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2012-06-19 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4269605

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-19 11:51 AM

Had one of those days in training today that you just wish could happen every day where everything just clicked. 

Intermediate brick workout today.  I beat my bike time by 5:00 on a 22 mi. ride, and smashed my 4 mile run coming off of the bike by like 3 min. from the last time I ran it as a stand alone.  I think I'm still a little chapped about the bike thing, and needed to take it out on the workout.

I did see about 20 or so bikes on craigslist though, and that's a good sign.  I'll need to wait till Aug/Sept for funds to come in, and then I'm hoping to pick up a good deal on a TT or road bike.  I like my Road bike so much now that I may just want to p/u a more modern version of what I've got.  Who has made the switch from roadie to TT, and what are your  thoughts on this? 

 I currently have a road bike that I'm totally comfortable on in the aero position w/ clip on aero bars.  My initial thoughts are to look for a road bike w/ 18-27 gears (I currently have 12) w/ better modern alluminum frame and carbon fork.  (I currently have heavy alluminum frame and steal fork). 

Nice workouts! 

I never had a roadie. I started tri with a hybrid bike and then bought a TT bike. Haha. TT bikes are a bit tough to break in because its a bit more of an aero position but once you are used to it, then it is fine. Neal has both, so prob a better person to add an opinion on roadie vs. TT.

I have a standard front and an 11-28 cog set (number of spikes per ring so to speak) on my back. (opted for the diversity of gearing because of mountains for IMLP) Lost some medium rings in the process but overall I think it was a good decision. I have 20 "gears". Most bikes come with an 11-23/25 on the back and 9 rings...which depending on how strong (or not strong) your bike might be, would be a consideration. I think in general road bikes would only be a 2 ring derailler on the front...there has been talk on here in the past of people who have put a mountain bike derailler on their road bike for IM with lots of hills to have an extended set of gears. 

2012-06-19 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Did a short swim this morning. Was planning a ride on the trainer this evening, but I'm tired so I cut my losses and attempted to read about peds neuro and peds rheumatology. Kinda just don't care. There is a reason normal undergrad is only 8 months in length...haha...I'm working on month 10 and ready to gouge my eyes out. Had a mini freak out about residency (again...with many more freak outs to come in the up coming months) and sent and email to try and get an extra week of elective in anesthesia. We will see. Likely all full and won't work...but I tried. Going for emerg and anesthesia...*Note to self: stop looking at program descriptions*

Will do the trainer ride in the am, I think. Ready for bed now...think I'm just going to cut my losses on the front too and go to bed. Haha.

Hope you all got your training in today! (unlike me

2012-06-19 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4270572

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-19 8:45 PM

Did a short swim this morning. Was planning a ride on the trainer this evening, but I'm tired so I cut my losses and attempted to read about peds neuro and peds rheumatology. Kinda just don't care. There is a reason normal undergrad is only 8 months in length...haha...I'm working on month 10 and ready to gouge my eyes out. Had a mini freak out about residency (again...with many more freak outs to come in the up coming months) and sent and email to try and get an extra week of elective in anesthesia. We will see. Likely all full and won't work...but I tried. Going for emerg and anesthesia...*Note to self: stop looking at program descriptions*

Will do the trainer ride in the am, I think. Ready for bed now...think I'm just going to cut my losses on the front too and go to bed. Haha.

Hope you all got your training in today! (unlike me

People think that doctors are over paid - but the truth is that no one works harder to get their degree.  I have a masters in teaching - it took me 1 year...  I'm sure an intelligent primate could pass the test. I give you a lot of credit - you are working hard and learning a lot!

I hope tomorrow is better and you get the rotation you want!

2012-06-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4267863

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-18 3:27 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 10:40 PM
kevinbe - 2012-06-17 9:42 PM

I got to the lake today at 6:00.  It was 61 deg. outside, and ran into a fisherman who told me the water was 56 deg.  He thought I was going scuba diving! 

I was able to actually swim 50 yds or so, and keep my face in the water for about 20 seconds at a time, before I got out dissorientated, a little.  It was a huge confidence builder as last week I couldn't even keep face in water, It had to have been 3-5 degrees colder.

I am going to go to another smaller lake next week, and actually do this ows thing for real this week.  It's the same lake my HIM is on, and I plan on biking much of the course prior to the August event.

Today, I finished up with a 32 mile ride and a 6 mile brick.  Getting my speed up on the bike, and managed a 7:33/mi pace after the bike.

