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2012-07-03 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4292199

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-03 8:55 AM

Well after a bout of gout, I am back running this morning. Going to try sneak in a swim at lunch...
Good luck old man... 

My weekend was more drinking beer, fishing and camping. More of a fishing lake so I was hesitant to swim in open water, so I stuck to the swim area...basically ploughing through weeds. I didn't last long. I did try out my earplugs...seemed to work pretty good. Wetsuit still fit. Going to try get out a few times this weekend for some OWS. Also went for a mountain bike ride with my daughter on her tag-along bike. Makes for a good workout!Smile No stopping to smell the roses with my son, it is an all out pedal fest to get to the point on the other side of the lake!
Beer and camping just go together.  When you add in the kids and exercise - it sounds like you have the perfect vacation combination!  Sorry to hear about the swims though - hopefully you will find a better place for your OWS this week. 

10 days and counting until my first triathlon of the year in Invermere, BC. Looking forward to applying the training to the racing!
Kick some a$$ my beer drinking friend! 

2012-07-03 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

2012-07-03 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4289766

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

rydergal - 2012-07-02 12:20 AM My First HIM is done!! It went fantastic!! It rained throughout the whole bike ride but was warm at least!! I managed to finish in 6 hrs 13 min and 41 seconds, well under my 6hr 30min goal! I'll get to a race report later but just wanted to share the great news! What a great feeling to have it done and now back to training for IM!!! Happy Canada day and hope everyone had a great weekend!



2012-07-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Deleted comment - was looking for some back strengthening exercises - found some.

Edited by boxerdogfriend 2012-07-03 9:48 PM
2012-07-03 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4289766

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

rydergal - 2012-07-01 11:20 PM My First HIM is done!! It went fantastic!! It rained throughout the whole bike ride but was warm at least!! I managed to finish in 6 hrs 13 min and 41 seconds, well under my 6hr 30min goal! I'll get to a race report later but just wanted to share the great news! What a great feeling to have it done and now back to training for IM!!! Happy Canada day and hope everyone had a great weekend!

Glad to hear things went well despite mother nature throwing you a curveball! Looks like you're set up well for that last block of IM training!

2012-07-03 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4290620

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-02 12:15 PM

Hi All;

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I've got a week to go to my OLY and I am pumped.... but I am also looking ahead to my Century in August.  Would you please take a look at the following plan and let me know your thoughts on the following questions: 1) My Century is 115 miles long with 4000 feet of elevation gain.  Question - would I benefit from more hill workouts or would do more increase the risk on injury? 2) Am I adding too much volume each week.  A bunch of people have told me that the 10% rule doesn't apply with biking so I loaded on the miles.  To combat injury - I'll phase out the running until the ride.  3) I'd scheduled recovery rides after each tough ride.  Are recovery rides effective in preventing injury or would I be better off just sitting on the couch...

Thanks for the feedback!


I thought I better chime in on this too.  That's a very aggressive plan, but not doable.  You just need to be sure to to take your rest days and cut back mileage when your body tells you it needs to.

If your century has 4000 ft of elevation gain I would be sure to make hill training a regular part of your training.  As far as increasing mileage goes, the 10% rule doesn't apply, but like I said your jumps seem a bit aggressive.  If you are feeling overly sore, especially in the first couple of weeks as you're getting used to the increased mileage, feel free to dial things back.

For the recovery rides, I say leave them in as long as you are not overly sore.  The purpose is just to get the legs moving a bit to increase blood flow and promote healing.  Make sure to do them at an easy pace and avoid hills with these as much as possible.

I've seen people complete centuries on much less training.  Best of luck to you!

2012-07-03 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4293628

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

Wind is no fun and can be downright scary when it's a stiff crosswind.  I'm not sure if there are any upgrades that would particularly help.  It's just kind of one of those things you get used to the more riding you do, although at a certain point it can get almost dangerous, especially if you're riding in traffic and catch a nasty gust.

We get a lot of wind here in Iowa because of how flat it is and the fact that corn makes a horrible wind block.  The first few months of spring a day under 20mph is something to be savored and enjoyed.  I still go out because I've had some races with nasty winds, but I'm never quite comfortable when I do

2012-07-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4293628

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

What?? I wouldn't have given you cr#p for getting off your tricycle after a couple of miles in the wind... I'm glad you finished off your chocolate milk, put away your crayons, and finished the ride (only giving you guff because you asked for it.  I went for a ride last week that was brutal)

2012-07-03 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4293757

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
boxerdogfriend - 2012-07-03 8:33 PM

Anyone have good exercise suggestions to strengthen the lower back? I am finding myself dreading running. Every time I run (which is becoming less frequent), within a few hours, I have pain.  I believe it is my sacroiliac joint (I've noted it as hip pain before, but it isn't really my hip .. this is all in the same location). As I've posted before, I wear orthotics and see a chiropractor regularly (last time I saw him, about three weeks ago, he told me that my pelvis was shifted out of place about a half inch). He has always told me that as long as I wear the orthotics, I have no restrictions. The army didn't think so (medically disqualified because of all of this, even though I was joining as a musician), but I've always had a "screw that!" attitude on the army's decision. Now that I am trying to run regularly and having pain and a shifting pelvis, it is kind of starting to mess with my head that maybe they were correct in medically disqualifying me.... but maybe I just need some good strengthening exercises.

