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2008-01-11 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1150243

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Kick cadence is how many times you kick per arm stroke or strokes.  I generally do not kick the whole time, just during certain times of my stroke and a certain amount per stroke.  The cadence differs from person to person.  However, the main goal is to find efficiency.  This will come in time, once an individual learns their particular stroke. 

2008-01-14 3:27 AM
in reply to: #1150286

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA...night shifts. Shari, saw where you're doing swiming lessons. Girl, I'm jealous. I'd love to have someone show me my flaws, but I'm an hour from the nearest site. Not practical. Enjoy them and come back and tell us what you learn. Ward, I may be picking your mind on swimming. Saw where you had a great workout just getting back into the pool. I forgot that you used to coach. So I hope you don't mind my future questions. Mark, I saw your gear questions. Just remember, no one looks good in Spandex! OK, here's a question for all for the week, since Keith is out and it's 3 AM and I'm bored. What's your biggest challenge this week and how are you planning to conquer it???
2008-01-14 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1154025

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
3am? Wow... that is a different life style working night shifts, isn't it? My biggest challenge for this week is drinking enough water. So I am going to buy a 2 liter pop bottle, dump the pop and fill it with water and try to drink one of those a day. I need a really long straw, too. I will also have to work very hard at keeping the work outs going. I'm excited about using the jump rope to break up the monotony of the treadmill.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm kinda ready for the weather to get nice even though I do love a good snow storm. Happy Monday!
2008-01-14 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Shari, I love the "pop bottle" idea! (Seems funny to hear "pop". Down here, everyone calls them Coke. Doesn't matter whether it's a Pepsi, Sprite or whatever, it's a Coke.) I recycle them as well...they don't spill in the car. Sometimes I freeze water in the bottom 1/3, then fill the rest with water when I leave. Stays cold longer.

My challenge: 11 mile run Thursday. I'm not a runner, and I have to be very careful not to get an injury. The only flat area where I live is a cornfield, so footing can be tricky. Anyway, will add in mental toughness challenge with no IPOD. They can't be used in USAT races anyway, so I better get used to it.

Ya'll have a great day. I'm gonna chug down another mug of coffee, and then pick up 12 y/o to go to the pool.


2008-01-14 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

My goal for this week is to swim 500yds in under 11 minutes.

2008-01-18 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1155673

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Did you make your swimming goal for this week? Carol, what about your weekly goals? Mine was to drink 2 liters of water each day and I did horrible!!! Even with my pop bottle. It is hard to drink water when I am just sitting at my desk. Oh well, I'll keep working at it, I know it is good for me.

I get to take my first swim lesson Monday night, it should be interesting. The swim instructor I talked to said she is really busy with lessons right now specifically because of the "tri season". I thought that was interesting and I didn't feel so silly.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a good weekend...

2008-01-18 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Near Gent
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
I just keep my water bottle within reach while working at my desk. Whenever I need inspiration, I take a big sip.
1.5 l every working day.
The only thing that bothers me is the frequency I need to visit the bathroom
2008-01-18 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1163727

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Not yet, but I plan on swimming tonight and on Saturday.  By the way, I saw you, and Leo talking about drinking water.  I used to drink nothing but Pepsi or Diet-Pepsi, anywhere from 5-8 cans a day.  Well, about 5 months ago I decided to finally get off the soda and drink nothing but milk and water.  At first I had to go to the bathroom all the time, but after a while my body got used to it.  Now I drink 2.5 - 3L/day.  I promise it does get easier.
2008-01-18 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1163773

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Hi Leo. LOL! That's my other issue... the long hallway to the restroom! But that's good excersise, right? Maybe I'll start with a liter and work up from there.
Ward says it gets easier and he's doing 2.5 to 3 liters everyday!!! (That's awesome, Ward!)
2008-01-18 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Hey guys!

Shari, you are an inspiration, how you just keep trying. I love your enthusiasm. Thanks for the inspire. Good luck on the swim, Ward! I crashed on my 11-mile run, stopping at 6. A lot of factors involved, most prominent of which is probably overtraining. Never done that before :0. I'm definitely on the steep slope of the learning curve with this training thing. Anyway, I have permission to take 2 days off, and a whole week of taper! I'll probably go crazy mentally.

It's sleeting here! People go a little crazy with the stuff! I'll check in later.



2008-01-21 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Hey All.  I'm back from vacation.  2 days in Charlston, SC and then 5 @ Disney.  Weather could have been better but it was a good break.  I only ran once but I walked 6-8 miles a day so I'll call that my workout.  Getting back into the routine today.

You are all right about the hydration.  I need to do a better job of that. 

2008-01-21 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1167771

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Welcome back Keith! Disney Land (World?) would be a blast! Glad you enjoyed your break.
I have a tri racing rules question. Can you wear a snorkel and goggles if you are doing an open water swim? And as far as race rules, is there a specific set of rules that applies to all tri races or is there a different set per race?

