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2013-01-04 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Leather, the app I downloaded was the C25K trainer app. Not sure how your phone carrier is set up, but mine just tacked the $1.99 onto my monthly bill. I like it though because you can also set up a music playlist through the app. Just wish it "shuffled" a little better.

Finished my run test today...and I am feeling like hot garbage. The test included 3x5min intervals at increasing speeds to get the HR up, followed by 3 minutes of "sprinting" on an incline. Since the longest I've ran continuously is 5 minutes, my "sprint" was a 8min/mile pace because I don't think I could have maintained in higher pace for 3 minutes on an incline after having already run for 15 min. I felt it was fairly successful because I didn't need to use the waste basket that I placed next to my treadmill. Afterwards I got to thinking, that was the longest I have ran in over 14 years since I was in high school playing sports.

2013-01-04 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

kent, welcome back.  I think running outside in PA is out of the question, I can't imagine even trying it where you are!

DBG congrats on the successful test.  Now, if we look back in time, the last time I actually RAN for 15 minutes straight would be, umm, 1982.  Even when I was on the riot team at the prison I did a walk/run.

2013-01-04 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Swim - 900 yds - 19m 40s

First full week of swimming, made all three days.  My pattern has been 2x25, 2x50, 2x100, 1x200, 2x100, 2x50, 2x25.

Next week I'm going to step up to 1100 yds and go 3x50, 3x100, 1x200, 3x100,3x50.

Now if I can just hit my C25k tomorrow I'll  have a full week and be completely satisfied.  At least, until I get my debit card and can get my stuff to start TrainerRoad.

2013-01-06 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Treadmill - C25k - W1D2

Really felt great!  Started thinking halfway through that maybe I could go for 45s or even 60s of jogging each interval.  Decided to adhere to the program as written and not push it.  There will be time enough later to push.

Current speeds are 3.5 for the walk and 5.0 for the run.  By the end of this I want my runs to be at 6.0, because my goal is to run 10 min miles at my Apr 7th sprint.

91 days to White Lake.

2013-01-07 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Yeah, if you haven't been running much in a while, I would just stick to the plan and not kill your joints just yet, there is plenty of time for that in the very near future. Not sure how your plan is, but the app had me jump from 9 minutes of running to 16 in one week. I had always read no more than 10% increase in one week. I had a hard time finishing the first two workouts that week, but ended up slowing the speed down to something more manageable (6.5 mph), and keeping my hr lower. Didn't have any trouble maintaining that for 20 min this weekend. The good news is my A race is in August, so I have plenty of time to work on speed and endurance.

I am officially off of the C25K program now and onto my training plan set up by the coach. The first week looks to be a bit easier (at least the run portion) than the c25k plan for this week, but it will include some shorter but faster sets, and also some deep water running. I will trust in the plan though. Looking forward to this. Today is a "rest" day and only have some light weight lifting to do.
2013-01-07 4:47 PM
in reply to: #4562745

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-04 5:58 PM

kent, welcome back.  I think running outside in PA is out of the question, I can't imagine even trying it where you are!

DBG congrats on the successful test.  Now, if we look back in time, the last time I actually RAN for 15 minutes straight would be, umm, 1982.  Even when I was on the riot team at the prison I did a walk/run.

some people do, but I'm definitely not one of them. Had a fairly successful weekend:

-got a swim in for the first time in a while, felt terrible but it was good getting back in the water

-20mins on the trainer, hands and bottom are currently the limiting factor and will definitely be focused on getting lots of rides in to get used to it... (next ride scheduled for tonight, I will let you know tomorrow how it goes)!

2013-01-07 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
DBG, I am going to jump my program just a little bit tomorrow.  I'm going to up the total time 35 mins and slip in two more 30 sec jogs.  I need the extra time to hit my 50 point Activity Point goal for Weight Watchers.
2013-01-07 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Swim - 1200 yards - 28m 30s

BIG jump from 900 yards last week to 1200 yards tonight.  I added distance to both the warm-up/cool-down and the main interval.

3x50, 3x100, 1x300, 3x100, 3x50 - only resting to the next 12 or 6, so no more than a 25 sec rest.