I checked the results of race in prior years, and my 6 hour goal would put me at the bottom third of the field.  I'm just not OK with this.  Time to go back to work I guess.Smile

Maybe if we were canadian - we could handle the cold water a little easier. We could down a molsen before diving in - 

As for your worries about finishing in the bottom 3rd - I love your spirit but you and I both know that's not gonna happen.  If you put the same level of effort and passion into improving your HIM time as you did into your marathon training - you will finish in the top half guaranteed.

I really feel like this is a right of passage into adulthood up there, pounding a molsen, then jumping into sub artic waters for tri swims.Smile


Haha too funny!! The water is getting warmer....yesterday went to Auburn Bay (suburb man made lake) and it was 15degrees celsius water temp and 12 degrees celsius air temp with a bit of rain! Not so bad.....I've swam in colder that sucked!! Good luck with your race, I'm sure with a run like that you won't be in the bottom the saying goes you can't win a triathlon based on the swim!!!

2012-06-20 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4267256

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-18 11:56 AM

Finally!  This morning I hopped on the scale and weighed in at 183 LBS.  It took me 31 weeks to drop 69 pounds but I am now no longer overweight.  Plus, my wife continues to get thinner and we've dropped 115 combined!!! 

Next Goal - I wanna start making the transition to normal eating so I want to scale back to losing 1 1/2 pounds a week for the next four weeks with the goal of weighing in at 178 by July 15.

A HUGE THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!  I'm not sure I would have pulled it off without all the support I have gotten from you and the other people on this site.  


COngrats!!! that's awesome, that's so inspiring and be very proud of yourselves doing it together!! Wish you all the best in the the next 5lbs! Keep up the great work!

2012-06-20 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4262454

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-14 6:04 PM

This whole "beginner triathlete" thing is quite a spectrum - and I am on the extreme "beginner" end of that spectrum.Today, largely thanks to Thor's comment on my log, I finally went for my first swim. Now, yes, of course, I've been swimming before, but only in the "floating around and hanging out in the water to cool down" meaning of the term.

I've been pretty apprehensive about this. I have issues with the breathing thing, and today was actually the first time I went underwater without plugging my nose. Yeah, I have a LOT to learn. I actually used a noseplug most of the time because I had such a hard time not getting water back in my nose. 

So I have two months to figure this swim thing out. I'll do my best. Thankfully my sprint tri has a 300 yard swim (I would say ONLY, but even 300 yards is going to be a challenge for me). I may be the swimmer with the worse technique, and I may need to doggie paddle portions to make up for my breathing issues, but I WILL get through it


P.S. - Don't worry, I won't actually doggie paddle.


COngrats getting in the pool, that's the first step and things can only get better! I started from square one too...(had not swam in over 12 years when i first started) One thing that really helped me out was I took a stroke improvement class....It was great with the fine details and some things I had forgotten over the years that I needed to do while swimming! Good job!

2012-06-20 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4270660

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-19 8:49 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-19 8:45 PM

Did a short swim this morning. Was planning a ride on the trainer this evening, but I'm tired so I cut my losses and attempted to read about peds neuro and peds rheumatology. Kinda just don't care. There is a reason normal undergrad is only 8 months in length...haha...I'm working on month 10 and ready to gouge my eyes out. Had a mini freak out about residency (again...with many more freak outs to come in the up coming months) and sent and email to try and get an extra week of elective in anesthesia. We will see. Likely all full and won't work...but I tried. Going for emerg and anesthesia...*Note to self: stop looking at program descriptions*

Will do the trainer ride in the am, I think. Ready for bed now...think I'm just going to cut my losses on the front too and go to bed. Haha.

Hope you all got your training in today! (unlike me

People think that doctors are over paid - but the truth is that no one works harder to get their degree.  I have a masters in teaching - it took me 1 year...  I'm sure an intelligent primate could pass the test. I give you a lot of credit - you are working hard and learning a lot!

I hope tomorrow is better and you get the rotation you want!

David, eat your banana and go workout! Laughing

2012-06-20 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Swimming is tough.  My mentality towards it is less then b/r.  I enjoy the other two, and kind of "get through" the swim.  The plan called for 12x100 today in the pool.  There's strike 1 against my motivation right there.  I hit the first 100 in 1:41, that felt great.  Alright I'm thinking.  Then #2 is 1:51 and painfull.  strike 2.  The following is my workout.  Sometimes you just got to get through it, and move on.


1x 1:41
2x 1:51
3-9x 1:54-1:59
10x 2:15
11x 2:00
12x 1:54

Edited by kevinbe 2012-06-20 10:56 AM
2012-06-20 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4270438

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-19 7:08 PM
thor67 - 2012-06-19 7:20 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

No just R&R I suppose. Maybe we will do a run (in early am), I don't know. Haha. 

