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2008-01-23 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1173020

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Ken & Gang,

 Bikes Direct is a good site and they have some good deals!  I am lookin at the Motobecame and here are some of the ones I am eye-ballin right now!  Of course I will chat with some of the local bike shops and see what the local scoop is as well on used bikes - but this is a great start!  Thanks alot for the info and the advice.


2008-01-23 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1173148

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


     Both of your choices are great entry level bikes for getting started.  The only point that I will bring up in regards to both of your choices is that if you decide to upgrade your components over time rather than buying another group you will run into some issues with the Tiagra/Sora components on these bikes.  I would look at getting a bike with at least a Shimano 105 groupset as these are easily upgraded to the Ultegra and Dura Ace components as well as being compatible with each other.  I don't know what your budget is but I would rather share my experience with blowing money on bike upgrades and not have you do the same thing.  If you have any questions feel free to let me know as I am quickly growing into bike maniac.  Good luck with your choice but remember to get fitted. 

2008-01-27 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Time for a recap:

Great week for me despite serious weather challenges and an unplanned out of town trip.

Totals 3 swims for 6400 yards, 3 bikes for 34 miles, and 5 runs for 19 miles.

Swim - 6400 yds and I completed the January swim challenge. Feel for the water is back, February will be very form focused for me so I expect to cut back some on yardage.

Bike - Weather killed the long ride. Bike is my strongest leg by far but the winter is so tough to keep the mileage up. Early sunset makes weekday ride hard and the weather has been to bad to get in a long ride. It poured all day Saturday. I broke out the trainer this week as I think its better for me than spinning class. Thats only true if I make myself ride it longer and that is a challenge for me. We did go out for a little ride after the 8 mile run but the wind was tough and the legs already had 8 running miles on them.

Run - Banner week for the run at 19 miles. Thats my best since Ironman in Nov 06. Stretched the long run up to 8 miles and got in 5 runs. I did the extra short ones as I felt good and didn't have time to bike. Plus, the dog loves to run and it works for both of us.

This week is a recovery week on the run. I will try to get in 4 runs and the long run will get cut back to 6 miles. I think I will do a tempo run along with some speed work. Half Marathon is 5 weeks out. Bike is weather dependent but I will get in 2 trainer rides and a long ride next weekend I hope.

Swim - Gonna get 2500 tomorrow to max out the challenge. But after that I will be cutting back a little on distance to do more form work.

Lets here from you guys.
2008-01-29 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Hey gang.  I need everyone to wish for me to have the strength to get through this week.  I had to arrange a funeral for a good friend of mine this week.  He was a retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant that had served his country for over 35 years.  I am helping his wife through this as she is Okinawan and does not speak English very well.  This has been very tough for me as well as all the Marines that work for me.  Please say a couple of words for the family and I as we go through this week.  I will get back on track later this week and put in the hours as I sorely miss the training right now as an outlet. This has really put a perspective on life and how precious it truly is for me.  Talk to you all next week after I put in some hours on the bike and pounding the pavement.
2008-01-29 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Sorry to hear about your friend and I will keep you and his wife in my thoughts.
2008-01-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1181124

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


Sorry to hear of such a loss and of a good dedicated Marine such as the one you talked about that has passed on to the Halls of M.  You know what they say about once a Marine dies, he just reports for duty at his next permanent duty station!!  Again, my prayers and thoughts go out to you and his family and to the Corp, another brother in arms has passed on to the other side.  35 years is a Looooooong time in any branch of the military, but in the Corp, it's 10 times that!!  Chapman - keep your head clear and remember, you have millions of brethern out here that support you, your cause and the men and women of the Armed Services - all those who serve and have served are in my opinion the finest of what Americans are, we gave all so that those who could not or chose not, could have that freedom, I consider us the ultimate Patriots.  God speed and keep you in your time of need my friend, from one soldier to another.


