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2007-01-09 8:45 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I am a cheapo!  And I have a pretty hectic work schedule so I am always trying to squeeze workouts in.  That is why I like the trainer - it is more flexible for me.  Now saying that I have not done a spin class so I really can't compare the workouts.  I would rather use my time training instead of driving somewhere and driving home.  Just my thoughts.  Others might have a diffetrent opinion.  I think in the long run what really matters is do whatever it takes to train.  If you get my bike time by being in a spin class go that route.  If the trainer at home gets you more bike time go that way.

2007-01-09 8:55 AM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

I am a member of a gym that has a location near my office and one near my home.  They offer a lot of spin classes that fit my schedule so it is a great convenience.   Exercising at home has never worked well for me, too many distractions or reasons to procrastinate.

Im also a male (pig) and the scenery in spin class is soooo much better than that found in my basement. 

I have never ridden a trainer so I dont know which would give a better quality workout.  When I get out of spin class I am soaked in sweat and when I wear my heart rate monitor the rate is close to what I get on the road.

2007-01-09 9:34 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Thanks guys...  I have a gym membership where I will swim, lift and hope to bike.  I was going to buy a trainer last week, but it was going against my mantra of doing the 1st year on the cheap to make sure I am going to like this and stick with it.   So I reconsidered and bypassed the trainer. 

My wife does spin classes 3x a week and swears by them.  She used to competitively mountain bike ride and she says shes in better shape now from spinning.  I'll be at the gym anyway so hitting a spin class or even just using the machines for the requisite time in my plan will/should be easy. 


2007-01-09 10:39 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Hey the scenery thing may get me to reconsider!  OINK!
2007-01-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Howdy Pigs...just joking. Last Tuesday I went to a spinning class and they were way more advanced then me....up out of the saddle for long periods of time. The thing I don't like about the spinning bikes is you can't tell how far you've someone else said I think whatever it takes to get your workout certainly get a workout in w/ the spinning class and having others in the class is often a motivating factor so I'm not just lullygagging along on the bike...a little competition is a good thing. I'm not good about logging my workouts but today swam 30 mins....various drills and biked 30 mins....despite being in mourning over the pathetic OSU vs Florida football game. Lisa
2007-01-10 6:43 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Thanks for the replies. 

I'm going to go with the spinning to the extent of available classes and use the machine when classes are not available.  If/when it is nice, I'll ride my piece o'crap mountain bike outside. 

2007-01-10 6:53 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Hey Lisa- thanks for putting up with us pigs!  Nice workouts keep it up.  As for OSU I feel for you.  I'm a Gopher fan - thank sounds like a sickness doesn't it!  Any way you guys had a great year - just ended rough.
2007-01-10 9:54 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Chat tommorrow night at 9 pm central time!
2007-01-10 9:31 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Sorry I missed the chat.  I went running and forgot all about it until I logged in to put in my workout info.  I tried to get into beginner chat about 925 central but was denied because I'm a cheap bastard and won't pay for the bronze membership. 


2007-01-11 7:07 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Hey guys,

 I am sorry but i will miss the chat tonight.  I don't know if it was the gas they gave me at the dentist or just that it has been a really hard week but i was falling alseep driving home from work tonight (not good).  I am going to go take a hot shower to get cleaned up and then hit the hay.  I should be sawing logs by the time you have the chat going.

First one there open a chatroom called Hikergerb's group - like you did last week Ken.

I'm really sorry.  I'll get in on the next one.  Why don't you all drop me a line or two and let me know how the training is going.


2007-01-11 8:02 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Hope you are feeling better tomorrow Steve...sounds like you are going to get a good nights rest. I too am not a bronze member so I won't be able to get in the chat room. Training continues to go well...did 40 mins of bike and 20 mins of treadmill...I'm feeling pretty good during and after my workouts....I feel like I've turned a little corner...not so much drudgery in getting myself to and actually working out....dare I say I'm almost enjoying them a bit....I know I feel strong when I'm done. Hello to all . Lisa

2007-01-12 7:26 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

I'm hoping you all forgave me last night.  I was just exhausted.  I'm doing much better this morning.  Looks like we have about half of the group that can't chat so we should try and stay in touch through PM's and Inspires.

