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2007-01-06 10:32 PM
in reply to: #629744


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Wow, that's a lot of swimming and running. 11 weeks until the 1/2 marathon.......good luck. I have the utmost faith in you. You can do it.

Now for the bad news: I smoked tonight, I know..."What were you thinking? Do you know what that does to your body?" My wife has hit me hard on this tonight.

I ate well today, lite salads, no pop, nothing fried. But the vodka got me. Idrank sooooooo much vodka that I slipped and smoked 4 cigerettes tonight at the local club. Looks like i'm back to square one. I feel so bad about it now that I'm sober but it's in the past so now I'm going to bed and starting tomorrow I'm hitting it again (the fitness thing).

Is this Jan challange open to all or is it something you signed up for elsewhere?

If it's open to us let me know and I'll track what I will do.

Again, I'm sorry for letting you all down on the smoking thing.


2007-01-07 7:50 AM
in reply to: #629744

West Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Jimmy we are all human and all slip up in one way or another. The important thing is to know that you dont want to keep smoking and keep trying

The Jan challange is open to everyone on BT. If you want to do it, I am captain of my team and I can add you to it. I think the cut off to sign up is today so just let me know and I will set it up. You make your own challange as to the distance you want to push yourself to do.
Let me know.

Today is a fresh day......dont be so hard on yourself.....just go foward positively today and then tackle tomorrow - well tomorrow.....
2007-01-07 8:02 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Aw, Jimmy! That sucks. Just look at it in perspective though. This time you made it over a week. Next time, you'll do better. Doesn't it take most people about 3 times to quit? It's OK. You'll get there. Keep up that training and it'll happen.

2007-01-07 5:07 PM
in reply to: #645108

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Hi Jimmy,

Sorry to hear about your little smoking setback.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Nicitine is one of the most addictive drugs known to humans.  You haven't let us down at all - just yourself.  I found that when I was trying to quit smoking, I really had to stay away from alcohol.  Even now, if I get a little buzz going with the booze, I still occasionally crave the cigarettes.  But I can say NO now so hang in there and it will happen for you too.  Perhaps you could put aside the money you would spend on smokes and every time you reach a milestone - say 1 week, 1 month etc, buy yourself something with your savings.  If you have a setback, give the money to someone else - wife, charity etc.

Those monthly challenges are great.  Good luck to those of you who are participating.  I have done several of them and enjoy every second of them.  They are a great way to stay motivated.

Jimmy do you recall asking about going backwards in training?  Well if it makes you feel any better, I had one of those sessions today.  I had my long run scheduled and I felt that I would be running faster than ever since I have been running well.  Didn't turn out to be the case.  I sucked!!!  I was very depressed about it but I know it happens.   Perhaps next week will be better.

Happy training to you all.  Let's get on with another great week!

2007-01-08 6:36 PM
in reply to: #629744


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Well, I guess I missed the registration. Sorry, I should have checked the site yesterday.

Weight is 200.2 I should lay off the beer?

A full day of no smoking again. Day 1.

I walked today 2 miles, biked hard at 23.3 miles average for 4 miles on flat terrain. Today was arm day with the weights.

Just finished supper. I ate well until supper, I had 4 taco supremes.

Back to School tomorrow night. Man I hate higher education. Go Norsemen!

I found out that my heart rate monitor was not being read properly. Earlier I posted I ave. 183 on a bike. Remember? Well, that as wrong. That was my max. Today the average was 131. Maximum was 168.

I know my post are short and choppy but I like to sort through my thoughts that way. Maybe I need College?

2007-01-08 10:30 PM
in reply to: #641798

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
HI Leah and Everyone.

So you are Aussie! I have a lot of Aussie friends.

Well it was a Milwaukee- Chicago- Hong Kong flight and then a night in Hong Kong and a 4 hour train ride into China. The long part was only 15 hours, but yes a real pain! I count it as 20 hours travel as that is what it ends up to be!

I did get in and exercise at the hotel and I have been out biking this morning. I am trying to get to a schedule.

JImmy for me it is sweets, but I have been doing quite good the last few days. Eatting right, writing it all down on Fitday. Leah recommended Fitday and Leah I have to tell you that I do like their section to count calories.

