BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-07-04 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Hi team. Got a swim in today after my lengthy nap post call. Did a set of 12x100 @ 1:40 long course meters. Held 1:28-1:30 which is really good since I only really started up again 4 weeks ago. A few more months and I'll be down to my low 1:20s pace! (maybe) and doing sets on 1:30 invervals again....maybe 1:25...we will see how things progress. Don't know how much is due to the new plan that Mike set up for me but so far it seems to be working!

2012-07-04 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4294612

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-04 4:47 PM

I rode 45 miles today.  I ate some berries and yogurt before heading out.  My schedule got changed, and I normally eat bread with jam prior to long efforts.  It was also quite a bit warmer than I'm used to.  My normal nutrition didn't cut it, and I almost fell out (stomach pains, dizziness, light headed), but pushed through.  It got me thinking how imprortant a good meal is prior to long efforts, that I need to up calorie intake during bike, and need more than 2 20 oz. bottles when temps get higher to replenish fluid loss.  I pushed pretty hard, but was a little shaken by how fatigued I got.  My goal pace for race is 16 mph, and I went 16.6 mph today, but with how I felt, I wouldn't have hit my 8:00 mi/pace for half marathon had it been race day. 

I learn a lot on these kinds of days, and it just reminds me how dialed in you must have to be to compete at a high level.

Good learning experience. You really have to find out what works and what doesn't work for you before/during/after sessions. And fluids!
2012-07-05 12:37 AM
in reply to: #4293838

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-03 8:57 PM
mndymond - 2012-07-03 8:50 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-07-03 8:29 PM
kevinbe - 2012-07-03 6:26 PM

Rode 30 miles in 20 mph winds today.  That was miserable.  Almost called it at 13 miles, but thought about the cr#p I might recieve from David and Thor, so I motored through it to the detriment of my legs. 

Question?  Does anyone have experience riding in the wind?  This was my first time in serious wind, and a couple of the downhills where I get going about 35 mph, I felt as though my bike was rubber and like I was close to getting thrown off.  It was pretty jittery, I'm wondering if there is an upgrade I may be able to get on wheel to improve riding in the wind?  I have a dinosaur for a road bike and it may just give me an excuse to make an  upgrade.Wink 

Wind is no fun and can be downright scary when it's a stiff crosswind.  I'm not sure if there are any upgrades that would particularly help.  It's just kind of one of those things you get used to the more riding you do, although at a certain point it can get almost dangerous, especially if you're riding in traffic and catch a nasty gust.

We get a lot of wind here in Iowa because of how flat it is and the fact that corn makes a horrible wind block.  The first few months of spring a day under 20mph is something to be savored and enjoyed.  I still go out because I've had some races with nasty winds, but I'm never quite comfortable when I do

I'll pipe in RE: wind as well. We can get some pretty wicked wind here as well. I tend to ride on the trainer when the wind is up but have gone out there as well (got nasty wind burn on my face one time). I agree it is something you get used to the more you ride in it and comes down to bike handling. I don't think I can really describe to you what I do to help stabilize myself and even then if a gust comes along sometimes I get the "jump" if it is a cross wind. The only real advice I have is to make sure you ride on roads with low traffic and/or generous shoulders if it is really windy; and there is a point where it is best to just not ride outside because it isn't safe with traffic, etc. Nothing you can upgrade on your bike. In fact most upgrades that make a bike more aerodynamic from front to back will actually make it harder to handle in crosswinds: race wheels, wheel covers because they have more surface area to push. At Kona even the pros tend to shy away from really aerodynamic wheels because of this and only the really strong male and female riders bother with solid wheels or deep rims because of the crosswinds. Just e safe out there!

Like today Melissa?Smile Miserable Alberta weather, I can't wait to get to Penticton in a couple of weeks!

I just finished changing tires on my bike and putting it on my trainer for a ride tomorrow morning!


AHHH the wind, I hate it too!! especially when you plan your route to be with it most the way and then you get out there and it changes!! If the wind is 37km/hr or higher I resort to the trainer as point in riding in wind faster then I can go I figure!! lol Good job Kevin for sticking with it and finishing!!!

