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2009-06-08 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
So im going to the beach again tommorow, this time until saturdday for my sisters wedding. Hopefully i can still train some

2009-06-08 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2203771

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

patchadams - 2009-06-09 11:13 AM So im going to the beach again tommorow, this time until saturdday for my sisters wedding. Hopefully i can still train some

Just take some gear and shoes then see what you can fit in!

Weddings dont happen often so its ok to enjoy that too!

2009-06-08 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2202086

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-09 1:51 AM Question! Anyone know of some exercises that I can do to strengthen the muscles that support the knee? I tend to hyperextend my knee, which causes problems. (It wobbles from side to side too - which is also a problem.) So I'm looking for suggestions on how to strengthen the muscles supporting the knee. Thanks!

Hi Dee... you actually need to do TWO things:

1 - STRETCH regularly the muscles that support the knee. Why? Because if some are tight and others are not then you get into all sorts of trouble as the tighter muscles will pull your knee out of alignment with every movement yuo make (workout out, moving around etc) which can be a MAJOR cause of problems

2 - STRENGTH: This is about not so much JUST getting strong supporting muscles... its ALSO about making sure that your strong leg muscles dont get significantly stronger to the detriment of the smaller muscles... especially if they are compensating for the weaker ones.

Its most common that you need to work the following:

ITB - Stretch

Quads/hamstrings - Stretch (strength for hamstrings and quads work well as long as its balanced)

Calves/calves - Stretch predominatley

Glutes: Stretch/Strength

Hip Flexors: Stretch

Some of the basic exercises you could start with include Hip Raises/Pelvic raises (whether you want to call them), hamstring leg curls on the swiss ball and lunges.

However I know you cant do squats or lunges so another quad exercise would be ok. Even if you WERE doing this exercises I would initially be suggesting them unweighted and gentle... so walking lunges, two legged unweights squats with the swiss ball moving on to one legged unweighted squats.

If you have acess to a wobble board practice standing on it with one leg and holding your balance.... then try the other leg... if one legged two hard to start with try two and move up from there....

Additionally I would also look into ab/adductor exercises...

Also one of the golden rules (that are sometimes true but not always) is that if you are having trouble with a joint then you need to look at the joints above/below it... so in this case ankles and hips. I would also recommend keeping an eye on your stability....

You need to be working your core and lower back to insure that you have good stability through the mid section so when you do need to balance yourself that is switched on and working in day to day life... and yuor knee isnt being put under pressure because the rest of your body cant handle it.

In addition to crunches (preferably on the Swiss Ball) I would also suggest hovers/planks or forward ball roll outs, Leg Lowers (use bent legs and do one leg at a time initially.. have the core switched on at all times as your lower back should NOT move) and something liek a side plank or a medball twist.

Heaps of other exercises you can do for core but thats a good starting point!

Obviously this a pretty general suggestion based on achieving better all around strenght/flexibility and stability.. and Im not a doctor/trained medical person or anything.... but this is what I would do!

2009-06-08 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2202840

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

d2lock - 2009-06-09 4:50 AM

Hey peeps,

Just wanted to let you all know I am still around and have not abandoned the group, but have had a hectic/stressfull past couple of weeks.  Auditors have finally completed our 2008 financials, but are still on site as they have some work streams to complete as the company prepares public company filing information (not sure how long that can drag out, but with the economy being bad, probably another few months). 

That's the good news.  The bad news has been:

1)  Doctor put me on injured reserve for the summer:  No running program until I can swim at least 800 yards with no soreness in my knee and no sooner than September to ensure my shin splints have healed completely (you can check my album if you are curious to see the difference between left and right leg).

2)  I totaled my car - low speed and no one was hurt - I rearended someone as I was checking my blind spot to change lanes at the same time he decided to stop in the middle of the road.  I was able to hit my brakes causing my bumper to go under his.  His car rode up my front end, so his car had no damage and my front end looked like an accordian.

I took the last week off, but it's time to get back on the bike at the gym and walking on the dreadmill.  I'm also thinking about upgrading to silver membership and accessing the winter maintenance programs to keep me motivated.

Im really sorry things havent worked out as hoped for... . after my own car stress last week you have my sympathy re: that issue

Well the injured reserve isnt such a bad place to be if Im honest... if you can walk and use the elliptical you may not be running but you are getting time on your feet. For anyone STARTING running the impact that your body goes through from running can be slowly adjusted to with walking and elliptial (although its not the same as running) which will get you ready AND its still cardio!

