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2007-01-09 10:49 AM
in reply to: #647721

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Sarah Ray - 2007-01-09 10:36 AM

So Nate, how do I read your blog. I'm up for a little inspiration.


the link is in my profile, but I'll put it here for others as well.

2007-01-09 12:34 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Amy - Sorry you couldn't find what you are looking for with us. I wish you the best for your upcoming triathlon

Nate and Kate - I've just bookmarked your blogs. I love reading blogs so I'll definitely check yours out. I haven't posted to mine much lately since I'm not using BT for my nutrition and training logging but my race reports and tons of pictures can be found at

Rachel - WOO HOO! Way to go on getting to the pool and taking the plunge so to speak. Everyone starts somewhere and it sounds like in spite of your lack of goggles you did great. Keep up the hard work and you'll be crossing the finish line of your first race in no time.

As for me I've completed my first day of Ironman training. My plan and information is all in my training log. I felt good and my new running shoes seemed to be ok which is a huge relief.

Today I've got swimming and a short run on the schedule

Kate - Looks like you posted on your blog about Disney so I'll have to read your race report.

Also I'm changing our group to open if someone else wants to join.
2007-01-10 1:10 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
How's everyone's training and nutrition going midweek?

Nato and Kate - I checked out your blogs, super cool! Way to go on that race Kate

So I'm on Day 3 of my training plan and everything is going well. I had a crazy pool etiquette experience last night which frustrated me but I survived my first time trial. 1000 yds straight. I thought about words going from A-T to help me count the laps.


2007-01-10 1:57 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Nate, I visited your blog. Thank you for sharing. What a way to keep yourself honest on the WW plan. Your results are inspirational. My greatest struggle is with consistency. I know it works if I just continue to stick with it. If you can lose weight throughout December, surely I can be more diligent.

Goal - lose one pound/week over the course of my 20 week training plan.

Kate, I can relate to your struggles. I've had the same conversation about how you can QUIT your other negative habits of smoking, drinking, whatever, but you must find a balance with food including carbs.

Congratulate yourself and be SO proud of what you have accomplished. What you are capable of is amazing and the Ironman is within your grasp. Think about what is great about you. You are obviously very intelligent and successful in many ways. You have been so helpful and supportive of everyone else, offer yourself the same graciousness.

And - I love your pink bike!

Rachel, are you swimming today? How are the new goggles?

Bonnie, 1000 yds, way to go.

2007-01-13 12:34 AM
in reply to: #633548


Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Hi everyone, sorry I've been incommunicato - work has been a bit crazy this week (not that it promises to get less crazy!) and I started my *final* semester at UGA, too. But I have been Following My Training Plan! Yippee!

The new goggles are *heavenly* and I love them. I successfully weaned myself from the board - 1/2 and 1/2 on Wednesday, totally without today. I'm having a hard time adapting to the idea that I don't have to rushfortheothersideofthepool - I wear myself out in a desperate attempt to get to the other side, without slowing down to breathe properly, have any kind of form, etc. It's a consciousness thing. Despite this, I've felt good enough after both swims to go another lap (of course, at this point I rest every 25yds), but I resisted - I'm taking it slow since I need to go slow and work on how I move in the water. I add a lap more more every week, so there's plenty of time for that. I'm loving it.

Biking has gone well, too, though I'm using a stationary and haven't figured out what the best settings are yet. Too hard, and it takes me for-ev-er, and too easy, and I feel like I'm cheating. "2 miles" took me around 25 minutes the first day and about 10 minutes the second time, on different bikes with different settings. I know it's going to be a lot of work to haul my big fanny across real ground, so I think I need to up the resistance and be comfortable that I'm building up the strength I'll need, even if it takes more time.

I haven't been "dieting" per se, just trying to eat when I'm hungry (and not other times) and like a rational person, but I'm thinking about doing WW online to keep better track of what I'm putting in and doing the math for me.

I think I've checked out everyone's blogs, and I'm really impressed! Your postings are so inspiring; I'll be sure to spend more time on them. I especially enjoy the race day details!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2007-01-13 12:43 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Way to go Rachel! Sounds like you're making tremendous progress with your swimming.

Some advice on the bike settings at the gym. The next time you are on the stationary bike see if it has a program to let you select Watts. When I'm traveling or just feeling like it's a gym day and I end up on the stationary I ride following Watts. This is the amount of power you are expending to make the pedals turn. I would recommend going about 90-100 watts to start depending on your comfort level and then moving up from there.

Hope that helps!

How's everyone else doing? Kate, Sarah, Nato?

