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2007-05-17 1:10 PM
in reply to: #804994

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN

hatch7508 - 2007-05-17 12:58 PM At your convienence, can you take a look at the Polar S150. It states that it is geared more towards people new to the sport. I doubt it has all of the bells and whistles as the other models but I don't know if I need all of those yet. Sorry to keep bothering you, Ed

Matt has the S150, so he may be able to tell you more about it, but I researched it a little and it looks like a good choice especially if you don't already have a "bike computer" that measures your speed and distance on the bike.  I also have the Polar speed sensor for my bike that I purchased separately from my HRM.   I'm not sure if the speed sensor comes with the S150 or if you have to buy it separately.  

The actual heart rate monitoring features of the S150 should be fine for you and are more advanced that their basic F-series monitors.

I'm happy to give my recommendations, but please take them as just that...suggestions.


2007-05-17 1:19 PM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN
The s150. Perfect for someone who wants to start using a heart rate monitor. I think I got mine from Nashbar or somewhere online for $65, which is a steal. It gives you all the things you probably would ever want or need. Heart Rate, Heart Rate % of Max, Average. If you don't have a bike computer already, it shows speed and distance (Not wireless and I don't have mine hooked up.). That's the basic stuff it does, and you can get into recording lap HRs and Times; I'm also pretty sure it has an alarm for target heart rates. I don't know what else I would use it for, but if I thought I needed something it probably already does it. Great for those just getting into Heart Rate training.
2007-05-17 1:27 PM
in reply to: #801094

New user

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN
thanks for the input on the HRM. I appreciate it.
2007-05-17 1:28 PM
in reply to: #805018

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN
kproudfoot - 2007-05-17 1:05 PM


I am curious as to the mentor program and what it is designed for.

A little about me. I was fairly athletic as a kid/young adult. I played mainly basketball (1 year in college) and ran x-country in Junior High. Gained some weight when my wife got pregnant 3 years ago but was nevery really large. My max was 6'7" 240. I am now down to 205 - 210 and13% body fat. I still struggle to watch what I eat/drink but I have too many foods that I like.

I ran my first race, a 5K, about 2 years ago and finished in 31:00. I increase to my first 50K last November and finished in 6:30 with a bad knee. I have done probably 6 races over a half mary distance plus several 5K's. I ran a 5K yesterday in 22:30 so my time as dropped considerably in 2 years. I did my first tri last October (Monster Tri) with very little training and placed 80 out of 280. My swim was not good (230th) but I finished. I did my 2nd tri (St. Patty's day) and improved a little (maybe 1 minute) and now am looking forward to OWS races this year. I would say that I am generally in the top 1/3 of finisher but really am looking for a little more personal advice than the threads offer to help me out in my training.

I did my first OWS last week end and it was a disaster and I was wearing a wetsuit, which most of my races I want to do this year I cannot so I am worried. My plan for this year right now is the Metroplex sprint in June and Ironhead Dallas olympic in July. Depending how they go I might do a 7 week bridge type program and attempt the Praireman in September. I am also hoping to to the CapTexTri next weekend (First Tri Sprint) just to get used to the swim.

Please let me know if you think the mentoring program would help me out.

Thanks - Ken

Ken,  Thanks for the interest.  My goal for this mentor program is to give you personalized advice, tips, and training guidance to help you achieve your goals.   You sound like you have some good success in the past especially with running! (50K wow!), and are now looking to "take the next step" up in triathlon. 

The main difference in this mentor program and BT in general is the personalized part.  The forums are more for general advice or answer to specific questions.  This mentoring program is meant to be catered to you.  I'll watch your training logs frequently and give you any advice and tips that I think will help.  I can also help you create a periodization plan that will focus you on a few key races that you want to peak for. Plus, since you're in the Metroplex, it could be fun to train together sometime.   

As I've stated before here, I'm not the best swimmer, but I get by and can give you some advice.  But please don't expect me to be your swim coach.   

Your experience thus far sounds much like mine 2 years ago.  I did the 2005 Metroplex sprint as my 2nd tri ever, and then after a couple of more, I did Praireman 2005 as my first HIM.   In short, I think I, and this group, can help you out.

Please let us know if you want to join,




2007-05-17 1:38 PM
in reply to: #803977

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN
dgillen - 2007-05-16 10:10 PM

Jonathan, thanks for being honest with me. I'm happy to try to motivate you in every way that I know how. We all need that from time to time.

First of all, I did CapTexTri for the first time last year and that was one of, if not the, best race I've ever done. The bike is just so fast and fun. You really feel like you're racing b/c the course is 4 loops and there is a lot of people on different loops, so you're whizzing by people and other people are passing you. It's great! It might be just what you need to get back into the swing of things.