Another option is water running but I just cant tell you much about it because i get bored in minutes when I attempt it... so Im hardly the poster child for it!

I also find if Im doing less high intensity stuff it is easier to focus weight loss as Im not as hungry so maybe that will be helpful for you too?

Right now the best thing is going to be 'little and often' in terms of workouts... so regular workouts 4-6 days a week.. dont worry about LARGE amounts just getting something in regularly... youll feel the benefits in no time!

Do you know how to tape/strap your knee for workouts? That might help too (Dee this may also help you with knee tracking)

2009-06-08 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2203935

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-06-08 10:25 PM

Do you know how to tape/strap your knee for workouts? That might help too (Dee this may also help you with knee tracking)

No, I don't know how to tape it.... But I do use a knee band (strap):
2009-06-08 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2202840

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
d2lock - 2009-06-08 2:50 PM

Hey peeps,

Just wanted to let you all know I am still around and have not abandoned the group, but have had a hectic/stressfull past couple of weeks.  Auditors have finally completed our 2008 financials, but are still on site as they have some work streams to complete as the company prepares public company filing information (not sure how long that can drag out, but with the economy being bad, probably another few months). 

That's the good news.  The bad news has been:

1)  Doctor put me on injured reserve for the summer:  No running program until I can swim at least 800 yards with no soreness in my knee and no sooner than September to ensure my shin splints have healed completely (you can check my album if you are curious to see the difference between left and right leg).

2)  I totaled my car - low speed and no one was hurt - I rearended someone as I was checking my blind spot to change lanes at the same time he decided to stop in the middle of the road.  I was able to hit my brakes causing my bumper to go under his.  His car rode up my front end, so his car had no damage and my front end looked like an accordian.

I took the last week off, but it's time to get back on the bike at the gym and walking on the dreadmill.  I'm also thinking about upgrading to silver membership and accessing the winter maintenance programs to keep me motivated.

Wow, definitely a stressful few weeks for you.

1) Hope the swimming goes well! I did look at your photo album, and saw the shin splints there. Ouch!

2) Oh wow! Glad you're OK!

2009-06-08 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2204037

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-09 1:38 PM
kaqphin - 2009-06-08 10:25 PM Do you know how to tape/strap your knee for workouts? That might help too (Dee this may also help you with knee tracking)

No, I don't know how to tape it.... But I do use a knee band (strap):

Hi Dee,

I work with a guy who uses that strap for his knee issues... I guess it depends on what kind of issue yuo have in terms of what you need to use!

Personally I tape my knee if I get deparate... but I havent done it for awhile so who knows if I remember how!

2009-06-09 6:02 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Knee injuries and issues scare me so I am staying out of this one.

Yes, I am still alive.  My apologies to all who were concerned but I had a trip planned to see my parents after my race on Sunday.  Unfortunately, I was so wrapped up in my shoulder/back injury and then disappointed but not being able to race that I didn't come here to tell you all that I was going away.  My apologies!!  I really did appreciate the concern shown though, so thank you for that as well.

If you want to read some of a New Yorker's thoughts about his trip to North Carolina, I put them up in my training log. 

Okay, back to to work:  The back is feeling much better and I had my first real swim workout since I hurt myself last night.  I guess that means I finally need to get on to my June goals, don't I?  Maybe I'll work on them on the way into work this morning...
2009-06-09 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Oh, to anyone in the area who is interested, there is an open water swim clinic coming up on Saturday.  I can't seem to find anything that says it is only open to racers so feel free to come along, if you can use it:

LI Gold Coast Open Water CLINIC

Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 9:30 AM

North Hempstead Beach Park
West Shore Road
Port Washington, NY 11050

Date & Time

Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 9:30 AM


North Hempstead Beach Park
West Shore Road



Event Closing Date

Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Brief Description

The Triathlon Open Water Swimming & Transition Clinic will cover everything from warming-up, open water swimming techniques, starts, sighting, drafting and transitions. The clinic is Saturday June 13th at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington, the site of the Long Island Gold Coast Triathlon.

