General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-05 12:04 PM
in reply to: kimrivh50

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by kimrivh50

I'd like to join your group. I am completely new to triathlons. I just learned to swim and will be doing a bike training class and a C210k running program starting this week. I'm interested in support from this group because I am overweight and a recent cancer survivor. I'm really starting from scratch and didn't think I would blend in well with athletes with more experience on the bike and running.

I've signed up for a few indoor TRIs (10 min swim/20 min bike/ 10 min run). I plan to keep training using a zero to 1mile swimming plan, doing a computrainer bike class twice a week and using the running app three times a week. My goal is to participate in the Chicago Lifetime Olympic distance in August. I'd really like tips on developing a good nutrition plan for the 8 months of training.


Welcome, we are happy you are here not only as a new triathlete but more importantly a cancer survivor!. Congrats on signing up for those indoor tris - they are a great way to get your feet wet so to speak. I did the zero to 1 mile swim plan and you will be amazed at how quickly you progress through it. Just keep at it. Sounds like you have a good plan for the winter to get conditioning for all 3 disciplines.

Nutrition is one thing that I am probably not the best to offer the advice on since I still struggle with losing weight and don't always make the right choices. I know that the key is to eating healthy foods, eliminating as much processed food as possible and portion control. Mike and I use to track our calories but you can also use your training log here on BT. That is the most important aspect of trying to lose weight - knowing exactly what you are eating and how many calories. We'll work our way through this together!

2014-01-05 12:09 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by DBGlobal

No plans for me other than laying here in agony over this stupid little tooth. Won't be able to get it fixed until Monday. They started me on antibiotics and gave me a prescription of pain meds, but so far neither are helping. I guess it's better that this is happening now rather than in the middle of training. Hopefully next week will be better.

Hope you are getting some relief from the pain meds and antibiotics. And, yes, better now than in the middle of race season.
2014-01-05 12:16 PM
in reply to: cmcampbell

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by cmcampbell


Was wondering if I could join this group.

I haven't done any triathlons yet but have signed up to complete a sprint this June. Was supposed to do it last year but had knee surgery instead It is fine now and I did 2 half marathons in December. I am so excited to try a triathlon. My fitness level has been increasing but I still have a fair amount of weight to loose...and/or a lot smaller to get although I have lost 60lbs so far, probably have the same to go again. I do have motivation as I turn 4-0 this July and would like to be smaller than I am now by then!

I was about half way through my triathlon training last year when I had my knee surgery and it was going OK. My only problem was sea sickness when doing swimming drills. I get sea sick very easily but never through swimming before. I don't have the fear of the swimming element that many people have as I've just always been able to swim. The beach was less than a minute walk from my house when I was growing up (in England, I'm English - moved to the US 5 years ago) and I don't remember learning to swim. BUT my technique is rubbish, I have never been able to do front crawl/freestyle very well and always did breast stroke and never put my head in the water so I still have a lot to learn there.

My running is currently 2;1 (minutes) run;walk that I was doing to get back running again so now am working on increasing that time and speed up to a 5k distance.

Just before my knee surgery I did replace my 25 year old mountain bike (that was second hand when I bought it - they actually laughed at me at the bike shop when I took it in to see if it was usable ) with a hybrid which is soooooo much nicer to ride and I got a turbo trainer and shoes and new clip in pedals for Christmas.

I'm looking forward to having a year without injury and achievement but have a long way to go!

Thank you


Welcome Clare. Congrats on the weight loss so far and completing two half marathons after knee surgery! Sounds like you are all set as far as winter training for your bike and running should not be a problem for you with the triathlons. You can probably offer many of us advice on running! You should check into swim clinics at a local pool to see if you can improve on your swim technique. It will definitely help with the swim portion of the triathlon. Breaststroke works but is slower and less efficient.

As for the seasickness - I get that too when on a boat but not when swimming since I don't normally swim in the ocean but do know that some people who have experienced it use ear plugs and have found they help. You might want to give that a try. I think it has something to do with the water getting into their ear and find it happens more with cold water than warmer water.
2014-01-05 12:25 PM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I have realized that I don't do recovery very patiently. Having fallen down the stairs on New Year's Eve and badly bruising my lower back which Mike so nicely described last as a bruise the size of a lemon or plum. I find that I am in quite a bit of pain particularly after doing anything for an extended time - whether it is sitting, standing or walking. I did try to run yesterday but that hurt way too much. Now, here I sit making myself crazing thinking that I should be downstairs on my bike on the trainer or getting ready to hit the is one thing that I know I need to ease up on...give my body time to heal and then get back to training.

