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2011-07-19 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3604152

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-07-19 1:54 PM


This is probably not a good time to say this, but "YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND".  After barely finishing a 1/2, I cannot comprehend what you'll need to do to finish a full Ironman.

Way to go, girl - you'll rock it.


Ha ha ha I KNOW.. Most people think I am insane

If you want to stalk me, it is pretty easy really. Go to and enter in either  bib #312 or my name, Mandy Farrar.  You could probably also search by city, state and find me, as I am fairly confident that I am the only one from Caratunk, ME racing Ironman Lake Placid.

Goal is sub 17 hours!! I will lay out my race plan in a bit.


2011-07-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Denise, Joe, Jeff -


Very impressive, folks!!!! Congrats on great races! Just gleaned over your RRs but will read them more in-depth when I get a moment. 


Denise - Phfft. You rock no matter what your times are! Congrats on the second place hardware!

2011-07-19 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I love to stalk.  And an Ironman lasts so long that you can stalk and go off and work on a project, stalk again, go out to dinner, stalk again, etc.

Do you know what time it gets dark in Lake Placid?  When do you start wearing those lighted necklaces?


2011-07-19 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3604560

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

Oh! yeah! No mean feat to turn in a satisfying and a.g.-best run after having a crash. You are one very tough bird. VERY impressive!!

2011-07-19 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3604701

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Good news and bad news. I got a phone call a while ago from a contractor who is ready top start work on replacing our garge roof -- Thursday!

The good news is that that's a day in which you might be late arriving, so at least for now that's out for me, too. The bad news is that it won't be done on Thursday....and I'm not sure about Friday. He thinks he may be done around noonish, but will make no guarantees. If he is, I will spin down to LP. If not.......?

There are two problems with saturday, one being potential commitments up here, and the second being that you will liley be up to your eyebals in final prepping, and maybe a last bike ride and dive in the lake --- and also the must-do orientation session. (I hope that Roch Frey and Paul Huddle will be doing it, as they are a hoot.) That took up about an hour in the p.m. for me (2-3?), and that's not including getting there, and claiming a seat in the bleachers.

So, we'll have to see how this all shakes down. i haven't checked weather and didn't talk to roofman about it, but if it's rain for ether of those days they might not do it. In fact, I don't WANT them to do it, unless they have huge plastic sheets that will cover all of out crapola in the garage. (Although if everything gets soaked.....that would be final incentive to get rid of a ton of stuff that seems to deserve nothing more than to be consigned to the garage!)

So, at this point I will stay fluid and see what happens. Do you have any sense of how Saturday will be for you? As I remember, I used an hour of the morning to cycle from the village to River Rooad, then along it to the end and up the Wilmington road back to the village, and I probably-almost-certainly had a swim.

By the by, the BodyGlide stuff is called "Liquid Powder", and i'm sure it is carried by The Fallen Arch. That is on the same side of the dstreet as the post office, and is one of the first few shops heading into the shopping stretch of Main Street proper. There's the P.O., then a motel with a driveway that goes down, and then a restaurant, and TFA is a few shops past the restaurant.

How are your nerves? And your sleeping patterns? Remember, Friday night is the important night to get good sleep, as Saturday night of course will be next to useless. You may have to drug your entourage to ensure that they sleep soundly, too, so as to not disturb your sweet slumber. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

2011-07-19 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3605161

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

MANDY again -

DENISE is a world-class stalker, possibly even elevating it into an art form. I used to feel I was quite accomplished at stalking, but then she came into my life and showed me that I am just a rank amateur by comparison. She is SO good that if you feel a slight pressure on one of your shoulders (she prefers the left side), it will be her. Warning served!!

2011-07-19 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3603710

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I did? Already? Oh.

Now I have to wonder if it's soemthing else I had in mind to say to you. I guess i'll have to go back over the posts after your June 25/26 race and try to refresh my memory.

I will also commit to memory (???) that you are after quality workouts. FWIW, your plan for growing in triathlon is a beauty, just systematically working through the distances, getting strong at sprint before moving up to olympic. For people who have seemingly infinite patience and can readily delay gratification, that is the best road to medium- to long-term success. IMHO!

That is very exciting about what you will be preaching, and I truly wish I lived close enough to attend it myself. Were I a truly spritual person, I could probably venture some of the same thjoughts that you wil produce. Triathlon had a big influence on aspects of my thinking back in my earlier years doing it ('00-'05, maybe?), but lacking any true spiritulaity I didn't view it in that sense.

Interestingly, i have been begun to explore spirituality since beginning Yoga in mid March. I never saw that coming, but it is there and I'm not sure what to do with it, where it lead to, and so on. My perspectives on several larger issues have changed quite dramatically, or are in the process of doing so, but all of it is really quite structureless and ungrounded (for lack of a better term). With no religious or spiritual underpinnings, there is nothing to hold my thoughts together beyond how they coalesce with each other. Or something like that!

