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2011-06-16 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3551595

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Your weariness makes perfect sense to me! You've gone from being 84% sedentary to about 126% active; that would tucker out anyone!

Seriously, though, be gentle on yourself. You are probably ready for a "down" week, just a bit less working out combined with a bit less of the elbow-grease type of domestic tasks you've been doing.

You are very right in saying "my body just needs some adjustments", and once it gets used to the demands you are placing on it, you'll be fine. Anyone who ahd done thsi stuff for a while knows what it feels like to enter the Overtraining Zone, and it is seldom pleasant. There is fatigue involved, and maybe lethargy, and maybe a loss of interest in doing any of it. But if it gets caught early, then in most cases people are good to go after a couple of days of rest.

Are you aware of the "10% rule"? It is a big one for running, and can be based on both time and distance. That is, if you ran 10 miles last week, this week just increase it by 10%, making your new week-goal 10.1 miles. Or, if you ran four hours last week, increase that by another 10% for this week, making your new time total 264 minutes (240 + 24).

It is kind of rough, but mostly wise and workable. Moreover, it can be applied to anything, and for you it might be worthwhile tring to implement it -- just to keep some reins on your enthusiasms!

Finally, remember that training is never linear -- that is, there are "downs" such as your 20 laps. These can happen even when we seem to feel grewat and appear to be well-rested....and it just turns out that the swimming arms or the running legs or the cycling cadnece isn't what we want it to be. I KNOW what it's like to feel that frustration and harbor those fears that I've lost my edge forever, but as I live and breathe, one or two workouts later and things are good again. So, keep the faith!!

2011-06-16 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3551492

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
manfarr1974 - 2011-06-15 8:05 PM

I signed up for Ironman Mont Tremblant 2012!!! Surprised 


You're crazy! Go for it!

2011-06-16 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3552616

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
junthank - 2011-06-16 12:41 PM

"Do your best, have fun and let the results take care of themselves -- the people who truly care about us don't really care who we beat or whether or not we come in last, they just want us to be happy.


My mother, my daughter, and my husband think I'm way cool just because I race - they don't care where I place.

There's some ultra-marathon in South Africa or Australia, where the 1st guy who finishes after the cut-off time is as big a celebrity as the winner - because he ran the whole race and it doesn't count. haha  I'll have to google that - it was fascinating.


2011-06-16 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I am feeling so much better about Racine.  I was discouraged after my Olympic and also with my saddle problems.  More than once I thought about not doing Racine. But my confidence is up a little.

Yesterday's run: 13.1 miles - 10:31 pace

Today's bike: 56.26 miles - 15.64 (15.89 without water stops) - no where near the 17.2 and 17.5 I was getting in my sprints at the end of last season but I'll take it

Saddle:  LBS guy told me to try lowering front of saddle - that didn't work.  Bought a new saddle - a Bontrager Inform - it's not a cut-out but it's got a dip - the seat itself is actually firmer than my old one.  It is so much better - not perfect - but I'm certainly not in pain.  AND 30 day unconditional return policy - but I'm pretty sure I'll keep it.


2011-06-16 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

I found it - Comrades Marathon in South Africa - 55 miles - 12 hour cutoff

"There is some solace only for the first nonfinisher. He or she becomes an instant hero, interviewed live on TV and pictured on the front page of every newspaper. To many South Africans, the Comrades runner who goes all that distance, for nothing, is more symbolic, of something, than the race winner. That's another great tradition--one I think we can all embrace, even if we're not sure what it means."

2011-06-17 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3553177

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hi Trina,

It wouldn't bother me if he kicked my butt in the pool.  I figure I got another 20 years to work on my swim to catch up with him.  However, if he criticize my technique without me asking for a critique, well then like you say..... that's another story that just might irritate me.

kickitinok - 2011-06-16 5:57 PM
junthank - 2011-06-15 1:57 PM

AKtri - 2011-06-14 3:01 PM

Jeff - You'd probably change your tune if you had to train next to the 70+ y/o man who keeps breaking all my state's swim records (in his age group). This "geezer" puts me to shame in the pool 2-3 times a week. He's also very critical of my swim form and breathing, but that's another story altogether.

