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2008-01-17 1:28 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey there, everyone. I hope all of y'all are having a great week. Things are well here. We are settling back into a routine after the holidays and the week of snowstorms. Now it's just downright cold! Training is going well. I am able to walk/run 2 miles. (I run 11-12 of the first 16 laps of the first mile. I use the second mile as a warm-up and cool down.) I'm getting close to running a complete mile. Swimming is okay. I'm still not entirely comfortable with my face in the water, but I'm working on it. (My fear stems from my mother's fear of water that was unfortunately passed along to me.) I know I can swim well; I just have that moment of panic when I put my face in the water. It's too bad I just can't swim the whole thing backstroke! Biking is going well, too. I spend about 50 minutes on a stationary bike with varying resistance.

I have lost 10 pounds so far! I am very excited about that. A couple more pounds and I will be under 200! (When I started my quest to be healthy, I weighed 212.5 pounds.) I have some shorts hanging on the wall in my room that I want to wear this summer. I can't wait until they fit!

Have a fantastic rest of the week, everyone! Happy Training!


2008-01-17 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi all,
Keep up the good work Jen. I completely understand your swimming fears. I did not learn to swim until I was 10 years old and can vividly remember being terrified of water. My father used to love to take us to the lake to look at boats and I was afraid every minute. That fear has followed me into adulthood. Part of why I like triathlon is that I was forced to face and conquer my fears. I used to have panic attacks in the pool, hated putting my face in. Now I only have them in open water, but I'm getting better.
I'm having some trouble. I had been getting these alcohol injections in my foot to help a neuroma.
The injections are given directly into the nerve with the theory being that the nerve is eventually deadened. I was having numbness and pain during long runs and especially on bike rides longer than 2 hours. It was getting so bad that I would have to unclip and ride while pedaling with my heel. Before this last injection I told the DR. that my toe was a bit tender. He told me that we needed to continue with the treatments, that some people will experience that. Well, I now have more problems than I started with. It hurts to walk! All the time! I probably have a weird gait because of this so now my knee hurts. I'm not going back and hope over time things settle down.
Sorry for the downer post, but I'm so frustrated.

2008-01-18 1:35 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey, Susie. I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time. I have had pain in my feet before, too. I had plantar fascitis 2 years ago, and when I ran, I would spend the rest of the day hobbling around because my feet and shins hurt so bad. Fortunately, ibuprofen and stretches helped it to finally go away. I was really surprised that calf stretches actually stretched the muscles and tendons on the bottom of my feet. I hope things get better for you. Being injured is no fun, especially when you are used to being active. Take care.


P. S. Thanks for the encouragement about swimming. I'll keep plugging along!
2008-01-18 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1097021

Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey Susie,
Sorry to hear about your foot and the frustration is totally understandable. Why not try consulting a different doctor? Maybe a more specialized doctor (like a sports injury doc) would be better equiped to suggest how to heal quicker and deal with your foot. That really really sucks. As far as training, people keep telling me how deep winter workouts usually focus swimming, so in the mean time, while your foot rests maybe you could focus on that...hold on and good luck!!
2008-01-18 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1163717

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie and others,

sorry to hear about your foot, as the treatment needs to be continued and the pain will still be there for a few weeks (how long do you think?), we should see what we are ABLE to do to improve your situation.

the deep water run advice is a good one, you will be working on your form, muscles AND heart/lungs, so take a try, start with 15-20´ and see how that goes. You could also add a swim session or two during the week, while you work on the swim, your foot gets better.

Keep us updated,

2008-01-19 12:44 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello, everyone. I just got home from my workout. I swam 1000 meters today, alternating freestyle and backstroke (300 meters without flippers, 700 meters with flippers). I also walked/jogged 2 miles. I can feel my endurance level increasing slowly. I am finding that I could turn into an "exercise junkie." I love how I feel after a good workout. The stress is gone, and I feel good about what I've accomplished. An added benefit is the weight loss. I'm up to 11.5 pounds lost! I just need to keep working hard to accomplish my goals.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Take care.


2008-01-19 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey guys! I feel like I have been offline for awhile. Have been busy with work, life, and training.

