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2011-01-24 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED

Met with my swim coach for weekly workout and coaching session today.

We did about 700 meters.

Swim,drill, swim, drill, swim, drill etc. etc.

I loved it - she actually said I am starting to look like a swimmer Smile!

I am suffering on the endurance side but I am making headway - crawl,walk, run - I am still crawling but it is a comfortable crawl LOL. I am sure the cardio endurance will come with more work and better technique.

Still have some issues with head position when breathing but I have my directions and instructions with things to work on for next week.  I also have some stroke techinque drills to pay attention to. Long story short, because left arm is still not yet at 100 % from last summers injury and I am still working on full recovery from radiculopathy resulting from a c5/c6 nerve impingement - my right arm stroke technique is advancing faster then my left. Therefore, I am going to have to work a bit harder on paying attention to technique with my left arm - simple - so I will Smile.

Curling tonight - looking foward to it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Have a great day everyone.


Edited by kcgolf 2011-01-24 2:14 PM

2011-01-24 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3318458

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
tmoran80 - 2011-01-24 2:04 PM

Decided to make an appointment with the Doc for friday for heart and general check up.  on a side note the Bears game did not help my heart at all  this weekend.  It also didn't help my vocal chords as I was pretty much screaming the whole gameYell.

I am kind of glad I can get back to focusing on my long runs on Sundays because yesterday was pretty tough as I ran 13, got home tried to refuel and re-hydrate quickly for few hours before everyone came over only to drink too many beers and eat WAY too much junk food (this buffalo chicken dip some one brought was so addicting).  I woke up and chugged about 20oz. of water in the middle of the night and surprisingly I feel really good today.  I am taking a rest day for my legs since I really pushed them hard with the P90X plyometerics on saturday and long run on Sunday.  Back to the grind tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Glad you are going to see the doctor - I hope it all checks out ok for you. How much of the P90X stuff do you do? FYI - don't feel bad about the beer consumption - I had a couple as well yesterday during the game.
2011-01-24 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
KC that is great news about your swim stroke looking better, not to mention you swam 700!!!! Keep up the hard work.  You may never be able to have perfect technique with an injury like yours. I have had 2 shoulder surgeries and have a very small range of motion in my right (dominate) arm. So I struggle to have any type of form let alone perfect. 

As for the P90x all of it is good.  I tend to do the Plyo/Legs/Shoulders/Core the most. I don't stick the schedule but they are great workouts to do.  The leg workout is great to do then go for a run right after.

Tim,, Good luck at the doc and keep us posted.  That is good you still got your run in before the game, and for the junk food just count it as a "cheat day" I try to have 1 per month when training.  That's when you don't care about eating healthy and just enjoying the day with no regrets.

Erin, thats the attitude you can replace Nike's old slogan "just do it" to "just get after it".... Just keep saying everything I do now will make 7/30/11 even more fun. :-)

2011-01-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3318654

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
kcgolf - 2011-01-24 2:09 PM

Met with my swim coach for weekly workout and coaching session today.

We did about 700 meters.

Swim,drill, swim, drill, swim, drill etc. etc.

I loved it - she actually said I am starting to look like a swimmer Smile!

I am suffering on the endurance side but I am making headway - crawl,walk, run - I am still crawling but it is a comfortable crawl LOL. I am sure the cardio endurance will come with more work and better technique.

Still have some issues with head position when breathing but I have my directions and instructions with things to work on for next week.  I also have some stroke techinque drills to pay attention to. Long story short, because left arm is still not yet at 100 % from last summers injury and I am still working on full recovery from radiculopathy resulting from a c5/c6 nerve impingement - my right arm stroke technique is advancing faster then my left. Therefore, I am going to have to work a bit harder on paying attention to technique with my left arm - simple - so I will Smile.

Curling tonight - looking foward to it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Have a great day everyone.


great job-kc! you seem to be improving every swim workout.  your attitude is awesome.

i have been battling a sinus infection.  trying airborne, nedi pot and rest.  i really hate it because i was starting to feel good about my workouts and dont want to lose anything i have gained.  oh well.
2011-01-24 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Nice to see you back Jason. 

Our group has been hard hit this winter with the flues/colds/sinus.  Hopefully we are getting it all out of our systems now.

I'm the one supposed to be helping you guys out but everyone is motivating me too, today I was going to bike then swim but after getting the Wisconsin course put in my computer I decided to ride part of it.  I kept thinking I have to keep up with Scott on the bike (don't think I can). 