Lisa - It is fun when you get to the point where you enjoy the workouts.  I actually miss them when I am down for a while.

2007-01-12 8:24 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Lisa -  I know what you mean about the drudgery of getting out and getting started.  In the past I quit before I crossed the hump into actually liking the workouts and even getting some energy out of them afterwards.
2007-01-14 6:17 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Steve- Congrats on your PR for the mile....Yahooooooooooooooooooooo. Lisa
2007-01-15 6:35 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Well we're half way through the month.
How is everyone doing on their January goals.
I'm not quite half way on mine but I'm still in the ballpark so will keep pushing.

Here's to a strong secound half.

2007-01-15 2:56 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
My goals were to lose weight....need to get that part jump started....just got back from We are Marshall w/ the boys and movie popcorn....needless to say I need to buckle down on my food intake but my other goal was to work out 4 days a week and I'm doing that and more I'm happy to report! Hopefully others are making progress as well. Lisa PS The movie was great.

2007-01-15 5:52 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full




Swim: - 4h
Bike: - 14h
Run: - 15h


January's totals:
Bike:6h 3m  - 91.1 Mi
Run:4h 42m 08s  - 26.24 Mi
Swim:1h 20m 32s  - 3600 M
Elliptical Training:

3h 23m


Im close to where I planned.  Foot and knee are showing some improvment.  Still questionable if I can run a half marathon on 2/17.

2007-01-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Sorry about not posting yesterday - swamped at work!

I am behind on all of my goals for the month.  Being sick the first week didn't help.  Also since I have yet to be in the pool I have no hope of making my swim goal.  This is an example of having to roll with the punches.  I could get worked up and over train the next two week and screw myself up or I can write off the messed up training and go gorward which is the approach I preffer.  I should come close on the bike and run though.

2007-01-17 9:29 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Good morning all!  It is indeed an effort to get my arms up to the keyboard this morning!  In the pool at 530 this morning...

My progress toward my goals is mixed.  I changed up my plan about 10 days ago so my goals are different.

My initial goals were:
Run            680 min
Swim          54 min
Bike           108 min
Bootcamp   240 min
Core           60 min.

Changed training plans, updated goals:
Run            734 min
Swim          73 min
Bike            102 min
Bootcamp   240 min
Core           60 min

At the halfway point…
Run            6h 46m  - A bit behind
Swim          22m  - On target
Bike           15m  - On target
Bootcamp   What bootcamp?
Core           20m  - Way behind


2007-01-17 9:59 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Any advice on what to do in the pool?  I need to build endurance.  Are there drills to help or are plain-old laps the best way?
2007-01-17 10:10 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I mix my swim workouts between drills to develop my form (I am a Total Immersion fan) and swimming "ladders" to build endurance.  A ladder is when you swim a set distance - let say 50 yds - rest 15 - 30 sec then swim 100 yds, rest, 150, rest ,200, rest ,150 rest, 100, rest, 50.  I beleive the thinking is by swimming intervals llike that you can swim hard and develop you ability to swim farther faster.  A lot like doing running intervals.

2007-01-17 10:36 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I understand what you are saying.  But should I start at 25, 50, 75, 100 and build up?  I ask this because as of now (granted, with only 2 sessions in the pool) I can only go 100 yds before my lungs and arms end up on the bottom of the pool.
2007-01-17 10:49 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Given you have only had 2 sessions in the pool that would be a perfectly appropriate place to start.  You can also lengthen the rest times too to help you recover for the next set.  Also build slow to avoid injury.
2007-01-17 11:32 AM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
When I first started swimming I could not swim freestyle more than 50 yards without stopping.  I would do 50 free than 25 breaststroke as a type of active recovery then 50 free again.  Over time I was able to do more freestyle and less breaststroke as a percentage till I could do 1000+ continuous freestyle.  Just take your time and stay after it and your endurance will improve.
2007-01-17 12:06 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Well, I ordered a new bike today:

Specs are here:

Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it. 

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