Claudia, thanks for the info on the Ipod Gizzmo. I did not get an Ipod before I left for the states as I could not make a decision. I checked in HK but it seems the prices is maybe even a bit higher than the US or very similar so I am back to getting when I come back to the US again.

All of you keep up the good work and keep on tri ing!

Leah Go Aussie Gal!


2007-01-09 7:25 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Good morning everyone,

I didn't make it to the pool last night.  Between getting my baby to bed and watching the BSC championship game, I didn't manage to get an early night.  Plus I am very fatigued this week so I need to go a little easy.  Don't want to over do anything.

Jimmy you are doing really well.  Just hang in there and your determination will get you to wherever you want to go.  What are you studying in school?

Anita, yes I am Australian.  I have lived in the USA for the past 7.5 years so I am almost an American now   Plus I have an American husband and now an American baby!  I don't foresee a move back to Oz, but you never know.  I didn't get into triathlon until after I moved to the USA.  Adult team sport is almost non-existant in the two cities I have lived in over here and I had to do something to keep my weight under control.  I played team sports 4 nights a week in Australia.  I have found that there is nothing better than running to control weight.  Usually it allows me to eat whatever I want, but I am having trouble losing my baby weight.

I hope you all have a great day.


2007-01-10 8:00 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Hey everyone! Hope your week is going well. Any thing cool planned for the weekend? I know it’s only Wed, but it’s never too early to plan ahead. Have a good day!

2007-01-11 3:35 AM
in reply to: #647368

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Hi Everyone!

Hope all is going well for you all. Pattie I do not have too much planned for the weekend but I am going to go ride my bike like I usually do around town and run all my errands. On purpose I did not get a car and so I ride almost everywhere. It helps me to at least fit in some fitness.

Leah I also had a late night. I had a late night flight to Hanoi where I am now and I hate those flights as I can never get up early enough the next day to exercise. Maybe I am just lazy but I find I need my beauty sleep. I am not able to run yet, still too out of shape but I am trying to do the track thing and also esclipse machine. I find that is helping some. I have biked and swan for so long I have lost all endurance with running. Leah you are American! Hey I have not been to Aussie but everyone I have met from there I really like!

Keeping on tring!
2007-01-11 7:57 AM
in reply to: #650167

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Hi All,

Sorry I have been a little absent this week.  I am just not feeling well.  I am not sure why.  Hopefully it will pass.  I had a horrible experience earlier in the week - I discovered that I don't fit in to my swim suits at the moment   Now if that isn't incentive to lose weight, nothing is.  I have 3 nice speedo suits which are just sitting in my dresser doing nothing!  Argh, I just want to lose this last 12 pounds.

I have an easy ride and long run planned for the weekend.  Right now I am not looking forward to them because I feel too tired to lift a finger.  Oh well, soldier on as my mother always said.

2007-01-15 7:35 PM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Hi Gang,

Looks like some of you are doing very well with your training.

Jimmy and Anita - we miss you.  Come back

Patty - how is the leg?  What did the doc say about it?  Sorry if you mentioned something in your log that I didn't read.

Wishing you all a great week (and a speedy recovery for Wes). 




2007-01-15 8:32 PM
in reply to: #629744


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
I'm still here...I check in about once a day.

School is really kicking my butt. I have never had so much reading or so many papers to do in one semester. Between 2 classes I have 10, 5 pg papers and 1, 12 pg over racial or gender privilages.
AAAHHH!!! I still go to the YMCA. Things are going well. As a matter of fact today I ran my first 2 mile non-stop run. That may not sound like much but I haven't done that since the Navy.

My weight is 196. Lost a few. I feel pretty good. I've been biking a lot indoors. That God for Chris Carmichael's DVDs.

My wife and I have been eating healthy. We have been cooking all meals at home lately. We have been eating Grilled Salmon, Griled Chicken, lots of rice and fresh veggies.

Hope all is well and I'll try to post more often.
2007-01-16 2:54 AM
in reply to: #655665

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
HI Guys

Sorry I have been gone. Besides fighting off a cold this weekend (which I did but I did not do anything and layed low) we have huge internet problems here in Asia as Taiwan had an earthquake a few weeks ago which broke all the under water internet cables, so sorry sometimes the speeds are just very slow lately!

