. As of today, I've cut out pretty much all the food my university serves (preservatives, fried, artificial anything, high fructose corn syrup...).

I feel like someone's going to tell me that I'm doing too much and aiming too high but 2013 is gonna be my year for getting in shape so I can crush that Iron Man in Whistler, BC in 2014.

So yeah.

Will you keep me around? <3

2013-01-01 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4555600

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Hey Suz and Steph,

Can I join your group again?

Happy New Year. 


2013-01-01 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Hi Suz & Steph,

I would love to join your group. I'm 33 and just started Tri last year. I started "training" in April 2012 without really realizing it; just thought I should lose a few pounds and started running so I could do so and continue to eat like a horse. Then I was swimming a few days a week because my school has a pool in the gym and I like it. I've always biked here and there anyway, so when I found out that slow people without natural athletic gifts could "compete" in triathlons I figured I might as well have a goal and signed up for a Sprint, which I finished in late July. LOVED IT. I want to complete an Oly this year and another Sprint with a better finish.

My workouts have been sporadic the last few months -- I spent August out in the woods hiking, and since then my schedule has been crazy so I've let it slide. For the moment my training consists of "run, bike, swim, lift weights when you feel like it". I could use some motivation & accountability. And I know I need to get a solid training program together. I love that you two put an emphasis on nutrition -- that's really important to me as well.

I haven't set up any training logs here yet but I will if I can join the group.


Julia (Portland, OR)


2013-01-01 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Hey there guys! 

I'm Greta---I just signed up for the Pigman Sprint Tri here in Iowa in June. yay! 
I am a biker, runner, and a swimmer(I was a synchronized swimmer as a kid too, but I don't think that will score me any points in the tri department!), but have yet to compete in a triathlon. My partner John has done several tri's over the last year and I am convinced that I should get one under my belt this year too! It's my resolution.

I too love yoga, but don't get to do it nearly enough. I spin regularly, run, go to Body Pump classes---and occasionally get some laps in at our local pool. I am working on a training plan now, and am really excited to focus on this new goal of mine.

If there is still room, I'd love to be a part of the group.


Thanks so much



2013-01-01 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4545748

New user

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

If there's still room I'd love to join because I cannot do this on my own.


STORY: I'm 22 from Finland and currently studying aboard. I meant to stat my training already in last Autumn when I was studying in China but other exchange students created such a drama that I was mentally so drained that getting through the day was hard enough. So instead of losing those last 10lb, I gained 20 and now I'm somewhere at 180lb (5'6"). Before that triathlon was something I just decided to do, you know something nice and good for myself because I have always sucked in doing so. I was so mad at myself for not doing anything and letting myself get to this point... but now I'm more ready to fix it and get the goal; Henlsinki city triathlon 2013 (sprint 24.8). My exercising background is variating... I've been horseback riding over 10 years, but I had to stop when I went to High school. Then I've been on and off going to different gym classes, and running (I don't like running). Consistency is not my strongest side and I need to work on that. I'm also an zumba instructor - and god I love it - but when I had my first classes they didn't attract people (but that was because of the payment system the people had there, not me and many said that they would come if they didn't need to pay extra). And because I'm a self-blame-queen now I'm frightened to step on the stage because I haven't been giving any classes after 2010. I've been just going and I decided that this has to also change because I'm starting to lose the joy of even going to class when all I want to do is to have my own class. And let's just add that having that instructor training and classes was a really big deal for me because of some other difficulties from my past, so to lose that like that - it was more than just a class.


So now I just want to gather all the pieces and patchwork myself back together because otherwise I'll just end up hating myself for the rest of my life. I just don't like this feeling and I want to be the girl I was a year ago... but first I need to learn to swim (I mean I can swim well but I have no idea about any techniques or anything). ^^




CURRENT TRAINING: Figuring out. I'm at Singapore right now trying to get my visa for Thailand. Some kind of warm up for the still non-existing plan for Phuket. GOALS: Helsinki city triathlon 24.8 (sprint), get on the stage in Phuket and get a class and lose at least that 20lb I got as a souvenir from China.

