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2010-01-13 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!    My very best wishes for a great year ahead!

2010-01-13 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Congratulations on your race last weekend and the PB.   You must still be on a real high from that.    I would love to talk to you more about it and how you were able to get to the point where you could do 2 of these races.   That is a huge accomplishment.  

I think it is going to serve you well, because it seems that all the women I have met who do well in triathlon, all have half marathons under their belt.

Hope your have a good recovery week.

2010-01-13 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-09 8:54 PM CATHY - Thank you for the decipheration of your work schedule. I will put it is my mental blender and puree it for a few days and see what transpires! Actually, your schedule sounds like it allows more freedom thanI had thought it would. No, on second thought it's all you -- somehow crafting more than the allotted 24 hours out of a couple of those days. I think that's what I have to come to terms with -- how you manage to pull off so much over the course of that schedule. If Anne is the Queen of Compartmentalization, then you are the High Priestess of Time Management. Put the two of you in the same room, and you'd be ruling the universe in no time flat. But i digress. Thank you also for the outline of your key races. And even though K-Town hasn't updated the website, I wrote to Mike B. a few weeks ago and race day is Sunday the 1st. At 45 for an HIM swim, and with a sweet current at your feet in the channel at B2B, you should be fine topping out at 60-75 for your longest swim - more "minimal swim training"! It will be intersting to follow the discussions about B2B, as the supposed expert tide-watchers chime in with their predictions about what effect the strong incoming current will have on the race. have you looked at the results for '08? Holy-moly, there were some amazingly fast times, so if '10 is anything like '08, heck, you might be able to top-out at about 55 minutes for your longest swim! As for are you fixing to handle long rides once mid-October hits up here? As I think I said earlier, i had toyed with the idea of doing B2B, but just decided to keep my life simple and finish up the season with MightyMan HIM on Oct. 4. As October progresssed, I was glad I made this decision and didn't feel compelled to get out there for 4-6 hour rides, as it just seemed chilly most days. Now, as I revisit thoughts of B2B, I know I will have to suck it up quite a bit and face the prospect of being mildly-chilled for several hours, for several days, tooling around the flatlands of eastern Ontario, where the wind doth blow endlessly -- if I even sign up for it. (Long odds for that.....) But as for you --- any ideas? One I might suggest is to get your long rides out of the way by, say, Oct. 15, and then work on technique and efficiency for the final month. I'm sure your fitness will be in place by then, and if you've done your long rides (~100 miles) with no hardships, then your confidence will be there, too. Thoughts?

Steve... I had not even thought about what the weather in Oct would be.... because.... every year since I started tri I really haven't ridden my bike AT ALL after my last race of the season which was labour day in 2007, mid Sept in 2008 and in 2009 everything after Sept 10 (which was only a handful of rides) was on the trainer.  So I've never ridden outside in the fall.   I have done outside rides in early March and do have full cold weather gear including gloves/shoe covers and expensive thin warm cap that fits under my helmut... so I COULD do outside rides in cold weather, I just haven't.

If I stick with my 9 day cycle and do a long ride only once every 9 days (as opposed to every 7) I should be able to recover well from them and therefore do more than a few 100 + rides over the summer/fall before it gets too cold and then maybe the last 3 weeks of Oct focus more on the long runs and keep the bikes a bit shorter (and more intense)?   Does that make sense ... if I have the bike endurance will I lose too much by doing shorter rides for ~ 5 weeks before the race or do I need to plan that one last long ride closer to race day ie. 3 weeks out?  I'm thinking  I need to do the training over the spring/summer/fall and make that decision closer to race day based on my training and fitness level. 

Have to go sleep now...

BTW - Happy birthday Steve and will be looking forward to your BT of the Month podcast.
2010-01-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2611140

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
cathyd - 2010-01-13 8:23 AM Mark and Ladynorth (sorry I don't know remember everybody's real names yet) -

Not sure where you all are starting but a couple sources for trainer workouts:

the BT beginner cycling articles :

Spinerval web site posts free weekly workouts - I print these out and keep them in a binder - at  here is a sample -

Jorge's winter power building program has a main thread in the challenge forum.. it gets great reviews but is not necessarily for beginners.

There have been a few threads over the years where people posted bike workouts, if I can find them I'll post them or try searching the forums.

If you want to spend money you can get spinervals (& other brands)  DVDs . warning: they are tough workouts.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for this bike workout info.   It looks really good.    May be a while before I do some though - not ready for tough workouts yet.  