Suzie, on the swim and water fear, I had a really tough swim experience last year a couple of weeks before my race. I went to do an open water half mile (my race distance) which I had done 3 or 4 times already and when I went to take my first stroke I couldn't stand to put my face in the water. I tried again and I could feel the panic rising. My heart rate soared and I couldn't catch my breath. I swam on my back for a while and kept trying to switch to freestyle but could not get past the panic. I talked to my trainer and she said sometimes our bodies are just not with us that day. Not to worry, and that I would be fine. She was right. The next time I went to do a swim, I made sure I started out immediately face down just paddling around to warm up and get comfortable in the open water. I have a DEFINITE IRRATIONAL fear of open water. I just have to work through it each time a little then all is well.

Jenn I hope your foot gets better. I agree with the suggestion of seeing a sport injury specialist. You do not want to let this injury compound to other injuries and make matters worse. My brother and brother-in-law have both already had to deal with injuries slowing down their training so know through them how frustrating that can be!

I also wanted to update you guys on some exciting workouts I had this week! I did my longest swim ever this week of 2,250 meters! I was balanced and relaxed the whole time. The training plan called for 44 minutes of swimming and that turned out to be how far I went. I was pleasantly surprised (remember I have been training since last April and on a Winter Maintenance plan since Oct 1st so I am not starting from scratch).

I also did my first Spin class yesterday> This winter biking is bumming me out so I tried one of the classes. I felt great that I kept up and had no problem putting in the full hour.

I went to the TEAM in Training meeting and am going to raise money with them. Vinnie, I don't know that I need to drop out of this group to train with them locally. I am fine keeping both going if it is OK with you guys. I will have local group sessions available to train with and also access to a local coach from stroke analysis, form advice, etc. I need that because I have never really had any alaysis on my stroke and think I could use help there.

I will stay online with you guys and check back every couple of days or so.

Keep training and BE STRONG!

2008-01-19 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone.
Here's my dilemma. When I started this treatment I did not have pain in my toes when walking or running. Only after 2+ hours on the bike. After some treatments I now had worse problems than when I started. Common sense says if the treatment is making it worse - stop. But here's the kicker. Today I went to spin class. I can tolerate that since it is only for an hour and the shoes are stiff, preventing any flexion of the toes which is what's painful. After class I went to do some weights and as I sat down at the first machine I got the absolute worst cramp in my toes. It was KILLER. I can only imagine the faces I was making. After a few minutes it subsided and I proceeded with my work out. Later when I was taking off my bike shoes - no pain!?!?!?!?! Actually,I have just a little pain, it's more of a feeling of being very aware of my toe. How weird is That?
Now here is my question: I really do not want to proceed with the shots. At this point I feel I should leave well enough alone. But should I keep my appointment with the Dr. and let him know what happened. I'm afraid I'll get talked into continuing with the shots. He is a podiatrist with an interest in sports medicine. Or should I look into seeing someone else for a second opinion. I'm just afraid of finding out during the summer that after 5 hours on the bike I can't run. That would be bad.
I've already decided to change my cleats/pedals from SPD to the LOOK, (wider contact area) and maybe that will help.
I will start back swimming this week as the tat is healed. Funny story. My husband was at a meeting with some colleagues and mentioned that I had gotten a tattoo. There was silence around the table, then someone replied, Well I guess there's worse things she could do. (oh Yeah -definitely

Happy Weekend!
2008-01-20 1:30 AM
in reply to: #1165717

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi guys,

Brian: No problem at all with the Team in training, actually you could report to us fom time to time what´s going on there, how they work, some of the stories, i´m pretty sure we can learn a lot from them, so feel free to stay in the group and share this experience with us.

Spin classes are a good way to get cycling training in when you are tired or a bit unmotivated, you have the laud music, a teacher, few training partners, relax, have fun and before you realized, you will have a great session in your legs. Also good work on the swim sessions, I suppose the 1.5k swim is now "just" a swim hey?

Susie: We are only in January, so don´t worry if you need to stay off your feet for few days or even weeks, are the shots going to heal them or just something temporary? Also, you could always use those next few weeks to get back with your swimming and rest the feet a bit. And be totally open with your doctor, he has probably seen this before, and understand how important this hobby can be in our lifes, but if he tell you still need the shots, lets find a solution for that. Switching to look pedals is a good idea, and also try to get a very confy bike shoes, MTB shoes are very cushioned, that might help too.