During my run workout yesterday using Jeff Galloway's Easy 5K training app, he offers inspiration and motivation and one comment really was profound - "You are an athlete when a physical challenge becomes a mental challenge that you push through and overcome."

I guess that I am an athlete! How about you?

2014-01-05 12:47 PM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I would second on some sort of swim lessons. I taught myself how to swim and turns out I am not a good teacher.

I went from swimming .5 miles in 1 hour to being able to swim 1.2 miles in 45 mins and be able to swim 5k in less than a year. technique was the biggest thing that helped me out.
2014-01-05 1:11 PM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Just cranked out 11 miles on the bike. Took me an hour....but I did it!

Happy Sunday everyone.

2014-01-05 1:12 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Any suggestions on technique? I'm a good swimmer, but am looking for any hints/tips.


2014-01-05 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4916495

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
You can find some good videos on YouTube that show swimming technique and drills to work on technique. Also has some good videos and articles and is a pretty good source for swimming related info. But yeah, swim lessons or having somebody experienced look at your stroke will probably help the most
2014-01-05 2:10 PM
in reply to: LJonesCPA

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by LJonesCPA

If the group is still open, I'd like to join.

User name is LJonesCPA - Larry

Family Status - Married for 27 years with three children, 24 (daughter), 22 (son), and 17(son).

I'm almost 50 and live in Michigan and work in the Detroit suburbs. I began tri's two years ago after watching a friend finish one. I have run 9 races so far and I typically finish in the middle to the back of the pack. Since I began racing, my daughter and her new husband have completed a couple of races and my wife has run a 5K and 10K.

I typically train 3-4 times per week using one of the BT programs. Although, my job requires a fair amount of travel which really wrecks havoc with my training.

This year's races are:
Ann Arbor Sky-Tri (April)
Holly (June)
Charlevoix (August)
Tawas (September)
I'll also run a couple 5K's during the summer.

Weight Loss:
I was very active and never was concerned about my weight when I was in my early 20's. As kids came along and job demands increased, I gained weight until I hit 279 and saw a picture of myself. In addition, had a health scare. My current weight is 250 and I would love to drop another 25-30 pounds. About six months ago, I changed diet and eliminated about 95% of fast foods and recently eliminated all processed foods.

Welcome to the group Larry. With your experience and upcoming race schedule I'm sure it will be mutually beneficial for us. I travel periodically for work too. I try to hit the hotel fitness center or at least get a run each day while traveling. My hardest part of the travel is making smart, healthy meal choices. I like that most restaurants now offer healthy meals. I also use MyFitnessPal which has a huge database of restaurant meals and all of the nutritional info.
2014-01-05 2:14 PM
in reply to: cmcampbell

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by cmcampbell


Was wondering if I could join this group.

I haven't done any triathlons yet but have signed up to complete a sprint this June. Was supposed to do it last year but had knee surgery instead It is fine now and I did 2 half marathons in December. I am so excited to try a triathlon. My fitness level has been increasing but I still have a fair amount of weight to loose...and/or a lot smaller to get although I have lost 60lbs so far, probably have the same to go again. I do have motivation as I turn 4-0 this July and would like to be smaller than I am now by then!

I was about half way through my triathlon training last year when I had my knee surgery and it was going OK. My only problem was sea sickness when doing swimming drills. I get sea sick very easily but never through swimming before. I don't have the fear of the swimming element that many people have as I've just always been able to swim. The beach was less than a minute walk from my house when I was growing up (in England, I'm English - moved to the US 5 years ago) and I don't remember learning to swim. BUT my technique is rubbish, I have never been able to do front crawl/freestyle very well and always did breast stroke and never put my head in the water so I still have a lot to learn there.

My running is currently 2;1 (minutes) run;walk that I was doing to get back running again so now am working on increasing that time and speed up to a 5k distance.

Just before my knee surgery I did replace my 25 year old mountain bike (that was second hand when I bought it - they actually laughed at me at the bike shop when I took it in to see if it was usable ) with a hybrid which is soooooo much nicer to ride and I got a turbo trainer and shoes and new clip in pedals for Christmas.

