Other Resources Challenge Me! » Sinister Snowmen Rss Feed  
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2007-12-04 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
That's ok. I would rather be warm and melty, than cold and frozen

2007-12-04 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
My husband wants to move to San Diego. He goes on and on and on about it.
2007-12-04 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
I bet more so now, with all of that rain and snow you are getting. Yuk! I am from PA, so I have been there, done that!
2007-12-04 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Hey Sappho,

I cannot link to the spreadsheet. I am on a Mac, which can be a pain sometimes. When I tried the link, it wanted me to set up my own spreadsheet. I may not be able to access it.
2007-12-04 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Sappho, How do we get to the spreadsheet??
2007-12-04 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1082674

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Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
sel166 - 2007-12-05 6:02 AM

Hey guys...

Bad news, I'm going to have to drop out of the swim challenge.  Just got word from the doctor that I'm not allowed to swim at all for at least 2 weeks, possibly up to 4-5 weeks, due to a shoulder injury, so I won't be able to participate anymore!!  ARGH!!!

I wish you all luck! GO SNOWMEN!!  

Im really sorry about you injury! Take Care!

2007-12-04 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Can I just mention that I LOVE how you are all snowmen... its really really awesome!
2007-12-04 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

at least we're not all emmentals!


link is through the sinister snowmen  title in the html table in my blog. if you can't get it to work just pm me your distances or make sure they are clearly in the thread. i am currently unemployed so have time on my hands so either is fine


happy swimming! tomorrow's dip is the planned workout from today! 

2007-12-04 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1083173

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Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
sappho96 - 2007-12-05 9:53 AM

at least we're not all emmentals!


link is through the sinister snowmen  title in the html table in my blog. if you can't get it to work just pm me your distances or make sure they are clearly in the thread. i am currently unemployed so have time on my hands so either is fine


happy swimming! tomorrow's dip is the planned workout from today! 

Hiya J - just a thought but with google spreadsheets yuo need a login and password... have you given one to everyone? (or like me is it possible people jsut loose stuff? )

Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-04 4:55 PM
2007-12-04 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

i made it public for everybody, so i thought that would work. if not: [email protected], password = liverbird


happy swimming. i'm off to bed  

2007-12-04 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

I am going to be eating myself when I am finished, yes I WILL finish this challenge if it's the LAST thing I do!!!!


That doesn't sound right, does it? Oh well.  

2007-12-04 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

Damn it.  Silly ticker thing...  Sappho I love yours so I copied it!  They even have snowmen! 


Too bad it's not loading  >_< 

2007-12-04 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Ok, it is official. I cannot use the spreadsheet. I can view it, but cannot access it to make changes, as is does not support my browser. As of today, I have completed 2000 of 12000. If some kind snowperson out there could please, oh please update my yardage.

I will pay you in ice.

2007-12-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1083405

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

abud7373 - 2007-12-04 5:18 PM Ok, it is official. I cannot use the spreadsheet. I can view it, but cannot access it to make changes, as is does not support my browser. As of today, I have completed 2000 of 12000. If some kind snowperson out there could please, oh please update my yardage. I will pay you in ice. Thanks


I had exactly the same problem with the last challenge and spreadsheets and I use a mac at work! Well I abuse it more like. If someone could update for me also I will give you snowflake kisses. Please.

I am leaving now to swim for an hour so will update tomorrow. Thank you and goodnight! MWAH! 

2007-12-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1077226

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Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Just saying hi from the GRINCHES !!

Edited by FIN16 2007-12-04 8:02 PM

(melting snowman.jpg)

melting snowman.jpg (26KB - 16 downloads)
2007-12-05 6:07 AM
in reply to: #1083405

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

abud7373 - 2007-12-05 1:18 AM Ok, it is official. I cannot use the spreadsheet. I can view it, but cannot access it to make changes, as is does not support my browser. As of today, I have completed 2000 of 12000. If some kind snowperson out there could please, oh please update my yardage. I will pay you in ice. Thanks


chief snowperson can do it when she gets back from her second attempt at 2024, endurance 1 workout. wish me luck.... 

2007-12-05 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Thank you kindly, O' Great One.

