BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-06-23 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4275551

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Things went pretty well for my mini-tri - aside from being caught in a downpour. As I was finishing my bike and coming up to the point where I was going to drop it off the side of the rail trail to start running, I could see the rain off in the distance. I went back and forth between finishing outside and risk being poured on, or finishing on the treadmill at home. My husband was giving a flute lesson to a girl who's mother we always wind up chatting away with, so I knew I'd get caught up in conversation if I showed up at home - so I just got really really soaked. Obviously I was already wet from the swim, but I was a bit worried about my orthotics getting wet - looks like they'll be just fine, though, after an overnight dry-out. It was sloooow going, but I have a bit more confidence about it now.


And then today my husband and I decided to go for an 11 mile hike. It took us 7 hours - we went up 3 mountains, one of which was like climbing a rock pile. I did not expect it to take that long, and wound up missing a concert I hoped to attend. Oh well. I knew it'd be a possibility.

I'm glad I had sort of a push these past few days, because tomorrow I leave for upstate NY, around where I grew up. This will wind up being a light week: no bike (I don't have a bike rack - and not sure which kind to use for my hyundai accent hatchback...), no pool nearby, campfires, and friends and family to catch up with. I'll be watching my two nieces during the day (they are almost 3 and 10 months), M-F, so I will get a few runs in either early morning or evenings.

2012-06-23 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

This is not me of course but this is the hazy view I had at dawn on Thursday when I got to run the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Maybe the coolest thing I did while in Philly.  We did a short 2.5 mile run and I had to stop three X!  The humidity was like breathing in wet cotton...81 degrees at 6 in the morning was really a bit much too!  Thank goodness I had a running partner to push me to sprint in the end!  Wheez wheez!


2012-06-23 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
That's Awesome Cynthia.  I love that movie.  So glad you got to experience that.
2012-06-23 10:58 PM
in reply to: #4277029

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-24 5:11 AM

Things went pretty well for my mini-tri - aside from being caught in a downpour. As I was finishing my bike and coming up to the point where I was going to drop it off the side of the rail trail to start running, I could see the rain off in the distance. I went back and forth between finishing outside and risk being poured on, or finishing on the treadmill at home. My husband was giving a flute lesson to a girl who's mother we always wind up chatting away with, so I knew I'd get caught up in conversation if I showed up at home - so I just got really really soaked. Obviously I was already wet from the swim, but I was a bit worried about my orthotics getting wet - looks like they'll be just fine, though, after an overnight dry-out. It was sloooow going, but I have a bit more confidence about it now.


And then today my husband and I decided to go for an 11 mile hike. It took us 7 hours - we went up 3 mountains, one of which was like climbing a rock pile. I did not expect it to take that long, and wound up missing a concert I hoped to attend. Oh well. I knew it'd be a possibility.

I'm glad I had sort of a push these past few days, because tomorrow I leave for upstate NY, around where I grew up. This will wind up being a light week: no bike (I don't have a bike rack - and not sure which kind to use for my hyundai accent hatchback...), no pool nearby, campfires, and friends and family to catch up with. I'll be watching my two nieces during the day (they are almost 3 and 10 months), M-F, so I will get a few runs in either early morning or evenings.

Just bought this at Walmart online today for my bike.  It said in the instructions it would work for a hatch and it is fairly innexpensive, but feels pretty sturdy.  I just put it on my sedan tonight.

Glad to see you got in your workout, and holy cow, 7 hours of hiking would have me on the couch sipping barly pops for sure! 

2012-06-24 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4277221

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-23 11:58 PM
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-24 5:11 AM

Things went pretty well for my mini-tri - aside from being caught in a downpour. As I was finishing my bike and coming up to the point where I was going to drop it off the side of the rail trail to start running, I could see the rain off in the distance. I went back and forth between finishing outside and risk being poured on, or finishing on the treadmill at home. My husband was giving a flute lesson to a girl who's mother we always wind up chatting away with, so I knew I'd get caught up in conversation if I showed up at home - so I just got really really soaked. Obviously I was already wet from the swim, but I was a bit worried about my orthotics getting wet - looks like they'll be just fine, though, after an overnight dry-out. It was sloooow going, but I have a bit more confidence about it now.


