BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-06-18 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4266115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-17 7:55 PM

I had a great father's day: breakfast in bed, Nascar, a great ride, wings, and ice cream...

The ride was hard - I made it that way so when I arrived at my favorite wings place (which is more than 30 miles away by car) I could eat guilt free.  My longest ride so far this year has been 40.  So, to make it interesting, I took a detour to one of the toughest mountains in the area.  Combined the ride had 3000 feet of elevation which I was excited about since I have an incredibly hilly century scheduled for August.  Two problems cropped up on the ride - 1) My new bike shoes hurt.  Really hurt.  As I rode - I felt like I do when I'm getting out of bed with PF - hurt like a bugger.  (Has any one else experienced this - pain on the outside of the foot?  2) The battery on my iphone didn't have enough charge to make it through the entire ride - so I didn't leave it on - instead I was trying to remember all the turns.  Well, I got lost and added miles and elevation.  By the time I made it to the mountain - I was only able to get up 2/3's of it.  I litterally couldn't go any more.  I tried three times but I would only make it 100 yards more and then have to stop.  With 15 miles to go to reach the restaurant and my wife calling to let me know that the kids were hungry - it was time to turn around.  But I will be back!!!

Today was a good wake up call.  I need to add a 4th and maybe even a 5th day or riding if I'm gonna make that ride in August happen.  I just need to finish with my OLY which is in 3 weeks. 

By the way - the wings and ice cream were delicious.  And the best part - I had burned so many calories that I actually finished with negative calories.

Nice job on the ride! What program do you use on your phone?

2012-06-18 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Weekend report:Well it was an excessive week in general. Birthday last Wednesday. Got a new long sleeve cycling shirt, a cycling vest, water bottle and ear plugs(i get dizzy after OWS, apparently this will help) Also got a gift card for MEC(similar to REI)

Saturday went for a long cold bike ride. About a mile from home wasn't paying attention as I came to a set of lights I didn't unclip fast enough and down I went...hurt pride only....

Went to my rugby clubs 40th anniversary. Ended up playing rugby for the first time in about 13 years...a wee bit stiff and sore. Also drank waaay too many beers..ouch! Sunday was a write off. Today, going to try get a swim and a bike in...

2012-06-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4266501

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-18 6:50 AM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-17 2:36 PM I hope you MRI results don't show anything too bad David and you can get back running soon. Glad you had a good time trial Cynthia!I did my first race today and am really happy with how I did! My swim could have been a tad faster, but those middle aged moms are aggressive! I need to get better at the pack thing. My bike is still my weakest, but not by much. The work is paying off. I averaged 18.5 which I was really happy with. Then I ran one of my top 5ks ever. I'm not fast, but was under a 9 min/ mike pace which I'm really happy with. It was a lot of work for me and I did dry heave in the parking lot for quite a while after. My husband was so proud. He gets really excited when I push it hard enough to need a bucket. All in all it was a great day. I'm wondering how I'll feel in the morning and not sure what recovery will feel like. I need to get back to work for my Xterra though :-)

Great job on your race, sounds like you were flying out there! Race report?? Inquiring minds want to know! Smile

X2Sounds like a great race! Congrats!
2012-06-18 9:34 AM
in reply to: #4266503

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-18 6:52 AM

SportzVision - 2012-06-17 12:35 PM Did me 1000 yd time trial. To me just knowing I was timing myself I felt the same slight panic I do in a race. I would like to take 20 seconds off my time. Feeling pretty good lately and hope to keep up my trainging while in philadelphia this week.

Good to see you back on the board and keeping the training up!

X2. Nice TT!
2012-06-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4266535

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-18 7:14 AM

Weekend report:Well it was an excessive week in general. Birthday last Wednesday. Got a new long sleeve cycling shirt, a cycling vest, water bottle and ear plugs(i get dizzy after OWS, apparently this will help) Also got a gift card for MEC(similar to REI)

Saturday went for a long cold bike ride. About a mile from home wasn't paying attention as I came to a set of lights I didn't unclip fast enough and down I went...hurt pride only....

