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2009-06-21 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Wohooo! I'm back from my first tri! I beat my gaol of 2 hrs. and placed in the top half overall! So I am very happy! 
Except for the deer tick I picked up on the trail run, yuck!
Race report to come when they post all the results (they only had overall and the run at the venue

2009-06-21 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
YEAH Patricia!
2009-06-21 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Congrats Patricia

Hey - if you were the last woman but not the last overall, that means you beat out some guys.  Whoop! Whoop!

Your times were pretty good - in another race, you would've had 20-30 behind you.

2009-06-21 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Way to go Kami

I had a feeling you'd do well - looking forward to your race report

2009-06-21 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Wow! Set-up got the results up quick! 
Here is the race report 
2009-06-21 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congratulations Kami and Patricia!  I read your race reports, thanks for sharing.

I did not meet my challenge goal this week.  I got 2 runs in (8 miles), but did not get to the bike.  It rained almost every day this week.  I guess I could have done it at the gym on a stationary bike, but I kept holding out hoping it would clear up.

Chris - sorry that your family is not supportive of your goals.  My boyfriend is training too, so he is pretty supportive.  I just get sick of hearing him complain about how slow he is.  He is way faster than I am!

I'm planning to swim tomorrow.  Still didn't get my garmin watch yet.  Hope it comes soon!  We're leaving for CA this coming saturday.  I want to use it to get some runs in while we're away.  Should be a pretty run in Napa.  Better run early before we get started on the wine.

Not sure if you remember, but I posted last week about my boyfriend wanting to run a half marathon even though he hadn't trained for it much.  He did it on Saturday and he did great!  His time was 2 hours and 20 minutes.  The furthest he ever ran before that was only a little over 6 miles and he usually only runs like once a week.  He's still pretty active otherwise though, soccer, swim, bike, etc.  It was pouring down the rain and storming during the race.  I can't believe they didn't cancel it.  His ipod broke cause it got so wet.  I just ordered him a new one since his bday is saturday.

There was a 5k at the same function as the half marathon, but my boyfriend didn't tell me about it until like 11pm Friday night.  I just got home from a party and had several beers plus junk food.  I went to the race to watch him finish.  I didn't intend to run when I left the house, so I didn't have my watch, ipod, or the right shoes, pants on to run in.  I felt bad for not running once I got there.  Later when we got home I went out and ran 4 miles.  Guess I got a better work out since I ran futher than I would have if I had done the 5k....o-well

Sooo...I found another triathlon I am considering.  It's mid July which is too soon as far as I'm concerned.  My boyfriend did this one last year and it was his first.  It's 0.6 mile swim, 14.5 mile bike, and 2.8 mile run.  I'm nervous though cause it's open water swim and it's co-ed.  The other triathlon that I was thinking about had indoor swim and was women only.  The nice thing though is that the water is so shallow that you can just stand up (at least it was last year).  My bf said that he scraped his hand on the bottom when swimming!  I'm not sure about this one cause my bf and a lot of his friends do it, and they are all really good athletes.  I don't want them to see how bad I am.  There is a duathlon too - bike, swim, bike.  I might do that since I'm so scared about the swim part.

I also found a half marathon to try.  It's in Harrisburg, PA in mid september.  I looked at the times last year and it doesn't look like I would come in dead last.  Looks like they have walkers too.

We shall see.  These events are kind of stressing me out.  I like to have something to work towards, but they seem so soon.  At the same time, I kind of just like to go out and get a work out in and not have to stess about know what I mean??

2009-06-21 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2232446

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED


Nice job on the race!  It's exciting reading everyone's race reports!


2009-06-21 10:49 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
WTG Patricia and Kami!    I love reading race reports because I always seem to learn something.    Like maybe I might want to have an extra pair of socks on hand for the run???!!!   Patricia - I think you did great and also that the tri you were in had a very fast group of people in it!  Kami, I was excited when I hit 30mph....37mph is GREAT!

I started my taper today.   A 'recovery' ride - fast spin, low HR.   It wasn't as long as I wanted but a BIG thunderstorm rolled in and stopped me short.   My dd said I must like danger since there was pretty intense lightening!  LOL

I made my weekly goal - 1 mile of swimming.   

Lora, can I still change my goal for July?   I don't think I will try to swim as much, at least the first few weeks of July, since it is such an effort to get to the pools and there is so much cattle work to be done.   I will most likely drop to once/week, although I am targeting a second tri on Aug 8.

