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2010-07-15 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
I've got lots to share today.

First: I registered for two Sprint races Aug 15 & 22.

Second: I learned a a few things during the swim last night. To start during my warm ups I usualy feel my shoulders until I can get my stroke right, but last night I perform a perfect (well maybe not perfect) pull which felt very strong and did not feel my shoulders being active. During my 5 x 100, during the first three sets I struggled with my breathing (not properly exhaling in the water) and basicaly was wiped and took longer to recover. I corrected my breathing for next two sets and performed each set 5 seconds faster & HR was much lower needing shorter recovery. I couldn't believe it, I really thought I was going slower. Next is I noticed I have tunnel vision. What I mean by that is when I turn for air I don't see my surroundings, even under water I don't see much. It's like I'm in a trance. Anyway I worked on following the walls and posts around the pool as I swam. Not as easy as I thought it would be. I will need to work on this. This is probably why I had so much trouble during my first tri.

Third: After my brain dump last week, I did a lot of thinking over the weekend. I realized that, not only was I strugling with my being consistant with training, but for the last 6 months I had been very passive (can't think of any other words) with the rest of my life (family and work). It's like I shut out everything around me. I guess my brain just needed a break. By Sunday evening I was determined to change and become more active and more productive with everything. Well this week I only missed one workout and that was because of ear infection. I've accomplished so much more at work, closing tasks I've let drag and getting things done at home I've been ignoring.

Well thanks everyone for letting me pour my thoughts out. I guess you can't really stop but you can ignore them if you wish. I will not be offended.

Have a good day.

2010-07-15 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Sylvain-good stuff! That's great that you are able to recognize these things and begin taking steps to make the needed changes.  Making important changes in how we interact with family, work experiences and life in general is far more important than what we do in our triathlon training.  Sounds like things are headed in the right direction.

Went on my first run last night since the race on Sunday. Cruising along on a nice easy run with about 4.5 miles planned. At about 3.75 miles I got a bad cramp in my right calf.  Stretched a little and ran some but it would not go away.  It was really hot out but thought I had been good with my fluids during the day.  Hobbled home then made sure to get plenty of fluids/electrolytes.  Today it is better but the calf is really sore and tight. Swam at lunch and that helped.  Will try to bike tonight unless that irritates it.  Will need to take a couple of days off from running-hopefully it will clear up quickly.  Have never had issues with cramps so this was a bit of a surprise.  Will stretch it and get "the stick" after it.



2010-07-15 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Sylvain, that's really great to hear.  The swimming progress is great, but what is really impressive is your ability to take charge of your life and make changes for the better.  You're setting a great example.

Randy, I hate those calf cramps.  The experience of it is bad, but as you noted, the worst thing is the few days after.  It sounds like maybe you weren't fully recovered from the race.  Or maybe it was just one of those things.  I find that what helps me is frequent stretching.  But I never stretch it cold.  I'll hop on the trainer for 5 minutes or do something to warm it up, then stretch thoroughly.  I don't find that it prevents me from running or cycling, but I'm much more careful about warm-up and cool-down in both cases whenever my calf is sore from a cramp.
2010-07-15 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Did a 30 min recovery ride tonight and on last loop I thought maybe I'll stop at the park and practice some running mounts.  Well, I was having a blast and didn't want to stop.  I was going back and forth doing mount and dismount none stop.   Unfortunately it was getting dark so had to go.  I my way back home I thought I would try to hook up my shoes, perform running mount and try putting on my shoes.  Had no problem with right foot but couldn't get my left one in, eventualy got it.  That was fun, I must do it again.

Micheal need your opinion, or anyone else for that matter.

I'm planning my next 6 weeks, which includes this week. I did some workouts on week of July 6 after a two week break.  Week of  July 26 is where I can't decide if I should perform another build phase or recovery.  I don't have plans to do any other races, so I have plenty of time to recover (all winter!).  My first race is flat for run and bike, swim might have rough waters it's in Lake Ontario.  Maybe perform build type workouts but shorter.

July 13build
July 19build
July 26build or recovery??
Aug 2Peak
Aug 9Race week
Aug 16Race week
2010-07-15 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Continued today on my quest for speed. Hills on bike this morning. They are getting easier. The same hills I had to walk the bike up a few weeks ago, I'm climbing now. I'm not avoiding them, Learning to use my gears has been a challenged, but now much smoother.