Went to my rugby clubs 40th anniversary. Ended up playing rugby for the first time in about 13 years...a wee bit stiff and sore. Also drank waaay too many beers..ouch! Sunday was a write off. Today, going to try get a swim and a bike in...

Hope you gt the workouts in! MEC is a danger zone for me. Haha.
2012-06-18 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4266174

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-17 9:42 PM

I got to the lake today at 6:00.  It was 61 deg. outside, and ran into a fisherman who told me the water was 56 deg.  He thought I was going scuba diving! 

I was able to actually swim 50 yds or so, and keep my face in the water for about 20 seconds at a time, before I got out dissorientated, a little.  It was a huge confidence builder as last week I couldn't even keep face in water, It had to have been 3-5 degrees colder.

I am going to go to another smaller lake next week, and actually do this ows thing for real this week.  It's the same lake my HIM is on, and I plan on biking much of the course prior to the August event.

Today, I finished up with a 32 mile ride and a 6 mile brick.  Getting my speed up on the bike, and managed a 7:33/mi pace after the bike.

I checked the results of race in prior years, and my 6 hour goal would put me at the bottom third of the field.  I'm just not OK with this.  Time to go back to work I guess.Smile

Maybe if we were canadian - we could handle the cold water a little easier. We could down a molsen before diving in - 

As for your worries about finishing in the bottom 3rd - I love your spirit but you and I both know that's not gonna happen.  If you put the same level of effort and passion into improving your HIM time as you did into your marathon training - you will finish in the top half guaranteed.

2012-06-18 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4266535

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-18 8:14 AM

Weekend report:Well it was an excessive week in general. Birthday last Wednesday. Got a new long sleeve cycling shirt, a cycling vest, water bottle and ear plugs(i get dizzy after OWS, apparently this will help) Also got a gift card for MEC(similar to REI)

Saturday went for a long cold bike ride. About a mile from home wasn't paying attention as I came to a set of lights I didn't unclip fast enough and down I went...hurt pride only....

Went to my rugby clubs 40th anniversary. Ended up playing rugby for the first time in about 13 years...a wee bit stiff and sore. Also drank waaay too many beers..ouch! Sunday was a write off. Today, going to try get a swim and a bike in...

The program I use to track my rides is map my ride.  There are more powerful apps out there - but none have the run/swim/bike functionality that I need.

Sounds like you had a pretty good week end with the exception of dumping on your bike.  Hopefully you had a few good scabs to show to your rugby buddies... Good luck on making that swim and ride happen!

2012-06-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Finally!  This morning I hopped on the scale and weighed in at 183 LBS.  It took me 31 weeks to drop 69 pounds but I am now no longer overweight.  Plus, my wife continues to get thinner and we've dropped 115 combined!!! 

Next Goal - I wanna start making the transition to normal eating so I want to scale back to losing 1 1/2 pounds a week for the next four weeks with the goal of weighing in at 178 by July 15.

A HUGE THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!  I'm not sure I would have pulled it off without all the support I have gotten from you and the other people on this site.  

2012-06-18 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4267256

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 11:56 AM

Finally!  This morning I hopped on the scale and weighed in at 183 LBS.  It took me 31 weeks to drop 69 pounds but I am now no longer overweight.  Plus, my wife continues to get thinner and we've dropped 115 combined!!! 

Next Goal - I wanna start making the transition to normal eating so I want to scale back to losing 1 1/2 pounds a week for the next four weeks with the goal of weighing in at 178 by July 15.

A HUGE THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!  I'm not sure I would have pulled it off without all the support I have gotten from you and the other people on this site.  

