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2011-08-03 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Finally finished your race report - really fun to read.  "Stripper in college"was my favorite part.  And your big smile in the finish video.  You write a really great race report.

So what the heck are you gonna do to top this?


2011-08-03 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I've been thinking about you when I hear about the heat in the south - awful, awful, awful.  It's pretty nice here (sorry)


2011-08-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


What are you up to.  How's the yoga?


2011-08-03 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE, we had a bit of a reprieve for about one week (highs in the 90s) but it's back in the 100s again.  Last night I went for a 3.1 mile walk (that was the best I could do) at 8:15 and it was still over 90 degrees, still 90 degrees at 10pm.  Our pool is about 96 degrees so not exactly the best way to cool off. 

My daughter's tour is in Kansas City and it was 108 degrees there yesterday AND she's performing at an outdoor theatre.  That didn't keep 6000 people from showing up for the show. 

Having you been shopping for a new bike?


2011-08-04 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Trek Madone 4.7 on order

2011-08-04 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3628005

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


NICE bike choice! When is it due in.....and what is the first race you think it might share with you? And just out of curiosity, what made you decide to go with that one?

As for me, well, I continue to ebb and flow. The past few days have seen me besieged with a lower back problem, my first -- and worst -- one in about a decade. It was awful yesterday, but over the course of today it improved some. I did a very fast (for me ) 1700m swim, my fastest on that particular OWS course by almost two minutes. And then in the late afternoon I did a fast (21.5mph for 32km) ride, with no back problems, so we'll see how it evolves or devolves from here.

I have been toying with doing Fronhofer Tool sprint this Saturday afternoon, but the back set that thinking back some. Plus, i have a doc appt Saturday morning at 8 a.m., and were I to keep that I couldn't make it down to Fronhofer for a 2 p.m. start. But now that the back is showing some improvement, I'm back on track for Fronhofer -- maybe. I should probably keep the doc appt, but I think I want to do the race and see how I stack up eight days out from West Point Triathlon. It wil likely be a morning-of decision --- wake at six, and see how I feel!

Yoga is still good, but I have reduced it some over the past few weeks . Part of that is because the studio is into its reduced summer schedule, and part because I have been training more, and part because I am no longer taking any of their five-class intro courses, and part because of the back. The rpoblem there actually started in a Yoga class, and then settled, and then kicked in again picking up a water can for the garden, then settled, and then returned with full fury a few days ago.

Aren't you sorry you asked??

And, really --- what's up with you in your post-Racine world?

Edited by stevebradley 2011-08-04 8:50 PM

2011-08-04 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3629802

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

Nice photos from Racine, especially the bike cornering one, and the westuit one, and the finish line one taken from your right side. Is the white on your right shoulder a salve that was applied after your tumble, or just a large dab of concentrated sunblock?

Is your wetsuit a Xterra one, and has it bled blue on your lighter-colored clothing? I have a red-lined one, and it has messed up a few tri jerseys, turning the nice white parts a pale shade of pink. Grrr!

2011-08-05 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3628363

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-08-04 7:52 AM


Trek Madone 4.7 on order

Wahoooo!! Nice bike!! That is awesome!  Congrats
2011-08-05 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3627998

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-08-03 7:45 PM


So what the heck are you gonna do to top this?



Good question!! I think...for now...we are getting a puppy.  I will do a HIM in Sept I think (Pumpkinman) and then some time off from SBR until I start by build for IMMT in August.  

2011-08-05 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3624706

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
JoeK - 2011-08-01 9:54 PM


I am a little behind the times but congrats on your life achievement!!!!!  I am sure you will have lots of memories as well as the guy that was going to use the porta johnWink.  Great job and good on ya for having the dedication to achieve your dream. Yea Mandy!!




Thanks Joe!

2011-08-05 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3624692

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-01 9:48 PM MANDY - It's hard to figure how you topped the swim and bike parts, but you sure managed, and in spades. The run one is such the "keeper"!! Love the tape job -- how it looked at the start of the run, and how much was added to it by the end. The stripper ine is a great one --whether true or not! Terrific toe-off on the one from the run start!! Yeah, Mirror Lake Drive at the end of the first loop -- cruel and unusual punishment (but it'll make one tougher!). Beautiful account of the various people and their statements. Emerging from River Road and peaking that nasty little hillon the second loop....and then realizing how close the finish line is.....PRICELESS!! Best of all was your coach's father and what he said. He's a prince. I wish I had better memories of entering the oval and circuiting it, but I dodn't. So, whatever you can do to imprint all of that into your memory banks, do it. I am sure that when you're seven years removed from IMLP'11 you will want to have a vastly better memory of it than I have! Still high as the sky??