Secondly, it's natural to experience mood swings in training. Lord knows I certainly felt burnout many times last year. Most of the time, a day or two off helped me re-coup and then I wanted to get back to training. Also, I've found that a change in training location really helps too. Last year, I tended to ride and run the same route by my house all the time, and that got old quick. But whenever, I found a new route or did a rally somewhere across the Metroplex, that helped.

Finally, since you're in the Metroplex, we should try to get together and ride sometime. I can show you some of the nice horse country out here in Flower Mound. I'm also averaging about 19-20 mph right now.

P.S. I might not be the best person to motivate you to swim as it's my least favorite of the 3, but tolerate it most of the time and it is a nice break from the riding and running.

Thanks David, I'm glad you're willing to work with me on things. After CapTex I'm going to take a week or so off and just recharge the batteries, then I'll start focusing in on which tris I'm going to go after and if you're willing to be the mentor I'd appreciate it.

btw, since we're speaking of HRMs, I put up a thread in the gear section asking about a couple of Polar models. If you have any experience with either of them, I'd appreciate your opinion.
2007-05-17 1:44 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN


Thanks, count me in.  On top of the races I mentioned I also am considering the Hotter 'n Hell 100 and the 50K I ran last year since I was injured, I want to try and break 6hrs.  I am definately looking for someone to give more feedback so the Mentor program would definately help as I feel like I have kind of plateaud and need to push though.  Right now my training is all minute based.  I will go to the pool and swim X minutes or run X minutes more out of a lack of time/family commitments.  I don't have time to drive and find hills to bike/run.  I pretty much always run/bike/swim in the same locaton just vary the time based on the 20 week oly swim based training plan.  I have adjusted it some to fit my schedule though.  I actually only work out 5 days a week and do 7 workouts a week (2 2 adays) and will sometimes throw in a quick run after a bike (unscheduled).

Thanks for the help.

2007-05-17 1:50 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - OPEN

Thanks for the email and please see the attachment to the training schedule with this reply as I can't add it to an email. The programme is really basic (I think) and the running is very much dependent on how the physio assesses my hip but it is feeling better after some rest. I have added a couple of strength sessions in the programme but would welcome some advice on the type of exercises I should be focussing on or a programme for strength training if you have a recommended link.

I took delivery of the bike today and can't wait to get out on it. I haven't had a professional fit although have read some threads about it but would definitely welcome your advice, especially on the Tri bar fit and their recommended use (when, for how long etc - this may be a dumb question?).

Regarding the LTHR test, once I have settled into the new bike I will conduct this to accurately assess LTHR. My current calc of 185 is based on my running MHR and using a formulae I found on the web (not the best I'm sure!).

Glad to see that the group is beginning to swell and looking forward to sharing some training experiences and tips with the rest of the team.

Looking forward to putting the first miles in tomorrow AM before work (outdoors at last!).

Cheers for now,


Summer Training Schedule.rtf (64KB - 30 downloads)
2007-05-17 2:29 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

All right team,  we're set.  I've closed the group as we've got 10:

User Name            First Name     Next or key race
PocketRocket          Mike                London Duathlon Sept 07
armydad                 Dave              First sprint in fall around DFW area
JBrashear               Jonathan        First OLY on Memorial Day
Timo                       Tim                 OLY in July and HIM in Sept
kp41                       Kevin             1st tri this weekend
kevdia                     Kevin             First sprint in Sept.
Miler                        Matt              IM Wisconsin in Sept.
phoenixrising404    Pene             1st outdoor sprint on June 10
hatch7508              Ed                  First sprint
kproudfoot              Ken               First outdoor tri on Memorial Day

Thank you all for picking my group.  I'm really excited this opportunity to help you achieve your goals.  I love triathlon and endurance sports in general and to be able to share my experiences in this manner is great.

As you can see, we have a pretty diverse group which I think could benefit us all.   You'll probably end up learning as much, if not more, from each other as you do from me.   Some of you are more advanced than others, but please don't be afraid to post any question or comment to the group.  If you really rather discuss something privately, please don't hesitate to PM me.  But, let's try to keep using this thread as much as possible. 

Also, please start logging your training here on BT so I can monitor it and make comments/suggestions/tips.  Periodically, I'll post some general information to the thread that I think everyone will benefit from, such as heart rate training info or general nutrition/hydration advice.  However, I want everyone to continue to ask specific questions about their individual training because that's what this program is about.

Finally, please feel free give me any feedback or advice on how I can make this program more beneficial to you. 




