BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-08-13 3:12 PM
in reply to: ibr80

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Originally posted by ibr80

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

See Issac, that is why I said that your weight lose was more impressive than my Half. Truly Impressive and Inspiring.

Noreen, great point on the ear plugs, I did not even think of it until you posted it. Way to help out a fellow Turtle.

Issac, it is not a big deal but looking at the pictures, which were awesome by the way, why did you put on a shirt for the run portion instead of just continuing in the tri suit?

I used te shirt because the race belt I had purchased broke the night before and I figured I just pin the number and throw it on as I started the run, plus help the family with visability. It was a nice quick option, and I only did 40 seconds on that transition so I didn't regret it

Kind of what I though happened. I asked becuase I forgot my race belt at home for one race and had to do the same thing.

2013-08-13 6:59 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
After a dismal run yeserday I was at an emotional low. It was everything I could do to run two miles, and even then I was pushing at what I felt was a hard pace and I ended up running almost 1 min/mile slower than my normal. At the two mile mark my body was just done and so my was my mind. So hard to get the mind and body into it with such a poor performance.

Now I know that bad days happen to everyone, but I still get frustrated when one of those bad days hits me. It like I see all my hard work over the past year go right out the window. Like I said, very disheartening.

Not one to give up easily I jumped on the bike today to take my mind off it and had an amazing ride!! I did a tad over 38 miles and had a blast, even when I was in a stiff headwind. Of couse the last 13 miles with a steady tail wind felt wonderful. I had my bike in a fairly high gear and was spinning easily. I glanced down at my computer and noticed that even going up a steady hill I was a bit over 20 mph and was hitting speeds of 39 mph on the downhills. The feeling of the wind whistling in my ears, the tires screaming on the decents, the weeds in the ditch a mere blur, my heart beating making me feel so full of life ( I know, cheesey)......but it was just what I needed to snap me out of my funk and get my mind back on track. Tomorrow monring I will try that run again now that my confidance has been restored.

On a side note, finally got released to get back in the lake for open water swims!!!

2013-08-14 8:39 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
I've noticed similar. How is it that one day can be so terrible and leave you feeling defeated and the next day you feel like a rock star and in total control.

I've been going through the post race lazy's and have to snap out of it. I am sure that I have already lost some bike fitness and found out this morning that I lost some swim fitness. I signed up for a 5k next weekend to help give me an immediate goal to think about and to get me going again. I will not have a good time or kill myself but it will be something to do. I swam a mile this morning and man can I tell that I have been out of the water for bascially three weeks. I just have to get back in the swing of things and back to my thought of making sure I do something every day.
2013-08-14 7:55 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Great job everyone! I'm so excited to see everyone doing so well and reading race reports! I haven't raced in months although I'm looking at a Labor Day 10K. Do you ever feel guilty for taking a rest day? Even when it's scheduled? I'm the worst about guilt in all aspects of my life but last week my body wasn't feeling great and we had a lot going on over the weekend with a friend's wedding so I decided to just not run. I took 3 or 4 days off and tried to ignore the guilt. Yesterday I jumped back in and have had 2 awesome runs! My right hip that's been sore feels looser and great, the tweak in my left quad is gone and I just feel energized. It's so exciting to really be at a level in my training where if I need a few days I can recognize that, take them and not really lose any ground. I'm about halfway through marathon training and so far it's been going great. A little soreness, lots of eating and sleeping but nothing I can't handle!
2013-08-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: Rnay225

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
It's Friday!
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!
2013-08-16 4:37 PM
in reply to: RZ0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Good Luck this weekend Dawn, Give Um Heck

2013-08-17 4:22 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
The end of the first ever Todd's Tri Turtles is near:

Original Post by Ron: How long will this last?

This mentoring program will last 3-4 months from May to the end of July/August. That should be long enough to get beginner triathletes or beginner exercisers into a program consistently while also giving enough time to begin to conquer fitness and weightloss goals and get that first race done in the Summer/Fall.