Hey Steve, I just want to make it really clear that I wasn't really a stripper!  

2011-08-05 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3630143

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Well, with the rollicking panache and derring-do you displayed at could've been!

Pumpkinman, eh? Nice rep, that one -- once you get up and over the ski hill coming out of the water and heading to T1, that is! But you sure ought to enjoy 56 on flats/rollers, and 13.1 on about the same, after the challenges of IMLP. Fine choice!

At this particular moment, I am fixing to head to Fronhofer Tool sprint tomorrow. About nine hours of driving to get to and from a race that will be about 1:20 to finish maybe doesn't make much sense, but........

So, we shall see. It'll be a wake-up decision.

2011-08-06 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I've been gone a couple days.


I remember Fronhofer from last year!  Did you decide to do it? Dying to know.


2011-08-07 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3632201

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Nope! The race morning decision was made at about 4:17, about 20 minutes after I woke up completely alert and agitating over the pros and cons. The big con was the doc appt, but close behind was the silliness of driving long ways two weenks in a row for sprints. Fronhofer is about 5 hours each way, West point will be more like 6 or 6.5 each way. I "justified" those last year by, um, not really working too hard to justify them! BUT! At least for Fronhofer last year, it was doing the Double -- oly at 7, sprint at 2; doesn't that make it all worthwhile, and even eminently sensible??

I had a few regrets throughout the day, but mostly was fine. The doc appt was good, as he went over why the cortisone shot worked to the extent it did, and why it might be okay to have a follow-up shot, and the benefits of the more expensive Durolane injection AND where I might go to purchase the stuff less expensively than the injecting doctor might be getting it. All good stuff, very useful as I move forward with this.....and probably more beneficial than doing a race. That would've been $70 entry, about $60 in gas, and $7 in tolls, so I saved close to $150 that I can waste some other way. However, I did nothing to help my USAT points!!!

Looking on the FTT website last night, I saw that the races were likely not wetsuit legal. So, that can be added to IMLP for upstate NY lakes that have gotten too hot this summer, and disallowed wetsuits for people looking for a.g. placements. Last year was a very early swim-spring, as I was in on May 16, but over the next few months the lakes water bodies didn't heat too much. This year was a couple of weeks later, but the subsequent warming has been unprecedented, at least in my 12 years of OWS experience. Add to the above the venue for Eagleman, which for both '10 and '11 was non-wetsuit, following a perfect history of always being wetsuit legal. Huh.

But the lake for Fronhofer is very small and quite shallow overall, so I wasn't surprised to read that thewater temp a few days ago was 81. Last year in was likely about 77.93 degrees, very toasty!

So, onwards to West Point!

2011-08-07 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



I always thought you were kind of crazy to drive all those distances (especially with the price of gas) - so maybe you're getting practical in your old age.

My husband's having trouble getting his back (and also thigh which is related to the back) problems resolved.  Now that his aneurysm issue is resolved with the stent, he's trying to get something done about his back but keeps getting shuffled around from dr to dr.  He made the decision to see someone in Minneapolis which is 2 1/2 hours away but better health care options.

My new bike decision pretty much wasn't my decision.  Before I got back from Racine, my husband wrote out a check to my LBS which is a Trek shop so I pretty much had to get it there.  I asked them what I should get and they recommended Madone 4.7 or 5.2.  I read reviews and got the 4.7 because the lesser price enables me to get the extras I'm going to need without going over the amount of the check.

I was supposed to get the bike end of last week but didn't so I'm thinking I won't have enough time to practice for my races this weekend.  I have my 1st back-to back races.  Nevis sprint (1 hr north) on Sat. and YWCA womens' sprint (3 hrs south) on Sun.  I'll probably use my old bike. 


2011-08-07 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3633012

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


You thought I was kind of crazy? Moi?