2012-07-05 12:42 AM
in reply to: #4290620

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-02 11:15 AM

Hi All;

I hope you all had a great weekend!  I've got a week to go to my OLY and I am pumped.... but I am also looking ahead to my Century in August.  Would you please take a look at the following plan and let me know your thoughts on the following questions: 1) My Century is 115 miles long with 4000 feet of elevation gain.  Question - would I benefit from more hill workouts or would do more increase the risk on injury? 2) Am I adding too much volume each week.  A bunch of people have told me that the 10% rule doesn't apply with biking so I loaded on the miles.  To combat injury - I'll phase out the running until the ride.  3) I'd scheduled recovery rides after each tough ride.  Are recovery rides effective in preventing injury or would I be better off just sitting on the couch...



Wednesday Thursday  Friday Saturday Sunday 



Week 1(7/2/12)


2M Run/ 23 min swim 12M Bike 30min Swim Rest Own and OLY/Drink a beer40M Bike 70
Week 2(7/9)


 45min Swim 20M HR 45 Swim/15M RR Rest 70M Bike 30min Swim/15M RR 120
Week 3(7/1610M LT 45min swim 25M HR45 Swim/20M RR Rest 80M Bike 30min swim/15M RR 150
Week 4(7/23)10M LT 15M RR 25M HR45 Swim/20M RR Rest 90M Bike 30min swim/15M RR 175
Week 5(7/30)Rest 45min swim 15M HR  45 Swim/10M RR Rest 45M Bike 30min Swim/10 RR 80
Week 6(8/6)Rest 15M RR Rest 10M RR Rest Crush a Century/Drink a beerRest 140
 Total LT - Lactate Threshold RR - Recovery Ride HR - Hill Repeat Ride     735


Thanks for the feedback!



This might have already been chatted about but i'll give you my trainer's perspective on the biking...she adds 20km distance each week to mine to build volume. ....and add in hills, I totally agree make sure you train for them!! they can really add time if you aren't prepared but also can help you gain time if you know how to handle big downhills properly and get the speed! Good luck on your race on Saturday!!!

2012-07-05 12:43 AM
in reply to: #4294369

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-04 11:39 AM
yogachic - 2012-07-04 10:04 AM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 


I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

That sounds like something Melissa should organize for us Albertans in Edmonton....Laughing


Agreed!! I'd come down from Cow-town to join!! Especially after IM!!!

2012-07-05 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4294266

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-04 11:04 AM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 

I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

Missy - Rarely am I outpartied or outdrunk - but you've got me beat.  Sounds like a blast - although I think I would end up puking from the combination of exercise and alcohol.  How much did you actually end up drinking/running?  I think the reason why I haven't attempted such a bar run before is that I tend to drink with my friends and fraternity brothers who prefer to sit in front of the tube watching sports.  I do however believe in the importance of hydration and intend on trying of a beer as a mid ride recovery drink.  Good luck with the swim - hope your suit fits....

Speaking of drinking - my OLY is this weekend and I've been thinking of ways to motivate myself to finish in under 3 hours... With the Daytona night race on that evening, I might play a drinking game where I sit down with a six pack of Bell's Two Hearted Ale (you're a fan right?) and take a drink every time Matt Kenseth's #17 comes into the picture... Hopefully, it won't take long for me to finish the beer.

2012-07-05 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Well spur of the moment, decided to haul the trailer out last night and camp at miquelon Lake(location of Oly in August and usually no power boats). Instead of taking 2 vehicles, I brought out my bike and rode in this morning. Up at 4:10am and on the road. A little chilly as it was 8C(47F) with a wind out of the west....the direction I was heading...crap! First time riding in the moonlight. Found a lack of breakfast created a lack of energy for the last 10 miles(32mile ride).

On the other hand it sure felt great when I got home and grabbed a coffee and a shower!

My son and I will do some open water swimming tonight and maybe a run. Will repeat bike tomorrow with maybe a cliff bar for brekkie. Luckily I don`t have to be at work so early so I will probably start at 4:45am tomorrow. 

Plan for the rest of the weekend is more OWS, running, biking, sitting around the fire and maybe the odd cold beer thrown in for godd measure!