Edited by Miia-Tatjaana 2013-01-01 9:46 PM

2013-01-02 12:30 AM
in reply to: #4545748

New user

Port Macquarie
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Hello, am I able to join your group? Very new at this (Tri and group chat) so hopefully I'm doing what I should be on terms of this group?I'm 62 - hope not too old to be starting off! I live in Australia, in a beautiful place called Port Macquarie. On the coast and glorious places to run, walk, swim, ride. I am about to go in a small Tri in four days time. A 750 metre swim (15 laps of an Olympic pool is the same distance) and a 20k bike ride (that's about one hour on a bike) and a 6k run (that will take me about 42 mins as I'm not very fast). So, if all goes according to plan I hope to finish in just over two hours. Mind you, finishing will be a huge thrill. I've been training (of course) and I hope I've done enough to go the distance. I expect this to be a huge learning curve. I would like to get faster, I've not swum or ridden much before, but I have been a sort of a runner all my adult life - except I run slowly. I guess I should say I'm a slow jogger, but I want to get faster and I don't know how. Hopefully you guys can sort me out.I'm now going back to read all the far have only read the first one from Steph and Suz. I got excited and had to post!CheersTrish
2013-01-02 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4556920

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
otisbrown - 2013-01-01 7:10 PM

Hey Suz and Steph,

Can I join your group again?

Happy New Year. 


You bet Marcus! Glad to have you back.
2013-01-02 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4557078

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
CaptainStripey - 2013-01-01 9:16 PM

Hi Suz & Steph,

I would love to join your group. I'm 33 and just started Tri last year. I started "training" in April 2012 without really realizing it; just thought I should lose a few pounds and started running so I could do so and continue to eat like a horse. Then I was swimming a few days a week because my school has a pool in the gym and I like it. I've always biked here and there anyway, so when I found out that slow people without natural athletic gifts could "compete" in triathlons I figured I might as well have a goal and signed up for a Sprint, which I finished in late July. LOVED IT. I want to complete an Oly this year and another Sprint with a better finish.

My workouts have been sporadic the last few months -- I spent August out in the woods hiking, and since then my schedule has been crazy so I've let it slide. For the moment my training consists of "run, bike, swim, lift weights when you feel like it". I could use some motivation & accountability. And I know I need to get a solid training program together. I love that you two put an emphasis on nutrition -- that's really important to me as well.

I haven't set up any training logs here yet but I will if I can join the group.


Julia (Portland, OR)


Welcome!You are correct that triathlon is welcoming to anyone who wants to get off the couch and get active. Congrats on finishing your first tri. Definitely check out the plans here on BT and start logging. When is your Oly? Depending on when, you could start with a maintenance plan and then go to an Olympic plan.Susie
2013-01-02 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4556672

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Btalbert - 2013-01-01 3:53 PM

I'm interested in joining your group. I'm new to triathlons but thoroughly enjoying the sport. I started cycling a year and half ago to get into shape. I'm down 100 pounds (still have 60+ to go). Once I started reaching some big cycling goals, including a double century (Seattle to Portland), I started looking for other events as motivational goals.The local YMCA sponsored a "Lazy Ironman" in which you could log Ironman distances over the couse of eight weeks. I did a quadruple! Last summer I also completed two sprint triathlons, one on my own and one with my 12 year old son. My wife, 17 year old daughter, and I also completed our first half marathon.

I've got more events in my sights this year including a full marathon and a few olympic triathlons. My oldest son wants to keep doing triathlons and my younger boys are interested now too. My wife is thinking about duathlons but she's not sold on the swim yet. We've LOVED getting our whole family active and the  blessings and benefits just keep coming. 

I have no idea what I'm doing with training other than just getting out there and working hard. I've become a capable cyclist, I've always been a pretty good swimmer, and I'm learning to love running. I'm also not very strong technologically with forums like this so I guess you could say I'm looking for all the help I can get.

This looks like a very freindly and supportive group which I would enjoy being a part of.