I went to WW this morning and was down 3.6lbs - WOO HOO! After gaining a few over the holidays I was pleased.

Also had a great run with my best friend tonight on the river, almost 5 miles in just over an hour although now my foot hurts Could it be my new running shoes?

Have a great weekend!

2007-01-13 1:06 AM
in reply to: #633548


Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Bravo on the 3.6, Bonnie! You rock!! I love those weeks when the hard work pays off!

BTW, Sarah, I think I'll join you on your 1lb/wk goal! It's great, very doable, too. It's so much more fun 'training' for a triathlon than just exercising to lose weight!

2007-01-13 7:51 AM
in reply to: #653269

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Hi, everybody. WOW group ~~ we are doing GREAT! After an eight-month leave of absence, I left sunny Florida on Tuesday night to return to my job in Cleveland, which is cold, rainy, and gray. I did four miles downtown at lunch the other day, and am putting my bike together this afternoon to hook up to the trainer so I can bike early this evening. If the COLD and RAIN ever stop, I'll be outside for my long slow distance run tomorrow. Monday I'm finding a pool to do laps. Needless to say, I'm a bit discouraged because I haven't kept to my training plan very well with the transition and the move, but I need to be easier on myself. These things take time. I found a yoga class, and a swim class, and a running group ... it's just a matter of putting it together.

On the positive side, I've lost another six pounds, thirteen total. I've just basically cut out all the refined stuff except for workout time. It seems to be working ... not particularly hungry. My knees and back will thank me.

Everybody have a terrific long weekend and enjoy your workouts. I'm so proud of this group, and so glad to be a part of it.

Take care!
2007-01-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Bonnie 3.6 - stunning. Doesn't that just put a smile on your face.

Rachel, great progress in swimming and with sticking to your training plan. Just beginning is so empowering isn't it? My teammate's husband said last night he can see such a difference in his wife and myself just because of our commitment - we start our training schedule tomorrow.

Kate, it's gotta be hard leaving FL for Cleveland but at least your 13 pounds are miles away!! Way to go on the loss.

Nate, how are you doing?

I'm off to the gym today to try implementing some of the many swim tips and techniques I've been told, read, and watched on DVD - all of which are nothing like my current swim style.

When starting this thing I honestly thought, "Hmmm, I can swim, bike and run. If I can just do it longer I can complete a triathlon."

Now everything is so complex! I could be a flailer or pack fodder and not even know it! I would probably be better off never reading some of the stuff I've come across. Now I know my room for impovement is infinite. I will learn what I can, implement what is feasible, and have fun doing it.

Lovin' it.
2007-01-13 10:22 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
I'm still here...doing pretty well. I haven't updated my training log lately as I've been keeping track of my exercise on my blog site. This summer, once I'm down under 3 bills again, I plan on doing an actual training plan. I'm tentatively going to do a 5k in May.

I've added some ab training to my workout routine. I now am doing crunches and oblique work 3-4 times per week.

I'm still dealing with a lot of hip and lower back pain while walking. I'm hoping that as the weight continues to come off, it continues to get easier. 2 months ago, I could barely walk around the I'm up to about a mile or so before the pain kicks in.

2007-01-13 5:39 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Nate your progress is awesome. I've watched videos, read stories, seen pictures of larger guys completing tris. It is very motivational for me and is part of what convinced my husband to join me on this journey. So, I'm thankful.

I noticed your treat of Cool Whip and rice cakes on your blog. So I tried it and like it.

Lately I've been cutting up a piece of fruit into chunks, sprinkling with Splenda and cinnamon, topping with a broken up, crunchy granola bar and baking at 350 for 20-30 min. for a 2-3 point crisp plus a bonus serving of fruit. For apple crisp I like Kashi roasted almond crunch bar and for pear I like Kashi pumpkin spice flax bars. I bet a little FF Cool Whip on top would make it even better.


2007-01-13 9:39 PM
in reply to: #633548

New user
Renton, WA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Hi, I would like to join this group if it is still open. It looks like a great asset and not intimidating (like the Ironmen on TV)

I am 64 years old and have never done a triathlon before. I started running at 35, ran my first marathon at 41 and my last at 52. Since then I have ridden the Seattle to Portland 200 mile bike ride 5 times. But have done virtually nothing for the last two years due to a broken right ankle with residual tendonitis.

I started working on my swimming a couple of month ago and have worked up to 500m with stops to rest at every 100. As you can see I have a long way to go!!

I also need to lose 25 lbs over the next few months.

My current goal is to do the Danskin in Seatle the end of August, so need all the help and ideas I can get.

