BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-05-02 8:44 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Gearing Up!
Placed my Xterra wetsuit order.

Do most guys wear a tri top under their wetsuit?

I'm kind of wondering if it might be just as easy to slip on a bicycle shirt when I get out of the water.

2014-05-03 5:38 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Gearing Up!
Hey Cass

Your enthusiasm for your first tri is really coming across in your posts. Great stuff.

I can't comment from 1st hand experience regarding wearing a tri top under the wetsuit But I can tell you at every event I've been to some guys do and some don't. Obviously pros and cons for each but it must boil down to personal preference. Suggest a few trial runs before your race so you can decide.

I just finished watching a video from the BT home page "Preparing for Open water swimming Part 1. It was a great, full of practical tips and recommend it to all turtles.

I'm still working crazy hours with little time for training but I managed a gym session before heading off to work today and I hope to get a ride in tomorrow.

2014-05-03 9:00 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearing Up!
Originally posted by cassowary

Placed my Xterra wetsuit order.

Do most guys wear a tri top under their wetsuit?

I'm kind of wondering if it might be just as easy to slip on a bicycle shirt when I get out of the water.

Yes, most guys (98%), including me, do wear there tri tops under their wetsuit for several reasons. Tri Tops are designed to be tight, so there is no bunching or real discomfort from having it on under the wetsuit. If you don't have whatever your going to wear already on under the wetsuit then to put one on in T1 will only add to your time in transition. It is hell trying to get a tri top or bike jersey on when you are wet. In anything under an Ironman distance there really is no reason to wear a bike jersey because the little nutrition and bike support stuff you need can be carried in a bento bag and your tool / tube bag under the seat. Trust me when you start swimming you won't even know that you are wearing anything under your wetsuit if it fits properly. The only thing that would change all this is if you are in a race that does not require a shirt / top and you want to go bare chested throughout, but I can tell you that at least here in Texas there are very few that let you race without a shirt, most will DQ you.
2014-05-03 1:38 PM
in reply to: #4915342

Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: Swimming myself dizzy...
So this past weekend I finally went for my first open water swim with a wetsuit. Worked out quite well and the additional buoyancy from the wetsuit was great! The only issue I had was that I seemed to get dizzy when breathing every other stroke to the side because of the waves. Any tips or thoughts on how to minimize that issue? I guess my biggest challenge may end up being not falling down on my way to T1. I'm planning another open water swim tomorrow in the lake that the race will take place in. Wate temp there should be around 60°. Excited to try a mini brick workout session. My first sprint race is coming up quickly and two weeks!
2014-05-04 9:13 PM
in reply to: mbrassette

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming myself dizzy...
Originally posted by mbrassette

So this past weekend I finally went for my first open water swim with a wetsuit. Worked out quite well and the additional buoyancy from the wetsuit was great! The only issue I had was that I seemed to get dizzy when breathing every other stroke to the side because of the waves. Any tips or thoughts on how to minimize that issue? I guess my biggest challenge may end up being not falling down on my way to T1. I'm planning another open water swim tomorrow in the lake that the race will take place in. Wate temp there should be around 60°. Excited to try a mini brick workout session. My first sprint race is coming up quickly and two weeks!

Ear plugs! If you were not wearing ear plugs you need to start there. I don't know the science but I know it fixes that problem for a lot of people. Next would be to take a motion sickness pill or the patch before and during the swim. My guess though is that you did it without ear plugs.
2014-05-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Swimming myself dizzy...
Thanks for all the feedback.

Ear plugs question: Will the plugs fall out if not secured with a swim cap?

2014-05-05 12:20 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming myself dizzy...
Originally posted by cassowary

Thanks for all the feedback.

Ear plugs question: Will the plugs fall out if not secured with a swim cap?

No, not if they fit right.
2014-05-07 12:26 AM
in reply to: #4991140

Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: Dizzy swimming
Thanks for the info in earplugs. I had intended to use them but they were just the cheap foam ones and didn't stay in. However I do have some custom fit plugs for work that I used tonight at the pool and they felt fine. I'll try them this weekend in the cold lake and see if it helps.