So I have my first lesson in the pool tonight. I am really anxious about it but I'm pretty sure they won't let me drown! I can't wait to be able to do some actual pool excersises so I can follow my plan better.
2008-01-21 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1168546

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
I just learned something really cool! When you sign on to the BT website there is a forum group called "Triathlon Talk". People write in questions and then get answers and feedback from the great big world of BTers. So instead of working, I just spent the last hour reading questions and answers. Yikes! But I got a TON of info about swimming (my weak spot) on everything from snorkles to breathing to what to wear, etc.
Anyway, if you all hadn't noticed this forum before, take a look. Have a great week!
2008-01-22 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

We went to the D-World.  Weather was a bit cold but the trip was great. 

Yeah, the Tri Talk forum is great and the search function is awesome.  You can find an answer to almost any question. 

RE the goggles, yes some people do wear a swim mask but not a snorkel.  TYR and AquaSphere both make masks that are geared toward triathletes.

2008-01-24 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1169470

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Hi Team... how is everyone doing? We sure aren't crazy bloggers like some of the groups I see. There are some forums that are on 20 plus pages!!!
One of my teammates who is doing my same race in June pointed out that as of this Saturday (the 26th), I only have 19 weeks until race day. Now keep in mind that this is my first race of any kind EVER. I walked the Race for the Cure last fall but that's all I got! 19 weeks sure doesn't seem like enough time to get this swimming and running thing down but I'm going to go for it a 100%. They'll give me 8 hours or so to finish, right???
2008-01-24 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1174616

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

You will be amazed at what you can accomplish in 19 weeks, with a little discipline.  Don't look at it as a race but one of many accomplishments that you will succeed in!  In fact there have been many accomplishments that have helped you get to this point. 

2008-01-25 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Totally agree.  19 weeks is a long time.  If you are consistent with your training, you will have no problem on race day.  You will amaze yourself!
2008-01-25 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Any one have any big plans for the weekend?  I'm going to try and get in some training hours even though it is suppossed to be pretty cold around here.  I'm going to do a 1-hour trainer ride and a 20 mile run at some point. 

I'm not really looking foward to the run.  5 weeks until my marathon so I need to keep focused.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2008-01-25 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1175487

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Arvada, CO
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
My weekend plans are not as inspirational as yours but I will get them done! Just some more jogging/walking on Saturday and swimming/biking on Sunday. Along with the typical hosue cleaning and laundry duties. If it is to cold to run outside, can you run 20 miles on a treadmill? I really hope the weather cooperates with you.

Happy Friday everyone!
2008-01-26 3:46 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Keith, good job on getting back into the swing of things. We saw "Spirit of the Marathon" last night and it was oh, so inspiring. Wish you could see it where you are. Makes me believe I can do it too, one day. You've challenged me to think seriously about signing up for a HIM in September. It's just such a commitment. I think I'll wait until after the 1/2 mary.

Shari, you're going to do great in your tri. Just remember to have fun along the way.

4 weeks until our Mardi Gras 1/2 marathon in New Orleans. My husband and I are both getting the jitters. Mardi Gras is Feb 5, so the race will actually be during Lent. Do you think it will matter? I don't. Anyway, I'm looking for advice for race day. My coach/friend, says forget the heart rate monitor on race day. I'll pack my nutrition with me. Stomach is too sensitive to live off the course. I have a little pouch on my FuelBelt for emergency supplies. Considering lip balm, moleskin. Any other thoughts???


2008-01-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1111991

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Hey everyone, I have a few questions regarding biking. 

Since that is all I can do is bike for the next 2 weeks, I need some input.  How often should I bike, easy or hard? 

Do recumbent bikes work a different group of muscles than an upright?  Can I do upright one day and recumbent the next and so on?

I really do not like taking more than 1 or 2 days off a week. 


2008-01-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Half Mary Advice...

I've done 2 half-marys which have both been in good weather so I'm lucky.  The biggest piece of advice -- no new clothes on race day.  Including socks.  Starting with a few days before the race up the % of carbs in your diet.  No need to carbo load the night before.  About 3 hours before the race have a breakfast of about 300-350 cals.  Try to use the bathroom before heading to the course so you don't have to wait in line.

During the race, start of slower than you planned pace.  You will want to have gas left in the tank at the end.  I try to run 5 easy, 5 medium, 3 with whatever I've got left.

Use whatever nutrition you used for training especially if you are carrying a belt.  For a 1/2 I take 2 hammer gels and then gatorade and/or water at the aid stations.

Good luck!

2008-01-28 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

Ward - On your biking questions...

Each session should consist of mostly steady cadence on the bike.  It is good to throw in 2-3 minute bursts at a higher difficulty but make sure to build a base through steady progressively longer sessions.

The road > Trainer > Spin Class > Upright Stationary Gym Bike > Recumbent

Since you aren't getting your bike until March, I would stick with the upright unless you can get in a spin class.  The upright will help develop you core and back muscles as well as your legs.  If your back is a little sore, you can certainly hop on the rec for a day.

Let us know how it goes!  

2008-01-28 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1111991

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL
Uggh...I had a pretty crappy w/e.  My grandmother fell Saturday night and broker her hip.  I went to visit her yesterday in NJ.  She has to have a full hip replacement (hopefully today).  Not an easy procudure for an 89 year old.  I'm a bit nervous.
2008-01-28 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1179329

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Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: PanicTour's Group - FULL

actually I have my new bike now, but it is still too cold to ride outside (thought it did warm up for a few days).  Thanks for the info.

I hope everything goes smoothly with your grandmother. 


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