BT Development Mentor Program Archives » triOK's group - The best group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2008-01-03 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
More info about me:

My name is Joanne. I am a 43 year old mother of a happily(sometimes) blended family of 5 kids-ages 25-15y.o. I live in Troy, Michigan and have lived in Michigan most of my life. I can be a great resource wherever you are moving. I ran the Detroit Marathon in 2006 and would not ever put my body through that again- the 20 mile training runs were grueling. Its hard to run for 4-5 hours at a time.

I joined a bike team and will be doing triathlons for them. I signed up for 3 already-my first is on June 22. I started doing a beginner training program over 22 weeks. I am doing my swimming at Lifetime fitness. I was very excited. Yesterday was day 1 and I so kicked butt. The swim felt great. I did 10minutes of biking and 20minutes of running also. I love swimming and running and think this will be great fun.

Good luck with your move and again, WELCOME to MICHIGAN!!!!!

2008-01-03 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
A little more about me...

My name is Alan and I live in Big Stone City, SD. I'm a 39 year old divorced father of two girls, 10 and 13. I've spent the last 20 years focused on growing my business and neglecting every other aspect of my life, including my health. I've recently sold my business and in the process of determining what's next, and using that time to get back into shape and make some positive changes in my health habits.

Started working out again about two months ago, and dropped about 20 pounds with another 15 or so that i'd like to get rid of. This has been primarily through running with a little biking. I started to train for a sprint tri a couple years ago and the swimming was so intimidating that I quit. I can swim but not very efficiently apparently. My goal is to spend some time with a swim coach somewhere that can teach me better stroke technique and make me more efficient in the water. The problem is when you live in the sticks there isn't much opportunity for time with a knowledgeable swim coach.

I don't have a specific race picked out yet but will by the end of this week.

I'd like to have a training partner to hold me accountable on those days where I just don't feel like working out, but that probably isn't going to happen. This mentor group might be even better with a bunch of training partners to give that kick when it is need.

Thanks, Robyn, for letting me in the group!

2008-01-03 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
My Bio.

BACKGROUND: My name is Heather and I am a 24 year old elementary school teacher. I was born and raised in Florida, on the west coast. I'm a gator through and through. I graduated from the University of Florida almost two years ago. I started with the idea of completing a triathlon last year when I read about the Danskin sprint triathlon at Disney. I am a total Disney fanatic, so the idea of swimming through the lake I've spent so many vacations around and running and biking even near the park, let alone running through it, seemed so exciting to me. Then I thought, well I could never do that, or could I? So we got a bike, my husband had wanted me to get one anyways so we could ride together so that worked out. Then we joined the Y, mainly so we could have a place to swim. So I've got the tools and the motivation is there, now I just need to really get disciplined and get started.

FAMILY: Married for almost two years and we have a cat and a dog who we consider our babies right now. (Planning to try for our first baby starting this summer!) Currently living in Columbia, SC, but looking at a possible relocation to south FL in the near future.

RACES: I've got nothing :-) I'm a total newbie.

GOALS: No particular weight loss goal, but I would like to have more endurance, strength, energy, and if losing a little weight (say no more then 20) comes with it then that would be great. My goal is to either complete a muddy buddy race at Disney World in May with my husband OR the Danskin triathlon at Disney in May. I started out really wanting to complete the triathlon, but now that my husband and I found this race that we could train for and run/bike together, I'm kind of leaning towards that. They are both the same weekend too, so I don't think I'll be doing both.

Well that's me, I'm looking forward to the year and hoping I meet my goals. Getting to know some new people and cheering them on sounds like a good time too!

2008-01-03 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1108061

New user

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
STORY: Hi, All! My name is Darcey and I live in NJ, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, PA. I wear many hats: wife, mom of 3 (18, 13, and 12), corporate worker bee (part-time), grad student (part-time), “athlete”…

My interest in running/competing began when I received an email from a local running store to train for the Philadelphia Distance Run in 2004. I run primarily and have done some biking, but have no swimming experience.

After competing in a duathlon last summer, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for the Philadelphia Women’s Triathlon in 2008 to celebrate turning 40!

CURRENT TRAINING: My main focus is the Philadelphia Women’s Triathlon on 7/6/08 to celebrate turning 40 in May. Currently I’m in a major rut and not doing much of anything, but will pick up the running and more importantly yoga, which I absolutely love and has made a tremendous difference in my overall well-being.

