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2015-01-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: KazzaG

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by KazzaG

Hi I am an absolute beginner. I decided to train for a triathlon last week and so far I am hooked on the idea. I am 42 years old, wife and mum of 3 wonderful kids, 7, 2 and 11 months. Although I have run a few times in the past, the training plan that I chose "couch to sprint" is very apt! I am signed up for the Kemah Sprint in April and Trigirls in May. Looking forward to the challenge, getting fit and loosing weight. Thanks for having the mentor program!

Welcome to the group and congrats on starting the journey. I can tell you that you will really like racing in Kemah and once of the nice things about the area besides the water is a pretty flat course. Welcome again from a fellow Texan

2015-01-28 3:08 PM
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Baltimore Area
Subject: Training
Hi. Sorry I have been MIA the last week. It’s been hectic, school delays and gym delays and closings. I posted an update but it seems my last 2 posts seem to have disappeared.
Everyone seems to be heading in the right direction. The making of a great triathlon/multisport support group.
My biggest hurdle is family time. I aim to go to the gym in the mornings as my kids have practice or games in the evening. I live in a planned community that works with the county. Any school delays or weather related closings means the gym cancels all early morning classes and sometimes delays openings as well. Once I am on track, I juggle workouts, kids, hubby and family life pretty well.

I officially start tomorrow even though I haven’t finalize my training plans. I am meeting a small group at the pool so I HAVE to show up.
In the past, I have followed individual plans for each discipline or a modified BT plan. At some point I end up frustrated or doing something completely different except for running. Somehow, I can follow a running plan pretty well even with modification but I always finish it. I don’t like the BT run plans because I prefer my run training to be in distance rather than time. I wish I could upload my own training plan. This time, I want to set my plan and just go for it. Life may get in the way but you just pick yourself up and go on.

Here is what I have planned. Let me know what you think. Any feedback is appreciated

SWIM – I am in a Developmental masters swim, like a beginner’s master. I swim with the group once a week. There are 2 other sessions but they conflict with my kids schedule 95% of the time so I need to swim 2 or 3x a week on my own. Tomorrow I am just going to swim but the training plans I am thinking about

Swim Zero to One Mile in 6 weeks (I have started this plan several times but never finished it) -
BT Beginner Swim Program (3 months) -
Thoughts on either or both. Maybe do one then the other?

BIKE –I do have a trainer I will set up in my basement for short workouts if the weather is seriously bad. I HATE working out at home. I don’t know how people do it. It takes more energy to go to my basement. I usually just spin 2x a week at the gym to keep it simple. However, BT has two plans I really like:

Beginner Cycling Training Program –
Winter Cycling with Heart Rate -
Thoughts on either plan or just stick to spin classes?

RUN – I will either do a Hal Higdon novice half marathon or one of the RunKeeper app half marathon training programs. I always have my phone with me when I run so I use that. I also use a Garmin with a heartrate monitor. My half marathon is 4/19, which is only 11 weeks away. My longest run recently was 4 miles. I need to boogie.

I need to train and get in shape. Training will help get me in shape and lose some of my fat. Yes, I am so out of shape.
Looking forward to the challenge of training, getting fit and losing some weight.

Did I mention that I was crazy enough to join a 3 person team in a Kara Goucher challenge where my team has to run 2015 miles by the end of 2015.
What was I thinking?!

Edited by Lovey 2015-01-28 3:12 PM
2015-01-28 8:06 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Des Plaines, Illinois
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Thanks Todd! That's really encouraging. (And I'm reading between the lines a bit that I should get over myself and just register already ;-) ) I think I should have no problem getting out of the water in time (I'm at 1:20 per 50m). I'd like to get it down to 60 sec/50m if possible. I run about at 13min/mile and I'm confident I can get that down to 11 or 12 (so I'll need to make up for that time in the swim). I'll look in to trainers this weekend...but I'm with Lovey (treadmill in the basement and I go out of my way to run on an indoor track)...I'd rather just grab my daughter's fairy wand and wish away winter. I love riding...but I've never been more than a casual peddler. (I have a trek hybrid with a basket on the front...guess I'll need to pull the basket off ;-) ). Thanks again for the info and encouragement!
2015-01-28 8:34 PM
in reply to: #5078752

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Wow lovey, thank you for so much enthusiasm! And you have a half marathon in a few months?! Whoa! I'm already inspired by you. I'm having a hard time getting by ass off the couch. So everyone, please keep posting your workouts and trainings.

