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2007-04-26 9:11 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks C! Validated, no not really. Sore, yes! I get to try out my accelerated sports healing hypnosis CD tonight. Can't hurt. I have now experienced half ironman distances in each sport separately, but not all in one day. Each separately took something out of me, so it will be hard to do all three in one day back to back. And I didn't do any of them outside, so that will be an additional challenge. And I didn't run it all. Not that conditioned yet. My muscles pretty much rebelled and told me 10 miles is absolutely all they want to do in one day, walking or otherwise. So, that's where I'm at. But, I have almost 4 months til my half marathon and almost 5 til my full marathon. And I can only hope to improve from here

I am more and more convinced that this stuff is primarily mental. I'm tired from 2 nights of little sleep due to demon wrestling/boxing, but I think I have them in control for now. And it was interesting to be able to do hypnosis while speed walking and actually feel that I could indeed make my leg cold, numb and less painful in the very first listening. My mind is now convinced that I can do half IM distances. Period. If you think you can, you can!

2007-04-27 12:22 AM
in reply to: #778377

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Of course you can, BUT Im a bit worried that you are going to hurt yourself this way! Building up slowly makes its so much easier! This is your health care provider telling you that increasing more than %10/week in distances will lead to injury- Its great that you have tryed those distances but now I want you to start back at the lower stuff and BUILD! It was so much easier to add a mile to my long run per week...Maybe you have some master plan that you are following and you shouldnt listen to me but I think that the hypnosis CD;s just cant substititute for plain old conditioning. Your body told you to stop at 10 miles because it was no where near ready for 10 miles! It took me 10 weeks to build up to 10 miles. I followed the runners world training plan for a half marathon; you can put in your weeks till the race and how fast you normally run and it will spit out a detailed plan for you and it was surprisingly conservative ( I thought i should have been training faster) but it worked.
Ok, Im off my soapbox. Professor- what do you thinK?

Once again, I know it was big feat for you to do that and I applaud you. Its just not what I would think would be the best way to slowly get used to running, since I know its been a hard area for you.
2007-04-27 12:45 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay Mom, I love you, too I'll be good now, I promise. It was just something I needed to do to quiet those voices that were overwhelmed with the distance numbers and wanted me to quit! Now I won't quit because I know within myself that I have more endurance than I thought. I can go hard for 3-4 hours at a time and still get the kids to their Thursday night swim lessons and not have my leg cramp up while driving or have to take Ibuprofin for the pain afterwards. But you know I did walk over half of it, even if it was highly aerobic walking. Man at one point I almost got off the treadmill and changed clothes because they were sooo wet! But then I knew I'd lose more seconds having to get back up to speed, so I just put up with it. And I learned that my treadmill doesn't go past 99 minutes or 999 calories. It goes back to zero which sort of freaked me out for a bit. And, I was sort of afraid I wouldn't be able to finish the full in under 8 hours, which is the cutoff. I didn't want to go beg for money from folks if I wouldn't be able to finish!

I hope your trip to sunny beautiful Florida is fun! Pet a dolphin for me And don't diet when you are there--that's just no fun! I treated myself to a KFC chicken sandwich AND potato wedges AND a chocolate chip cookie. (mostly because there wasn't time to feed the kids after picking them up from school, or that's my excuse)
2007-04-27 9:30 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Did I scare everyone away? Or are you all just super busy STARVING and TRAINING your little behinds off? Or, maybe you all just actually have a LIFE and are out enjoying your Friday, end of work week? I certainly hope so-- you guys all work so hard!

Well, Rob has his 10K tomorrow--go get em tiger!

Who's got a race next? I think Helen has her half in May (and I still think you should do the full, cuz if you can run 20, my goodness, you've GOT it made!) But I'll quit now. I respect your choice. Bet you do it in amazing time!

I'm not sore today. Not much anyway. My butt was a little sore, especially on the left side. But I can do the numbing with my right hand much easier than my left for some odd reason and I didn't numb my butt at all, just my hamstrings and calves. And I couldn't reach my left leg with the right hand while still on the treadmill very well, so that's likely why the left side is a bit more sore. I also think the healing hypnosis worked last night, too, but I don't remember much of it as I went to sleep with it. I would recommend those CD's for you all--a good investment I think. The numbing hypnosis was only supposed to last for 2 hours, but it actually just took the pain pretty much away, and it was just the feeling of muscles wanting to cramp if I went any faster that I was left to contend with.

