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2013-01-26 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4306637

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

and I thought camping in the rain was bad enough...

37 minutes on the drainer today, swim scheduled for tomorrow

2013-01-27 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4595551

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-26 10:56 AMHey Mike, if anybody ask don't EVER admit to camping in this weather.  I did back in 1980 and wound up getting shipped to Norway (350 km above the Arctic Circle) for three months to teach other Marines how to camp/survive in arctic warfare conditions.  Just look around quietly and snicker when the other guy raises his hand.
Excellent advice! Thank you.
2013-01-27 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Wow, and I thought it was cold in the west! We finally climbed above freezing after a long, hard freeze. I'm hoping in another month it will be warm enough to take some run workouts outside. If it wasn't for all the frozen snow covering sidewalks and streets, I would have done that by now. I've got cabin fever big time, as I do every year at this time. Next winter I think we're going to have to visit my folks in Arizona for a couple weeks.

Saturday was a much needed rest day. We spent the whole day at home trying to potty train our daughter. That was about as challenging, mentally, as a hard workout. Unfortunately, it only made my cabin fever worse.

Today was a longer (90min) trainer ride with some simulated hill work. My cycling shoes finally came in last week, so I was excited to give them a try. I only wish I had gone clipless long before now. I much prefer it to toe clips. My feet just need to get a little more used to the new stiff shoes. My wife told me that we could get out of the house for a while as soon as I finished up my workout, which made the trainer ride that much less interesting. I quit after only 45 minutes because I couldn't take being in the house any longer.

Keeping my fingers crossed that we all get an early spring, and if you enjoy this cold miserable weather, keeping my fingers crossed you find the help you need. Hope the weekend was good for everybody. Bring on another week of hard work!
2013-01-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: #4597166

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-27 10:48 PM Wow, and I thought it was cold in the west! We finally climbed above freezing after a long, hard freeze. I'm hoping in another month it will be warm enough to take some run workouts outside. If it wasn't for all the frozen snow covering sidewalks and streets, I would have done that by now. I've got cabin fever big time, as I do every year at this time. Next winter I think we're going to have to visit my folks in Arizona for a couple weeks.

Saturday was a much needed rest day. We spent the whole day at home trying to potty train our daughter. That was about as challenging, mentally, as a hard workout. Unfortunately, it only made my cabin fever worse.

Today was a longer (90min) trainer ride with some simulated hill work. My cycling shoes finally came in last week, so I was excited to give them a try. I only wish I had gone clipless long before now. I much prefer it to toe clips. My feet just need to get a little more used to the new stiff shoes. My wife told me that we could get out of the house for a while as soon as I finished up my workout, which made the trainer ride that much less interesting. I quit after only 45 minutes because I couldn't take being in the house any longer.

Keeping my fingers crossed that we all get an early spring, and if you enjoy this cold miserable weather, keeping my fingers crossed you find the help you need. Hope the weekend was good for everybody. Bring on another week of hard work!

hockey is about the only good thing in winter... loving the condensed season, so much less time between games!

Got in another swim on Sunday, pool was super busy 6+/lane, did I mention I can't wait to move? This morning I actually pulled off a morning workout, which is a first for me. Set up everything last night, 5:00am alarm and by 5:05 I was on the trainer, logged 30 minutes. I'm going to try and make this a new routine. Waking up at 5 is terrible, but it feels so good to already have today's work out in!

2013-01-28 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Exercise today consisted of shoveling the snow out of my driveway.  I chose to shovel instead of use the snowblower.  I haven't shoveled this driveway for, probably, over 10 years.  I know I haven't shoveled it since '06 when I spent a week in the hospital for chest pains.  No pain today.  I wasn't even breathing hard after an hour of shoveling.  Then the weather transitioned into freezing rain and ice, exactly as forecast.

Before I headed out to the pool I decided to go get the mail.  Halfway up the driveway I fell on my right side.  (ACL surgery on the knee, dislocated hip in karate, and reconstructed rotator cuffThey ALL bounced off the pavement.    I came in, got some Tylenol, and haven't moved much since.

Really hope I can hit the gym tomorrow.  So far, this is the first month since September that I've had more workout days than lazy days.

2013-01-28 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4598634

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-28 7:39 PM

Exercise today consisted of shoveling the snow out of my driveway.  I chose to shovel instead of use the snowblower.  I haven't shoveled this driveway for, probably, over 10 years.  I know I haven't shoveled it since '06 when I spent a week in the hospital for chest pains.  No pain today.  I wasn't even breathing hard after an hour of shoveling.  Then the weather transitioned into freezing rain and ice, exactly as forecast.