So dont rush into training, with a healthy foot you will have plenty of time to get fit, and if you are really really motivated, why not a swim camp with a once a week deep water run as maintaince and a easy spin on the trainer on confy shoes? and when we get the summer and the 100% feel, you will be like a fish with anger to ride and run in good weather :-)

Jenn: Its always good to read your reports, I´m interesting to see how fast you will achieve your goals, I can even see new challenges for later this year as you are getting so fit that finishing the sprint triathlon will be piece of cake, good job

YOu have also realized that the best way to get fit is slowly, but SURELY, once you step up into a new fitness level, you will be there for a long time, its not like the fitness will run away from you, and I can tell that you are stepping up and changing your body, as your progression has been steady and consitent.

Have a good week everyone,


2008-01-20 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
I know I have to slow down. It is very hard for me to take it easy. Today I ran on the treadmill since my foot felt a little better - mistake. Now it hurts again. Lesson learned. I guess one of my limiters is knowing when to back off. I will start swimming tomorrow, slow and easy work out, doing some drills. I promise to adhere to that! Esp. since this is my first time back in the pool after two weeks. So, this will be my goal for the week: Swim and spin only, low intensity.

I decided to keep my appt. with the foot DR. I see him on Wed.
2008-01-20 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1166620

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie,

Don´t be that hard on yourself, everyone here is ultra motivated and we tend to ignore those injuries that jump on the way, this is normal AND expected, but not the best way though.

Smart decision to see the doctor again, be open and honest with him, and he will likely act in the same way. And yes, the first one or two swim sessions, you are going to feel a bit "weird" in the water, just relax and try to get the feel for it again, for the first session, you can always use a pullbuoy to help you float and relax more, and by the 3rd sessions you will be able to do some more structured sessions.

Let us know what the doc has to say on wed.


2008-01-21 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1097021

Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey Guys

Good to hear from you Brian, great swim! To be honest, if you check out my logs you’ll see I tend to swim a lot more than I cycle or run…yeah and it’s not cause it’s winter; you’d have a hard time keeping me out of the water anytime. So anyhow, I certainly know how it feels to get through a tough swim workout and realize you’ve beat your longest. SO EMPOWERING! Watch out though, I got carried away once and swam a 4km workout…yeah, very sore arms after that one. Haven’t ever gotten close to that distance since.

Anyhow, training is good here in frogland and the tri club is ok. I’ve only really been swimming with them for the moment, I guess they bike more in spring.Also, I showed up 5min late for the run and they’d already left…so a proper practice will have to wait till Wednesday. I don’t think there are any other beginners so I’m still on my own for training and stuff because I don’t fit in any levels, but seeing people so motivated is motivating, and it’ll help to learn.

Suzie, I certainly feel your frustration with your foot. It almost feels insulting doesn’t it? As I mentioned before I fractured my foot last april during a Volleyball game, which really sucked because we were playing to move up into the higher league and I had to basically sit out and do NOTHING a month and a half, (spent on crutches). I was so angry having worked so hard to move up, and not be able to play the important games to get there. But that month of total nothing really did help, though it was sooooooooooooooooo frustrating. I know we’re all different and injuries are all unique, but HANG IN THERE. See your doc again, and honestly if you feel you don’t understand why he’s having you do things ask him to explain exactly what is going on and why he suggests this option (again and again if you need to hear it). If you still don’t agree or worse if you don’t trust him, I would recommend getting a second opinion, but remember the second doc may not know you as well, so you’ll have to make sure and give him all possible info.
Also, honestly I believe that a large amount of success in beating illness and recovering from injury is mental. If you are consciously or unconsciously fighting the treatment, whatever it may be, it won’t help it work. The way you describe the shots reminds me of my aunt and her last oncology treatment, she went along with it only because we were all encouraging her to. But in the end that is what killed her. Cancer is usually the example because it really does depend so much on your state of mind, but I find this to be true at all levels; it just seems logical that you have to be ok with what you do to your body and put in it; if not, at some level you’ll be rejecting it. Anyhow, all this to say, good luck with the next appointment and hang in there.