PAST EVENTS: Philadelphia Distance Run; Covered Bridges Half Marathon; Disney Half Marathon; Disney Goofy Challenge; Disney Minnie 15K; Philadelphia Women’s Tri- Duathlon Event; numerous 5Ks, 10Ks; MS 150 bikes tours (75 miles)

PLANNED 2008 RACES: I’m currently registered (with my husband) for the Goofy Challenge at Disney next week. (I am so not ready for this, and will most like walk with the lax pace requirements.); daughter and I will do our 3rd annual 15K in May; Covered Bridges Half Marathon in VT on 6/1; GOAL RACE: Philly Women’s Tri 7/6; PDR on 9/21; possibly the Philadelphia Marathon on 11/23.

GOALS: To actually follow through and be successful with training. I look great on paper, but my performance is much below my capability. I’m here for accountability.
2008-01-03 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Believe it or not, 28 people made it into the group.....  The OCD side of my personality came out and I put all of the user names, real names, and locations (just in case you are near someone to train with) into one list.  If there is missing information, please let us know who and where you are!!

This will also make it easier to add peoples logs to your buddy list.  I know I am here to be encouraged to get out of the door and work out, so don't be afraid to mock me unmercifully when I miss a workout (like today when I am using my cold as an excuse).

 BTW Hope the move is going well Robyn.

 Ladies and Gentlemen,  I give you triOK's Group AKA The Best Group:

  • triOK- Robyn, Michigan
  • BozNC- Boz, North Carolina
  • Aviator1596- Bennet, Oklahoma
  • krludwig- Keith, California
  • shanaspree- Laura, Colorado
  • denny.l- Lesley, The Great State of Texas
  • mifiremedic- Curt, Michigan
  • ny15298- ????, ????
  • ikagop- Lora, ????
  • scubaman1- Thomas, Oklahoma on the way to NM via Las Vegas
  • azelizabeth- Elizabeth, Arizona (I wonder where she got her user name )
  • beaker29- Darcey, New Jersey
  • cworley- Clay, Indiana
  • kruss- katie, CO
  • teash- ????, PA
  • jogo- Joanne, Michigan (I think??)
  • mjfleming- Jeanie, Ontario Canada (Just to give the group an international flavor)
  • coldheat- Sarah, Somewhere in the NorthEast
  • ditchdoc- Rueben, Alabama
  • Mama J- Julia, New Mexico
  • ldubbe- Lisa, California
  • rel3427- Bob, GA
  • gator416- Heather, South Carolina (Sorry about your Bowl Game.  That must have hurt...)
  • aber4- Alan, South Dakota
  • shaybrackney- Shay, Colorado
  • lmscozz, Lynn- California
  • truthministriez- Zach, ????
  • razorxp- David, Ohio
  • stayfocused- Jay, Connecticut
  • dickey_moe - Torsten, Glasgow, UK (For more international flavor)

As for me, I posted most of my information earlier, but am focusing on running my first half mary in April, and full mary in December.  I have completed one sprint before, but plan on sprinkling a few throughout the year.  Like I said before, please feel free to stop by my log and give me a kick in the butt if it looks like I am slacking......  I can take it. 

Edited by Aviator1596 2008-01-05 2:05 PM
2008-01-03 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1132363

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Sorry for not adding my name!

 Lisa. I live in Los Angeles, CA.

2008-01-03 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1132363

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I live in the lonely state of Indiana....trying to get more to use BT for their training needs. It has been a great place for me personally to learn more.
2008-01-03 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

And for those who aren't cruising the forums, ditchdoc bought a new bike.....

 He needs to post some bike porn in our thread!!!

Edited by Aviator1596 2008-01-03 8:48 PM
2008-01-03 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I am 51 years old and live in Georgia.

I have done one sprint tri in 2007.

It was very cold and the water was tough at just above 50 degrees.
I was not even able to put my head in the water and ended up wading and floating on my back the whole way thru.

Both of my knees have had surgury and are week.

Biking is my strong point and I have completed a century ride back in 2004.

I have an extreme fear of deep water and am working on it.

Any help would be helpful.
2008-01-04 6:23 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hey Guys!