Before I headed out to the pool I decided to go get the mail.  Halfway up the driveway I fell on my right side.  (ACL surgery on the knee, dislocated hip in karate, and reconstructed rotator cuffThey ALL bounced off the pavement.    I came in, got some Tylenol, and haven't moved much since.

Really hope I can hit the gym tomorrow.  So far, this is the first month since September that I've had more workout days than lazy days.


hopefully you didn't mess up the leg too bad... keep safe in this weather everyone!

2013-01-29 8:57 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

 Swim – 1600 yds – 36m 40s – 2:16 avg/100 yds avg

Dreadmill – 40 mins – 9-90sec intervals of running

I woke up not sore this morning, so I decided to hit the gym. I only have 68 days until White Lake, so I hit it hard.

In the world of triathlon, if you train two of the events back-to-back in one session it is called "a brick". And since I missed my workout yesterday I decided to attempt one today. First I did a 1600 yard swim that took ~37 mins, dried off and dressed out, then hammered the dreadmill for another 40 minutes. Not only did I increase distance & time in both events, but I also increased my running intervals from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. And at the end all I could think was “I must have gotten a slow treadmill”, because I was hardly feeling it.

2013-01-29 11:07 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Way to hit it hard, leather! Glad to hear you bounced back from the fall too. It sounds like your training is coming along pretty well if you felt that good after a brick.

Today was a tough day for me. 45 minutes speed work and isolated leg training on the bike trainer. Then in swim class tonight we did our monthly test. The bike ride went really well, as did the swim test which consisted of 10x50 on the 60sec. 4 weeks ago when I did the test, I gave it everything I had and was coming in around 60-62 by the last few. Tonight I was consistently coming in around 48sec but was going at a pace I could maintain rather than going all out. My last one I coasted in and was at 51 seconds. This test was also better because I was able to stop for breaths.

I'm pretty beat now. Hopefully I'll recover in time for tomorrow's long (for me) run.
2013-01-30 5:54 AM
in reply to: #4600699

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-30 12:07 AM  Tonight I was consistently coming in around 48sec but was going at a pace I could maintain rather than going all out. My last one I coasted in and was at 51 seconds. This test was also better because I was able to stop for breaths.

Those are nice times!  My 50's are pretty much in the 62-65 range.  Of course, that is at a sustainable pace.  I haven't even considered trying something like your test yet.  Right now, for me, it's all about getting the distance and the aerobic base.  My 100's are coming in around 2:10-2:15.  And then I do my big interval in the middle.  That's 600 yds this week.  That came in at 14:40 last night (first attempt).  Overall, I'm maintaining a 2:16 avg/100 for the 1600 yd workout.  I'm happy with that, for now.  I figure that ain't bad for haulin' Moby through the water.  (My swim team nickname in college was Moby, because of both my size and how long I could go underwater.  There aren't a lot of collegiate swimmers who come in at 6'2 and 220 lbs.)

2013-01-30 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4600699

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-30 12:07 AM Way to hit it hard, leather! Glad to hear you bounced back from the fall too. It sounds like your training is coming along pretty well if you felt that good after a brick.

Today was a tough day for me. 45 minutes speed work and isolated leg training on the bike trainer. Then in swim class tonight we did our monthly test. The bike ride went really well, as did the swim test which consisted of 10x50 on the 60sec. 4 weeks ago when I did the test, I gave it everything I had and was coming in around 60-62 by the last few. Tonight I was consistently coming in around 48sec but was going at a pace I could maintain rather than going all out. My last one I coasted in and was at 51 seconds. This test was also better because I was able to stop for breaths.

I'm pretty beat now. Hopefully I'll recover in time for tomorrow's long (for me) run.

Wow, that is an impressive improvement. I need to work on my swimming a lot... and unfortunately I missed my swim last night. I did get in a half hour on the drainer at 5am this morning, so that was positive.

2013-01-30 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Looks like you guys are getting in some quality training and congrats on the improvements in time.   The past few days have been rough on us.     I was sick with a stomach bug at the end of the weekend and still not feeling 100% yet.  And now Mike has it.   It definitely puts a damper on the workout routine.   I am just taking it easy and am sure that once we are both feeling better that we will be right back to working out.   Just keeping my fingers crossed that our boys don't get sick.

It is also so hard with the gray, dreary, cold days to find any motivation to do anything but curl up with a warm fuzzy blanket and veg out.   