I think on Thu I will step-up to 4x50, which will bring my wu/cd to 500 yards each

2013-01-08 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I feel like the proverbial 10 lbs of garbage in a 5 lb bag.  Between the sinuses, the headache, and the knee pain I just could not face a treadmill workout.  WIMP!!
2013-01-09 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Better to rest than to force the issue. Remember, this is supposed to be fun too. I've been doing some deep water running to keep the wear and tear down on my knees and back. I think it helps a lot. Would I substitute it for all run workouts? No. But I do one of my weekly run workouts in the pool. If you have the chance, give it a try, just remember to focus on form (same as actual running).

Had my first swim lessons last night. Drills, drills, drills. It was good though. Good for confidence too. When we got into swimming actual sets, I was placed in the lane with the more advanced swimmers, and after the first two 50s I became the lane leader because I could maintain my speed for the entire sets, whereas the gal that was faster, and therefore lane leader, faded after the first set. after the class, the teacher who is also my tri coach stuck around and worked on flip turns with me. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll look like I know what I'm doing in the pool. Not that flip turns are really going to help m swimming abilities, but maybe the popular kids will like me now
2013-01-09 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4569665

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Nice to hear that the swimming lesson went well DB and I'll second your don't get injured and take care of the body advice.

Monday did 22 minutes on the trainer, slowly working my way up. LBS did a basic fit, but my hands seem to get sore very quickly, I'm not sure if this is something I just need to HTFU with or there is a problem with fit that is putting too much pressure on my hands.

Tuesday went to the pool and get a good swim in, I'm still massively out of swim shape, but it felt better than last time!

Tonight is a rest day (and an unhealthy one too, my dad is in town and we are going out for dinner and then a sporting event, likely to involve a few adult beverages!).  Tomorrow back in the pool. Happy training everyone.

2013-01-11 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I get the same soreness in my hands too. I'm hoping that it is just from not ever having ridden a road bike before and is something that will "break in." I know that when I was commuting on my mtn bike, I had a problem with my hands going numb, but after a couple weeks of riding that went away. Not sure if you have padded gloves, but I hear they help.

Almost through week 1 of the new training plan. Holy crap am I tired,and sore! Still having fun though, and the scale is moving in the right direction, which is a good motivator too. This morning was supposed to be weight training, but it ended up being a light core workout, and then 10 minutes of walking because that was all the energy I had in me. I like the swim lessons, but they are too late at night for this guy. I generally get home in time to go to bed because I have to be up at 4:30 am for the next workout. Therefore I don't get much of a dinner if at all on those nights and wake up feeling a little weak. Maybe that too is something I will get used to.

Have a great weekend everybody!
2013-01-11 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4573803

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

4:30 am, I'm impressed! I get up for work at 5:30 and can't imagine getting up any earlier for workouts, although I may have to learn how to...

Took rest days on Wednesday and Thursday (Wednesday planned, Thursday not). Was on the trainer for 25 minutes today, so that was positive. Hopefully will keep on track this weekend!

2013-01-12 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

0430!!  That's dedicated!

Not me brother. I'm currently getting up at 0545 to get ready for work, to teach school.  I could possibly see my self getting up at 0500 to squeeze in some bike time, but no earlier!

My new debit card finally arrived in the mail.  So the first thing I did this morning was make it official.  I have registered for the White Lake Sprint tri outside of Elizabethtown, NC on April 7th.  So far there are 3 Master Clydesdales registered out of 145 pre-reg participants.  Last years race dres about 220 people.

It will be a chilly swim, since I won't have a wetsuit.  (I refuse to get one until I am under 250)  But the bike and run course are going to be Carolina flat.  It should be a nice start to my season.  Best part is, housing will be free because I have two brothers who live only 90 minutes away.

85 days to White Lake and the start of a new season!

2013-01-12 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Hi all,  been pretty busy with life so I apologize for not posting lately.

I have been getting up at 5am each morning with my husband to swim since that is the only time he has to get there when the pool is not crazy busy.  One thing I hate is to circle swim.  I am really feeling comfortable in the pool - did a straight 1200 yesterday but never got my trainer ride in since I had to get a mailing done for work.   On tap today is just a walk at the Y on the track before my son's basketball game and then hopefully some weight training at home after that. I really need to remember to get my strength training workouts in.  

