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2012-04-04 11:56 AM
in reply to: #4128952

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good afteroon, everyone!

It looks like everyone is staying busy!

Troy, that is great swimming. I look forward to the day when I hit 2600 yards or meters. I still have a ways to go. You are going to eat your first tri competition for breakfast!

I am open to having some new people join us. I hope my onesie pic doesn't scare them off!

Craig, that is awesome about your daughter. Best of luck to her. Do you have news yet regarding their finish? Between your time change and Irleland's,  is it over or just beginning?

I hit the road yesterday for a bike ride. I squeezed in 26 miles right at 1:36 (16.25 mph). I'm happy with that pace over a little longer distance. I want to try and keep it at 18+ but I'm not there yet.

I have a run scheduled for today. I'm going to try and do a 4.5 to 5 miler and see how I feel. I focused on 4 milers in March so it is time to move forward. Not going to focus on a certain pace- whatever the body feels like.

Hope everyone has a great training day!

2012-04-04 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hi everybody. I'm still hanging in there. I am back to running again. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can consistently build some volume this month without injury. Going about it very slow and methodical. 

Only 10 more days until my very first bike race. The Tour of Battenkill

I am really looking forward to this race. The course is insanely difficult like nothing I have ever done before. I don't have big expectations other than to be in the moment on race day and enjoy every minute of it. 

After the race is done I can get down to some serious 1/2 Ironman training. I'll be sure to give everybody a race report after Battenkill. 

I am definitely open to adding more people to the group. 

2012-04-05 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Tim: Wow. That looks like a very nice race. "Nice" meaning a touch of sadistic.


Mommy. I completed the TrainerRoad FTP (8 minute version) test this morning. I'm still kind of shaky.

Former FTP: 213
New FTP: 228

At 192 lbs, that gives me a W/Kg ration of 2.62. Those aren't no Scott Moylan numbers, but I'm pleased with the improvement. Hopefully, if I can shed another 7-8 lbs prior to my marathon ... and continue putting in some time in the saddle in the midst of my run-focused training, I can continue to see some improvements on the bike prior to my first triathlon in June.

Train hard today, people.

2012-04-05 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Easy breazy 30 min run this morning.  Hitting the trainer hard this evening for 10x2min at 105%.  Should be fun.  What does everyone else have on tap?
2012-04-05 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4131411

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I have to drop the car off at the mechanic today so I figure I'll run home and extend it a bit to about 5 miles.  Hoping to pick up the road bike today after getting a tune up.  Probably a road ride Friday and really hoping for an open water swim Saturday (it's supposed to be in the 80's Cool).

Thanks for all the kind words for my daughter.  Her Jr. team placed 7th which was better than expected.   Her Sr. team dances tomorrow and is favored to bring home a world championship.  In her solo dance she placed 76th out of 173.  She was hoping for a top 50 but has never finished that high in the past.

Have  a great day everyone.

2012-04-05 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4132061

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good afternoon, everyone.

Work, wife, and child has kept me slammed the last two days. Yesterday was my 3rd anniversary with my bride. We went out to a nice dinner at a place she has been wanting to try. It was fabulous. I knew I would be chowin' so I went for a run prior. I attempted to run outside but we had some ferocious storms come through so I hit the treadmill. I did 2 miles at an 8:45 pace then one mile at 7:30 and finished with an 8:45. Thats the only good thing about treadmills- you know how fast you are going every second.

I am hitting the pool today for an attempt at 18 100 yard sets. That will put me just over a mile. I need to work on my distance. I mentioned the other day that I had indoor pool blues. Our outdoor public pools don't open until Memorial day. I will try and do that once a week to change it up.

I was planning on a race at the end of April but it looks like it is getting shelved. My wife has a conference in New Orleans and I think we will have to leave for it earlier (day before race) than expected. I'm bummed about that but it happens. Side note- there is a HIM in NO the day after we arrive. I am going to try and volunteer for it so that could be fun. There is a different triathlon next weekend here in town that is biking, running, and paddling. It looks fun and it is for a good cause. I should probably save my money for an Oly race later this summer.


Edited by ahutson 2012-04-05 11:57 AM

2012-04-05 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4132134

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Got in a 4.25mi. run today.  Legs felt heavy, stiff and slow.  My left hip flexor (or it band I get them confused) seemed to be realy stiff today.  I think maybe I need to be stretching more.  Not necessarily pre-run but all the time to increase flexibility in my legs.  