I have started to notice the decline in post and interaction, which would worry me or bother me if I had not gone through a group as a mentee. I noticed the same thing in my group as a mentee and when I questioned my Mentor, he explained that all of this is geared as stated above, to get everyone in a good place and to their goals, which I believe has more than happened for everyone in this group. I will advise the same thing as he did, plus some others:

1. I am not going anywhere, if you have a question, P.M. / inspire me and I will respond.
2. Feel free to continue to post in this forum, I and I'm sure others, will continue to pop in and out to check it but most will likely not monitor it on a daily bases anymore.
3. Stay active and continue towards your goals.
4. Continue your communications with those that you have made friends with here and try to pop in on each other with inspires. (some times that random inspire from someone can jump start them or you, when things are slacking or blue at the time)
5. I will likely Mentor again for the New Year's Mentor Groups when they start and ask that you pop in to say hi and help with the beginers in that group when it starts, no obligation, but each and everyone of you are welcome (please identify yourself by name and then TTT 1, so they know who you are and where you came from when / if you do)

This is not the end and as stated anyone / everyone can continue to post, but for some they have found their way and I learned in the other group that continued posting for some is just one more thing they feel they have to do in an already busy day. Look at this group and how some have not posted for a while but are steadily ripping out the miles and training.

I ask if possible for P.M.'s from those still in the group to tell me what you liked about the group, what you didn't, what you would have liked more or less of, just a general critque. Don't worry you will not offend me and I ask for this as a way to make the group better all around for the next group.

I wanted to add in closing that yall taught me every bit as much, if not more, than I taught yall during this group. Yall helped me complete my big goal of a Half, which I thank you for. I found such inspiration in so many of your stories and struggles and thank you for that as well.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-08-17 4:25 PM
2013-08-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
I for on will be sad to see this group coming to a close. I have enjoyed it very much and am looking forward to the group restarting.

Todd-I will be happy to be in your new group when it comes open and I will PM you as you asked.

If anyone would like to stay in touch with me outside of BT just PM me and I will send you my phone number and name so you can look me up on Facebook. I have an advantage of being the only one in the Facebook world with my first and last name combo so I'm REALLY easy to find.

2013-08-17 9:03 PM
in reply to: Rnay225

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Originally posted by Rnay225

Great job everyone! I'm so excited to see everyone doing so well and reading race reports! I haven't raced in months although I'm looking at a Labor Day 10K. Do you ever feel guilty for taking a rest day? Even when it's scheduled? I'm the worst about guilt in all aspects of my life but last week my body wasn't feeling great and we had a lot going on over the weekend with a friend's wedding so I decided to just not run. I took 3 or 4 days off and tried to ignore the guilt. Yesterday I jumped back in and have had 2 awesome runs! My right hip that's been sore feels looser and great, the tweak in my left quad is gone and I just feel energized. It's so exciting to really be at a level in my training where if I need a few days I can recognize that, take them and not really lose any ground. I'm about halfway through marathon training and so far it's been going great. A little soreness, lots of eating and sleeping but nothing I can't handle!

First off, I'm sorry I took so long to post a reply, your question is a valid one, and one that I'm sure a lot of people have.

For rest days, yes they are needed in every training plan. As far as taking a few days off, nothing to worry about there. Just don't make a habbit of it. It sounds like your body was telling you that you needed a longer break. You took it and you saw the gains you made just by resting and following your bodies cues.

A lot of times your body needs the extra time to recover from an injury (even if you don't feel injured) or an illness. I actually take two days off several times in my training plans and actually have some of them scheduled.

2013-08-18 5:46 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Oh no! I hate endings....I feel a bit bad for being a slack poster recentlyEmbarassed. But yes,  things like this are meant to be short and sweet, and I've really enjoyed the conversations and the cyber company. The season's only just starting to get going here in Australia, so I'm sure I'll be popping back in here from time to time to tell anyone who will listen about my adventures.

On that note, I'm just feeling like I'm getting back into the swing of it after a week where I just haven't been motivated to do anything. I've felt tired and bored with the whole idea of training so I've had a few days off, but then made myself go out this morning for a short but hilly bike/run brick and really enjoyed it. I'm hoping I'm back on track again Smile.

2013-08-18 3:52 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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New user
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Good Luck this weekend Dawn, Give Um Heck
Thanks Todd! I posted a race report (I think) but not sure how to link to it. I'm assuming you will be able to see if from my profile. It was cold, wet and tough. Everything a triathlon should be, right?!