60f is cold too btw! Body was ok in my full wetsuit but hands, feet, and face felt a bit frozen!

Tried swim cap tonight and was surprised how it made my head feel like it was floating more.

Thanks again!
2014-05-07 12:49 PM
in reply to: mbrassette

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Subject: Training groove
I feel like I've gotten into a good groove with training - alternating daily between swim, bicycle, and run (actually elliptical while I'm injured). I wish I felt like I was getting stronger, but the progress seems slow right now. It's OK, overall I feel good about my training.

How is everyone else doing? It's been quiet for a while - so if you've fallen out of your groove, I welcome you to get back to it!
2014-05-07 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4992680

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
11 days until my first race. I went through the bike route and it's all hills so I've been focusing on that. I'm still nervous on the swim having never been in a group or have the opportunity to do OWS. I got the wetsuit a few days ago. The rest of this week will be easier workouts and transition practices. Any advice for a first timer or videos to watch, please post!
2014-05-07 10:05 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Training groove
Originally posted by cassowary

I feel like I've gotten into a good groove with training - alternating daily between swim, bicycle, and run (actually elliptical while I'm injured). I wish I felt like I was getting stronger, but the progress seems slow right now. It's OK, overall I feel good about my training.

How is everyone else doing? It's been quiet for a while - so if you've fallen out of your groove, I welcome you to get back to it!

This always happens. The group is set to go through April, which as I do more of these i notice that four months is about the time it starts slowing down. I can tell you that I'm still shocked at the number of people that asked to be in the group with their first post and never even logged back on again. I've been slower because of issues at work but I'll get it going again as I have an Olympic in 3 weeks and another half at the end of June. You stay strong and keep posted cuz others are here.

2014-05-07 10:16 PM
in reply to: 2gs

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Originally posted by 2gs

11 days until my first race. I went through the bike route and it's all hills so I've been focusing on that. I'm still nervous on the swim having never been in a group or have the opportunity to do OWS. I got the wetsuit a few days ago. The rest of this week will be easier workouts and transition practices. Any advice for a first timer or videos to watch, please post!

Yes, keep it super simple and know what you're gonna do and how you want to do it. Here is my set up and transitions. Rack bike with bottles filed and helmet on the aero bars. Put a towel down with both pair of shoes and a sock in each cycling shoe. Race belt with number on top of which every shoe / section it must be worn in first. Race time, I swim and remove my swim cap and plugs as I jog to T1 (wetsuit stripper if needed), throw the swim stuff out of the way and put on my helmet, race belt if necessary, step on towel and put on one sock then the shoe, which is repeated on other side. Grab bike and jog to mount line. t2, dismount, helmet unclipped, rack bike, helmet off, kick off both shoes and put on running shoes and get out of there. It really is that simple for us average folks. When you hear the elaborate stuff it's about saving seconds. Just know what you will be doing and do so as smoothly and fast as you can!
2014-05-08 12:47 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
I am still here. We have 2 running stores near me and the original one has an established weekly run. The other local store (where I shop) has been struggling to get a group started and staying. This summer they are doing a monthly women run with prizes and snacks.
I was 1 of 4 who showed up. I went out too fast but a half mile in, my body adjusted and I didn't feel the need to slow down after that. I refused to look at my garmin. I stayed steady for 3.7 miles.. Ran 3.70 miles at my most recent 5M/10K race pace! Awesome run.
2014-05-08 5:09 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed

Hi guys, I'm still here too, but been a bit quiet of late. I've been training well (last two weeks were big weeks for me, I've really backed off this week for some R&R) but just haven't had the time/energy to post. Starting to ramp up the distances now, 10k run last week, 12 k this week, and starting to try and extend the rides past 40k. I've still got 3 and a half months to the HIM so I think I can get there still .

Great to hear people still plugging away at it, even though the postings are down. Maybe we need another challenge to get us all back into the swing of posting?

2014-05-08 6:48 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Hi Turtles

Still here.

