Subject: RE: Men's May Challenge Thread Hi Guys, I was taking a look at my training log tonight. Sorry things fell apart for me towards the end of the month but my work decided that four months was all that they could afford to let me be off work at this point. I can't complaing, they were very supportive in allowing me to spend time with my Mom who has been fighting cancer for over four years. When I went out at the beginning of February she was moved to palliative care and the doctors were extremely pessimistic. A couple of weeks ago I took Mom home and the doctors started active treatment of ther cancer again. My brother and his wife live in Brandon and my sister-in-law is out of school now so she is able to be there with her during the days to ensure she has the support that she needs. Before I left I still needed to get a lot of things done to ensure that she would have the support she needed. And I just wanted to spend time with her so training took a back seat there for a few days before I left and while I traveled back to Edmonton. |