My cardio seems to be in pretty good shape but my leg endurance seems to be going backwards.  Not too good since I'm just over two weeks away from race day.

I'm going to get a massage and a chiro adjustment tomorrow.  Maybe that will help.  Any other ideas?



2012-04-06 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4132934

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, all!

Craig, I don't know what to say about your endurance going backwards. If I go more than 3 days without run, I find it is hard to get started. Are you sticking to a consistent routine that has your legs working every few days? I swim/bike/run M-T-W then repeat TH-F-S. It keeps things fresh and consistant.

Hope everyone had a good day of training. I had a very positive pool experience and it made my workout much more enjoyable. A swim coach I met a month back told me to set a timer and count down. Whatver time was left, I rested. Then start again. I am going to utlizize that exercise this month and see how I improve. I set my timer to 2:05. I've been averaging 1:40 to 1:50 per 100 yds. It was the right time. I had about 20 seconds left in the first 1/2 mile but only had about 10 seconds left the second 1/2 mile.

I like the exercise. It keeps you accountable on your time. I did 18 100 yard (50 x 2) sets which put me over a mile. I also rested for 2:05 after 6 and 12 sets. The whole workout was 42 minutes. I was excited to complete a mile. I was focusing on my race distance in March and got away from longer swims. I'll start bringing the timer down a little each week.

I also am trying to rededicate myself to weight lifting. I have thrown in some sessions here and there but that does not do enough.

What does everyone have planned today? Any exciting weekend workouts planned? I'm going to head for out for a bike ride today and a 5 mile run tomorrow. It will be my first attempt at 5 so I am excited. Anything will be a PR! I want to keep at around a 8:30/mile.

Happy training everyone!

2012-04-06 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4132934

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-04-05 5:25 PM

Got in a 4.25mi. run today.  Legs felt heavy, stiff and slow.  My left hip flexor (or it band I get them confused) seemed to be realy stiff today.  I think maybe I need to be stretching more.  Not necessarily pre-run but all the time to increase flexibility in my legs.  

My cardio seems to be in pretty good shape but my leg endurance seems to be going backwards.  Not too good since I'm just over two weeks away from race day.

I'm going to get a massage and a chiro adjustment tomorrow.  Maybe that will help.  Any other ideas?



The massage and chiropractor are a good idea.  You may also want to look into a foam roller.  You can youtube a bunch of videos on how to foam roll different trigger points.  The IT band is a common source of tension and the foam roller does wonders on it.  

Some light stretching after running can be helpful as well.  I am also a big fan of epsom salts bath as well.  Anytime I have an issue like that, a nice hot bath seems to do the trick.  Good luck with that.


I was a pathetic puddle after my workout last night.  10 x 2 min intervals at 105-110% with 30 seconds rest.  I thought Mr. Upchuck was going to visit, but he decided to stay away.  Thank goodness because I had trouble unclipping after that one and it would not have been a pretty sight.  An easy 20 min run for me this evening.  Good training all.  

2012-04-06 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig: Don't underestimate the value of deliberate days where you know you're going to run a recovery pace ... regardless of how slow that is. Those are the runs that allow us to keep our volume where they need to be, as Ashley suggests, and still have the energy required to really nail the tougher workouts. I think too many runners take a day off when they don't think they have it in them to put in a "worthy" pace.


I'm in a bit of a storm at work right now ... that added to two solid workouts on the bike and in the pool yesterday, encouraged me to sleep in today. This means I'll be running the very rare post-work run today. I don't want to miss my schedule workout today (9 with 4 @ LT pace), so it's gotta be done after work.  

2012-04-06 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
I seem to be quite ill and haven't done anything since I ran on Wednesday. I'm raspy and hacking and still have a rattle in my chest on and off. I took some Mucinex last night and this morning and I did cough up a little bit but overall I don't feel like I'm improving. My SO is on me about getting antibiotics as he just had bronchitis and I probably caught it from him. I just hate to take them without giving my body a chance to heal itself first - also I really hate to take them. It sucks though. I don't want to miss too many training days and I REALLY don't want to end up with pnuemonia because that would be a HUGE setback-just when I've started to make progress. UGH!!! I hate being sick!!!

2012-04-06 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole,  I'm sorry you are not feeling better.  Sometimes antibiotics are the way to go.  Especially if you run the risk of it going deeper.  Good luck and get well.