Pace run tonight. I guess it would be called a pace run. Since I'm focusing on sprint distances this year I'm pushing to get my 3-4 mile run time down. Ran 3 miles tonight trying to keep pace below 10minutes. Averaged 9:37 over three miles. Again, I think cardivascular is the problem here.

Tomorrow will be swim/6 mile run at slower pace and trainer in the evening.  Syl you are going to have a BLAST at your upcoming race!

2010-07-16 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: To Wetsuit or Not Wetsuit
Here's a quick question for the group:

My next race is on Sunday and the recent water temp came in at 80.  Thus, it is wetsuit-legal (though I can't win an award - not that this will be a problem for me.. :-).  However, I haven't decided if I'm going to wear one or not.  The air temp is supposed to be warm (75) at race time, so I'm not worried about being cold.

Obviously my T1 time will be faster if I don't wear one, but I was wondering if there were any other considerations that I should keep in mind. 


2010-07-16 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2984542

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: To Wetsuit or Not Wetsuit
OneFastMule - 2010-07-16 8:11 AM Here's a quick question for the group:

My next race is on Sunday and the recent water temp came in at 80.  Thus, it is wetsuit-legal (though I can't win an award - not that this will be a problem for me.. :-).  However, I haven't decided if I'm going to wear one or not.  The air temp is supposed to be warm (75) at race time, so I'm not worried about being cold.

Obviously my T1 time will be faster if I don't wear one, but I was wondering if there were any other considerations that I should keep in mind. 


It's only a 530m swim, the time saved with wetsuit would be small.  But if you know your pace with & without (PaceWithout - Pacewith = SwimGain) and take the expected saved time at T1.  SwimGain  less ExpectedTimeSavedT1, if negative then NO wetsuit.

Does that make sense?  Makes sense in my head

Edited by sstucker 2010-07-16 8:03 AM
2010-07-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2984283

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-07-15 10:47 PM

Did a 30 min recovery ride tonight and on last loop I thought maybe I'll stop at the park and practice some running mounts.  Well, I was having a blast and didn't want to stop.  I was going back and forth doing mount and dismount none stop.   Unfortunately it was getting dark so had to go.  I my way back home I thought I would try to hook up my shoes, perform running mount and try putting on my shoes.  Had no problem with right foot but couldn't get my left one in, eventualy got it.  That was fun, I must do it again.

Micheal need your opinion, or anyone else for that matter.

I'm planning my next 6 weeks, which includes this week. I did some workouts on week of July 6 after a two week break.  Week of  July 26 is where I can't decide if I should perform another build phase or recovery.  I don't have plans to do any other races, so I have plenty of time to recover (all winter!).  My first race is flat for run and bike, swim might have rough waters it's in Lake Ontario.  Maybe perform build type workouts but shorter.

July 13build
July 19build
July 26build or recovery??
Aug 2Peak
Aug 9Race week
Aug 16Race week

My inclination is not recovery, but either build or peak.  Given that you took some time off recently, I think that build is probably the answer, especially because the week of Aug 9 can essentially also be treated as a peak week.

The exception would be if you get to the end of the July 19 week and you feel beat up.  Then take a recovery week.

Another option would be to split the week in two and keep building (or recovery if you need it) for the first half, and start your peak workouts for the second half.
2010-07-16 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2984313

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-07-15 11:12 PM Continued today on my quest for speed. Hills on bike this morning. They are getting easier. The same hills I had to walk the bike up a few weeks ago, I'm climbing now. I'm not avoiding them, Learning to use my gears has been a challenged, but now much smoother.

Pace run tonight. I guess it would be called a pace run. Since I'm focusing on sprint distances this year I'm pushing to get my 3-4 mile run time down. Ran 3 miles tonight trying to keep pace below 10minutes. Averaged 9:37 over three miles. Again, I think cardivascular is the problem here.

Tomorrow will be swim/6 mile run at slower pace and trainer in the evening.  Syl you are going to have a BLAST at your upcoming race!


