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2008-01-14 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi all,
Lots of messages to comment upon!
I was away this weekend at my uncle's funeral in Vermont and was proud of myself for actually getting a swim in (my first, now that I am in training mode) at the dinky motel indoor pool. I swear it was like 10 M long!
Regardless, it was nice to get in and I enjoyed it (or didn't hate it). There were a number of food filled family gatherings and I guess I'd give myself about a 5/10 for willpower. I tried to fill up on veggies, but beer/wine are always the death of me! It was especially hard with the stress and saddness of the event.
I'm a big fan of supplements - having lived & worked briefly in Canada for a pharmacy/medical center that specializes in Orthomolecular medicine (using substances natural to the body to treat illness/disease). I was tested while there and it was determined that I have an iron deficiency as well as a Carnitine deficiency (an amino acid that aids in energy production at the mitochondrial level) so I take Iron, Carnitine, Fish oils and L-Tryptophan, Melatonin, & Niacinamide. Even though I work in the field of psychiatry and have taken anti-depressants in the past and think they save lives, I take the last three supplements for depression/anxiey and find that they work as well as, if not better than antidepressants due to few/no side effects. Anyway- don't get me started about supplements! I learned a lot while in Canada and will preach to anyone who wants to listen!
Speaking of which, all weekend I've been battling a sore throat & chest congestion and have been drinking cayenne tea and started sleeping with apple cider vinegar laced water in the humidifier. It seems to be helping somewhat but if anyone has home remedies that work for them, let me know. I didn't exercise this a.m. b/c I just felt too beat & sickly but I'm feeling a little better and hope to have a mild workout this p.m.
I definitely use music to set my pace and avoid boredom when I exercise - I don't know how I would do without it! That does make me nervous as far as races are concerned when I won't be able to.

2008-01-14 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1155477

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Nellie, you won't miss the music during race as there is always someone to encourage you or you to encourage someone else....I linked up with 1 women #79 at my first race as we struggled thru the run - about half way thru this guy caught us and stopped to walk just ahead of us.  We both said to him "thank you for walking, you're nice eye candy to motivate us" after a few yards of walking he turned and said "ok ladies you want eye candy keep up with me and I'll get you across that line"... well we didn't keep up with him but it was good for a chuckle and did help get us a little further.


2008-01-15 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

first day in pool in MONTHS - shoulders are sore from rotation.....

how's everyone else today?


2008-01-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Hi all -

I'm still tired from a looong snowshoe on Sunday, 9.5 miles! I'm still sore!  And yes, the pancakes were awesome.

I wanted to swim last night but we were getting snow so I headed home early. I sat on the couch and didn't even get on the trainer. Too darn tired from Sunday!

Sometimes life/weather/schedule gets in the way and taking time off is just fine. Be sure to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible. Two days off can slip into three, then four, then next thing you know its been a week. 

I'm back on the treadmill tonight for sure.  The Biggest Loser is on tonight and I find it motivating to keep moving when I'm feeling lazy. I can certainly relate to the food addiction and struggle with overcoming old habits. I fight it every day.

Everyone get in a workout today, even if it is a short one!


2008-01-15 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi all,
It's funny that you mentioned "The Biggest Loser", Jen, because I'm sitting here with my laptop watching it now . It motivates me, too. I definitely think this group is really motivating as well. I'm still battling this nasty sore throat but am proud of myself for going to the gym and doing the workout I planned for. I went to the sporting goods store after work and bought a new swimsuit - Very scary to be in the changing room and to see myself bulging out of some suits like a stuffed sausage. I definitely dread going to the pool at my current weight- but I will prevail!
2008-01-15 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Oh my gosh gals is has been a rough couple of days for me!!  I woke up Sunday morning with vertigo.  I could not believe it!  I get it every once in awhile and usually it lasts for four to six weeks, but I am so grateful that today I am getting over it.  It is not fun when the room is spinning.  I think someone is trying to keep me from working out and getting in better shape!!!   But, I won't let it stop me.  I was supposed to be at the pool today with the swim coach, but obviously couldn't go.  But, tomorrow I will do something!  I am going crazy!

 I am so glad to have this group, though.  It really keeps me accountable to staying the course.  I couldn't stand the thought of quitting because of you gals!   

2008-01-17 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Horrible second day here - I swam on Tuesday - and yesterday and today I have horrible pain in my right shoulder blade area... pain that radiates down my back, arm and up my neck when I lift anything or turn my head (things hard not to do when I am chasing my 2yr old)... hoping to get relief today with a massage - if she is available... but OMG does this hurt - it affects everything.

How's everyone else?

2008-01-17 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

If I could get a massage weekly I would. It is very good for your training and staying healthy.

Last night was a Masters swim class and my monthly conversation with my coach. Since I have a marathon in about a month I'm doing a long 3 hour run on Saturday. Sunday might be another snowshoe.

I find having a winter event keeps me on track with my training. If you haven't signed up for something, even a 5k, I suggest finding a run race to do that you can challenge yourself with. Maybe setting a PR or doing a longer distance that you've done before.  If you can travel and make it a vacation even better!

Today is mile repeats, 8 of them. Very painful but they really work to make me faster.  I'll be eating a big dinner for sure :-)

2008-01-18 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL


 There is a 5K race here in town in April that I want to put on my race log, but since it's not listed in the races on the website, how do I add it to my own races?  Normally I can figure these kind of things out but for some reason, this is really giving me fits!  