Thanks for the list Bennet. I live in San Antonio Texas, not Colorado. No snow here!
2008-01-04 6:39 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Thanks for the list! And yes the loss hurt, but after last season I can't be upset with them :-)

2008-01-04 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1132471

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Here is the requested bikeporn.  Sorry, but I am having problems posting the pic directly to the thread. Anyway, Trek 1.2 Very basic entry level bike, 60 cm, Sora gearing and Bolenger components, with carbon forks and seat post. the LBS owner threw in a free bottle cage, computer, three way allen wrench. Out the door with a new Trek Vapor Helmet for $750.00 I was thinking of naming her Betty ( as in the song, Black Betty) but the wife reminded me I had a truck named Black Betty not to long ago.  Soooo....Since I will be doing most, if not all, of my Tri's in the Gulf Of Mexico, I am thinking of naming her after the Apex, and and fastest Predetor of the Gulf..." Mako" or " Miss Mako." What say yee of the Mentor Group???

Edited by ditchdoc 2008-01-04 12:26 PM
2008-01-04 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1133155

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I vote for "La Mako" Poco Espanol?
I will post bike porn of "Elizabeth " aka Izzy(mtnbike) and "The Maz" (short for Mazzerrati) along with thier respective mojo/headbadge friends. I'm haunting the group because I'm on vacation from of the perks of working in public schools.

Edited by denny.l 2008-01-04 9:22 AM
2008-01-04 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1108061

New user

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hello TriOK Group, I'm Katie I live in and am a native of Colorado. I'm 47, married, two kids 20 and 16 and have 2 4 legged buddies. I work full time, IT/Graphic Design and I'm also pursing a second degree. When I'm not working or in class I'm creating, (love to keep my hands and mind busy) along with that I also work at trying to keep my butt from expanding.

As mentioned prior, about two months ago a friend of mine suggested that maybe we should try to set a goal of completeing a sprint triathlon to help us stay comitted to our fitness goals. Both of us are in decent shpae but have found that the female body, once into it's 40's, has other plans if you don't stay comitted to some form of fitness, like it or not. Initially, I thought she was just a bit crazy, but the more I researched the tri idea the more I began to believe she was onto something and that maybe we could really do this. She purposed this idea to another friend, who is now joining us in our madness, so together the three of us have started training for our 1st sprint triathlon. Being that the 3 of us are new to tri's and training for one, we are finding that we could use some help to be successful. Our goal right now is to complete a sprint tri which takes place in June 08 in Grand Junction, CO, from there maybe Tri For A Cure in August 08 in Denver.

Ideas for training programs, nutrition and just overall motivation is what I'm hoping for from joining this mentor group. The BT site has been a great help so far, but talking with those of you who are motivated in the pursuit of tri and other fitness goals will be of great help and much appreciated.

My experience in swimming is good, I swam competitively for years, but not in masses like that of a tri. I have some cycling background but need a new bike and again tips for competing in large groups. As far as my running, this is where I will need the most help in training and strategy. I have a bum knee, injured it skiing in my 20's, but have tried to keep it fit and I think with some strength training I should do OK, ideas on that will be a great help. So that's my story!

Thanks Robyn for your mentorship (if that's a word) and good luck with your move, here's to the TriOK Group's success in 08!

2008-01-04 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Bristol, CT
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Wow, I made the group, last person listed too, very cool.  Great job putting that list together, very helpful.  Here's my story for what it's worth....

Been running for 20 years, definitely my strength.  Ran in high school, college, nat'l championships, all that good stuff, took some years off when diapers entered my world (father of 2) and started running a while back.  Since, I've done 5K's to marathons (3:14 PR so far), started doing tri's about 3 years ago and worked my way up to the IM and just did IM Lake Placid in July '07.  Tough course!  I'm "ok" in the swim, "ok" in the bike, and enjoy reeling people in on the run, that's the best!  I typically grab an AG trophy at most tri's, if I could just find the talent bank on the swim and bike I wouldn't be so far behind after T2!!!

 Look forward to participating in the group!

2008-01-04 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1133155

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I have an appointment with some guys in my tri club to test ride my next bike. Its a Cervelo P2K. I think its about a 2002 model. I am so stoked. Now if it was only Spring , and I could ride it. I guess I will have to go out and buy a trainer.

I will post my porn ( I mean bike porn) this evening.

I feel its gonna be a great year.


ditchdoc - 2008-01-04 9:47 AM

Here is the requested bikeporn.  Sorry, but I am having problems posting the pic directly to the thread. Anyway, Trek 1.2 Very basic entry level bike, 60 cm, Sora gearing and Bolenger with Carbon forks and seat post. the LBS owner through ina free watre bottle cage, computer, three way allen wrench. Out the door with a new Trek Vapor Helmet for $750.00 I was thinking of naming her Betty ( as in the song, Black Betty) but the wife reminded me I had a ruck named Black Betty not to long ago.  Soooo....Since I will be doing most, if not all, of my Tri's in the Gulf Of Mexico, I am thinking of naming her after the Apex, and and fastest Predetor of the Gulf..." Mako" or " Miss Mako." What say yee of the Mentor Group???