2010-01-13 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2611140

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
cathyd - 2010-01-13 7:23 AM

Mark and Ladynorth (sorry I don't know remember everybody's real names yet) -

Not sure where you all are starting but a couple sources for trainer workouts:

the BT beginner cycling articles :

Spinerval web site posts free weekly workouts - I print these out and keep them in a binder - at  here is a sample -

Jorge's winter power building program has a main thread in the challenge forum.. it gets great reviews but is not necessarily for beginners.

There have been a few threads over the years where people posted bike workouts, if I can find them I'll post them or try searching the forums.

If you want to spend money you can get spinervals (& other brands)  DVDs . warning: they are tough workouts.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Cathy, it's nice to have a place to start that I know others have found useful. Mark

Happy Birthday Steve.
2010-01-13 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve - Happy birthday! - one year closer to the next age group - haha

2010-01-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Lisa, congrats on your time!  I can only dream of placing where you did in something, some dayFoot in mouth

Steve, congratulations on the BT award!  You deserve it.  I am so grateful for all the time you spend answering questions here, although much of it still is over my head.  And hope you have wonderful birthday!

2010-01-13 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2611209

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I think it is a matter of being "spoiled" by the several months I'bve been able to ride outside in minimal clothing ---- and then fall rolls around and I almost resent having to get bundled up for rides. But you're right - you and I both have the cold-weather gear, and it's just a matter of sucking it up, bundling up, and getting out there and do it.

Having said that, though, were I to do B2B I would aim to do my last loooong ride about October 15 -- just in case it gets unseasonably cold. I would then try to hang tough with some three-hour efforts, maybe pushing the pace some just to simualte fatgue. And if it turned out that, say, October 29 was a sweet-weather day, I would then venture forth for an 80-100 miler. But I would just want to have my my ducks in a row by mid-October.

For the most part, your fitness should be in place by the middle of October -- and then it's just working as hard as you can to maintain it until B2B. But a big part of an iron is having the confidence that you can keep the cranks turning over for 112 miles, and as long as you've done that (or even close) to it, two or three times, you should be fine if you don't ride long in the three (or even five, if necessary!) weeks before the race.

Can you tell me again what you currently see as your last race before B2B? Merci!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-01-13 10:59 AM
2010-01-13 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2611016

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


(1) I would like to know the birthdays of all of you. You know mine is January 13, and I know that Mark is also January (but I need to know the exact date!), but for the rest of you I haven't a clue. So, I'd really like everyone to submit their b-days. Please?

(2) I would also like your race schedule, as you currently see it. I realize that a lot will change between now and whenever, but I just want to have an idea of what each of you has planned, or even just wild hopes for. And if you have nothing in the works right now, that is fine - there is lots of time to figure out what all is out there, and what you might want to tackle. But for those of you who have a few fairly firm ideas, could you post them. Pretty please?

Thanks, gang!

2010-01-13 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2605539

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Congratulations on being chosen as a member of the month!!! You've been great so far with sharing knowledge, thoughts and advice.

I've been thinking about your response to my race/training post a while back.

I live about 1.5 hour drive to Lansing (I live in Troy). I grew up in a town that borders on Welland (Fonthill) and my parents still live there. So the drive to the race site would take all of 15 minutes. I lived in Ottawa while attending Carleton University. Still have many friends who live there.

I'm debating doing both Hawk Island and Welland. Ambitious? Probably. Reasons why those two is no need for hotel at either, beginner friendly and I could rent one wetsuit for two events. Also doing 2 I feel would give me a good basis for whether tri'ing is for me. Plus I'd take part in 2 before I'm 30 Wink

I'm at about 200lb right now at 5'10". (Was at 235 in Dec 2007). As for race weight...That would be what my weight is on race day. Realistically, I don't know what my ideal race weight is. When I actively dry land rowed, I was at 160. Is that attainable, I can only try and see. I've always been on the heavier side and tri'ing is giving me incentive to work at this. I do eat pretty healthy (except when free food is around, I'm a sucker for free food even though it is generally all garbage for you). I know where I could cut out more, but I'm a fat kid at heart. I love to eat! I love to eat good food even more! As for more disciplined eating, I could do it if I really had the desire to. Not saying it wouldn't happen but what would happen with all the left over sweets from the holidays?? As for Paleo, not that I know more about it, I in theory agree with it but would truly struggle with it. I like my bread and pastas and beer and cookies and many other foods that it does not allow for. Not to mention sauces that add flavour to food. However, most of what I eat would agree with it.