And then today my husband and I decided to go for an 11 mile hike. It took us 7 hours - we went up 3 mountains, one of which was like climbing a rock pile. I did not expect it to take that long, and wound up missing a concert I hoped to attend. Oh well. I knew it'd be a possibility.

I'm glad I had sort of a push these past few days, because tomorrow I leave for upstate NY, around where I grew up. This will wind up being a light week: no bike (I don't have a bike rack - and not sure which kind to use for my hyundai accent hatchback...), no pool nearby, campfires, and friends and family to catch up with. I'll be watching my two nieces during the day (they are almost 3 and 10 months), M-F, so I will get a few runs in either early morning or evenings.

Just bought this at Walmart online today for my bike.  It said in the instructions it would work for a hatch and it is fairly innexpensive, but feels pretty sturdy.  I just put it on my sedan tonight.

Glad to see you got in your workout, and holy cow, 7 hours of hiking would have me on the couch sipping barly pops for sure! 



It says out of stock online... and I called the walmart in my area, and it doesn't have any in stock either


Did you buy the last one?!

2012-06-24 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4277053

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
SportzVision - 2012-06-23 7:45 PM

This is not me of course but this is the hazy view I had at dawn on Thursday when I got to run the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Maybe the coolest thing I did while in Philly.  We did a short 2.5 mile run and I had to stop three X!  The humidity was like breathing in wet cotton...81 degrees at 6 in the morning was really a bit much too!  Thank goodness I had a running partner to push me to sprint in the end!  Wheez wheez!


So awesome Cynthia!  Question - did you eat lightening and crap thunder?  (That's what Mickey told Rocky when he explained his training program - "You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder!")

2012-06-24 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4277029

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-23 7:11 PM

Things went pretty well for my mini-tri - aside from being caught in a downpour. As I was finishing my bike and coming up to the point where I was going to drop it off the side of the rail trail to start running, I could see the rain off in the distance. I went back and forth between finishing outside and risk being poured on, or finishing on the treadmill at home. My husband was giving a flute lesson to a girl who's mother we always wind up chatting away with, so I knew I'd get caught up in conversation if I showed up at home - so I just got really really soaked. Obviously I was already wet from the swim, but I was a bit worried about my orthotics getting wet - looks like they'll be just fine, though, after an overnight dry-out. It was sloooow going, but I have a bit more confidence about it now.

And then today my husband and I decided to go for an 11 mile hike. It took us 7 hours - we went up 3 mountains, one of which was like climbing a rock pile. I did not expect it to take that long, and wound up missing a concert I hoped to attend. Oh well. I knew it'd be a possibility.

I'm glad I had sort of a push these past few days, because tomorrow I leave for upstate NY, around where I grew up. This will wind up being a light week: no bike (I don't have a bike rack - and not sure which kind to use for my hyundai accent hatchback...), no pool nearby, campfires, and friends and family to catch up with. I'll be watching my two nieces during the day (they are almost 3 and 10 months), M-F, so I will get a few runs in either early morning or evenings.

Way to push yourself this week!  Sounds like you are gaining confidence by the minute!!!  Enjoy those smores - you have earned them!

2012-06-24 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

45 mile ride up hills and in the rain, serious rain.  When planning my weekend ride two days ago the rain was scheduled for Saturday, not Sunday.  Felt like the heavens opened up and dumped buckets on me. 

This was my longest ride to date, and a huge confidence builder as It was just 11 miles shy of the HIM distance.  I was able to do it at 15.85 mph as well, which used to be the pace for my shorter rides last month.  I guess there is someting to getting time in the saddle. 

Recovery week this week, followed by a intense bike week next week.  This week, I have a ows scheduled for tomorrow.  Hoping to go 1400 yds in 30 min.  HIM in 5 weeks!

2012-06-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Well anniversary 17 for me and my bride! Kids were at aunties so we went to a spin class then swam some laps. Coffee afterwards! Never would have predicted this 17 years ago!
2012-06-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: #4277833

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

thor67 - 2012-06-24 5:53 PM Well anniversary 17 for me and my bride! Kids were at aunties so we went to a spin class then swam some laps. Coffee afterwards! Never would have predicted this 17 years ago!