2012-07-05 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4295058

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-05 7:40 AM
yogachic - 2012-07-04 11:04 AM
Qua17 - 2012-07-03 10:12 AM 

Missy - Congrats on the great swim!  I'm glad to see your training is going well for your 5K in September.  I know you've done it before - but three miles seems so long to me!  Keep up the great work!

A "Bar Run" sounds like something I would enjoy - please fill us in on the details!

Thanks!  The swimming's coming along nicely, and I think I'll be better prepared this year than last year!

Well, I survived Bar Run!  A group of my tri friends meets up every few months to do one of these (more in the off-season than during the season though!)  We run from bar to bar, and sometimes people's houses, and usually have a shot at each stop.  The stops are generally .5-1 mile apart.  Everyone chips in $20 and so we continue to run until we run out of money. . . Which usually amounts to 5-8 miles of running depend on how far apart the stops are.  Then we go for food after since everyone is usually starving by the end of the night!

Yesterday it was so warm, that a bunch of us decided not to do shots and do beers instead for the extra "hydration".  So we would split a beer at some of the stops.  Then some of us decided we wanted to make it a Bar Swim (Bar Aquathlon?), and so we jumped in the lake after one of the stops.  We made sure it was early enough in the evening that A) it was still light out and not dangerous to be jumping in the lake and B) we hadn't had all that much to drink yet. 

I had planned on going for a bike ride this morning, but after the chaos of last night, that wasn't happening.  Heading to a barbecue at noon, then meeting up with some of the Bar Swimmers from last night to do a real swim in the lake this afternoon.  I just bought a sleeveless XTerra wetsuit that I *think* is too big on me, so I'll be testing that out today.  Knowing the group, we will probably head to a bar after the swim.  

Missy - Rarely am I outpartied or outdrunk - but you've got me beat.  Sounds like a blast - although I think I would end up puking from the combination of exercise and alcohol.  How much did you actually end up drinking/running?  I think the reason why I haven't attempted such a bar run before is that I tend to drink with my friends and fraternity brothers who prefer to sit in front of the tube watching sports.  I do however believe in the importance of hydration and intend on trying of a beer as a mid ride recovery drink.  Good luck with the swim - hope your suit fits....

Speaking of drinking - my OLY is this weekend and I've been thinking of ways to motivate myself to finish in under 3 hours... With the Daytona night race on that evening, I might play a drinking game where I sit down with a six pack of Bell's Two Hearted Ale (you're a fan right?) and take a drink every time Matt Kenseth's #17 comes into the picture... Hopefully, it won't take long for me to finish the beer.

If you don`t get under 3 hours you have to drink warm coors light...I believe that is all the motivation you need...Don`t hold anything back. have a great race. Looking forward to the race report when I am back sunday night!

2012-07-05 6:50 PM
in reply to: #4295064

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
thor67 - 2012-07-05 6:44 PM

Well spur of the moment, decided to haul the trailer out last night and camp at miquelon Lake(location of Oly in August and usually no power boats). Instead of taking 2 vehicles, I brought out my bike and rode in this morning. Up at 4:10am and on the road. A little chilly as it was 8C(47F) with a wind out of the west....the direction I was heading...crap! First time riding in the moonlight. Found a lack of breakfast created a lack of energy for the last 10 miles(32mile ride).

On the other hand it sure felt great when I got home and grabbed a coffee and a shower!

My son and I will do some open water swimming tonight and maybe a run. Will repeat bike tomorrow with maybe a cliff bar for brekkie. Luckily I don`t have to be at work so early so I will probably start at 4:45am tomorrow. 

Plan for the rest of the weekend is more OWS, running, biking, sitting around the fire and maybe the odd cold beer thrown in for godd measure!

Wonderful plan.  Good training right there!

2012-07-05 6:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Wife and I are at 10 years tomorrow.  We have friends that took our kids tonight and tomorrow night.  We started it off with a 15 mile bike on the  centenial trail.  We're going for a 4.7 mile run tomorrow.  My wife's lost 130+lbs in the last 2 years.  We would have never done any of this before, but now she's an animal.  I mentioned that she is already at the 15 miles and 4 miles of a sprint Tri-, it's only a matter of time before her first one (maybe next spring.)