I am hoping to get out on my bike tomorrow morning and ride the tri course that I race in July since the weather here in NJ looks to be pretty warm but now they are forecasting rain.   Will do a long ride on the trainer if the outside ride does not pan out.  

Have been looking for other races to add to the schedule - just have to bite the bullet and commit to a couple!

Just wanted to share that I have lost 2.5 lbs and 4 inches off my waist just since before Thanksgiving!   I have really struggled with weight loss over the past several years since my body decided that it was not as simple as calories in calories out.   I got a Body Media Link Armband for an early Christmas present (like the one they use on Biggest Loser) and it has really helped me work out caloric needs in conjunction with MyFitnessPal.  Crazy thing I have learned is that I was not eating enough.  Go figure - eat more, lose weight.  Eat less, gain weight. 

2013-01-12 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Forgot to add,  I saw several of you were having hand numbness issues with the bike,  I did too when I started back on the bike but wear bike gloves now and find it is a bit better.  When I had my bike fitting done,  I had a choice of being in a slightly less aggressive position to mitigate some of that pressure on my wrists.   I did have them fit my bike so that the handlebars are slightly higher for that reason.   I have also noticed that as my core strength improves,  I am putting less pressure on my hands to hold me in position on my bike and therefore less pressure on my hands.

Edited by Fechter99 2013-01-12 9:29 AM

2013-01-12 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Fech, Congrats on the weight/waist loss. That's a big accomplishment, especially over the holidays. Keep up the good work! How does the body bug compare to myfitnesspal as far as predicting calories burned and caloric need? I've often wondered how close myfitnesspal is to reality.

Believe me, if I didn't have to wake up at 4:30am, I wouldn't. Unfortunately that's just how my schedule has to work for now. Gym time from 5-6am, then again from 12:30-2, off of work at 4 to resume my fatherly duties while the Mrs. goes to the gym. After a while it isn't so hard to get up that early, but it does make it hard to sleep in on the weekends. I hate having to sit around on Saturday and Sunday waiting for the gym to open. A few more months and that won't be an issue though as it will be warm enough to go outside.

Had a good easy run this morning, 45 minutes of interval training on the treadmill. Unfortunately the app I downloaded for listening to audio books kept crashing my phone, so Robinson Crusoe will have to wait (love that the classics are free) until I have time to finish reading it. I was really enjoying it while it was working though. I like listening to music well enough, but it doesn't help capture my attention like audio books or tv, and I find myself continually watching the clock and makes workouts drag on forever. What does everybody else do to pass the time/miles on the treadmill or trainer?

Have a good weekend everybody, keep up the good work!
2013-01-12 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4575102

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-12 1:07 PM Fech, Congrats on the weight/waist loss. That's a big accomplishment, especially over the holidays. Keep up the good work! How does the body bug compare to myfitnesspal as far as predicting calories burned and caloric need? I've often wondered how close myfitnesspal is to reality.


thanks! Actually they are pretty close when MFP is set up correctly for activity level.  I was not really able to do that before knowing exactly how many calories each day I was really burning, which is what the armband was able to tell me.  

The biggest part for me was that I have since learned to eat more.  I had religiously stuck to the 1540 calories MFP allocated to me and did not always eat my exercise calories which meant I was only eating a net of under 1000 calories each day.  Putting my body into starvation mode.  If you use MFP,  make sure you eat your net calories, not the number of calories in your goal.  MFP takes into account the caloric deficit already.  It has been a steep learning curve for me and enlightening as well.   If anyone else feels like they are doing everything right and just can't lose weight,  I would be more than happy to share in more detail what I have since learned and my experiences to get where I am now.

If anyone wants to friend me on myfitnesspal, my username on there is fechter99 as well.



2013-01-12 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4306637

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Congratulations on the weight loss! I've never tried counting calories before, but I think I probably should if I want to lose weight...

Had a pretty good swim today, it was insanely busy at the pool though 5+ per lane...

2013-01-13 4:34 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Put my bicycle on the new trainer and pedaled away while watching the football game.  Original plan was to pedal at my usual cadence on the middle ring during the game and then jump up to the big ring at the same cadence for all commercials throughout the first half.  YEAH, RIGHT!