LKC - I would say to go with the race that feels the most comfy to you.   If doing the tri with all your bf's friends seems intimidating then pass on it and do an all women's one.

Denise - I have been wondering what food/meal you are planning for after your tri?

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-06-21 11:01 PM
2009-06-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Thanks everyone Someone else told me that the times where fast on Saturday. I started with a hard one it seems (cold lake swim).

My back hurts today..... I think the nerves about the race (I tense up when I'm nervous), wetsuit swim (makes my back arch more) and lack of stretching (oups) didn't help. I'm icing it and took 2 aleves this morning and I hope it goes away soon.

I registered for a duathlon this weekend The club is going to the Trois-Rivière triathlon and I decide to go also but do the du. The swim part of the tri is in a big outdoor pool and I heard some not too nice stories about the swim. The fast people lap you and swim over you, getting hit in the face etc etc. I'm not comfortable enough swimming for that. So the du it is (hey I said I had to improve my run so here's my chance). I just hope my back is better cause right now I can't run or bike (I'm so frustrated!!). It's going to be fun.

Kami - CONGRATS!! I'm going to read your race report now

2009-06-22 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Edited by ChrisFL 2009-06-22 8:22 AM
2009-06-22 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2233343

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Chris - I signed up and voted for him - he's got quite a lot of votes!

As for my weekly goal, I didn't hit it this week - I did 3 workouts, and then I did a Relay for Life event this weekend.  For those that don't know, Relay for Life is an event to raise fund for the American Cancer Society.  It's a non-competitive 24 hour walkathon where a member of your team has to be walking around a track at all times.  I did about 9 miles on the track - my Dad died of prostate cancer in 2007 and I still miss him terribly so it seemed like a good way to honor his memory.  My sister is also a breast cancer survivor, and she did the relay with me.  One word of personal advice - get your cancer screenings done ladies (mammos, etc) and stay active - it could save your life! 

So, an emotional weekend and I was certainly active, but not really sport specific training.  I am heading off now to do my first swim/bike brick - I'm going to ride to the gym in my trisuit, then swim, then ride home.  Wish me luck!

Mary Sue

2009-06-22 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

I had my first tri training class today.  As is often the case I was the oldest and fattest in the class.  As I may have mentioned this is a mini-tri so very lightweight.  We biked the course today.  Easy Peasy.  My bike is a very nice bike.  (I found it on the street with a free sign on it)  We were going to "run" after our bike ride, but we had a down pour complete with lightening so we all just went home.  I was soaking wet by the time I rode into my driveway.  We'll "run" and swim on Wednesday.  I'm in good shape for the swim and could walk the distance easily but I will try to do some running.

The bad part of the training class is I have to be up at 5:30 to get to it.  As I told the group I had still been awake at 3 am this morning when a storm rolled through.  If necessary, I'll just nap when I get home!

One of our tennis team members ruptured her Achilles tendon in her first match last week.  Ouch!  She'll have surgery this week.  I don't know if it was preventable but I suspect I'll move even slower on the court today than usual.


2009-06-22 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2230937

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
mekira - 2009-06-20 5:27 PM I did it, I finished my first tri!!!! I'll post my race report later. Patricia

Congratulations, triathlete!
2009-06-22 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2232012

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
freeflykami - 2009-06-21 3:23 PM Wohooo! I'm back from my first tri! I beat my gaol of 2 hrs. and placed in the top half overall! So I am very happy! 
Except for the deer tick I picked up on the trail run, yuck!
Race report to come when they post all the results (they only had overall and the run at the venue

Hurray Kami!  Way to go.  You overcame all those race-week issues.
2009-06-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I had a rough weekend.  Too many changes in my life at once, I think.  It all caught up to me.  I was very emotional.  I was feeling defeated and probably would have given up on my tri next week if I hadn't already paid for it. 

We've had three straight weeks of rain, too, which isn't helping my mood.  The sun is supposed to come out and it's supposed to get warm for the weekend.  I hope so, although I'm a bit nervous about going from 60* to 85* in one week.  I haven't had the opportunity to train much in the warm weather.

