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2010-08-29 11:33 PM
in reply to: #3068756

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-08-29 3:20 AM Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone so long! We just got back (yesterday afternoon) from our final family vacation of the summer. Every summer we spend a week in the Catskills at the end of August. There is a large YMCA camp located within the boundaries of the Catskill state park. After the end of their summer camp season, they have one week of "Family Camp". We've been going to family camp with my husband's brother's family (they have kids close in age to our kids - the kids LOVE spending time with their cousins!) for several years now. It's one of the kids' (and our) favorite vacations! The weather was a little cool and drizzly for most of the week this year, but we had a great time anyway. Big congrats to Lovey, Carl, and Kiwi on your races last weekend! Lovey - way to go conquering your fears on that swim, and finishing an awesome race! Carl and Kiwi - awesome improvements for both of you! Kiwi - congrats to your mom as well! I got lots of running in this week, and my marathon prep is right on schedule. After tomorrow's planned long run (18 miles) I'll hit 50 miles for this week. I have what will probably be my last tri of the season next weekend, a small, local sprint. There is a fairly large group of people that I train with locally who do this race, so it's always a lot of fun. My husband will be participating this year too - his first triathlon! He did his first open water swim last week when we were in the Catskills. He did great! He wore a borrowed wetsuit, and I think it helped. It's supposed to be pretty warm again this week, so I'm not sure if the swim in our race next weekend will be wetsuit legal or not... it's pretty short (400 yards), but I hope for his sake he can use the wetsuit - I just think he'll have an easier time if he can... One more week of summer vacation for the kiddos - then back to school! We have lots of school shopping to do this week! Keep up the good work, everyone!!!

Welcome back Jenny! What training plan are you using for your marathon? I decided to due a full mary this year too. Bizz Johnson Marathon in Susanville, CA. It's a Rails to Trails conversion. I don't know, I have never run a marathon before.

Congrats to your husband. Tell him hi from the Dog and give him my contact info for support/ chat.  

Kiwi, great work at Iron Girl. That looked like a tough race.

2010-08-30 4:05 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Jeff -

I've sort of hybridized plans from Pfitzinger/Daniels' book Advanced Marathoning and the intermediate plan on the Cool Running website: Pfitzinger/Daniels is a bit higher volume (which seems to be working well for me), and I like the way the Cool Running plan has the longest runs planned every other week toward the end, which is where I'm getting to now...

Good luck with your marathon! When is it?
2010-08-30 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
I ran 26 miles last week (that's a first). I'm only running half mary, but of course, only have 3 more weeks of training. Will see how it goes.  
2010-08-30 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3070552

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-08-31 2:05 AM Jeff - I've sort of hybridized plans from Pfitzinger/Daniels' book Advanced Marathoning and the intermediate plan on the Cool Running website: is a bit higher volume (which seems to be working well for me), and I like the way the Cool Running plan has the longest runs planned every other week toward the end, which is where I'm getting to now... Good luck with your marathon! When is it?

Oh yeah, Cool Runnings, very cool site. I have hybridized stuff from there before. This time I am hybridizing a plan from Hal Higsons site ( and checking it out, seeing what I can do with it. My goal on this race is to finish without stopping and under 4hr. I am hoping for about 3:40 or so. Kind of ambitious for me, but hey live on the edge. The race is Oct 9th.
2010-08-30 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3068655

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-08-28 7:54 PM
KiwiJDRPH - 2010-08-27 12:59 PM Lovey - Congrats to you too!! I have the Warrior Dash on October 9th then the Relay on the 16th. I'll be doing a Cold Turkey 10K in November and then the Celtic Solstice run in December. I should be at the MMTC meeting that night and I'm on the schedule to officiate Chesapeake Man Ultra Endurance race in September down in Cambridge then the Half Full but only a few races spread out for the rest of the year. I'm on the fence about signing up for Eagleman again next year. My friend signed up but then again, she signed up last year and didn't end up doing it. I think the heat is still burned in my memory but I also know what to expect this time around so I can better prepare over the winter. One "pro" is that it's earlier in the season so I could get the HIM distance over with and enjoy the remainder of my summer with more "fun" races OR I could look at something in the fall, maybe in New England for a little bit of a cooler climate...decisions, decisions!
I think the heat is still burned in everybody's memory who did the Eagleman race. I plan to do the Celtic Solstice too, snow storm or not. I opted not to go last year plus my hubby hid my keys. Good Luck at Warrior Dash. They posted a video of one on facebook. All I can say is WOW!! Here is my outrageous running schedule: 09.04 Knights of Columbus 10K (race or volunteer, most likely volunteer so I can rest my legs) 09.19 Philly Half Mary (MAYBE??) 10.16 Baltimore Half 10.31 Marine Corp 10K 11.14 Columbia Metric Marathon (16.2 miles) 12.18 Celtic Solstice 5 miler Lovey