Well I do have a 5 mile recovery run on the schedule for Saturday........

2012-06-20 8:47 PM
in reply to: #4270557

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-19 8:38 PM
kevinbe - 2012-06-19 11:51 AM

Had one of those days in training today that you just wish could happen every day where everything just clicked. 

Intermediate brick workout today.  I beat my bike time by 5:00 on a 22 mi. ride, and smashed my 4 mile run coming off of the bike by like 3 min. from the last time I ran it as a stand alone.  I think I'm still a little chapped about the bike thing, and needed to take it out on the workout.

I did see about 20 or so bikes on craigslist though, and that's a good sign.  I'll need to wait till Aug/Sept for funds to come in, and then I'm hoping to pick up a good deal on a TT or road bike.  I like my Road bike so much now that I may just want to p/u a more modern version of what I've got.  Who has made the switch from roadie to TT, and what are your  thoughts on this? 

 I currently have a road bike that I'm totally comfortable on in the aero position w/ clip on aero bars.  My initial thoughts are to look for a road bike w/ 18-27 gears (I currently have 12) w/ better modern alluminum frame and carbon fork.  (I currently have heavy alluminum frame and steal fork). 

Nice workouts! 

I never had a roadie. I started tri with a hybrid bike and then bought a TT bike. Haha. TT bikes are a bit tough to break in because its a bit more of an aero position but once you are used to it, then it is fine. Neal has both, so prob a better person to add an opinion on roadie vs. TT.

I have a standard front and an 11-28 cog set (number of spikes per ring so to speak) on my back. (opted for the diversity of gearing because of mountains for IMLP) Lost some medium rings in the process but overall I think it was a good decision. I have 20 "gears". Most bikes come with an 11-23/25 on the back and 9 rings...which depending on how strong (or not strong) your bike might be, would be a consideration. I think in general road bikes would only be a 2 ring derailler on the front...there has been talk on here in the past of people who have put a mountain bike derailler on their road bike for IM with lots of hills to have an extended set of gears. 

I know of plenty of people who have a roadie with clip-on aerobars and are very happy with the setup.  They tend to handle and climb a bit better.  I say if you are comfortable and can get in a decent aero position there's no reason you absolutely need to upgrade to a TT bike. It sounds like you could stand to have a few more gears though, especially if your tri in August is a little hilly.

My road bike was a $300 Ebay special to get me started that never quite fit me right.  After I did my first tri on it, I knew I wanted to upgrade so it was a no brainer for me.  I still use the roadie early in the spring when there's still crap on the roads, commuting, and for RAGBRAI

2012-06-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4271515

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-20 10:54 AM

Swimming is tough.  My mentality towards it is less then b/r.  I enjoy the other two, and kind of "get through" the swim.  The plan called for 12x100 today in the pool.  There's strike 1 against my motivation right there.  I hit the first 100 in 1:41, that felt great.  Alright I'm thinking.  Then #2 is 1:51 and painfull.  strike 2.  The following is my workout.  Sometimes you just got to get through it, and move on.


1x 1:41
2x 1:51
3-9x 1:54-1:59
10x 2:15
11x 2:00
12x 1:54

Well, the good news is it is over with and done.  Forget it and move on and hopefully the next time you hit the water things click a little better!

2012-06-20 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4272592

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-06-20 7:37 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-19 7:08 PM
thor67 - 2012-06-19 7:20 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

No just R&R I suppose. Maybe we will do a run (in early am), I don't know. Haha. 

Well I do have a 5 mile recovery run on the schedule for Saturday........

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol. 

I guess I'm packing my runners along guys. Haha.

2012-06-21 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4272716

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-20 9:23 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-20 7:37 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-19 7:08 PM
thor67 - 2012-06-19 7:20 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

No just R&R I suppose. Maybe we will do a run (in early am), I don't know. Haha. 

Well I do have a 5 mile recovery run on the schedule for Saturday........

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol. 

I guess I'm packing my runners along guys. Haha.

Hey Neal don`t you have a swim scheduled early Sunday morning?Wink

At least it is a dry heat right? :-)

2012-06-21 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Well dragged my butt out last night for a bike ride. Out and back. Headed west bucking the wind and slightly uphill for about 13 miles. I was looking forward to coming back slightly downhill and with the wind. Flat tire about 7miles from home. Thought I would see how fast I could change my tire. Was going pretty good until I nicked the new tube! Crap! Luckily, with my vast wealth of experience, I pulled out my cell phone and called my wife! It would have been a long walk home in my socks! Smile Off to buy some more tubes today!
2012-06-21 4:29 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Flats suck.  I went through a period a month or so ago where I would get one by just looking at my bike.  It hasn't happened since then, and I've gotton hundreds of miles in w/o one.  Hope this is your last one for a while.