How is everyones schedule look this week for working out?

Also if you get a second shoot a PM or inspire to the group members we have not heard from, I have tried but no response. There logs are blank so I hope they just got busy with life. 

Edited by razorxp 2011-01-24 8:45 PM
2011-01-24 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED

Hey great on the stroke. 

How did you like the IM Moo course?  Do you have the Real Course Vid or MultiRacer.  Real course is more fun.  You'll smoke me on the bike.  I have to get strong enough to be able to take it at 70% for 6 hours so I have enough left for the run. 

Endurance Nation on FB offered a free DVD on 4 Keys to long distance racing.  I got it and watched the first section.  Good stuff.  Their premise is that there is a line on the marathon at 18- 20miles where things get might tough.  So your goal during the swim and the bike is to take it easy enough that you can push that line back as far as you can, maybe even to the finish line so you end strong.  Good way for me to visualize why I can't go into the red on the bike.   I'll pace on the swim, but my tendency is to want to go hard on what I think is my "best" section, the bike.  Problem is that I can cost myself a lot that way.  Their point is that I can push hard on the bike and maybe make up 10 mins, but I can lost that much in the first mile I have to walk on the run. A REALLY good point. 

Anybody on FB who hasn't hooked up with Scott Richardson, Normal Illinois, please do.  

2011-01-24 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
I have the real course where you are watching other riders (like tv).  Had to buy it $90.

I will dig up the story about eating the paste.  When I bike the IM I keep saying "don't eat the paste" &"go slower" when I feel like I am going slow I slow down.  This year I may try a new strategy though and try to hold a higher bike pace, I want to be in around 5:30-45 and still have something left on the marathon.   I think now that I have my nutrition plan dialed in (only took 5IM's to get it right) there is a chance to have a good day.  I know its early for you but have you and your coach planned out a trial nutrition for race day?

I assume your last name is Richardson?? :-)

Edited by razorxp 2011-01-24 9:25 PM
2011-01-25 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3256300

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Good Morning All.

Thanks for the compliments on the swim everyone, I really appreciate it. I will be back in the water again today for sure. My swim coach has emailed a workout she wants me to start doing and is already threatening me with what she is going to put me through next week - LOL.

Have a great day everyone.

2011-01-25 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3319416

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Hey Coach.

Work outs this week - I am probably going to push myself in the pool again which may mean a bit less run / bike - but I will do my best.

I will also look over our team list and PM some again.

2011-01-25 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3319416

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
I am kind of taking your advice and having a down week this week.  I will be doing some easy swims and runs.  Long run this weekend is only 8 miles.  Next week is going to be TOUGH.  I have a shows on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with Saturday being the biggest show of my life at the Navy Pier Grand Ballroom.  I am still trying to figure out how I am going to get my workouts in and a 15 miler in on SundayUndecided

razorxp - 2011-01-24 8:43 PM Nice to see you back Jason. 

Our group has been hard hit this winter with the flues/colds/sinus.  Hopefully we are getting it all out of our systems now.

I'm the one supposed to be helping you guys out but everyone is motivating me too, today I was going to bike then swim but after getting the Wisconsin course put in my computer I decided to ride part of it.  I kept thinking I have to keep up with Scott on the bike (don't think I can). 

How is everyones schedule look this week for working out?

Also if you get a second shoot a PM or inspire to the group members we have not heard from, I have tried but no response. There logs are blank so I hope they just got busy with life. 

2011-01-25 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3319943

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Extreme Veteran
Lockport, IL
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
tmoran80 - 2011-01-25 8:03 AM I am kind of taking your advice and having a down week this week.  I will be doing some easy swims and runs.  Long run this weekend is only 8 miles.  Next week is going to be TOUGH.  I have a shows on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with Saturday being the biggest show of my life at the Navy Pier Grand Ballroom.  I am still trying to figure out how I am going to get my workouts in and a 15 miler in on SundayUndecided

Good call on taking a fallback week with what your schedule looks like.  A recent lesson I've learned is that it's more about the quality of the training and not the quantity (side note- funny about the lessons that stick that we're taught vs. the ones we learn on our own).  I took a 5 week break from swimming when I tweaked my shoulder and it has paid off hugely for me.  Fallback weeks are nice to have.

I'm just spitballing, but if you're going to be in the city over the weekend, why not stay downtown and hit your 15 miler on Sunday there?

2011-01-25 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3319478

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
razorxp - 2011-01-24 9:20 PM I have the real course where you are watching other riders (like tv).  Had to buy it $90.