Awesome! That's a huge accomplishment! Way to go.
2012-06-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4267256

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 10:56 PM

Finally!  This morning I hopped on the scale and weighed in at 183 LBS.  It took me 31 weeks to drop 69 pounds but I am now no longer overweight.  Plus, my wife continues to get thinner and we've dropped 115 combined!!! 

Next Goal - I wanna start making the transition to normal eating so I want to scale back to losing 1 1/2 pounds a week for the next four weeks with the goal of weighing in at 178 by July 15.

A HUGE THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!  I'm not sure I would have pulled it off without all the support I have gotten from you and the other people on this site.  

Nice.  Hey, your gonna pass me up here in a few weeks!  That's an amazing accomplishment on your and your wifes weight loss, I'm amazed.  Great job.

2012-06-18 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4267219

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 10:40 PM
kevinbe - 2012-06-17 9:42 PM

I got to the lake today at 6:00.  It was 61 deg. outside, and ran into a fisherman who told me the water was 56 deg.  He thought I was going scuba diving! 

I was able to actually swim 50 yds or so, and keep my face in the water for about 20 seconds at a time, before I got out dissorientated, a little.  It was a huge confidence builder as last week I couldn't even keep face in water, It had to have been 3-5 degrees colder.

I am going to go to another smaller lake next week, and actually do this ows thing for real this week.  It's the same lake my HIM is on, and I plan on biking much of the course prior to the August event.

Today, I finished up with a 32 mile ride and a 6 mile brick.  Getting my speed up on the bike, and managed a 7:33/mi pace after the bike.

I checked the results of race in prior years, and my 6 hour goal would put me at the bottom third of the field.  I'm just not OK with this.  Time to go back to work I guess.Smile

Maybe if we were canadian - we could handle the cold water a little easier. We could down a molsen before diving in - 

As for your worries about finishing in the bottom 3rd - I love your spirit but you and I both know that's not gonna happen.  If you put the same level of effort and passion into improving your HIM time as you did into your marathon training - you will finish in the top half guaranteed.

I really feel like this is a right of passage into adulthood up there, pounding a molsen, then jumping into sub artic waters for tri swims.Smile

2012-06-18 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4267863

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
OK-  I've been banking on beefing up my hand me down bike all season long with more gears, shifters on the aero bars, and clip on pedals, possibly a carbon fiber front fork.  So this was all before I found out what I actually had been handed down.  I thought I'd had a mid 90's- early early 00' Cannondale aluminum framed bike.  Come to find out, my bike was mad in the mid to late 80's with "vintage" welds and a steel front fork.  After 40 min. of discussion with the lbs bike guy, I came to terms with the fact that my very "old" road bike is what it is, and will be nothing else.  So, I'm still stuck with the same 500-1000$ budget, and am now just hoping to find that diamond in the rough on bt, or craigslist, or ebay in my size.  Until then, I'll continue logging miles and racing on my 12 speed.
2012-06-18 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4267878

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-18 3:33 PMOK-  I've been banking on beefing up my hand me down bike all season long with more gears, shifters on the aero bars, and clip on pedals, possibly a carbon fiber front fork.  So this was all before I found out what I actually had been handed down.  I thought I'd had a mid 90's- early early 00' Cannondale aluminum framed bike.  Come to find out, my bike was mad in the mid to late 80's with "vintage" welds and a steel front fork.  After 40 min. of discussion with the lbs bike guy, I came to terms with the fact that my very "old" road bike is what it is, and will be nothing else.  So, I'm still stuck with the same 500-1000$ budget, and am now just hoping to find that diamond in the rough on bt, or craigslist, or ebay in my size.  Until then, I'll continue logging miles and racing on my 12 speed.
I hope you can find a good deal! I actually got mine online on clearance and found a coupon code that took it from around 2k to just over $600. So you can find deals. There were some pretty sexy tri bikes that passed me in the race yesterday. Tri bikes are very cool looking!
2012-06-18 8:20 PM
in reply to: #4267878