Happy Anniversary!  Sounds like an awesome way to celebrate Smile

2012-06-24 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Hi All!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Mine went surprisingly well!

I raced this morning.... first tri of the season!  I had decided just to train through this one as part of my HIM training, instead of tapering.  I did include more swimming and yoga instead of running & biking, and skipped my longer bike ride for the week.  So I was slightly more refreshed for the race, but I didn't really do a true taper.

I went in this morning deciding to take it easy and do a solid effort but keep within my usual heart rate training zones.  So I kept it very easy on the swim and bike and did a "tempo" effort for the run.  I also decided not to use my wetsuit since
1) it was 75 degrees in the water and I was afraid I'd overheat and
2) I'm in the no-wetsuit division for my 5k swim race in September so I just should practice without it as much as possible anyways.

Well, whaddya know... Using this strategy, I PR'ed my Olympic distance by 17 minutes!  To be fair, the bike leg was 3 miles short due to road construction, but I think it was the exact same route as the last time I did the race (2009) since there was construction that year too!  Plus, it wasn't 17-minutes worth of biking short, so it would have been a PR even if the bike was the right length.  

So I'm pretty happy with that.  This was also my first time going sub-3 hrs on an Olympic, so that's a pretty neat milestone for me as well.


This week is a step-back week for me, and I'm planning on enjoying it thoroughly and getting some extra rest Smile

2012-06-24 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
I was able to find a bike rack today at Target! Only two racks there, and one was compatible with my car - must be meant to be :p So now I'm in NY, with my bike, and the week won't be a total wash after all.
2012-06-24 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4278032

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-24 8:34 PM

Hi All!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Mine went surprisingly well!

I raced this morning.... first tri of the season!  I had decided just to train through this one as part of my HIM training, instead of tapering.  I did include more swimming and yoga instead of running & biking, and skipped my longer bike ride for the week.  So I was slightly more refreshed for the race, but I didn't really do a true taper.

I went in this morning deciding to take it easy and do a solid effort but keep within my usual heart rate training zones.  So I kept it very easy on the swim and bike and did a "tempo" effort for the run.  I also decided not to use my wetsuit since
1) it was 75 degrees in the water and I was afraid I'd overheat and
2) I'm in the no-wetsuit division for my 5k swim race in September so I just should practice without it as much as possible anyways.

Well, whaddya know... Using this strategy, I PR'ed my Olympic distance by 17 minutes!  To be fair, the bike leg was 3 miles short due to road construction, but I think it was the exact same route as the last time I did the race (2009) since there was construction that year too!  Plus, it wasn't 17-minutes worth of biking short, so it would have been a PR even if the bike was the right length.  

So I'm pretty happy with that.  This was also my first time going sub-3 hrs on an Olympic, so that's a pretty neat milestone for me as well.

This week is a step-back week for me, and I'm planning on enjoying it thoroughly and getting some extra rest Smile

Outstanding!  A sub 3 hr OLY is something to be proud of.  And to PR as well... well that's worthy of enjoying a step-back week.  Enjoy every minute of it.  

Question - I have my first OLY coming up in two weeks.  Any suggestions?

2012-06-24 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4278032

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-25 6:34 AM

Hi All!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Mine went surprisingly well!

I raced this morning.... first tri of the season!  I had decided just to train through this one as part of my HIM training, instead of tapering.  I did include more swimming and yoga instead of running & biking, and skipped my longer bike ride for the week.  So I was slightly more refreshed for the race, but I didn't really do a true taper.

I went in this morning deciding to take it easy and do a solid effort but keep within my usual heart rate training zones.  So I kept it very easy on the swim and bike and did a "tempo" effort for the run.  I also decided not to use my wetsuit since
1) it was 75 degrees in the water and I was afraid I'd overheat and
2) I'm in the no-wetsuit division for my 5k swim race in September so I just should practice without it as much as possible anyways.

