BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard! Rss Feed  
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2007-12-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1099933

New user

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
I need help. I am having a hard time getting motitvated to start running again. Any words of advice will be so helpful!


2007-12-29 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1122170

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Motivation for running
Trust me Shannon Im right there with you....i find it hard to actually get going on the run. Do you run on the treadmill as well as outside?? I find, for me, if I do a few short ones on the treadmill a few days before I get outside, it helps. I get my running legs going.

On Xmas day, it was beautiful out and my husband was trying to convince me to get outside for a run. I was very unmotivated. Then around 2pm I decided to just get the gear on, and go out for 1/2 hour. Even if i just walk around and enjoy the weather, that's what I will do - the point for me was just to get out there.

Once i got out, i started immediately running and before I knew it I did 3 miles in 32minutes. I had a great run. I gave myself the liberty of stopping and walking whenever I wanted.

I suggest you dont put pressure on yourself, and just get the gear on and get out. Even if you just walk for 1/2 will at least get you out.

ARe you in a cold environment? Do you have right gear?? Good luck

2007-12-29 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1099933

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Wow Salma you are WAY more motivated than I am! ;-)

My problem is that I am a single mother to a 14-yr old dog, so on my long dayshifts I have to go home on lunch and let him out (so can't bike in to work - not enough time) and don't have any wet weather gear to make my road bike safe to ride in all this West Coast rain on my short days. And as well - I have to head home straight after work for him.
It may sound really corny - but I feel horrible about leaving him alone all day then deserting him again at night to go workout, so we just hang out. He's too old to go for runs with me anymore, so if I can't fit in a workout on my lunchbreaks then the day is a training write-off. ;-(
Does that make me pathetic? lol

However, that said - on my off days I usually have lots of time for a good workout. I live on a lake and nature preserve that has a great running trail, and also live right on the Galloping Goose Trail which is 77km of flat running/biking/walking paths. It's just a matter of getting out there!!!

But I totally am loving all this motivation and advice so far - and of course we should share recipes!! My schooling is in nutrition - so I have lots of good ideas. ;-)
2007-12-29 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1122170

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2007-12-30 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Motivation
Definitely not pathetic Spiritfire...nothing is more wonderful than the attachment and love of our pets. I had to older dogs that are both in doggie heaven now, and my two cats are getting on in age too. I understand the guilt.

If you cannot take your dog for a run, you might want to sneak out for 2 miles, or 20-30 minutes without him. Once he's had his walkies, you may be able to sneak out for a short bit.

I'm going to get some of my favorite recipes together and send them over to you. Im looking for something interesting to make with split peas (other than split pea and ham soup). Im trying to incorporate more beans and lentils in my diet these days.


2007-12-30 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Give me a list of your favorite (and not so favorite) foods and I'll send you some killer recipes. I've poached most of them from various books ... goodness you should see my library, I have probably close to 50 nutrition/health/recipe books ... but I've got some really good ones!

2007-12-30 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!

I posted a thread on the main page (triathlon talk) about max heartrate. I am clueless when it comes to this, as I don't have a HRM (and can't afford/justify one right now). So does anyone have any advice?


2007-12-30 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1122796

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2007-12-30 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Heart Rate Monitor Training
Hi Spirit Fire

I went through the link you posted. There is so much information there it's mind boggling. I have some confessions to make. I always worked out without worrying about my heart rate. I never gave it a second thought. I ran slowly first, then kicked it up a little, and a little more, and for the last few miles, I worked it hard. I used Perceived Exertion for my measurement. If I could sing while running, I'd go faster, and then it would be talking test. Pretty basic and not very scientific, and I obviously didn't come in first in any race, but it helped me.

Then I started reading about Heart Rates. A couple of times I checked my pulse and realized I was at 180 at the end of my race....that seemed high to me. So I did some measurements and realized I had a pretty high heart rate. My rest is at 80bpm. So when I started paying attention, i noticed that my HR was spiking to 180 right at the beginning, and every once in a while. Needless to say, I got worried.