Biking is feeling good. Swimming gets a bit comfier each time. Breathing is feeling good when I run, I can tell that I'm becoming healthier ... there's just this stupid spot in my lower back...

Glad to hear the training if going well!  As far as your back goes - try this set of exercises:

I have 2 bulging disks and these have helped a bit

2012-07-03 9:50 PM
in reply to: #4293812

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 8:29 PM
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

Wind is no fun and can be downright scary when it's a stiff crosswind.  I'm not sure if there are any upgrades that would particularly help.  It's just kind of one of those things you get used to the more riding you do, although at a certain point it can get almost dangerous, especially if you're riding in traffic and catch a nasty gust.

We get a lot of wind here in Iowa because of how flat it is and the fact that corn makes a horrible wind block.  The first few months of spring a day under 20mph is something to be savored and enjoyed.  I still go out because I've had some races with nasty winds, but I'm never quite comfortable when I do

I'll pipe in RE: wind as well. We can get some pretty wicked wind here as well. I tend to ride on the trainer when the wind is up but have gone out there as well (got nasty wind burn on my face one time). I agree it is something you get used to the more you ride in it and comes down to bike handling. I don't think I can really describe to you what I do to help stabilize myself and even then if a gust comes along sometimes I get the "jump" if it is a cross wind. The only real advice I have is to make sure you ride on roads with low traffic and/or generous shoulders if it is really windy; and there is a point where it is best to just not ride outside because it isn't safe with traffic, etc. Nothing you can upgrade on your bike. In fact most upgrades that make a bike more aerodynamic from front to back will actually make it harder to handle in crosswinds: race wheels, wheel covers because they have more surface area to push. At Kona even the pros tend to shy away from really aerodynamic wheels because of this and only the really strong male and female riders bother with solid wheels or deep rims because of the crosswinds. Just e safe out there!
2012-07-03 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Got a ride, run and swim in today. On night float tonight. Hanging in my call room. Studying...aka playing on BT

2012-07-03 9:57 PM
in reply to: #4293832

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-07-03 8:50 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 8:29 PM
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

Wind is no fun and can be downright scary when it's a stiff crosswind.  I'm not sure if there are any upgrades that would particularly help.  It's just kind of one of those things you get used to the more riding you do, although at a certain point it can get almost dangerous, especially if you're riding in traffic and catch a nasty gust.

We get a lot of wind here in Iowa because of how flat it is and the fact that corn makes a horrible wind block.  The first few months of spring a day under 20mph is something to be savored and enjoyed.  I still go out because I've had some races with nasty winds, but I'm never quite comfortable when I do

I'll pipe in RE: wind as well. We can get some pretty wicked wind here as well. I tend to ride on the trainer when the wind is up but have gone out there as well (got nasty wind burn on my face one time). I agree it is something you get used to the more you ride in it and comes down to bike handling. I don't think I can really describe to you what I do to help stabilize myself and even then if a gust comes along sometimes I get the "jump" if it is a cross wind. The only real advice I have is to make sure you ride on roads with low traffic and/or generous shoulders if it is really windy; and there is a point where it is best to just not ride outside because it isn't safe with traffic, etc. Nothing you can upgrade on your bike. In fact most upgrades that make a bike more aerodynamic from front to back will actually make it harder to handle in crosswinds: race wheels, wheel covers because they have more surface area to push. At Kona even the pros tend to shy away from really aerodynamic wheels because of this and only the really strong male and female riders bother with solid wheels or deep rims because of the crosswinds. Just e safe out there!

Like today Melissa?Smile Miserable Alberta weather, I can't wait to get to Penticton in a couple of weeks!

I just finished changing tires on my bike and putting it on my trainer for a ride tomorrow morning!

2012-07-03 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4293796

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 9:16 PM
Qua17 - 2012-07-02 12:15 PM

Hi All;

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I've got a week to go to my OLY and I am pumped.... but I am also looking ahead to my Century in August.  Would you please take a look at the following plan and let me know your thoughts on the following questions: 1) My Century is 115 miles long with 4000 feet of elevation gain.  Question - would I benefit from more hill workouts or would do more increase the risk on injury? 2) Am I adding too much volume each week.  A bunch of people have told me that the 10% rule doesn't apply with biking so I loaded on the miles.  To combat injury - I'll phase out the running until the ride.  3) I'd scheduled recovery rides after each tough ride.  Are recovery rides effective in preventing injury or would I be better off just sitting on the couch...