Thanks for being a great group guys! Todd, you did an AWESOME job as a mentor! I'm not sure if I will stick with triathlon, but I will make a point to pop in to BT to check up on you guys

2013-08-18 5:02 PM
in reply to: iamDawnAnderson

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Originally posted by iamDawnAnderson

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Good Luck this weekend Dawn, Give Um Heck
Thanks Todd! I posted a race report (I think) but not sure how to link to it. I'm assuming you will be able to see if from my profile. It was cold, wet and tough. Everything a triathlon should be, right?!

Thanks for being a great group guys! Todd, you did an AWESOME job as a mentor! I'm not sure if I will stick with triathlon, but I will make a point to pop in to BT to check up on you guys

Dawn I am so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself!!! I remember just three months ago you said you really didn't swim and today you completed a triathlon. You accomplished the goal you set out to. If your don't think it's for you, at least you worked at it, completed it, and then made that decision. Just stay active the great thing is that there are running and cycling events everywhere you can do or do nothing but stay active and healthy. Again you are awesome and need to hold your head high!
2013-08-19 12:45 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Dawn, congratulations on completing the race. You are a true triathlete! Whether you keep on with the sport or not, whatever you do from here on in, you managed to get yourself through a very tough experience and not give upCool. Now you know you have the mental strength to tough it out. Nice one!Smile
2013-08-20 9:24 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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2013-08-21 11:22 AM
in reply to: 0

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: Guess Who's Back?

After taking the month of July off focusing on some non-triathlon issues I am back training for my 1st Sprint at the end of September.


My 1st Tri is THIS WEEKEND!

Yesterday I registered for a local Tri that has a shorter than typical swim and bike (325y/10m) for a sprint with the usual 5k run. I figured "What the hell!"

It should be pretty interesting for a few reasons:

  1. I just started really training again a couple of weeks ago. I am on the 0to1650 swim plan on week 3. 400y swims in the pool are fairly easy and as this is only 325y I am confident (not delusional as when I step foot in the lake it will be my 1st OWS experience). My longest bike workout to this date is a little over 12 miles, but I know as long as I pace myself I should be ok for 10 miles. Running...well... I plan to do a 4/1 or 5/1 run/walk split so I don't kill myself. Can I run a 5k without stopping? Yes. After Biking 10 miles, probably not.
  2. No OWS or Bricks under my belt... this could be a disaster.
  3. Nerves. I volunteered at a Tri last weekend and I thought I was going to throw up just watching the swim start.

I have been watching transition videos on YouTube and I plan on practising them over the next couple of nights. I am going to rest for the rest of the week as there isn't anything I can do that will help me now

Wish me luck and I will let toy know how it goes.

Edited by MJSolt 2013-08-21 11:23 AM
2013-08-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: MJSolt

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2013-08-21 1:38 PM
in reply to: 0

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?

Edited by MJSolt 2013-08-21 1:38 PM
2013-08-21 2:10 PM
in reply to: MJSolt

Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
That's great news, Mike! Just start the swim at the back and on the up-current side, pace yourself on the bike and run, and you will finish. Good luck and have fun!
2013-08-21 2:24 PM
in reply to: Taringa

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
That's the plan for sure. I don't have any other goals besides finishing. Fun is the name of the game!
2013-08-21 4:13 PM
in reply to: MJSolt

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Originally posted by MJSolt

After taking the month of July off focusing on some non-triathlon issues I am back training for my 1st Sprint at the end of September.


My 1st Tri is THIS WEEKEND!

Yesterday I registered for a local Tri that has a shorter than typical swim and bike (325y/10m) for a sprint with the usual 5k run. I figured "What the hell!"

It should be pretty interesting for a few reasons:

  1. I just started really training again a couple of weeks ago. I am on the 0to1650 swim plan on week 3. 400y swims in the pool are fairly easy and as this is only 325y I am confident (not delusional as when I step foot in the lake it will be my 1st OWS experience). My longest bike workout to this date is a little over 12 miles, but I know as long as I pace myself I should be ok for 10 miles. Running...well... I plan to do a 4/1 or 5/1 run/walk split so I don't kill myself. Can I run a 5k without stopping? Yes. After Biking 10 miles, probably not.
  2. No OWS or Bricks under my belt... this could be a disaster.
  3. Nerves. I volunteered at a Tri last weekend and I thought I was going to throw up just watching the swim start.

I have been watching transition videos on YouTube and I plan on practising them over the next couple of nights. I am going to rest for the rest of the week as there isn't anything I can do that will help me now

Wish me luck and I will let toy know how it goes.