I'll be out for the next few days.  Kick some A David. 

2012-07-06 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4295058

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-07-05 8:40 AM 

Missy - Rarely am I outpartied or outdrunk - but you've got me beat.  Sounds like a blast - although I think I would end up puking from the combination of exercise and alcohol.  How much did you actually end up drinking/running?  I think the reason why I haven't attempted such a bar run before is that I tend to drink with my friends and fraternity brothers who prefer to sit in front of the tube watching sports.  I do however believe in the importance of hydration and intend on trying of a beer as a mid ride recovery drink.  Good luck with the swim - hope your suit fits....

Speaking of drinking - my OLY is this weekend and I've been thinking of ways to motivate myself to finish in under 3 hours... With the Daytona night race on that evening, I might play a drinking game where I sit down with a six pack of Bell's Two Hearted Ale (you're a fan right?) and take a drink every time Matt Kenseth's #17 comes into the picture... Hopefully, it won't take long for me to finish the beer.

Funnily enough, I think my tri club friends are my heaviest drinking buddies!  I think by the end of the night I had something like 5 1/2 beers and 4 shots.  Though, the shots were light- one was patriotic looking (layers of grenadine, vodka, and blue curacao), 2 were "birthday cake" flavored (I'm guess it involved butterscotch schnapps, vanilla vodka, and some other cake-like flavors), and a jello shot.  The beers were Dragon's Milk Stout, Hopslam, Golden Monkey, and Oberon.  We did something like 5.5-6 miles (and some deep water lake treading) over the course of 5 hours.

I wasn't able to try out my wetsuit because it was 102 degrees out!  Ended up just swimming in my speedo and leaving my wetsuit on the beach!  The water felt great though.  I'll have to wait for this heat wave to pass before trying out the wetsuit.  Don't wanna get heat exhaustion from trying to get it on!

Oooh, that sounds like a fun drinking game!  Two Hearted is a great beer!  (I think I have two bottles of it in my fridge at home, haha).  

2012-07-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4296330

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-05 6:56 PM

Wife and I are at 10 years tomorrow.  We have friends that took our kids tonight and tomorrow night.  We started it off with a 15 mile bike on the  centenial trail.  We're going for a 4.7 mile run tomorrow.  My wife's lost 130+lbs in the last 2 years.  We would have never done any of this before, but now she's an animal.  I mentioned that she is already at the 15 miles and 4 miles of a sprint Tri-, it's only a matter of time before her first one (maybe next spring.)

I'll be out for the next few days.  Kick some A David. 

Happy anniversary!  What a great way to celebrate your time together!

2012-07-06 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Ok, I have a dilemma!  Need advice!

So we've been having this horrible heat wave. . . Triple digits the last 2 days/ 90's for past 2 weeks, high humidity, brutal sun.  

My training plan calls for a 15-mile run tomorrow.  I'd skipped my 14-miler last weekend due to my cold, so I don't want to miss 2 in a row, especially since these are the critical weeks where I'm supposed to be ramping up my mileage (was planning on ramping up to 18-20 by late July/early Aug so I can taper for the HIM in late August, then pick up marathon training in September and not be behind).  

I checked the forecast for tomorrow. . . It's supposed to be 81 at 5am, rising up to 87 by 8am (up to 93 by 10am!)  Even if I start earlier, it's still an overnight low of 81 at 3am Frown

I can't decide what to do!  Suck it up and just run at 3am?  My friend got heat exhaustion on the 4th of July from riding her bike; it'll be cooler tomorrow (high 94 instead of 102) but I'll be running not riding.  When I did my half marathon a few weeks ago, I think I was starting to suffer from heat exhaustion toward the end of the race, and it was only a high of 89  that day.  It just seems downright dangerous to be running.  

An option I was thinking is aquajogging.  Jump in the lake and aquajog for 2.5 hours?  Just skip the run and swim instead?  I've been swimming a lot due to this heat.  

Another option is the treadmill.  Ugh.  I hate the treadmill.  Last time I tried, I think I did 0.75 miles then wanted to shoot myself in the eye.