Was out yesterday on my bike for an 1 hour. Traffic was a bit bad but I was able to make pretty good speed between not getting hit or hitting anyone else along the way.

Blew my eatting this weekend, but it was on Sunday and Sunday is one day I do try to take off from counting my eatting.

Hope you are all doing well and hanging in there. Tmr should be a better day and I will get back to the club. It is just a bit cold here, which is a lousey excuse, but Asia does not yet believe in nice heated places, so you freeze your butt of everywhere, but then I guess that is good for burning off more fat right???

2007-01-16 7:46 AM
in reply to: #655718

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

School is really kicking my butt. I have never had so much reading or so many papers to do in one semester.

What are you studying Jimmy? I totally understand school kicking one's butt.  Not only am I a lecturer in a medical school, but I am also taking masters-level classes.  I have never done so much reading in my life (and I am an avid reader of fiction). 

As a matter of fact today I ran my first 2 mile non-stop run. That may not sound like much but I haven't done that since the Navy. My weight is 196. Lost a few. I feel pretty good.

CONGRATULATIONS Jimmy.  This is awesome. It is nice to see results from your hard work.  Next you will be telling us that you ran 3 miles non-stop, then 4, then 5   Glad to hear that the weight loss is coming along nicely too.  I finally decided to suck it up and lose the baby weight so I am counting calories and trying to be super-strict about it.  I have to fit back in to my wetsuit by May.  Argh!  Anyway, great work.



2007-01-16 7:49 AM
in reply to: #655929

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Besides fighting off a cold this weekend (which I did but I did not do anything and layed low) we have huge internet problems here in Asia

Sorry about the cold Anita.  I hope you are feeling better today.  We heard about the earthquake, although I probably read it in an Australian newspaper! 

Great going on the bike.  I admire your ability to work out under fairly adverse conditions (cold temps, crazy travel schedule).


2007-01-16 8:22 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Happy Tuesday, everyone! We got snow over the weekend, so things look a lot different here in MN this week. Yesterday, my car did not want to start, so we didn't make it to the gym. I was pretty bummed since I had the day off and all the time in the world to work out. Instead, I worked at home writing an exam. Blech!

My leg feels better, but I'm taking it very slowly. I still haven't heard back from the clinic. They were waiting on my records from my old doc before they willl schedule an appt. Mayo Clinic does things its own way and no use to try to change them. Eventually, I'll get an appt and get some answers. Until then, I'm alternating walk/slow jog on the track for about 2 miles. It's not much, but it doesn't hurt and it's better than nothing.

Better go now. My first class starts in about 10 min and I'm not quite ready. See ya!


2007-01-16 11:20 PM
in reply to: #656054

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
HI Pattie, Leah and everyone!

I am really sorry to hear about your leg problem. I was wondering if you had tried any water running?

I tried it recently and just read an article on it on BT. They said if you have an injury or if you are overweight like I am, it is good to start to run in the water. I have a bum knee and as I am out of shape and have weight to lose I found it is one of the only ways I have found that I can run at any kind of pace.

Leah or anyone else??? I was wondering if you had any tips for this? Also I read that it is good to get some shoes for this and they recommended a pair called AXQ or something like that, but I was wondering if these really make any difference. A guy at my Mom's club had them and said they were great, but then the last time I saw him the shoe was broken so I wonder if the 100 plus USD he paid for them was worth it if they broke so fast. I got a pair of cheap water shoes at the fitness store but those wore out in no time and I had to toss them out.

I was wondering if any one else had any experience with Water Running or using the water to train and had any tips?.

Also when swimming I noticed there were some people with a snorkle and flippers. Should we also train with those when swimming? I will be at the beach this weekend so I was going to see if I could get a set. But what benefit do they have for training in the water?

Anyone have any suggestions or experience with these things? Was just wondering!

2007-01-23 9:03 PM
in reply to: #657240


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
I posted things but they are not working....WTF
2007-01-23 9:05 PM
in reply to: #665746


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
OH CRAP!!!!!1 Someone else been having problems? I have been posting everynight over the past 4 days but they don't take.