Wow Lovey that is a Running schedule. That would be nice to put all those races under your belt. Good luck on all.
2010-08-30 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3072557

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Thanks guys.

I did my last 5K of the year on Saturday. It was a womens 5k series and the last one for 2010. Complete at least 4 of the 12 and get an award. No idea what the award is until the award ceremoy in October, always the afternoon of Marine Corp. Each race is hosted by a local running club in MD, DC and Northern VA. Last years award was a powder blue fleece running vest. A lot of us do at least 4 so we get our award. I know that's silly but hey. I hadnt run in a week sice Iron Girl. It was nt my fastest but it was close, surprisingly. Only a minute and 22 secs or so slower.

The reason my running group signed up for Baltimore Half and full was because we did Frederick Half and therefore entitled to a third special medal, referred to as the Maryland Double. Plus is a challenging course in my area that everybody talks about. I want to know for myself.

I opted to volunteer at the 10K on Saturday and do a long run (12 miles) instead. Since am wavering on Philly Half 2 weeks later, I think I need the long run more than I need a 10K race. Better prep for Philly if I do it.


2010-09-01 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Soooo... I went for a jog today. Planned for 1 hour but turned into a tempo 45 min run. I was targeting HR of 160 (zone 3ish) and accomplished it. Here is my predicament: According to my Nike plus I only ran at an 11 min/mile pace. I recalibrate it frequently at a 10min/mile pace on a treadmill. It certainly felt like I was going faster (effort). I know we had high temps today which could affect my HR, but this happened to me again yesterday morning when running intervals at a 65F temp (ran shorter distance than expected according to Nike plus). I wonder if the issue is that as you run faster your stride elongates a bit, and at a similar cadence the device is underestimating the distance. Has anyone else had the same issue?
2010-09-02 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3077299

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
guticur - 2010-09-01 8:34 PM

Soooo... I went for a jog today. Planned for 1 hour but turned into a tempo 45 min run. I was targeting HR of 160 (zone 3ish) and accomplished it. Here is my predicament: According to my Nike plus I only ran at an 11 min/mile pace. I recalibrate it frequently at a 10min/mile pace on a treadmill. It certainly felt like I was going faster (effort). I know we had high temps today which could affect my HR, but this happened to me again yesterday morning when running intervals at a 65F temp (ran shorter distance than expected according to Nike plus). I wonder if the issue is that as you run faster your stride elongates a bit, and at a similar cadence the device is underestimating the distance. Has anyone else had the same issue?


You've hit on one of the major problems with foot-pod based distance devices.... Most people do have a different stride length and turnover rate at different paces, so I would guess your pace might have been off to some degree. First, I would suggest calibrating the Nike plus somewhere other than a treadmill (treadmill distances may not be 100% accurate, and having the moving belt might also result in slightly different stride length, turnover rate, etc. compared to outdoor running). I suggest you find a measured track somewhere - my gym has an indoor track, and there is also a nice track at our local high school and a college track nearby as well. Go to the track and calibrate it. The longer distance you can use for the calibration, the better. Then you can try running measured distances on the track at different levels of effort and see if the calibration setting works for you at different paces. I have a Garmin, and bought a foot pod thinking I might use it indoors for tempo or interval runs, but I found that there was quite a bit of variability at different paces, and pretty much abandoned use of the foot pod....