What do you guys think?  What would you do in this situation?  

Edited by yogachic 2012-07-06 10:38 AM
2012-07-06 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4297167

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-06 9:35 AM

Ok, I have a dilemma!  Need advice!

So we've been having this horrible heat wave. . . Triple digits the last 2 days/ 90's for past 2 weeks, high humidity, brutal sun.  

My training plan calls for a 15-mile run tomorrow.  I'd skipped my 14-miler last weekend due to my cold, so I don't want to miss 2 in a row, especially since these are the critical weeks where I'm supposed to be ramping up my mileage (was planning on ramping up to 18-20 by late July/early Aug so I can taper for the HIM in late August, then pick up marathon training in September and not be behind).  

I checked the forecast for tomorrow. . . It's supposed to be 81 at 5am, rising up to 87 by 8am (up to 93 by 10am!)  Even if I start earlier, it's still an overnight low of 81 at 3am Frown

I can't decide what to do!  Suck it up and just run at 3am?  My friend got heat exhaustion on the 4th of July from riding her bike; it'll be cooler tomorrow (high 94 instead of 102) but I'll be running not riding.  When I did my half marathon a few weeks ago, I think I was starting to suffer from heat exhaustion toward the end of the race, and it was only a high of 89  that day.  It just seems downright dangerous to be running.  

An option I was thinking is aquajogging.  Jump in the lake and aquajog for 2.5 hours?  Just skip the run and swim instead?  I've been swimming a lot due to this heat.  

Another option is the treadmill.  Ugh.  I hate the treadmill.  Last time I tried, I think I did 0.75 miles then wanted to shoot myself in the eye.

What do you guys think?  What would you do in this situation?  

My vote is for a 5am run...

15 miles on a treadmill would drive me to drink!(more)

2012-07-06 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4297167

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-07-06 10:35 AM

Ok, I have a dilemma!  Need advice!

So we've been having this horrible heat wave. . . Triple digits the last 2 days/ 90's for past 2 weeks, high humidity, brutal sun.  

My training plan calls for a 15-mile run tomorrow.  I'd skipped my 14-miler last weekend due to my cold, so I don't want to miss 2 in a row, especially since these are the critical weeks where I'm supposed to be ramping up my mileage (was planning on ramping up to 18-20 by late July/early Aug so I can taper for the HIM in late August, then pick up marathon training in September and not be behind).  

I checked the forecast for tomorrow. . . It's supposed to be 81 at 5am, rising up to 87 by 8am (up to 93 by 10am!)  Even if I start earlier, it's still an overnight low of 81 at 3am Frown

I can't decide what to do!  Suck it up and just run at 3am?  My friend got heat exhaustion on the 4th of July from riding her bike; it'll be cooler tomorrow (high 94 instead of 102) but I'll be running not riding.  When I did my half marathon a few weeks ago, I think I was starting to suffer from heat exhaustion toward the end of the race, and it was only a high of 89  that day.  It just seems downright dangerous to be running.  

An option I was thinking is aquajogging.  Jump in the lake and aquajog for 2.5 hours?  Just skip the run and swim instead?  I've been swimming a lot due to this heat.  

Another option is the treadmill.  Ugh.  I hate the treadmill.  Last time I tried, I think I did 0.75 miles then wanted to shoot myself in the eye.

What do you guys think?  What would you do in this situation?  

My vote is for the early morning run. Granted its still going to be warm but you might as well go at the coolest possible time. I've switched to morning running the past couple of weeks and it's helped a bunch. It was still upper 70s this morning but not nearly as bad as the upper 90s and sun this afternoon. Just make sure you're drinking and fueling consistently and don't be afraid to a couple of breaks if needed. I carried water with me and still stopped twice on my 12 miler this morning to drink more and wring sweat out of my shirt. I can't imagine being on the treadmill or aqua jogging for that long. Best of luck whichever decision you make!
2012-07-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Ok, so my marathon training group & its main rival both canceled all their Saturday long runs due to the heat and the weather reports had an excessive heat warning for the past few days until 4pm today.  So I decided to heed all the warnings and not to risk it.  I ended up doing a long ride on my bike trainer in front of the AC this morning. 

