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2009-05-26 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2172837

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
peach5757 - 2009-05-26 6:46 AM Hi Group!!

I know it's been a while since you have heard from me!!  I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's progress.  I unfortunately have fallen off the training wagon  I haven't trained in 3 weeks! 

My first sprint triathlon is scheduled for Sunday, June 28th.  It's a Double Sprint so that means: 375 meter ocean swim, 1.5 mile run, 10K bike ride then another 1.5 mile run back and then you finish up by swimming another 375 meter ocean swim.

I have a question for the group:  I have 5 weeks left to attempt to train for this.  Is it unrealistic?  Should I cancel and get half my money back or should I train hard for these 5 weeks and see what happens?  I'm not in horrible shape, but not the best.  I'm 27, 5'3" and weight about 145 pounds so I am a little over weight.  I'm a strong swimmer, ok on the bike...not such a great runner.

I have another sprint triathlon scheduled for September 19th...should I just start focusing on this one now and not worry about the one the end of June?  Or should I use the one at the end of June as practice for the one in September.  I'm pretty much torn about what to do help!!

Hey, Jess. Boy have I ever been in that boat before! Too often, to tell the truth.

Can you do the distances now? I'm not talking about going "all out" at your estimated race pace, but can you go and do the course tomorrow? If you're comfortable enough doing the distances at whatever pace it might take, then I'd say go for it! You can spend the next 4 weeks working on getting your speed up and whatnot, but you can know that no matter what, you can finish.

If you're not sure about the distances, how far along do you think you are? 75-99%? Then you can spend the next 3 weeks upping your training distances to get closer.

50-74%? Then, you can try getting to where you feel like it would be a good challenge, and that it would get you out of your comfort zone.

Basically, it might just be a time to re-evaluate your goals. Instead of going into the race with a specific time goal, then at least you can go and aim to finish strong. You might just surprise yourself.

Re-reading your post, I get the feeling you're most worried about the run portion. Don't. You can always walk the run if you really aren't up to it. But even if you're not running AT ALL right now, 5 weeks is plenty of time to work up to run/walk two 1.5 miles. So don't sweat it.

I'm sure you can get someone to put together a 4 week training plan to get you ready for your race. You'll have to commit to doing most of the workouts, but it's totally do-able.

2009-05-26 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2172773

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sulcus - 2009-05-26 11:12 PM
D001 - 2009-05-25 9:19 PM
kaqphin - 2009-05-25 7:08 PM

D001 - 2009-05-26 9:05 AM
losta - 2009-05-25 6:26 PM Now I know exactly how to find Shawn at his Tri next week. I just need to look for the geeky guy at the back of the pack on an ancient mountain bike with socks up to his knees!  LOL! Then I'll Cheer!
P.S. Don't forget the camera!

And come back here with lots of pics for our team thread!

(Extra points are given for embarrassing ones. Heh.)

Oh come now, even I have to admit that they'll ALL be embarassing!  Now that I know pictures might be taken, I'm going to have to find an outfit that will match my purple face. 

You will be fine... and often what you think is embarrassing everyone else thinks is pretty awesome

Besides having your own photographer there to catch every moment is awesome! You should make the most of it!

2009-05-26 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2172837

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

peach5757 - 2009-05-26 11:46 PM Hi Group!!

I know it's been a while since you have heard from me!!  I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's progress.  I unfortunately have fallen off the training wagon  I haven't trained in 3 weeks! 

My first sprint triathlon is scheduled for Sunday, June 28th.  It's a Double Sprint so that means: 375 meter ocean swim, 1.5 mile run, 10K bike ride then another 1.5 mile run back and then you finish up by swimming another 375 meter ocean swim.

I have a question for the group:  I have 5 weeks left to attempt to train for this.  Is it unrealistic?  Should I cancel and get half my money back or should I train hard for these 5 weeks and see what happens?  I'm not in horrible shape, but not the best.  I'm 27, 5'3" and weight about 145 pounds so I am a little over weight.  I'm a strong swimmer, ok on the bike...not such a great runner.

I have another sprint triathlon scheduled for September 19th...should I just start focusing on this one now and not worry about the one the end of June?  Or should I use the one at the end of June as practice for the one in September.  I'm pretty much torn about what to do help!!