That said, though - try not to get too caught up on what your pace is for your day to day training runs. You will have days when you feel great and go out and run really well, and days when you feel like you ran like cr@p. The main thing is to get out and do the training. If you train at the proper intensity levels, follow a good plan, get the rest and nutrition you need, and taper well for your races, you'll do fine. My run training paces are all over the map - sometimes up near 11 min/mile for long runs or recovery runs when I'm trying to keep the effort in Zone 2, and sometimes down around 7:30 for half-mile repeats. Some days are slower, some days are faster. Weather, hydration, fatigue, stress, and any number of other factors can all affect how you run on any given day. Try not to fret too much about any single day's training, and remember that it's the cumulative effect of ALL of your training that really matters!
2010-09-02 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3077763

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-09-02 7:40 AM
guticur - 2010-09-01 8:34 PM Soooo... I went for a jog today. Planned for 1 hour but turned into a tempo 45 min run. I was targeting HR of 160 (zone 3ish) and accomplished it. Here is my predicament: According to my Nike plus I only ran at an 11 min/mile pace. I recalibrate it frequently at a 10min/mile pace on a treadmill. It certainly felt like I was going faster (effort). I know we had high temps today which could affect my HR, but this happened to me again yesterday morning when running intervals at a 65F temp (ran shorter distance than expected according to Nike plus). I wonder if the issue is that as you run faster your stride elongates a bit, and at a similar cadence the device is underestimating the distance. Has anyone else had the same issue?
Fernando, You've hit on one of the major problems with foot-pod based distance devices.... Most people do have a different stride length and turnover rate at different paces, so I would guess your pace might have been off to some degree. First, I would suggest calibrating the Nike plus somewhere other than a treadmill (treadmill distances may not be 100% accurate, and having the moving belt might also result in slightly different stride length, turnover rate, etc. compared to outdoor running). I suggest you find a measured track somewhere - my gym has an indoor track, and there is also a nice track at our local high school and a college track nearby as well. Go to the track and calibrate it. The longer distance you can use for the calibration, the better. Then you can try running measured distances on the track at different levels of effort and see if the calibration setting works for you at different paces. I have a Garmin, and bought a foot pod thinking I might use it indoors for tempo or interval runs, but I found that there was quite a bit of variability at different paces, and pretty much abandoned use of the foot pod.... That said, though - try not to get too caught up on what your pace is for your day to day training runs. You will have days when you feel great and go out and run really well, and days when you feel like you ran like cr@p. The main thing is to get out and do the training. If you train at the proper intensity levels, follow a good plan, get the rest and nutrition you need, and taper well for your races, you'll do fine. My run training paces are all over the map - sometimes up near 11 min/mile for long runs or recovery runs when I'm trying to keep the effort in Zone 2, and sometimes down around 7:30 for half-mile repeats. Some days are slower, some days are faster. Weather, hydration, fatigue, stress, and any number of other factors can all affect how you run on any given day. Try not to fret too much about any single day's training, and remember that it's the cumulative effect of ALL of your training that really matters!

Makes sense. I was making the mistake of using "pace/how I feel" as a barometer of my level of preparedness. Guess I shouldn't. Thanks for the advice.  
2010-09-03 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Wow - Labor Day Weekend already - the unofficial end of summer! Can you believe it? The kids head back to school on Tuesday - summer has just flown by!

Anybody have any exciting plans this weekend? I race in what will likely be my last tri of the season tomorrow, and my husband's first triathlon ever! He keeps telling our kids that he probably won't survive the race, so they need to come along with us tomorrow so they can say good-bye to him! He'll do fine... It's a small, fun, low key race (although there are always some very fast people who show up as well), and there's a fairly large group of local folks participating, so it should be fun! I may participate in a Half-Ironman relay in October (I'll do the run).

After this weekend, it's full-on marathon prep and spinning classes (I officially begin teaching after Labor Day) for the rest of the fall! I think over winter I will try to maintain some higher volume running (25 - 30 mpw), but focus more on biking for next season. I'm considering a LiveSTRONG Century ride next August, and will probably do another HIM next season, so winter will be a good time for me to work on some bike fitness.... (guess I should do a little swimming somewhere in there, too!!)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2010-09-03 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3080448

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
My weekend is jammed pack.

I am volunteering at a race at 6:30am. I am running a 12 mile course BEFORE so I end at the race site. My run STARTS at a unbelievable 3:30. Then off to volunteer for a couple of hours, then home to shower and change, then finally to my church's shopping trip at the outlets. I will be on my feet all day and very exhausted.

My kids will be with their Dad.

Sunday is an early morning short swim of 20-30 mins followed by a 10 mile ride. Then church, followed my house cleaning.

Monday is rest, rest ,rest.