Thanks, Carol
2007-01-13 9:46 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Welcome Carol - We would be happy to have you in our group!

The Danskin Seattle is very near and dear to my heart as it was my first triathlon ever I weighed 280lbs when I crossed the finish line and it was the most amazing feeling. Sounds like you've made great progress with your swimming.

Nate - Have you thought about doing a relay to get your feet wet so to speak? It sounds like you are kicking butt on the swim and bike progress and due to the pain you're struggling with the walk/run portion. Having many knee issues I had a similar situation and so I found a friend and she did the 5k and I did the swim and bike of a local sprint so I could see what it was like. I had a great time and my confidence that I could make it through the swim and bike and then walk the run on my own the next time was renewed. It might be a good option for you.

Kate - Sounds like a crazy time with the move. I can totally sympathize with how tough it is when you're away from home to keep the workouts going but you are doing great!
2007-01-13 11:13 PM
in reply to: #633548

New user
Renton, WA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Thanks Bonnie.

I have a question about swimming training. I was blown away by Kate's daily swim training. At present I am just swimming laps, mostly freestyle with side stroke to rest. What kind of swimming should I be doing to get the most out of my time?
2007-01-14 9:36 AM
in reply to: #653902

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Carol, I'm SO GLAD you're in this group. We needed another older woman with minor creaks and groans to keep me company! So Thank You for joining!

PLEASE don't be freaked out by my swimming. Two things: first, all the little symbols and stuff with times and meters are intimidating. All they really do is provide variety and break up the traditional "I"m going in to swim laps" mentality. I can't *just* swim laps because of my shoulder issues, so I have to break it up with the kickboard, fins, paddles, and other water toys. Second, the workouts are all canned, from Joe Friel's 1/2 IM training program, and I adapt them. If I don't do 2200 meters, so what? I went to the pool, I did what I could. Usually I put in the time, not the distances. 1800 meters is about average for me right now. But given my shoulder issues, I'm proud of it. How in the name of all that's Holy I'm going to do 2.4 miles in November is freaking me out in a big way, but I'm thinking that if Bonnie can do it this summer, I can plod along behind her in the wake!

Did a 6-miler in the Cleveland Metroparks in the rain and cold and gray day yesterday, and honestly it felt good to be cold rather than hot like in Florida. You could almost say I enjoyed it. Still working on balancing the calories in and calories out, especially around workout time, but I guess it's relatively OK.

Nate ... I used to go 330. So I know the "under three bills" thing. And the hips will clear up so you can move better, guaranteed. Ever tried shuffling your feet rather than striding, like a marathoner? I call it "slogging" (slow jogging). I have two speeds, go and stop. Averages about 16 minute miles, gets me in just under the cut-off times so far. I have no intention to go faster.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend. Thanks again for the support.
2007-01-14 10:02 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN
Welcome Carol.

Kate I knew you would be happy.

More ice raining down in Oklahoma today. All churches are closed and much of everything else including many gyms. We've got 30 minute news segments dedicated to the demonstration of scraping ice from one's windshield! Quite comical.

I am fortunate enough to belong to the one gym that is open. Yippee. It was completely packed yesterday - - no where else for people to go. I swam mostly drills trying to incorporate all of the many tips I never knew I needed and it was hard. I feel really good about my future progress. All of the changes to my form will pay off.

Today I hope to spend an hour and a half on whatever bike is available.

I've been reading The Complete Triathlon Book. It is confirming my training plan and advice from you guys in great detail. I prefer simplicity to information overload, but love the confirmation.


2007-01-15 4:41 PM
in reply to: #647371

Subject: RE: Jumping ship
amy mutz - 2007-01-09 6:29 AM

Hello everyone,

I have decided to jump ship so to speak, when I decided to join the group I thought it would be great to cheer everyone on and get some inspiration myself. I have noticed that thus far I haven't been inspired or even noticed here, mentors definition is: friend and advisor, teacher or coach, I haven't recd. any of that and I have to think about my end goal which is to compete in a Sprint Triathlon in April. I have gotten more encouragement from the beginner tri threads which shouldn't be the case, it only takes a sec to inspire someone. Maybe it's me, I have been a coach for 6 years and love to inspire and see my team grow, but now I really need some of that myself.

So I wish everyone the best and God speed to you.


Since Amy has left, I was hoping I could take her spot. As I was reading this, I was getting disappointed that it was full, but maybe there is some hope after all. Reading about everyone else has been absolutely inspirational and I hope in a small part I can provide some to others as well.