2007-05-17 2:58 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Holy Cats! I've never had this many email notices at one time ever in my life!!! Geesh!

Hi to everyone! This does indeed sound like an interesting group of folks!

Matt--that is just too much coincidence! I, of course, went to chiro. college in Davenport (or Daven-pit as we affectionately called it!) so I watched the Bix, but didn't think I could ever in my lifetime actually run it! I'll still probably be rather slow, but I'm doing it!!! It's fun to watch the super athletes like from Africa--they are just all legs with heads running around, I swear! And I'm glad you are willing to fill me in on IM Madison. That will help a bunch.

I've done my bike course for June 10 twice now, and I think I'm becoming more relaxed with it. There is one hill that still almost gets me, but I didn't have to stop and gulp copious amounts of water this time. My time was only 2 minutes faster than on Saturday, but I didn't sleep much last night at all, and there was a headwind, a crosswind and an all around swirl in circles wind today. Guess that's good, though. Never know how it will be on tri day.

I'm not even sure what kind of heart rate monitor I have, but I'll be digging it out now! And I don't know what lactate heart threshold or whatever is, but I'm interested in finding out!

I'm glad some of you have kids. You sort of understand my dilemma of doing the balance game. Let me know how you all handle it! I try to find ways to include them in my workouts. I play frisbee, basketball, jumprope with them and pull them around the lawn on a sled going forwards and backwards, as that was supposed to be strength building. My kids weigh 35#, 45# and 55# so it really is a bit of a workout! And I bought a third wheel for my mountain bike so my 4 year old can pedal behind me on it. The others can go on their own bikes. I hope we can eventually do a bike trail or two as a family, but so far it's just been a bit around town, as the little one isn't used to it yet and sort of freaks!

Gonna try a group swim today with my tri team. It's still rather cold, but I think it will still really help prepare me for tri day and settle some of the nerves! My wetsuit is sleeveless, so it will be a little colder today than I'd like. Oh well!

Glad I got in here when I did cuz this thread filled up FAST!!
2007-05-17 3:21 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hello all,

I can't believe how quickly the team has been filled and I'm looking forward to sharing the next few months with you all, improving my training and racing performance. This is the first time I have looked for 'virtual' training support and as I don't belong to any Tri/Running club due to being in the Royal Navy (and therefore away from home frequently) I hope this will act as kind of a substitute.

Just trying to think what I can bring to the group but to be honest many of you seem to be ahead of me in many respects. Having just completed my first marathon I guess I can offer something on the running aspect but many of you have done similar so not so sure. Anyway, looking forward to chipping in where I can - having read the HR Monitor messages above, I have a Forerunner 301 with a HRM which is excellent for both running & cycling. I would recommend it if any of you are considering such a device.

Look forward to hearing from you all in due course...

Cheers for now..

2007-05-17 3:34 PM
in reply to: #805350

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Gonna try a group swim today with my tri team. It's still rather cold, but I think it will still really help prepare me for tri day and settle some of the nerves! My wetsuit is sleeveless, so it will be a little colder today than I'd like. Oh well! Glad I got in here when I did cuz this thread filled up FAST!!

Group open water swims are an excellent idea as they'll do a lot to prepare you mentally and physically for the race day swim start.  I did about 4 of these before my first tri, and they were invaluable.  On your first couple of swims with a group, you'll naturally try to avoid swimming next to people which is fine.  But as soon as you gain a little confidence, try to purposely swim close to other people and maybe even bump into them a tad just to get a feel for what its like.   Because this bumping and touching will inevitably occur at your swim start. 

2007-05-17 3:41 PM
in reply to: #805394

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Just trying to think what I can bring to the group but to be honest many of you seem to be ahead of me in many respects,

Just keep posting like you have been.  Like you said, we're all here to support and learn from each other.  We all have something to share.

I have a Forerunner 301 with a HRM which is excellent for both running & cycling. I would recommend it if any of you are considering such a device.

Great, and thank you for mentioning the Forerunner.  Garmin's products are great, and while I've heard their heart rate monitor capabilities are a little lacking when compared to Polar, they make great speed and distance monitors and the ability to record a route of your workout and plot it on an on-line map is SUPER COOL!  

2007-05-17 3:49 PM
in reply to: #805438

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I would agree that the HR function of the 301 is basic compared with Polar but they make up for it in the mapping/dist/time/speed functions - especially if you run alot away from regular routes and just want to strap on your shoes/bike and go.