Hi Jess - youve already had some fabulous advice and I would say its spot on.

If you can do the swim and bike there is nothing wrong with walking the runs and 1.5 miles really isnt that far even if the second time you have to do it, well it might seem like it!

I would say given you have 4 weeks (plus taper) I would be working on a plan that has you running at least 3 times per week but for maybe 20-30 minutes maximum at a time (including warm up), swimming twice just to keep your skill up and cycling about 3 times.

Obviously this seems like a lot of session but rather than separate them all up I would be concentrating on trying to do sessions that include the sports back to back a couple of times a week here possible so can you go for a jog to the pool (maybe 10 minutes) go for a little swim then jog back to home/car? Or cycle to the pool and back? Or cycle then go for a litte (short maybe 10-20 minutes) jog afterwards.

You dont need big sessions just practice putting it all together...and regular exercise to help with consistency...

Work out what you can manage in terms of time etc and Im sure everyone here can help you put something together that will help you get to the start line of your race with confidence!

2009-05-26 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey guys sorry ive been MIA for so long...I have been keeping up my workouts though, just not updating them..ive been pretty stressed out lately (new job and girl problems..grrr, i swear women are offense ladies).

BUt anyways, hope all is well with everyone!

Edited by patchadams 2009-05-26 8:05 PM
2009-05-26 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2174435

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

patchadams - 2009-05-27 11:04 AM Hey guys sorry ive been MIA for so long...I have been keeping up my workouts though, just not updating them..ive been pretty stressed out lately (new job and girl problems..grrr, i swear women are offense ladies). BUt anyways, hope all is well with everyone!

Didnt anyone ever tell yuo us women are nothing but trouble?

Seriously... sorry about the stress levels... just keep moving when yuo can and go from there! Look forward to a full update when you are more with it!

2009-05-27 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks guy for the positive support and advice!!  I really appreciate the training suggestions.  I have a run planned for today on my lunch break and I'm really looking forward to it and getting back into the groove 

2009-05-27 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2175033

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Dear SuperCat VanDer SuperKitten,

Did you try on the new cycling kit yet?

How many milliseconds until you pick up the new bike?

That's all I've got for today....

2009-05-27 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2177135

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-05-28 11:26 AM Dear SuperCat VanDer SuperKitten, Did you try on the new cycling kit yet? How many milliseconds until you pick up the new bike? That's all I've got for today....

hmmm ONE MORE SLEEP.... that is all

I did try on the new kit... quite like it but the shorts are well... shorter than Im used to!

2009-05-27 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
booo...SUnburn FML
2009-05-28 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Let's see -

1.  I'd go for the race.  Dee has some fancy saying about no finishing better than not trying.  I'll have to dig through my inspirations for it.

2.  Women are totally trouble!  Someone should warn us poor imbecilic men about this fact before we get all attached to them! 

3.  I can't wait to see pictures of Super-Sleek Cat on her new bike tomorrow! 

A question - can someone explain the whole race belt thing and when I put it on?  Is it just for the run or do I put it on before I bike (or does it vary by race)?

Yeah, silly question but I want to have all of my i's dotted and t's crossed...
2009-05-28 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2177557

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sulcus - 2009-05-28 9:54 PM Let's see -

1.  I'd go for the race.  Dee has some fancy saying about no finishing better than not trying.  I'll have to dig through my inspirations for it.

2.  Women are totally trouble!  Someone should warn us poor imbecilic men about this fact before we get all attached to them! 

3.  I can't wait to see pictures of Super-Sleek Cat on her new bike tomorrow! 

A question - can someone explain the whole race belt thing and when I put it on?  Is it just for the run or do I put it on before I bike (or does it vary by race)?

Yeah, silly question but I want to have all of my i's dotted and t's crossed...

Race belt: Throw it on before thebike with the number facing backwards....then spin it to the front before  the run!!!

Dont know that there will be any pics tomorrow asI will be on my own, you may have to wait a couple of days!


Women may be trouble but I have no man... so I guess that means Im causing no one trouble

2009-05-28 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
New kit? New bike? Can't wait to see! Congrats!
2009-05-28 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
1 more day Kitty!!!  yay for new bike!!!!

I have my first Tri of the season this sunday!!!  Lotsa firsts this week!!!

have a great day all!!!