2007-12-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1077226

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
I'm at 5000M with 20000 to go
2007-12-05 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1077226

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

sappho96    23746    metres        2932                12.35%
Abud7373    12000    yards        2000                16.67%
BbMoozer    20000    yards                        0.00%
clarkar12    20000    yards                        0.00%
cmrey528    18000    yards                        0.00%
light_sabe_r    12600    metres                        0.00%
rstocks3    50000    yards                        0.00%
runnerg1rl7    10000    yards                        0.00%
ScotinSeattle    25000    metres        5000                20.00%
sel166    26500    metres                        0.00%


how's that looking so far? this correct for you lynne and amy? anybody else want me to add their's?


how we all doing? todays swim distance wise went well but i am trying a new technique which though it hurts my shoulder less taxes my right tricep more and tbh feels plain weird! still am working on it


other teams are doing mini biogs so i thought i'd start us off:

name: jackie edge, but replies to saph

age: 30 (argh!!!!!!!)

location: birmingham at the moment but i own a house in manchester

how long i've been swimming for: 30 years, but i apparently started lessons when i was 5.

favourite comment about swimming: mummy why do my eyes hurt? is there too much pauline in the water?

favourite swimmer: ian thorpe; saw him swim at the commonwealth games in manchester and he dived in about the same time as the english guy (in the relay), let's just say the bloody aussies won by a mile!

2007-12-05 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1084272

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Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
sappho96 - 2007-12-05 11:56 AM
how we all doing? todays swim distance wise went well but i am trying a new technique which though it hurts my shoulder less taxes my right tricep more and tbh feels plain weird! still am working on it

Hi Saph,

If you don't mind my asking.... what does the new technique involve?

I've been having shoulder issues.

I need to find something which will take the strain off the shoulder....


2007-12-05 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1077226

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

Jackie. You are on the ball. Doing a grand job love. Well done.  My stroke was all wrong too! I got to take part in a 30 minute masters class last night and now I realize why my right shoulder has been bothering me. I was not bringing my arm around properly...who knew! I've been told to practice with my paddles the 1st half hour of my swim. I am going back to the masters on Thursday to see how I am doing. I recommend a master class to anyone!!!  I was intimidated at 1st but people are uber friendly as are the coaches there.  My shoulder is a little tweaky today but nowhere near as painful as it was yesterday. Wonderful.


I might go for a swim at lunchtime today. The pool is just 5 minutes away and I'm in love with it.

How is everyone else doing? 

2007-12-05 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1077226

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
I am Amy. I am 34. Two Kiddos, boy almost 4, girl 2 1/2.

I have been swimming since July on a regular basis. When I started I could barely do 50m. I would do 50 free, then back stroke, then breast, back, breast...you get the picture. As of yesterday, I did 1750 free. I am slow, with terrible form, but I am swimming. I hope to check out a masters team soon, but scheduling with two kiddos and a husband that works crazy hours is not easy.

I live in sunny San Diego. Although it is supposed to rain crazy this weekend, with snow down to 4000 ft (approx 25 min away)

I do not have a favorite swimmer, or a favorite quote.

Well, execpt my kiddos. I love to watch them swim. I started both of them at 6 months. We live in such a great area for swimming. I decided they must know how to swim early on.

My favorite kiddo quote " I love you, mama"

sappho, the chart looks great and my distance is correct. Thanks again.

2007-12-05 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1077226

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen
Hi everyone!

I second the benefits of a Master swim program. The progress I've made in just 7 months of serious swimming is due in large part to the people I've met in the program at my local YMCA.

I finally have a snowman avatar - it's not sinister, but I love Snoopy (sorry).

I was hoping to add to my swim total this morning (I usually swim MWF mornings) but I've got a nasty head cold and feel like crap. Poo. Hopefully it'll go away soon so I can get back in the darn pool!
2007-12-05 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1084304

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

D001 - 2007-12-05 5:05 PM
sappho96 - 2007-12-05 11:56 AM how we all doing? todays swim distance wise went well but i am trying a new technique which though it hurts my shoulder less taxes my right tricep more and tbh feels plain weird! still am working on it
Hi Saph, If you don't mind my asking.... what does the new technique involve? I've been having shoulder issues. I need to find something which will take the strain off the shoulder.... Thanks! Dee


this guy suggested putting my hand in at about 3/4 catch up distance with my fingers not held as tightly together. it feels REALLY FCUKING ODD. but i can see his point. i always used to enter at about half catch up position which was very neat but apparently causes more water resistance. but this one feels weird. can maybe bob chime in and clarify what we should be doing?


and amy/lynne: glad i got it right  

2007-12-05 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1084345

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Sinister Snowmen

runnerg1rl7 - 2007-12-05 5:19 PM Hi everyone! I second the benefits of a Master swim program. The progress I've made in just 7 months of serious swimming is due in large part to the people I've met in the program at my local YMCA. I finally have a snowman avatar - it's not sinister, but I love Snoopy (sorry). I was hoping to add to my swim total this morning (I usually swim MWF mornings) but I've got a nasty head cold and feel like crap. Poo. Hopefully it'll go away soon so I can get back in the darn pool!


snoopy is cute you want me to log your workouts for you on the spreadsheet? 

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