2010-09-03 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3080557

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-09-03 11:27 AM

My weekend is jammed pack.

I am volunteering at a race at 6:30am. I am running a 12 mile course BEFORE so I end at the race site. My run STARTS at a unbelievable 3:30. Then off to volunteer for a couple of hours, then home to shower and change, then finally to my church's shopping trip at the outlets. I will be on my feet all day and very exhausted.

My kids will be with their Dad.

Sunday is an early morning short swim of 20-30 mins followed by a 10 mile ride. Then church, followed my house cleaning.

Monday is rest, rest ,rest.

Wow, Lovey! You're getting up to run @ 3:30 am? THAT's dedication!! You're definitely gonna deserve that rest on Monday!!
2010-09-03 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!

I am on my 3rd and 4th pair of the Brooks Adrenaline 8s. I didn't start out doing a llot of miles.

First pair felt great, than at mileage 250 miles/ 1 year later, I got a toe injury out of the blue. I didn't hit it or anything. My doc said my shoes were worn out. At 250 miles!! I was bummed.

Second pair, at 250 miles / 9 months, I got another sudden injury out of the blue. Can u see a pattern here?

I felt like for that money, I should get more than 250 miles out the shoe. Anyway,

Third pair, at 225 miles/6 months, NO injury so I started rotating in the 4th pair. The third pair is at 271 miles / 7 months and pair 4 is at 57 miles/4 months. No injury so far. Now I use pair 3 for my short runs of 6 miles or less and the newer pair 4 for my long runs.

I guess I have to start rotating them in to get more life. I am moving into the Adrenaline 10s next. I din't really like the 9s when I tried them on but loved the light, sleek but supportive feel of the 10s. Now that my focus has shifted from tri to running, my miles will be increasing a lot. Is this weird or just normal for a running shoe.

2010-09-03 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3080448

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-09-03 9:44 AM Wow - Labor Day Weekend already - the unofficial end of summer! Can you believe it? The kids head back to school on Tuesday - summer has just flown by! Anybody have any exciting plans this weekend? I race in what will likely be my last tri of the season tomorrow, and my husband's first triathlon ever! He keeps telling our kids that he probably won't survive the race, so they need to come along with us tomorrow so they can say good-bye to him! He'll do fine... It's a small, fun, low key race (although there are always some very fast people who show up as well), and there's a fairly large group of local folks participating, so it should be fun! I may participate in a Half-Ironman relay in October (I'll do the run). After this weekend, it's full-on marathon prep and spinning classes (I officially begin teaching after Labor Day) for the rest of the fall! I think over winter I will try to maintain some higher volume running (25 - 30 mpw), but focus more on biking for next season. I'm considering a LiveSTRONG Century ride next August, and will probably do another HIM next season, so winter will be a good time for me to work on some bike fitness.... (guess I should do a little swimming somewhere in there, too!!) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I'm heading to Austin on Sunday for my first olympic  triathlon on Monday.  Then the family and I are going to hit Sea World and Corpus the rest of the week.  Going to be a good week.  I'm pumped about my oly.  I initially was shooting to just finish and not be last but I think now that I would selling myself short.  I'm shooting to get in below 3 hours and finish above 50% in my age group.  If I'm closer to 2:30 than 3 that's even better.  We'll see.  I've had a busy week this week so I haven't gotten all my taper workouts in but that's okay.  I'm not too worried about that.  Just ready to get after it and have some fun.

So good luck everyone that's racing this weekend.


Edited by cspreiter 2010-09-04 1:52 PM
2010-09-03 11:50 PM
in reply to: #3080557

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-09-04 8:27 AM My weekend is jammed pack. I am volunteering at a race at 6:30am. I am running a 12 mile course BEFORE so I end at the race site. My run STARTS at a unbelievable 3:30. Then off to volunteer for a couple of hours, then home to shower and change, then finally to my church's shopping trip at the outlets. I will be on my feet all day and very exhausted. My kids will be with their Dad. Sunday is an early morning short swim of 20-30 mins followed by a 10 mile ride. Then church, followed my house cleaning. Monday is rest, rest ,rest.