2009-05-28 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Peeps,

Just a quick drive by before work to let you all know that I have still been training (although not as much as I have wanted to) and peeking into the group thread.  Auditors are still on site after 9 months of unorganized chaos on their side; granted, they have had some technical issues that needed to be reviewed by their national office, but when I was in public accounting we hit the complex/technical issues first, not at the end of the audit.

I'll get caught up on the group thread this weekend.
2009-05-28 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey, y'all! Just checking in.

My training is shot to hell, but i am still planning on doing my sprint on jun 6th. I figure i can finish, anyway. I know I can make it the distances. Just might do some walking. :-)

Sorry i haven't been contributing - My dad was in the hospital last week, had to have bypass surgery, then was in ICU. He is at home now, but now my MOTHER is ill, and my grandfather was taken to the ER this morning and is being admitted. It does not look good. (He is 93.) Add to this a husband whose work has NOT been affected by the economic crisis and is working 15 hour days, plus two kids, and my life is in shambles.

I guess letting my training slide is the thing that needed to go. Anyway, I will keep you all posted on how it is going. I am getting some workouts in here and there.

Thanks for listening!
2009-05-28 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2177557

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-05-28 7:54 AM

Let's see -

1.  I'd go for the race.  Dee has some fancy saying about no finishing better than not trying.  I'll have to dig through my inspirations for it.

2.  Women are totally trouble!  Someone should warn us poor imbecilic men about this fact before we get all attached to them! 

3.  I can't wait to see pictures of Super-Sleek Cat on her new bike tomorrow! 

A question - can someone explain the whole race belt thing and when I put it on?  Is it just for the run or do I put it on before I bike (or does it vary by race)?

Yeah, silly question but I want to have all of my i's dotted and t's crossed...

1. It's not my saying... I've seen on BT many times.

Dead F**king Last is better than Did Not Finish is better than Did Not Start.

2. Wait, I was just told this today in the Challenge forum. I note a recurring theme...

3. SuperCat VanDerSuperKitten

2009-05-28 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2178773

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
DogwoodGirl - 2009-05-28 1:42 PM

Hey, y'all! Just checking in.

My training is shot to hell, but i am still planning on doing my sprint on jun 6th. I figure i can finish, anyway. I know I can make it the distances. Just might do some walking. :-)

Sorry i haven't been contributing - My dad was in the hospital last week, had to have bypass surgery, then was in ICU. He is at home now, but now my MOTHER is ill, and my grandfather was taken to the ER this morning and is being admitted. It does not look good. (He is 93.) Add to this a husband whose work has NOT been affected by the economic crisis and is working 15 hour days, plus two kids, and my life is in shambles.

I guess letting my training slide is the thing that needed to go. Anyway, I will keep you all posted on how it is going. I am getting some workouts in here and there.

Thanks for listening!

Sorry to hear about your Dad, Mom and Grandfather. I hope they're all doing better soon.

2009-05-28 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2178773

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

DogwoodGirl - 2009-05-29 3:42 AM Hey, y'all! Just checking in.

My training is shot to hell, but i am still planning on doing my sprint on jun 6th. I figure i can finish, anyway. I know I can make it the distances. Just might do some walking. :-)

Sorry i haven't been contributing - My dad was in the hospital last week, had to have bypass surgery, then was in ICU. He is at home now, but now my MOTHER is ill, and my grandfather was taken to the ER this morning and is being admitted. It does not look good. (He is 93.) Add to this a husband whose work has NOT been affected by the economic crisis and is working 15 hour days, plus two kids, and my life is in shambles.

I guess letting my training slide is the thing that needed to go. Anyway, I will keep you all posted on how it is going. I am getting some workouts in here and there.

Thanks for listening!

Wow Im sorry you havebeen having such a rough time I hope your family all pulls through.

Take Care and feel free to justcome and let us know hou you are getting on... sometimes just writing it down might help.

Take Care

2009-05-28 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2178144

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

d2lock - 2009-05-29 1:18 AM Hey Peeps,

Just a quick drive by before work to let you all know that I have still been training (although not as much as I have wanted to) and peeking into the group thread.  Auditors are still on site after 9 months of unorganized chaos on their side; granted, they have had some technical issues that needed to be reviewed by their national office, but when I was in public accounting we hit the complex/technical issues first, not at the end of the audit.

