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2006-12-29 10:47 PM
in reply to: #636807

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
For the treadmill I've got a bunch of tv shows downloaded that I watch on the treadmill. One Sopranos episode without the commercials is about 50 min. Arrested Development is for shorter runs.

I've been on the treadmill a lot this past month because I've been trying to be strict with myself about keeping my heart rate low. It is easier to do that on the treadmill. Now that my fitness is getting better though, I find that I can run outside without the heart rate going nuts. So weather permitting, I'm going to try to get outside a bit more.

2006-12-30 8:10 AM
in reply to: #636807

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
crea0029 - 2006-12-29 4:26 PM

Hey Everyone,
How is everyone doing out there? Ready for round two of food and fun? I have a question for everyone. How do you handle the boredom of running on the treadmill for long distances? Or is it better to try to do the long runs outside? I just wanted to check with everyone because I am having problems staying entertained on the treadmill.

Thanks and have a good day!

This week has been a writeoff for me. I had to work last weekend and Christmas day (a night shift), then had my family get together on Wed. and worked again on Thurs and Fri. So far this week my workouts total a big fat zero! I have the next five days off, so plan to log some miles and get in a couple swims.
As far as the treadmill I have a love/hate relationship with mine. I'm ok for an hour but after that I go crazy no matter what 'entertainment' I have. I prefer to always run outside but I'm also a wimp when it's cold out. A good movie helps if you're doing a long TM run. Keeping the display covered so you aren't watching the minutes click by helps. Varying the speed and elevation is easier on your legs and helps the boredom factor. The TM is great for speed workouts because it forces you to hold a fast pace.

I'm going to register for some races now.. hopefully spending money will help my motivation.
2006-12-30 6:36 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Ok girls.. this morning I registered for 4 triathlons... 2 sprints, 1 olympic and 1 half IM.. the first one is in June. I'm also registered for an 8k race next weekend, and depending if I get some vacation time I asked for from work will be running a half marathon in Feb , and a full marathon in March, and probably another half in May. So I need LOTS of motivation to get out there and train ... if you don't think I'm working hard enough please let me know !! I tend to be a slacker when I'm training on my own, so I'm counting on you all to inspire me. The new year is coming, let's make it a good one !!
2006-12-30 6:40 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Nice list of races! That inspires me to get out there and sign up for a few! Do you have a plan a head of time for the training you need to do or are you just going with whatever you think you need? Well good luck and let's start adding up those miles!
2006-12-30 7:43 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Wow Cathy, way to commit yourself.

Now get out there and pound that pavement! Those races aren't going to run themselves.

I just registered for the Riverkeeper Sprint and the Graham Beasley Sprint. Will you be at either of those events?

Edited by raebo 2006-12-30 7:56 PM
2006-12-30 9:24 PM
in reply to: #637449

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Woohoo Cathy! Way to go! Sounds like you have 1 race per month to look forward to (and train for) . We'll keep ya honest on the training!

2006-12-30 9:43 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: Pink challenge

Ok ladies, the ball is gonna drop tomorrow night at midnight and we'll be into 2007! With that, our training calendars will roll over and start again, completely empty and white in January. As we know, when a workout gets logged in the training blogs, the square on the calendar turns pink (light pink for swim, bike, run, and dark pink for other sports, strength training, etc).

So who is up for some "habit-forming training" starting in January? Meaning, let's use the month of January to turn those squares pink! They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, so we'll try a do the reverse and form the habit of training consistently over the month of January (30 days will make sure it sticks ). Do what you can to get out there and train and turn those squares pink. Yellow and white are ok for planned rest days. And green (race days) are good too. Of course, the squares turn pink even if 1 minute of a sport get logged. Which is why we're all here to keep each other honest (i.e. razz anyone who does something silly like that ).

So who's with me?! Down with the patchwork quilt training calendar! He he.