Doctor dismissed any major heart issues, and diagnosed MVP (mitral Valve prolapse). High HR, some spiking and clicking but nothing too serious. Now, I have a HR monitor, and it keeps me going strong and steady and working with my HR. I use it predominantly to make sure I'm training in the appropriate zone. I noticed that once I do that for a month, my HR stays at a nice steady number rather than spiking. A lot of the spiking got eliminated with my own mind over heart, and proper breathing and form. The interesting thing is that once I started doing this, I can run longer and have enough juice to finish strong. All of a sudden I started doing 1/2 marathons, and didn't hurt or feel bad at the end.

This HR training stuff really works. I bought a Garmin 301 from craigslist and love it. Its a bit bulky and sometimes the GPS loses its signal, but its pretty accurate - the only thing is that it only works with some of my sports bras. If I wear another bra, the device cannot get the heart signal. Funny. I'd like to upgrade at some point. I want one where the iPod, HR, GPS, calories are all in something nice and day.


2007-12-31 3:47 AM
in reply to: #1121508


Subject: RE: Marina's Mah-velous Group >>> OPEN
Hi Ian,

Welcome...I'm glad to have another person who shares my passion for a challenge and knows my frustration of coming back from an injury...I'm sure most everyone can relate (especially in the triathlon world, as I'm reading!)

The Tri I'm talking about it at believe it's the same one you are talking about)

I haven't heard very much about this tri - but I figure I gotta start somewhere and this sounds pretty relaxed and low key for my first time!

I look forward to "training" with you, and perhaps we'll see each other in Harrison this summer
2007-12-31 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1123851

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina's Mah-velous Group >>> OPEN

Hi Lucky

Check out the British Columbia forum on this site.Then scroll down to My first triathlon.It's very interesting.

Beuitiful day,going to get some kind of activity in this morning.Take Care


2007-12-31 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: happy new year!
I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! to everyone in the group, I hope you have a truly wonderful evening ... and I look forward to training with you all - as it all starts tomorrow! Here's to 2008 being an awesome year. ;-)


2007-12-31 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1121762

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GOAL SETTING FOR 2008


First Most Important Season Goal:  Lose 30lbs

Why do you want to accomplish it? To slim down to a healthier weight and fit into a smaller wedding dress size.
How are you going to achieve this goal? By training for and competing in a couple of triathlons and a 5K race. Run, swim, bike, yoga, Tai Chi, weights.
What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal? Poor eating, lack of motivation, not being able to stick to a plan, busy schedule, travel, old injuries.
How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? Make a plan, log on for motivation and accountability, educate myself
How will you feel once you achieve this goal? Healthy, slim, triumphant, energetic

Second Most Important Season Goal: Compete in a Sprint Triathlon

Why do you want to accomplish it? To help me achieve goal one and to achieve something great that not many would think of me doing, including myself
How are you going to achieve this goal? By training: run, swim, bike, yoga, Tai Chi, weights.
What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal? Busy schedule, travel, old injuries.

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? Put my plan into the calender, log on for motivation and accountability,
throw out all preconceived notions about what I can and can't do.
How will you feel once you achieve this goal? Triumphant, sense of accomplishment, energetic

Third Most Important Season Goal: Run a 5K

Why do you want to accomplish it? To help me keep off the pounds and to achieve something great that not many would think of me doing, including myself
How are you going to achieve this goal? By training: run, yoga, Tai Chi, weights.
What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal? Busy schedule, travel, old injuries, I'm not a runner?!.
How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? Put my plan into the calender, log on for motivation and accountability, throw out all preconceived notions about what I can and can't do.
How will you feel once you achieve this goal? Triumphant, sense of accomplishment, energetic

S - Specific
Lose 30 lbs by St Pat's.

M - Measurable
Scale-measuring at least once a week if not everyday.

A - Attainable/Acceptable
A healthy 2lbs a week loss with a couple of buffer weeks.

R - Realistic
Yep, and I'd be happy with at least 80% with finishing off the last 20% by Triathlon time.

