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2009-06-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2229894

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Whoops. I posted a picture of a taser on our mentor thread. Cat's gonna be mad.

2009-06-19 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2229897

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints?

Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?)

I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh....

I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

2009-06-19 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2229943

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
D001 - 2009-06-19 5:35 PM Question: How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints? Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?) I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh.... I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

Although I'm a big fan of frozen water and all the amazing things it can do to make my swelling go down, I suppose I wouldn't be a fan of Mr. Ice either, after seeing a picture of him.  I hope you two have fun tonight! 
Dee's Mr. Cool Ice
2009-06-19 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

MY BTER OF THE MONTH INTERVIEW IS UP.... Not sure youll learn anything from the podcast...seems to be all about me but....

2009-06-19 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2230196

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:22 PM

MY BTER OF THE MONTH INTERVIEW IS UP.... Not sure youll learn anything from the podcast...seems to be all about me but....

Dear SuperCat,

Obviously, you haven't been reading your own mentor thread.

Shawn reported this "breaking news" earlier.....

Do I need to repost my sparkly congratulations? Sure.... why not?

Glitter Text Generator
Glitter Text Generator
2009-06-19 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2229943

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 7:35 AM Question: How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints? Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?) I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh.... I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

Hi Dee - inside or outside of the leg? If it runs along the outside of your leg from around your ankle bone upitmight be your perennials(sp?) givingyou grief.

If youve increased how much running youve been doing and/or intensity significantly they can play up as they help to stabilise your leg when your foot hits the ground and as they are rather little they get itred easily.

Tight calves/achilles can make the problem worse...


And ICE is your friend... be thankful it isnt winter there

2009-06-19 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2230121

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-06-19 8:15 PM

D001 - 2009-06-19 5:35 PM Question: How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints? Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?) I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh.... I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

Although I'm a big fan of frozen water and all the amazing things it can do to make my swelling go down, I suppose I wouldn't be a fan of Mr. Ice either, after seeing a picture of him.  I hope you two have fun tonight! 
Dee's Mr. Cool Ice

Good thing I wasn't drinking soda when I saw this ^^^^.

I'd have squirted it out my nose.

2009-06-19 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2230121

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sulcus - 2009-06-19 8:15 PM

D001 - 2009-06-19 5:35 PM Question: How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints? Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?) I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh.... I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

Although I'm a big fan of frozen water and all the amazing things it can do to make my swelling go down, I suppose I wouldn't be a fan of Mr. Ice either, after seeing a picture of him.  I hope you two have fun tonight! 
Dee's Mr. Cool Ice

And there's always:

2009-06-19 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2230212

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 11:36 AM
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:22 PM

MY BTER OF THE MONTH INTERVIEW IS UP.... Not sure youll learn anything from the podcast...seems to be all about me but....

Dear SuperCat, Obviously, you haven't been reading your own mentor thread. Shawn reported this "breaking news" earlier..... Do I need to repost my sparkly congratulations? Sure.... why not? Glitter Text Generator Glitter Text Generator

Whoops.... Im going bak to read the rest of the thread now... I DO start at the end and work backwards..

Has anyone listened to it yet...IM a bit scared because I didnt really say much.....

2009-06-19 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2230213

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:36 PM

D001 - 2009-06-20 7:35 AM Question: How do you know when/if you're developing shin splints? Everything was fine until my run wog on Wednesday. Since then, I've had soreness extending from just above the ankle to about 2/3 of the way up my lower leg. The soreness seems to run along the muscle. (I think this is the tibialis anterior muscle?) I was pushing the speed during the run, so I may have done something stupid. Bleh.... I should probably go ice it. (I hate ice. I detest ice. I abhor ice....)

Hi Dee - inside or outside of the leg? If it runs along the outside of your leg from around your ankle bone upitmight be your perennials(sp?) givingyou grief.

If youve increased how much running youve been doing and/or intensity significantly they can play up as they help to stabilise your leg when your foot hits the ground and as they are rather little they get itred easily.

Tight calves/achilles can make the problem worse...


And ICE is your friend... be thankful it isnt winter there

It seems to run along the muscle at the front of the shin.... And if I push on the bone, there's a sore spot about 1/3 of the way down (from the knee).

I increased the mileage a little, but mostly, I was trying to increase the pace. (Trying to get from a slog to a jog. LOL)

I still hate ice. (No matter whether it's Ice, Mr. Ice, or Ice Cube...)

2009-06-19 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2229897

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 7:14 AM Whoops. I posted a picture of a taser on our mentor thread. Cat's gonna be mad.

Nah - Its all good... we're all friends here...right?

2009-06-19 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2230217

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:39 PM

Whoops.... Im going bak to read the rest of the thread now... I DO start at the end and work backwards..

Has anyone listened to it yet...IM a bit scared because I didnt really say much.....