Jennifer, bite the bullet and sign up! It's exciting and scary! We will all be scared and excited together!

I love this group!
2015-01-28 8:48 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
As I posted before Tracy (Lovey) really is an incredible women and I know because she's been with me since the very start of Mentoring. You were right Smiley all of this is inspiring and helpful. I know before I've seen what all Tracy and others have done and still got in a workout and got off my butt realizing that I didn't have a excuse much less a Reason not to work out. Always remember that the hardest thing is developing a routine, now everyone get off their butts and get to work
2015-01-28 10:10 PM
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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Wow lovey, thank you for so much enthusiasm! And you have a half marathon in a few months?! Whoa! I'm already inspired by you. I'm having a hard time getting by off the couch. So everyone, please keep posting your workouts and trainings.

Jennifer, bite the bullet and sign up! It's exciting and scary! We will all be scared and excited together!

I love this group!

Thanks. If I am in the area, I will cheer you on at one of your races. I visit Waterbury, CT to see my in-laws. I don't think you are that far away.

Edited by Lovey 2015-01-28 10:13 PM

2015-01-28 10:55 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Sorry Tracy I forgot to address what you asked. I was at the same point as you a couple of years ago and had the same thoughts and issues as you. #1 I agree that Hal Higdon's plans rock! So take that plan and print it out. I then found cycle and swim only plan I liked and printed them out. I then took my calendar and went week by week looking at all three and built a plan that fit me, my schedule, and my goals. You have done this long enough to know where you can and can't go with or without and be successful, trust your history and knowledge.
2015-01-29 1:29 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hello Todd!

I would like to join your group if you still have openings and are taking newbies

Name: Suzie

Story: I am 43ys. I have been overweight all my life. Been yo-yo dieting throughout. My heaviest was when I got married almost 15yrs ago and at that time I was @300lbs (stopped weighing when I hit 290lb) Weight went down then up throughout. A year into my marriage my husband had a heat attack at the age of 37yr. You would think that would of been a wake up call and it was but only for a short time. My weight then hovered at 250lb. It wasn't until I was turning 40yr that for some reason everything hit me. I signed up to do a 10k run (more or less from someone that was laughing at me and told me I couldn't do it). At the time I didn't even know how far 10k was, and I had never ran a day in my life. A good friend trained with me, encouraged me, and I did it. I wasn't fast and to this day I still am not fast but it has turned my life around. That was 3 years ago and my weight is now @160lbs and I am still working on it. Last year I did my first sprint Tri and now I want more I'm struggling to find the balance of work, working out/training, my husband time and sleep. I work horrible hours 3pm-@5am. I am a Supervisor (RN) in a trauma hospital in surgery and I work a lot of over time since my husband is no longer able to work.

Family Status: Married to a very supportive husband for 15yrs no children.

Current Training: Just got back to the pool this month. My swimming is slow. Last year I could only Breaststroke but this year I am working on the freestyle. I love bike riding and my husband bought me a bike trainer (I live in Indiana so we have winters) and have been riding a lot this winter on the trainer. Have been running some but ready to get back into a real routine.

2014 Races: Cicero Sprint TRI (June 2014), Kendallville Sprint TRI (July 2014), Huntington Sprint TRI (August 2014) Indy Mini 13.1 (May 2014) multiple 5ks and multiple bike rides

2015 Races: Signed up for: BSU Sprint TRI April 18th, Tri Goddess Tri June 14th and Fort4Fitness 13.1 run September. Will also be doing more 5ks throughout.

Weight loss: 3yrs ago I hovered at 300lbs. currently 160lbs

What will make me a good mentee?: I am dedicated and I would love to help support others and give motivation. I am hoping to find the same in return. I cannot find a supportive group where I currently live that wants to deal with a slow newbie. I know that I will never be fast and I am ok with that. I just want to do it for me and it would be nice to have others that I can talk with and ask questions with. My first Tri left me with a great feeling. My 2nd Tri I was miserable and didn't want to do another one again. I had to dig deep and find why I felt that way. I realized then that I couldn't compare myself to others and that I just had to do it for me. My third Tri I went in with a "Happy Heart" and it was great. I want to keep pushing myself and be the best version of me that I can be. I thought if I could find a supportive group that it would help me. Money is tight and I can not afford coaching but I would love to find others out their like me.