Welcome! Congrats on all you've accomplished thus far, weightless, half marathon and getting the whole family involved. Having the support of your family is so important when embarking on a lifestyle change. That's what I view triathlon or any healthy endeavor, a change in your lifestyle. But that's a soap box for another day. Right now check out some plans. And I just read in Triathlon magazine about how triathlon is getting more popular with the kids.Susie
2013-01-02 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4557078

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
CaptainStripey - 2013-01-01 9:16 PM

Hi Suz & Steph,

I would love to join your group. I'm 33 and just started Tri last year. I started "training" in April 2012 without really realizing it; just thought I should lose a few pounds and started running so I could do so and continue to eat like a horse. Then I was swimming a few days a week because my school has a pool in the gym and I like it. I've always biked here and there anyway, so when I found out that slow people without natural athletic gifts could "compete" in triathlons I figured I might as well have a goal and signed up for a Sprint, which I finished in late July. LOVED IT. I want to complete an Oly this year and another Sprint with a better finish.

My workouts have been sporadic the last few months -- I spent August out in the woods hiking, and since then my schedule has been crazy so I've let it slide. For the moment my training consists of "run, bike, swim, lift weights when you feel like it". I could use some motivation & accountability. And I know I need to get a solid training program together. I love that you two put an emphasis on nutrition -- that's really important to me as well.

I haven't set up any training logs here yet but I will if I can join the group.


Julia (Portland, OR)


I did Hood to Coast Relay in 2011. What a beautiful area you live in! Susie

2013-01-02 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4557110

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Miia-Tatjaana - 2013-01-01 9:44 PM

If there's still room I'd love to join because I cannot do this on my own.


STORY: I'm 22 from Finland and currently studying aboard. I meant to stat my training already in last Autumn when I was studying in China but other exchange students created such a drama that I was mentally so drained that getting through the day was hard enough. So instead of losing those last 10lb, I gained 20 and now I'm somewhere at 180lb (5'6"). Before that triathlon was something I just decided to do, you know something nice and good for myself because I have always sucked in doing so. I was so mad at myself for not doing anything and letting myself get to this point... but now I'm more ready to fix it and get the goal; Henlsinki city triathlon 2013 (sprint 24.8). My exercising background is variating... I've been horseback riding over 10 years, but I had to stop when I went to High school. Then I've been on and off going to different gym classes, and running (I don't like running). Consistency is not my strongest side and I need to work on that. I'm also an zumba instructor - and god I love it - but when I had my first classes they didn't attract people (but that was because of the payment system the people had there, not me and many said that they would come if they didn't need to pay extra). And because I'm a self-blame-queen now I'm frightened to step on the stage because I haven't been giving any classes after 2010. I've been just going and I decided that this has to also change because I'm starting to lose the joy of even going to class when all I want to do is to have my own class. And let's just add that having that instructor training and classes was a really big deal for me because of some other difficulties from my past, so to lose that like that - it was more than just a class.


So now I just want to gather all the pieces and patchwork myself back together because otherwise I'll just end up hating myself for the rest of my life. I just don't like this feeling and I want to be the girl I was a year ago... but first I need to learn to swim (I mean I can swim well but I have no idea about any techniques or anything). ^^




CURRENT TRAINING: Figuring out. I'm at Singapore right now trying to get my visa for Thailand. Some kind of warm up for the still non-existing plan for Phuket. GOALS: Helsinki city triathlon 24.8 (sprint), get on the stage in Phuket and get a class and lose at least that 20lb I got as a souvenir from China.

Welcome ! It's a new year....time for fresh start. Find a plan and get started. Also, if you love Zumba get back at it, even in someone else's class. As a Zumba instructor you are already WAY more coordinated than I am. Also don't sell yourself short, you're a world traveler at such a young age. My son is 22, and I worried when he moved to a city only 4 hours away . Focus on your accomplishments.Happy to have you join us.Susie
2013-01-02 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Hi gang! Right now I am the perfect example of multitasking . I figured out that my iPad fits perfectly on the aero bars of my bike. So I spent my time on the trainer reading and posting. Only problem is the iPad doesn't format text the same as the laptop so sorry if my posts appear to be one long sentence. Susie
2013-01-02 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Suzie and Steph,

If you have room for one more, I'd love to join your group.