Well, of COURSE we've listened to it.

It was very good. (But I think you were probably a little nervous, or maybe you just like to talk really fast. I probably wouldn't have noticed, except the guy's voice is so slow in comparison.) It was a very good interview. Congratulations!

Oh... You have an accent, btw. LOL

Edited by D001 2009-06-19 8:45 PM
2009-06-19 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2229881

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

crews - 2009-06-20 7:07 AM

Sulcus - 2009-06-19 1:50 PM
D001 - 2009-06-19 2:36 PM
Sulcus - 2009-06-19 2:29 PM Dee's sparkles SKEER me!

Hee - I know that both of us are cheap, so it will be VERY good motivation.  Plus, we have a 30 lbs minimum on the loss. 

Thanks for the luck, I'm going to need it.  He's already down 3 lbs in the past week, though I've got to believe some of it is water weight since he just started changing his eating habits (or so I'm going to tell myself)...
Heh, consider yourself fortunate. I'm posting WAYYY less sparkly stuff now than I was a year ago. LOL Losing 30 lbs by the wedding? Um, when exactly IS the wedding? (Please don't tell us that it's in 2 weeks. LOL)

Don't worry, I'm not that crazy.  It is in November, so it will be a stretch but I think it can be done.


That is just a little over a pound a week...that's very do-able!  You know we are all here cheering you on!

Absolutley doable - just remember if you are seriously restricting your calorie intake it may impact your workouts a little in terms of the energy you have available to train etc

Nothing wrong with that as longer term carrying less weight will mean better results athletically in the long term.. but inthe short term do bare it in mind!

2009-06-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2229364

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 4:13 AM
Sulcus - 2009-06-19 2:03 PM I knew I had learned alot from this thread and that mama Cat was the best, but I never knew we were being mentored by a real life BT celebrity!

Congrats Cat!  (I also realize I'm being a provincial American but you have the cutest accent!  Laughing)


LOVE it!!! Thanks guys!


2009-06-19 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2229344

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 4:07 AM
Sulcus - 2009-06-19 6:50 AM Wow - you all are really good with your food.  I'm going to need to start being better and even begin tracking my food.  My father and I just entered into a contest with each other over who can lose the most weight by my wedding.  The loser has to pay for the hotel rooms and tickets for us to see the Red Sox play in a ballpark that neither of us has been to yet.  He's already pushing for Pittsburgh so he can see the new ballpark they just built there...
Wow, that's some contest! Big time payout for the loser. LOL Good luck!

Tracking what you eat is reallyhelpful when loosing weight.... justhaving to WRITE IT DOWN can be a little detterrent to putting it in your mouth!

It is also useful over time to see how things have changed AND if you are running out of meal ideas you can go back and see what you were eating in the past... see if there is anything youve forgotten!

I usually log what Im eating on BT when I need some help keeping myself in check... I kjust typeit in to keep me on trackso if it helps do it on your log OR here on the mentor thread...

If we know what you are eating we can also help you workout what to tweak or offer ideas if you want them...

2009-06-19 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ok I listened to it... I was so excited i was talking tooo fast and my voice is a lot squeekier than normal!

Oh well...

2009-06-19 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2230243

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:56 PM

Ok I listened to it... I was so excited i was talking tooo fast and my voice is a lot squeekier than normal!

Oh well...

LOL, it's fine, Cat. Really, it is.

I do wish they'd had some video, to go along with the audio.

2009-06-19 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2230260

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-20 12:05 PM
kaqphin - 2009-06-19 9:56 PM

Ok I listened to it... I was so excited i was talking tooo fast and my voice is a lot squeekier than normal!

Oh well...

LOL, it's fine, Cat. Really, it is. I do wish they'd had some video, to go along with the audio.

The video would have been me pacing up and down in the loading dock at work while talking on my mobile!

2009-06-19 11:36 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yall my back hurts ...i couldnt run very well because of
2009-06-21 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2230370

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
patchadams - 2009-06-20 12:36 AM

Yall my back hurts ...i couldnt run very well because of

Why does your back hurt?
2009-06-21 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

The weather here has not been conduicive to training... Arrrgh.. weather has been terrible ever since i got my new bike...hmph!

Hows everyone elses training been this weekend?

2009-06-21 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2232352

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
No training today.

And tonight, I've been too busy hitting the refresh button to view the IMCdA results page.

Wow, IM is a *long* race!!!!

2009-06-21 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
I really need to get on the bike...other then that, its pretty good.
2009-06-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2232419

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED

D001 - 2009-06-22 10:39 AM No training today. And tonight, I've been too busy hitting the refresh button to view the IMCdA results page. Wow, IM is a *long* race!!!!

haha yes it is a bit!!! Hope Pam comes home soon!

2009-06-21 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey what do these stars mean??? Like the different colors?
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