Edited by junthank 2011-06-17 9:09 AM

2011-06-17 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3553173

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

So true!!

stevebradley - 2011-06-16 5:56 PM JEFF again -  Not only that, but the people who don't know you don't really care at all.

2011-06-17 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3553168

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Looks like the Bruins put the jinx on the Red Sox's this year.  Surely Boston can't have 2 world champions in the same year!!

stevebradley - 2011-06-16 5:50 PM JEFF - It's beginning to sink in, I think! You know, growing up in Boston and watching the Bruins be fairly inept, it was a constant that they6 had previously last won the Cup in something like '41. So, in '61, that seemed like forever-ago. Then they finally won in in '70, making it about 30 yars, and then they won again in '72. That was the last time until last night, so this curent winless run was a whopping 39 years. It just shows how one's perception of time can be so different wghen you're a kid, looking back on a time before you were born. Back then, 20 years was a lifetime; nowadays, 39 years ago seems just a wink and a few heartbeats behind me!

2011-06-17 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Just about one week till my first Tri.  I'm starting to make my list of things to take to the race (using the BT List Builder) and what food to pack.  Does anyone have a good list of that one thing you forgot last time and it would have been perfect to have?  For a sprint distance, any suggestions of how much food to bring and of what type?

By the way - what is the deal with a race belt? Is this really needed?



2011-06-17 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3554857

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Um, er, uh.....did I ever get back to you on your taper after you told me your training numbers? Let me know if I owe you something!

As for a race belt, I'm a huge fan of them, but they are not necessary. Pinning a number on your clothing works, but I just don't like perforating my fairly expensive race gear.

Beyond that, I like being able to turn my belt around on the bike so it doesn't rattle in the wind, and come to think of it I do that frequently on the run, too. And for races that don't require your bib until the run, you can just wait until T2 to don the belt, and you'll have nothing rattling while riding!

For me, however, i always wear the belt under my wetsuit, and then don't have to worry about putting it on in either T1 or T2. It only saves a few seconds, 5-10 at most, but i guess those few seconds are important to me!

As for food on the sprint, first, realistically figure how long you will be on the course. Requirements can change beyond the two-hour mark, but really that ends up being very personal; in time you will have a good sense of how to "dial-in" your race-day nutrition.

Roughly, though, I would recommend a gel before the swim, plus one towards the end of the bike. As gels do best when chased with water, have some of that with your on the bike -- along with a water bottle of whatever your preferred energy drink is. If you have a 24oz bottle, try to get close to finishing it before the run. On the run, hit every aid station. Aim for the energy drink if possible, and go with water if that's all they have; keep hydrated!

At my sprint last week, I followed my typical protocol which is 2/3 of a smaller (20oz) bottle of HEED. I mixed it a bit too strong, though, and drank from it only three times -- and that was enough to put me off the energy drink at the first aid station on the run. I had just water there, but took a cup of the energy drink at the second aid station. This just goes to show that the body can stage its little palace revolts, and then we have to adjust our plans according to its whims. It also goes to show that these gels and specialized drinks and blocks and stuff work only as well as our bodies can tolerate their intake; sad, but true!

I don't have a list, but a few quickies to remember are:
-- sunglasses for the bike, with eye protection being paramount
-- Body Glide, if using a wetsuit
-- your least-likely-to-fog goggles
-- innocuous food to nibble on pre-race
-- about 30 inches of toilet paper, in case the porta-potty you are in has run out of it
-- the ability or willingness to get to the race as soon as possible, thus minimizing your anxiety if traffic is backed up or you have to park at some remote location and sherpa your stuff from your car over those vast distances
-- an extra water bottle to have at your transition spot, just in case you need a drink before heading off on the run

That's a few things off the top of my head; I'll add to it over the next few days.

Excited yet??

2011-06-17 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3553497

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Very nice run pace. You ARE pleased, yes?

As for the bike pace, definitely tak it. that's not a serious drop-off from the sprint times, given the obvious big jump in distance. And that's probably a solid pace for you to ride if you hope to feel as good as possible on the run. It's all about trade-offs.....and you sure don't want to put so much into the bike that you feel like death warmed over on the run!