Thanks for the feedback!


I thought I better chime in on this too.  That's a very aggressive plan, but not doable.  You just need to be sure to to take your rest days and cut back mileage when your body tells you it needs to.

If your century has 4000 ft of elevation gain I would be sure to make hill training a regular part of your training.  As far as increasing mileage goes, the 10% rule doesn't apply, but like I said your jumps seem a bit aggressive.  If you are feeling overly sore, especially in the first couple of weeks as you're getting used to the increased mileage, feel free to dial things back.

For the recovery rides, I say leave them in as long as you are not overly sore.  The purpose is just to get the legs moving a bit to increase blood flow and promote healing.  Make sure to do them at an easy pace and avoid hills with these as much as possible.

I've seen people complete centuries on much less training.  Best of luck to you!

Great!  Thanks for the feedback.  Just a followup question - would it be better to do less milage on the long ride and do more hill workouts?  I could do longer hill rides or I could do them 2x during the week?  If so, when would it be best to stick them in my weekly schedule?

2012-07-03 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4293838

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-03 8:57 PM
mndymond - 2012-07-03 8:50 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 8:29 PM
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

Wind is no fun and can be downright scary when it's a stiff crosswind.  I'm not sure if there are any upgrades that would particularly help.  It's just kind of one of those things you get used to the more riding you do, although at a certain point it can get almost dangerous, especially if you're riding in traffic and catch a nasty gust.

We get a lot of wind here in Iowa because of how flat it is and the fact that corn makes a horrible wind block.  The first few months of spring a day under 20mph is something to be savored and enjoyed.  I still go out because I've had some races with nasty winds, but I'm never quite comfortable when I do

I'll pipe in RE: wind as well. We can get some pretty wicked wind here as well. I tend to ride on the trainer when the wind is up but have gone out there as well (got nasty wind burn on my face one time). I agree it is something you get used to the more you ride in it and comes down to bike handling. I don't think I can really describe to you what I do to help stabilize myself and even then if a gust comes along sometimes I get the "jump" if it is a cross wind. The only real advice I have is to make sure you ride on roads with low traffic and/or generous shoulders if it is really windy; and there is a point where it is best to just not ride outside because it isn't safe with traffic, etc. Nothing you can upgrade on your bike. In fact most upgrades that make a bike more aerodynamic from front to back will actually make it harder to handle in crosswinds: race wheels, wheel covers because they have more surface area to push. At Kona even the pros tend to shy away from really aerodynamic wheels because of this and only the really strong male and female riders bother with solid wheels or deep rims because of the crosswinds. Just e safe out there!

Like today Melissa?Smile Miserable Alberta weather, I can't wait to get to Penticton in a couple of weeks!

I just finished changing tires on my bike and putting it on my trainer for a ride tomorrow morning!

I was inside The hospital when all that hit. Haha.
2012-07-03 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4293839

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 8:58 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 9:16 PM
Qua17 - 2012-07-02 12:15 PM

Hi All;

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I've got a week to go to my OLY and I am pumped.... but I am also looking ahead to my Century in August.  Would you please take a look at the following plan and let me know your thoughts on the following questions: 1) My Century is 115 miles long with 4000 feet of elevation gain.  Question - would I benefit from more hill workouts or would do more increase the risk on injury? 2) Am I adding too much volume each week.  A bunch of people have told me that the 10% rule doesn't apply with biking so I loaded on the miles.  To combat injury - I'll phase out the running until the ride.  3) I'd scheduled recovery rides after each tough ride.  Are recovery rides effective in preventing injury or would I be better off just sitting on the couch...

Thanks for the feedback!


I thought I better chime in on this too.  That's a very aggressive plan, but not doable.  You just need to be sure to to take your rest days and cut back mileage when your body tells you it needs to.

If your century has 4000 ft of elevation gain I would be sure to make hill training a regular part of your training.  As far as increasing mileage goes, the 10% rule doesn't apply, but like I said your jumps seem a bit aggressive.  If you are feeling overly sore, especially in the first couple of weeks as you're getting used to the increased mileage, feel free to dial things back.

For the recovery rides, I say leave them in as long as you are not overly sore.  The purpose is just to get the legs moving a bit to increase blood flow and promote healing.  Make sure to do them at an easy pace and avoid hills with these as much as possible.

I've seen people complete centuries on much less training.  Best of luck to you!

Great!  Thanks for the feedback.  Just a followup question - would it be better to do less milage on the long ride and do more hill workouts?  I could do longer hill rides or I could do them 2x during the week?  If so, when would it be best to stick them in my weekly schedule?