Sounds like good progress on the bike.  One tip (I don't know whether this is the 'challenge' that you speak of, but it comes to mind) about changing gears on a climb:  try to ease up ever so briefly just at the moment you are down-shifting and the shift will be a lot smoother.  It might take a little time for the exactly correct moment to be intuitive, but it is worth becoming conscious of it in order eventually to make it intuitive. You want that time that you ease up to be very very short -- at the exact moment that the chain wants to switch cogs.  With practice, you can learn to do this even while standing and mashing.  You'll know you have it right when the shift feels and sounds smooth.
2010-07-16 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2984542

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: To Wetsuit or Not Wetsuit
OneFastMule - 2010-07-16 8:11 AM Here's a quick question for the group:

My next race is on Sunday and the recent water temp came in at 80.  Thus, it is wetsuit-legal (though I can't win an award - not that this will be a problem for me.. :-).  However, I haven't decided if I'm going to wear one or not.  The air temp is supposed to be warm (75) at race time, so I'm not worried about being cold.

Obviously my T1 time will be faster if I don't wear one, but I was wondering if there were any other considerations that I should keep in mind. 


Most people gain 5-10 seconds per 100 (or more) with a wetsuit.  The slower you are in the water, the larger your gains tend to be.  So as far as your total swim+T1 time goes, I think you would clearly save time with the wetsuit.  You should be able to get it all off bar the legs while running in to T1, and the legs should come off in ~10seconds or less.  (If they don't, then practice!)

The only real issue is whether you will overheat, and whether dealing with that heat is worth the net 30-40 seconds you are likely to gain by wearing the wetsuit.  If it were me, I'd probably wear it because I'm anal that way and I want every second I can find, and I don't overheat easily.  But if I did overheat easily, I wouldn't wear it, because a high core temperature slows you down later in the race.
2010-07-16 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Started working on bilateral swim breathing this morning. At first it was like learning clipless pedals. Breath, don't breath. Left, Right....oops. At least I don't have to worry about falling. As the swim progressed it got a little easier. I think it's going to take a couple weeks

2010-07-16 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2985909

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-07-16 3:17 PM Started working on bilateral swim breathing this morning. At first it was like learning clipless pedals. Breath, don't breath. Left, Right....oops. At least I don't have to worry about falling. As the swim progressed it got a little easier. I think it's going to take a couple weeks

Keep working at it.  I think it is a big benefit, partly to even out one's stroke, but largely because it can be useful during a race to be able to switch sides breathing (because of sun or waves, for example).
2010-07-16 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2986424

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-07-16 7:37 PM
StlPhil - 2010-07-16 3:17 PM Started working on bilateral swim breathing this morning. At first it was like learning clipless pedals. Breath, don't breath. Left, Right....oops. At least I don't have to worry about falling. As the swim progressed it got a little easier. I think it's going to take a couple weeks

Keep working at it.  I think it is a big benefit, partly to even out one's stroke, but largely because it can be useful during a race to be able to switch sides breathing (because of sun or waves, for example).

The "zig-zag" swiminning in the last race convinced me I needed to start working on balancing my stroke. The swim was 1068 meters. I'm sure I swam 12-1300 easy. This is something I put off in the winter, now I wish I would have worked on it then.
2010-07-17 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2986441

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey Everyone... looks like there has been some great stuff going on here!  My apologies for being off the radar... Ireland, then was sick last week and also had some (bad) surprise news at work upon my arrival which has changed my schedule some.  I think my goal for July / Aug will just be to get some consistency back in my workout schedule. 

Anyway, thought you all might enjoy this article from today's NYT.


2010-07-17 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2987110

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-07-17 3:04 PM Hey Everyone... looks like there has been some great stuff going on here!  My apologies for being off the radar... Ireland, then was sick last week and also had some (bad) surprise news at work upon my arrival which has changed my schedule some.  I think my goal for July / Aug will just be to get some consistency back in my workout schedule. 

Anyway, thought you all might enjoy this article from today's NYT.


Welcome back Stu!  I hope the work thing gets sorted out for you.  Great article -- thanks for posting. 
2010-07-17 10:54 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Went to LBS yesterday and picked up spare tube with CO2 and bag to hold.  Looked around and drooled over the Tri bikes that I can't afford.  I guess it's time to save up for a new toy.

Did you guys ever hear of putting your spare tube in plastic bag and add baby powder.  Apperantly this would help the tire tube properly set itself when you put air in. 