Take care
2008-01-21 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey, everyone. I need an opinion. I am considering entering a sprint tri in in March. My parents live in east Texas and want to buy plane tickets for me and the kids to visit. There is a sprint tri in Galveston at the end of March. (.3 mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, and 3 mile run). I am trying to decide if I will be ready to race in March. My original plan was to try my first race in July. At this point, I think I would be okay with the swim and the run (even if I have to walk some). The only thing that concerns me is the bike because I don't know if I will actually be able to get out and ride before March. I will only be able to ride a stationary bike until the ice and snow melts. What do y'all think? I appreciate the input.

Brian, are you planning to do the Lonestar Triathlon in Galveston at Moody Gardens on March 29? Are you doing the sprint?

Suzie, good luck at the doctor on Wednesday. I'll be thinking about you.

Vinnie, I appreciate your encouragement more than you know. My husband is very supportive of my efforts, but he doesn't always know how to express it. He is usually critical of my workout reports and ends up hurting my feelings without meaning to. For example, I told him that I swam 20 laps (1000 meters) and he wanted to know how long it took. I told him it took about 40 minutes. He said, "Oh, I can do that. I just wanted to make sure you're not doing more than me." I'm not trying to compete with him. I just want to do my best. So, in a nutshell, it is nice to get the encouragement from others.

Oh, before I forget, I lost a little more weight. I have now lost a total of 13 pounds. I made it under 200 pounds! Yippee! I had to do a little happy dance.

Have a great week everyone. Take care and happy training.

2008-01-21 11:57 PM
in reply to: #1169035

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Jenn,

As for the outside encouragement, advices, etc, this is actually a great advantage I see in working as an online coach and here as the mentor. Since we never met, I tend to be honest and leave the emotions outside it, always unbiased advices.For this same reason, I´ll tell you that you are improving, very, but very fast, the steady and sure weight loss is going to help more than you think, not to mention the health gains you get with that.

When you just started early in the month I would be in doubt on a race late in March, but the way you are doing, how fast you are improving, I think it will be a realistic goal to go there and finish it with no problems, I´ve already told you that you would achieve your goals before planned. Can´t you decide that in 4-5 weeks or something? Get the tickets to visit the family, and hold on the registration for few weeks, we see how the bike training is going and we decide later on. But I think it would be just priceless to do a triathlon with your parents, kids and husband watching, a day to remember!

Hi joelle,

I must say that swimming is my favourite too, swimming early in the morning might be a TOP5 favorites things in my life! And for triathlon being a good swimmer is always a good weapon, although the swim portion doesn´t represent much in the overall time, just being in a good pack with good swimmers around is more relaxing and you get out of the water fresher for the bike and run, in the winter, there is no such thing as “too much swimming!” go for it, who knows you can click that 4k session again until this mentoring program is over!

Good to hear you are slowly getting involved into your local tri scene, there will be people of all abilities for sure, usually those who have been around in the sport for a long time (10+) are very, very welcome to newbies, will teach you a lot and be extremely patient with you are training with them in your pace.

All the best everyone,
2008-01-25 1:50 AM
in reply to: #1169061

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Guys,

I´m just back from a swim session with an athlete I coach here in Bangkok, one of those people (like some here), that it makes you feel good just to have them around, full of energy, positive all the way.

He is 65, has done some tris in the past, and is back now, after many years, we have a sprin in may and a HALF IRONMAN in later in the year.

Just to share this inpiring example too,


2008-01-25 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey, y'all! I've decided to run the race in March. I have had good workouts this week, but I'm feeling kind of tired. I had to re-arrange my workout schedule this week for a church commitment, and I think that kind of threw me off. This morning I went to the gym to run, and was able to complete 3 miles. (I use an indoor track that is 1/16 of a mile.) I walked 4 laps to warm up, and then I used a pattern of run 2 laps, walk 1 lap. Doing that, I was able to run 24 laps and walk another 12. Then I walked 8 laps to cool down. Grand Total=48 laps=3 miles.

I'm still working on my breathing for swimming. I am going to take a swim lesson next week to hopefully help with my frestyle stroke. I want to make sure that I'm swimming correctly so that I don't injure myself.

I've lost another 1.5 pounds this week bringing my total weight loss to 14 pounds. At this rate, I'll be able to lose another 20 pounds before my first race, but I will still be able to enter the race as an Athena.