2008-01-04 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I posted my bike porn in my album.
2008-01-04 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1133252

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

denny.l - 2008-01-04 9:19 AM I vote for "La Mako" Poco Espanol? I will post bike porn of "Elizabeth " aka Izzy(mtnbike) and "The Maz" (short for Mazzerrati) along with thier respective mojo/headbadge friends. I'm haunting the group because I'm on vacation from of the perks of working in public schools. Les


Wouldn't that be "El Mako"?  Either way, I like the Espanol version of Mako.  Good suggestion Les, and great photos in your album.

Edited by Aviator1596 2008-01-04 5:12 PM
2008-01-04 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
All of this talk about bikes... does anyone have a good suggestion for a somewhat entry level road bike? I am petite (ok... short) ... so that factors in. Not sure where to start and also... do bike shops deal? Is it like a car... one price on the bike... another out the door?

2008-01-04 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1133616

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Bike Porn.. Here is my new (Okay used) Tri bike. Its a 2000 Cervelo P2K. She is sweet, now I need to shop for pedals and shoes.


photo.jpg (98KB - 14 downloads)
(0KB - 10 downloads)
2008-01-04 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1134606

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I agree great pictures... Especially them biking legs. ha ha... Just trying to be humorous..

Aviator1596 - 2008-01-04 5:40 PM

denny.l - 2008-01-04 9:19 AM I vote for "La Mako" Poco Espanol? I will post bike porn of "Elizabeth " aka Izzy(mtnbike) and "The Maz" (short for Mazzerrati) along with thier respective mojo/headbadge friends. I'm haunting the group because I'm on vacation from of the perks of working in public schools. Les


Wouldn't that be "El Mako"?  Either way, I like the Espanol version of Mako.  Good suggestion Les, and great photos in your album.

2008-01-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Anyone got any suggestions for someone interested in buying aero bars?
2008-01-04 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1135017

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
mifiremedic - 2008-01-04 8:35 PM I agree great pictures... Especially them biking legs. ha ha... Just trying to be humorous..
Aviator1596 - 2008-01-04 5:40 PM

denny.l - 2008-01-04 9:19 AM I vote for "La Mako" Poco Espanol? I will post bike porn of "Elizabeth " aka Izzy(mtnbike) and "The Maz" (short for Mazzerrati) along with thier respective mojo/headbadge friends. I'm haunting the group because I'm on vacation from of the perks of working in public schools. Les

Wouldn't that be "El Mako"?  Either way, I like the Espanol version of Mako.  Good suggestion Les, and great photos in your album.



Or Los Mako...all this Espanol...I want mucho cervaza si???

Edited by ditchdoc 2008-01-04 10:15 PM
2008-01-04 10:26 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Okay, I guess I am taking things a little off topic here, so to get back on track... I ran today, for the second time since I broke my foot. I ran 20 minutes as per the second run of the first week, of the BT Sprint Training program ( I kinda have to shuffle my days around because of my work schedule and child care issues.) My foot was a little tender,and my ankle flet really weak ( iguess form wearing that damn air cast around for so long). I tried my best not to "roll" my ankle ( again) and did a pretty good job of keeping it staright. Because I was running around the perimeter of the Fire Station, I am unable to clock the distance...but it was S-L-O-W!!! I mean like prolly a mile and a half in twenty minutes type of slow! Anyway, the importnat thing for me is to get the training in without re-injury. Tomorrow is on off day ( Go shopping for Bike Toys :grin ...and Sunday I get to ride Mako for the first time! (Yea!)
2008-01-04 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1135009

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

mifiremedic - 2008-01-04 8:33 PM Bike Porn.. Here is my new (Okay used) Tri bike. Its a 2000 Cervelo P2K. She is sweet, now I need to shop for pedals and shoes.


Sa-weet looking ride bro!!! ( Nice to see a fellow medic have such a nice ride!!!!) One day...sigh!

Oh, and coldheat...sorry I am not near the level of Areo Bars yet, and I certainly would not try to givew out advice on them.

Edited by ditchdoc 2008-01-04 10:35 PM
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