They are called: Accelerated Sports Healing and Advanced Sports Pain Management both by Dr. Jack Singer, a sports psychologist and hypnotist.

Watergirl gets to travel to sunny beautiful Florida and Mark is off in the far east (I'm so jealous of both of you!) So, we'll have to have travel reports when you guys get back. No diarrhea or hurricanes!

Sean is swimming his little tail off now and getting ready for some really hot weather now (I'll trade places with ya, this 40 degree weather is the PITTS!)
Jeanette is probably tooling around Chi town on her new wheels! Congrats on that find, btw!

BGT--do you have a race this weekend, too? There are so many posts that it is hard to look back and find stuff! Good luck to you, too! But you always do so well! Just think how fast you will be in another year--you'll be even more amazing!

Kanders is likely eating rabbit food and shrinking to her amazing goal weight--you need to post a bragging photo, girl! Let's see those skinny abs of steel!

Cmckee is getting super fast with her runs--7 minute miles! I DREAM of doing under 10 some day! And she's soooo funny--love that wit!

Prof--hope you have a fun weekend, fearless leader! I didn't make the 7 sports in a week challenge, but I guess I had my own agenda. What's the challenge for next week? Any prophetic words of wisdom for your little following here?
2007-04-28 8:09 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
In my going from zero athletic ability to Ironman by 2009 journey, I decided to train smarter not harder. So, I got a support group/resource group, worked on form, worked on the mental piece (thanks for supporting me through that), worked on endurance, and what's left? SPEED!

And the Universe, being a benevolent Source, provided me with another resource, through my river city running group:

I downloaded it this morning! It's 18 coaches who give 18 different 30 day plans to increase speed utilizing minimal equipment. (and there's a smoothies section, too!)

Ask and ye shall receive! (okay universe, send me a bunch of abundance and prosperity, a hunky guy who will love me for my insides, too and will actually stick around and not be a crazy MF, and the ability to keep my house a bit cleaner without sacrificing my valuable training time and kid time) I dreamed last night that when I woke up, the lawn was magically mowed, the stuff that needs fixing in the house was fixed, and everything was picked up. All I had left to do was sweep! Well, it was a nice feeling for a few seconds

Here's to speedy runs in the near future!!
2007-04-28 12:21 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
So I have not died yet as far as I know. I am still here work has just been crazy and I am trying to get ready for tommorw. I know I am only doing it for fun, but I do have to finish the tri.
I am starting to get nervous- my heart rate has increased. I think I am ready but who is every really ready to do a tri??? I can not believe I am doing my second tri! I feel so cool and when I start thinking about the ironman I feel like this is nothing.
I feel like a first grader who is glad I am done with half day kndergarden, but still in awe of junior high kids who has been in school FOREVER.
Wish me luck. Cmee- I will have a race report up on my log page by 6:00 mn time.

My goal:
swim- 20 min( 12 laps)
tranisition- 3 min
bike 50 min ( 13 mile stationatry bike)
tranistion 1 min
run- 40 min ( 19 laps on a track)

we will see!
ps this is a longer distance than my first one, but the same course. I am going to have my husband track me for time on on the shorter distance marks to see how I compare to last time.

2007-04-28 2:57 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am here!! And yes I rode my bike, The itsy bitsy tinney little tires are scarey but I am getting used to them. Yes it does go faster with the same effort into the mountain bike,

Went on date last night, it was ok. I told him I am doing a tri. His response though was wierd.
"At least your trying to be physically active but don't you think your going into this a little headstrong?" What the bleep does he know I told myself. He knows jack about me.
The rest of the night we did less talking and more dancing. He could defenately dance well at least. Not my type unless he sticks to dancing only, but talk about a one sided relationship.
The old addage is true...
You have to kiss A LOT of frogs before you find your prince.
2007-04-28 3:16 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ain't it the truth, sister! Any guy interested in me will just have to run, bike or swim to catch me, cuz I'm NOT giving it up for anyone. Period. I get lots more out of my silly tri efforts than I ever did out of a relationship. Sad perhaps, but that's the way it goes Hang in there, girl.