Well, I got in the lake today that my tri is held at.  It's a 1.2 mile rectangle swim, so I don't exactly know how the cours goes, but today I did a 1050 yd out and back in 27:30.  A little slow, but as I was trying to concentrate on not drowning, I will call it a huge confidence builder as I now know I can swim in a lake.  I started swimming last October and could barely go down and back in the pool.  Now I have no doubt that I can go 1.2 miles this year, and eventually 2.4 miles in 2014!  70.3 in 6 weeks!  I drove 3/4 of the bike course on my way home.  (I've been riding many sections of the course.)  Wow, that's going to take a lot of doing to get through.

On a side note, The CDA' city council just voted to sign another 5 year deal to keep IM in Couer D'Alene.  Yeah!

2012-06-21 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4273040

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-21 8:17 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-20 9:23 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-20 7:37 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-19 7:08 PM
thor67 - 2012-06-19 7:20 AM
mndymond - 2012-06-18 9:15 PM

Well...week 3 of peds. 

Trail race on the weekend. Didn't go super hot, but to be expected. The woods trashed my legs.

Booked 2 condos over the past week. 1 for Cali and 1 for my emerg elective in Toronto at the end of August. Goodbye $$$. Haha. 

Getting some good base training in I think. Ready to sign up for IM France next week!!!

Heading out to Vegas this weekend with Neal. Super hot hot hot! Its like 43C!!!

You renting a road bike there? or is it strictly R&R? At least it is better than Edmonton weather of late!

No just R&R I suppose. Maybe we will do a run (in early am), I don't know. Haha. 

Well I do have a 5 mile recovery run on the schedule for Saturday........

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol. 

I guess I'm packing my runners along guys. Haha.

Hey Neal don`t you have a swim scheduled early Sunday morning?Wink

At least it is a dry heat right? :-)

Nah, I don't like swimming with Melissa.  She makes me feel slow!

We will probably make it to the pool.  Although I'll have a beverage of some sort in one hand and just be hopping in to cool off from time to time

2012-06-21 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4273054

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

thor67 - 2012-06-21 8:22 AM Well dragged my butt out last night for a bike ride. Out and back. Headed west bucking the wind and slightly uphill for about 13 miles. I was looking forward to coming back slightly downhill and with the wind. Flat tire about 7miles from home. Thought I would see how fast I could change my tire. Was going pretty good until I nicked the new tube! Crap! Luckily, with my vast wealth of experience, I pulled out my cell phone and called my wife! It would have been a long walk home in my socks! Smile Off to buy some more tubes today!

Aren't those cell phones handy? Flats suck!

2012-06-21 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4274178

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-21 4:29 PM

Flats suck.  I went through a period a month or so ago where I would get one by just looking at my bike.  It hasn't happened since then, and I've gotton hundreds of miles in w/o one.  Hope this is your last one for a while.

Well, I got in the lake today that my tri is held at.  It's a 1.2 mile rectangle swim, so I don't exactly know how the cours goes, but today I did a 1050 yd out and back in 27:30.  A little slow, but as I was trying to concentrate on not drowning, I will call it a huge confidence builder as I now know I can swim in a lake.  I started swimming last October and could barely go down and back in the pool.  Now I have no doubt that I can go 1.2 miles this year, and eventually 2.4 miles in 2014!  70.3 in 6 weeks!  I drove 3/4 of the bike course on my way home.  (I've been riding many sections of the course.)  Wow, that's going to take a lot of doing to get through.

On a side note, The CDA' city council just voted to sign another 5 year deal to keep IM in Couer D'Alene.  Yeah!

That's awesome that you can train on a lot of the course.  That'll be excellent prep for that tri in 6 weeks!  Knowing the course will make race day that much easier

2012-06-22 9:58 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

I was looking around online for triathlons in my area, and found that there is a MINI triathlon happening tomorrow in a town not too far off.

150 yd swim, 7.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run.


Two months away from my sprint, I feel like this would be a good way to test things out. But - I really don't want to pay 45 bucks to do a mini triathlon. So today my plan is to go to the pool for lap swim at 12:30 and do:

300 yd "swim" (not sure if what I do can really be called swimming yet)

7 mile bike

2 mile run.