That is WHEW!ish news about the saddle! It sounds like a great compromise to me, and whop knows? Maybe a cut-out would not have worked all that well, or not as well as a dip. These things end up being so personal, based on our own physiognomy combined with out riding position. I can easily become incredulous at thinking baout bike-fitters EVER manage to pull off a successful fitting!

Finally, from where I sit your confidence should be up more than a little, as those numbers nicely indicate. Keep the faith, Denise!

2011-06-18 12:31 AM
in reply to: #3555147

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Steve, thanks.  You answered a lot of questions, some I didn't even know I had.  I did have a question about taper that I haven't seen an answer to but honestly these past two weeks have been really bad training wise so I'm just going to try to make the best of next week, but if you have any suggestions for next week's training, I'd appreciate it.

I am getting excited. (Can't you tell?  That's why I'm planning already) I'm going to try to ride the bike course this weekend.  I keep telling myself, just run my race and let the chips fall where they may...

thanks again,


2011-06-18 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3555253

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


My apologies! I see our chat on page 34 and my plan to put your training numbers into the Tapertron machine.....and that just never happened. Ack!

As I said, though, you have some decent over-distance work you've done, so cranking out the requirements for Golden Gate shouldn't be a problem. Moreover, your plan to ride the bike course is most excellent -- that's one of THE best things you can do pre-race. Is there any chance you can also run the run course, too?

For G.G. you'll have to do 880 yards and 13.41 miles and 3.11 miles. So at this point you shouldn't do anything longer than any of the race distances -- that can be the core of this taper week. Now having said that, I'll amend it by saying that if you want a pool session with some variety (drills; moderate-to-fast 100s; fast 25s; moderate 250s) to it, you could knock off ~1200-1500meters. Maybe just one of those will do fine, especially if work/family/church raise other demands.

For the run, a mid-week (Thursday) tempo run would be good. Make it about 35 minutes in total, with the middle 15/16 minutes at close to race pace; and an easy-paced warm-up and cool-down on either side of it.

One focused bike ride, maybe on Wednesday, would work, and think tempo for that, too. It could be 50-60 minutes total, with the tempo parts composed of 2 sets of 10-12 minutes each at race pace. If it's an hour ride, then make it five sets of 12 minutes -- easy, race, moderate, race, easy. And then if you're antsy on Saturday, you can either do a 15 minute easy swim, or a 20 minute easy bike -- but nothing more demanding than that. Gotta promise me that -- nothing on Saturday more demanding than either a short easy swim or a short easy bike!!

How's that sounds to you?

2011-06-18 11:10 PM
in reply to: #3555855

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks Steve.  I can do that, not a problem. 

It will be nice to be in the pool again (most of my recent swims have been in the Bay)  That sounds like a nice workout.  My ride will be triggered off what I find out on Sunday's ride.  Other than that, making my list, checking it twice...

After the race, I'll focus on the gym to build my core and muscles to start training for September's race.


2011-06-19 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Ok, I rode the bike course for next week's tri - its a beast.  Three loops, if your not climbing, your dropping - Whew.  But I'm glad I rode it.  Now I know I can do it, where to push, and how long each hill is.  There is really nothing like it around me.  I'll change up my hills for next week and keep pushing.
2011-06-19 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3556434

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

CTYoung - 2011-06-19 12:00 PM Ok, I rode the bike course for next week's tri - its a beast.  Three loops, if your not climbing, your dropping - Whew.  But I'm glad I rode it.  Now I know I can do it, where to push, and how long each hill is.  There is really nothing like it around me.  I'll change up my hills for next week and keep pushing.

Good thing you rode the course - that's always a good thing.

One thing Steve always tells everybody is to make sure you know what the transition area looks like as you're coming in from the bike and the swim.  Go to the "swim in" entrance and look over the transition area and where your bike is and the route you'll take to your bike.  People sometimes use a bright towel under there "stuff" so they can find it easily.  If it's a small race, it's not such a big deal.  I usually don't have a problem because I'm a back-of-packer, so most of the bikes are gone when I get there - haha.

Talk to strangers - it will calm you down.  People can be very helpful when they know you're new.


2011-06-19 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



Happy Fathers Day

2011-06-19 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3556434

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


2011-06-19 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3557048

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Perfect!! That's EXACTLY why you want to ride a course beforehand --- knowing the particularities + having a strategy in place = confidence! You will be very glad on race day that you made the effort to pre-ride it, and as you might imagine, this is so important on courses that are difficult. If I had gold stars to dispense, you would get three of 'em!