But there is definitely change happening....and maybe growth, too. At any rate, your topic has great appeal to me, and I would really like to hear how you feel about it, after the fact. (And I'd also like to know how triathlon has helped you in this rspect already.)

And I WILL set a meditation intention that you will succeed in not making just about you ---- although using yourself as an example wil almost certainly help others "get better" themselves. And, what is your church, or religious community? Just curious!

2011-07-20 2:01 AM
in reply to: #3605191

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

First, to Denise - wow, that is some dedication and an impressive result.  I am quickly learning that the 4th discipline in a triathlon is mental.  So many things can effect the mind and thus your performance and you seemed to handle them very well.

Steve, I realize that I didn't answer all of your questions.  My next tri is Sept 18 in Pleasanton, CA (700m swim, 18mi ride, 4 mi run)  This will be my last tri of the year.  This course is all flat so some dudes are running average speeds of 24 mi on the bike! (I keep telling myself that they have some super light tri bike with every aero gizmo and a secret jet pack)  I think the swim is non-wetsuit because it is in a reservoir and the water just isn't that cold. BTW, you answered the bike to run question before the 6/26 Tri.

My church is Seventh Day Adventist.  I will give you a 2 min. version of the sermon - when I have it done.  Right now its just a bunch of texts (starting with Hebrews 12:1), and a chart.  Let me know if you want it here or via separate email.  Of course, if you have any questions about my views on a subject (or my opinion of the Bible's views) I'm happy to share them, just let me know.

Lastly, has anyone done any of the TriRock series?  I'm thinking about doing San Diego next year - Oly distance...


2011-07-20 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3605161

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey Steve!

No worries, it would be awesome to see you but I totally understand.

Saturday will be hard for me to meet with anyone really, well, I mean to worry about meeting with anyone because I know I will be nothing but nervous energy.  

My plan is to actually stay off my feet as much as possible on Sat - no workouts.  Rack my bike, so my final prep stuff and that is it.  But I am sure to be a complete freak show.  You still have my #? 

I am having trouble sleeping already!!! 

EEEEEK Surprised 


2011-07-20 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3605433

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Your comment aboutt staying off your feet sounded brilliant, and made me re-think what I did the day before in '04. I got to thinking that I did the same as you are planning, with maybe my only concession to activity strolling to the orientation session.

WRONG! Checking my logs, I in fact did do the bike ride I mentioned: 73 to River road to 86 and back to LP. I have it at 38 minutes of easy riding. On the Friday I swam about 25' in the lake, and ran about 25' around it. On Thursday I rode from the base of the ski jumps down into Keene (did that with friends, so had one car in Keene to bring us back to the jumps).

When the course was being "built" back when, the initial plan was to have it in reverse. That would've had two loops of the hellacious climb back from Keene into Placid. OMG!!!!! Fortunately, wiser minds prevailed.....and they saved tose sorts of climbs for St. George!

I will look for your cell #, which I doubt has been deleted from my PMs. I'll let you know if I need it again. I still have no clue how I will do this, or if, but will heed your warning about Saturday. That might be a nap-day for you, too.

Thursday looks to be tremendously hot, at least up here, so it's good to get that out of the way before race day. Sunday is going to be sun and clouds and showers up here, and if that can be the same in Placid, that would be ideal. My year was a good-weather one, unlike the two previous years and the one that followed. May you be as fortunate!


2011-07-20 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3605648

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

MANDY again -

No! Not there! Don't know where it is, or why, or how, but it's gone from the scene. PM again, please?

2011-07-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3604701

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Best of luck to ya.  You have done the work so I have no doubt you will succeed.  I'll be checking you out on ironman live.

manfarr1974 - 2011-07-19 5:57 PM
LadyNorth - 2011-07-19 1:54 PM


This is probably not a good time to say this, but "YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND".  After barely finishing a 1/2, I cannot comprehend what you'll need to do to finish a full Ironman.

Way to go, girl - you'll rock it.


Ha ha ha I KNOW.. Most people think I am insane

If you want to stalk me, it is pretty easy really. Go to and enter in either  bib #312 or my name, Mandy Farrar.  You could probably also search by city, state and find me, as I am fairly confident that I am the only one from Caratunk, ME racing Ironman Lake Placid.

Goal is sub 17 hours!! I will lay out my race plan in a bit.


2011-07-20 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3604203

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

LadyNorth - 2011-07-19 1:16 PM

DENISE, LOVE the trophy!!  Congratulations!  Happy to hear your husband will be treating you to a new bike ... well earned and deserved!


2011-07-20 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Wow, it's here!!! Enjoy the week and we will be cheering for you down here in the SE quadrant of the country as well.  I hope you have fun and truely enjoy the event.  My only recommendation is pack a cooler full of ice and put a good ol watermelon and a salt shaker in it for after the race and of course find a place that serves shrimp and grits for "the morning after".    Safe travels.