2006-12-30 10:54 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
I'm in!! My training plan has only a few days off for rest and I would like to take those days and either stretch or do yoga on them so I shouldn't have any days off if I don't have a great reason! Who is next!?
2006-12-31 9:16 AM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
I'm right with you! This past week I started the 8 week run focused winter maintenance program and I am committed to completing it. So far so good and I am not stopping now.
2006-12-31 2:22 PM
in reply to: #637476

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Hi Rae.. they are all somersault events.. I signed up for Smith Falls, Carleton Place, 1000 Islands and the Canadian Iron Half (Ottawa). The Riverkeeper is the weekend before SF, don't think I'll want to do 2 that close together. So SF will be my first. We'll have to get together for a picture at CP.
2006-12-31 6:49 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
That's great Cathy, we definitely need to meet up at the CP event.

2007-01-03 8:28 AM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
So as I mentioned in my first post, I have a problem with training consistently if I don't have a plan. I'd just like to announce that I successfully completed all my planned workouts for the first week of the winter maintenance plan I started. Yay for me!!! (And I'm enjoying it too.) I am completely focused on continuing the way that I've started.

As a result I'm finding that my confidence is building, my heart rate is falling and I'm starting to look ahead at the upcoming season with eagerness. I'm really starting to believe that I can improve my dismal running abilities. I'm thinking that I might even target an October half-marathon.

How about the rest of you? How are things going? Well? Anybody need a pep talk, cause I'm in a peppy mood.
2007-01-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: #640334

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL

Awesome Rae! Just think of how far ahead you'll be for the season by sticking to that winter maintenance plan. I've slacked off in the winter in the past and boy did it bite me when I started back up with training in Feb. For me, the swimming endurance is always the first to go followed by the running.

So a half marathon in Oct...that's so cool!

2007-01-04 9:36 PM
in reply to: #640334

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Your log did look impressive the past week Rae!
At this point I'm 8 months from my goal race, and 9 months from the 1/2 IM, so I think until the end of March I will concentrate on building base and endurance in run and swim. I hope by that time I will be able to get my new bike so in April I'll add in biking miles. I don't do well with long structured training plans and most are written for people working M - F with big workouts on weekends. My work schedule is 4 days work, 5 days off and I prefer to spend weekends that I have off with my family, so I try to do my longest workouts on weekdays. In the past I've used a nine day cycle (rather than the common 7 day cycle) for running training which worked well, I just haven't figured out yet how to fit the 3 sports into those nine days. Let me know if you have any ideas that might help, or if you know any shift working triathletes (I don't ).

2007-01-05 8:23 AM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Sorry I can't help with your scheduling Cathy. I had to tweak the training plan I chose slightly to account for the masters swim schedule but as you said, it is a bit easier for us 9 to 5 types.
2007-01-05 1:18 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Carleton Place, Ontario
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
I just got an email this morning from a former co-worker to let me know that she was doing a local 5k on Jan 14th and was I going to do it too. I had been waffling about it but that email gave me just enough of a nudge to register.

So anyway, I'm running the 25th annual Richmond Road Races 5K in Richmond, Ontario on Jan 14. Hopefully the weather will hold and it won't be a snowstorm or anything.

In other news...I got an email from the Masters group about a swim meet in late February. It is in a 50m pool so that means less turns. Which is a good thing, since I can't do flip turns yet. So I'll probably sign up for that.

It is nice to have some events to look forward to in the near future.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

2007-01-05 2:33 PM
in reply to: #643129

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Looking at some of the plans available I see patterns... some are 2/2/2 where each sport has 2 workouts/week, some are 3/3/3, and others focus on the weaker areas with a 2/2/3 or other combinations. For my 9 day scheduling it should be pretty easy to do something similar.... 3/3/3 would work well. I just have to work the swims around the available pool times. The long runs and bikes on days off and shorter stuff on work days. I'm working a night shift tonight so if I have some free time I will see what I can come up with, and then maybe get some opinion from the group.
2007-01-05 11:32 PM
in reply to: #642926

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL

Hi Cathy,

I am never able to follow a training plan exactly how it is laid out for the week. So what I do is upload the plan to my blog, and each week I look at the planned training, print it out, and then number each workout. Then I look at my weekly schedule and assign the workouts for the days they fit best. So Monday might be Swim #5, Bike #3; Tuesday might be Run #10 and Strength #2 and so on. I figure it's better to get the workouts in and fit them to my schedule than miss workouts because the plan didn't fit my schedule at all.