US ARMY - served  88-91  2nd RANGER BN / 75th RGR Regiment - served in Panama during Operation Just Cause.  ETS - 101st ABN Div 2/187th INF. - RAKKASAN!!  Ft. Campbell, KY

2008-01-29 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Gang, I am out of pocket for a couple days so keep trying. One of my former mentees is going to join our group. Her name is Hammer and is a one year veteran who wins almost every race she does. She is a runner by trade and will be helpful on the run for everyone.
2008-01-29 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1182824

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Ken's a funny guy, isn't he?   But he's great to let me join this group so late...  And I do NOT win almost every race.  However, I live in a small community and I do fairly well in my age group (which is 50+).

My last name is Hammer, so of course I go by Sledge.  Last year I decided to do more than running, and decided to try triathlons.  I did a beginner tri in the spring, then a sprint tri in the fall, and did respectably well.  So now I've set my sights on an Olympic distance tri, and need some guidance from you guys.  My original plan was to do the Oly tri in April, but it looks like I need some surgery before then, and I don't think I'll be up for the swimming distance immediately. 

I like Ken's questions about HRMs and training, and am very interested in how to use heart rate training in bicycling.  I can bike, but it's not as strong for me as running (ask Ken about the reverse duathlon last fall, when he was ahead of me in the initial bike, then I passed him in the run, then he blew past me in the bike again!).

And of course I'm avoiding the "swim" training question.  That's a topic for another day...

A little bit about me:  I'm a systems engineer, turned 50 last year, and have been married to a wonderful guy for 23 years who thinks I am nuts about this training thing.  I love the fact that some of you have spouses who participate in the sport.  My husband is active, but doesn't compete in anything since he tore his ACL skiing 5 years ago.  We have no children, pets, or live plants, so that means we can go anywhere at the drop of a hat.  I've just returned from a week long ski trip to Taos, NM, where we got out a day before the sky fell in and they had 19" of snow in 36 hours.

Ok, so I've just written a short story, or nearly a novel.  I'm looking forward to lots of discussion with you on triathlon training.

2008-01-29 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1181124

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

cchapman3 - 2008-01-29 6:55 AM Hey gang.  I need everyone to wish for me to have the strength to get through this week.  I had to arrange a funeral for a good friend of mine this week.  He was a retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant that had served his country for over 35 years.  I am helping his wife through this as she is Okinawan and does not speak English very well.  This has been very tough for me as well as all the Marines that work for me.  Please say a couple of words for the family and I as we go through this week.  I will get back on track later this week and put in the hours as I sorely miss the training right now as an outlet. This has really put a perspective on life and how precious it truly is for me.  Talk to you all next week after I put in some hours on the bike and pounding the pavement.

Life is incredibly precious, and I feel for you and your friend's wife.  You have the strength to make it through this!


2008-01-30 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1182892

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Hey Sledge!,

Welcome aboard - always glad to have some more veterans onboard - I am a newbie to the Tri scene, my wife, much like you, got me into this  - she inspired me and also helps me am fully commited!!  Like you, I am a Unix Systems Engineer - so - lot's of "seat time" at work - so getting into the Tri's and running again is most beneficial for my health and  I am 36 and my wife completed her 1st Tri last year and a half marry - so she is really the go getter - and to come from someone that was never really a physical person - to competing in Tri's and marathons - well - that was just awesome and she made me very proud.  I am competing in my 1st Sprint Tri at the end of March and I feel like I am makin good progress in gettin ready for it, ask Ken...I am doing what I need right now to build a solid base and endurance.....and that is what counts for me..I wanna finish ....I do not really care about what time I come in long as I finish before they start telling folks - " you too late"  lol.   I have been using my HR monitor during my training and it's a great tool for me on the bike and runs, keeps me out of that anaerobic state when I get to close and always keeps me focused on my hr - I want to make sure I stay in the "zone" that benfits me the most right now.  I also had a VO2 test done the other day and that was really great in finding out what I can do and what I should not be doing, I recommend them to anyone that needs a sure fire answer about where your max hr is and so forth.  Anyway - I am also an outdoor person - I snowboard as much as I can, grew up surfin &'s always been me that was out and about when my wife and I met.  Before the kids ( we have 2 - 1 girl age 5 and 1 boy age 3 ) we used to roam as we please, like you and your hubby can do now, we would go hiking and white water rafting, etc...really enjoyed that time in our lives.  Now - we have less time to just get up and go so we are making the Tri's and runs our lil adventures....we are planning on running the Cooper River Bridge run 10k in Charleston,SC in April and that is always a blast!! ANyway - thats my lil story - I am also a recovering smoker - I quit like over 2 months ago - finally!!  and this training is also my way of dealing with gettin over that part of my life....I am so committed to this I think less and less of smokin everyday....and I know I will reap the many benefits of quitting as ya go...that's all I got for now!!  Right now - this is my addiction  - and it's much healthier then a pack-o- smokes anyday!!