It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow, so I'll try doing my long run either tomorrow morning or tomorrow evening when it's in the low/mid-70's. 

2012-07-07 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Hi all. Hope you are all having a good weekend and avoiding the heat. I'm going to have to do a 5am run tomorrow and Mon to avoid it myself. Suppose to hit 33C on Mon with a humidex of who knows what, but I know it will come into play...even in dry Alberta. I'm on call tomorrow from 8-4 and I dont want to have to do it after work. I have my pediatrics final this week, so I've been studying outside this afternoon. I did a 40k ride and 3mile ish transition run this morning. Going to be an early Sat night for me!
2012-07-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4299324

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

I must be the crazy one, but my HIM is August 5th, so I'm out training in 90-100 degrees in the afternoon to aclimate to what I anticipate will be a terribly hot day.  I just did a 30 mile ride today in 90 degrees, and would have done a brick 4 mile run, however, I ended my ride at the local pub.  I had a Hefe from great divide, and a dynamite Saison from Elysian, (apocolypse wasteland) both on tap. 

I feel as though if your racing in heat, you have to train your body for the heat.  If I wasn't racing, I would get all my workouts in early at 5 am at 80 and just carry water and gels to stay hydrated.  Since my race is in the heart of the summer, I figure it'll be 80-90 on the bike, and 90-100 on the run, so I'm soaking up all the sun I can and working out in the pm.   

2012-07-07 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4299390

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-07 6:13 PM

I must be the crazy one, but my HIM is August 5th, so I'm out training in 90-100 degrees in the afternoon to aclimate to what I anticipate will be a terribly hot day.  I just did a 30 mile ride today in 90 degrees, and would have done a brick 4 mile run, however, I ended my ride at the local pub.  I had a Hefe from great divide, and a dynamite Saison from Elysian, (apocolypse wasteland) both on tap. 

I feel as though if your racing in heat, you have to train your body for the heat.  If I wasn't racing, I would get all my workouts in early at 5 am at 80 and just carry water and gels to stay hydrated.  Since my race is in the heart of the summer, I figure it'll be 80-90 on the bike, and 90-100 on the run, so I'm soaking up all the sun I can and working out in the pm.   

I will have to next year to prep for France. The temp has jump for us up here about 10C in a few I'm not going to torture myself for the time being while I'm getting my fitness back. Haha. Well torture myself with the heat anyways...waking up at 5am is kinda tortorous...

Last year I was training in Vancouver during the summer...and it was a crappy weather summer out west...hardly broke 20C most of the time and then I got to IMLP and it was like 45C with the humidex....just death. I think I negative split the marathon because I had to walk most of the first part until the sun went down and it cooled off a bit because I was feeling super nauseous. 

Good on you getting out in the heat. It is good to get used to what race conditions will be. 

2012-07-07 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4299390

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-07 6:13 PM

I must be the crazy one, but my HIM is August 5th, so I'm out training in 90-100 degrees in the afternoon to aclimate to what I anticipate will be a terribly hot day.  I just did a 30 mile ride today in 90 degrees, and would have done a brick 4 mile run, however, I ended my ride at the local pub.  I had a Hefe from great divide, and a dynamite Saison from Elysian, (apocolypse wasteland) both on tap. 

I feel as though if your racing in heat, you have to train your body for the heat.  If I wasn't racing, I would get all my workouts in early at 5 am at 80 and just carry water and gels to stay hydrated.  Since my race is in the heart of the summer, I figure it'll be 80-90 on the bike, and 90-100 on the run, so I'm soaking up all the sun I can and working out in the pm.   


Agreed! Gotta train in all weather so one is prepared for it! i Just got back from a hour 30 degree heat with a very very light wind....took my water and drank almost all of it!!! first time i've actually had sweat pour into my eyes stinging them....140km ride tomorrow....same type of heat, heading off in the early am but will still be hot for most of it!!

2012-07-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Good Morning-

I just got a 52 mile ride in today followed by a 3 mile run.  Ride went great.  I had 2 bottles with 3 gels in them, and 2 bottles of water, taking sips every 10-15 minutes.  I had about a 1/4 lb. of smoked fish that I would take every 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.  I think for the race, I'm also going to carry 2-3 gels on the bike for the second half of the bike.  Nutrition was much better this ride than last.  I rode 171 miles this week.  That's my best so far. 