The HR bit does include full charting of HR throughout the workout as well as allow you train in specific zones. It also works out your HR zones for you based on it 'learning' your cardiac patterns. As you get fitter, the device automatically adjusts these zones provided you spend some time above your threshold pace to allow it to gather data of your anaerobic ability. The 301 sure has made my training more scientific and more interesting at the same time as you can run/bike where you want knowing that all the data will be there at the end. Its ace....
2007-05-17 4:00 PM
in reply to: #805458

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

PocketRocket - 2007-05-17 3:49 PM I would agree that the HR function of the 301 is basic compared with Polar but they make up for it in the mapping/dist/time/speed functions - especially if you run alot away from regular routes and just want to strap on your shoes/bike and go. The HR bit does include full charting of HR throughout the workout as well as allow you train in specific zones. It also works out your HR zones for you based on it 'learning' your cardiac patterns. As you get fitter, the device automatically adjusts these zones provided you spend some time above your threshold pace to allow it to gather data of your anaerobic ability. The 301 sure has made my training more scientific and more interesting at the same time as you can run/bike where you want knowing that all the data will be there at the end. Its ace....

All right Mike, That's enough about the 301!  You're making me jealous!   I'd really love to have one of those bad boys or the newer 305. 

Seriously though, Mike's right.  I don't know the exact "street prices", but I think the 301 can be had for about ~$120 and the 305 for around $200 these days.   You won't find a better deal that allows you to monitor your speed, distance, and heart rate on the bike AND run AND download all this info including maps with elevation to your computer.  It's a tri geek's dream machine!  DROOL...


2007-05-17 4:04 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay, Okay - so I'm a techno geek - what can I say!!!!
2007-05-17 4:08 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
What about the 205, how does it compare to the 301 & 305?

2007-05-17 4:12 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Try the following link - it has all of the products available for comparison. (Wish I could persuade the wife to buy me the 305!)
2007-05-17 4:17 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I have recently purchased the 305 and love it.  I also bought the quick release to go from bike to run quickly during races.  Next purchase is the cadence sensor.  I had previously owned the 201 which was also nice but I wanted the HR monitor.  I actually sold the 201 for $40 to help pay for the 305.
2007-05-17 4:19 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
My turn to be jealous!!
2007-05-17 5:13 PM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
So what do I want to know with my heart rate through a training session. I guess I should start now, because not knowing my zones and such sounds like I might be out of the loop in this group.
2007-05-17 6:59 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I need suggestions for nourishment during my tri this Saturday. During training I only drink water on the bike and nothing during my swims or training runs. Know that I will be putting it all together I am not sure what to have on the bike to keep me going during the run. Nothing to drastic as I do not want to end up feeling sick after the bike or during the run. Will Gatorade do ? or will I need anything else. Tri distances are .5 mile swim, 24 mile bike, 5 mile run.

I am looking forward to learning alot from all the members here, glad to meet you all.

2007-05-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I like uncrustables w/ honey and wheat bread. 
2007-05-17 7:41 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Notes to Self:

1. USE inhaler first! (Asthmatic here, the COLD triggers an attack!)

2. Look back at beach to see which one to return to! (Got out there and decided I couldn't breathe properly due to cold induced asthma and so headed back--except I went to the wrong shore entirely and so ended up doing the whole yardage or so anyway.....)

3. When the nice lady in the kayak asks if you want her to go back with you, don't be a Miss I Can Do It Myself! Let her help you back in!!

4. Ditch the freaking goggles that leak and fog up and get ones that you can actually SEE in so you know where the heck you are going!!!

5. Bring extra dry clothes for all three kids as they are KIDS and WILL get their pants legs totally and completely wet playing on the shore even if you repeatedly tell them not to!!

6. Don't promise children Walmart after the swim, as you will be WET! And it's just a bit risky to strip from waist down in the parking lot at said store to take off wet tri shorts and put on dry jeans, even if you got away with it this time! Thank God I had a nice warm dry pullover fleece to hide the wet tri top!!!

7. PRACTICE THIS A LOT, AS YOU PRETTY MUCH SUCKED AT IT!!!!! (But it was fun anyway and I noticed I sort of swaggered through Walmart feeling rather like an almost sort of TRIATHLETE CHICK
2007-05-17 8:55 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Yahooo, I'm in. Our team looks great. It is gonna be great to share these new experiences with people who truly understand.
Dave, I have been loggin my training in BT for the last three weeks or so. Is there a special way to allow you and/or anyone else access to view it and comment on it? I am truly excited about the next few months. Talk to you all soon!
2007-05-17 8:57 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay, disregard that last bit about the access to training logs. After I posted, I saw the tabs on the bottom of the blog, my bad. I would love some feedback on how to improve my training. thanks
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