I'm looking forward to having a year without injury and achievement but have a long way to go!

Thank you


Welcome Clare! So glad you're going to try Tri! A good friend of mine did his first sprint Tri in 2011 on a hybrid. He now has completed a 70.3 and this year he is racing. Challenge USA in Atlantic City (although he has upgraded to a Tri bike). I hope you catch the bug, as many of us have, and one race turns into many.
2014-01-05 2:21 PM
in reply to: lhannon

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by lhannon

NAME / username: Linda

STORY: I've struggled with my weight all my life, with my weight ranging from 120 - 185 pounds. I'm currently at 178 and miserable. I got married a year and a half ago and somehow the honeymoon lasted for a very long time. Which means I stopped watching what I eat and/or working out. I gained 50 pounds. I'm 51, my body hurts and I know if I don't get this under control I'm going to shorten my life and limit the life I live. Not acceptable.

I live in a beach community on Cape Cod and last year I watched the Escape the Cape triathlon that goes right by my house. It was contagious. The first heats were professional athletes. They were breathtaking to watch. Then there was everyone else. Many participants were people like me. The last man to finish was over 75. I was mesmerized.

Both my husband and I have been athletes or some level or other during our lives. We started talking about doing this triathlon for 2014. Last summer we started walking, biking and in his case running. I've lost 6 pounds but can honestly say I haven't really committed. I have my own management consulting company and work a lot of hours. It makes it easy to have an excuse not to work out.

On Monday we are signing up for the triathlon and I know I need a more formal plan to get going. I'm excited to find this group that is focused on weight loss and using triathlons as fun goals to help get there.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for a year and half with 3 kids and 1 grandchild between us

CURRENT TRAINING: 60-90 minutes at the gym 1-3 times a week doing elliptical, treadmill, weights, bike and yoga.

2013 RACES/ results: None.....I'm assuming races to the frig for snacks doesn't count.

2014 plans and RACES: Escape the Cape May 31


I've lost 6 since the summer and need to lose another 45.


Welcome Linda! This sport is contagious! Randi and I caught the bug when we volunteered at a race. When I saw people bigger than me out there doing it, it absolutely inspired me. That is reinforced at every race we go to. I think the most inspirational and emotional thing I've seen at a race is in Atlantic City last year when the para athletes competed. To see athletes without legs swim, biking and running! Literally brought tears to my eyes! It's not about when you finish, but the fact that you started and made it to the finish!

2014-01-05 2:23 PM
in reply to: plargomar

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by plargomar

Got back in the groove today :-) my husband and I went to a local bike shop and did a sufferfest trainer ride for an hour. I made it the whole hour! Then my son and I ran over to the local high school pool and bought my membership for the swim training! And we did swim for a bit too. I am getting so excited :-) Feeling good so far...hoping nothing is sore tomorrow or the dreaded day #two.

Excellent! Way to crush sufferfest! Then adding in some swim... Great job!
2014-01-05 2:25 PM
in reply to: lhannon

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Originally posted by lhannon

Just cranked out 11 miles on the bike. Took me an hour....but I did it!

Happy Sunday everyone.

Nice ride! Happy Sunday!
2014-01-05 2:32 PM
in reply to: lhannon

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by lhannon

Any suggestions on technique? I'm a good swimmer, but am looking for any hints/tips.



It's tough to give exact tips to correct your technique without seeing what you are (and aren't) doing. As others have said youtube and swimsmooth are great resources for some personal research. Nothing beats having a coach (or an experienced distance swimmer) do an evaluation of your stroke and then providing drills to correct bad habits. I plan on attending some open water swim clinics in the spring to help with my technique. I can swim too, but need the experts to help me get faster and stronger. Randi has even noticed that I am doing something strange on my kick. It's not something I can see while swimming, so we've talked about video taping a session so we can further evaluate what I'm doing.
2014-01-05 2:36 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Whew... That was a lot of catching up on the forum. I go to the gym for a few hours and the forum blows up... LOL.

It's great to see all the activity.

Today I ran on the treadmill (too icy and cold here to run outside). Training plan called for 1:45 distance run. So with cool down I was on the treadmill for almost 2 hours. Talk about a test of mental endurance! I ran a solid 9 and finished the workout at 9.34 miles. It's my longest run ever! I'm 12 weeks from my first 13.1 and I feel great! I've got this!
2014-01-05 5:01 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal


, Maryland
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by DBGlobal

Happy New Year All! No workouts for me for the last few days. I picked up a stomach bug and just have not been able to do much. Was hoping to go do a 5 mi fun run this morning, but that's not happening. Hopefully this will pass soon. I've been itching to try sufferfest on the new TV we got for the kids' play room/my pain cave. Maybe tomorrow.