Yes, I am trying to be much more practical, even though it doesn't come easily. Overt he eyars Lynn has been forced to make comments such as "Do you think what you're spending on traithlon is more than your making during the race season?" I spent a long time avoiding the intricacies of that question, but sometime afte the '04 season i decided to figure out kinda sorta what I had spent. That was the year I did the following:
Columbia (O), MD -- 16 hours round-trip, 2 motel
Eagleman(H), MD -- 18 hours r-t, 2 motel
Mooseman(S), NH, -- 12 hours r-t, tent
Musselman(S), NY -- 9 hours r-t, tent
IMLP (I), NY -- 5 hours r-t, 1 tent, 3 motel
Timberman (H), NH -- 14 hours r-t, tent
Granite Ledges (O), NH -- 12 hours r-t, motel
Canadian Du Champs, Quebec City -- 8 hours r-t, tent
Cape Henlopen (S), DE -- 18 hours r-t, motel

Registration costs, approx and respectively, were $85, $150, $80, $80, $500, $140, $85, $85, $75. That's about $1300, including service fees. The lodgings were probably about $1100 total. Good expos at six of them, so a few hundred ($500?) in that category. All those meals on the road; maybe another $500? And then gas. OMG. Is that about $4000? Maybe!

And as for other years, such as '07 in which there were 17 multipsort races? Well, I won't even begin to regale you with those details. There were no big-budgte items that year, but Sweet Mother of Mercy, they do add up

Back to '04, dopey long drives to three of them, viewed as dopey (only in hindsight!) only because they offered less than about 75 racing minutes for each; at Cape Hen, I think I was done in 67 minutes. DOH!

But am I fully reformed.........?

2011-08-07 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3633012

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

That is too bad that he is getting bounced around some, and that Minny is the best option. I am fortunate to live close enough to Ottawa to be able to satisfy most needs there, or even closer where my sports doc is. That's one upside, as is the fact that OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covers most of any doctor visit. The downside is that for "elective" stuff (ex: MRI for torn meniscus), or visting specialists (ex: my cortisone injection guy), the waits can be lengthy -- about 3 months for MRI on meniscus in '06, about 2 months for the cortisone. For the MRI, I thought about having it done in NY, about an hour's drive away, but the cost would've been about $1300 -- too much even if I could have it done within a day or two of calling them, especially as the whole thing was covered here.

Lynn's goverment insurance often tops up the remainder, but there are breaks in the net -- my special injection option costs about $400, and is not covered by any insurance we carry, either OHIP or her gov't work plan. Rats!

Good shopping for the bike, nice froethought to plan on the extras. Which are??

2011-08-07 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Back from vacation so I have some catching up to do on the BigSkies thread. 

I have done ZERO bike rides in 2 weeks.  ONE swim in 2 weeks.  On the bright side I did get in more runs than normal.  Looking forward to getting back into the training grove..... 

2011-08-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3633253

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Ahhhhh, I'd been wondering where you had gotten to! Now that you mention vacation, I do seem to have a dim memory of that; was it maybe a whirlwind through some of Europe's finest spots?

That you are looking forward to geting into training again is a sure sign that the vacation had one of its desired effects -- renewal! Many people say that is the perfect thing to do mid-season, but I have to admit that I have never "dared" do that. But as I have now gone two months raceless, I have to say that I am very psyched to do my next one -- which will be Sunday if I can just hold it together until then!

2011-08-08 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3633484

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

A problem of sorts I've had the past few seasons has surfaced in the final races of each, and is best described of being very tired of putting on my "race-face". That is, I am just weary from checking registrant lists, scouting the bike racks to see who's there, and then having to maybe build a strategy given the perceived competition. Make sense?

So, my hope is that this year, racing so relatively seldom, I won't get to that point. It usually happens around the 8th race of a season....but at the rate I'm going I'll be lucky to get in five more. And I'm not counting those local ones from a few months ago, as they were so low-key -- and now so distant -- that I doubt they will contribute to that curious mindset I develop as a season progresses. We'll see, though.

All that said:
1.) For the first time this season, two days ago I checked the USAT rankings. With no USAT races yet, of course I'm not there.....but that got me thinking I'd better get moving! (Pressure, maybe?)
2.) Sunday's race is West Point, and there is a LOT riding on that. That's the one where I flatted a mile into the bike and took about ten minutes to change the damn thing, and while I still finished strong, it was a lost race. It was an "A" race for me, and I was in absolute peak form, so flatting and then screwing up the change so greatly was devastating. I really want to avenge myself there, but have to keep in mind that I am NOT in peak form right now and so i shouldn't expect hugely big things --- although that is what I will be working towards for the duration. Should

2011-08-08 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3633484

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


No Europe... just the kids.  Spent the 1st week between Richmond, Va and Washington, DC with my 2 oldest and the grandbaby.  Then it was off to the Hamptons for the last week. 

Mid-Season - actually being in Florida I try and plan my "off season" somewhere in the July/August timeframe because of the heat (instead of the more traditional winter months).