Edited by papahawk 2008-01-30 3:50 PM
2008-01-31 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

First of all papa, congrats on quitting smoking!  It must be great, breathing that fresh clean air.  And to quit and start training simultaneously is quite an achievement.

So your wife did her first HM last year?  That's great!  I love that distance, and am training for one right now.  Unfortunately I was off the road most of January, and I'm really feeling it right now.  Monday of this week was my first day actually out on the road since early January (I had done some treadmill running, but it's not the same).  I'm struggling with pace and speed right now, plus a sore leg from skiing.  Haven't really felt this way in years.

I joined the January challenge (anyone ever do challenges on the challenge forum?) for 10 hours and actually made 12 hours, and just re-upped for February.  I'm in for 15 hours of running this month.  Anyone want to join?


2008-02-01 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
I'm planning to bike tomorrow (first time outside in nearly a month), and I need some tips.  I know that I won't have a lot of opportunity to ride outside until the sun stays up longer because of work, so I guess I'm pretty much limited to weekends.  Any ideas on a good maintenance program for biking?  And yes, I do have a trainer but that's so boring...
2008-02-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1188319

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


Honestly - I have done nothing but ride the stationary bikes at the YMCA here for now and taking some cycle/spin classes.  I know what you mean aboiut boring, but, that is easily cured by my MP3 player and some good tunes!  Right now  - I do what I can on those bikes - plus - this time of the year its a crap shoot on weather round suck it up and ride the old work-horse in the serves it purpose, building endurance and base.  I am actually lookin into getting a new bike for my 1st tri - Motobecane is one that Ken suggested - I am sure that is what I am gonna get after I get fitted for a road bike, all I have now is a mountain bike and that is what I had to deal with when I rode bikes with my wife last year training for her 1st tri....


Edited by papahawk 2008-02-01 12:02 PM
2008-02-01 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1189203

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

How is everyone feeling about their training?  I'm in a null right now, unfortunately.  (Oops, I'm using engineering or actually "enginerding" terms right now -- null is a very bad spot in an antenna pattern, or equivalently I'm at a very low point in my training.)  I had a very bad January, and consequently my recovery is suffering.  And I had a race tomorrow that I've decided to scratch, rather than hurt myself.  So now I'm trying to figure out how to get enough base miles in to be respectable at my half marathon in March.  Or is it too late to worry about base miles?


2008-02-02 3:02 AM
in reply to: #1190611

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


I can understand the "null" you are in as I am in quite a bit of one myself. I have not made the effort to get to the gym, run, swim, or bike at all this week. But I believe that I might be able to provide a little help with your bike concerns as well as the question about base miles. I have read extensively about biking and building a base as well as a couple hundred articles about running and the various methods used. As far as the biking goes it is not extremely important to get in the long sessions now.  Just put in some time on the trainer but do some intervals, i.e. 3 to 4 minutes in a Zone 4 heart rate (Hard to talk effort) with a 1' to 90 sec recovery time, then also vary your routine by doing one leg spins for 1' minute each leg and then focus on keeping your pedal stroke smooth and scraping the peanut butter, I think of it as dog poo, off the bottom of your shoe on each pedal stroke. Do these until the weather warms up and you can get out and do some good mileage and throw in some hill repeats. As far as the running goes and if you are recovering from an injury you need to be very mindful of how you feel while running and how long it takes to recover. Unless this HM is the "A" race of your season then building base miles leading up to it with a one or two week taper to get ready for the race will help you in the races further on down the line in the season. I can provide a number of articles or links to training plans to help you out with these if you want. I also use Triathlete magazines website extensively as well as get their magazine every month. But I guess the most important thing for you to do is to make sure that you get out there and put in the miles, this goes for me as well as I have an Olympic Tri in March. Let me know if I can help in any way.