It was the first riding I've done since the first week of December.  I only managed 20 minutes, but BOY was I sweating.  Within the first five minutes my right hip was complaining.  By ten minutes the hip had quieted, only to be replaced by the knees fatiguing.  By the end of 20 it started to feel like it used to, a twisted kind of pleasurable "pain".  I'm going to rest the legs tomorrow, and Tuesday is my scheduled treadmill day.  I'm thinking that I'm going to get up at 0500 Wednesday morning and get a ride in before school.

I had been waiting to be able to afford some gizmos so I could read my cadence, speed, distance, etc on the tv while I watched a movie or something.  I don't have time to wait for that now.  Have to train for White Lake in 84 days.
2013-01-14 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I too got my bike up on the trainer yesterday. For not having been in the saddle much for the last few months, it went well. Plus, I finally got to spend some time on the new bike. I love it! Can't wait to get it out on the road! Also need to get a speed/cadence computer.

I thought today was a rest day, but this week's training plan calls for a swim and weight training today. Weight training complete, followed by a mental excercise of changing a flat tire at 10 degrees F and in the snow (it must be Monday), swim at lunch, stiff drink at 5.

Let's start this week strong!

2013-01-14 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4577365

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-14 11:14 AM I too got my bike up on the trainer yesterday. For not having been in the saddle much for the last few months, it went well. Plus, I finally got to spend some time on the new bike. I love it! Can't wait to get it out on the road! Also need to get a speed/cadence computer.

I thought today was a rest day, but this week's training plan calls for a swim and weight training today. Weight training complete, followed by a mental excercise of changing a flat tire at 10 degrees F and in the snow (it must be Monday), swim at lunch, stiff drink at 5.

Let's start this week strong!

I like your style! Had another solid swim on Sunday, apparently one of the other pools is the area is closed and that's why its so busy right now. Makes me look forward to moving even more!

Trainer ride planned tonight, I wish I could set it up in front of the tv, but with the hardwood apparently the vibrations cause the ceiling to shake downstairs, which is kind of odd because the old stationary bike I was using before is 10x as loud but wasn't an issue with that. So I now set it up in kitchen which has different flooring, bring in the laptop and watch old tv episodes. Not ideal, but definitely beats trying to bike outside right now.

2013-01-14 5:35 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Had to laugh that you guys were putting your bikes onto the trainer this weekend, meanwhile i took advantage of some moderate weather here in NJ yesterday and took my bike off the trainer and out on the road. My husband and I rode a loop around the triathlon course I will de riding in July. We did close to 15 miles and it felt good to go that far this early in the season. The race is two loops. I have some more training to do in orde to make the 26 miles but don't doubt I can do it. Glad I was spending time on my trainer or I would never had made it as far as i did. I did have some gearing issues with my bike and have to get it over for service before heading out on the road again. Then I walked for two miles while Mike did a easy run. Today I am tired and sore,Was supposed to swim this morning but we just could not get up and out at 5am this morning. Bagged my planned workout altogether and just took yoga instead. Still really tired so probably a good thing I took a rest day.
2013-01-14 5:35 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Had to laugh that you guys were putting your bikes onto the trainer this weekend, meanwhile i took advantage of some moderate weather here in NJ yesterday and took my bike off the trainer and out on the road. My husband and I rode a loop around the triathlon course I will be riding in July. We did close to 15 miles and it felt good to go that far this early in the season. The race is two loops. I have some more training to do in order to make the 26 miles but don't doubt I can do it. Glad I was spending time on my trainer or I would never had made it as far as i did. I did have some gearing issues with my bike and have to get it over for service before heading out on the road again. Then I walked for two miles while Mike did a easy run. Today I am tired and sore,Was supposed to swim this morning but we just could not get up and out at 5am this morning. Bagged my planned workout altogether and just took yoga instead. Still really tired so probably a good thing I took a rest day.

Edited by Fechter99 2013-01-14 5:36 PM
2013-01-14 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Fechter, no fair rubbing it in!  I SO wanted to take my bike out on the road this weekend.  Our temps were in the upper 40's.  Unfortunately, with so much snow cover the ambient favored fog.  And we had a TON of it.  I honestly didn't dare take my bike out on wet roads in that kind of fog.  Some idiot would have hit me.  Probably just as well.  The bike path for the middle three miles is probably still under snow.
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