I will dig up the story about eating the paste.  When I bike the IM I keep saying "don't eat the paste" &"go slower" when I feel like I am going slow I slow down.  This year I may try a new strategy though and try to hold a higher bike pace, I want to be in around 5:30-45 and still have something left on the marathon.   I think now that I have my nutrition plan dialed in (only took 5IM's to get it right) there is a chance to have a good day.  I know its early for you but have you and your coach planned out a trial nutrition for race day?

I assume your last name is Richardson?? :-)

Yes Richardson.  No to the exact nutrition plan yet.   I think I want to check out a couple of things.  Thinking fluid is best for me, Perpetulum and chocolate Gu in water.  250-300 cals an hour.  It worked great on the half IM.  Finished really strong.

I hate carrying pills.  Might try Endurolyte powder this year.   

I'd love to get done that quick on the bike. 

The Real Course Vid is a blast.  I road it 2:30 Sunday and never turned on the stereo.

Swam this morning.  It's my low intensity week.  Cut back intensity and distance.  No runs.  But still intense bike drills Tues, Thurs and longer rides Sat and Sunday.   Will fit in a longer swim Sunday. 

2011-01-25 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3319416

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
razorxp - 2011-01-24 8:43 PM Nice to see you back Jason. 

Our group has been hard hit this winter with the flues/colds/sinus.  Hopefully we are getting it all out of our systems now.

I'm the one supposed to be helping you guys out but everyone is motivating me too, today I was going to bike then swim but after getting the Wisconsin course put in my computer I decided to ride part of it.  I kept thinking I have to keep up with Scott on the bike (don't think I can). 

How is everyones schedule look this week for working out?

Also if you get a second shoot a PM or inspire to the group members we have not heard from, I have tried but no response. There logs are blank so I hope they just got busy with life. 

starting to feel a little better.

my plan thhis week calls for a 4 mile run (i did 3), a 90 min run , a 30 min run and an 8 mile run. 

i have heard here a few times not to increase by more than 10%.  is that total for week or in one workout? 

also- what does HTFU stand for?  i think i know some of the words...
2011-01-25 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3320334

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED

also- what does HTFU stand for? 
along the lines of - Harden The 'Fudge' Up, I believe. ;-)

Edited by cheekymonkeys1 2011-01-25 12:59 PM
2011-01-25 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3320785

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-01-25 12:57 PM

also- what does HTFU stand for? 
along the lines of - Harden The 'Fudge' Up, I believe. ;-)

thanks-  thats what i thought for the last 3 words...i just wasnt sure about the first.
2011-01-25 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Extreme Veteran
Lockport, IL
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Ah, the wonders of stopping at the front desk of the gym and asking them to tell maintenance to pay more attention when vacuuming the pool!  That was a much nicer experience!

Pretty happy with my swim today.  My warm-up and cooldown were a little longer than planned and I didn't do the Swim Golf drill because I chose to focus on form instead.  Threshold and Speed sets were fun.

Going to consciously skip lifting tonight.  Spin class really taxed me last night and I think I would just like to rest.

Discovered a new crack cocaine.... Molten Hot Wings Ruffles!  WOW those are good.  Must eat them in moderation!

Hope everyone had/has a good workout today!

2011-01-25 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
10% per week of total volume!

I love swimming and having hair balls sticking to you googles... :-(

Edited by razorxp 2011-01-25 3:58 PM
2011-01-25 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
yeh- i love swimming and noticing "things" floating about 2 feet under the surface.  i wonder what they are and when will i suck one down.
2011-01-25 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Good Evening Team.

Long day and I am tired Frown - did not get to the pool (very sad about that)Cry

Had to spend $700 on breaks for my VWGOLF (serious downer). I also had a kind of emergency curling practice with my team, we were on a waiting list for a bonspiel this weekend that starts Friday evening but we got in so we decided to throw a few rocks tonight and I just could not get to the pool. I am afraid this will screw up my work out routines this weekend but I will try to figure it out or make it up somewhere I guess.

So, 8:25 PM EST, just got home, day did not go as planned, had to spend way too much on my vehicle and I am heading to the bike for at least 30 minutes - which I am hoping will cheer me up and make me feel like I did something today. LOL.

Will enter it in my training log before I hit the wrapper.

Have a great night everyone.

2011-01-25 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
KC, Ouch damn German cars....

Nothing like a good workout to clear your head.