I've been thinking about you since Wednesday. How did your doctor's appointment go? I hope all is well.

Take care everyone. Have a great weekend.


2008-01-25 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Way to go Jen! on both the weight loss and the decision to go ahead with the tri in March. Don't you already feel empowered now that you are ahead of your original goal. Keep up the great work.
The foot saga continues.... I saw the Dr. Wednesday. It actually went better than I thought it would. He really listened to me and agreed that we should wait on continuing the shots. He did explain that my reaction to the shots, though not typical, was not unusual. He also assured me that the pain would go away. Of that I continue to be skeptical. I see him again in two weeks. But, listen to this. I also described the pain on the top of my foot to him. He pulled up my X-rays and examined my foot. "Hear and feel that clicking?" he asked me. Yes. Well, it seems I am developing arthritis on one of the joints in my foot. What's next?!?!?!?! He wants me to get orthotics for my shoes. He said that someone with my activity level, especially with the mileage I run, if I don't get orthotics the pain and swelling will continue to get worse. One of my greatest fears when registering for the ironman, was injury interfering with training and it is coming true. Hopefully I can get through this now and be healthy in the spring.
I started back swimming and it felt great. When I first started swimming I never thought I'd actually miss not being able to swim. I work out at 5:30 in the morning (so I can get back by 7:10, drive my sons to school and then get myself to school by 8:00) On Thursday it was 4 below zero (wind chill of 20 below) when I got up and I still got out and went to the club to swim. It's hard to get motivated when it's so cold and dark when you leave the house, but I feel great when I'm finished.

2008-01-26 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hey guys!

So exciting to read all the posts I have missed the past week!

I am FIRED UP!!!

Jenn, the race you are coming to Galveston to do is the race I am doing!!! I just told my wife and kids! I am REALLY excited that you are coming and that I will get to meet one of my online tri-buddies!

Suzie, sorry to hear of the continuing foot saga. My hat is off to you for the fact that you are commited to an IRonman. That is still in my mental realm of "things that are impossible to do." Hopefully in time that will change.

The kickoff party for my Team In Training group is next Thursday. Our first group session will be Feb 2nd. This will be good because I will have a coach with the group. My fundraising goal is $2600. So I will have some work to do.

Joelle, I didn't realize you were such a swimmer! 4k is amazing! That is a LONG swim.

I have done some indoor spin biking. I did a 1:40 ride yesterday then some lifting. Today is recovery. This was my peak week. Next week is a recovery week.

anyway, that is all I know for now. I will remain part of this group. I am looking forward to watching us all go through the season together.

Update on my dad (my inspiration for training): They did a biopsy on the spots on his spine yesterday. We find out the first week in Feb whether these are active cancer or not. please keep him and my mom in your prayers.

In the meantime, I keep training hard and doing my best and when it seems tough and I want to quit, I think of my dad and what he is going through and the fact that he can't quit. That inspires me!

2008-01-26 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi all,
Good to hear from you again Brian. Spin class is fun isn't it. However,putting you bike on a trainer is not. I usually go to spin on Sat. mornings, but had to miss today since my boys had a diving meet, so I was on the trainer down in my basement. BORING. I really need to set it up so I can watch TV or something.
How cool that Jen and Brian will be doing to same race.
I too used to put the Ironman in the realm of "no way". I still have moments of panic when I realize what I've committed to do. You have to sign up 1 year in advance. IM Madison registration opens the day after the race and sells out within hours. It cost $475, (not including 3 nights at a hotel) so boy am I committed. I have really dedicated this year to reading and informing myself as much as I can on every aspect of the race. I'm going to another swim clinic tomorrow AM.

Brian, I'll be sending good thoughts your way for your dad. We just had bad news in our family. My brother-in-law, my sister's husband, was just diagnosed with lung cancer. We are stunned. He was the picture of health. Swam 4 times a week, ate super healthy. Just had a nagging cough for a while. Started feeling short of breath so he went to the Dr. Wow! Lately, with all that has been going on both within my family and at work, I feel like I'm in a soap opera.

But, I don't want to end the post on a negative note (too much of that lately). Here's something really great. My older son and his girlfriend started running last summer. They both came to watch one of the races I was in. She joined a health club this fall and started swimming and now wants to do a triathlon!