2011-06-20 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3557054

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-06-18 10:39 PM CANON - Perfect!! That's EXACTLY why you want to ride a course beforehand --- knowing the particularities + having a strategy in place = confidence! You will be very glad on race day that you made the effort to pre-ride it, and as you might imagine, this is so important on courses that are difficult. If I had gold stars to dispense, you would get three of 'em!


I second riding the course before the race. I typically ride the bike course in my car, and the run course on my bike. 


Hey I still suck at running, y'all! Bleh!

2011-06-20 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Okay, I know everyone is right in the middle of their triathlons, but I wanted to share something I came across. It is a video of the upcoming mountain run/race that I will participate in on July 4. It is very well done and gets me excited and motivated instead of overwhelmed with my immediate "race" committments.

And I am still triathlon training too. This last weekend I participated in a marathon relay on Saturday. And a Mountain run/race on Sunday. Next is this Mt. Marathon in Seward AK and then the Sourdough Half Ironman in Fairbanks AK. Then I get to rest 2 weeks on vacation. Until then it's going to be a busy couple of weeks deciding if I need to train on a mountain or ride a couple hours on the bike or swim in a cold lake or build my run distance.  Okay, I better get out the door and train!

Have fun tri'ing!

Ugh! That youtube is addicting! I found another video of just the womens race, a different year, when it was really warm. This one is good but it somewhat makes me rethink some of the climb. If you have time to check it out. You may even be inclined to sign up for the lottery! That's the only way to get into it for next year.

Edited by AKtri 2011-06-20 9:18 PM

2011-06-21 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey ALL, I am out of here for the next two weeks on vacation. Can't wait to leave this sweltering heat for cooler climes! Besides the heat, we've had 1/2" of rain in the last 150 days with a wildfire requiring evacuation of 200 homes about 3 to 4 miles from us.

CANON, good luck on your first triathlon. SANDRA, I think your next race with the open water swim might be while I'm gone, so good luck to you. VERONICA, Mt. Marathon looks crazy ... I'd have to join that turtle group of women and be one of the ones sliding down on my butt! ... have fun!

Good luck to whoever else might be racing over the next couple and enjoy your training!


2011-06-21 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Veronica - I already watched part of the you-tubes - I got too tired.

Lisa - Have a wonderful vacation may you have sunny 60s.

Whine! Whine! Whine!  Heavy rain and thunderstorms all day - and supposed to continue for 2 more days.  I'm supposed to be at the peak of my training.


2011-06-21 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hello everyone!!

I am sorry to be a no-show for so long!  

I went to Lake Placid this weekend.  That place is like...wonderland!! People swim, biking, running everywhere! 

I swam the course on Thur and again on Fri - the Buoys were not set for the race, so the loop was 1.7 miles.   Like that line, not that I will get to see it with 2700 others trying to see it too. 

On Sat I biked 2 loops of the course + rode to and from the place I stayed so it was 115 miles for that day + a 2 mile run after.  Went well.  The second loop was kind of harder heading up the hills after Wilmington.  I think I have my fueling figured out though, and my legs felt pretty good for the run.

Before I left on Sun, I ran the run course - um, that is kind of brutal.  Looking forward to it.

Hope all is going well for everyone, I need to do some reading and catch up.


2011-06-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey folks.  Been away last 3 days for college orientation for my youngest.  Can't tell you how impressed I am with our universities here in the US (at least at FSU).  Now I understand why college tuition is so expensive.  The services that are available to students are unbelieveable.  It was a great display of college administrators, professors and facilities.  However, the most impressive aspect of the entire trip were the students themselves.  Very proud of the incoming freshman class and particular impressed by the student orientation leaders.  Makes me feel better about our country's future.

However, there was so much to do from 6AM till 9PM and our hotel didn't have an exercise facility so I did nothing but eat dorm food and walk the campus a little.  Not good for the training plan.  The wife says I'm getting cranky so I need to put on the running shoes, get on the bike and jump in the pool soon!!!

Edited by junthank 2011-06-23 8:13 AM
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