Contact Information

[email protected]

2009-06-09 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
hey all!!!  I am still here. I had a bad training week last week, which seems to be a common occurrence after i do a race. that compounded with being very busy at work, the wife traveling alot and having to shop for a car has kept me from posting more than one liners here and there, Heck even Kitty and I have not had our usual early morning chat session in almost a week. 

Hope all is well with everyone!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

2009-06-09 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2204229

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-06-09 7:02 AM Knee injuries and issues scare me so I am staying out of this one.

Yes, I am still alive.  My apologies to all who were concerned but I had a trip planned to see my parents after my race on Sunday.  Unfortunately, I was so wrapped up in my shoulder/back injury and then disappointed but not being able to race that I didn't come here to tell you all that I was going away.  My apologies!!  I really did appreciate the concern shown though, so thank you for that as well.

If you want to read some of a New Yorker's thoughts about his trip to North Carolina, I put them up in my training log. 

Okay, back to to work:  The back is feeling much better and I had my first real swim workout since I hurt myself last night.  I guess that means I finally need to get on to my June goals, don't I?  Maybe I'll work on them on the way into work this morning...

Welcome back Shawn!!!  we though we lost ya!!!  I am more friendly with the peeps here than I am with most people in real life, strange as it seems. But, we are a support group since most "normal" people just dont understand what we do. And i am cetrainly not normal!!!

2009-06-09 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Is it Friday yet???  How in the world am I going to make it til Friday???  Good news is that I am off Friday  I am on the board for CARTI's Tour de Rock this year, so I am helping with set up/packet pick-up/registration all day Friday.  Then on Saturday, I'm leading the Family Fun Ride...I'm excited to get lots of folks outside and on a bike.  I know since I've gotten my new saddle, I love love love my new bike.

Shawn - glad you are back!

Patchadams - life is it

D - above and beyond knowing that I have 2 of them (knees), I know nothing else about them.

d2lock - I am so very glad that you didn't get hurt in the accident!!  Sounds like it was scary!  I just gave up my small car (mini cooper) yesterday for an SUV.  I'm pretty sure if I hit anything larget than a june bug, it would  have totaled that car.

2009-06-09 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

2009-06-09 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED





OK OK I'll stop.

2009-06-09 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2205764

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

crews - 2009-06-10 5:33 AM





OK OK I'll stop.

Nice try though....

2009-06-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2205761

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

crews - 2009-06-10 5:32 AM

Is it Friday yet???  How in the world am I going to make it til Friday???  Good news is that I am off Friday  I am on the board for CARTI's Tour de Rock this year, so I am helping with set up/packet pick-up/registration all day Friday.  Then on Saturday, I'm leading the Family Fun Ride...I'm excited to get lots of folks outside and on a bike.  I know since I've gotten my new saddle, I love love love my new bike.

Im so glad the new saddle has made all the different to yoru bike... and since its practically summer for you... nothing to do but RIDE YOUR BIKE!

2009-06-09 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2204577

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Rudedog55 - 2009-06-09 11:49 PM hey all!!!  I am still here. I had a bad training week last week, which seems to be a common occurrence after i do a race. that compounded with being very busy at work, the wife traveling alot and having to shop for a car has kept me from posting more than one liners here and there, Heck even Kitty and I have not had our usual early morning chat session in almost a week. 

Hope all is well with everyone!!!

Keep up the good work!!!


Lol - well Puppy I guess that means you havent been noticing my absences that last few days then... phew!

When you think about it a lighter week of trainin post race is actually a good recovery strategy that clearly your body responds well to as its a pattern yuo have established...

I actually find I do exactly the same thing and I think its both healthy and a good long term strategy for racing so I would asknowledge the pattern and see how yuo can best take advantage of your needs in that regard. Things such as... maybe doing a bit more arounf the home, spending a little more time with your wife, indulging in other hobbies that dont get much time or just watching a couple of movies and REALLY relaxing can be good ways to just take advantage of the recovery time needed post each major race!

Dont do nothing... just scale back both volume and intensity if thats what your body seems to need... yuo do NOT loose fitness in one week... in fact you may even gain some!

2009-06-09 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2204229

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-06-09 7:02 AM

If you want to read some of a New Yorker's thoughts about his trip to North Carolina, I put them up in my training log. 

Ha! I know all those places you mentioned in your log. I've even lived in one or two....

P.S. I had "pathological tendencies" long before I got to NC. :P

(Although, living in NC probably brought them out.... LOL)

2009-06-09 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2205762

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
crews - 2009-06-09 3:33 PM

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

What? It's not Friday there yet?