Well, whaddya know... Using this strategy, I PR'ed my Olympic distance by 17 minutes!  To be fair, the bike leg was 3 miles short due to road construction, but I think it was the exact same route as the last time I did the race (2009) since there was construction that year too!  Plus, it wasn't 17-minutes worth of biking short, so it would have been a PR even if the bike was the right length.  

So I'm pretty happy with that.  This was also my first time going sub-3 hrs on an Olympic, so that's a pretty neat milestone for me as well.


This week is a step-back week for me, and I'm planning on enjoying it thoroughly and getting some extra rest Smile

Nice race.  When's the HIM?

2012-06-24 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4278063

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-25 6:56 AM I was able to find a bike rack today at Target! Only two racks there, and one was compatible with my car - must be meant to be :p So now I'm in NY, with my bike, and the week won't be a total wash after all.

Glad your able to get and use the bike carrier.

I plan on using mine tomorrow to take bike to lake.  I have a 30 min. ows followed by 15 mile bike ride at site of next tri.  My second ows.  I'm hoping to go further w/o stopping and stay a little further away from shore (but still within reason, baby steps). 

This week is recovery week, and I need it.  Legs = sore right now.

2012-06-24 11:45 PM
in reply to: #4277833

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-06-24 4:53 PMWell anniversary 17 for me and my bride! Kids were at aunties so we went to a spin class then swam some laps. Coffee afterwards! Never would have predicted this 17 years ago!
Happy anniversary!! Glad you could enjoy some one on one time doing stuff you love!

2012-06-24 11:48 PM
in reply to: #4278032

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-24 7:34 PM

Hi All!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Mine went surprisingly well!

I raced this morning.... first tri of the season!  I had decided just to train through this one as part of my HIM training, instead of tapering.  I did include more swimming and yoga instead of running & biking, and skipped my longer bike ride for the week.  So I was slightly more refreshed for the race, but I didn't really do a true taper.

I went in this morning deciding to take it easy and do a solid effort but keep within my usual heart rate training zones.  So I kept it very easy on the swim and bike and did a "tempo" effort for the run.  I also decided not to use my wetsuit since
1) it was 75 degrees in the water and I was afraid I'd overheat and
2) I'm in the no-wetsuit division for my 5k swim race in September so I just should practice without it as much as possible anyways.

Well, whaddya know... Using this strategy, I PR'ed my Olympic distance by 17 minutes!  To be fair, the bike leg was 3 miles short due to road construction, but I think it was the exact same route as the last time I did the race (2009) since there was construction that year too!  Plus, it wasn't 17-minutes worth of biking short, so it would have been a PR even if the bike was the right length.  

So I'm pretty happy with that.  This was also my first time going sub-3 hrs on an Olympic, so that's a pretty neat milestone for me as well.


This week is a step-back week for me, and I'm planning on enjoying it thoroughly and getting some extra rest Smile

Congrats on an awesome race!!! Always great when a PR is included!!
2012-06-25 5:23 PM
in reply to: #4278096

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-24 9:12 PM 

Outstanding!  A sub 3 hr OLY is something to be proud of.  And to PR as well... well that's worthy of enjoying a step-back week.  Enjoy every minute of it.  

Question - I have my first OLY coming up in two weeks.  Any suggestions?

Thanks!  My step-back week comes at a great time, since I have a friend's wedding next weekend, and a houseguest the week after.  So I can spend my extra free time preparing the house for my guest (high training load = less time for housework Embarassed) and I can enjoy the wedding without worrying about having a long workout the next morning!


For your Oly. . . I think I heard somewhere that it takes 2 weeks for your body to adapt to your training, so now's a great time to start tapering and resting up.  Trying to cram in extra workouts won't help your race besides make you more tired!  If you're following a training plan, it should already start shortening your workouts; if you're doing your own plan, you can start shortening your workouts this week, and even more so next week (try to keep your workout frequency & intensity the same though!). 

Besides the taper, just trust the training you've done until now and reap the rewards on race day!  I generally do more yoga or get a massage when I'm tapering for an important race... keeps me looser and more relaxed for race day!

As for race day, I can't think of anything you'd do differently than a sprint, besides going a bit slower and focusing a bit more on nutrition.  