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

kevinbe - 2012-06-18 4:33 PM OK-  I've been banking on beefing up my hand me down bike all season long with more gears, shifters on the aero bars, and clip on pedals, possibly a carbon fiber front fork.  So this was all before I found out what I actually had been handed down.  I thought I'd had a mid 90's- early early 00' Cannondale aluminum framed bike.  Come to find out, my bike was mad in the mid to late 80's with "vintage" welds and a steel front fork.  After 40 min. of discussion with the lbs bike guy, I came to terms with the fact that my very "old" road bike is what it is, and will be nothing else.  So, I'm still stuck with the same 500-1000$ budget, and am now just hoping to find that diamond in the rough on bt, or craigslist, or ebay in my size.  Until then, I'll continue logging miles and racing on my 12 speed.

Oh man - does that blow!  Sorry to hear that your riding the equivent of a YugoLaughing

The upside is that there are bikes to be had on craigs list (the advantage there is that while there is less volume you can go check the bikes out before you buys them) or EBAY.  Plus, there are places to buy where you can get a decent deal.  The good think is that you can get a lot of bike for $1000 bucks - especially if it is used. If you want to go new - I might check out REI where the advantage is you get 10% back at the end of the year if you are a member.  Good luck and sorry you are going through this crap!

2012-06-18 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Evening - I want to ask a question of you all:  Yesterday, on my long ride, I wore bike shoes for the first time. A pair of decent middle of the line Specialized bike shoes... And my feet hurt so bad I could hardly walk when I got off the bike. Plus, each time I pedaled, I felt the same type of pain on the outside of my right foot that felt just like PF.  Not good.  Have you ever felt this and do you think it will do away the more I ride?  Are there any exercises I can do to make it better?
2012-06-18 10:06 PM
in reply to: #4267863

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-18 3:27 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 10:40 PM
kevinbe - 2012-06-17 9:42 PM

I got to the lake today at 6:00.  It was 61 deg. outside, and ran into a fisherman who told me the water was 56 deg.  He thought I was going scuba diving! 

I was able to actually swim 50 yds or so, and keep my face in the water for about 20 seconds at a time, before I got out dissorientated, a little.  It was a huge confidence builder as last week I couldn't even keep face in water, It had to have been 3-5 degrees colder.

I am going to go to another smaller lake next week, and actually do this ows thing for real this week.  It's the same lake my HIM is on, and I plan on biking much of the course prior to the August event.

Today, I finished up with a 32 mile ride and a 6 mile brick.  Getting my speed up on the bike, and managed a 7:33/mi pace after the bike.

I checked the results of race in prior years, and my 6 hour goal would put me at the bottom third of the field.  I'm just not OK with this.  Time to go back to work I guess.Smile

Maybe if we were canadian - we could handle the cold water a little easier. We could down a molsen before diving in - 

As for your worries about finishing in the bottom 3rd - I love your spirit but you and I both know that's not gonna happen.  If you put the same level of effort and passion into improving your HIM time as you did into your marathon training - you will finish in the top half guaranteed.

I really feel like this is a right of passage into adulthood up there, pounding a molsen, then jumping into sub artic waters for tri swims.Smile

Is it bad that I "pounded a molsen" on Sat after the trail race............................................


2012-06-18 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4268203

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 7:20 PM

kevinbe - 2012-06-18 4:33 PM OK-  I've been banking on beefing up my hand me down bike all season long with more gears, shifters on the aero bars, and clip on pedals, possibly a carbon fiber front fork.  So this was all before I found out what I actually had been handed down.  I thought I'd had a mid 90's- early early 00' Cannondale aluminum framed bike.  Come to find out, my bike was mad in the mid to late 80's with "vintage" welds and a steel front fork.  After 40 min. of discussion with the lbs bike guy, I came to terms with the fact that my very "old" road bike is what it is, and will be nothing else.  So, I'm still stuck with the same 500-1000$ budget, and am now just hoping to find that diamond in the rough on bt, or craigslist, or ebay in my size.  Until then, I'll continue logging miles and racing on my 12 speed.