I started doing WW, the home version, on 1-1-7 and am down over 11 lbs since then. And today was the first day in over a year that I was less than 300 lbs on the scale.

One of my yearly goals was to do a triathlon, and last Friday I signed up for the Boulder Peak Triathlon. Today was my first triathlon workout so to speak. I swam 800 yds over 30 minutes, including an endurance test of 500 yds in 14:32. Followed by 30 minutes on the bike covering 7.5 miles. Then I lifted and followed that with 2.0 miles on the treadmill in 22:30. Right now I feel great and am looking forward to it warming up and the snow melting so I can train outside.

That is all for now. Keep up the great work everyone.
2007-01-15 7:29 PM
in reply to: #633548

Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - OPEN

I did not realize that Carol had jumped in. I will find another. Good Luck Everyone and keep up the great work
2007-01-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
I think we can handle 6 people K96 if you want to stay in our group

How's everyone doing this week?

Let's talk about nutrition since we are all watching or trying to lose some weight.

Regardless of your triathlon distance, nutrition while training and racing is really important.

Have you experimented with any foods or sports drinks you like?

I LOVE GU and Sport Beans as a training and racing food. For drinks I generally use GU20 or Carbo Pro mixed with Gatorade or Lemonade.

Got a good workout in last night and have another 45 min run planned for tonight. No really good place to swim here so I'll have to do that when I get back to Portland.
2007-01-16 6:54 PM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Nutrition? Let's talk about my first 40 minute run, or what I can bench press, or how many laps I can do while holding my breath. Discipline in training is much easier than discipline in eating.

However, I can't let Rachel down on our one lb./wk. weight loss goal. So . . . while I'm not where I want to be, which is measuring portions, counting points, tracking activity points etc. I am focusing on whole foods, vegetables and fruit, and lean protein.

Rachel, I'm weighing on Sundays and will let you know if a pound is missing next week.

As far as nutrition during/after training - the protein bar nearly exited my stomach the fast way, water is not enough, today's Gatorade during training and milkskake afterward was good, but too many calories. I'm thinking of trying lowfat milk next. I haven't ventured into any fancy, exclusive store type stuff yet.

Today's 40 min. run was really awesome even though it was on the treadmill. Last month I NEVER would have thought I could do that.

The weather looks like I will be indoors for at least two weeks longer. The ice is no longer falling, but the roads are getting worse. More ice Saturday and Sunday with no chance for a thaw in the predictable future.

Thanks all of you for your accountability, encouragement, and wisdom.

2007-01-16 9:23 PM
in reply to: #633548

New user
Renton, WA
Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
I have been using Bill Phillips "Body for Life" diet and exercise schedule, and am on my second week. I didn't loose my one pound the first week, but maybe my body is still on a rebound after the holiday assault!!!

I am lifting weights three days a week alternating upper and lower body, and swimming three days a week with Sunday off. Today I increased my swimming by 50m to 550 and hope to be up to 800 by the first week in April when I plan to start the 20 week program working toward the end of August Danskin.

I like the bars that you can buy at WW, also Balance bars are good after a workout., maybe half of one, they are pretty hight in calories.

Still lots of ice and snow here where I live in the foothills east of Seattle, so no outdoor exercise except sledding with the grandkids.


2007-01-16 10:04 PM
in reply to: #633548


Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
It's funny; for me the eating has been easier since I've been working out, though I'm not sure why. Maybe since I'm asking more of my body I seem to be paying closer attention to what it needs. I'm not so desperately hungry because I'm careful to eat something at breakfast and at least get something in my stomach a couple of times during the day. I also think the mood-boosting effects of the workouts are really helping. Habit-wise, it's better, too... I used to stop by the grocery store on the way home every day, maybe pick up a frozen dinner and a pint of ice cream, but now I go to the Y instead! And I'm disinclined to show up at Kroger all sweaty after I exercise :-) and I don't want to waste all that hard work on junk! Oh, I did find a fantastic sweet snack - banana dipped in fatfree/sugarfree chocolate or chocolate fudge pudding! Mmm... fruity, chocolaty, filling! I've read you can roll it in crushed peanuts and freeze it for a treat, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

This may be just the 'beginner' roll that I'm on, or it may be the opening lines of a beautiful 'success' story, but either way I'll take it. For the past few weeks I've been trying to just eat when hungry, mostly 'real' or unprocessed foods, and reasonable amounts, but found myself wanting to have a better record so I started keeping track on WW online. I wouldn't say I'm "doing" WW, but I am using some of the tools. Can I just say I've never before been able to mark the "activity" spot more than once in a whole month?!? Now I can mark it 6 days a week!