Good for you and I believe that you are going to surprise yourself this weekend. Send me a P.M. if you have any last minute questions or concerns. Like you said have fun and enjoy the day
2013-08-21 4:56 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Originally posted by MJSolt

After taking the month of July off focusing on some non-triathlon issues I am back training for my 1st Sprint at the end of September.


My 1st Tri is THIS WEEKEND!

Yesterday I registered for a local Tri that has a shorter than typical swim and bike (325y/10m) for a sprint with the usual 5k run. I figured "What the hell!"

It should be pretty interesting for a few reasons:

  1. I just started really training again a couple of weeks ago. I am on the 0to1650 swim plan on week 3. 400y swims in the pool are fairly easy and as this is only 325y I am confident (not delusional as when I step foot in the lake it will be my 1st OWS experience). My longest bike workout to this date is a little over 12 miles, but I know as long as I pace myself I should be ok for 10 miles. Running...well... I plan to do a 4/1 or 5/1 run/walk split so I don't kill myself. Can I run a 5k without stopping? Yes. After Biking 10 miles, probably not.
  2. No OWS or Bricks under my belt... this could be a disaster.
  3. Nerves. I volunteered at a Tri last weekend and I thought I was going to throw up just watching the swim start.

I have been watching transition videos on YouTube and I plan on practising them over the next couple of nights. I am going to rest for the rest of the week as there isn't anything I can do that will help me now

Wish me luck and I will let toy know how it goes.

Good luck!

If I read your log correctly, it looks like a great first race. I looked up the results from older years. There weren't a ton of people racing (only about 150), which usually means the swim start is less hectic - easier to avoid the opening scrum. And as you point out, you've regularly been swimming about a third longer than the 325 yards on the course, so you shouldn't have to worry about getting tired on the swim, even if you aren't moving in a perfectly straight line. And you can tread water if you need to get your bearings. (I always have to!)

As far as the rest goes, it sounds like you are strong enough to finish, especially because you're not pressuring yourself to set any land speed records.

Soooooo. . . .. .

You can do it!

EDITED TO ADD that everyone is thrilled you're back on the Turtle Thread!

Edited by RZ0 2013-08-21 4:57 PM

2013-08-21 7:16 PM
in reply to: RZ0

Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?
Mike-- Best of luck on your race!!!!! As other posters have already mentioned you may just superise yourself with a strong race. Either way just enjoy the experience. I'll be here in Iowa holding a sign to cheer you on.

On the training front I went for an "easy" 2 mile run and averaged 9 something. When I started training more for speed and less for distance this past spring it was everything I could do to hold a 10:15 mile. Now I can hold 9:20's for miles with hardly a second thought and even push it to sub 8's if I put some effort into it.

Its amazing how a spring and summer of constant training can change a person. I"m really looking forward to my last and most important race of the season which is 1 Sept. My weakest point has aways been the swim but it will be even weaker now. After my nasty head injury with the laceration I was taken out of the water for 10 days, now my gym is closed for the past week due to annual shut down for cleaning and repairs. So........the swim is going to suck, no two ways around it. I'm hoping for a decent swim finsih then be able to catch up on the bike and hold my place on the run.

2013-08-22 5:47 AM
in reply to: Hubbie

Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?

Beth, I've found the same with my running, although my times are a lot slower than yours. 8 months ago I was struggling to make 8min per km, now I can run at 7min per km with ease and push it to 6min when I'm working hard. I'm looking forward to getting those numbers down as the season goes on.Smile.

Good luck with your race, I'm sure the longer-term swim fitness will give you enough strength and technique to make it through well. Have fun!

2013-08-22 6:44 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?

Thanks Todd, I appreciate it. 

I am wavering back and forth between confidence and terror. I am hoping for a Zen moment before the beginning of the race where it all comes together. I plan on getting there about 2 hours before the start so I can find some place quiet and relax for a bit once I get my transitions set up (there are different bike and run transition areas).

Less than 48 hours!!

2013-08-22 6:50 AM
in reply to: RZ0

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: RE: Guess Who's Back?

The great thing about the swim, other then the distance, is that it is s staggered start of about 50 people per wave. Horn goes off, wait 10 seconds, and set out from the back of the pack. Keep everything under control and I should be OK.

I'm glad to be back and thank you for the encouragement!!

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