2013-01-30 10:14 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Fort Riley
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. My father (leatherneckpa) sent me to this site telling me it would be a good place to start. So far I have found a lot of the posts to be inspiring. My ultimate goal is to get back down to where I was after basic training, which was about 160 lbs. I have been walking my son to and from school each day which has given me about 5 miles walking and yesterday I decided to make it a little more interesting and got on the treadmill and walked 6 miles with 2 5 minute stretching and refill water bottle breaks. I started again today and got to 3.8 miles and my treadmill died. I was so mad. Thankfully we are a military family so I have numerous gyms to choose from, so tomorrow after I drop my son off to school I will hit the gym up until 11:00 and attempt treadmill and bike training and see how it goes. I am doing the race for my father but loosing the weight so I can do more activities with my son.
2013-01-31 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4602233

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

SoccerShadoe - 2013-01-30 11:14 PM Hello everyone, this is my first post here. My father (leatherneckpa) sent me to this site telling me it would be a good place to start. So far I have found a lot of the posts to be inspiring. My ultimate goal is to get back down to where I was after basic training, which was about 160 lbs. I have been walking my son to and from school each day which has given me about 5 miles walking and yesterday I decided to make it a little more interesting and got on the treadmill and walked 6 miles with 2 5 minute stretching and refill water bottle breaks. I started again today and got to 3.8 miles and my treadmill died. I was so mad. Thankfully we are a military family so I have numerous gyms to choose from, so tomorrow after I drop my son off to school I will hit the gym up until 11:00 and attempt treadmill and bike training and see how it goes. I am doing the race for my father but loosing the weight so I can do more activities with my son.

Welcome Candi!  So glad to have you here and look forward to getting to know you

2013-01-31 4:39 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Hurray, finally found the motivation to get back on the trainer today. Did an easy ride for just over an hour. A bit sore but glad I did it. Exciting news is that I lost 2.2 lbs this week. Still amazed that by eating more, i can actually lose weight. I haven't see this number on the scale since spring 2011.
2013-01-31 11:18 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Welcome to the club, Candi, and congratulations on taking the first step! There is a lot of great information on this site, and a lot of encouragement on this board. We look forward to hearing about your adventures in triathlon.

Well, my seasonal depression continues this week, even worse than last week, and I have been under a lot of stress at work. Didn't have high expectations for my workout efforts this week, but somehow I have pulled off some solid efforts. Today was just supposed to be swim class, but I needed to blow off some steam, so I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch break and did a quick run. I wish I would have been thinking and brought some cold weather gear with me because the snow has receded enough to once again reveal the sidewalks and trails. Maybe this weekend. Swim workout tonight was 2400 yards, and while it took me a while to warm up, once I settled in, it turned out to be a solid swim.

Good news, it's almost the weekend. Finish strong!
2013-02-01 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4603708

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

stay strong DB, sounds like quite the swim workout.

I fell off the bandwagon the last couple of days, work and then catching up with old friends, so wednesday morning was my last workout and its really bugging me. Hoping to hit the pool tonight and then long bike on saturday.

2013-02-01 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
DB, nice work man!  Makes me ashamed to admit that I finished January with one more lazy day than I had workouts.  And then I missed a workout today.  Goal for Feb is to have more workouts than lazy days.
2013-02-01 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4605083

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I should try and do a better job of tracking workouts, I'm terrible at it. Although I've been better about tracking food and that has made a big difference, I guess one step at a time.

Hit the pool today, had a really good swim until the end, leg cramped up as I pushed off the wall, really painful, hopefully I got it stretched out enough after that I can get my long bike in tomorrow

2013-02-02 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4602233

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
SoccerShadoe - 2013-01-30 11:14 PMHello everyone, this is my first post here. My father (leatherneckpa) sent me to this site telling me it would be a good place to start. So far I have found a lot of the posts to be inspiring. My ultimate goal is to get back down to where I was after basic training, which was about 160 lbs. I have been walking my son to and from school each day which has given me about 5 miles walking and yesterday I decided to make it a little more interesting and got on the treadmill and walked 6 miles with 2 5 minute stretching and refill water bottle breaks. I started again today and got to 3.8 miles and my treadmill died. I was so mad. Thankfully we are a military family so I have numerous gyms to choose from, so tomorrow after I drop my son off to school I will hit the gym up until 11:00 and attempt treadmill and bike training and see how it goes. I am doing the race for my father but loosing the weight so I can do more activities with my son.
Welcome Candi! I'm new here too, but am loving the support and information. I'm sure you will too.
2013-02-02 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4605198

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
kent2233 - 2013-02-01 10:00 PM

I should try and do a better job of tracking workouts, I'm terrible at it. Although I've been better about tracking food and that has made a big difference, I guess one step at a time.