On a personal note.  I just realized that there are only six weeks till my first tri of the season.  I am so stoked.  I got that jittery anticipatory excitement just now.  I wanted to share.  I hope everyone is having a stellar day.  

2012-04-07 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4134572

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole, I echo Scott's thoughts. Get antibiotics in you know and cut it off. Those illnesses can sit inside you for 7-10 days before they show themselves. You don't want it to build up because then you will be feeling it. Get medicine and double/triple your vitamin C daily intake. Get your immune system going.

Scott, I know you are chompin at the bit to do that race. Are you doing an Oly or HIM? I wouldn't think you had a little sprint planned. It looks like I have 5 weeks until my next one. I have a lot to work on.

I did a 5 mile run yesterday and finished in 44:39. Thats a 8:55 pace. My goal was to keep it under a 9 m/m pace so I am happy. Made it by the skin of my teeth.  I think it's been 15 years since I ran 5 miles. Hips are a little sore today.

Train hard!

2012-04-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps. 

My daughter hosted poker night last night, so I'm a little tired. Yesterday turned into an unanticipated rest day. I left work early to get my run in, but family requirements had other plans. Unfortunate, but that's how it goes some days.

Today is a 5 mile recovery paced run and some sort of bike experience. I had hoped to take it outside, but I think it'll still be a bit too cold (I don't own any cold weather biking gear). So I'll probably get on the trainer.

I'm with the others, Nicole. I share your aversion/avoidance of medicine. I don't even take ibuprofen very often. But sometimes you just have to get rid of what has a hold on you. Feel better! 

2012-04-07 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4135331

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-04-07 9:08 AM

Scott, I know you are chompin at the bit to do that race. Are you doing an Oly or HIM? I wouldn't think you had a little sprint planned. It looks like I have 5 weeks until my next one. I have a lot to work on.


It is, in fact, a sprint.  I have 3 or 4 sprints lined up before my "A" race, which is an olympic, this year.  I am going to hold off on a HIM this year and try to tackle that beast next year.  Mostly because I just haven't been able to get my run volume up as much as I would like.  I'm hoping that changes over the next couple of months with the coaching that I'm receiving now.  We'll see.  

2012-04-07 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4135376

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I see. Flying under the radar in your quest for world domination- clever.

I am comtemplating a century bike ride for the end of May. Thats Ironman distance! I've done 25-30 mile rides but never anything near triple digits. The ride is Memorial day weekend. That is about 7 weeks away. I feel I'm in pretty good riding shape. I'm wondering if I could get ready or wait until next year. I could do the 50 miler this year. Thoughts?

2012-04-07 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


The 50 miler seems more in line with your goals for this year, but if that's something you really want to do then go for it.  The extra bike work will only help.  Is it a supported century ride or would you guys/gals be on your own for your needs?

2012-04-07 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Happy Saturday everybody.

Nicole, I hope you are feeling better.

Yesterday morning I got a massage and an adjustment on my back and feel a ton better.  The legs felts so good (and the weather was so nice) I decided on a mountain bike ride to get some more climbing work.  Went 1:45 and climbed 2,400 ft.

Today I'm going to get a foam roller so I can keep those IT bands nice and loose (ouch).  I'm goning to try to get in an ocean swim this afternoon.  

Have a great day.


2012-04-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks, Everyone! I realized last night when I took a turn for the worse that this wasn't going anywhere on it's own. First thing this morning I went to Urgicare and got my antibiotics. Unfortunately, the Dr also gave me a script for cough syrup with codeine and I spent the morning realizing that codeine is the devil. My first antibiotic did not stay down and I spent several hours throwing up and having excrutiating stomach pains. Sorry, to be a bit gory. I have to say one of the things I love about this site is that no one shies away from the details. As a healthcare worker, I often lunch with nurses so I'm used to being inappropriate about that stuff

I'm feeling better from the codeine reaction finally (at least I HOPE it was the codeine and not the antibiotic) so I'll try the antibiotic again tonight. It may be quite a bit later this week before I get a workout in.

Craig, I really hope the foam roller helps. It sucks to struggle with injuries. Ashley, I think if you REALLY want to do the Century you can but be sure you know your limits and don't set yourself up for injury. Happy training, everyone! Wish I could be out there with you today!!

2012-04-07 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4135715

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole, sounds like you made the right decision getting meds.  I don't like to use them either, but if you wait too long you can end up in the hospital.  Get lots of rest and mend fast.