2008-01-18 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi all,
I like the advice about signing up for a 5k - I'm investigating local ones for a little later in the spring.
I've been suffering from a sore throat for a week now, and finally got to the doctor yesterday. She thinks its a virus that's going around- it's totally knocked me on my a#$! I'm frustrated that I'm ill just when I was getting so motivated. Sigh.
2008-01-18 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1163569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Teresa - to add a race go to your races in training log and click add race... you'll enter all the details and then race will post in the main race forum for others to see...

off to bed - Izzy has croup - she and i have been up since 2am... and I have 16 little 8yr old coming tomorrow for my eldest's birthday party....


2008-01-18 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
"your races" are under the bull horn around the calendar on your training log....
2008-01-21 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Hi ladies -

I hope you all had a successful weekend. I got in a 3 hour run on Saturday and a showshoe on Sunday.  Unfortunately I ate and ate and ate so the scale is a little higher this morning.  I'll be getting into my nutritionist to adjust my diet for the new training load.  Simply upping the calories isn't proving to be affective so it might mean adding more protein or carbs.  I'll let you know what she says.

Today is a run test to determine my lactic threshold.  This will guide my run training and race day heart rate.  Keep me below my LT will allow me to run long without blowing my legs out early.  I'll also share those results with you when I get them.  I'm also getting in a swim afterwards. Busy day!

The rest of my week looks like this:

Tues. 22: Run 2 hours easy
Wed. 23: Swim 60' / Bike 2.0 Intervals
Thurs. 24: Run 10 X 1 mile with 2' rest
Fri. 25: OFF or Swim 30' easy
Sat. 26: Run 3.0 with 90' at race pace
Sun. 27: 4 hour BRICK

Comes out to 13 hours total.  Whew! Ironman training has officially begun :-)

2008-01-21 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

got a sick baby here... nothing is happening until her fever breaks (102+) and the vomiting stops (due to snotty nose).... happy training everyone!

2008-01-22 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
i have the flu - should have guessed with 2 sick kids - back to back weekends - I end up getting sick also...
2008-01-23 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I don't have flu - I have strep and broncitis.... still no wonder I feel horrible!

How's everyone else doing?

2008-01-23 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi all,
Sounds like illness abounds everywhere! I'm almost fully recovered from a really nasty virus which had me bed-bound for a few days. Feeling much better and trying to get back on track with training.
2008-01-25 12:53 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
More mile repeats for me tonight. Whew, I'm pooped!
2008-01-28 12:37 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I hope everyone is feeling better and getting back on track. Take it easy when you first start back, you don't want to get overtired and your body is likely a bit out of whack. A couple days of easing back in will ensure you come back healthy.

22 weeks until Ironman for me and my training is really picking up. I have a marathon 2/17 so I did a 3 hour run on Saturday and got the IM training really kicked off with a 4 hour brick session. 

With a brick session I do approx. 45 minutes of intervals and drills on the bike trainer followed by 15 minutes or running, sit-up, push-ups, lunges then back on the bike. I go through that 4 times then collapse on the couch.

I rewarded myself for 7 hours of training over the weekend with pizza for dinner tonight. It would have been pretty hard to consume enough calories to make up for the 2500 calories I burnt while doing my brick but I did my best. Gotta fuel the fire!

Have a great week everyone and let me know how your weekend went.

2008-01-28 6:54 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Nope... I'm still out - fever finally broke over the weekend but the throat is still nto good and my walk yesterday with Izzy exhausted me... I hope to be back in gym by mid week though.  Cross my fingers!!!
2008-01-28 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Can't believe that we have all been ill!  I had just gotten over a really nasty case of bronchitis/mild pneumonia in December and am afraid it has come back with a vengence.  I have been jogging a little, not a lot, and actually did some swimming (which was really much better than I had anticipated--even got a swimsuit that I don't feel like a complete whale in!) but since it is all in my chest, I have been trying to not do too much.  It's frustrating because I want to get out there and really get with it, but I'm hoping by next week my lungs will be clear again and I'll just start "over".  I have done enough though that I have lost 4 lbs. which is wonderful when you are as short as I am.  That's encouraging for me!  

2008-01-29 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1180838

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Congrats on the weight loss, Teresa!
I think you and I are both shorties (I'm 5'1") so it's easy to feel "round" at this height - but every pound lost does make a difference.
Hopefully everyone has recovered adequately from their respective illnesses by now....
It's always inspiring to hear about Jen's training. Maybe someday I/we will be that hard core!

2008-02-01 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Hi ladies -

Sorry for the silence. Work and training have kept me busy and tired. I did 12 mile repeats last night and my legs were so sore that I took a Tylenol PM so I could go to sleep.  Very rare for me as it knocks me on my a**.  Couldn't get moving this morning and had too much work to do.  Not one of my banner days at work. I skipped my swim today since rest was more important.

Everyone needs to make the decision to skip a workout when they are too tired.  Training is designed to push us past our comfort zone but sometimes a good day off will make you stronger than squeezing in a run or swim.  The body becomes stronger when it has time to rest and heal. 

I'm thinking of opening up this board to new members.  I'd like to see more activity since I think that we could all use some encouragement to keep going.

Any thoughts? 

2008-02-03 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

After another week of semi-rest - the final recovering from the virus that knocked me and Isable on our butts - I'm back at it.  Today the family is off to the Y for the afternoon for a bike/run brick!  I finally get to start my swim class tomorrow morning - haven't been to a class yet in 3 weeks (yikes).... 

I'm open to adding more members - we seem to be a quiet bunch with busy schedules.....

2008-02-03 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
We also need to start logging in workouts or atleast posting what's going on so we can help get each other to the gym or outside.... I don't see many of us taking advantage of the blogs!  My season starts very soon so I'm needing that extra inspiration each day to get out and get some training done - I'm still debating doing the Galveston TRI even though I will be running a carnival the night before till late, it's a TRI I really want to do!  So 2 months I need to kick it up a knotch! if I'm going to be prepared
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