Renewal - Yes.  I'm a little "OCD" in nature so I like structure.  Not that is necessarily a good thing but being on training plan adds a little structure to my life.

Good luck with the upcoming race.  I'm looking forward to reading about it.

stevebradley - 2011-08-08 8:55 AM JEFF - Ahhhhh, I'd been wondering where you had gotten to! Now that you mention vacation, I do seem to have a dim memory of that; was it maybe a whirlwind through some of Europe's finest spots? That you are looking forward to geting into training again is a sure sign that the vacation had one of its desired effects -- renewal! Many people say that is the perfect thing to do mid-season, but I have to admit that I have never "dared" do that. But as I have now gone two months raceless, I have to say that I am very psyched to do my next one -- which will be Sunday if I can just hold it together until then!

2011-08-08 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3633509

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-08 9:07 AM JEFF again - A problem of sorts I've had the past few seasons has surfaced in the final races of each, and is best described of being very tired of putting on my "race-face". That is, I am just weary from checking registrant lists, scouting the bike racks to see who's there, and then having to maybe build a strategy given the perceived competition. Make sense?

Yes, it makes sense.  Though I must say I have yet to personally experience it.  You have achieved a lot in the sport in terms of performance and have worked hard to become a FOPer.  For me, I'm working my way from the BOP to the MOP.  I certainly aspire to become a FOPer but one of the nice things about becoming older (I mean wiser!!!) is learning patience.  In my 20's and 30's I think I would have become frustrated over the lack of rapid improvements in my performance and would have probably given up on the sport.  Now I understand that it might take me 10 years to develop my run performance to where I would like it to be.  So, I hope to get to your level of performance one day.  When and if I do I'll remember your words and hope that I won't stress out too much.

So, my hope is that this year, racing so relatively seldom, I won't get to that point. It usually happens around the 8th race of a season....but at the rate I'm going I'll be lucky to get in five more. And I'm not counting those local ones from a few months ago, as they were so low-key -- and now so distant -- that I doubt they will contribute to that curious mindset I develop as a season progresses. We'll see, though. All that said: 1.) For the first time this season, two days ago I checked the USAT rankings. With no USAT races yet, of course I'm not there.....but that got me thinking I'd better get moving! (Pressure, maybe?) 2.) Sunday's race is West Point, and there is a LOT riding on that. That's the one where I flatted a mile into the bike and took about ten minutes to change the damn thing, and while I still finished strong, it was a lost race. It was an "A" race for me, and I was in absolute peak form, so flatting and then screwing up the change so greatly was devastating.

I do understand the feeling of devastation from my race results (my 1st race this season!!!).  There are somethings we can control and somethings we can't control.  Flatting is something that was out of your control.  Let's just say that your competition got a early XMAS present by getting a 10 minute headstart on you early in the bike. 

I really want to avenge myself there, but have to keep in mind that I am NOT in peak form right now and so i shouldn't expect hugely big things --- although that is what I will be working towards for the duration. Should

You never know, it might be one those "perfect" days for you despite not being in peak form from your recent injuries.  Fun?  Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for you. 


2011-08-08 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3633767

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Many thanks for the thoughtful and supportive words. Yeah, somewhere along theway the mostly-pure-fun critter morphed into a tunnel-visioned competitive creature, and it might be worthwhile to go back and figure out whan that happened. It seems quite a while ago, and each season seems to be getting a little worse in terms of being too focusedly intense.

It certainly was fun, though, back in thre earlier days when I was making that trek up through MOP. There was clearly alot of ground that I had covered, and I felt there was still a lot of ground that was within my reach, given enough time and commitment and so on. I was also young enough at the time (about your age!!) that I didn't feel the effects of injuries as being so potentially career-ending, and in general I just felt the benefits of many years to work at improving. In my 12th year of multisport now, I guess I'vehad those many fruitful years.....and I sure hope that you have the same sort of run, and maybe even more!

It's funny that you mentioned how you would've responded in your 20s and 30s, because at that time I was very low-key about everything. I always played sports pretty seriously, but mostly I considered myself a "K-type" personality -- my own dsignation for WAY below A- or B- or even C-type. So it was a surprise to me to discover, at the ripe age of 51 that I might have a B-type personality, and then an even bigger surprise a year or two later when I came face-to-face with my latent A-type. Whoa!!

So, maybe that's why I struggle some with the competitive face, in that it really doesn't come naturally to me. I can assume it for a while, but then.......