Yes, you did mention Wasaga and one in the NY Finger lakes. At this point, I'm not overly interested in travelling long distances and paying for hotels for tri's. Don't have the discretionary cash for things like that right now.

I agree with you from a standpoint that going straight to an Oly distance would potentially induce injuries. My reason to train for that distance is due that I have a base in cycling and swimming (or at least I think I do). I can easily swim 1000m broken into 200m sets. I regularly am in spin classes that have varying intensity for an hour. This past summer, I would ride for a minimum of 2+ hours, predominatly offroad. No idea of on road speeds as I yet to have a cycle computer. So the only sport I don't have a base in is running. That's why I started into the couch to 10k and have yet to determine how far I will take that in the run.

I feel that for swimming and biking, I am already way over the distances needed for the H.I. sprint (1500m swim on this past Saturday for instance). Backing off is a bit of the last thing I want to do at this point. Also, looking at the plans (especially for biking time), I'd have to decrease my time.

Edited by smarx 2010-01-13 11:44 AM
2010-01-13 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2611718

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Common Steve, I already got you the same gift as last year, just bigger!!

#1. August 5th, 1980.

#2. Hawk Island Tri, June 6, 2010

       Welland Sprint Tri, June 26, 2010

2010-01-13 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
1- January 28 (same as my mother)

2- Haven't really picked a race yet but as long as I keep training I do not need blood pressure or cholesterol meds, which I was on the verge of needing when I first started.  

3- Still working toward losing at least 30 lbs 
2010-01-13 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2611718

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-01-13 11:07 AM
(1) I would like to know the birthdays of all of you. You know mine is January 13, and I know that Mark is also January (but I need to know the exact date!), but for the rest of you I haven't a clue. So, I'd really like everyone to submit their b-days. Please?
(2) I would also like your race schedule, as you currently see it. I realize that a lot will change between now and whenever, but I just want to have an idea of what each of you has planned, or even just wild hopes for. And if you have nothing in the works right now, that is fine - there is lots of time to figure out what all is out there, and what you might want to tackle. But for those of you who have a few fairly firm ideas, could you post them. Pretty please?

Hey Steve, always one to try and fulfill a b-day wish if possible, here's my info:

Birthday: February 18, 1964 (my b-day came VERY early this year )

Race Schedule
4/17: Earth Day 10K
5/23: Land Between the Lakes - sprint
6/13: Hy-Vee or Trinona Battle for the Bluff - olympic
7/11: Water's Edge - sprint
8/8: Big Creek - olympic (tentative-my training always takes a hit in July)
8/21: Dog Days (with my daughter ) - reverse sprint
9/19: TriHawks - sprint (tentative)
9/26: Peregrine Charities (tentative)
I hope to do 3 sprint & 2 olympic races.

Edited by TriD64 2010-01-13 4:29 PM
2010-01-13 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


BD: 12-18-46

2010 races:
a smattering of 5ks, one jan 1 and one Jan 16 for sure
May 1 - Chain of Lakes, Alexandria,MN (indoor pool - never done that)
May 23 - Land Between the Lakes, Albert Lea, MN (will need a wetsuit - never swum in one)
July 11 - Graniteman, St Cloud,MN
Aug 14 - Northwoods, Nevis,MN (reg opens Jan 4 and will close in 2 weeks - very popular)
Aug 29 - Lakes Country, Baxter,MN
- these 5 are all sprints in the Tri-Minnesota series - my motivation is getting a "5+" running jacket if I do 5
-  possible oly in August - still considering

2010-01-13 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Birthday November 14

March 20 First ever race!  5k

October (no date yet) 4th Ironhead Women's Sprint Triathlon

Somewhere in here, like early Sept, I'd like to find a mini-sprint that is half the distance of the sprint just to do the transitions, etc.  Still looking.  I also expect to do some additional 5ks after I get the first one out of the way but don't know what those will be yet.

2010-01-13 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2612077

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
FoxfireTX - 2010-01-13 1:23 PM

Birthday November 14

March 20 First ever race!  5k

October (no date yet) 4th Ironhead Women's Sprint Triathlon

Somewhere in here, like early Sept, I'd like to find a mini-sprint that is half the distance of the sprint just to do the transitions, etc.  Still looking.  I also expect to do some additional 5ks after I get the first one out of the way but don't know what those will be yet.

try a tri decatur texas  This one might be too early but I have heard good thngs about it 

Edited by Dwayne 2010-01-13 1:45 PM

2010-01-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy B-Day Steve!

I too am a Capricorn - January 18th I hit the big 3-9.  Knocking on the door of the next AG.