I am new to this sight so if you do let me join I may need some guidance on how everything works

2015-01-29 1:49 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Southern Norway, Vest-Agder
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Inspiring to see so many of you really getting ready to do this! I have just ordered myself a bike, and borrowed a roller from some guy at work so I can start putting down some miles on the wheels as winter currently has a tight grip here. Tomorrow I plan to to defy the laws of physics and set the alarm clock to rattle me out of bed at 05:00 so I can do an hour of swimming before work. Summer is coming, and in my experince with improving endurance : six month is not an ocean of time. GOGOGO!

Question : What does those stars some of you have on your profile mean?

2015-01-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: Gnoory

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
I made it to the pool!

Swimming mile in 6 weeks -
WEEK one / Day 1:
4 x 100 yards (or meters) for 12 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 for 8 breaths between 50s
4 x 25 for 4 breaths between 25s
total: 700 yards

Took me about 25 minutes, I am a slow swimmer. This program is not about time. it's about endurance so I am going to focus on that.
My time will get better with more swimming.
2015-01-29 8:56 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Hello Todd!

I would like to join your group if you still have openings and are taking newbies

Name: Suzie

Story: I am 43ys. I have been overweight all my life. Been yo-yo dieting throughout. My heaviest was when I got married almost 15yrs ago and at that time I was @300lbs (stopped weighing when I hit 290lb) Weight went down then up throughout. A year into my marriage my husband had a heat attack at the age of 37yr. You would think that would of been a wake up call and it was but only for a short time. My weight then hovered at 250lb. It wasn't until I was turning 40yr that for some reason everything hit me. I signed up to do a 10k run (more or less from someone that was laughing at me and told me I couldn't do it). At the time I didn't even know how far 10k was, and I had never ran a day in my life. A good friend trained with me, encouraged me, and I did it. I wasn't fast and to this day I still am not fast but it has turned my life around. That was 3 years ago and my weight is now @160lbs and I am still working on it. Last year I did my first sprint Tri and now I want more I'm struggling to find the balance of work, working out/training, my husband time and sleep. I work horrible hours 3pm-@5am. I am a Supervisor (RN) in a trauma hospital in surgery and I work a lot of over time since my husband is no longer able to work.

What will make me a good mentee?: I am dedicated and I would love to help support others and give motivation. I am hoping to find the same in return. I cannot find a supportive group where I currently live that wants to deal with a slow newbie. I know that I will never be fast and I am ok with that. I just want to do it for me and it would be nice to have others that I can talk with and ask questions with. My first Tri left me with a great feeling. My 2nd Tri I was miserable and didn't want to do another one again. I had to dig deep and find why I felt that way. I realized then that I couldn't compare myself to others and that I just had to do it for me. My third Tri I went in with a "Happy Heart" and it was great. I want to keep pushing myself and be the best version of me that I can be. I thought if I could find a supportive group that it would help me. Money is tight and I can not afford coaching but I would love to find others out their like me.

I am new to this sight so if you do let me join I may need some guidance on how everything works


Suzie welcome to the Turtles. You should be extremely proud of yourself for how far you have come and what you've accomplished. You are absolutely right about having to do this for yourself. The truth is that only about five percent of people are going to or the natural ability / time to podium in this sport. I have always said you have or don't have the ability to be a 6 minute miler. I know that I can work as hard as I can with the life and time I have and probably will never average in the 7's for a 5k. I think these issues is why so many get out of the sport because they can not find joy in their personal accomplishments. The other thing you said about not having money for a coach (me too), but at times people like us seem like the minority in this sport and that can be frustrating if you let it. I have noticed over my four years that there are probably more in this sport that money is not an issue for than the other. They have the money to buy and do whatever they want and conversely tend to have the most free time to train and workout. Some of these will be the same that will tell people like us with normal hard working jobs that we need to put in 10 hours during the week and 5 or 6 on the weekend if we want to complete whatever race it is that we are doing. Stick with what you got, Race for yourself, your health, your family and forget about what others think or how fast you are doing it in.

Again Welcome

2015-01-29 8:58 AM
in reply to: Gnoory

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Gnoory

Question : What does those stars some of you have on your profile mean?

They mean that I am AWESOME No, in all seriousness, it has to do with the number of post made in the forums of BT, nothing more nothing less. So the higher your post count the more stars you will see.
2015-01-29 9:00 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

I made it to the pool!