It's probably a better investment of your time to do 2 hill workouts if you are willing to cut the long ride down. 1 solid hill workout is prob enough of you are only going to do 4 rides per week but if you bumped it to 5 you could do 2 hill, 2 recovery and 1 long. If sat is your long ride, then do hills mon/wed with recovery tues/thurs. just my thoughts...
2012-07-03 10:30 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Wow, sounds like everyone is training well! Nice race Tera! I'm just checking in from vacation. My mountain bike and I are enjoying Winter Park. I even got in a good jogging stroller run today but got very lost. My daughter kept asking when we were going to be back at the condo and I kept thinking gosh I hope soon!

2012-07-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4292199

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-03 8:55 AM

Well after a bout of gout, I am back running this morning. Going to try sneak in a swim at lunch...

My weekend was more drinking beer, fishing and camping. More of a fishing lake so I was hesitant to swim in open water, so I stuck to the swim area...basically ploughing through weeds. I didn't last long. I did try out my earplugs...seemed to work pretty good. Wetsuit still fit. Going to try get out a few times this weekend for some OWS. Also went for a mountain bike ride with my daughter on her tag-along bike. Makes for a good workout!Smile No stopping to smell the roses with my son, it is an all out pedal fest to get to the point on the other side of the lake!

10 days and counting until my first triathlon of the year in Invermere, BC. Looking forward to applying the training to the racing!

Sounds like a fun weekend!  That's annoying the swim lane has a bunch of weeds though!  I hate getting tangled up in seaweed!!

2012-07-04 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4292447

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 


I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

2012-07-04 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4294266

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-04 10:04 AM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 


I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

That sounds like something Melissa should organize for us Albertans in Edmonton....Laughing

2012-07-04 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4294266

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-04 11:04 AM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 


I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

Okay, that just sounds like a boatload of fun.  I wish I had some running friends around here willing to do that.  I guess I'll just have to settle for RAGBRAI

2012-07-04 3:07 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Happy 4th of July to my American friends and a happy belated Canada day to you Canadians.

There was a local 5k here in town at park I do a lot of my running at today.  I wasn't quite ready for that kind of pain, but managed to finish in 19:50.  Most of the speedwork I've been doing has only been at half marathon pace so far so I really taxed the system today.  Not my fastest, but it was still a fun time though.

Bought myself a steak and a six pack of Widmer Brother's Dark Saison to celebrate the race and holiday.  Hope everyone is having a good day! 

2012-07-04 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4294479

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-07-04 2:07 PM

Happy 4th of July to my American friends and a happy belated Canada day to you Canadians.

There was a local 5k here in town at park I do a lot of my running at today.  I wasn't quite ready for that kind of pain, but managed to finish in 19:50.  Most of the speedwork I've been doing has only been at half marathon pace so far so I really taxed the system today.  Not my fastest, but it was still a fun time though.

Bought myself a steak and a six pack of Widmer Brother's Dark Saison to celebrate the race and holiday.  Hope everyone is having a good day! 

Nice run and even a nicer supper choice! Cheers!

2012-07-04 5:30 PM
in reply to: #4294266

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-04 9:04 PM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 


I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

That was AWESOME!  Proud of that!Laughing

2012-07-04 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4294479

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-07-05 1:07 AM

Happy 4th of July to my American friends and a happy belated Canada day to you Canadians.

There was a local 5k here in town at park I do a lot of my running at today.  I wasn't quite ready for that kind of pain, but managed to finish in 19:50.  Most of the speedwork I've been doing has only been at half marathon pace so far so I really taxed the system today.  Not my fastest, but it was still a fun time though.

Bought myself a steak and a six pack of Widmer Brother's Dark Saison to celebrate the race and holiday.  Hope everyone is having a good day! 

that's about a 6:35/mi pace?  pretty good while your marathon training.

That Dark Saison is wonderful.  Have you had it with a couple slices of Lemon?  It's dynamite in a glass.

Happy 4th all.  Stay safe.


2012-07-04 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

I rode 45 miles today.  I ate some berries and yogurt before heading out.  My schedule got changed, and I normally eat bread with jam prior to long efforts.  It was also quite a bit warmer than I'm used to.  My normal nutrition didn't cut it, and I almost fell out (stomach pains, dizziness, light headed), but pushed through.  It got me thinking how imprortant a good meal is prior to long efforts, that I need to up calorie intake during bike, and need more than 2 20 oz. bottles when temps get higher to replenish fluid loss.  I pushed pretty hard, but was a little shaken by how fatigued I got.  My goal pace for race is 16 mph, and I went 16.6 mph today, but with how I felt, I wouldn't have hit my 8:00 mi/pace for half marathon had it been race day. 

I learn a lot on these kinds of days, and it just reminds me how dialed in you must have to be to compete at a high level.

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