I swam tonight after a quick warm up was going to do 500 nice and slow but neck/shoulder felt good so I decided to go for 1,000.  At 900 still felt good and times were hanging in there (slow but consistent) so I thought 1500 would be good. Well at 1400 I thought heck lets just do a nice 2k swim.  I am so happy as a few weeks ago I struggled to get 200.  Form is coming back and really working on my pull.  Anyways I'm  pretty happy.

How was Monday for everyone (hopefully better than KC)

2011-01-25 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3321546

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Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
razorxp - 2011-01-25 8:45 PM KC, Ouch damn German cars....

Nothing like a good workout to clear your head.

I swam tonight after a quick warm up was going to do 500 nice and slow but neck/shoulder felt good so I decided to go for 1,000.  At 900 still felt good and times were hanging in there (slow but consistent) so I thought 1500 would be good. Well at 1400 I thought heck lets just do a nice 2k swim.  I am so happy as a few weeks ago I struggled to get 200.  Form is coming back and really working on my pull.  Anyways I'm  pretty happy.

How was Monday for everyone (hopefully better than KC)

Maybe KC and I will someday be able to say "Heck, lets just make it an even 2k swim!".  I hate you swimmers!  Tongue out

2011-01-25 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
I am no swimmer believe me!!!  My 1st year I put a ton of time and worked my tail off, now I do everything I can to skip swim workouts.  The nice thing about swimming is once you get semi proficient you can get through the races pretty easy.  This year I am going to try like heck to get 3 times per week in. So doing a 3k swim today (2k straight) was huge and probably the longest swim I have done in 2 years.

You guys will get there if you put in the time.  Keep at it..
2011-01-25 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED

Hey Coach and Keith.

First - Coach - wow - awesome swim - one of these days I hope I can say I just swam 2 km for fun LOL. Thanks for the sympathy on the car repair - I love my car - I just hate spending the cash. Good thing it only happens once in a blue moon.

Keith - you will get there with the swim - you and I are going to figure it out and one of these days, we are going to log on and say, hey - I just swam 2 km for fun LOL

OK - well off to bed right after I finish this low fat yogurt, mixed berries, protein and 1% milk smoothie I just made - yummy.

Tomorrow will be better and I am looking forward to getting wet!

GOAL - 700 meters - some 50's, some 25's, some drills, some fun!

Have a good night everyone.


Edited by kcgolf 2011-01-25 9:35 PM
2011-01-25 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3256300

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
Swam this morning...400s, 200s and 100s...then did a 70 min hard bike with a mix of VO2 max, high cadence/high power and low cadence/high power.  Lovely experience. Makes me stronger.
2011-01-26 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3321607

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Razorxp Group Is CLOSED
razorxp - 2011-01-25 8:36 PM I am no swimmer believe me!!!  My 1st year I put a ton of time and worked my tail off, now I do everything I can to skip swim workouts.  The nice thing about swimming is once you get semi proficient you can get through the races pretty easy.  This year I am going to try like heck to get 3 times per week in. So doing a 3k swim today (2k straight) was huge and probably the longest swim I have done in 2 years.

You guys will get there if you put in the time.  Keep at it..

I've done up to 2200 this winter, just last Sunday.  Could have been longer, that's all I was supposed to do.  But got out ready for more.  Feeling like the form is working with me.   Not rolling as much.  I watched Total Immersion vids and over did the roll for a while.  I'm glad I did to get the concept done to cut through the water...push through a hole...But my kick went to hello.  Mr. Smooth and a pair of fins and my Masters coach got me on track.  Not so much roool and my kick is much better.  Not for propulsion but to raise my butt up.   Less drag, faster, less work.

I'm right now at 2 years with Masters and feel like it is really coming together. But it doesn't take that long to learn to swim well for short distances.  600 yards much actual race time will you save if you do it perfectly or get by.  Not a lot.  So to the new swimmers, just hang in there, watch Youtube vids, maybe invest in a TI vid, or Mr. Smooth series or better yet join the Masters.  They will get you through the swim.  The big time savings are on the bike and even more on the getting a good run in.  I'm working on the bike hard, the swim is coming along and then I'm hoping to get my run time down more this year and build up so I can run moderately hard for a long time.  I did the half marathon in 2:20 at my half IM on a hot windy day.  I was good with that.   I'd like to be stronger by September so I could hold that for the marathon or do even better.  Feeling good, feeling strong.  Have a good day.  This is a recovery week on the periodic place my coach says so I get weights tonight and two days off in a row Thurs and Friday. 



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