Swimming mile in 6 weeks -
WEEK one / Day 1:
4 x 100 yards (or meters) for 12 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 for 8 breaths between 50s
4 x 25 for 4 breaths between 25s
total: 700 yards

Took me about 25 minutes, I am a slow swimmer. This program is not about time. it's about endurance so I am going to focus on that.
My time will get better with more swimming.

Day 1 down, way to go. I will be hitting the pool for the first time in a long time tonight. Fingers crossed that I don't drown.
2015-01-29 10:20 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi Todd and everyone,

I was in Todd's Turtle group last year and I just want to say that you are all with the best mentor! I'm in another mentor group at the moment this is filled with some hard-core and inspiring triathletes, but it doesn't share the same kind of warmth as this group.

Some quick suggestions to get the most out of this group:

- Participate as much as possible. Share what you're up to on a daily basis and encourage others, and this will help to motivate you tremendously.

- Ask MANY questions. Technical questions are good, but also questions like race-day logistics, balancing family life with training, and/or establishing long-term goals (e.g. is an Iron Man for me?). I've seen these kinds of questions answered elsewhere on the BT forums, but I guarantee you will appreciate Todd's down-to-earth response much more than what other usually have to offer.

Good luck everyone, and I hope you get hooked on this sport like I did!

Lovey, it's great to see you in the group again! Good luck training for the 1/2 marathon.

2015-01-29 12:30 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Training
Your training looks good to me. I am a newbie so I am not sure what that is worth. My husband uses a trainer in the winter and sets it up in front of the TV he gets his cadence going and works in for a 30 minute or 1 hr show. He bikes 40-50 miles and his goal is 100 miles.
I think you have the right mind set of just doing it. I would think we all have to push ourselves to keep going even though it might be easier to get caught up with the children, spouses, the house and work. I wrote down my reasons for doing this and I think I'm going to post it on my mirror. I think this is a new year and a new you! I wouldn't worry about what didn't happen last time. You can do it!
2015-01-29 12:53 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi everyone!

I just want to comment that I'm so impressed with everyone's level of enthusiasm, excitement, and support of everyone's triathlon endeavours. These are great posts to read, very motivating, and it's great to see everyone's training approach. I'm learning a lot from this forum.


2015-01-29 1:02 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Training
This is my first week in training. I have been following a slower program that is 22 weeks. My triathlon is in August. I was going to sign up for one in April with my children but felt that was way too early. For those of you that are competeing in this spring you inspire me. I also have not signed up for my sprint yet.
Modnay Pool 100 yd, yoga class, 20 minute walk, tuesday 2 miles bike, Wednesday pool 100yd, walk 23 minutes, thursday off

I was in the pool yesterday and after doing my laps and practicing kicking. I was asking my children to teach me how to not hold my nose and go under the water. They were trying, we had fun. They were doing good not laughing at me. I start my swim instruction on Monday. I will then practice drills for 3 days. I will either get on the trainer at home or do a spin bike at the YMCA. My new bike is far forward and the brakes are different. I was laughing at my own fear. I have decided I am more comfortable climbing hills then coming down them. I will keep at it. I rode with my children and my husband. He cycles a lot more now that I am going for this triathlon.

I am glad to see I am not the only one trying this for the first time. I am lucky in that my children are training as well. Not as hard, but they both have a youth triathlon coming in April. I am glad that I found this group. I think it will make a great difference.
2015-01-29 1:09 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

Originally posted by Smiley9188

Wow lovey, thank you for so much enthusiasm! And you have a half marathon in a few months?! Whoa! I'm already inspired by you. I'm having a hard time getting by off the couch. So everyone, please keep posting your workouts and trainings.

Jennifer, bite the bullet and sign up! It's exciting and scary! We will all be scared and excited together!

I love this group!

Thanks. If I am in the area, I will cheer you on at one of your races. I visit Waterbury, CT to see my in-laws. I don't think you are that far away.

Wow, that's awesome Lovey!. I grew up in Naugatuck. Thanks for offering to cheer me on! I'm trying to figure out what races to do this year. I'm hoping to do 4, 2 low-key ones and 2 on saturday (assumingly larger/more of a big deal). It sounds like we have some new englanders. Where do you live? I think there's someone from Redding CT too.

ps, i can't figure out how to make my name appear under my photo on the left of each of my posts. Does anyone know how to do this? In the meantime I'll try to remember to sign off with my name!
2015-01-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Originally posted by Lovey

Originally posted by Smiley9188

Wow lovey, thank you for so much enthusiasm! And you have a half marathon in a few months?! Whoa! I'm already inspired by you. I'm having a hard time getting by off the couch. So everyone, please keep posting your workouts and trainings.