I admit that work commitments (13 out of last14 days), colder weather and the prospect of my first tri being 5 months away has seen me struggle for motivation recently.

I've been able to refocus and I'm back training for at least one session a day, even if it's a 3 km brisk walk during my lunch break. I'm also getting off the train one stop earlier and walking the last 3.5 km. I know it's not a top workout but it's all I can get in some days.

I'm joining a running club next week and I've hooked up with some social riders. In a couple of weeks we've got a 60 km ride planning to average 20kph so that should blow away some cobwebs.

My new years resolution was do do a tri this year and I'm planning to keep that resolution.

No matter how busy I am I still check the forum each day and love reading about race preparation, new wet suits and even ear plugs. Looking forward to reading some race reports soon.

2014-05-09 1:43 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
It's good to hear from everyone. I rounded out my week with a 1200 yard swim. For some reason, it felt like a hard week. I'm hoping to bounce back feeling stronger next week. 3 weeks until my first sprint triathlon and today's ocean temperature is 50F. Hmmm, I hope it's really sunny for the next 3 weeks.

My wetsuit isn't arriving until a day or two before the triathlon, so it looks like my first OWS will be at the race!

Have a good weekend everyone and happy mother's day to all the moms.

2014-05-09 3:13 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Baltimore Area
Subject: Wetsuit- do I need one?
4 years ago I did sign up for a June 15th race that usually have 68-70 degrees water temp and so I rented a full one. Race day, water was 80 degrees and all “wetsuiters” were being moved to the last wave. I opted not to wear one (I was in wave 7 of 19).

My lake swim triathlon is in August when I DON'T need a wetsuit. I usually pick races that do not require wetsuits because I don’t like cold water.
My tri-club AND my developmental masters group are both starting open water swim (OWS) practices this weekend. Coincidentally, they are at the same place.
The water temp is low enough (mid 60s) to require a wetsuit. Online, my size would ne be shipped out until June 16th but I can rent one today locally for $35.

Should I rent one and start OWS practices now?
Do I wait until it’s warmer temp to do the OWS practices since my summer tri doesn’t allow me to wear a wetsuit anyway?
Do I need to own a wetsuit just in case I need it? If I buy one, I am going to get my money’s worth out of it by signing up for a cold water tri.
2014-05-11 2:10 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: Swimming myself dizzy...
So I did the cold OWS again today with earplugs. No more dizzyness, which definitely gave me the confidence I need for next weekend's race! I'll be slow, but I can finish the swim. Thanks for the tip Todd!

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by mbrassette

So this past weekend I finally went for my first open water swim with a wetsuit. Worked out quite well and the additional buoyancy from the wetsuit was great! The only issue I had was that I seemed to get dizzy when breathing every other stroke to the side because of the waves. Any tips or thoughts on how to minimize that issue? I guess my biggest challenge may end up being not falling down on my way to T1. I'm planning another open water swim tomorrow in the lake that the race will take place in. Wate temp there should be around 60°. Excited to try a mini brick workout session. My first sprint race is coming up quickly and two weeks!

Ear plugs! If you were not wearing ear plugs you need to start there. I don't know the science but I know it fixes that problem for a lot of people. Next would be to take a motion sickness pill or the patch before and during the swim. My guess though is that you did it without ear plugs.
2014-05-12 8:14 AM
in reply to: mbrassette

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming myself dizzy...
Originally posted by mbrassette

So I did the cold OWS again today with earplugs. No more dizzyness, which definitely gave me the confidence I need for next weekend's race! I'll be slow, but I can finish the swim. Thanks for the tip Todd!

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by mbrassette

So this past weekend I finally went for my first open water swim with a wetsuit. Worked out quite well and the additional buoyancy from the wetsuit was great! The only issue I had was that I seemed to get dizzy when breathing every other stroke to the side because of the waves. Any tips or thoughts on how to minimize that issue? I guess my biggest challenge may end up being not falling down on my way to T1. I'm planning another open water swim tomorrow in the lake that the race will take place in. Wate temp there should be around 60°. Excited to try a mini brick workout session. My first sprint race is coming up quickly and two weeks!