T - Timed
Almost 16 weeks (started 12/27).
E - Exciting
I'm doing on the way to training for a triathlon

R - Record
That's what I'm doing here


2007-12-31 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Goals
Hi Jenn

Great goals. Im sure you will accomplish them. Reminded me of when I did my first triathlon and 5k. I like the part where you said you want to get rid of any preconceived notions of what you can and cannot achieve. That part is so true. Sometimes we set barriers in our mind.

I remember the first thought in my mind once I crossed that line....."I can do ANYTHING!!!"

We'll all be here for you.

2007-12-31 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
I echo Salma ... and you sound like me a few years ago!

I lost 40 pounds about 4 years ago and had never run a step in my life. Now I have been doing 5 and 10K's for a few years, however no triathlons. Up until last year (Jan 2007) I had never swam a stroke in my life nor had I been on a bike since I was a kid. No one believed I could or would do a triathlon, however I always believed in myself. That's the trick! Stick to it and we're here for ya! You will succeed - and you will be awesome!
2007-12-31 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1124802

New user

Subject: RE: GOAL SETTING FOR 2008
Goals For 2008:

First Most Important Season Goal:
Complete a Sprint Triathlon on May 3rd

Why Do I want to Accomplish This:
To say I completed a triathlon in memory of those who have lost their battle with leukemia
or Lymphoma (Used to work for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and TNT). Also, to
know that I have set my mind to something and have completed it!

How are you going to achieve this goal?
Lots and Lots of Training and motivation from my fellow online triathlon friends!!! Also,
through weight lifting, pilates and taking care of myself

What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal?
Can I copy Jeni's responses: Poor eating, lack of motivation, not being able to stick to a
plan, getting burnt out of doing the same thing over and over again

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way?
Constantly reminding myself how great I will feel when I finish! Keeping track of the
progress I have made throughout the next 5 months.

How will you feel once you achieve this goal?
That I can TAKE on anything!!!!

Second Most Important Season Goal:
To Loose 30 pounds by June 1st

Why Do I want to Accomplish This:
To feel better about myself and to look HOT for my boyfriend (who I hope will propose to
me this year)

How are you going to achieve this goal?
Same as before, LOTS and LOTS of training. Keeping track of what I’m eating and what
exercises I’m doing.

What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal?
Keeping myself motivated and not giving into temptation!!!

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way?
Same as above: Keeping telling myself how much better I will feel and how much more
healthy I can become.

How will you feel once you achieve this goal?
I can feel confident looking good in a pair of cute bike shorts ?

Third Most Important Season Goal:
To finish a 10K run at the end of June

Why Do I want to accomplish it?
I have always had a fear of running and I want to get over the fear. I have heard from
many of my friends how they view running as a relaxation tool and how much they enjoy
it! I want to experience that type of adrenaline.

How are you going to achieve this goal?
I’m going to run 3 days a week and not give up. I’m going to start out slow and work
myself up to running 7 miles

What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal?
Giving up too soon. I want to have immediate results and not get tired after only running
for a short period of time. The cold weather at the current moment is making it hard for
me to get up and go running in the morning.

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way?
Schedule 3 days a week to run every morning. Being dedicated to make sure this
happens at every cost. Not complaining or coming up with excuses. Set a goal to be
able to increase my running mileage by 1 mile per month.

How will you feel once you achieve this goal?
That running will be a new past time for me and it will help keep me in shape.

2007-12-31 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1099933

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!

Hello Everyone.

Wishing everyone a "Happy New Year"!!!!



2008-01-01 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: happy new year
OK I take it back - it all starts TOMORROW. Too hungover today to start anything. ;-)

Happy new year everyone.
2008-01-01 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Happy New Year
Happy Happy everyone - hope you had a great time last night. We just chilled out at home. I took a long nap and then we watched movies all night. It was great to have a little rest from the workouts.

But I'm back on it today. I am so motivated after seeing those first 2lbs come off. I want another couple of pounds to come off soon. I was happy with seeing 2-3 lbs in a month, but 2lbs in a week would be amazing.

Watching a great hockey game then i'm off to the gym to run 5miles, and swim again. I cannot wait for it to stop snowing so I can get outside to run again. School starts in a couple of weeks and I'd love to get some outside miles before that happens.