Hit the pool today, had a really good swim until the end, leg cramped up as I pushed off the wall, really painful, hopefully I got it stretched out enough after that I can get my long bike in tomorrow

Have you tried MyFitnessPal for tracking? I have found it to be a great app for tracking food and exercise. It's easy, intuitive and syncs with many other exercise apps like FitBit, Runtastic, etc.
2013-02-04 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Swam 2000 yards – 48 mins – 2:23/100 avg 

Great day today! Went into it feeling pretty good and decided that I could jump from 1600 yds to 2000 yds without killing myself. And it was pretty easy. Added 100 yds to the warm-up and to the cool-down. That left only 200 more to add to the main interval. Compound that by resting for only 30 seconds between any interval, including the BIG one, and you have a really nice workout. 

4x50, 4x100, 1x800, 4x100, 4x50 

The 800 yds in the middle were completed in only 19:40. The best part, I added 400 yards (25%) to my workout and only lost 6 seconds per 100 yds average. And 2000 yards means I am already swimming the distance for my longest race of the year, the one in September. Nothing to do now but work on improving my times.

2013-02-04 9:27 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Nice swim!  It's a good feeling when you know you can do the distance.  

Well, good news for my cabin fever.  Friday afternoon it was a balmy 34 degrees outside, so I took my run workout to the streets.  Actually, I am lucky in that I have a rails to trails just a couple blocks from my office.  I didn't know however, the City keeps it cleared all winter long, it only took me 7 years to find that out.  So I will be moving more of my runs outside from here on out, because honestly, I don't know how much more treadmill I can take.  This was the first outside run I've done since last fall (and second in the last 10 years).  It was also a good run for the confidence because the route I mapped out (>3.5mi) just flew by and I felt like I could go even further.  I wasn't running fast by any means (10min/mi), but time just seemed to go by much faster, maybe it had to do with the scenery rather than the wall I am used to staring at. 

Had a rest day saturday, a short spin on Sunday, and a swim today.  My swim class ended last week, so this week I am back to solo swim workouts.  If it would just stay lighter out a little longer, I could do some bike rides outside.


Happy Monday all, let's have a good, strong week

2013-02-05 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Fort Riley
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Today was my first day back in the gym since I was sick with the stomach flu. I spent about 2 hours in the gym 40 mins riding the bike then the rest was strength and core because all the treadmills were being used. I feel better now that I was able to use the gym but still a little off. So hopefully as I work out more and more this week I will start feeling even better.
2013-02-05 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4306637

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

@Leather nice swim, can I get lessons? In addition to speed can also work on lowering rest time and being less tired at the end of the swim to leave move energy for the bike and run.

@DB still frigen cold here, that's awesome that you got outdoors, and I will second the lets have a good strong week!

@Soccer glad to hear that you are feeling better, can't work out if you are sick (or at least it is probably a bad idea)

Got my long bike in on Saturday (45 minutes on the drainer), felt pretty good. Sunday was a rest day (not really scheduled...) and got another 30 minutes on the drainer last night. Tonight is a pool night, I'm really hoping that my leg doesn't cramp up like it did on friday.

Still haven't been able to do any running, it remains cold/frozen outside and I don't have access to a treadmill until I move at the end of the month. Been trying to go for a walk at lunch to make up for it. I feel like it is helping with the weight loss part, but not really helpful in getting in run shape for tri season...

edit: thanks for the suggestion with myfitness pal, I've used it to look up calories, but haven't looked at using it for workouts, will have to check it out!

Edited by kent2233 2013-02-05 2:07 PM
2013-02-05 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBG - nice run!  I'd love to try something like that, but my city doesn't even clear their paved bike path.  So I am trapped on a Dreadmill.

Candi - it will get better the more regular you become at working out.  And I know how rough those bugs can get.  I'm working on one now.

kent - Don't know where you work but have you considered walking the stairs?  I know that 50 lbs ago I couldn't do two flights.  Now I can actually use them for a workout, although I hate that even more than the Dreadmill.  (I just haven't come up with a nickname for them yet.)

I don't know how you full-time job folks manage this.  I'm doing a 12 week substitute teaching gig and running ragged.  I can barely keep my workout days equal to my lazy days.  And then to top it all off, I got out of school at 5:45 tonight and was feeling too chilled to venture to the gym tonight.  What idiot decided that the treadmills should all be lined up in front of the door that brings the FRIGID cold air downstairs from the street entry!?  And as if that weren't enough, the three in front of the mirrors are directly under the ventilation blower.  Double Whammy!  (The mirrors are awesome for examining/correcting your gait.)  So I got home and after I finished watering the chickens it was already 6:30.  What's up with that thing about no strenuous exercise within 4 hours of bedtime?  Do any of you exercise within a couple of hours of bed?  I don't fall asleep real easily as it is, so if there's any validity to it I should probably avoid it.

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