I did get to Corona Del Mar beach today for the first time and swam the swim course there.  I did one lap 1100M just to get used to open water swimming.  The water temp was 55 degrees.  I just tried to keep an easy pace to get used to the ocean water, wet suit, sighting the bouys etc.  I ended up with a 2:01 min/100y pace.  I'm pleased with that.  Hopefuly next week I can get back there and do a complete 1.5K.

I've been doing a lot of stretching the yesterday and today.  And I did get a foam roller.  It hurts like hell on the IT bands but I can feel it's working.  

Tomorrow will be a run.  Maybe 5 miles or so.

Troy, I'm going to attempt to post a picture of my aero bars with the hydration and the new tape wrap.  And yes I think it looks cool and fast.  We'll see about shaving the legs.

I have to admit, I was a bad boy yesterday.  I had some time to kill so I went to a Multi Sport store and looked at tri bikes.  Tongue out  Not that I'm shopping or anything but I really liked the entry level bikes from Felt and Kestrel.


Hydration3.JPG (59KB - 19 downloads)
2012-04-07 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4135839

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig, where do you strap on the bed pan to pee in after you drink all that water? lol  That is a nice set-up. I think aerobars are coming to a bike near me soon....  Good job on the ocean swim. I can imagine that is a little intimidating being a body of water that size and continously swimming. I will try it one day but kudos to you.

I would like to tackle a century ride but I might wait till next year. It is a supported ride with bike mechanics, supplies, and EMS stationed throughout the ride. I have been training for over 90 days now and was curious what my training has prepared me for on the bike. I hit the road today and said I would ride until I knew to stop. That happended at 41 miles. Thighs were a little sore as well as my butt. I enojyed the heck out of the ride as well as learning where I stand on my distance. I'm not prepared for a century ride today but could be by May. After today, I know could handle the half century or 3/4 by Memorial Day. I'm going to see how I feel.

After my 1 mile swim Thurs, 5 mile run yesterday, and 40 mile ride today, I think I will rest tomorrow. Easter Sunday is a good day for a rest.

Happy Easter to you and your families. God Bless-



2012-04-08 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Craig ... that tape does make it look less like an add-on. I've got blue tape on my bars, so I may see about continuing it up the aero bars as well. 


Heading out for 18-20 in a few minutes. I should hit 20, given the course I have in mind to include the 2nd half of the marathon course I'll be racing at the end of May. I'll cut it short if I have to (legs are a bit fatigued), but I think I can handle it. Going to take it nice and slow. 
2012-04-08 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4136323

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, they say you're not a real triathlete until you've pee'd on the bike.  But seriously, that bottle only looks huge.  Because of the aeroness of the bottle it only holds the same as a normal bottle.  But it allows you to get a drink without having to get out of the areo position.  And great job on the 40 miler!

Troy, I hope you have a great run today.  Not only will the blue tape make you ride look cool, the tape really helps you grip.  I try to ride in a fairly aggressive position and have almost slipped off my bars a couple times when my hands get sweaty.

My son wants me to take him on a mountain bike ride today, so we'll hit the trails for a bit then I think I'll add a 3-4 mile brick run.

Have a Happy Easter everybody.


2012-04-08 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig ... how is the bar tape secured at the top of your aero bars? It looks like you've got a strip of electrical tape on the bottom, but I can't tell what you did on the top.


I ran 2:43:35 for 20 miles. If I add 3 more 8 minute miles onto that (miles 16,17,18 were all 7:45 or better), I'd be at 3:07:35 for 23. My 23 mile training runs have always been a solid predictor for my marathon time. I'm still hopeful for sub 3:10 .... but we'll see what next week's HM indicates. 

2012-04-08 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4136665

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BernardDogs - 2012-04-08 10:04 AM

Craig ... how is the bar tape secured at the top of your aero bars? It looks like you've got a strip of electrical tape on the bottom, but I can't tell what you did on the top.


I actually had my mechanic do the wrapping.  It was in for a tune up so I had him do it.  He charged me $25 (seemed a bit high but, oh well).  It appears that he started the wrap at the forward end of the bar and wrapped over towards the outboard side of the bar working aft.  (It doesn't appear that he removed the bar end plugs to secure the end in the bar itself as I have done on other projects).  The aft end is secured with adhesive tape but I'm sure it's the tape that comes with the wrap not electrical tape.  Check out some youtube videos that show how to wrap drop bars.  I haven't seen any for wrapping areo bars

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