Monday is definitely "rest, rest, rest...", as you said. That's like running a triathlon in itself. The Run- Volunteer-Shop Tri.
2010-09-03 11:52 PM
in reply to: #3080448

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-09-04 7:44 AM Wow - Labor Day Weekend already - the unofficial end of summer! Can you believe it? The kids head back to school on Tuesday - summer has just flown by! Anybody have any exciting plans this weekend? I race in what will likely be my last tri of the season tomorrow, and my husband's first triathlon ever! He keeps telling our kids that he probably won't survive the race, so they need to come along with us tomorrow so they can say good-bye to him! He'll do fine... It's a small, fun, low key race (although there are always some very fast people who show up as well), and there's a fairly large group of local folks participating, so it should be fun! I may participate in a Half-Ironman relay in October (I'll do the run). After this weekend, it's full-on marathon prep and spinning classes (I officially begin teaching after Labor Day) for the rest of the fall! I think over winter I will try to maintain some higher volume running (25 - 30 mpw), but focus more on biking for next season. I'm considering a LiveSTRONG Century ride next August, and will probably do another HIM next season, so winter will be a good time for me to work on some bike fitness.... (guess I should do a little swimming somewhere in there, too!!) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Running my second tri for the year. My last one before the marathon. Wish me luck.

2010-09-04 4:08 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Good luck Carl & Jeff (and anyone else racing this weekend)!
2010-09-04 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Quick race report --

Pretty happy with my results. Got 3rd in my Age Group, and 17th female overall. I've done this race several years now - the swim and bike were a tiny bit slower than last year, and run was my best sprint tri run to date (8:25 pace). Which all makes sense since I've been doing lots of running, and not a whole lot of swimming and biking, especially in the last month or so... My overall finish was about a minute faster this year vs last.

2010-09-05 5:14 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
p.s. I forgot to mention! My hubby survived his first triathlon admirably, and had a great time! He told me he thought he did horribly in the swim, but I thought he did very well for his first triathlon (and especially considering that he swam a grand total of TWO times this summer!) finishing the swim at a 2:15/100 pace. I guess I forgot to warn him about the "washing machine" effect of a swim start, and he had a little trouble with getting swum over and into.... The bike was fine... he said he struggled on the run, but when we looked up his times, he said he finished the run at a faster pace than he thought he had. He says he thinks he might like to do it again sometime!
2010-09-05 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Finished the TinMan. I liked my total time, 1:32:48 by my watch. There were not times for splits. You had to have done that yourself. Of course, I got all involved in the race and forgot to press start/ stop. I met some fellow BTer's there and was also intoduced to a Tri Club.  

On a funny note. There was this guy (obviously new to Tri's), you know the type. Lot a muscles, thinks he is a Bad A!!. So he is talking to his friends loudly and says he had a cramp here, there, wasn't "feeling right" about the bike, "don't know what happened" on the swim "I swam fine in the pool", blah blah blah about why he didn't perform well. Then says, "these women came out of no where" and just killed him on the bike and "ran over" him on the swim and some how beat him on the run, "I think they were professionals".  Unbeknownst to him, those women were right behind him listening to all this hyperbole. They were from a Tri Club locally.  You could see these huge smiles on the womens faces as his story got deeper and deeper. I nearly fell over laughing (as did his friends) when he discoverd those same women were right behind him. A little humility never hurt anyone.
2010-09-06 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Congrats to the racers. Hope everyone is enjoying Labor Day. Weather couldn't be better.
I went for a 53 mile ride with some friends. Longest ever!. 3700 ft climb. Averaged 16 mph. Legs felt like spaghetti in the end, and my seat post sunk over an inch on the last 3 miles, which incidentally would be when I started getting cramps. Maybe those events are related since I wasn't extending my leg al the way.

2010-09-06 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3083975

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
guticur - 2010-09-06 4:26 PM

Congrats to the racers. Hope everyone is enjoying Labor Day. Weather couldn't be better.
I went for a 53 mile ride with some friends. Longest ever!. 3700 ft climb. Averaged 16 mph. Legs felt like spaghetti in the end, and my seat post sunk over an inch on the last 3 miles, which incidentally would be when I started getting cramps. Maybe those events are related since I wasn't extending my leg al the way.