NAME: Mike

STORY: I am getting back into triathlon after time off and injury.  I completed my first sprint triatlon in 2008.  In the spring of 2009 I injured my shoulder and had to fall back to a relay team for a 2009 tri.  I had shoulder surgery in the fall of 2009 and completed relays in 2010 and 2011.  This year while volunteering at the NJ State Tri I realized I hungered for the sport and had to get back in.  I am now in a training program and plan on 2 sprints in 2012 (Escape from Fort Delaware and the NJ State). 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 22 years to a wonderful lady (Fechter99 on BT).  She gives me strength and motivation.  While she may struggle at times with injury she never says quit.  She has completed sprint tri's and duathlons.  She too is back in training for the Oly Duathlon at NJ State 2013.  We have 2 great active boys (16 and 12).  They are involved in swimming, basketball, baseball and Boy Scouts.  They keep us busy, which is why we climb out of bed at 5am to get to the gym.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm about 5 weeks into a 12 week Couch to Sprint.  I am building my swim edurance and trying to find a groove running (running is my least favorite of the 3).  I plan on the Escape from Fort Delaware in March 2013 and the NJ State in July 2013.  Eventually I'd like to do an Oly distance (maybe 2014) but I'm still scared by the 10K run.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, need it and am working on it!  I was my heaviest ever in May (268.8) and have lost 26 lbs so far.  I want to get under 220 and then we'll see where from there.  I am watching everything in and out (thanks to MyFitnessPal). 

Thank you,



2013-01-02 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4557630

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Snuck in under the wire Mike!!

2013-01-02 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4557632

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Excellent!  Must be my lucky year!


2013-01-02 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
So my old running partner and I are teaming up again. We ran Iron Girl half marathon April 2012 and then I shattered my ankle 2 weeks later training for a duathlon.
She hasn’t ran since that day. We were each other’s motivation and gatekeeper.
We are hoping to lose at least 10 pounds but aiming for 20lbs by the first day of spring, March 20th.
We also plan to at least walk the Iron Girl 5k (I don’t think the half is doable yet) at the end of April. But I am aiming to hopefully run or run/walk it.

I know it doesn’t sound like a huge goal but to be able to do that 5K would be such a huge goal for me right now especially since I still can’t walk normal yet.

I am going to download a plan and do spinning for the bike training and the elliptical for the run portion.
I will be journaling my food intake and tracking my food.
2013-01-02 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4558062

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Lovey - 2013-01-02 1:25 PM So my old running partner and I are teaming up again. We ran Iron Girl half marathon April 2012 and then I shattered my ankle 2 weeks later training for a duathlon. She hasn’t ran since that day. We were each other’s motivation and gatekeeper. We are hoping to lose at least 10 pounds but aiming for 20lbs by the first day of spring, March 20th. We also plan to at least walk the Iron Girl 5k (I don’t think the half is doable yet) at the end of April. But I am aiming to hopefully run or run/walk it. I know it doesn’t sound like a huge goal but to be able to do that 5K would be such a huge goal for me right now especially since I still can’t walk normal yet. I am going to download a plan and do spinning for the bike training and the elliptical for the run portion. I will be journaling my food intake and tracking my food.



As someone who was also sidelined by injury (ies) for almost all of last year, just the fact that you want to get back out there and move yourself forward should be commended.  You are still ahead of the game since there are so many that would give up and quit after going through what you went through.  I think it's awesome, and you will get a lot by being a part of IronGirl and finishing the 5K any which way you can make that happen.  Good luck in achieving your goals!


2013-01-02 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Otisbrown!! Yes welcome back!

Lovey, it's so nice you have your partner back! You guys have all manner of new challenges this time. I know your injury was severe and the methodical way you've rehabbed is impressive. Spinning is great this time of year regardless, so you are on the right track.