2011-07-20 11:46 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm not a big fan of being digitally stalked during triathlons, but since you invited us and I'm kind of curious... - I'll have to see if I can follow on my phone.  Just know, whatever the outcome, we'll be cheering for you out in Cali. 

May you swim like a dolphin, ride like the wind and run like you are being chased (but not begin caught) by a large African animal...Smile


2011-07-21 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

MANDY, good luck this weekend and have fun!! We'll all be there with you in spirit!


2011-07-21 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey all,

I'm looking for good cycling and running workouts.  Does anyone have any?  So far my run drills consist or will consist of a] various sets of 400's and b] run out 11 minutes, turn around and get back in 9.  My only cycling workout is trying to keep my cadence over 95 (normally its in the high 80's).  I have a gym nearby so I could do treadmill or stationary bike exercises there if anyone has any of those.

Thanks in advance,


2011-07-21 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Good luck, Mandy! You WILL ROCK it! Watch out Lake Placid! 


2011-07-21 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3606276

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Whoa! I had missed the comment you made to Jeff about your new bike -- that is wonderful! Please give your genrous spouse big hugs from all of us, okay?

And....what are you looking for?

2011-07-21 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3607470

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Close to 100 here today. A 36-minute run left me feeling quite peaked. I am now officially feeling the acute discomfort that so many of you have faced this miserable summer. Gack!

2011-07-21 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3599043

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

----------- ---------------------------------STALKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! -------------------------------------------------------

For all who want to follow Mandy's progress on Sunday, do it through When the main page comes up, just scroll down a bit until you see "Athlete Tracker", and then click on Ironman Lake Plcid, and then use her bib#, 312. Doing that on and off throughout the day will make for hours of idle -- but vicarious -- fun.

I think it starts at 7 a.m., so it won;'t be until about 9 that the swim results get mostly fully posted. But after that, stuff starts happening more regularly in the form of transition times and various bike and run splits.

It was very hot and humid and windy here today, and the forecast for Placid was the same, and that's good -- get all the crappy stuiff out of the way a few days before race day!

2011-07-21 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3609312

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Are you there yet? Did you arrive in time to pick up your stuff and check out the expo and start feeling the vibe. Probably not too much of the latter today, but by tomorrow afternoon it should be nutso. Just think about the happiness tnhat could come from having a dime for each person doing a pre-race ride or three throughout the area. But I keep forgetting that you were on site there last year, so you know the scene already.

BUT THIS YEAR --- you! are! part! of! it!!!!!!!

2011-07-21 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3609316

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

MANDY again -

Unless the roof guys don't show tomorrow, I'm probably stuck here. And, I realize where your head will be on Saturday, so I won't try then.

As for Sunday, I am looking at heading down for part of it, but as I said that depends on when Lynn is due back from her canoe trip. I should know that by Saturday -- I hope. Will your mom be carrying your cell phone?

I was thinking that you might be the only one of ~2200 competitors who will be smiling for the whole thing. Imagine that!

Finally, I read on Slowtwitch that the expo has t-shirts on which are the names of EVERY registrant. I picture it as a giant M-Dot, with names running alphabetically from top to bottom. I guess I'd have to see it to believe it, but if it's for real then it would maybe be a neat thing to own.

Finally-finally, someone from one of the other groups who is doing IMLP said that next year is the end of the contact between NAS and the Village of L.P., and that there is a very strong chance that it will NOT be renewed -- hence the move towards Mont Tremblant. So, if that's the case then next year would the last for IMLP.....and I wonder how they would fare trying to find volunteers without the perk of vols getting preference in registering for a not-happening race in '13. Hmmmm.


Edited by stevebradley 2011-07-21 11:16 PM
2011-07-22 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3607822

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


This is one of my weekly bike work outs from a BT downloaded plan that is a bit of a change

WU: 15' warm up - nice smooth spinning
MS: Then shift into a the big chain ring and into a gear that allows you to spin at about 65-70 RPMs. You will spin 4x15 minutes in this gear - HR should be mid-high Z2 - recovery will be 5' easy between sets - you will probably see HR drift into Z3 - keep the cadence up - this is where you build strength. 
CD: 10' cool down.

Another workout is sprint intervals which is after a good warm up I then go all out for .5 mile, recover for .5 mile repeat this for 4 or 5 times and then enjoy a nice cooldown. Another variation of this is instead of a sprint insert a hill.  Climb the hill (or the bridge out here, recover on the down hill side plus a .5 mile ride then repeat until your legs are exhausted (about 4 times for me).

Hope this helps




2011-07-24 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3610761

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

--------------------------------------------- BOOM!! -----------------------------------------------------

The cannon booms, and Mandy is off!

After several days of really deplorable weather here (about 100 miles north of Lake Placid), today isn't going to be too wretched -- mix of sun and clouds with a chance of showers this morning, and high of 27C (um, about 82F?). That's just SO much better than mid-90s and humid and blazing sun anfd windy. May it stay that way for her and the other 2200 +/- for the next 17 hours!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-07-24 7:33 AM
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