Nice ride!! Was your seat post clamp bolt loose or something? I'm sure that at least contributed to your cramping!
2010-09-07 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3084186

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
jsnowash - 2010-09-06 7:42 PM
guticur - 2010-09-06 4:26 PM Congrats to the racers. Hope everyone is enjoying Labor Day. Weather couldn't be better.
I went for a 53 mile ride with some friends. Longest ever!. 3700 ft climb. Averaged 16 mph. Legs felt like spaghetti in the end, and my seat post sunk over an inch on the last 3 miles, which incidentally would be when I started getting cramps. Maybe those events are related since I wasn't extending my leg al the way.
Nice ride!! Was your seat post clamp bolt loose or something? I'm sure that at least contributed to your cramping!

Yeah...I had been playing with the set height, trying to be a perfectionist. I must have left it loose. 
2010-09-07 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Well I had a rough first olympic tri.  Here are my results: Overall 3:04:59, Swim 31:15, Bike 1:18:46, Run 1:09:39.

I was shooting to be below 3 hours and I think I would have made it if I hadn't had the problems I had.  The swim went well.  I was a little faster than I expected and felt really good coming out of the water.  It was all downhill from there.  As soon as I got started with my ride, my stomach started cramping.  I don't know what was causing it but it was making me feel sick to my stomach.  I knew I needed to get some fuel in me but I wanted to vomit just thinking about eating a gel or anything so I didn't which I knew was going to come back to bite me.  About halfway through the bike, it started raining pretty good but luckily it stopped before I was finished.  At least I didn't crash.  After I get off the bike, I put my running shoe on my left foot and as soon as I touch the ground I have pain in the balls of my foot.  Don't know why, didn't do anything to it that I know of.  Hadn't had any issues with my foot leading up to the event either but ever time I took as step it hurt. So now my stomach and my foot hurt as I start to run.  For the first three miles, I was somewhere between 9:00-9:30 minute mile which is about a minute slower than my usual pace.  Right after passing the 3-mile mark, I bonk.  Like I said, I knew it was coming, I was just hoping it would wait till I was almost done.  My legs were wanting to cramp up because I flushed my electrolytes.  Tried to stop and do a quad stretch but when I bent my leg, my hamstring cramped.  So, the last three miles I had to walk/run. 

It was frustrating because I didn't make my goal but I have to remind myself that one, I finished and two, I would have been well below 3 hours if I didn't have the issues I had.  At least it will be easy to set a new PR at the next one, lol.  The next one will probably be a little closer to home so I'm not having to mess with travel and eating on the road.  I think that probably was the main culprit to the stomach cramps which led to everything else. 

2010-09-07 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3086175

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
cspreiter - 2010-09-07 6:51 PM Well I had a rough first olympic tri.  Here are my results: Overall 3:04:59, Swim 31:15, Bike 1:18:46, Run 1:09:39.

I was shooting to be below 3 hours and I think I would have made it if I hadn't had the problems I had.  The swim went well.  I was a little faster than I expected and felt really good coming out of the water.  It was all downhill from there.  As soon as I got started with my ride, my stomach started cramping.  I don't know what was causing it but it was making me feel sick to my stomach.  I knew I needed to get some fuel in me but I wanted to vomit just thinking about eating a gel or anything so I didn't which I knew was going to come back to bite me.  About halfway through the bike, it started raining pretty good but luckily it stopped before I was finished.  At least I didn't crash.  After I get off the bike, I put my running shoe on my left foot and as soon as I touch the ground I have pain in the balls of my foot.  Don't know why, didn't do anything to it that I know of.  Hadn't had any issues with my foot leading up to the event either but ever time I took as step it hurt. So now my stomach and my foot hurt as I start to run.  For the first three miles, I was somewhere between 9:00-9:30 minute mile which is about a minute slower than my usual pace.  Right after passing the 3-mile mark, I bonk.  Like I said, I knew it was coming, I was just hoping it would wait till I was almost done.  My legs were wanting to cramp up because I flushed my electrolytes.  Tried to stop and do a quad stretch but when I bent my leg, my hamstring cramped.  So, the last three miles I had to walk/run. 

It was frustrating because I didn't make my goal but I have to remind myself that one, I finished and two, I would have been well below 3 hours if I didn't have the issues I had.  At least it will be easy to set a new PR at the next one, lol.  The next one will probably be a little closer to home so I'm not having to mess with travel and eating on the road.  I think that probably was the main culprit to the stomach cramps which led to everything else. 


Amazing you even finished considering all those issues. You were only 5 mins slower than me, and I had no problems at all Yell. I'm surprised you even went that long without fuel. Were you able to hydrate? 
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