2008-01-27 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello, ya'll!

Brian, I am excited about the Galveston race, too. I just found out that a member of another message board I post to is doing the race as well. What a small world! It will be nice to meet you there. My kids are excited about the trip and the race as well. I will continue to pray for your Dad and your family.

Today, I went to the gym to swim, and the pool was closed. What a bummer! My guess is that the lifeguards couldn't make it to work today in the snow. We have had close to 12 inches of snow in the last 36 hours. It's the most snow I've ever seen at one time (besides when I went skiing). So, I ran/walked and rode a bike for awhile. I didn't want to waste a trip to the gym.

I hope everyone has a fantastically blessed week. Take care.


P. S. Vinnie, I thought about you at the gym today. I was watching Food Network while I was on the bike, and it was a show about food in Bangkok. The man went to a floating market for fresh fruit, to a seafood restaurant where you can pick out your own live crabs, etc. to be cooked for you, and then sampled food from several street vendors. It all looked yummy!
2008-01-28 3:36 AM
in reply to: #1167222

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hi Susie,

Thanks for the posts, it seems like there is a lot of up and downs on your side. But you wrote something that was pretty nice to read, that you´ve inspired your son and GF to take up run training. I think this is just priceless, and it might be a great reward on all the hard patches you are getting with the foot. As I´ve said, Ironman is a wet bike ride, so once you get the swim in (as you realized there is not many better things than that feel after an early morning swim) and if you can manage the bike volume, the run is just a matter of will, and as you are part of this group and has stepped up to the Ironman, etc, Im pretty sure you will overcome every single problem that might jump on your way.

Hi Brian,

Good to hear everything is going well with you, Its pretty cool you and Jenn will be supporting each other at the race in Galveston. Also, an Ironman sounds scary, but don´t worry it’s a process that every triathlete get into, don´t be surprised if in few seasons you will find yourself with a finisher medal laying on your chest, I´ve seen some pretty amazing stories, and nothing is impossible when someone is commited to challenge themselves.

Let us know about the kick off party of team in training. On my side of the globe, I will be part of a “Swim-a-Thon” a 24h relay swim that will raise funds to a social program in Asia that helps underprivileged kids how to swim, drawning is a problem I the poor areas here.

Good to hear your dad is still inspiring you, but think the other way too, how PROUD he might be with your new lifestyle and sport, so whenever you feel its getting very hard, just carry on for him, he will appreciate that more than you think. I will be thinking about him and keep us updated. Have you told him about this group and team in training? He would get a kick out of this I think.

Hi Jenn,

great to hear you are still playing well with “the cards you are dealt with” and did the run/ride instead of the planned swimming. In the end training is about getting fit, so don’t worry if you have to switch things around when those unplanned events happens. Also the walk/run workouts sounds good, you can actually keep a good technique while running, and very soon you will be able to sustain that for the entire sessions. Good job on the weight loss too, keep us posted on that, 14lbs is some serious loss, you might be feeling so good and getting the confidence thru the roof to the race in March, I suppose you are motivated as never.

Oh Yeah, food is just great here in Thailand, for us athletes is just SOOO easy to keep a healthy diet with fruits, veggies and lean meat. The Foating market is very interesting, but it is too far away so it tend to be only a touristical attraction, but I can get everything showed there within 5´ walk from my place. Did the show all the fried insects the thais eat too? So far I´ve managed to stay away from those! I will stick to a papaya instead of a fried praying landis!!!

Have all a nice week,

2008-01-29 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Mmmm. YUMMY!!!! Fried critters!

Not sure I will be in a hurry to come to Bangkok for the snacks!

Congratulations Suzie on inspiring others. I have had some experiences with that and I think that is one of the great things about this sport and how it changes lives. It is not just our lives that are changed, but the lives of those around us as well. I think that is one of the best feelings is knowing that something important to you that you are working hard at is also impacting those around us.