I did get a couple more runs in.  Another 4.75 miles towards my goal.
2009-06-22 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2233583

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2009-06-22 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Chris - I voted

Debbie - Sorry you had a bad weekend - glad you're still going to the tri

2009-06-22 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Did my 1st open water swim today.  Went to the lake where the triathlon will be.  Nice beach with 2 lifeguards.  It's a 1/2 hr away but that's how far I drive to practice at the Y.  I introduced myself to the lifeguard and told him I had just learned to swim this winter and this was my 1st time in the lake.  I told him I was pretty sure he wouldn't have to rescue me but it would be nice if he kept an eye on me.  I didn't tell him I was training for a tri because I was a little embarrased that I'm so slow.  It went ok but was definately harder than the pool - I think because I was nervous.  I did not like staring down at weeds.

My post-race meal in August:

Either 1.  rib-eye with augratins and salad with french and blue cheese and good bread or
           2.  Cheeseburger/fries
I'll have desssert at home after dinner.  I'll make one of those mix chocolate cakes where you add choc chips, sour cream, and butter so it's really rich and then make a chocolate ganache for the top.  I'll take a chunk of that, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, then pecans, hot fudge, and butterscotch topping.  How's that sound.  Then I'll get up at 2am and have some more.

Can you tell I'm obsessing over food.  haha

2009-06-22 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2235652

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Denise - that sounds like an AWESOME post race meal!!!  I have never known anyone who did French and Blue Cheese together....except my father and ME!   WOW!   I wasn't worrying about the meal but rather thinking Margarita or something like that!  LOL

Also, I found that open water swimming was significantly different than pool swimming!   I would like to master it sometime but it won't be this time!

Long day for me today helping ds move cattle....lots of sunshine!  Feeling a little toasty tonight!    Will get in a swim tomorrow morning and one last chiropractor tweak...then a short, easy run on Wed...then days of rest until SUNDAY!!! 

Time for supper....

2009-06-22 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2235624

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2009-06-22 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2234243

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2009-06-22 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2235652

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-06-22 9:31 PM 
I'll have desssert at home after dinner.  I'll make one of those mix chocolate cakes where you add choc chips, sour cream, and butter so it's really rich and then make a chocolate ganache for the top.  I'll take a chunk of that, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, then pecans, hot fudge, and butterscotch topping.  How's that sound.  Then I'll get up at 2am and have some more.

Can you tell I'm obsessing over food.  haha


MMMM, that sounds great! you would fit in with my family well!
I had a thunder from down under at outback after mine, that was good!

SO I am wondering, now that I have finished my first tri, what do I do for a training plan for my next tri in 5 weeks?? 
2009-06-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2235844

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
freeflykami - 2009-06-22 9:47 PM 
I had a thunder from down under at outback after mine, that was good!


We don't have an Outback around here, so I had to look it up:
Chocolate Thunder From Down Under®
An extra generous pecan brownie is crowned with rich vanilla ice cream, drizzled with our classic warm chocolate sauce and finished with chocolate shavings and whipped cream. A chocolate lover’s dream.

That would definately work for me.
2009-06-23 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Crazy Schnikies!  I don't check in for a couple days and ya'll are just passing by.  I started a new job the last few days, which means I've gone from working like 5 hours a week (yes, you read that right.  I know, poor me) to 36 hours a week and I seriously have not had time to stop.  I did manage to get in SOME training yesterday - finally.  It's hard having to adapt, but I think once I do, more free time will start to exist again.

I'm so afraid of not getting to work on time, that I've been getting up an extra hour early just to be sure.  Oh, and, I only live 3 blocks from work.  So, if I have to be in at 8, I'm getting up at 5:30 and going to bed at 10.

I'll be checking out race reports (YAY!!!!!) in the next couple of days as well as training logs.  Your all's commitment and excitement about this sport helps keep my passion about the sport anew.  Thank you.

Onward and upward!

- Lora
2009-06-24 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2068936

On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

I think I've shaken the blahs from last weekend, and now I'm thinking about Saturday.  I'm getting nervous.  Due to money constraints, I didn't get to buy anything for this race.  I don't have a tri suit, so it's going to be bathing suit and shorts for me.  And I'll be riding my hybrid, because I couldn't swing a road bike.  I do have a wetsuit I use for kayaking.  It's not the easiest to swim in, but the water temps are only 65*F so I don't think I can get away without one.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should wear if I don't have a tri suit?  I have bike shorts, but I don't think I'll be comfortable running in them.  I was going to just put running shorts over my bathing suit.  It's supposed to be in the mid-80s.

I have to pack, so I guess I'd better figure out what to bring!

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