My run went great.  I wanted to see how it was running after so many miles, and it felt smooth.  I was able to keep sub 8:00 pace (goal race pace).  13 miles is going to be another matter.  I was starting to get really hot at 3 mile mark.

Oh and btw, it's hot out there.  Stay hydrated.


2012-07-08 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4299943

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-07-08 12:04 PM

Good Morning-

I just got a 52 mile ride in today followed by a 3 mile run.  Ride went great.  I had 2 bottles with 3 gels in them, and 2 bottles of water, taking sips every 10-15 minutes.  I had about a 1/4 lb. of smoked fish that I would take every 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.  I think for the race, I'm also going to carry 2-3 gels on the bike for the second half of the bike.  Nutrition was much better this ride than last.  I rode 171 miles this week.  That's my best so far. 

My run went great.  I wanted to see how it was running after so many miles, and it felt smooth.  I was able to keep sub 8:00 pace (goal race pace).  13 miles is going to be another matter.  I was starting to get really hot at 3 mile mark.

Oh and btw, it's hot out there.  Stay hydrated.



Good job!!! I went for a 140km ride today, 30 degrees out with a warm wind! still was beautiful......Smoked fish for nutrience?? Never heard of that!! I resorted to a pb&j sandwich and a hammer bar....ate 2 gels (should have gelled again with the last 20km but forgot) wore my camel back with regular water and 2 bottles of perpetum.....I was prepared I think!! Came home to the mararita machine out and hubby making them!! woohoo relaxation rest of the day beside my kid's pool!

2012-07-08 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4300099

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-07-08 2:48 PM
kevinbe - 2012-07-08 12:04 PM

Good Morning-

I just got a 52 mile ride in today followed by a 3 mile run.  Ride went great.  I had 2 bottles with 3 gels in them, and 2 bottles of water, taking sips every 10-15 minutes.  I had about a 1/4 lb. of smoked fish that I would take every 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.  I think for the race, I'm also going to carry 2-3 gels on the bike for the second half of the bike.  Nutrition was much better this ride than last.  I rode 171 miles this week.  That's my best so far. 

My run went great.  I wanted to see how it was running after so many miles, and it felt smooth.  I was able to keep sub 8:00 pace (goal race pace).  13 miles is going to be another matter.  I was starting to get really hot at 3 mile mark.

Oh and btw, it's hot out there.  Stay hydrated.



Good job!!! I went for a 140km ride today, 30 degrees out with a warm wind! still was beautiful......Smoked fish for nutrience?? Never heard of that!! I resorted to a pb&j sandwich and a hammer bar....ate 2 gels (should have gelled again with the last 20km but forgot) wore my camel back with regular water and 2 bottles of perpetum.....I was prepared I think!! Came home to the mararita machine out and hubby making them!! woohoo relaxation rest of the day beside my kid's pool!

x2on the smoke fish...Smile but hey, whatever works!

x100 on the margarita's/beers!

2012-07-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Nice work everyone!  Sounds like a bunch of you got in some solid training this weekend I had a great long run this morning.  18 miles with the middle 10 at marathon pace.  I hit those 10 at an average 7 minute pace, which is exactly the goal pace.  I had a similar workout 3 weeks ago that didn't go nearly as well so it was nice to see some progress! As a bonus, after a 5 week build, I'm starting my first recovery week of the plan.  I'm looking forward to a little mileage reduction!
2012-07-09 7:14 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Well our camping is over for now. Got in some nice rides but no runs. Been slacking on the runs, er, I mean tapering...

Me and my son did a few ows this past weekend at miquelon lake. I was ploughing through weeds in the middle of the damn lake. When I stopped about a kilometer from the shore I could touch some kind of soft mucky bottom. It wouldn't hold me up but it was there...

Probably drank more beer than necessary but what can ya do when you are camping??

We leave Friday at lunch for Invermere. Race day for my son is Saturday while i go Sunday.

After that we are off to Penticton BC(home of ironman Canada)!

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