Sarah (& all), my weigh-in day is Thursday, so I'll check in then, though I'm obsessively weighing myself every day (I know, not usually recommended, but it helps me prevent the "I'll be able to recover by weigh-in day" syndrome which is so destructive for me - for me, my behavior *every day* has an impact on my well-being. I understand that it fluctuates, but I have to keep myself honest). Kate, I don't think I mentioned a big "go girl" on your total loss of 13! Awesome!

Side note for Sarah: I hope you're warming up there in OK - my parents live in McAlester and are powerless this week... and very very cold! Luckily my father is practically a big boy scout and they have a generator and camp stove, and of course, kitties to keep them warm! Stay safe driving. BTW, I can't *wait* for the day I can run (or jog!) 40 minutes on a treadmill or anywhere!

Re: training nutrition, I don't seem to be at a point where I need more than water to get me through. I still have very short workouts (usually a total of 40 mins or so), and I usually have a snack a couple of hours before and dinner often comes an hour or two afterward. I'll probably need more advice down the line when I have longer-lasting sessions. Unless anyone suggests something different??

Bonnie, I tried your bike wattage suggestion (90-100) and nearly *died*, I could barely move the pedals, so I decided to go to 70W, which was all I could handle on Sunday (had to cut back to 60W for the last 1/2 mile, there was no way I could have made it - either faster or slower was just impossible or painful). Today, though, I was able to do 70W the whole time without any problems at all. I was surprised. I'm going to inch it up every other session, so I think I'll be at 80 or 85 tomorrow. I'm doing the same on the treadmill; I'm short and still pretty slow, but I figure going up a notch per week is reasonable. If I feel I can do more the 3rd time (I do treadmill 3x/wk), then I will, but otherwise I'm planning on slow & steady. I am the tortoise!
Swimming is still a disaster - I think I am going to need lessons if I want to be able to go any real distance. Urgh, more expense! I'm still going the distances, though. Do tortoises swim?

Welcome to our new member(s) - this is an incredible group & I can't wait to learn more about your efforts! Carol, I was thinking about trying to do a Danskin this year but am not sure I'll be ready... Disney World is closest to me, I know there's no way I'm doing one in May!! I'm excited for you, though! k96, under 300 is incredible! I'm about 15 away from my first big psychological victory, will keep everyone posted.

Sorry for the terribly rambling post; I'll work on being more succinct and articulate after this!

Take care,
The Tortoise
2007-01-17 7:26 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Good morning to everyone! It's cold here in Cleveland, but there's some funny yellow stuff all over .... ooh, wait, that's sunshine! Been a week since I've seen the sun.

Good news ... another pound down, 14 total.

Nutrition for me is simple, really, and rather boring. I eat meats and veggies. And nuts. And eggs. and I allow myself one dairy food ... low fat string cheese. And red wine. I have this Syndrome X thing with my insulin. Whenever I eat processed stuff, it turns immediately to fat & makes me hungry. So I don't eat it.

Around workout time is the only time I do carbs, and it's still a work in progress getting it right. I use Accelerade products before, during and after. They have a nice 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein, even in the gels. They were developed by a cyclist and have been around forever. I can't do Carbo Pro, Bonnie, because the maltodextrin (long chain glucose) gives me gastric distress. Ditto for the Hammer products. No fun to have your stomach shut down midway through a long run or bike and then have it all come back up on you. Tried it a few times, same result. But Accelerade seems to work OK, and Gatorade yellow stuff in a pinch.

Tonight is a new swim group at the city college here. They have a 50 meter pool, and I hope it's open so I can get in some good-sized laps before hanging on the wall. Found a new swim coach up here, starting coaching again next Monday night. She knows all about my shoulder issues and thinks she can help.

IMFL here we come! Bonnie, which IM are you doing???

Have a GREAT DAY, everyone, and CONGRATULATIONS on all our many successes.

2007-01-17 10:11 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Carol and Rachel - looks like you two are making fast strides in gaining fitness and endurance.

Kate - another pound gone. Awesome.

I went to a Rep Rebok class at the gym this morning. It is a group weight lifting class. I've always enjoyed going, but the endurance style of lifting contradicts a great article I just read on this site in the article section "Strength Training for Triathlon." The article promotes a more time efficient, high weight, low rep style. What do you guys subscribe to?

2007-01-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #633548

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Subject: RE: Bonnie Crawford's Group - FULL
Wow, just read another great article by the same author "Lean for a LIfetime: The Calories In/Calories Out Paradigm." A good read when you get a chance.

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