2008-02-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1190780

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full


Thanks for the advice on the biking.  I think I can stomach the trainer for short bursts, and I know I can get out on the road at least one day on a weekend.  I just don't like biking in the dark, so during the week it will be impossible to actually ride.  I'll try the zone 4 training on the trainer and see what happens.

As far as the running goes, I wasn't really injured.  Instead, work and a skiing vacation got in my way.  I did have a slight muscle pull from skiing, but the leg feels pretty good right now.  I just find such a difference between running outdoors and running on a treadmill.  I did an LSD run this morning, but my slow pace was even slower than usual and my HR was still high.   I'm hopeful that it's just because I'm out of shape, and that I can recover fairly quickly.  I guess we'll see.

I certainly can understand your lack of motivation this week.  I'm sure you'll figure out a way to get back in the swing of things soon.


2008-02-02 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Got in a good bike today. Like Cher I am struggling with the lack of daylight for riding. I was spinning but I dont really think I get that much out of it so I broke out the trainer and its in the living room right now. Other than the bike, I had a killer January and am working to keep the momentum up. I actually did a time trial today at the end of my bike ride to gauge where I am on the bike. I have a route I have been using for two years and after 25 miles in crazy wind I did the course. Its a 5.5 mile loop and I was 1 minute 40 seconds off my best which is not surprising. Half Marathon is coming up so focus will continue to be on the run.

2008-02-03 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1191556

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-02-02 8:51 PM Got in a good bike today. Like Cher I am struggling with the lack of daylight for riding. I was spinning but I dont really think I get that much out of it so I broke out the trainer and its in the living room right now. Other than the bike, I had a killer January and am working to keep the momentum up. I actually did a time trial today at the end of my bike ride to gauge where I am on the bike. I have a route I have been using for two years and after 25 miles in crazy wind I did the course. Its a 5.5 mile loop and I was 1 minute 40 seconds off my best which is not surprising. Half Marathon is coming up so focus will continue to be on the run.

Ken, I'm surprised that you aren't happy with spinning.  What is it that you aren't getting out of it?  I love my spin class, but have difficulty making it there.  It is taught during lunch on Monday and Wednesday, and work has been getting in the way since late December.  I don't think it is representative of actually riding on the road (just like treadmill running isn't like road running), but I like the endurance and aerobic activity it provides.  I dragged some of my co-workers with me, and they call it "Cheri's house of pain".

I'm going out for a ride this morning, but since it's my first time out since January 1st I don't expect much.


2008-02-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

I don't mean to get down on spinning in general. Over the years I have had some teachers who I really like and have helped me with form, cadence, and endurance. The class we do now is all about blowing up the Heart Rate with total disregard for form. Unfortunately, its the only game in town for spinning. All that said, when its cold outside I will probably go back.
2008-02-04 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
How bout a weekly recap gang.

I did 2 swims, 3 runs, and 2 bike rides. I completed my January swim challenge with a little extra. The challenges are a great way to jump start training and thats what I did after taking off 4 months from swimming. The run was a recovery week and I got some speed work in too. Finally got to ride the bike outside this weekend and put in 58 mile. Happy with the progress but I need some core time.

This week the long run goes up to 9 with is a big challenge. I also hope to get in 3 bike rides and 3 swims. Focus is still building the run.

I have almost completed my plan for my May half ironman. I gotta put the bike in, but the run and swim are in.
2008-02-05 5:50 AM
in reply to: #1194474

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

My week was a mess!  I'm run focused right now, with the HM coming up on March 2nd.  Having come off a month of travel (work and vacation), I hadn't been putting in the road miles I should have.  Consequently I had a bad week trying to get back into the routine.  I did 5 unsatisfactory runs, then decided to blow off the race on Saturday and do the distance alone, without the pressure of a race.  That worked out well for me, gave me some confidence that I can go the distance, and my pulled muscle from skiing didn't give me any problems.