Oh man - does that blow!  Sorry to hear that your riding the equivent of a YugoLaughing

The upside is that there are bikes to be had on craigs list (the advantage there is that while there is less volume you can go check the bikes out before you buys them) or EBAY.  Plus, there are places to buy where you can get a decent deal.  The good think is that you can get a lot of bike for $1000 bucks - especially if it is used. If you want to go new - I might check out REI where the advantage is you get 10% back at the end of the year if you are a member.  Good luck and sorry you are going through this crap!

Keep your eyes peeled! Depending on the size you are looking for you can get pretty lucky. I am a 51cm...not so lucky. I ended up just paying the $$$ for a bike because nothing I was seeing was in my size. I see tons of 54-58cm hanging around the classifieds. SO hope you will get lucky and find something!

2012-06-18 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4268204

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Qua17 - 2012-06-18 7:22 PM Evening - I want to ask a question of you all:  Yesterday, on my long ride, I wore bike shoes for the first time. A pair of decent middle of the line Specialized bike shoes... And my feet hurt so bad I could hardly walk when I got off the bike. Plus, each time I pedaled, I felt the same type of pain on the outside of my right foot that felt just like PF.  Not good.  Have you ever felt this and do you think it will do away the more I ride?  Are there any exercises I can do to make it better?

I've never felt anything like that. The only thing I can think is maybe the shoes are too tight and are causing compression? Just pain or any numbness in the foot as well? Specialized tend to run a bit narrow compared to other brands IME. When I first got my Specialized tri shoes I found them snug but over a few wears they stretched out a little bit and now I don't have any issues. 

Try it out for a few more rides and see what happens. 

2012-06-18 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

2012-06-19 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4268393

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-18 10:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

IM France - how cool is that?  Vous êtes un Ironman.  It's gonna be hot here this week too!

2012-06-19 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4268393

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

2012-06-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4268393

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-19 8:15 AM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you next year with your HIM an IM.  When does the training program begin for that?  Do you follow a specific program, or one you've developed over the years?  How many IM's is this for you now?

2012-06-19 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Had one of those days in training today that you just wish could happen every day where everything just clicked. 

Intermediate brick workout today.  I beat my bike time by 5:00 on a 22 mi. ride, and smashed my 4 mile run coming off of the bike by like 3 min. from the last time I ran it as a stand alone.  I think I'm still a little chapped about the bike thing, and needed to take it out on the workout.

I did see about 20 or so bikes on craigslist though, and that's a good sign.  I'll need to wait till Aug/Sept for funds to come in, and then I'm hoping to pick up a good deal on a TT or road bike.  I like my Road bike so much now that I may just want to p/u a more modern version of what I've got.  Who has made the switch from roadie to TT, and what are your  thoughts on this? 

 I currently have a road bike that I'm totally comfortable on in the aero position w/ clip on aero bars.  My initial thoughts are to look for a road bike w/ 18-27 gears (I currently have 12) w/ better modern alluminum frame and carbon fork.  (I currently have heavy alluminum frame and steal fork). 

2012-06-19 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4268797

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-19 7:20 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

No just R&R I suppose. Maybe we will do a run (in early am), I don't know. Haha. 

2012-06-19 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4269565

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-19 11:41 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-19 8:15 AM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you next year with your HIM an IM.  When does the training program begin for that?  Do you follow a specific program, or one you've developed over the years?  How many IM's is this for you now?

Will be second HIM and second IM. Havent really decided what I will doing RE: plan. I used a BT plan for the first HIM I did and it worked out fairly well. Last year for the IM, I kind of used a combination of a plan and my own devices. I'll have to check in with Mike Ricci I suppose to see what he suggests. Probably won't officially start until about November. Until then I have to get my base in order since the past 11 months have left something to be desired. 

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