Jennifer, bite the bullet and sign up! It's exciting and scary! We will all be scared and excited together!

I love this group!

Thanks. If I am in the area, I will cheer you on at one of your races. I visit Waterbury, CT to see my in-laws. I don't think you are that far away.

Wow, that's awesome Lovey!. I grew up in Naugatuck. Thanks for offering to cheer me on! I'm trying to figure out what races to do this year. I'm hoping to do 4, 2 low-key ones and 2 on saturday (assumingly larger/more of a big deal). It sounds like we have some new englanders. Where do you live? I think there's someone from Redding CT too.

ps, i can't figure out how to make my name appear under my photo on the left of each of my posts. Does anyone know how to do this? In the meantime I'll try to remember to sign off with my name!

I live right outside Baltimore, MD.
2015-01-29 2:23 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
I have a question. How does everyone do the transitions from ppol to bike? I am needing to purchase a real swimsuit. Do you wear a swim suit then wear biking overtop? Do you swim in a tri suit? I am also buying some good running shoes at the Tri shop today.

What are your thoughts on this?
2015-01-29 2:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by nekomidori

I have a question. How does everyone do the transitions from ppol to bike? I am needing to purchase a real swimsuit. Do you wear a swim suit then wear biking overtop? Do you swim in a tri suit? I am also buying some good running shoes at the Tri shop today.

What are your thoughts on this?

Transition from Pool to Bike - I have not done an indoor tri (pool to stationary bike). I have done pool triathlons before. Your bike area is set up outside in the designated transition area. I swim in my 2 piece trisuit. I leave a long sleeve shirt on top of my bike (if its cool outside) and throw it on once I get to my bike and you bike in the same shorts, no need for more clothes. tri-shorts pads are thinner and dry quicker than a regular bike shorts. you don't want to swim in regular bike shorts or it will feel like you have a diaper on. You also don't want to put tri-shorts or regular bike shorts on AFTER the swim because getting those on over wet legs would take forever.
There are 2 piece tri-suits and all in one suits. I like 2 piece so I don't have to take everything off to go to the bathroom. Personal preference.

As for running shoes, I highly recommend getting fitted at a running store IF your tri shop doesn't do it. Running in the wrong shoe can create issues down the line. running shoes fall in 3 categories: stability, Neutral and Motion Control. Once you know what you are, find a shoe that your feet likes in that category. So if you are Stability, it doesn't mean every stability running shoe is the right shoe (my husband thinks so). Not all all shoes, brands or shoes within the same brand category are the same.

I love skirts sports tri-suits because they make them for women with umph up top and I have plenty. They also have pockets for gels.

I wear stability running shoes. I LOVE my Brooks Adrenaline and Trance. I won a Muzuno stability running shoe and near keeled over on a 5 mile run from the pain that was caused by insufficient cushion and stability in that model. Find what fits you.

Edited by Lovey 2015-01-29 2:46 PM

2015-01-29 4:13 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
NAME: Libby Henderson, 46

STORY: 15 years, and 75 lbs ago, I was a pretty consistent runner. Washed out of running and competitive tennis with injuries, and bought a horse. That first horse has turned into a herd of 6 and a farm. During this time, my most consistent exercise has been riding, and though it isn't as much all the horse as a it looks, it isn't enough to keep me fit. I do a sport called Eventing, which is essentially a horse triathlon. It consists of compulsory movements in a routine (dressage), running and jumping cross country, and then stadium jumping over the brightly colored poles. I have a new horse that I am just getting started, and so we are the baby, tiny level classes. At my age, I'm ok if we stay there! She is like her mom, and can stay plump on air, so I'm working to get myself fit and her fit at the same time. I used to do endurance riding and every ride has a "turtle" award for the riders that come in last. It is a really cool idea, and I love the idea of the Training Turtles! My goal is for a sprint tri at the end of May and I'm ok with being last -- I want to aim for the turtle award! My running is hard due to the aforementioned injuries, so I'm ok with walk/running if that is where I have to stay, but my swimming SUCKS. I used to be a strong swimmer, though I've never done organized swimming. Got in the pool today and was stunned at how hard this is going to be. Signed up for stroke development clinic right away.