Jenn, keep bringing us the stories of the snow. It makes me feel better to know it could always be worse. I found myself being a real baby this week that we had "bad weather." It was in the 40's for the highs and low 30's at night (and early morning when I wanted to go out for workouts). We had clouds all week and drizzle as well. This kept me indoors most of last week for training and I was kind of bemoaning the situation. When I hear about the snow, and you are still going to the gym and putting in the workouts, that inspires me! Keep up the dedication and great work! Every time we train, it just means the next session will be that much easier and the race will be that much more fun!

Vinnie, I do have a mentor/training question for you. I just finished my first 3 weeks on my Olympic plan. They built by 10% each week. This week is now my "revovery week" where the volumes all decline (by 30% or 40% I do not recall). My question is, on these shorter time workouts, should I turn them into high intensity strength and speed workouts? Or just stick with even paced endurance at this point? My training history again: April'07-Sep'07 trianed and did the Sprint Tri. 2 weeks off, then 2 weeks of just light workouts. Mid-Oct until Jan 1st I did a winter maintenance plan which involved drills in all 3 areas. My sessions were often longer than what I had done prior to the race. Past 3 weeks have been doing the Oly training plan (swim time 17min's up to 48 min's, biking 35 min's up to 1:37, running 26 min's up to 60 min
s). What do you think? Should I be base building for endurance on these short workouts this week or should I be pushing for speed and strength? My primary race is the end of May and is the Olympic.

I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback!

Thanks again to all and BE STRONG!

2008-01-29 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Today, it snowed again. So much so, that schools will be closed again Wednesday for the third day in a row. The snow plows just can't keep up. The gym and pool were closed today, so I didn't get to work out. I am bummed! Monday is my off day, so I really look forward to my Tuesday workout. I'm going to do some yoga and strength training in a bit, so it's not a completely wasted day. Brian, right now, I would be happy with rain. At least then I could get to the gym. The gym is my break from my children. I love them, but it can be hard to be home with them all day everyday, especially when we can't get out to go anywhere. (I homeschool my daughter. She's 5 and in kindergarten. My youngest son has speech therapy 2 days a week, and my middle son has preschool 2 days a week for some group interaction.) We stay busy.

Vinnie, the TV show didn't talk about the fried critters. I think I would stay away from those, too. A little too crunchy for me!

I have lost 16 pounds now, and I realized today that I am 25% of the way to my goal weight. I call that progress!

I hope everyone stays warm this week. Have a blessed week. Take care.

2008-01-30 12:37 AM
in reply to: #1181336

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!

Hi Brian, thanks for all the insights on the group.

For your training question, a recovery week, well, its suppose to be to recover! So don’t crank it up the intensity, keep the same pace as before, maybe even a bit easier, you will be amazed on how fresh you will feel after this. It is kind of that quote “two steps foward , one stap back, just remember that the long jumpers need to walk all the way back to go longer, tri training is the same, stick to your plan and be confident with it. Doing 30% less will also give you a mental rest, so you can feel like training in the cold morning again. Believe me , it will do you good, and you´ve deserved it.

Hi Jenn, good to hear everything is still going good with you, and don´t be too hard on yourself when those "out of our control" events happens and jumps on the plan, there is not much we can control, but do our best, in your case, you found a good alternative on yoga and weights, just do it, and carry on with training, (hoping for a better weather tomorrow!!)


2008-01-31 1:00 AM
in reply to: #1097021

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Subject: RE: Vinnie´s Inspirational Group - Closed for members, open for lurkers!
Hello, y'all. I just got home from the gym. No new snow today, but we are supposed to get 3-5 inches more by noon Thursday. Thank goodness for 4-wheel drive! (I drive a red GMC Yukon XL that my children named Clifford, after Clifford the Big Red Dog. You have to have children to understand.)

My workout went well except that my knees decided to start hurting when I wanted to run. I was able to walk 2 miles. I just couldn't handle the pounding on my knees tonight. I will pull out the ice packs and the physical therapy excercises again. If I don't see improvement soon, I will make an appointment with my doctor. (I have a diagnosed problem called patella-femoral syndrome. My kneecaps don't track correctly, so they end up rubbing against the femur, bone on bone. It doesn't feel very good. It was better for awhile, but seems to be causing problems again.) However, I am determined to finish the race in March even if I have to walk the run. If all goes well with the weather, I will be back in the pool on Friday.

I hope all is well with everyone and their families. Have a fantastic Thursday. Take care and happy training.

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