I'll get caught up on the group thread this weekend.

Im impressed ou have been able to stay active with everything youve had going on! Way to go!!!

Doing what you can inspite of everything is a huge achievement

2009-05-29 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Y'all. I do actually write it all down on my personal blog, but . . well, . . . I cuss a lot, and since i don't know you all that well, i didn't think to post a link to it.

You were warned. :-)

Anyone else have a race coming up and not prepared for it?
2009-05-29 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2180334

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
DogwoodGirl - 2009-05-29 5:14 AM Thanks, Y'all. I do actually write it all down on my personal blog, but . . well, . . . I cuss a lot, and since i don't know you all that well, i didn't think to post a link to it.

You were warned. :-)

Anyone else have a race coming up and not prepared for it?

ha ha... I had to read it twice to find the cussing.

But seriously, I'm so sorry you're going through a rough patch right now. It sounds like you have a strong family connection, and some good friends who can help you out. That is so important in times like this.

About having a race and not being prepared... welcome to my world. You'll get through it and be fine. You might even surprise yourself!

In the end, though, you know what's really important, right? So, just do what you can and let the rest just be what it is.  You'll get to have a race where you're totally prepared sooner or later.

And, frankly, the pain and frustration I've felt during races I was woefully underprepared for is a GREAT training motivator. Way more than the goal of doing well at a race... not doing badly is even stronger for me.

2009-05-29 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Maybe I missed it, but are we announcing our June goals here? I'm still formulating mine, but I'd like to post them when I'm done and get your feedback. And, of course, your support in meeting them!
2009-05-29 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm interested in hearing of everyone's June goals. I am looking forward to a little break, 2 more days and I will have completed the May Peach Challenge (and I have been working out everyday for that and not counting dog walking or gardening).

I am on vacation for 2 weeks to Alaska, won't be checking in much here from June 6th-June 20th but I plan to continue whatever I can on the trip either running, using machines at hotels and on the ship a half hour to an hour everyday. I will have to adjust, probably won't get a decent swim, we may rent bike for a morning but I don't expect much.

For when I return I have signed up for a flat 5K race the end of the month.

Edited by losta 2009-05-29 7:56 PM
2009-05-29 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2182181

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
madkat - 2009-05-29 6:15 PM

DogwoodGirl - 2009-05-29 5:14 AM Thanks, Y'all. I do actually write it all down on my personal blog, but . . well, . . . I cuss a lot, and since i don't know you all that well, i didn't think to post a link to it.

You were warned. :-)

Anyone else have a race coming up and not prepared for it?

ha ha... I had to read it twice to find the cussing.

But seriously, I'm so sorry you're going through a rough patch right now. It sounds like you have a strong family connection, and some good friends who can help you out. That is so important in times like this.

About having a race and not being prepared... welcome to my world. You'll get through it and be fine. You might even surprise yourself!

In the end, though, you know what's really important, right? So, just do what you can and let the rest just be what it is.  You'll get to have a race where you're totally prepared sooner or later.

And, frankly, the pain and frustration I've felt during races I was woefully underprepared for is a GREAT training motivator. Way more than the goal of doing well at a race... not doing badly is even stronger for me.

x2 on everything that Karen just said.

I used to live in a different country than my family. A short phone call was expensive! And don't even ask about the air fare. These days, I'm much closer, but my parents are having health problems. I'm about 5 hours away, so I can get there when needed, but even so....

As for my 5k race, I definitely wasn't prepared. And I felt it the next day. (And the day after that.) But I survived, and it showed me what I needed to do in order to prepare for the following race.....

2009-05-29 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2182279

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
June Goals....

Walkogging (Walk/Jog):
I need to see my parents, as they're having health issues. They live in a place where the hills eat you for breakfast. So my "walkogging" will probably have to become walking, until I can build up to something more like "walkogging" on the hills.

Also, I'm running the June Run Challenge (in the Challenge forum), and I have a goal of 10 sessions. So I'd better get those done!

Major Goal:
There's a 5K on July 4th. It's wayyyyyy hilly. If I can work up to it, I'd like to do it. I'll probably do more walking than running on the hills, but this is my "ambitious goal."

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