Ear plugs! If you were not wearing ear plugs you need to start there. I don't know the science but I know it fixes that problem for a lot of people. Next would be to take a motion sickness pill or the patch before and during the swim. My guess though is that you did it without ear plugs.

Great to hear that was the problem and it was fixed easily.
2014-05-13 9:43 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Hi Turtles

Just thought I'd check in and see how everybody is going.

I'm afraid work commitments have stopped me from training. I'm doing approx 80 hours a week. Work is intense but that's my choice as I work like crazy for 6 months then take 6 months off.

I do get to read and research tri related topics and watch some races on youtube. I also do a lot of visualisation which helps on the mental preparation.

I'm looking forward to reading race reports from 2GS and Cass soon.

I was hoping that there would be more posts from the USA Turtles as the weather warmed up and Tri season approaches. What's happening over there?

2014-05-14 9:56 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Originally posted by AussieTurtle

Hi Turtles

Just thought I'd check in and see how everybody is going.

I'm afraid work commitments have stopped me from training. I'm doing approx 80 hours a week. Work is intense but that's my choice as I work like crazy for 6 months then take 6 months off.

I do get to read and research tri related topics and watch some races on youtube. I also do a lot of visualisation which helps on the mental preparation.

I'm looking forward to reading race reports from 2GS and Cass soon.

I was hoping that there would be more posts from the USA Turtles as the weather warmed up and Tri season approaches. What's happening over there?


That is one intense work schedule! I am still here. I did an sprint tri with a pool swim 2 weeks ago, that went well.
Yes, the weather is getting warmer here so it’s time to get on the bike.
I rented a wetsuit last week to do my the first open water swim training of the year with my tri club. My summer race does not require a wetsuit, I just wanted to do the OWS for practice. When I buy one, I am going to get sleeveless then buy neoprene sleeves to keep my arms warm.

Looking for a summer race now.

2014-05-14 12:01 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
I'm consistently getting in about 30 minutes of exercise everyday. While I'm not making any great gains, I think I'll be prepared for my sprint in 2.5 weeks. I am a little worried about the run, because I still can't run much due to calf muscle injury.
2014-05-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Originally posted by cassowary

I'm consistently getting in about 30 minutes of exercise everyday. While I'm not making any great gains, I think I'll be prepared for my sprint in 2.5 weeks. I am a little worried about the run, because I still can't run much due to calf muscle injury.

You will be ready. You have put in the work and deserve the payoff.
2014-05-15 12:24 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed

Cass and Lovey, great work! Rod, I'm impressed you can still function at all under that kind of workload, that's a lot of hours. The mental practice will help a lot; there are a lot of studies and anecdotal evidence  demonstrating the value of that sort of activity.

12k run for me this morning, experimenting with various foods while running to work out what I can stomach. The energy gels I've tried don't sit too well with me, and I hate getting sticky hands, so I'm trying real food. So far dates are good, and fig rolls and pretzels, while a little dry, also seem to go down OK and help with fuelling. Anyone got any other favorites?

2014-05-15 7:24 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Originally posted by Taringa

Cass and Lovey, great work! Rod, I'm impressed you can still function at all under that kind of workload, that's a lot of hours. The mental practice will help a lot; there are a lot of studies and anecdotal evidence  demonstrating the value of that sort of activity.

12k run for me this morning, experimenting with various foods while running to work out what I can stomach. The energy gels I've tried don't sit too well with me, and I hate getting sticky hands, so I'm trying real food. So far dates are good, and fig rolls and pretzels, while a little dry, also seem to go down OK and help with fuelling. Anyone got any other favorites?

I use Cliff Shot Bloks and really like them. I can tell you that for me I have learned that I really don't like running with food, so I make sure to hit all my intake on the bike and then live off the Course for the run portion by taking in sports drinks and oranges or bannanas. The way I see it is that the bike fueling is more important because that will be used on the run, while eating a bunch on the run will not do much for you in the moment and will only make you less hunger after the race. I am saying that in reference to Half distance and down.
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date : March 29, 2013
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Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
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This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.