I mowed my lawn today and was happy that the rider I stood all day at a very hot auction for a few years ago still worked. Have to get someone to change the oil in the darn thing and sharpen the blades, though. Had a close enough call with maintenance procrastination with my Blazer. If my father hadn't gone and died on me when I was a kid, I might actually know how to do some of this stuff myself. I just hate having to ask a man to do it! I'm supposed to be Superwoman! She doesn't need to ask to get her oil changed.....and her hair is always perfect.
2007-04-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
LOL LOL LOL Superwomans hair is only perfect when she is in front of the camera, with 5 hair dressers at her beck and call on normal days Her hair is just like ours LOL LOL LOL

I hear you about the car problem, my window wire on the driver side was frayed and it broke, I tried to take the door apart, I think I made it worse and now I havn't a clue on how to get the wire in. I have to go to the car shop on Mon. Where they charge 3 times the ammount because I am a girrrlllllll!!!
2007-04-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
who has your vote

1.) Superwoman

2.) Wonderwoman

3.) My Girl Friday

4.) Catwoman

5.) Electra

Vote soon and vote often!
2007-04-28 4:42 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh man, that's a tough one! Of course I'm partial to catwoman, being one myself! BUT, Electra is SUCH a warrior and I love that scene where she slashes the out of those sandbags. Go baby, Go! But since I'm more of a seductress than an assassin, I'll have to go with CATWOMAN!! Plus, catwoman is sort of naughty. She's not entirely a good guy. I can relate--I'd be tempted to keep one of those diamond collars, too Purrrrrr

I did my first 9:58 mile just now. My lungs BURN. Ouch, this speed stuff is gonna HURT. But, that's my best effort BEFORE doing the $97 worth of speed ebook work I downloaded this morning and haven't gotten anywhere near through yet to decide which coach's plan to try first! Anyone else biting on that yet? Would be nice if each person would try one plan and then compare notes (and logs) to see which one made the highest percentage increase. The scientist in me is relentless. She's ALWAYS thinking about stuff like that.

2007-04-28 6:27 PM
in reply to: #780031

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-28 5:42 PM

But, that's my best effort BEFORE doing the $97 worth of speed ebook work I downloaded this morning ...

I need to write a book.
2007-04-28 6:29 PM
in reply to: #779985

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-28 4:27 PM

who has your vote

1.) Superwoman

2.) Wonderwoman

3.) My Girl Friday

4.) Catwoman

5.) Electra

Vote soon and vote often!

Actually, I always preferred Mrs. Peel.
2007-04-28 6:32 PM
in reply to: #779884

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-28 1:21 PM

I think I am ready but who is every really ready to do a tri???

You are, and you know it. Now go relax, get some good sleep tonight, and have a great race in the morning!
2007-04-28 6:41 PM
in reply to: #780089

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Pu55y Galore lit my fire!

BGT- go girl. Enjoy yourself and go for it. You'll do great.

BTW, I didn't even know there was a wire in the door never mind that it controlled the window! I have a firm and unshakeable belief that all that sort of stuff is done by the same little elves who run my computer. Mechanics and IT specialists simply know how to talk to them.

Edited by Mark Stanley 2007-04-28 7:10 PM
2007-04-28 6:46 PM
in reply to: #779692

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-27 10:30 PM

Watergirl gets to travel to sunny beautiful Florida and Mark is off in the far east (I'm so jealous of both of you!) So, we'll have to have travel reports when you guys get back. No diarrhea or hurricanes!

Sean is swimming his little tail off now and getting ready for some really hot weather now (I'll trade places with ya, this 40 degree weather is the PITTS!)
Jeanette is probably tooling around Chi town on her new wheels! Congrats on that find, btw!

BGT--do you have a race this weekend, too? There are so many posts that it is hard to look back and find stuff! Good luck to you, too! But you always do so well! Just think how fast you will be in another year--you'll be even more amazing!

Kanders is likely eating rabbit food and shrinking to her amazing goal weight--you need to post a bragging photo, girl! Let's see those skinny abs of steel!

Cmckee is getting super fast with her runs--7 minute miles! I DREAM of doing under 10 some day! And she's soooo funny--love that wit!

Prof--hope you have a fun weekend, fearless leader! I didn't make the 7 sports in a week challenge, but I guess I had my own agenda. What's the challenge for next week? Any prophetic words of wisdom for your little following here?

Well, I've just appointed you the new "Week In Review" blogger. All of the rights and benefits of that official post are now yours until you either say something truly offensive or I just feel like taking it back. I shall look forward to your first officially sanctioned posting next week!

Prophetic words of wisdom? Not tonight. I'm sitting at my kitchen table surrounded by final papers and working out grades, and all of my motivational words are coming out the end of my red pen. And by that, I literally mean my red grading pen held in my right hand, and not some of the many other things that a few of you immediately conjured up. And by that, I literally meant my inkpen, and not something else you might have thought I meant. Dirty minds, all of you!