I AM hoping that I will have my day on Sunday, and I am cautiously optimistic. I have knocked off a few very hard-paced rides lately, and yesterday was 40.2km at 21.2mph, which I followed with a 5km run in 22:40, which I think is 7:17/mile. Then tonight I did 10.4km in 48:30, and the pure 10km in 46:37, which is 7:30/mile and pleasing enough to me. These recent training results continue to surprise me, given how unfocused my training has been due to the hip problems. My swim is doing well, too, so even though I think I'm not in peak form, those numbers above aren't too far off from last year's peak. Sunday at West Point ought to be interesting!

Another way it will be interesting is in light of the downing of the SEALS a couple of days ago. I haven't read how many of the total dead were Army, but at that point any perceived rivalries are immaterial, and the SEALS will be grieved heavily throughout the West Point community. It might be a pretty emotional day around there, especially in pre-race ceremonies.

Thanks again for what you posted; it is truly appreciated!

2011-08-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3634959

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-08-08 9:11 PM JEFF - Many thanks for the thoughtful and supportive words. Yeah, somewhere along theway the mostly-pure-fun critter morphed into a tunnel-visioned competitive creature, and it might be worthwhile to go back and figure out whan that happened. It seems quite a while ago, and each season seems to be getting a little worse in terms of being too focusedly intense. It certainly was fun, though, back in thre earlier days when I was making that trek up through MOP. There was clearly alot of ground that I had covered, and I felt there was still a lot of ground that was within my reach, given enough time and commitment and so on. I was also young enough at the time (about your age!!) that I didn't feel the effects of injuries as being so potentially career-ending, and in general I just felt the benefits of many years to work at improving. In my 12th year of multisport now, I guess I'vehad those many fruitful years.....and I sure hope that you have the same sort of run, and maybe even more! It's funny that you mentioned how you would've responded in your 20s and 30s, because at that time I was very low-key about everything. I always played sports pretty seriously, but mostly I considered myself a "K-type" personality -- my own dsignation for WAY below A- or B- or even C-type. So it was a surprise to me to discover, at the ripe age of 51 that I might have a B-type personality, and then an even bigger surprise a year or two later when I came face-to-face with my latent A-type. Whoa!! So, maybe that's why I struggle some with the competitive face, in that it really doesn't come naturally to me. I can assume it for a while, but then.......

Interesting insights.  I tend to look at as being passionate about something.  What it shows me is you have passion for the multisport and a drive to be better at it.  Can you imagine life without passion? 

I AM hoping that I will have my day on Sunday, and I am cautiously optimistic. I have knocked off a few very hard-paced rides lately, and yesterday was 40.2km at 21.2mph, which I followed with a 5km run in 22:40, which I think is 7:17/mile. Then tonight I did 10.4km in 48:30, and the pure 10km in 46:37, which is 7:30/mile and pleasing enough to me. These recent training results continue to surprise me, given how unfocused my training has been due to the hip problems. My swim is doing well, too, so even though I think I'm not in peak form, those numbers above aren't too far off from last year's peak. Sunday at West Point ought to be interesting!

Wouldn't it be interesting if you end up close to or equal to your "in form" performance?  That might start your head spinning about how much you race and your training!!  Whatever the case, those training times are fast.  Earlier this year I was getting close to cracking a fresh  8:00/mile 10k.  Off the bike I would be elated to run 8:00-8:15/mile pace in sprint/olympic distance races.

Another way it will be interesting is in light of the downing of the SEALS a couple of days ago. I haven't read how many of the total dead were Army, but at that point any perceived rivalries are immaterial, and the SEALS will be grieved heavily throughout the West Point community. It might be a pretty emotional day around there, especially in pre-race ceremonies.

SO sad.  Keeps things in perspective.

Thanks again for what you posted; it is truly appreciated!

2011-08-09 5:03 PM
in reply to: #3636000

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Well, passion has always been my strong suit, and as Lynn has said about me before, I don't do things I love in half-measures. That can pertain to any number of things over my lifetime, with Yoga being the most recent example -- but multisport being the best. (My full-bore "attack" on birdwatching back in the 70s is close.)

As for that intriguing idea about how scattershot training and sporadic racing may still allow "peak"......I'll wait a few weeks to see about that. I was thinking today, though, that even though my training has been hit-and-miss in terms of frequency and structure, almost all workouts have been intense, which is maybe a way of saying that few have been "junk" miles. I have to think more about whether that is really true, but if so then it tells me a lot about slow swims, and long, leisurely rides, and steady-state runs. But I won't say anything definitive until a few improtant races are behind me --- and I certainly am NOT counting on a great performance at West Point!

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