Have fun everyone
2008-01-01 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1126172

British Columbia
Subject: RE: happy new year

Same Same.

Had a hard time starting my computer.


2008-01-01 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1099933


Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Happy New Year Everyone!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic evening and lots of celebrating with friends and family!

I woke up nice and ealry (11:30 - hey, what can you was New Years Eve!) and went to the gym for my first day of Couch to 5K! Lifted some weights, did a bit of abs, feeling good and think I'll go for a quick bike ride while the weather's still dry!

Let's make it Great in 2008!

2008-01-02 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1126380

Subject: ...
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2008-01-02 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Well, the Holidaze are officially over. All the relitives have returned home and the wife and I can get back into our usual routine!

I hope everyone had a safe new years, I slept though it as usual! But now I hope to be able to concentrate on the tri season, so with very minimal fanfare..........

Jim's GOALS FOR 2008 Triathlon Season............

First Most Important Season Goal: Compete in the Witch City Sprint Distance Triathlon in August of 2008.

Why do you want to accomplish it? I want to do something that is out of what I usually do in sports. My body has been beaten by too much mountain biking and I have made the decision to stop destroying myself off road. Too many screws holding parts together (me not the bike), too many aches and pains after an epic ride. Plus my wife gets scared when I go downhilling. So I will destroy myself in a tri.

How are you going to achieve this goal? By training and following a plan to achieve this goal.

What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal? Externally nothing. Internally there is always the possibility of failure. But this is something that I truly want to accomplish and therefore I have committed myself to the plan.

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? Accountability through our mentoring group. We are here to do something that is really life changing, well i expect it to be. I know that we will all help each other during this training period with constructive criticism and praise. I hope you all will kick my when I need it!

How will you feel once you achieve this goal? I don’t know. Yes I will feel good, but emotionally? I have never done something as “difficult” as this, so I can’t even imagine what I will feel when I accomplish my goal…….No matter what I am looking forward to it!

Second Most Important Season Goal: Drop to 10% body fat. Increase muscle tone.

Why do you want to accomplish it? I am in middle age (47 years old). I need to be healthier than I am now. Not to say I am in bad shape, it’s just I know I can improve.

How are you going to achieve this goal? As for droping to 10% body fat and increasing muscle tone, I expect my plan will do that. I will try to detail that at the end of this post, in another post. I don't want to bore you with that info all at once!

What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal? Busy schedule, old injuries. A love of food and good ale!

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? Again, accountability through our mentoring group.

How will you feel once you achieve this goal? Proud!

Third Most Important Season Goal: Cleanse my body and mind.

Why do you want to accomplish it? I need to become a less stressed, more compassionate person. As the old saying goes: Healthy Body = Healthy Mind, or something like that! Ha ha seems my mind is failing me…

How are you going to achieve this goal? To cleanse my body, our training will do that along with changing my diet. To cleanse my mind I have started to read and meditate on the Tao Te Ching. I have signed up for yoga classes and have set aside 10 minutes a day to be quiet.

How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way? I need to be aware of my actions and how my actions affect others.

How will you feel once you achieve this goal? At peace.

So My Triathlon Friends, that's it. I look forward to this journey and sharing it with you, and you sharing yours with me!

2008-01-02 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: It all starts today people!
Well - here we go. I'm really looking forward to this. Last year I considered myself a 'weekend warrior triathlete', just trained when it felt good and didn't take racing seriously at all. This year - I'm going to take it all seriously.
I'm starting off by heading out the door shortly (after the dog is walked and my yogourt is eaten) for a lovely mid-morning run around my lake. I live on the edge of a nature sanctuary and lake, and it has a glorious running path around it. There was a point last summer where I was running the lake EVERY MORNING but somehow somewhy I stopped doing that. It's beautiful, I miss it. So here I go. ;-)
2008-01-02 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1128185

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: It all starts today people!

Mid-morning for you! I'm looking forward to leaving work in about 3 hours to do an evening ride on the trainer in the basement.

peace out

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