Have a great day and a great start to the new year.

Nice to hear I'm not alone in getting sick. I came down with a fever and some type sinus/respiratory infection I think. Thought it might have been flu but test was thankfully negative. Hoping to hit campus gym before work tomorrow for some weights and stationary biking.

2014-01-05 5:51 PM
in reply to: AuD14

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
BT offers some great content. Be sure to check the articles and forums for info. I just saw this on the home page. Brand new training plans for mini-sprints. Looks like some good plans for someone starting from zero aerobic base.

2014-01-05 9:02 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Just registered for the Give It A Tri Indoor Triathlon in West Hartford CT. Gonna to start an 8 week beginner sprint tri training program next Sunday, the program was provided for free with my USA triathlon membership and is offered via TrainingPeaks. I'll be looking for plenty of encouragement from my fellow mentorees and mentors as I "tri" to push through adapting to a 6 day a week training program from a casual 3 day a week workout schedule. The event breakdowns as follows:

Pool swim 15 minutes.
T-1 = 10 minutes.
Stationary bike ride 30 minutes.
T-2 = 5 minutes.
Treadmill run 30 minutes.

While I can do all 3 of those times on their own I have never tried to brick them all together, should be an experience, but just finishing with a smile would be a major accomplishment in my life. Sorry for the long rant, will try to be diligent using the training log on here to share my progress. Cheers all!
2014-01-06 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4924590

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
The Give It A Tri sounds like great fun! Way to make the commitment! I'm sure you'll do great making the transition to more frequent workouts.
2014-01-06 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4924988

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Monday Motivation (compliments of Runners World today):

Life is a marathon, not a sprint; Pace yourself accordingly!
2014-01-06 12:33 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED


Originally posted by Mfechter67 The Give It A Tri sounds like great fun! Way to make the commitment! I'm sure you'll do great making the transition to more frequent workouts.

I organized one in our small town and we call it the TRYathlon, so that people can give it a try and see what they think of doing all three and it is a mini-sprint.  The first year was a 200 yard swim, with a 8'ish mile bike followed by a 2 mile run/walk.  We also do it as a team, as some people want to only do a part of it, and they get more people involved.  We will have our 4th year of the event coming up in the spring and last year we had enough volunteers, that we switched them out every 1.5 hours and it worked out great.

2014-01-06 2:49 PM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Helpful tech tip of the day:

If you have an iOS device I highly recommend you download "AppsGoneFree" It is an app that will show you 8 or 10 of the most popular paid apps that are offered free that day. Why is it pertinent to this group, well I can say with great regularity they have some sort of fitness or health based app listed in there. I have gotten for free from there:

5K Pro
7min workout
Coach My Ride
Run/Walk/Cycle Tracker Pro

All these apps are at least $.99 each some I think were more, but all in all it's a great app to see what apps you can get free everyday.
2014-01-07 6:22 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED

Not sure exactly how this is supposed to work, but I got twenty miles in on the bike DRAINER last night before I had to get other things done.  I also got 6 hours of sleep which for me is pretty darn good.



2014-01-07 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4924989

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED
Well, my workout yesterday was sitting through a root canal before the dentist decided he wasn't able to save the tooth and it needed to be pulled. There's nothing like a root canal to get the heart pumping. The extraction was just a bonus, an interval. The good news is I should be back at it in a couple days, hopefully tomorrow. Already in less pain than before.

Have a great day all!
2014-01-07 12:41 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -CLOSED

Just to be safe, I would not start doing anything but a bike ride at this point.  Swimming is not a good idea and weight lifting is a definite no.  Running usually doesn't work either.  They usually tell you at least 48 hours if not more.


Been there and done that.  Sorry to hear.

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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date : August 26, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 1
Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
date : May 22, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
date : March 21, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 2
Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
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For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
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Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
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I’m a C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E! Many people in the sport know the division is there, but many of them think that it's a 'fat boys division.' So what constitutes a Clydesdale? Why even have this class?
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What happens in your body when you eat, fast or workout?