Michael it is your lucky year. THERE I said it, now let's make it happen.

2013-01-02 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4555614

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!
Thanks!  I will check on training plans and logging workouts.
2013-01-02 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4557419

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Hooray, thanks guys! The Oly is not until September 22 (Portland) so I have loads of time. Before that I have a 5K (March), 10K (April), and Sprint Tri (July) in the calendar. Going to start by just getting my weekly training hours up to a decent level and going slow. Going for a run right now. Susie, I do love living in Portland where it never gets too cold for this.


2013-01-03 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4556650


Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - OPEN! Let's go SBR!!!

Welcome Christine!

You must hail from the Chicago or Milwaukee area based on your races.  I'm just north of Chicago.

Congrats on the weight loss thus far. Impressive!  

For swimming: Does the pool you swim at have any Master's groups?  I used to think that Master's swim was only for those "uber" swimmers. Not so.  The one at my club welcomes any level and is very supportive of less experienced swimmers. It helps to have a group to motivate and educate. (or just into getting your butt in the pool)


Thank you!  I am from Kenosha County, but actually grew up in Lake County.  Spend a lot of the summer on the Des Plaines River Trail!

I am definitely concerned about finishing my weight loss journey this year and finding the appropriate balance for weight loss AND fueling my body for the amount of activity I have planned!  I gained 10 pounds training last year and that it something I don't want to repeat this year.

I overcame my fear this morning and hit the pool.  I definitely drank more pool water than I care to admit, but I am confident that I can figure it out.  I am going to check into the master's program where I am at.  Great suggestion that I hadn't though of.

Have a great training day everyone!

2013-01-03 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hey all,

Here is a tidbit about me. 


Name:  Marcus



 I am just a guy that one day learned from a random blood test that I needed to make changes in my life. So with all the options in front of me the one that made the most sense was diet and exercise. While for a long time I wanted to try triathlon, I thought it would be something I start in my forties.  After all you cant do triathlons in your sixties unless you take care of yourself in your forties. For me triathlon has become the sustaining force behind me staying fit and healthy.  Nearly 4 years after that failed blood test, life style and diet changes, I finally passed that test with flying colors and disaster was averted. So what started out as a quest to become a better healthier me has now morphed into a quest to become a better triathlete.



I am married to the most wonderful, supportive, caring and compassionate woman.  With out her and her support I would not have successfully made any life changes.  Together we have one daughter who just turned three and have another baby on the way.  (Stork delivery scheduled for 2/21).


Current Training:

I created a custom training plan on BT to get me through the winter.  It runs through March and consists of S,B,R twice a week and I strength train 3 times a week.  I throw in one yoga class in per week for good measure. For the bike portion I take a spin class one day and use a computerized spin bike for the training session. I was a bit lazy this fall and as a result I am bit behind in my current fitness. No worries though, it will all work out in the end.



This was the year I completed my first Triathlon. NJ State was my first race and it was absolutely amazing. In August, I completed a local Triathlon inMedfordLakes. Sprinkled in between I raced in a few 5ks and an aqua run.  




This year I plan to race in the NJ State Triathlon again, but the Olympic distance.  It will depend on if I can get my swimming up to par for the distance by late spring. Other wise I will opt for the sprint distance.  I also plan to race in the Atlantic City Triathlon, which is also an Olympic distance.  I will run in a number of 5Ks and may try to add in a local sprint. I also plan to run in the Wildwood 1/2 marathon.   Goals for this year are to bring my swimming pace below 2min/100 and break into the sub 20 min 5k pace.



2013-01-03 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: Suz & Steph - Weekly Goal
Suz came up with a great idea.

How about on Sundays we each come up with a weekly goal. Examples... run for 10 mins without stopping...get to the gym once/twice... try a new exercise (yoga or planks etc)

What do you think?

This week it's already Thursday... So my goal will be a run Saturday and a bike Sunday.
2013-01-03 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
I'm in.  For next week, I will hit all my trained planning. 
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