2010 Races
Ironman St. George - May 1st
Vineman 70.3 - July....17th I  think
Nautica Malibu - Late September - not sure they've released the date yet
Silverman 140.6 - November 7th (this one is pretty tentative - we'll see how the body feels after Vineman)
2010-01-13 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2612129

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Dwayne - 2010-01-13 1:41 PM  
try a tri decatur texas  This one might be too early but I have heard good thngs about it 

Thanks for thinking of me Dwayne.  I looked at this one but if I remember correctly the swim is 300m and given that I can't even be in the pool at this point I don't think my shoulders will be ready for the swim. I am desperately trying to exercise patience as I watch what everyone else is planning.

2010-01-13 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE!!! Congratulations on both the award and the birthday!!! My birthday is 29th of march and I don't have anything on my schedule yet...

2010-01-13 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Musings on a Tuesday (Yes, I'd rather be training than at work!)

I forgot how much I like swimming in the rain.  Doesn't happen much here in LA, but it's very peaceful.

Was running on the treadmill this morning and the woman next to me looks over after a while and says, "what are you smiling about?".  I HEART endorphins. 

New treadmill game to keep me occupied (god they are boring).  Found a treadmill in front of a window where I could see a light reflection.  Kept the pace steady for about 30 minutes, and every time the HR started to tick up, I'd watch what the form looked like in the mirror and make adjustments.  Might have been bouncing too much, shoulders too high creating tension, stride getting choppy, whatever.  Focused on smoothing out the gait when the HR would tick up and sure enough, the HR came back down.  It was an interesting learning experience to see how much a small breakdown in form wastes energy.  2-3 bpm x 26.2 miles = a lot of wasted energy.
2010-01-13 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Birthday:  Sept 10/52

  • 5km Endurace, April 10
  • Florida Freewheelers Bicycle Safari, 6 day tour -April 17-22 (registered) 80-100km/day
  • Kitchener Mudpuppy 10km, May 2
  • Woodstock, June 6th (long sprint)  May do Milton on June 6th instead - haven't decided
  • Guelph Lake I, June 20(Olympic)
  • Peterborough 1/2 Iron Aqua/Bike, July, 4th
  • Muskoka Long Course, July 24th
  • Orillia, (long sprint) August 22nd
  • If the body can hold up, this is what we would like to do this year.   

    2010-01-13 5:27 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Would like to get your input on pre-IM races.  My training plan calls for a HIM in advance of the full IM on May 1st.  If memory serves (I don't have the book in front of me), the plan calls for a HIM about 5-6 weeks prior to the IM.  Maybe it's more like 6-7 weeks.

    Challenge is that races are hard to come by that early in the season.  I am able to find this one: the Showdown at Sundown in Vegas on March 27th.

    Is that too  close to the IM race, or should that be OK in your estimate?  I'd have 30 days  between the HIM and the IM.  That would be 3 more peaking weeks and then a two-week taper into the IM. 

    Part of me is concerned whether there will be enough recover time before the race.  At the same time, I'm scheduled for long bikes of 5-6 hours and long runs of 3+ hours during that time - so if I can recover from those, should I really be concerned about recovery? 

    Lastly, assuming that I do the HIM, I'm assuming that the goal is to simply work the kinks out - but I should not be competing in this with any thought to time goals.  Is that right?
    2010-01-13 5:49 PM
    in reply to: #2611718

    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-23 8:07 PM
    2010-01-13 7:01 PM
    in reply to: #2611828

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    My day? Pretty good......but being gone for ~ 9 hours has my woefully behind here, yet again. My plan is to chop away a bit tonight, and then clear-cut tomorrow morning. There is no rest for the wicked!

    I survived the interview -- I think. As is usual for such things, one would love to have a second shot at it, but it was just a one-take sort of thing. It'll take a few weeks to process, and then it will be available for all to hear what a donkey would sound like, if donkeys could speak.

    Thank you all for responding so quickly to my requests for b-days and race info. Much obliged! One of the other group commented "Such a teacher thing to do!" when I requested birthdays from them last year, and I guess that's part of what's behind my request. If we all shared a classroom, there'd be cupcakes all around each time one of you had a birthday!

    And I'm off to the slush-pile of posts!

    2010-01-13 7:06 PM
    in reply to: #2612704

    New user
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-01-13 8:01 PM  If we all shared a classroom, there'd be cupcakes all around each time one of you had a birthday!  

    Hot damn! Cupcakes!?!?!? You can read my mind!!!

    Hope its been and continues to be a good one Steve!
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