FAMILY STATUS: married, no kids, 6 horses, 2 dogs, 3 barn kitties. Looking to add a puppy and a herd of sheep, but not there yet! =)

CURRENT TRAINING: in the fall, I was running/walking and riding my bike, alternating days, 6 days a week and was doing good until it got cold. Floridians don't like the cold. Worked up to 30 miles on the bike, and could do a 5k, walking/running, though super slow. Currently strength training with the trainer 2x a week, and getting started building a base in the pool and will be getting back on my bike and running in the next week or so.

2014 RACES: none, did one 26 mile organized bike ride so I could get used to riding with others.

2015 RACES: Planning to do the shorter routes of several centuries that are nearby before the Sprint Tri in Montgomery on May 31.

WEIGHTLOSS: If I'm lucky!! I've struggled with weight as an adult for as long as I can remember. If it happens, I'll be delighted, but if not, I will be happy to just get stronger, so I can be a more effective rider.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I take instruction well, and need goals and accountability. For some reason the swimming -- both the act of doing it, and the confronting the groups of cool kids that are between me and the pool is really hard. So, I need to have to check in. I'm very new here to BT, and have lots to figure out. Also, I LOVE the idea of being a Turtle. In fact, my step grandson has a Twighlight Turtle -- he's a toy that is a nightlight, and projects the stars onto the ceiling. I have promised myself that if I finish the triathlon in Montgomery that I can have my own Turtle Nightlight! I'm apparently 46, going on 3
2015-01-29 4:18 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by nekomidori

I have a question. How does everyone do the transitions from ppol to bike? I am needing to purchase a real swimsuit. Do you wear a swim suit then wear biking overtop? Do you swim in a tri suit? I am also buying some good running shoes at the Tri shop today.

What are your thoughts on this?

Tracy already knocked it out of the park so some of this is a repeat of hers and some is in addition. Swim in what you will race in whether one peice or two. I know that a lot of ladies that I've heard talk about tri clothing talk about one or two specific brands being more lady friendly so to speak. I believe one is Desoto and if I'm not wrong the wife, of the husband and wife group that own it will post on BT from time to time. Don't think that you have to swim in what you get every single day you swim because you don't, a bathing suit is fine, but you should do so often enough to ensure comfort and familiarity with it.

Adding to the shoes the three that Tracy mention are correct and are sometimes referred to by slightly different names. You will want to know that the location / sales person can look at you jogging / walking and can let you know whether or not you are an overpronator, underpronator, neutral, or whatever it may be, which will then let them know which category shoe you will fit into. You can also look at the wear pattern on the bottom of older shoes that have been worn extensively and look up on the internet pictures that will show you how each wear down shoes. Tracy is even further right in saying that just because it's in the correct category doesn't mean you'll like it or it will work. Everyone raved about Brooks Cadence's as a great Stability shoe so I bought some $125 and knew within one mile that they would not work for me. I attempted a few more runs with the same results. For what it's worth, while Nike is THE shoe company, they have not been building quality running shoes for as long as Asics' and others in the market. Don't worry about pretty or neat looking (we all do it, so stop shaking your head ) and get what feels best in the right shoe.
2015-01-29 9:21 PM
in reply to: #5078752

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Nicole, are you doing an indoor tri? If so, how much time is the pool to bike transition. I just did one a few weeks ago and had a 10 minute transition which was enough time for me to change into dry clothes and go to the bathroom! Good luck!

I have busted feet and get me shoes from new balance. I have the 990 which I Think is their most supportive shoe and get an insert too. My legs and feet are noticeably less pained since I started using the shoe. The proper shoe for your foot is vital.

Good luck! When is the race!?
2015-01-30 12:44 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Thanks Todd for the encouragement and excepting me into the group!

I do wish that I did not have to always think about "where the money is coming from?" It seems that I live in area that it is hard for me to find Tri's that are not far away. I will be going to Ann Arbor Michigan in June for the Tri Goddess Tri which for me is about a 2 1/2hr drive. With the cost of entering and staying in a hotel it seems that it can add up pretty quickly with money, and with Tri's starting so early in the morning, I feel like I need to stay the night before. It can get a little frustrating with the costs.

Looking forward to being apart of the group and I hope that I can add some motivation to others!
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date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.