2010-07-18 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2987631

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-07-17 11:54 PM

Went to LBS yesterday and picked up spare tube with CO2 and bag to hold.  Looked around and drooled over the Tri bikes that I can't afford.  I guess it's time to save up for a new toy.

Did you guys ever hear of putting your spare tube in plastic bag and add baby powder.  Apperantly this would help the tire tube properly set itself when you put air in. 

If that's your first CO2, practice with it at home to get the hang of it.  It really is not fun to fail to use one (or two...) properly on the road when you need it.  Don't ask me how I know this. Embarassed

I do dust my tubes a bit with baby powder -- I think it helps a little to avoid pinch flats (though when I change them I do take some time to try to be sure that there is no pinching).  I don't put them in plastic bags, but that's not a bad idea and I might start doing that, more to help keep the other stuff in my bag from poking a hole in the tub than anything else.
2010-07-18 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Did brick this morning.  This would be the longest workout since, well, my last marathon in October last year.  Did one hour bike with a fast 10 minute run.  I was able to hold a 7:30 pace for the entire run, with cramp that wouldn't go away.  I even did run mount with shoes on bike to start and even rolling dismount without shoes, timed my transition of 1:07 which included open/close garage, put on socks (originaly planned 20 min run) and tigh shoes.

My next brick I want to do a longer run after bike with same distance, but not sure if I can do it next Sunday or wait two weeks.  Any thoughts?
2010-07-18 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2988604

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-07-18 9:22 PM Did brick this morning.  This would be the longest workout since, well, my last marathon in October last year.  Did one hour bike with a fast 10 minute run.  I was able to hold a 7:30 pace for the entire run, with cramp that wouldn't go away.  I even did run mount with shoes on bike to start and even rolling dismount without shoes, timed my transition of 1:07 which included open/close garage, put on socks (originaly planned 20 min run) and tigh shoes.

My next brick I want to do a longer run after bike with same distance, but not sure if I can do it next Sunday or wait two weeks.  Any thoughts?

Nice workout!

As for when to do it again, I'd say the same thing for any hard long workout: Wait and see how you feel.

Remember that the value of a brick run is mostly psychological -- it helps you get more comfortable with running hard after a hard bike.  You don't get specific physiological benefits from a brick. In fact, your general run fitness will benefit more from running when you are fresh.  When I do them, it is mostly to work on pacing the run after a hard bike, or because it is the only practical way to get my running volume in.

A couple of thoughts for taking it to the next level. 

(1) Try running sockless.  A brick run is a great time to do that because typically they are shorter runs.  Increase your distance slowly to build up resistance to blistering, although a case or two of blisters might be part of the 'initiation rite' here.

(2) Get speed laces!  These are elastic laces that you pre-tie once and then you can just slip your feet into the shoes without having to tie them.  They are great.  I use them on all of my running shoes and I find them very comfortable-- and it has been ages since I've tied laces on my shoes!
2010-07-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Another successful race for me.  I met and exceeded my goals - in fact, I had a really strong finish on the run.  Overall, this is a much improved race for me:

- 17% improvement on the swim
- Same speed as last race, but that bike course was perfectly flat - this had a killer 4 mile hill
- 15% improvement on the run

Though I have to temper some of this improvement on the lack of cramps (which I experienced during the last race), I felt strong all morning long.

Unfortunately, I did pull a Homer Simpson during T1 (the full and gory details can be found in the race report).  But I probably won't make that mistake again!

I also did the team proud by holding off a determined runner at the end of the race and jumping up 4 spots in the last .1 mile.  Though I am still in the bottom half, I exceeded my goals and had a great time. 

The full race report is here:

- Mark

Edited by OneFastMule 2010-07-18 9:30 PM
2010-07-18 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2988721

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-07-18 10:23 PM
Nice workout!

As for when to do it again, I'd say the same thing for any hard long workout: Wait and see how you feel.

Remember that the value of a brick run is mostly psychological -- it helps you get more comfortable with running hard after a hard bike.  You don't get specific physiological benefits from a brick. In fact, your general run fitness will benefit more from running when you are fresh.  When I do them, it is mostly to work on pacing the run after a hard bike, or because it is the only practical way to get my running volume in.

A couple of thoughts for taking it to the next level. 

(1) Try running sockless.  A brick run is a great time to do that because typically they are shorter runs.  Increase your distance slowly to build up resistance to blistering, although a case or two of blisters might be part of the 'initiation rite' here.