Challenge, eh? Well, here's one that might work, and based upon the weather forecast, fairly easy to do if you live on the east coast. Get to a park and run in a light rain -- no lightning, please, and definitely don't do it on a road. You might be surprised how much you like it.

Edited by prof40 2007-04-28 8:06 PM

2007-04-28 7:15 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
had my weigh in guys 87 kgs at my lightest so far but my body fat % went up some how to 32% my last reading of 15% was way off as i suspected maybe it was becasue i got it taken after a hardcore work out

anyway ran 3.7kms in 15 mins my best time ever for this distance and it really is starting to become a sprint. very busy weekend next weekend friday i have a wedding where im a best man saturday i have a music festival then sunday some young sort im keen on is having a birthday. then the week after that is my next tri! talk about underdone but i reckon i can still samsh 10 mins off my time because i know what to expect this time.

2007-04-28 7:20 PM
in reply to: #780087

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-04-28 6:29 PM

JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-28 4:27 PM

who has your vote

1.) Superwoman

2.) Wonderwoman

3.) My Girl Friday

4.) Catwoman

5.) Electra

Vote soon and vote often!

Actually, I always preferred Mrs. Peel.

Aha the British Sleuth akin to My Girl Friday, except she knew thermodynamics.
2007-04-28 7:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay now, fair is fair!

Who do you vote for:

1. Superman

2. Spiderman

3. Batman

4. Daredevil

5. Hulk

I say we create a new superhero and call him IRONMAN who is of course, hooked up with IRONWOMAN (who kicks his butt at every turn, but he says he just lets her win) and they have three little ironkids, an ironcat, ironpuppy, two ironhamsters and an ironsnake and live in a little ironcottage in the south of France, happily fighting the bad guys: Slothman, Couch Potato Man, Beer Belly Guy and Cellulite Girl. Oh, and of course certain demons who dare rear their ugly little heads on occasion.

Whaddya say?

Prof--didn't mean to steal your fire. Uh-uh, not interested in taking over the week in review. Everyone was just so sweet to me in my little demon dilemma that I thought I'd try to touch bases with each one. That's all.

Okay, we'll add the 6th superhero: Prof40
2007-04-28 7:50 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Now we need an artist
2007-04-28 8:00 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Back to Basics. I lost 1 lb this week based on wend weigh in.
This afternoon I ran 2 miles.

2007-04-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #780122

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-28 8:44 PM

Oh, and of course certain demons who dare rear their ugly little heads on occasion.

You mean General Malaise? Doubting Thomas? Charley Horse?
2007-04-28 8:31 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yeah, those and Pessimistic Family, Scowling Secretary (when I run instead of doing files), Overdraft Notices, and Judgemental Neighbors. Oh yes, and Demanding Anklebiters (get OFF your computer, momma!, when will you be DONE on the treadmill?)

But I like yours better--much more clever!

I know what you mean about writing an ebook. Let's write one together, Prof! I'll be the drama Queen and you can be the voice of logic. I'll make em NEED to have the darn book with my emotionality and passion, and you can actually write the training plans. DEAL?
2007-04-28 8:40 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yea, And I will be the newbie with all the questions that everyone wants to ask.

I vote for IRON MAN and IRON PUPPY sidekick. With cans of vegtable oil energy gel packs.
2007-04-28 9:14 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh believe me, I asked enough Q' favorite really stupid question was the time I asked if I could wear my wetsuit, flippers and a snorkel in the pool for my first indoor tri. Yep, I asked it! And Prof was a perfect Gentleman and actually replied with a nice, "no, but it might be amusing for the rest of us to see you in a wetsuit indoors", and "well, if I was at your outdoor tri and saw you get out of the water with flippers and a snorkel, I might be upset that I didn't get to use them". Or some such gentle little way of saying, "are you SURE you aren't blonde?". You see why I say he's the best? Most guys when confronted by a woman who says things like that would either ignore her or slam her with the hardcore reality of "do you really know WTF you are doing here, girl? Like, you better learn to swim FIRST before you go and sign up for a race--are you mental?"

I guess maybe I've sort of come a long way since January, huh? So, ask away! We are the NICE forum And sooner or later there will be another fresh little enthusiastic newbie for you to mentor!

Down, Ironpuppy! SIT, good boy (no I'm talking to Ironman now). Beg, yeah, that's right! Even ironwoman makes him work for it!!! And she's WORTH it
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