Basically..I have been slacking

Still no smoking

School sucks

We got 4 inches of snow here last weekend
2007-01-26 11:30 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Sorry folks - I haven't been keeping up with the posts but I do check logs regularly.

Anita (I think it was you asking about water running), I will get back to you on that.  My husband does it when he is injured so I will ask him for his opinions/advice.

Jimmy - what isn't posting?  Your logs?  Make sure you save them by clicking on the appropriate buttons at the top of bottom of your log.  Glad to hear that you are still off the cigarettes.  The training will follow if you keep at it.

Cheers to you all,




2007-01-26 3:37 PM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Hi all! It's been a hella busy week, but I'm getting ready to head out of work to a little social hour event. Hope you all have a good weekend. It's going to be super cold tomorrow and Sunday, so I don't think we'll be able to go XC skiing. Maybe next weekend. Have a good one!


2007-01-27 2:11 AM
in reply to: #669277

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Dear Pattie and Everyone!

Jealous you can go XC Skiing. I love to XC ski, but where I am at there is no snow.

Hello Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone had any comments about the swim training that I asked about last week?

Does anyone know the benefit of using fins and such I will cc it again incase it did not go through.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Here is my recent post!


I tried it recently and just read an article on it on BT. They said if you have an injury or if you are overweight like I am, it is good to start to run in the water. I have a bum knee and as I am out of shape and have weight to lose I found it is one of the only ways I have found that I can run at any kind of pace.

Leah or anyone else??? I was wondering if you had any tips for this? Also I read that it is good to get some shoes for this and they recommended a pair called AXQ or something like that, but I was wondering if these really make any difference. A guy at my Mom's club had them and said they were great, but then the last time I saw him the shoe was broken so I wonder if the 100 plus USD he paid for them was worth it if they broke so fast. I got a pair of cheap water shoes at the fitness store but those wore out in no time and I had to toss them out.

I was wondering if any one else had any experience with Water Running or using the water to train and had any tips?.

Also when swimming I noticed there were some people with a snorkle and flippers. Should we also train with those when swimming? I will be at the beach this weekend so I was going to see if I could get a set. But what benefit do they have for training in the water?

Anyone have any suggestions or experience with these things? Was just wondering!


2007-01-27 2:14 AM
in reply to: #668986

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
HI Leah

Sorry just saw your post. It seems like the posts are getting a bit messy.

Thanks for your help on the water running. I just wonder if it is good and what you need to do to ensure you get a good workout.

Have a great weekend! I am heading to HK this weekend and heading back over the Pacific, have a crazy month of travel (Asia-US-Europe-US-Asia), but I plan to get my training in. I wonder what United would do if I put on my trainers and run around their plane?!


2007-01-31 4:18 PM
in reply to: #669547

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

NuNu - 2007-01-27 3:14 AM HI Leah Sorry just saw your post. It seems like the posts are getting a bit messy. Thanks for your help on the water running. I just wonder if it is good and what you need to do to ensure you get a good workout. Have a great weekend! I am heading to HK this weekend and heading back over the Pacific, have a crazy month of travel (Asia-US-Europe-US-Asia), but I plan to get my training in. I wonder what United would do if I put on my trainers and run around their plane?! Cheers! Anita

No problem.  Here is some info. from my husband about pool running: 

"As for the water running the purpose of the "shoes" is to increase the resistence as you pull the legs through the water. It can over stress the joints in my opinion. I wouldn't get those until someone has been training with water running for a long period of time.

It is hard to get the heart rate up during water running. So don't just get in the pool and "run" like you would outside. You need to run hard.  I did intervals of various lengths every day I was in the pool."

I hope that helps.  Enjoy your travels.


2007-02-03 3:04 PM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
I have a question. My first race is May 20 and I think I'm training too hard/too soon. I've been thinking about and today our cycle instructor kind of hinted at that same thing. He asked when my first race was and suggested that I lower my intensity a bit. I think he might be right. Today I ran 2 miles, did a 90 min cycle class and swam 900 meters. I'm afraid at this rate I will burn out before the season even starts. Gack! What should I do?


BTW- I *finally* got an appt with the sports med doc. Tues I go for x-rays and MRI. Thurs is an office consultation and on the 19th is a full runner's evaluation.
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