Then to top it off, on Sunday I got back on the bike for the first time in a month.  Didn't set the world on fire, but I did ok.

I was in a January run challenge and made 120% of my goal (I sandbagged a bit, since I knew I'd be traveling).  I joined another February run challenge, but upped my challenge time.  However, the team ("Running with Scissors" - can you believe that name?) is wearing me out -- they are the chattiest group I've ever seen!

This week I am still planning to concentrate on running, but need to add some strength training in.  Now if I can just figure out how to add some extra hours into each day...


2008-02-05 5:53 AM
in reply to: #1194467

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Manatee Express - 2008-02-04 9:09 PM Cherri, I don't mean to get down on spinning in general. Over the years I have had some teachers who I really like and have helped me with form, cadence, and endurance. The class we do now is all about blowing up the Heart Rate with total disregard for form. Unfortunately, its the only game in town for spinning. All that said, when its cold outside I will probably go back.

Now I understand.  I hope they decide to change instructors soon!

2008-02-05 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full
Unfortunately the spinniing instructor is also the owner. Oh well.

Good work on the January Challenge. I did a January Challenge but I did the swim. I think its a great way to jumpstart yourself in a discipline that you have lost focus on. I hadn't swim since September and I set a tough but attainable target. Its also a fun way to meet other folks and you ramp up the accountability.

I would encourage everyone to look for a challenge that matches what you need to focus.
2008-02-05 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1194474

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Ken & Gang,

Well this past week has been challenging  - the wife started her nursing classes and she is up and out of the house before the kids and I even wake up - so I have not seen much of her and we do not get to train together - which bums me out  :-(   she is my #1 coach!! - no offence Ken!!!  LOL.  But never-the-less - my week was pretty good.  I have noticed my endurance is starting to pick up and I am feeling like I am building a solid base - I can tell by my numbers and my HR consistency that it is working - YEAH!!!  My bike - though mostly stationary is improving - my cadence and HR are in sync and I am racking up miles with a improved pace - seemed to jump from 16mph to close to 20mph in a matter of a week - and all that while keeping in my zone.  Running has improved as well - though I am still managing a slightly sore knee - it just sorta lingers but I am ok, no big deal right now.  Swimming has improved as well - I am gettin more out of my stroke and breathing is becoming more relaxed and controlled, still working on the kicking and the rotation - I have been practicing the drills I learn in the swim clinic last month - rolling from my back to full swim - and then back again when I need to catch a break, but keep am getting there, I am no Flipper by any means....but I am doing better then when I started.  This week is my recovery week so my numbers will be a little lower - but I am following my plan to the letter as much as possible.  Thanks to all for the continued support and advice - I am looking forward to riding some real roads soon and getting off the stationary bike - I need some real saddle time before the race in March...I have riden some road before so I am not too concerned about it, just want to get some time in on my new bike before I just hope on it in my 1st Tri!!  Hope everyone is doing well and look for ya in the logs and inspire me's!!  ROCK ON!!  :-)

2008-02-05 11:08 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - Full

Ken, Sledge and Gang,

     Can you all provide a little explanation for getting into these challenges as this would be exactly what I need right now?  A little incentive to get back in the saddle.  The weather here has been a little crappy and two of the kids are sick so this week has not started off to well.  Last week is done and over with and I am thankful for that although I did somewhat of a mini Tri (sans swimming) last week.  I wasn't to tired after I finished and the heart rate didn't get really high until the run portion.  I have two more days this week to train and then I am flying back to the states for a week for a conference.  I should be able to swim in the AM and run in the PM but I will only be able to do either spin classes or stationary bikes while I am there.  I did get some great news though and found out that the family and I will be going to Cincinnati in May/June which works very well.  The cost of living is very reasonable and there are a bunch of Triathlon's going on in that area so this will aid in my pursuit of an Ironman before Jan 2010.  Take care all and stay motivated.

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