(2) Get speed laces!  These are elastic laces that you pre-tie once and then you can just slip your feet into the shoes without having to tie them.  They are great.  I use them on all of my running shoes and I find them very comfortable-- and it has been ages since I've tied laces on my shoes!

(1) Try running sockless.
- I've done some sessions without socks and got blisters, so I was letting them heal.  I go sockless in my bike shoes which have not bothered me.  I will do some sockless workouts this week.

(2) Get speed laces!
- Will do, I've heard of these.  I keep forgeting to look for them when in the stores.

Also, I did figure out how to set up my shoes so I can easily slide my foot in. 

2010-07-18 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2988728

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
OneFastMule - 2010-07-18 10:29 PM Another successful race for me.  I met and exceeded my goals - in fact, I had a really strong finish on the run.  Overall, this is a much improved race for me:

- 17% improvement on the swim
- Same speed as last race, but that bike course was perfectly flat - this had a killer 4 mile hill
- 15% improvement on the run

Though I have to temper some of this improvement on the lack of cramps (which I experienced during the last race), I felt strong all morning long.

Unfortunately, I did pull a Homer Simpson during T1 (the full and gory details can be found in the race report).  But I probably won't make that mistake again!

I also did the team proud by holding off a determined runner at the end of the race and jumping up 4 spots in the last .1 mile.  Though I am still in the bottom half, I exceeded my goals and had a great time. 

The full race report is here:

- Mark

Wow! nice race. Congratulation on all the great improvements.  I bet you can't wait till next race.  Cheers!
2010-07-19 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2988728

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
OneFastMule - 2010-07-18 10:29 PM Another successful race for me.  I met and exceeded my goals - in fact, I had a really strong finish on the run.  Overall, this is a much improved race for me:

- 17% improvement on the swim
- Same speed as last race, but that bike course was perfectly flat - this had a killer 4 mile hill
- 15% improvement on the run

Though I have to temper some of this improvement on the lack of cramps (which I experienced during the last race), I felt strong all morning long.

Unfortunately, I did pull a Homer Simpson during T1 (the full and gory details can be found in the race report).  But I probably won't make that mistake again!

I also did the team proud by holding off a determined runner at the end of the race and jumping up 4 spots in the last .1 mile.  Though I am still in the bottom half, I exceeded my goals and had a great time. 

The full race report is here:

- Mark


I loved hearing about your run.  I am stoked by your competitive spirit on the run.  Nice job.

Oh, and the 'air pressure' remarks were pretty funny too.  Not comfortable for you, I'm sure, but funny to read.  I wish I had a decent solution for you, but my only thought is that you might be swallowing air when you drink on the bike?
2010-07-19 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Mark-good work! Solid improvement. Enjoyed the race report.  Keep it up.


2010-07-19 11:45 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Another great swim workout.  Did 6 x 50 and dropped my avg by 3 seconds.  Also performed 10 x 100 and did normal pacing/cadence for first 6 sets and was 2 seconds below average.  On set 7 through 9 I attempted to increase cadence.  I know that increasing cadence does not always result in increase speed but I had to try to see the affects.  Well I slowed down by 3 seconds above my average.  On set 10 I slowed my cadence BUT the one difference from the first 6 sets is I didn't have a pause,  I ended with last set at my average time.  My lats were exhausted after this workout.  During cool down I did some nice long stretch, reaching as far as I could before the pull.  What was neat is it felt like I was pulling on a wall, I could really feel the catch.  So for fun I timed 50m of my cool down.  I didn't speed, I did same long slow strokes and finished in 1:05, my average for 50m tonight was 52 seconds that's a difference of only 13 seconds.  I spent a lot of energy for only 13 seconds.  Well to me that difference seems like very little because over 750m (my sprint distances) that's only 97.5 seconds.  Coming out of the water would feel like I just warmed up for the bike.  Don't get me wrong, I will be going faster.  But what tonight’s cool down has told me is that I need to take that stroke and gradually increase my cadence.  I need to be patient.  At this time I'm thinking of dropping the 52sec/50m and the 1:55/100m out of my head and start fresh next workout.

Well I hope my story makes sense, I'm a tech geek not a writer

"Learning to be patient"

Edited by sstucker 2010-07-19 11:50 PM
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