And so I'll have a little mini triathlon of my own. This will also give me a chance to see if my cheap attire that I've selected from wal-mart, along with my several layers of bras (the bra/support thing is really an issue for me), is going to work out both in the pool and on the run.

And it will probably be a wake-up call for how much more training I need to do.



2012-06-22 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4275213

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-22 7:58 PM

I was looking around online for triathlons in my area, and found that there is a MINI triathlon happening tomorrow in a town not too far off.

150 yd swim, 7.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run.


Two months away from my sprint, I feel like this would be a good way to test things out. But - I really don't want to pay 45 bucks to do a mini triathlon. So today my plan is to go to the pool for lap swim at 12:30 and do:

300 yd "swim" (not sure if what I do can really be called swimming yet)

7 mile bike

2 mile run.


And so I'll have a little mini triathlon of my own. This will also give me a chance to see if my cheap attire that I've selected from wal-mart, along with my several layers of bras (the bra/support thing is really an issue for me), is going to work out both in the pool and on the run.

And it will probably be a wake-up call for how much more training I need to do.



That's a milestone workout.  When I started swimming in October, I had trouble making it from one end to the other.  It'll all click over time, and it sounds like it's clicking for you since your last post even.

 Keep track of your efforts and times, then in two months when you look back on this day, you'll be amazed at your improvements when you do your sprint-tri.  Way to go.  Keep up the training and reap the rewards of your successses.  Proud of YOU!!

Edited by kevinbe 2012-06-22 12:20 PM
2012-06-22 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4275213

User image

Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-22 8:58 AM

I was looking around online for triathlons in my area, and found that there is a MINI triathlon happening tomorrow in a town not too far off.

150 yd swim, 7.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run.


Two months away from my sprint, I feel like this would be a good way to test things out. But - I really don't want to pay 45 bucks to do a mini triathlon. So today my plan is to go to the pool for lap swim at 12:30 and do:

300 yd "swim" (not sure if what I do can really be called swimming yet)

7 mile bike

2 mile run.


And so I'll have a little mini triathlon of my own. This will also give me a chance to see if my cheap attire that I've selected from wal-mart, along with my several layers of bras (the bra/support thing is really an issue for me), is going to work out both in the pool and on the run.

And it will probably be a wake-up call for how much more training I need to do.



Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

2012-06-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
13.1 miles today in 75 degree hot sunny weather.  I ran it in 7:52/mi pace for a 1:43:15 total.  Hoping to finish Half ironman distance tri with a 8:00/mi pace on the run in Aug.  Five more weeks to go.  recovery week next week followed by bike focus week the following week.
2012-06-22 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Hi everyone!  I've been in CA for work for a few days and just got back home.  Sounds like a lot of fun plans for the weekend!  We're headed out for my Husband's Xterra which should be fun and I   should be able to get a bunch of biking and running in (unless he does bad and is grumpy and wants to come home right after - so send fast vibes so I get to play on my mountain bike after.)

I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

I got in a 2.5m run today- I planned to further but it was in the 90s and I was hot!

Oh and I still need to do my race report- I'm totally slacking on that.

2012-06-23 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Well another flat yesterday about 2 miles from home @#$@#$#$. Came home and had a few beers. Changed tire again! Ran hand inside tire...lo and behold a tiny metal sliver sticking out! removed with my fishing pliers and changed again. Hope to get to MEC(rei like store) to purchase a patch kit and a couple of tubes!

I did manage to get out for a great ride this morning! Fastest ride yet over a decent distance! I rip through one small town that has a 7:30am the smells just about kill me. I would love to stop and pig out!Smile

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

2012-06-23 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4276648

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-23 9:33 PM

Well another flat yesterday about 2 miles from home @#$@#$#$. Came home and had a few beers. Changed tire again! Ran hand inside tire...lo and behold a tiny metal sliver sticking out! removed with my fishing pliers and changed again. Hope to get to MEC(rei like store) to purchase a patch kit and a couple of tubes!

I did manage to get out for a great ride this morning! Fastest ride yet over a decent distance! I rip through one small town that has a 7:30am the smells just about kill me. I would love to stop and pig out!Smile

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

That's exactly how my issues with flats were resolved, only it took me 3-4 flats to figure on running finger in inside and out of tire, and I also had a tiny metal sliver punctured through tire and punching through inner tubes.  Glad you got it fixed.  Hope you don't get any more, nothing more frustrating than flatting every ride.

I'd rather run by a bakery than the Jack in the box I run by at breakfast time.  It's rather unappatizing smelling the fry grease at 7:00 am.

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