2007-01-06 2:44 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL

Ladies!  I had a little 'OH MY GOD I CAN'T DO THIS WHAT WAS I THINKING' moment the last week or so. I'm freaked out about an IM commitment, I'm freaked out about the fundraising for Team in Training, and I'm freaked out about swimming. But this is something I really WANT to do and I know I can do. Our group friend CathyD spent the last day talking me off my ledge and giving me words of encouragement. I've decided to really bust tail in January to build the habit and also to just focus on my HIM in May because the IM in August is just too far and too daunting for my comfort level.

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL holiday week and I'll 'see' you all out there!!!


2007-01-06 7:37 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Happy New Year Everyone,
I like all your positive energy. Yeah!!!!!! I am already starting to accomplish goals for the new year. I have been swimming more and I have added more biking workouts this week. I want to continue working on the bike. I would like to add the extra Masters class every week. I am also going to lift more during the week. Along with the swimming, biking, weights, I am going to add my speed work back in there. What a balance act.
I believe with some nitty picky changes in the way I do things I will become a better athlete. Yeah!!!! Instead of working with a weekly schedule I may have to work with nine days to get eveything covered that I want to do. Thats ok. I can do it. My first race for the year as far as biking and running will be a duathlon. So I am going to focus on that for now. Have a Great Week-end. Talk to you soon. Karen
2007-01-07 10:02 AM
in reply to: #644804

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Mottyl - 2007-01-06 11:44 AM

I've decided to really bust tail in January to build the habit and also to just focus on my HIM in May because the IM in August is just too far and too daunting for my comfort level.

Oh yeah...August is way far away to be stressing about it right now. Don't DNF or DNS yourself before you even start training!

Glad to see your ready to go gangbusters on the training in Jan. I think we're all trying to get training to be a habit this month, so that it will carry into next month. So far the group is doing great!

2007-01-07 1:42 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL

I do have a question. Everytime my training plan has two workouts, I assume they mean a brick but it is really hard on work days to cram two hours in anywhere. Do they mean a brick or can I split the workouts up into before work and after work reserving my long bricks for the weekends? I assume I can do whatever I have time to do, but some confirmation from you guys would be great!



2007-01-07 1:57 PM
in reply to: #645355

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Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
hi leslie.. glad to see you back. I'm the least experienced of the group as far as tri training goes but the training plans I've been looking at frequently have two workouts in a day and they are meant as separate workouts. In fact they often tell you specifically to do them at separate times. I think it would be ok to do them together if that was the only way to fit them in, but one in the AM, one in the PM would be just fine. The planned brick workouts are written as bricks and seem to be in the later weeks of the training.
2007-01-07 2:25 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Well, I'm not very bright. I had imported the plan and printed the calendars, but I hadn't read the "plan descriptions" and seen all of the pdfs and other details. A whole new world has opened up to me :-).
2007-01-09 5:10 PM
in reply to: #625459

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's Group - FULL
Hi everyone!
I need some help/advice!!! I have been treadmill running the past few weeks cuz it has become so darn cold outside and I think I am somehow over compensating on my left side because of something on my right. Like today when I got off the treadmill and started to stretch a muscle in my lower back/hip on the left side is hurting and gets a little tight. It is hard to explain the isn't pain but it just is really tight and almost sore. Does anyone have an idea what is going on and what I can do to prevent it or fix it?

Thanks everyone and keep up the great work!

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