2009-06-10 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2206432

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
D001 - 2009-06-09 8:55 PM
crews - 2009-06-09 3:33 PM

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

What? It's not Friday there yet?

Wait - it's Friday already?!?!
2009-06-10 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2206857

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-06-10 7:28 AM

D001 - 2009-06-09 8:55 PM
crews - 2009-06-09 3:33 PM

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

What? It's not Friday there yet?

Wait - it's Friday already?!?!

In my world, it's Saturday.

I like living in my world. Every day is Saturday.

Edited by D001 2009-06-10 10:55 AM

2009-06-10 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi all! It's Wednesday, and I'm finally able to get online and talk about my AWESOME ride around Lake Tahoe on Sunday! It was fantastic! And it was a super ego boost to see how my training has really been paying off. A year ago, this ride would have killed me. But I finished it feeling great and was able to walk around and, even though I was tired and mostly brain-dead, I was able to go to work on Monday and at least be there in body.

There were two good climbs and several good hills on the ride and only one of them gave me trouble. It was the steepest and came early in the ride (around mile 10 or so). At the bottom, I couldn't tell how far the climb went so I decided to break it up into segments and rested on each of the switchbacks and let my HR return to Z1-2 before heading up for another short segment of climbing.  As it turns out, it wasn't as long as I'd expected.

The other climb was at the end, and was about 5-7 miles long (depending on which version of the map you looked at) but wasn't nearly as steep. This is where all my hill-climbing training came in handy. I think, of all the things I've learned over the last year or so, the ability to keep a steady pace uphill for a long-ish distance without blowing up is the most important. "Just make circles."

The views were spectacular, and the weather was perfect.

I let myself take a full rest on Monday. I was so tired and useless, any training I would have done would have been wasted time.

But yesterday, I was back at it. And already today I've been to the pool for my swim lesson and am I'm still aiming to get my bike workout in.  It's just under 4 weeks until my first Oly tri of the season. My goal is to set a PR at the second one, in August, but I really need to stay focused between now and then.

Work and life are still crazy. Work is what it is. I'm surrounded by people who come in early, work through lunch and stay late. I'm still sneaking out for my afternoon circuit training session twice a week.  As long as I keep carpooling, I have a natural excuse to leave at 5, which will get me home in time to do an evening workout.

Life is stressful. We're *this* close to being in contract on a new house. We had some stressful moments last week when the selling agent showed his true colors as being a total jerk, and that put us in a tailspin. And that's the main reason my workouts dropped off so dramatically late last week. This week, things are looking a bit more optimistic, but the guy is still dragging his feet. If all goes semi according to plan, we should be in contract this week, and close around the weekend of the July 4th holiday. Yay. *crossed fingers*

But for now, I'm trying to keep my training momentum up, and not let these life/work things get in the way.
2009-06-10 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2207614

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats Karen, it sounds like everything is moving right along for you.  It must be a great feeling to see all of your hard work and training pay off like that, not to mention the rides sounded amazing!

Best of luck on your house and keeping everything in balance!


D001 - 2009-06-10 11:55 AM
Sulcus - 2009-06-10 7:28 AM
D001 - 2009-06-09 8:55 PM
crews - 2009-06-09 3:33 PM

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

What? It's not Friday there yet? :)

Wait - it's Friday already?!?!
In my world, it's Saturday. :) I like living in my world. Every day is Saturday. :)

You're so lucky!  I feel like I just move from one Monday to the next.  ;)

Edited by Sulcus 2009-06-10 1:24 PM
2009-06-10 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2207614

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-11 1:55 AM
Sulcus - 2009-06-10 7:28 AM
D001 - 2009-06-09 8:55 PM
crews - 2009-06-09 3:33 PM

I just wanted to say Friday one more time to see if it would get here faster.

What? It's not Friday there yet?

Wait - it's Friday already?!?!
In my world, it's Saturday. I like living in my world. Every day is Saturday.

You do werk on Saturdays?

2009-06-10 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2207807

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

madkat - 2009-06-11 2:51 AM

But for now, I'm trying to keep my training momentum up, and not let these life/work things get in the way.

Sounds like you are doing a really awesome job with it too!!

That ride sounds spectacular... how great is it that its come together for you over time!


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