2012-06-25 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4278210

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-24 11:11 PM 

Nice race.  When's the HIM?

Thanks!  HIM is Steelhead 70.3 on August 19!  

2012-06-25 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
In case anyone's interested, I typed up a long, convoluted race report.  It's in my training log if anyone wants to read it!
2012-06-25 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Congrats on a great race!


I got in a run this morning- which was good as it's been triple digits which means the only good time to run is in the morning.  I hope it cools down (and they can get the fires out so the air quality gets better.)


2012-06-25 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Hi guys!  Back from Vegas.  My flight back was delayed last night so I didn't get into Des Moines until 8:30.  I still had a 15 miler on the schedule that I didn't want to miss so I had to stop at a park down there to do it.  Finished up around 11:00 and still had to drive home.  Probably the craziest long run I've ever done
2012-06-25 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4277029

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-06-23 7:11 PM

Things went pretty well for my mini-tri - aside from being caught in a downpour. As I was finishing my bike and coming up to the point where I was going to drop it off the side of the rail trail to start running, I could see the rain off in the distance. I went back and forth between finishing outside and risk being poured on, or finishing on the treadmill at home. My husband was giving a flute lesson to a girl who's mother we always wind up chatting away with, so I knew I'd get caught up in conversation if I showed up at home - so I just got really really soaked. Obviously I was already wet from the swim, but I was a bit worried about my orthotics getting wet - looks like they'll be just fine, though, after an overnight dry-out. It was sloooow going, but I have a bit more confidence about it now.


And then today my husband and I decided to go for an 11 mile hike. It took us 7 hours - we went up 3 mountains, one of which was like climbing a rock pile. I did not expect it to take that long, and wound up missing a concert I hoped to attend. Oh well. I knew it'd be a possibility.

I'm glad I had sort of a push these past few days, because tomorrow I leave for upstate NY, around where I grew up. This will wind up being a light week: no bike (I don't have a bike rack - and not sure which kind to use for my hyundai accent hatchback...), no pool nearby, campfires, and friends and family to catch up with. I'll be watching my two nieces during the day (they are almost 3 and 10 months), M-F, so I will get a few runs in either early morning or evenings.

Glad the mini-tri went well for you!  Those kinds of workouts are always great for building confidence so I'm glad you're feeling better about the upcoming race!

2012-06-25 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4278032

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-24 8:34 PM

Hi All!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Mine went surprisingly well!

I raced this morning.... first tri of the season!  I had decided just to train through this one as part of my HIM training, instead of tapering.  I did include more swimming and yoga instead of running & biking, and skipped my longer bike ride for the week.  So I was slightly more refreshed for the race, but I didn't really do a true taper.

I went in this morning deciding to take it easy and do a solid effort but keep within my usual heart rate training zones.  So I kept it very easy on the swim and bike and did a "tempo" effort for the run.  I also decided not to use my wetsuit since
1) it was 75 degrees in the water and I was afraid I'd overheat and
2) I'm in the no-wetsuit division for my 5k swim race in September so I just should practice without it as much as possible anyways.

Well, whaddya know... Using this strategy, I PR'ed my Olympic distance by 17 minutes!  To be fair, the bike leg was 3 miles short due to road construction, but I think it was the exact same route as the last time I did the race (2009) since there was construction that year too!  Plus, it wasn't 17-minutes worth of biking short, so it would have been a PR even if the bike was the right length.  

So I'm pretty happy with that.  This was also my first time going sub-3 hrs on an Olympic, so that's a pretty neat milestone for me as well.


This week is a step-back week for me, and I'm planning on enjoying it thoroughly and getting some extra rest Smile

That's a big PR and a great time milestone!  Glad to see your strategy pay off!

2012-06-25 8:57 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Great work over the weekend guys! I won't individually reply to everything, but I did read it all! I love Rocky....Rocky IV is my fav as blasphemous as that is! Would be so cool to run those steps!

I signed up for IM France today. Planning out the trip now, planning on renting a condo along the race course. So just have to sign the contract and put a deposit down for that. My parents, brother and maybe grandfather might be coming for the trip!

Got a run and swim done today. Pretty tired. Hitting the sack early tonight!

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